Unknown Log

9557 lines
2# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
4# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00000001e59327b4, pid=70156, tid=259
6# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Microsoft-9388422 (21.0.3+9) (build 21.0.3+9-LTS)
7# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Microsoft-9388422 (21.0.3+9-LTS, mixed mode, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, bsd-aarch64)
8# Problematic frame:
9# C [GLEngine+0x11e7b4] gleRunVertexSubmitImmediate+0x19c8
11# No core dump will be written. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
13# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
14# https://aka.ms/minecraftjavacrashes
15# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
16# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
19--------------- S U M M A R Y ------------
21Command Line: -Xms512m -Xmx5120m -Duser.language=en -Djava.library.path=/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/instances/1.21.1/natives org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint
23Host: "iMac21,2" arm64, 8 cores, 8G, Darwin 24.1.0, macOS 15.1.1 (24B91)
24Time: Sat Dec 7 18:15:08 2024 WET elapsed time: 36.674949 seconds (0d 0h 0m 36s)
26--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
28Current thread (0x000000014b81aa00): JavaThread "Render thread" [_thread_in_native, id=259, stack(0x000000016c828000,0x000000016d024000) (8176K)]
30Stack: [0x000000016c828000,0x000000016d024000], sp=0x000000016d01d330, free space=8148k
31Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
32C [GLEngine+0x11e7b4] gleRunVertexSubmitImmediate+0x19c8
33C [GLEngine+0xb88b0] gleDrawArraysOrElements_ExecCore+0x26c
34C [GLEngine+0xb5104] glDrawElementsInstanced_GL3Exec+0x1a8
35j org.lwjgl.opengl.GL31C.nglDrawElementsInstanced(IIIJI)V+0
36j org.lwjgl.opengl.GL31C.glDrawElementsInstanced(IIIJI)V+6
37j org.lwjgl.opengl.GL31.glDrawElementsInstanced(IIIJI)V+6
38j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.render.renderer.generic.GenericObjectRenderer.renderBoxGroupInstanced(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/interfaces/override/rendering/IDhApiGenericObjectShaderProgram;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/render/renderer/generic/RenderableBoxGroup;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/util/math/Vec3d;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;)V+229
39j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.render.renderer.generic.GenericObjectRenderer.render(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;Z)V+373
40j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.render.renderer.LodRenderer.renderLodPass(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/world/IClientLevelWrapper;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;Z)V+339
41j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.render.renderer.LodRenderer.drawLods(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/world/IClientLevelWrapper;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;)V+5
42j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.level.ClientLevelModule.render(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;)V+26
43j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.level.DhClientLevel.render(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;)V+6
44j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.api.internal.ClientApi.renderLodLayer(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/world/IClientLevelWrapper;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/util/math/Mat4f;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/util/math/Mat4f;FZ)V+408
45j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.api.internal.ClientApi.renderLods(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/world/IClientLevelWrapper;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/util/math/Mat4f;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/util/math/Mat4f;F)V+7
46j com.seibel.distanthorizons.fabric.FabricClientProxy.lambda$registerEvents$6(Lnet/fabricmc/fabric/api/client/rendering/v1/WorldRenderContext;)V+46
47j com.seibel.distanthorizons.fabric.FabricClientProxy$$Lambda+0x0000000800c90238.afterSetup(Lnet/fabricmc/fabric/api/client/rendering/v1/WorldRenderContext;)V+5
48j net.minecraft.class_761.handler$zlk000$fabric-rendering-v1$afterTerrainSetup(Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;Lnet/minecraft/class_4604;ZZLorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V+21
49j net.minecraft.class_761.method_3273(Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;Lnet/minecraft/class_4604;ZZ)V+54
50j net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710(Lnet/minecraft/class_9779;ZLnet/minecraft/class_4184;Lnet/minecraft/class_757;Lnet/minecraft/class_765;Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;)V+527
51j net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188(Lnet/minecraft/class_9779;)V+626
52j net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192(Lnet/minecraft/class_9779;Z)V+251
53J 17268 c1 net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523(Z)V (1123 bytes) @ 0x000000010a7b9788 [0x000000010a7b5fc0+0x00000000000037c8]
54j net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514()V+97
55j net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+1599
56j java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH+0x0000000800081c00.invokeStaticInit(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+10 java.base@21.0.3
57j java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH+0x0000000800084400.invokeExact_MT(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+19 java.base@21.0.3
58j net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)V+74
59j net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch([Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/fabricmc/api/EnvType;)V+40
60j net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+4
61j java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH+0x0000000800081c00.invokeStaticInit(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+10 java.base@21.0.3
62j java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH+0x0000000800084400.invokeExact_MT(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+19 java.base@21.0.3
63j org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch()V+253
64j org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen()Lorg/prismlauncher/EntryPoint$ExitCode;+288
65j org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+0
66v ~StubRoutines::call_stub 0x0000000110240140
67V [libjvm.dylib+0x4e6cb8] JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle const&, JavaCallArguments*, JavaThread*)+0x3a4
68V [libjvm.dylib+0x55bad4] jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv_*, JavaValue*, _jobject*, JNICallType, _jmethodID*, JNI_ArgumentPusher*, JavaThread*)+0x150
69V [libjvm.dylib+0x55f394] jni_CallStaticVoidMethod+0x114
70C [libjli.dylib+0xb698] JavaMain+0xd60
71C [libjli.dylib+0xdba4] __JVMInit_block_invoke+0x50
72C [Foundation+0x3ecb0] __NSBLOCKOPERATION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__+0x18
73C [Foundation+0x3eb70] -[NSBlockOperation main]+0x68
74C [Foundation+0x3eb00] __NSOPERATION_IS_INVOKING_MAIN__+0x10
75C [Foundation+0x3de60] -[NSOperation start]+0x288
76C [Foundation+0x78a80] __NSThreadPerformPerform+0x108
78C [CoreFoundation+0x7dcc8] __CFRunLoopDoSource0+0xb0
79C [CoreFoundation+0x7da2c] __CFRunLoopDoSources0+0xf4
80C [CoreFoundation+0x7c5c8] __CFRunLoopRun+0x348
81C [CoreFoundation+0x7bbc4] CFRunLoopRunSpecific+0x24c
82C [libjli.dylib+0xd214] CreateExecutionEnvironment+0x190
83C [libjli.dylib+0x92a8] JLI_Launch+0x468
84C [java+0x3bb4] main+0x194
85C [dyld+0x6274] start+0xb18
86Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
87j org.lwjgl.opengl.GL31C.nglDrawElementsInstanced(IIIJI)V+0
88j org.lwjgl.opengl.GL31C.glDrawElementsInstanced(IIIJI)V+6
89j org.lwjgl.opengl.GL31.glDrawElementsInstanced(IIIJI)V+6
90j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.render.renderer.generic.GenericObjectRenderer.renderBoxGroupInstanced(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/interfaces/override/rendering/IDhApiGenericObjectShaderProgram;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/render/renderer/generic/RenderableBoxGroup;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/util/math/Vec3d;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;)V+229
91j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.render.renderer.generic.GenericObjectRenderer.render(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;Z)V+373
92j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.render.renderer.LodRenderer.renderLodPass(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/world/IClientLevelWrapper;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;Z)V+339
93j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.render.renderer.LodRenderer.drawLods(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/world/IClientLevelWrapper;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;)V+5
94j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.level.ClientLevelModule.render(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;)V+26
95j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.level.DhClientLevel.render(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/sharedParameterObjects/DhApiRenderParam;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/minecraft/IProfilerWrapper;)V+6
96j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.api.internal.ClientApi.renderLodLayer(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/world/IClientLevelWrapper;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/util/math/Mat4f;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/util/math/Mat4f;FZ)V+408
