Unknown Log

235 lines
1# https://github.com/NEZNAMY/TAB/wiki/Feature-guide:-Header-&-Footer
3 enabled: true
4 header:
5 - '%animation:linije%'
6 - '&r'
7 - '%animation:tryhard%'
8 - '%animation:ip% &f'
9 - '&r %animation:sada%'
10 - ''
11 - '&f☆ &8┃ %animation:kocke% &8┃ &f☆'
12 - ''
13 - '%animation:igraci%'
14 - ''
15 - '%animation:eee%'
16 footer:
17 - ''
18 - ''
19 - ''
20 - '%animation:ips% '
21 - ''
22 - '&f☆ &8┃ %animation:kocke% &8┃ &f☆'
23 - ''
24 - '%animation:linije%'
25 disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld'
26 per-world:
27 world1:
28 header:
29 - an example of world with custom
30 footer:
31 - header/footer and prefix/suffix
32 world2;world3:
33 header:
34 - This is a shared header for
35 - world2 and world3
36 per-server:
37 server1:
38 header:
39 - an example of server with custom header
41 enabled: true
42 anti-override: true
43 disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld'
45 enabled: true
46 enable-collision: true
47 invisible-nametags: false
48 anti-override: true
49 sorting-types:
50 - GROUPS:dono,admin,mod,helper,netherita,natal,halloween,pascoa,brasilcraft,ametista,cobre,default
51 - PLACEHOLDER_A_TO_Z:%player%
52 case-sensitive-sorting: true
53 can-see-friendly-invisibles: false
54 disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld'
55 unlimited-nametag-mode:
56 enabled: true
57 disable-on-boats: true
58 disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld'
59 dynamic-lines:
60 - abovename
61 - nametag
62 - belowname
63 - another
64 static-lines:
65 myCustomLine: 0.66
67 enabled: true
68 number: '%health%'
69 text: '&#FB0000❤'
70 disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld'
71 fancy-display-default: NPC
72 fancy-display-players: '&c%health%'
74 enabled: false
76 enabled: false
77 toggle-command: /bossbar
78 remember-toggle-choice: false
79 hidden-by-default: false
80 bars:
81 ServerInfo:
82 style: PROGRESS
83 color: '%animation:barcolors%'
84 progress: '100'
85 text: '&fWebsite: &bwww.domain.com'
87 enabled: true
88 toggle-command: /placar
89 remember-toggle-choice: false
90 hidden-by-default: false
91 use-numbers: false
92 static-number: 0
93 delay-on-join-milliseconds: 0
94 respect-other-plugins: true
95 scoreboards:
96 scoreboard1:
97 title: '%animation:scoreboard12%'
98 lines:
99 - ''
100 - '&#FFE4AF🤠 &fNome &7%player_name%'
101 - ''
102 - '&#04ECFB⛁ &fCash &#04ECFB%playerpoints_points%'
103 - '&#7EFB00💰 &fDinheiro &#7EFB00%vault_eco_balance_fixed%'
104 - '&#EDFBB4⏱ &fDias Online &#D8FB00%statistic_days_played%'
105 - '&#FBBA3C♢ &fVotos &#FB7800%pinataparty_votes_total%'
106 - '&#FB52A3🐩 &fPinata &#FB52A3%pinataparty_current_votes%&f/&#FB52A3%pinataparty_votes_needed%'
107 - ''
108 - ''
109 - '&#FF0F00🎯 &fClã &r%simpleclans_clan_color_tag%'
110 - '&#C4F8FF🔪 &fPVP &r%togglepvp_state%'
111 - ''
112 - ''
113 - '%animation:scoreboard11%'
115 enabled: false
116 direction: COLUMNS
117 default-skin: mineskin:1753261242
118 enable-remaining-players-text: true
119 remaining-players-text: '... and %s more'
120 empty-slot-ping-value: 1000
121 layouts:
122 default:
123 fixed-slots:
124 - '1|&3Website&f:'
125 - 2|&bmyserver.net
126 - '3|&8&m '
127 - '4|&3Name&f:'
128 - 5|&b%player%
129 - '7|&3Rank&f:'
130 - '8|Rank: %group%'
131 - '10|&3World&f:'
132 - 11|&b%world%
133 - '13|&3Time&f:'
134 - 14|&b%time%
135 - '21|&3Teamspeak&f:'
136 - 22|&bts.myserver.net
137 - '23|&8&m '
138 - '41|&3Store&f:'
139 - 42|&bshop.myserver.net
140 - '43|&8&m '
141 groups:
142 staff:
143 condition: permission:tab.staff
144 slots:
145 - 24-40
146 players:
147 slots:
148 - 44-80
150 date-format: dd.MM.yyyy
151 time-format: '[HH:mm:ss / h:mm a]'
152 time-offset: 0
154 '%essentials_vanished%':
155 'yes': '&7| Vanished'
156 '%essentials_afk%':
157 true: ' &f- &5&lAFK'
158 false: ''
159 'no': ''
160 '%essentials_nickname%':
161 '%essentials_nickname%': '%player%'
163 nick:
164 conditions:
165 - '%player%=%essentials_nickname%'
166 true: '%player%'
167 false: ~%essentials_nickname%
169 default-refresh-interval: 500
170 '%server_uptime%': 1000
171 '%server_tps_1_colored%': 1000
172 '%server_unique_joins%': 5000
173 '%player_health%': 200
174 '%player_ping%': 1000
175 '%vault_prefix%': 1000
176 '%rel_factionsuuid_relation_color%': 1000
177assign-groups-by-permissions: false
179- Dono
180- Admin
181- Mod
182- Helper
183- Netherita
184- Natal
185- Halloween
186- pascoa
187- brasilcraft
188- Ametista
189- Cobre
190- default
191debug: false
193 enabled: false
194 host:
195 port: 3306
196 database: tab
197 username: user
198 password: password
200 enabled: false
201 allow-bypass-permission: false
202 ignore-effect-in-worlds:
203 - ignoredworld
204 - build
205 shared-playerlist-world-groups:
206 lobby:
207 - lobby1
208 - lobby2
209 minigames:
210 - paintball
211 - bedwars
213 enabled: false
214 display-others-as-spectators: false
215 display-vanished-players-as-spectators: true
216 isolate-unlisted-servers: false
217 spy-servers:
218 - spyserver1
219 - spyserver2
220 server-groups:
221 lobbies:
222 - lobby1
223 - lobby2
224 group2:
225 - server1
226 - server2
227use-bukkit-permissions-manager: false
228use-online-uuid-in-tablist: true
230 enabled: false
232 enabled: false
233 value: '%ping%'
234 disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld'
235 fancy-value: '&7Ping: %ping%'
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