Paper 1.21 Server Log

95 lines
Minecraft version:
1Starting org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main
2System Info: Java 21 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 21.0.2+13-Ubuntu-122.04.1) Host: Linux 6.5.0-35-generic (amd64)
3Loading libraries, please wait...
4WARN StatusConsoleListener Advanced terminal features are not available in this environment
5[12:08:48 INFO]: Environment: Environment[sessionHost=, servicesHost=, name=PROD]
6[12:08:48 INFO]: Found new data pack file/bukkit, loading it automatically
7[12:08:48 INFO]: Found new data pack paper, loading it automatically
8[12:08:49 INFO]: No existing world data, creating new world
9[12:08:49 INFO]: Loaded 1290 recipes
10[12:08:50 INFO]: Loaded 1399 advancements
11[12:08:50 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.21
12[12:08:50 INFO]: Loading properties
13[12:08:50 INFO]: This server is running Paper version 1.21-46-master@2fa5e0e (2024-07-06T21:32:48Z) (Implementing API version 1.21-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
14[12:08:51 INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
15[12:08:51 INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
16[12:08:52 WARN]: [!] The timings profiler has been enabled but has been scheduled for removal from Paper in the future.
17 We recommend installing the spark profiler as a replacement:
18 For more information please visit:
19[12:08:52 INFO]: [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 2 worker threads, and population gen parallelism of 2 threads
20[12:08:52 INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
21[12:08:52 INFO]: Generating keypair
22[12:08:52 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25566
23[12:08:52 INFO]: Using epoll channel type
24[12:08:52 INFO]: Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity.
25[12:08:52 INFO]: Paper: Using OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity.
26[12:08:53 INFO]: [Essentials] Loading server plugin Essentials v2.21.0-dev+102-fcf6e64
27[12:08:53 INFO]: [BingoReloaded] Loading server plugin BingoReloaded v2.1.0
28[12:08:53 WARN]: [BingoReloaded] [packetevents] We currently do not support the minecraft version 1.21, so things might break. PacketEvents will behave as if the minecraft version were 1.20.6!
29[12:08:53 WARN]: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation.<init>(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
30[12:08:53 WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
31[12:08:53 WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Class.getConstructor(
32[12:08:53 WARN]: at BingoReloaded-2.1.0.jar//io.github.retrooper.packetevents.util.SpigotReflectionUtil.initConstructors(
33[12:08:53 WARN]: at BingoReloaded-2.1.0.jar//io.github.retrooper.packetevents.util.SpigotReflectionUtil.init(
34[12:08:53 WARN]: at BingoReloaded-2.1.0.jar//io.github.retrooper.packetevents.factory.spigot.SpigotPacketEventsBuilder$1.load(
35[12:08:53 WARN]: at BingoReloaded-2.1.0.jar//io.github.steaf23.bingoreloaded.easymenulib.EasyMenuLibrary.setPlugin(
36[12:08:53 WARN]: at BingoReloaded-2.1.0.jar//io.github.steaf23.bingoreloaded.BingoReloaded.onLoad(
37[12:08:53 WARN]: at
38[12:08:53 WARN]: at
39[12:08:53 WARN]: at
40[12:08:53 WARN]: at io.papermc.paper.plugin.entrypoint.LaunchEntryPointHandler.enter(
41[12:08:53 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
42[12:08:53 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer(
43[12:08:53 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(
44[12:08:53 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(
45[12:08:53 WARN]: at java.base/
46[12:08:57 INFO]: [EssentialsDiscord] Loading server plugin EssentialsDiscord v2.21.0-dev+102-fcf6e64
47[12:08:57 INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
48[12:08:57 INFO]: Preparing level "world"
49[12:09:18 INFO]: [] Connected to WebSocket
50[12:09:18 INFO]: [] Finished Loading!
51[12:09:18 INFO]: [EssentialsDiscord] Successfully logged in as Melted MC 2#3395
52[12:09:19 INFO]: Running delayed init tasks
53[12:09:19 INFO]: [Essentials] Fetching version information...