97j com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.api.internal.ClientApi.renderLods(Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/wrapperInterfaces/world/IClientLevelWrapper;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/util/math/Mat4f;Lcom/seibel/distanthorizons/core/util/math/Mat4f;F)V+7
98j com.seibel.distanthorizons.fabric.FabricClientProxy.lambda$registerEvents$6(Lnet/fabricmc/fabric/api/client/rendering/v1/WorldRenderContext;)V+46
99j com.seibel.distanthorizons.fabric.FabricClientProxy$$Lambda+0x0000000800c90238.afterSetup(Lnet/fabricmc/fabric/api/client/rendering/v1/WorldRenderContext;)V+5
100j net.minecraft.class_761.handler$zlk000$fabric-rendering-v1$afterTerrainSetup(Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;Lnet/minecraft/class_4604;ZZLorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V+21
101j net.minecraft.class_761.method_3273(Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;Lnet/minecraft/class_4604;ZZ)V+54
102j net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710(Lnet/minecraft/class_9779;ZLnet/minecraft/class_4184;Lnet/minecraft/class_757;Lnet/minecraft/class_765;Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;)V+527
103j net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188(Lnet/minecraft/class_9779;)V+626
104j net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192(Lnet/minecraft/class_9779;Z)V+251
105J 17268 c1 net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523(Z)V (1123 bytes) @ 0x000000010a7b9788 [0x000000010a7b5fc0+0x00000000000037c8]
106j net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514()V+97
107j net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+1599
108j java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH+0x0000000800081c00.invokeStaticInit(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+10 java.base@21.0.3
109j java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH+0x0000000800084400.invokeExact_MT(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+19 java.base@21.0.3
110j net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)V+74
111j net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch([Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/fabricmc/api/EnvType;)V+40
112j net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+4
113j java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH+0x0000000800081c00.invokeStaticInit(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+10 java.base@21.0.3
114j java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH+0x0000000800084400.invokeExact_MT(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+19 java.base@21.0.3
115j org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch()V+253
116j org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen()Lorg/prismlauncher/EntryPoint$ExitCode;+288
117j org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+0
118v ~StubRoutines::call_stub 0x0000000110240140
120siginfo: si_signo: 11 (SIGSEGV), si_code: 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), si_addr: 0x0000000000000018
123 x0=0x000000016d01d420 x1=0x000000016d01d410 x2=0x0000000040400028 x3=0x0000000000000000
124 x4=0x0000000000000000 x5=0x00006000060d3530 x6=0x0000000000000de0 x7=0x0000000000000403
125 x8=0x0000000000000018 x9=0x0000001800110d06 x10=0x0000003000000000 x11=0x0000003000000000
126x12=0x0000000131280000 x13=0x000000a000000100 x14=0x0000000000000000 x15=0x0000000000000010
127x16=0x00000001e59327b0 x17=0x00000001e5931c48 x18=0x0000000000000000 x19=0x00006000060d3530
128x20=0x0000000000000030 x21=0x0000000000000038 x22=0x0000000040400028 x23=0x00000c330004100e
129x24=0x0000000000000006 x25=0x0000000000000000 x26=0x0000000000000003 x27=0x0000000000000028
130x28=0x00006000060d3558 fp=0x000000016d01d500 lr=0x00000001e5931cd0 sp=0x000000016d01d330
131pc=0x00000001e59327b4 cpsr=0x0000000080001000
133Register to memory mapping:
135x0 =0x000000016d01d420 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x000000014b81aa00
136x1 =0x000000016d01d410 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x000000014b81aa00
137x2 =0x0000000040400028 is an unknown value
138x3 =0x0 is null
139x4 =0x0 is null
140x5 =0x00006000060d3530 points into unknown readable memory: 0x0000001800110d06 | 06 0d 11 00 18 00 00 00
141x6 =0x0000000000000de0 is an unknown value
142x7 =0x0000000000000403 is an unknown value
143x8 =0x0000000000000018 is an unknown value
144x9 =0x0000001800110d06 is an unknown value
145x10=0x0000003000000000 is an unknown value
146x11=0x0000003000000000 is an unknown value
147x12=0x0000000131280000 points into unknown readable memory: 0x0000000000000000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
148x13=0x000000a000000100 is an unknown value
149x14=0x0 is null
150x15=0x0000000000000010 is an unknown value
151x16=0x00000001e59327b0: gleRunVertexSubmitImmediate+0x19c4 in /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine at 0x00000001e5814000
152x17=0x00000001e5931c48: gleRunVertexSubmitImmediate+0xe5c in /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine at 0x00000001e5814000
153x18=0x0 is null
154x19=0x00006000060d3530 points into unknown readable memory: 0x0000001800110d06 | 06 0d 11 00 18 00 00 00
155x20=0x0000000000000030 is an unknown value
156x21=0x0000000000000038 is an unknown value
157x22=0x0000000040400028 is an unknown value
158x23=0x00000c330004100e is an unknown value
159x24=0x0000000000000006 is an unknown value
160x25=0x0 is null
161x26=0x0000000000000003 is an unknown value
162x27=0x0000000000000028 is an unknown value
163x28=0x00006000060d3558 points into unknown readable memory: 0x000000340104580a | 0a 58 04 01 34 00 00 00
164 fp=0x000000016d01d500 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x000000014b81aa00
165 lr=0x00000001e5931cd0: gleRunVertexSubmitImmediate+0xee4 in /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine at 0x00000001e5814000
166 sp=0x000000016d01d330 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x000000014b81aa00
168Top of Stack: (sp=0x000000016d01d330)
1690x000000016d01d330: bf800000bf800000 bf800000bf800000
1700x000000016d01d340: 447fc000447fc000 40400000447fc000
1710x000000016d01d350: 0000000000000000 0000000131280150
1720x000000016d01d360: 0000000131280180 0000000131280160
1730x000000016d01d370: 00000001312801a0 0000000131280190
1740x000000016d01d380: 0000000131280140 0000000131280170
1750x000000016d01d390: 000000013128a278 0000000000000000
1760x000000016d01d3a0: 00000001312823f4 0000000131280000
1770x000000016d01d3b0: ffffffff3129b490 00000000fffffffe
1780x000000016d01d3c0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
1790x000000016d01d3d0: 00000000000000d8 000000013129b490
1800x000000016d01d3e0: 0000000000000002 0000000000000000
1810x000000016d01d3f0: 0000000000000000 000000012e03b28c
1820x000000016d01d400: 000000013129aee5 0000000131299c40
1830x000000016d01d410: 3dd0d0d13dd0d0d1 3f8000003e189899
1840x000000016d01d420: 0000000000000018 000000031fd64000
1850x000000016d01d430: 000000031fd64990 000000031bd84000
1860x000000016d01d440: 0000000131283e70 0000000131284080
1870x000000016d01d450: 000000014a359dc0 0000000000005144
1880x000000016d01d460: 0f82e75e980300e4 0000000131298a00
1890x000000016d01d470: 00000000378e3fd7 000000003f7ff4fc
1900x000000016d01d480: 000000003f708fb3 00000000beaf13a3
1910x000000016d01d490: 000000003c961e8e 00000000427ff4f8
1920x000000016d01d4a0: 000000004202f0bc 00000000c2800000
1930x000000016d01d4b0: 000000013128a280 0000000000000024
1940x000000016d01d4c0: 0000000000000004 0000000000000000
1950x000000016d01d4d0: 000000014a359e40 0000000000000024
1960x000000016d01d4e0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000004
1970x000000016d01d4f0: 0000000000000024 0000000131280000
1980x000000016d01d500: 000000016d01d620 00000001e58cc8b0
1990x000000016d01d510: 0000000000000024 000000014a359a28
2000x000000016d01d520: 000000014a359c18 000000013128ac48
202Instructions: (pc=0x00000001e59327b4)
2030x00000001e59326b4: 3f 19 00 71 01 fd ff 54 00 0d 00 bd 94 fa ff 17
2040x00000001e59326c4: e0 37 c0 3d 00 01 80 3d 91 fa ff 17 f8 87 40 b9
2050x00000001e59326d4: 8f fa ff 17 29 00 80 52 09 0d 00 b9 8c fa ff 17
2060x00000001e59326e4: 3f 15 00 71 43 51 ff 54 1f 05 00 f9 88 fa ff 17
2070x00000001e59326f4: 1f 0d 00 b9 86 fa ff 17 e9 4b 40 f9 09 01 00 b9
2080x00000001e5932704: 29 fd 50 d3 09 01 00 39 e9 4b 40 f9 09 09 00 39
2090x00000001e5932714: 88 2b 40 39 a8 4f 2f 36 40 ff ff 17 4b 11 c0 5a
2100x00000001e5932724: 6c 55 00 51 2c 21 cc 1a 0d 60 a8 52 ab 5d 0b 4b
2110x00000001e5932734: 8c 21 1f 12 5f 01 00 71 eb 03 8b 1a ea 03 8c 1a
2120x00000001e5932744: 03 00 00 14 0c 00 a7 52 8b 35 0b 0b 6a 35 0a 2a
2130x00000001e5932754: 29 7d 0f 53 2a 01 01 33 ea e3 00 b9 5f 0b 00 71
2140x00000001e5932764: e3 0b 00 54 09 05 40 79 2a 25 00 12 2b 11 16 72
2150x00000001e5932774: e0 03 00 54 0c 80 8f 52 7f 01 0c 6b c1 04 00 54
2160x00000001e5932784: 5f 01 00 71 0a 00 b0 12 0b f0 af 52 6a 01 8a 1a
2170x00000001e5932794: 24 00 00 14 19 00 80 52 00 01 40 bd e0 e3 00 bd
2180x00000001e59327a4: 00 05 40 bd e0 e7 00 bd 2f fd ff 17 19 00 80 52
2190x00000001e59327b4: 00 01 40 bd e0 e3 00 bd 00 05 40 bd e0 e7 00 bd
2200x00000001e59327c4: 00 09 40 bd e0 eb 00 bd 27 fd ff 17 19 00 80 52
2210x00000001e59327d4: 00 01 40 bd e0 e3 00 bd 00 05 40 bd e0 e7 00 bd
2220x00000001e59327e4: 00 09 40 bd e0 eb 00 bd 26 fc ff 17 4b 11 c0 5a
2230x00000001e59327f4: 6c 55 00 51 2c 21 cc 1a 0d 60 a8 52 ab 5d 0b 4b
2240x00000001e5932804: 8c 21 1f 12 5f 01 00 71 eb 03 8b 1a ea 03 8c 1a
2250x00000001e5932814: 03 00 00 14 0c 00 a7 52 8b 35 0b 0b 6a 35 0a 2a
2260x00000001e5932824: 29 7d 0f 53 2a 01 01 33 ea e7 00 b9 5f 0b 00 71
2270x00000001e5932834: 60 05 00 54 09 09 40 79 2a 25 00 12 2b 11 16 72
2280x00000001e5932844: 20 01 00 54 0c 80 8f 52 7f 01 0c 6b 01 02 00 54
2290x00000001e5932854: 5f 01 00 71 0a 00 b0 12 0b f0 af 52 6a 01 8a 1a
2300x00000001e5932864: 0e 00 00 14 4b 11 c0 5a 6c 55 00 51 2c 21 cc 1a
2310x00000001e5932874: 0d 60 a8 52 ab 5d 0b 4b 8c 21 1f 12 5f 01 00 71
2320x00000001e5932884: eb 03 8b 1a ea 03 8c 1a 03 00 00 14 0c 00 a7 52
2330x00000001e5932894: 8b 35 0b 0b 6a 35 0a 2a 29 7d 0f 53 2a 01 01 33
2340x00000001e59328a4: ea eb 00 b9 5f 13 00 71 a3 01 00 54 08 0d 40 79
237Stack slot to memory mapping:
239stack at sp + 0 slots: 0xbf800000bf800000 is an unknown value
240stack at sp + 1 slots: 0xbf800000bf800000 is an unknown value
241stack at sp + 2 slots: 0x447fc000447fc000 is an unknown value
242stack at sp + 3 slots: 0x40400000447fc000 is an unknown value
243stack at sp + 4 slots: 0x0 is null
244stack at sp + 5 slots: 0x0000000131280150 points into unknown readable memory: 0x3800010038000100 | 00 01 00 38 00 01 00 38
245stack at sp + 6 slots: 0x0000000131280180 points into unknown readable memory: 0x3780008037800080 | 80 00 80 37 80 00 80 37
246stack at sp + 7 slots: 0x0000000131280160 points into unknown readable memory: 0x3000000030000000 | 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30
249Compiled method (c1) 36697 17268 3 net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523 (1123 bytes)
250 total in heap [0x000000010a7b4710,0x000000010a7c4bb0] = 66720
251 relocation [0x000000010a7b4860,0x000000010a7b5f50] = 5872
252 constants [0x000000010a7b5f80,0x000000010a7b5fc0] = 64
253 main code [0x000000010a7b5fc0,0x000000010a7c00f8] = 41272
254 stub code [0x000000010a7c00f8,0x000000010a7c0ee0] = 3560
255 oops [0x000000010a7c0ee0,0x000000010a7c0fb0] = 208
256 metadata [0x000000010a7c0fb0,0x000000010a7c1838] = 2184
257 scopes data [0x000000010a7c1838,0x000000010a7c2e10] = 5592
258 scopes pcs [0x000000010a7c2e10,0x000000010a7c47e0] = 6608
259 dependencies [0x000000010a7c47e0,0x000000010a7c4880] = 160
260 nul chk table [0x000000010a7c4880,0x000000010a7c4bb0] = 816
263[Constant Pool]
264 Address hex4 hex8
265 0x000000010a7b5f80: 0x7f7fffff 0x000000007f7fffff
266 0x000000010a7b5f84: 0x00000000
267 0x000000010a7b5f88: 0x00000000 0x4059000000000000
268 0x000000010a7b5f8c: 0x40590000
269 0x000000010a7b5f90: 0x00000000 0x4059000000000000
270 0x000000010a7b5f94: 0x40590000
271 0x000000010a7b5f98: 0x00000000 0x0000000000000000
272 0x000000010a7b5f9c: 0x00000000
273 0x000000010a7b5fa0: 0x00000000 0x0000000000000000
274 0x000000010a7b5fa4: 0x00000000
275 0x000000010a7b5fa8: 0x00000000 0x0000000000000000
276 0x000000010a7b5fac: 0x00000000
277 0x000000010a7b5fb0: 0x00000000 0x0000000000000000
278 0x000000010a7b5fb4: 0x00000000
279 0x000000010a7b5fb8: 0x00000000 0x0000000000000000
280 0x000000010a7b5fbc: 0x00000000
283[Entry Point]
284 # {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310'
285 # this: c_rarg1:c_rarg1
286 = 'net/minecraft/class_310'
287 # parm0: c_rarg2 = boolean
288 # [sp+0x210] (sp of caller)
289 0x000000010a7b5fc0: ; {no_reloc}
290 0x000000010a7b5fc0: 2808 40b9 | 3f01 086b | c001 0054
292 0x000000010a7b5fcc: ; {runtime_call ic_miss_stub}
293 0x000000010a7b5fcc: ad17 6b15 | 1f20 03d5 | 1f20 03d5 | 1f20 03d5 | 1f20 03d5 | 1f20 03d5 | 1f20 03d5 | 1f20 03d5
294 0x000000010a7b5fec: 1f20 03d5 | 1f20 03d5 | 1f20 03d5 | 1f20 03d5 | 1f20 03d5
295[Verified Entry Point]
296 0x000000010a7b6000: 1f20 03d5 | e953 40d1 | 3f01 00f9 | fd7b bfa9 | ff03 08d1 | 2801 0018 | 8923 40b9 | 1f01 09eb
297 0x000000010a7b6020: e000 0054 | 0830 8bd2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 3fd6 | 0200 0014 | 0900 0000 | e16b 00f9
298 0x000000010a7b6040: e2db 00b9
300 0x000000010a7b6044: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
301 0x000000010a7b6044: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 60ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 60ac 00b9 | 0024 1f12 | 1f00 0071
302 0x000000010a7b6064: 8045 0454 | e303 01aa
304 0x000000010a7b606c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
305 0x000000010a7b606c: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9 | e003 02aa | e203 00aa
306 0x000000010a7b608c: e303 1faa | e403 01aa | e103 04aa
308 0x000000010a7b6098: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
309 ;*invokespecial handler$bcc000$sodium$preRender {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
310 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@3
311 ; {optimized virtual_call}
312 0x000000010a7b6098: 4af6 ff97
314 0x000000010a7b609c: ; {other}
315 0x000000010a7b609c: 1f20 03d5 | 9f31 83f2 | 1f00 80f2 | e16b 40f9
317 0x000000010a7b60ac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
318 0x000000010a7b60ac: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2
320 0x000000010a7b60b8: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_310')}
321 0x000000010a7b60b8: 08cf 85d2 | 8816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 0940 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 088c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 088c 00f9
322 0x000000010a7b60d8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171092c38} 'handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart' '(Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
323 0x000000010a7b60d8: 01fb 97d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
324 0x000000010a7b60f8: e041 0454
326 0x000000010a7b60fc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171092c38} 'handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart' '(Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
327 0x000000010a7b60fc: 01fb 97d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
329 0x000000010a7b6114: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729421d8} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric')}
330 0x000000010a7b6114: 0124 98d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
331 0x000000010a7b6134: 0041 0454
333 0x000000010a7b6138: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006ca1f6a70} = 'xaero/map/WorldMap')}
334 0x000000010a7b6138: 014e 8dd2 | e143 b9f2 | c100 c0f2 | 2174 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3 | e003 1faa | 3f00 00eb
336 0x000000010a7b6154: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729421d8} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric')}
337 0x000000010a7b6154: 0024 98d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0201 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
338 0x000000010a7b6174: 0368 22f8 | e009 0054 | 0101 00b5
340 0x000000010a7b6180: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729421d8} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric')}
341 0x000000010a7b6180: 0324 98d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6824 4439 | 0801 40b2 | 6824 0439 | 3600 0014
343 0x000000010a7b619c: ; {metadata('xaero/map/WorldMapFabric')}
344 0x000000010a7b619c: 0200 88d2 | a21a a0f2 | 0201 c0f2 | 2808 40b9 | 0801 5dd2 | 1f01 02eb | e104 0054
346 0x000000010a7b61b8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729421d8} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric')}
347 0x000000010a7b61b8: 0324 98d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 2208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 6980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
348 0x000000010a7b61d8: a100 0054 | 6894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6894 00f9 | 2200 0014 | 69c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
349 0x000000010a7b61f8: a100 0054 | 689c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 689c 00f9 | 1a00 0014 | 6980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
350 0x000000010a7b6218: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69a0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 1200 0014 | 69c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
351 0x000000010a7b6238: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69e0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0a00 0014 | 0900 0014
353 0x000000010a7b6250: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729421d8} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric')}
354 0x000000010a7b6250: 0324 98d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6888 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | 6888 00f9 | c321 0014 | 0100 0014
355 0x000000010a7b6270: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7be97c
356 0x000000010a7b6270: 3f00 40f9 | e003 01aa
358 0x000000010a7b6278: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729421d8} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric')}
359 0x000000010a7b6278: 0224 98d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
361 0x000000010a7b6284: ; {metadata('xaero/map/WorldMapFabric')}
362 0x000000010a7b6284: 0800 88d2 | a81a a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4960 0591 | 2801 00f9 | 48b0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 48b0 00f9
363 0x000000010a7b62a4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
364 ;*invokevirtual tryLoadLater {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
365 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric::onMinecraftRunTick@12 (line 23)
366 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart@0 (line 10188)
367 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@8
368 ; {optimized virtual_call}
369 0x000000010a7b62a4: 67e6 fb97
371 0x000000010a7b62a8: ; {other}
372 0x000000010a7b62a8: 1f20 03d5 | 1f73 83f2 | 1f20 80f2
374 0x000000010a7b62b4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729421d8} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric')}
375 0x000000010a7b62b4: 0124 98d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 28c0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 28c0 00f9
377 0x000000010a7b62cc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171ea0370} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCore')}
378 0x000000010a7b62cc: 015d 98d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
379 0x000000010a7b62ec: a034 0454
381 0x000000010a7b62f0: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006ca1f6a70} = 'xaero/map/WorldMap')}