54[12:09:19 INFO]: Done (28.593s)! For help, type "help"
55[12:09:19 INFO]: Timings Reset
56[12:09:20 INFO]: UUID of player Gingers0989 is bce3443c-c0b4-42df-b64d-55553a32ce36
57[12:09:20 INFO]: UUID of player ReallyEasy is f0d7e1da-7840-47d2-9d9d-30856abf76c8
58[12:09:21 INFO]: UUID of player MeltedButter77 is 29159d78-138a-4cb9-96a5-a60c9609b05f
59[12:09:21 WARN]: [io.github.steaf23.bingoreloaded.easymenulib.packetevents.PacketEventsAPI] No data was sent for dimension Compound{{name=String(minecraft:overworld), id=Int(0)}} to Gingers0989
60[12:09:21 INFO]: Gingers0989 joined the game
61[12:09:21 INFO]: Gingers0989[/**.**.**.**:55178] logged in with entity id 13 at ([world]-120.5, 75.0, -132.5)
62[12:09:21 INFO]: [BingoReloaded] (world): Gingers0989 joined world
63[12:09:21 INFO]: UUID of player Scxtteredz is 8db3fbad-8344-4d1c-a2ca-3c78d1b44512
64[12:09:21 INFO]: ReallyEasy joined the game
65[12:09:21 WARN]: [io.github.steaf23.bingoreloaded.easymenulib.packetevents.PacketEventsAPI] No data was sent for dimension Compound{{name=String(minecraft:overworld), id=Int(0)}} to ReallyEasy
66[12:09:21 INFO]: ReallyEasy[/**.**.**.**:61647] logged in with entity id 14 at ([world]-112.5, 72.0, -117.5)
67[12:09:21 INFO]: [BingoReloaded] (world): ReallyEasy joined world
68[12:09:22 WARN]: [io.github.steaf23.bingoreloaded.easymenulib.packetevents.PacketEventsAPI] No data was sent for dimension Compound{{name=String(minecraft:overworld), id=Int(0)}} to Scxtteredz
69[12:09:22 INFO]: Scxtteredz joined the game
70[12:09:22 INFO]: Scxtteredz[/**.**.**.**:6800] logged in with entity id 15 at ([world]-101.5, 66.0, -120.5)
71[12:09:22 INFO]: [BingoReloaded] (world): Scxtteredz joined world
72[12:09:22 WARN]: [io.github.steaf23.bingoreloaded.easymenulib.packetevents.PacketEventsAPI] No data was sent for dimension Compound{{name=String(minecraft:overworld), id=Int(0)}} to MeltedButter77
73[12:09:22 INFO]: MeltedButter77 joined the game
74[12:09:22 INFO]: MeltedButter77[/**.**.**.**:56751] logged in with entity id 16 at ([world]-101.5, 67.0, -132.5)
75[12:09:22 INFO]: [BingoReloaded] (world): MeltedButter77 joined world
76[12:09:24 INFO]: UUID of player Kheph is 6627737f-88a4-43d4-9ff4-24d36e69863c
77[12:09:24 INFO]: UUID of player KawaCheebs is bae98bcd-509c-435d-91da-ce03fb01b931
78[12:09:24 WARN]: [io.github.steaf23.bingoreloaded.easymenulib.packetevents.PacketEventsAPI] No data was sent for dimension Compound{{name=String(minecraft:overworld), id=Int(0)}} to Kheph
79[12:09:24 INFO]: Kheph joined the game
80[12:09:24 INFO]: Kheph[/**.**.**.**:56340] logged in with entity id 27 at ([world]-118.5, 74.0, -133.5)
81[12:09:24 INFO]: [BingoReloaded] (world): Kheph joined world
82[12:09:25 WARN]: [io.github.steaf23.bingoreloaded.easymenulib.packetevents.PacketEventsAPI] No data was sent for dimension Compound{{name=String(minecraft:overworld), id=Int(0)}} to KawaCheebs
83[12:09:25 INFO]: KawaCheebs joined the game
84[12:09:25 INFO]: KawaCheebs[/**.**.**.**:23360] logged in with entity id 28 at ([world]-119.5, 75.0, -132.5)
85[12:09:25 INFO]: [BingoReloaded] (world): KawaCheebs joined world
86[12:09:38 INFO]: MeltedButter77 issued server command: /bingo
87[12:10:02 INFO]: MeltedButter77 issued server command: /bingo
88[12:10:03 ERROR]: [BingoReloaded]: Could not read vote results. (Please report!)
89[12:10:09 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 6198ms or 123 ticks behind
90[12:10:10 INFO]: Gingers0989 has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
91[12:10:10 INFO]: ReallyEasy has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
92[12:10:10 INFO]: Scxtteredz has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
93[12:10:10 INFO]: MeltedButter77 has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
94[12:10:10 INFO]: Kheph has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
95[12:10:10 INFO]: KawaCheebs has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
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