382 0x000000010a7b62f0: 014e 8dd2 | e143 b9f2 | c100 c0f2 | 2188 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3 | e003 1faa | 3f00 00eb
384 0x000000010a7b630c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171ea0370} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCore')}
385 0x000000010a7b630c: 005d 98d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0201 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
386 0x000000010a7b632c: 0368 22f8 | e005 0054
388 0x000000010a7b6334: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7be9a0
389 0x000000010a7b6334: 3f00 40f9 | e003 01aa
391 0x000000010a7b633c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171ea0370} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCore')}
392 0x000000010a7b633c: 025d 98d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 4980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
393 0x000000010a7b635c: a100 0054 | 4894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4894 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 49c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
394 0x000000010a7b637c: a100 0054 | 489c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 489c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 4980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
395 0x000000010a7b639c: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 49a0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 49c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
396 0x000000010a7b63bc: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 49e0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 4888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4888 00f9
397 0x000000010a7b63dc: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
398 ;*invokevirtual handleClientRunTickStart {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
399 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCore::onMinecraftRunTick@9 (line 186)
400 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric::onMinecraftRunTick@15 (line 24)
401 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart@0 (line 10188)
402 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@8
403 ; {optimized virtual_call}
404 0x000000010a7b63dc: 9925 0194
406 0x000000010a7b63e0: ; {other}
407 0x000000010a7b63e0: 1f20 03d5 | 1f9a 83f2 | 1f40 80f2 | e16b 40f9 | 2090 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
409 0x000000010a7b63f8: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7be9a4
410 0x000000010a7b63f8: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
412 0x000000010a7b6400: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
413 0x000000010a7b6400: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 689c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 689c 00f9
415 0x000000010a7b6418: ; {oop("Pre render"{0x00000006c8818c30})}
416 0x000000010a7b6418: 0286 91d2 | 2210 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | 8303 4139 | 7f00 0071 | e12b 0454 | 48fc 43d3 | 086c 00b9
417 0x000000010a7b6438: 0300 02ca | 63fc 56d3 | 7f00 00f1 | e12b 0454 | e203 00aa
419 0x000000010a7b644c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
420 0x000000010a7b644c: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68b8 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68b8 00f9
422 0x000000010a7b6464: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171fee1d8} 'method_22093' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_1041')}
423 0x000000010a7b6464: 02df 98d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
424 0x000000010a7b6484: 602a 0454
426 0x000000010a7b6488: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171fee1d8} 'method_22093' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_1041')}
427 0x000000010a7b6488: 02df 98d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
429 0x000000010a7b64a0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171fe6a88} '_shouldClose' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_1041;)Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GLX')}
430 0x000000010a7b64a0: 0207 99d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
431 0x000000010a7b64c0: 8029 0454 | e203 00aa
433 0x000000010a7b64c8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171fe6a88} '_shouldClose' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_1041;)Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GLX')}
434 0x000000010a7b64c8: 0307 99d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9 | 0208 40f9
436 0x000000010a7b64e4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171fe6a88} '_shouldClose' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_1041;)Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GLX')}
437 0x000000010a7b64e4: 0007 99d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0894 00f9 | e103 02aa
439 0x000000010a7b6500: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
440 ;*invokestatic glfwWindowShouldClose {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
441 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GLX::_shouldClose@4 (line 93)
442 ; - net.minecraft.class_1041::method_22093@1 (line 150)
443 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@25 (line 1220)
444 ; {static_call}
445 0x000000010a7b6500: 0028 0194
447 0x000000010a7b6504: ; {other}
448 0x000000010a7b6504: 1f20 03d5 | 9fbe 83f2 | 1f60 80f2 | 0200 0012 | 4200 0012 | 5f00 0071
450 0x000000010a7b651c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
451 0x000000010a7b651c: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0835 80d2 | 0937 80d2 | 0301 899a | 4168 63f8 | 2104 0091
452 0x000000010a7b653c: 4168 23f8 | e16b 40f9 | 4003 0054 | e203 01aa
454 0x000000010a7b654c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
455 0x000000010a7b654c: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2
457 0x000000010a7b6558: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_310')}
458 0x000000010a7b6558: 08cf 85d2 | 8816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 6960 0791 | 2801 00f9 | 68f0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68f0 00f9
459 0x000000010a7b6578: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171075c98} 'method_1592' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
460 0x000000010a7b6578: 026c 99d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
461 0x000000010a7b6598: c023 0454 | 0200 a052 | bf3b 03d5 | 22b0 0139 | bf3b 03d5 | 20b0 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa
462 0x000000010a7b65b8: 1f00 02eb
464 0x000000010a7b65bc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
465 0x000000010a7b65bc: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e803 77b2 | 0942 80d2 | 0301 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
466 0x000000010a7b65dc: 4468 23f8 | 2028 0054 | 229c 41b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 0201 00b5
468 0x000000010a7b65f0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
469 0x000000010a7b65f0: 0544 94d2 | 055d aef2 | 2500 c0f2 | a864 4839 | 0801 40b2 | a864 0839 | 3600 0014
471 0x000000010a7b660c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_425')}
472 0x000000010a7b660c: 04be 92d2 | 8416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 4808 40b9 | 0801 5dd2 | 1f01 04eb | e104 0054
474 0x000000010a7b6628: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
475 0x000000010a7b6628: 0544 94d2 | 055d aef2 | 2500 c0f2 | 4408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | a9c0 0891 | 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb
476 0x000000010a7b6648: a100 0054 | a81c 41f9 | 0805 0091 | a81c 01f9 | 2400 0014 | a900 0991 | 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb
477 0x000000010a7b6668: a100 0054 | a824 41f9 | 0805 0091 | a824 01f9 | 1c00 0014 | a9c0 0891 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
478 0x000000010a7b6688: 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | a9e0 0891 | 2801 00f9 | 1400 0014 | a900 0991 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
479 0x000000010a7b66a8: 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | a920 0991 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 0b00 0014
481 0x000000010a7b66c0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
482 0x000000010a7b66c0: 0544 94d2 | 055d aef2 | 2500 c0f2 | a810 41f9 | 0805 00d1 | a810 01f9 | 0200 0014 | 0300 0014
483 0x000000010a7b66e0: e203 1faa | 0200 0014 | e203 40b2 | 5f00 0071
485 0x000000010a7b66f0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
486 0x000000010a7b66f0: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 084b 80d2 | 094d 80d2 | 0311 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
487 0x000000010a7b6710: 4468 23f8 | 811e 0054 | e073 00f9 | 8203 4139 | 5f00 0071 | 6118 0454 | 3fb0 01b9 | e203 01aa
488 0x000000010a7b6730: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
489 0x000000010a7b6730: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2
491 0x000000010a7b673c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_310')}
492 0x000000010a7b673c: 08cf 85d2 | 8816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 6920 0a91 | 2801 00f9 | 6848 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 6848 01f9
493 0x000000010a7b675c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017108ebe8} 'method_1521' '()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
494 0x000000010a7b675c: 028f 99d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
495 0x000000010a7b677c: 6016 0454 | e203 01aa
497 0x000000010a7b6784: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017108ebe8} 'method_1521' '()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
498 0x000000010a7b6784: 038f 99d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9 | 0200 a052 | e303 1faa
499 0x000000010a7b67a4: e403 01aa | e103 04aa
501 0x000000010a7b67ac: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [224]=Oop }
502 ;*invokevirtual method_36561 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
503 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1521@3 (line 983)
504 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@63 (line 1228)
505 ; {optimized virtual_call}
506 0x000000010a7b67ac: 7516 6b95
508 0x000000010a7b67b0: ; {other}
509 0x000000010a7b67b0: 1f20 03d5 | 1f14 84f2 | 1f80 80f2 | e16b 40f9
511 0x000000010a7b67c0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017108ebe8} 'method_1521' '()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
512 0x000000010a7b67c0: 028f 99d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4894 00f9
514 0x000000010a7b67d8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171092a50} 'handler$bcc000$sodium$postResourceReload' '(Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfoReturnable;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
515 0x000000010a7b67d8: 0137 9ad2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 22ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
516 0x000000010a7b67f8: 8013 0454 | e16b 40f9 | 22f0 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3
518 0x000000010a7b6808: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171092a50} 'handler$bcc000$sodium$postResourceReload' '(Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfoReturnable;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
519 0x000000010a7b6808: 0337 9ad2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9 | e103 02aa | e077 00f9
520 0x000000010a7b6828: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [224]=Oop [232]=Oop }
521 ;*invokestatic checkIfCoreShaderLoaded {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
522 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bcc000$sodium$postResourceReload@4 (line 9732)
523 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1521@8 (line 983)
524 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@63 (line 1228)
525 ; {static_call}
526 0x000000010a7b6828: d617 6b95
528 0x000000010a7b682c: ; {other}
529 0x000000010a7b682c: 1f20 03d5 | 9f23 84f2 | 1fa0 80f2
531 0x000000010a7b6838: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [224]=Oop [232]=Oop }
532 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
533 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@67 (line 1228)
534 ; {runtime_call load_appendix_patching Runtime1 stub}
535 0x000000010a7b6838: 5278 6e95 | e173 40f9
537 0x000000010a7b6840: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [232]=Oop }
538 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
539 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@67 (line 1228)
540 ; {static_call}
541 0x000000010a7b6840: d017 6b95
543 0x000000010a7b6844: ; {other}
544 0x000000010a7b6844: 1f20 03d5 | 9f26 84f2 | 1fe0 80f2
546 0x000000010a7b6850: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
547 0x000000010a7b6850: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4240 0b91 | e303 00aa | a300 00b5 | 4900 40f9 | 2901 40b2
548 0x000000010a7b6870: 4900 00f9 | 1600 0014 | 6308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 4900 40f9 | 6300 09ca | 68f4 7e92 | 0802 00b4
549 0x000000010a7b6890: e301 0837 | a901 00b4 | 3f05 00f1 | 6001 0054 | bf39 03d5 | 6300 09ca | 4900 40f9 | 6300 09ca
550 0x000000010a7b68b0: 68f4 7e92 | c800 00b4 | 4900 40f9 | 2901 7fb2 | 4900 00f9 | 0200 0014 | 4300 00f9 | e177 40f9
551 0x000000010a7b68d0: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bea88
552 0x000000010a7b68d0: 3f00 40f9 | e203 01aa
554 0x000000010a7b68d8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
555 0x000000010a7b68d8: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 69c0 0b91 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
556 0x000000010a7b68f8: a100 0054 | 687c 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 687c 01f9 | 1c00 0014 | 6900 0c91 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
557 0x000000010a7b6918: a100 0054 | 6884 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 6884 01f9 | 1400 0014 | 69c0 0b91 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
558 0x000000010a7b6938: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69e0 0b91 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 6900 0c91 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
559 0x000000010a7b6958: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6920 0c91 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 6870 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 6870 01f9
560 0x000000010a7b6978: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000121d90920} 'thenRun' '(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;' in 'java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture')}
561 0x000000010a7b6978: 02ed 84d2 | a25b aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
562 0x000000010a7b6998: a007 0454 | e203 01aa
564 0x000000010a7b69a0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000121d90920} 'thenRun' '(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;' in 'java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture')}
565 0x000000010a7b69a0: 03ed 84d2 | a35b aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9 | e203 1faa | e303 00aa
566 0x000000010a7b69c0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
567 ;*invokevirtual uniRunStage {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
568 ; - java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture::thenRun@3 (line 2227)
569 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@72 (line 1228)
570 ; {optimized virtual_call}
571 0x000000010a7b69c0: f015 6b95
573 0x000000010a7b69c4: ; {other}
574 0x000000010a7b69c4: 1f20 03d5 | 9f56 84f2 | 1f00 81f2 | e16b 40f9 | 4400 0014
576 0x000000010a7b69d8: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7beaac
577 0x000000010a7b69d8: 3f00 40f9 | e003 01aa
579 0x000000010a7b69e0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
580 0x000000010a7b69e0: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 49e0 0e91 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
581 0x000000010a7b6a00: a100 0054 | 48e0 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 48e0 01f9 | 1c00 0014 | 4920 0f91 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
582 0x000000010a7b6a20: a100 0054 | 48e8 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 48e8 01f9 | 1400 0014 | 49e0 0e91 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
583 0x000000010a7b6a40: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4900 0f91 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 4920 0f91 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
584 0x000000010a7b6a60: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4940 0f91 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 48d4 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 48d4 01f9
585 0x000000010a7b6a80: 0990 8dd2 | 0936 a0f2 | 0900 ccf2
587 0x000000010a7b6a8c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
588 ;*invokeinterface run {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
589 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@94 (line 1233)
590 ; {virtual_call}
591 0x000000010a7b6a8c: 2828 6b95
593 0x000000010a7b6a90: ; {other}
594 0x000000010a7b6a90: 1f20 03d5 | 1f70 84f2 | 1f20 81f2
596 0x000000010a7b6a9c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
597 0x000000010a7b6a9c: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20b0 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20b0 00b9 | 0030 1f12 | 1f00 0071
598 0x000000010a7b6abc: a0ff 0354
600 0x000000010a7b6ac0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
601 ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
602 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@99 (line 1233)
603 0x000000010a7b6ac0: 882f 42f9
605 0x000000010a7b6ac4: ; {poll}
606 0x000000010a7b6ac4: 1f01 40b9
608 0x000000010a7b6ac8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
609 0x000000010a7b6ac8: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20f0 41f9 | 0004 0091 | 20f0 01f9 | e16b 40f9 | 20ac 41b9
610 0x000000010a7b6ae8: 00f0 7dd3
612 0x000000010a7b6aec: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bead0
613 0x000000010a7b6aec: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
615 0x000000010a7b6af4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
616 0x000000010a7b6af4: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 69a0 0c91 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
617 0x000000010a7b6b14: a100 0054 | 6898 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 6898 01f9 | 1c00 0014 | 69e0 0c91 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
618 0x000000010a7b6b34: a100 0054 | 68a0 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 68a0 01f9 | 1400 0014 | 69a0 0c91 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
619 0x000000010a7b6b54: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69c0 0c91 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 69e0 0c91 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
620 0x000000010a7b6b74: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6900 0d91 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 688c 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 688c 01f9
621 0x000000010a7b6b94: e103 00aa | 090e 9dd2 | 8902 a0f2 | 0901 c0f2
623 0x000000010a7b6ba4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
624 ;*invokeinterface poll {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
625 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@80 (line 1232)
626 ; {virtual_call}
627 0x000000010a7b6ba4: 879c 8f95
629 0x000000010a7b6ba8: ; {other}
630 0x000000010a7b6ba8: 1f20 03d5 | 1f93 84f2 | 1f60 81f2 | 0001 00b5
632 0x000000010a7b6bb8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
633 0x000000010a7b6bb8: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6824 4d39 | 0801 40b2 | 6824 0d39 | 3d00 0014
635 0x000000010a7b6bd4: ; {metadata('java/lang/Runnable')}
636 0x000000010a7b6bd4: 024c 8ed2 | 8200 a0f2 | 0201 c0f2 | 0308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 6810 40f9 | 5f00 08eb | e000 0054
637 0x000000010a7b6bf4: 7f00 02eb | a000 0054 | e30b bfa9
639 0x000000010a7b6c00: ; {runtime_call slow_subtype_check Runtime1 stub}
640 0x000000010a7b6c00: a070 6e95 | e307 41f8 | e304 0034
642 0x000000010a7b6c0c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
643 0x000000010a7b6c0c: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 0208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 6980 0d91 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
644 0x000000010a7b6c2c: a100 0054 | 68b4 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 68b4 01f9 | 2200 0014 | 69c0 0d91 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
645 0x000000010a7b6c4c: a100 0054 | 68bc 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 68bc 01f9 | 1a00 0014 | 6980 0d91 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
646 0x000000010a7b6c6c: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69a0 0d91 | 2801 00f9 | 1200 0014 | 69c0 0d91 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
647 0x000000010a7b6c8c: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69e0 0d91 | 2801 00f9 | 0a00 0014 | 0900 0014
649 0x000000010a7b6ca4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
650 0x000000010a7b6ca4: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68a8 41f9 | 0805 00d1 | 68a8 01f9 | 861f 0014 | 0100 0014
651 0x000000010a7b6cc4: e103 00aa | e003 1faa | 3f00 00eb
653 0x000000010a7b6cd0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
654 0x000000010a7b6cd0: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0873 80d2 | 0971 80d2 | 0211 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
655 0x000000010a7b6cf0: 0368 22f8 | 21e7 ff54 | e16b 40f9 | 2094 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e07b 00f9
657 0x000000010a7b6d08: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
658 0x000000010a7b6d08: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68fc 41f9 | 0805 0091 | 68fc 01f9
660 0x000000010a7b6d20: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243d20} 'method_658' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
661 0x000000010a7b6d20: 0300 80d2 | 8355 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
662 0x000000010a7b6d40: e0ec 0354
664 0x000000010a7b6d44: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243d20} 'method_658' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
665 0x000000010a7b6d44: 0300 80d2 | 8355 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9
667 0x000000010a7b6d5c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
668 0x000000010a7b6d5c: 0373 8bd2 | c354 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
669 0x000000010a7b6d7c: 00ec 0354
671 0x000000010a7b6d80: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c2ed81a8} = 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
672 0x000000010a7b6d80: 0335 90d2 | a35d b8f2 | c300 c0f2 | 638c 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3
674 0x000000010a7b6d94: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7beb1c
675 0x000000010a7b6d94: 7f00 40f9 | e403 03aa
677 0x000000010a7b6d9c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
678 0x000000010a7b6d9c: 0573 8bd2 | c554 aef2 | 2500 c0f2 | 8408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | a900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb
679 0x000000010a7b6dbc: a100 0054 | a884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | a884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | a940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb
680 0x000000010a7b6ddc: a100 0054 | a88c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | a88c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | a900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
681 0x000000010a7b6dfc: 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | a920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | a940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
682 0x000000010a7b6e1c: 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | a960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | a878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | a878 00f9
683 0x000000010a7b6e3c: e103 03aa | 0984 80d2 | c91b a0f2 | 0901 c0f2
685 0x000000010a7b6e4c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [240]=Oop }
686 ;*invokeinterface getAsLong {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
687 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@3 (line 141)
688 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_658@0 (line 137)
689 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@106 (line 1236)
690 ; {virtual_call}
691 0x000000010a7b6e4c: 8d14 a195
693 0x000000010a7b6e50: ; {other}
694 0x000000010a7b6e50: 1f20 03d5 | 1fe8 84f2 | 1f80 81f2 | 0248 88d2 | e201 a0f2 | 030c c29a | e07b 40f9
696 0x000000010a7b6e6c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7beb20
697 0x000000010a7b6e6c: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
699 0x000000010a7b6e74: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
700 0x000000010a7b6e74: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2
702 0x000000010a7b6e80: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
703 0x000000010a7b6e80: 0800 90d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 2960 1091 | 2801 00f9 | 2810 42f9 | 0805 0091 | 2810 02f9
704 0x000000010a7b6ea0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001711126e8} 'method_60640' '(JZ)I' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
705 0x000000010a7b6ea0: 02ae 9ad2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
706 0x000000010a7b6ec0: 20e3 0354 | e203 00aa
708 0x000000010a7b6ec8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001711126e8} 'method_60640' '(JZ)I' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
709 0x000000010a7b6ec8: 01ae 9ad2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9 | e203 03aa | e103 00aa
710 0x000000010a7b6ee8: e37f 00f9
712 0x000000010a7b6eec: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [240]=Oop }
713 ;*invokevirtual method_60641 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
714 ; - net.minecraft.class_9779$class_9781::method_60640@2 (line 38)
715 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@110 (line 1236)
716 ; {optimized virtual_call}
717 0x000000010a7b6eec: 1527 0194
719 0x000000010a7b6ef0: ; {other}
720 0x000000010a7b6ef0: 1f20 03d5 | 1ffc 84f2 | 1fa0 81f2 | e2db 40b9 | 5f00 0071
722 0x000000010a7b6f04: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001711126e8} 'method_60640' '(JZ)I' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
723 0x000000010a7b6f04: 01ae 9ad2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0825 80d2 | 0927 80d2 | 0001 899a | 2368 60f8 | 6304 0091
724 0x000000010a7b6f24: 2368 20f8 | 0002 0054 | e00f 4fa9 | e103 00aa
726 0x000000010a7b6f34: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001711126e8} 'method_60640' '(JZ)I' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
727 0x000000010a7b6f34: 04ae 9ad2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 88a4 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 88a4 00f9 | e203 03aa | e103 00aa
728 0x000000010a7b6f54: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
729 ;*invokevirtual method_60639 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
730 ; - net.minecraft.class_9779$class_9781::method_60640@11 (line 40)
731 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@110 (line 1236)
732 ; {optimized virtual_call}
733 0x000000010a7b6f54: eb27 0194
735 0x000000010a7b6f58: ; {other}
736 0x000000010a7b6f58: 1f20 03d5 | 1f09 85f2 | 1fc0 81f2 | 0200 0014 | 0000 a052 | e2db 40b9 | 5f00 0071
738 0x000000010a7b6f74: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
739 0x000000010a7b6f74: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0888 80d2 | 098a 80d2 | 0301 899a | 2468 63f8 | 8404 0091
740 0x000000010a7b6f94: 2468 23f8 | e16b 40f9 | 4038 0054 | 23b8 41b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | 4301 00b4
742 0x000000010a7b6fac: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
743 0x000000010a7b6fac: 061d 95d2 | a616 a0f2 | 0601 c0f2 | 6708 40b9 | e700 5dd2 | e81c 40f9 | df00 08eb | e1db 0354
744 0x000000010a7b6fcc: 0100 0014 | e403 03aa
746 0x000000010a7b6fd4: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7beb48
747 0x000000010a7b6fd4: 7f00 40f9
749 0x000000010a7b6fd8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
750 0x000000010a7b6fd8: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
752 0x000000010a7b6fe4: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
753 0x000000010a7b6fe4: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 89c0 1191 | 2801 00f9 | 883c 42f9 | 0805 0091 | 883c 02f9
754 0x000000010a7b7004: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
755 0x000000010a7b7004: 0354 93d2 | c354 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
756 0x000000010a7b7024: 40d9 0354 | e303 01aa
758 0x000000010a7b702c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
759 0x000000010a7b702c: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 6308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 89a0 1291 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
760 0x000000010a7b704c: a100 0054 | 8858 42f9 | 0805 0091 | 8858 02f9 | 1c00 0014 | 89e0 1291 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
761 0x000000010a7b706c: a100 0054 | 8860 42f9 | 0805 0091 | 8860 02f9 | 1400 0014 | 89a0 1291 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
762 0x000000010a7b708c: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 89c0 1291 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 89e0 1291 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
763 0x000000010a7b70ac: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8900 1391 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 884c 42f9 | 0805 0091 | 884c 02f9
764 0x000000010a7b70cc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710964f0} 'method_5383' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1255')}
765 0x000000010a7b70cc: 033e 9bd2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
766 0x000000010a7b70ec: 00d4 0354 | e0df 00b9 | 1300 0014
768 0x000000010a7b70f8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710964f0} 'method_5383' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1255')}
769 0x000000010a7b70f8: 013e 9bd2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20b0 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20b0 00b9 | 0030 1f12 | 1f00 0071
770 0x000000010a7b7118: a0d3 0354
772 0x000000010a7b711c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
773 ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
774 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_1255::method_5383@7 (line 121)
775 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@131 (line 1240)
776 0x000000010a7b711c: 882f 42f9
778 0x000000010a7b7120: ; {poll}
779 0x000000010a7b7120: 1f01 40b9
781 0x000000010a7b7124: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710964f0} 'method_5383' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1255')}
782 0x000000010a7b7124: 013e 9bd2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20a4 40f9 | 0004 0091 | 20a4 00f9 | e16b 40f9 | e303 01aa
783 0x000000010a7b7144: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710964f0} 'method_5383' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1255')}
784 0x000000010a7b7144: 043e 9bd2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 6308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 8900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
785 0x000000010a7b7164: a100 0054 | 8884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 8940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
786 0x000000010a7b7184: a100 0054 | 888c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 888c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 8900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
787 0x000000010a7b71a4: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 8940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
788 0x000000010a7b71c4: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9
789 0x000000010a7b71e4: e303 01aa | e103 03aa
791 0x000000010a7b71ec: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
792 ;*invokevirtual method_16075 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
793 ; - net.minecraft.class_1255::method_5383@1 (line 121)
794 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@131 (line 1240)
795 ; {optimized virtual_call}
796 0x000000010a7b71ec: c55b f997
798 0x000000010a7b71f0: ; {other}
799 0x000000010a7b71f0: 1f20 03d5 | 1f5c 85f2 | 1f00 82f2 | 1f00 0071
801 0x000000010a7b7200: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710964f0} 'method_5383' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1255')}
802 0x000000010a7b7200: 013e 9bd2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0827 80d2 | 0925 80d2 | 0011 899a | 2268 60f8 | 4204 0091
803 0x000000010a7b7220: 2268 20f8 | a1f6 ff54 | e16b 40f9 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
805 0x000000010a7b7238: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
806 0x000000010a7b7238: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | c1ca 0354
807 0x000000010a7b7258: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
809 0x000000010a7b7260: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bebb0
810 0x000000010a7b7260: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
812 0x000000010a7b7268: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
813 0x000000010a7b7268: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2
815 0x000000010a7b7274: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
816 0x000000010a7b7274: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 6980 1391 | 2801 00f9 | 6874 42f9 | 0805 0091 | 6874 02f9
817 0x000000010a7b7294: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
818 0x000000010a7b7294: 0222 88d2 | a254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
819 0x000000010a7b72b4: 00c8 0354 | 4001 00b4
821 0x000000010a7b72bc: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
822 0x000000010a7b72bc: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | e1c7 0354
823 0x000000010a7b72dc: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
825 0x000000010a7b72e4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
826 0x000000010a7b72e4: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
828 0x000000010a7b72f0: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
829 0x000000010a7b72f0: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4960 1491 | 2801 00f9 | 4890 42f9 | 0805 0091 | 4890 02f9
830 0x000000010a7b7310: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
831 0x000000010a7b7310: 0054 93d2 | c054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
832 0x000000010a7b7330: 40c5 0354 | 0000 a052 | e2df 40b9
834 0x000000010a7b733c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
835 0x000000010a7b733c: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68a0 42f9 | 0805 0091 | 68a0 02f9
837 0x000000010a7b7354: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001201a99a8} 'min' '(II)I' in 'java/lang/Math')}
838 0x000000010a7b7354: 0306 94d2 | c306 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
839 0x000000010a7b7374: 20c4 0354 | 5f28 0071
841 0x000000010a7b737c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001201a99a8} 'min' '(II)I' in 'java/lang/Math')}
842 0x000000010a7b737c: 0306 94d2 | c306 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 04b1 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
843 0x000000010a7b739c: 6568 24f8 | 2b01 0054
845 0x000000010a7b73a4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001201a99a8} 'min' '(II)I' in 'java/lang/Math')}
846 0x000000010a7b73a4: 0306 94d2 | c306 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6488 40f9 | 8404 0091 | 6488 00f9 | 4301 8052 | 0200 0014
847 0x000000010a7b73c4: e303 02aa | 1f00 036b
849 0x000000010a7b73cc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
850 0x000000010a7b73cc: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 08aa 80d2 | 09ac 80d2 | 04a1 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
851 0x000000010a7b73ec: 6568 24f8 | 6a11 0054 | e003 01b9 | e2df 00b9 | 23b8 41b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | 4301 00b4
853 0x000000010a7b7408: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
854 0x000000010a7b7408: 061d 95d2 | a616 a0f2 | 0601 c0f2 | 6708 40b9 | e700 5dd2 | e81c 40f9 | df00 08eb | a1bf 0354
855 0x000000010a7b7428: 0100 0014 | e403 03aa
857 0x000000010a7b7430: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bec1c
858 0x000000010a7b7430: 7f00 40f9 | e403 03aa
860 0x000000010a7b7438: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
861 0x000000010a7b7438: 0544 94d2 | 055d aef2 | 2500 c0f2 | 8408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | a900 1691 | 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb
862 0x000000010a7b7458: a100 0054 | a8c4 42f9 | 0805 0091 | a8c4 02f9 | 1c00 0014 | a940 1691 | 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb
863 0x000000010a7b7478: a100 0054 | a8cc 42f9 | 0805 0091 | a8cc 02f9 | 1400 0014 | a900 1691 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
864 0x000000010a7b7498: 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | a920 1691 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | a940 1691 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
865 0x000000010a7b74b8: 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | a960 1691 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | a8b8 42f9 | 0805 0091 | a8b8 02f9
866 0x000000010a7b74d8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710984c0} 'method_39278' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3695')}
867 0x000000010a7b74d8: 0472 9bd2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 85ac 40b9 | a508 0011 | 85ac 00b9 | a54c 1f12 | bf00 0071
868 0x000000010a7b74f8: 40b9 0354 | 4301 00b4
870 0x000000010a7b7500: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
871 0x000000010a7b7500: 061d 95d2 | a616 a0f2 | 0601 c0f2 | 6708 40b9 | e700 5dd2 | e81c 40f9 | df00 08eb | 21b9 0354
872 0x000000010a7b7520: 0100 0014 | e403 03aa
874 0x000000010a7b7528: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710984c0} 'method_39278' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3695')}
875 0x000000010a7b7528: 0472 9bd2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
877 0x000000010a7b7534: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
878 0x000000010a7b7534: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8900 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 8884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8884 00f9
879 0x000000010a7b7554: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e8c8} 'method_24270' '(Ljava/lang/String;I)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
880 0x000000010a7b7554: 03a0 9bd2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
881 0x000000010a7b7574: 80b6 0354 | e303 01aa
883 0x000000010a7b757c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
884 0x000000010a7b757c: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
886 0x000000010a7b7588: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_310')}
887 0x000000010a7b7588: 08cf 85d2 | 8816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 89e0 1691 | 2801 00f9 | 88e0 42f9 | 0805 0091 | 88e0 02f9
888 0x000000010a7b75a8: e303 01aa | e103 03aa
890 0x000000010a7b75b0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
891 ;*invokevirtual method_1574 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
892 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@182 (line 1246)
893 ; {optimized virtual_call}
894 0x000000010a7b75b0: 4223 0094
896 0x000000010a7b75b4: ; {other}
897 0x000000010a7b75b4: 1f20 03d5 | 9fd4 85f2 | 1f20 82f2 | e003 41b9 | 0204 0011
899 0x000000010a7b75c8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
900 0x000000010a7b75c8: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20b0 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20b0 00b9 | 0030 1f12 | 1f00 0071
901 0x000000010a7b75e8: e0b3 0354
903 0x000000010a7b75ec: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
904 ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
905 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@188 (line 1244)
906 0x000000010a7b75ec: 882f 42f9
908 0x000000010a7b75f0: ; {poll}
909 0x000000010a7b75f0: 1f01 40b9
911 0x000000010a7b75f4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
912 0x000000010a7b75f4: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20f0 42f9 | 0004 0091 | 20f0 02f9 | e003 02aa | e2df 40b9
913 0x000000010a7b7614: e16b 40f9 | 49ff ff17 | 22b8 41b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 4201 00b4
915 0x000000010a7b7628: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
916 0x000000010a7b7628: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 4508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | 01b2 0354
917 0x000000010a7b7648: 0100 0014 | e003 02aa
919 0x000000010a7b7650: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bec88
920 0x000000010a7b7650: 5f00 40f9
922 0x000000010a7b7654: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
923 0x000000010a7b7654: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2
925 0x000000010a7b7660: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
926 0x000000010a7b7660: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 0920 1891 | 2801 00f9 | 0808 43f9 | 0805 0091 | 0808 03f9
927 0x000000010a7b7680: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
928 0x000000010a7b7680: 0222 88d2 | a254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 40ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 40ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
929 0x000000010a7b76a0: 60af 0354 | 2290 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3
931 0x000000010a7b76ac: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7becac
932 0x000000010a7b76ac: 5f00 40f9 | e003 02aa
934 0x000000010a7b76b4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
935 0x000000010a7b76b4: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6818 43f9 | 0805 0091 | 6818 03f9
937 0x000000010a7b76cc: ; {oop("Render"{0x00000006c8a43c70})}
938 0x000000010a7b76cc: 008e 87d2 | 8014 b9f2 | c000 c0f2 | 8303 4139 | 7f00 0071 | 81ae 0354 | 08fc 43d3 | 486c 00b9
939 0x000000010a7b76ec: 4300 00ca | 63fc 56d3 | 7f00 00f1 | 81ae 0354 | 22b8 41b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 4201 00b4
941 0x000000010a7b7708: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
942 0x000000010a7b7708: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 4508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | a1ad 0354
943 0x000000010a7b7728: 0100 0014 | e003 02aa
945 0x000000010a7b7730: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7becdc
946 0x000000010a7b7730: 5f00 40f9
948 0x000000010a7b7734: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
949 0x000000010a7b7734: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2
951 0x000000010a7b7740: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
952 0x000000010a7b7740: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 09e0 1991 | 2801 00f9 | 0840 43f9 | 0805 0091 | 0840 03f9
953 0x000000010a7b7760: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
954 0x000000010a7b7760: 0254 93d2 | c254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 40ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 40ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
955 0x000000010a7b7780: 00ab 0354 | 2210 41b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 20b8 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
957 0x000000010a7b7794: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bed00
958 0x000000010a7b7794: 1f00 40f9 | e303 00aa
960 0x000000010a7b779c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
961 0x000000010a7b779c: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
963 0x000000010a7b77a8: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_757')}
964 0x000000010a7b77a8: 0818 92d2 | 281a a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 89c0 1a91 | 2801 00f9 | 885c 43f9 | 0805 0091 | 885c 03f9
965 0x000000010a7b77c8: 0088 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
967 0x000000010a7b77d0: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bed04
968 0x000000010a7b77d0: 5f00 40f9 | e303 02aa
970 0x000000010a7b77d8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
971 0x000000010a7b77d8: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
973 0x000000010a7b77e4: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_1144')}
974 0x000000010a7b77e4: 08d7 86d2 | 081c a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 89a0 1b91 | 2801 00f9 | 8878 43f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 03f9
975 0x000000010a7b7804: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000172251ef0} 'method_4876' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1144')}
976 0x000000010a7b7804: 03a8 9ed2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
977 0x000000010a7b7824: 20a7 0354 | 4310 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3
979 0x000000010a7b7830: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bed28
980 0x000000010a7b7830: 7f00 40f9 | e203 03aa
982 0x000000010a7b7838: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000172251ef0} 'method_4876' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1144')}
983 0x000000010a7b7838: 04a8 9ed2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
985 0x000000010a7b7844: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_1140')}
986 0x000000010a7b7844: 08e6 91d2 | 081c a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8900 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 8884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8884 00f9
987 0x000000010a7b7864: e203 00aa | e103 03aa
989 0x000000010a7b786c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
990 ;*invokevirtual method_4840 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
991 ; - net.minecraft.class_1144::method_4876@5 (line 263)
992 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@233 (line 1254)
993 ; {optimized virtual_call}
994 0x000000010a7b786c: 9f22 0094
996 0x000000010a7b7870: ; {other}
997 0x000000010a7b7870: 1f20 03d5 | 1f2c 86f2 | 1f60 82f2 | e16b 40f9 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
999 0x000000010a7b788c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1000 0x000000010a7b788c: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | 21a4 0354
1001 0x000000010a7b78ac: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
1003 0x000000010a7b78b4: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bed30
1004 0x000000010a7b78b4: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
1006 0x000000010a7b78bc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1007 0x000000010a7b78bc: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2
1009 0x000000010a7b78c8: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1010 0x000000010a7b78c8: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 6980 1c91 | 2801 00f9 | 6894 43f9 | 0805 0091 | 6894 03f9
1011 0x000000010a7b78e8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1012 0x000000010a7b78e8: 0222 88d2 | a254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1013 0x000000010a7b7908: 60a1 0354 | 4001 00b4
1015 0x000000010a7b7910: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1016 0x000000010a7b7910: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | 41a1 0354
1017 0x000000010a7b7930: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
1019 0x000000010a7b7938: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1020 0x000000010a7b7938: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
1022 0x000000010a7b7944: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1023 0x000000010a7b7944: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4960 1d91 | 2801 00f9 | 48b0 43f9 | 0805 0091 | 48b0 03f9
1024 0x000000010a7b7964: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1025 0x000000010a7b7964: 0054 93d2 | c054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
1026 0x000000010a7b7984: a09e 0354
1028 0x000000010a7b7988: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1029 0x000000010a7b7988: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 08c0 43f9 | 0805 0091 | 08c0 03f9
1031 0x000000010a7b79a0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
1032 0x000000010a7b79a0: 0073 8bd2 | c054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
1033 0x000000010a7b79c0: c09d 0354
1035 0x000000010a7b79c4: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c2ed81a8} = 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
1036 0x000000010a7b79c4: 0035 90d2 | a05d b8f2 | c000 c0f2 | 008c 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
1038 0x000000010a7b79d8: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bed98
1039 0x000000010a7b79d8: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
1041 0x000000010a7b79e0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
1042 0x000000010a7b79e0: 0373 8bd2 | c354 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 6900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
1043 0x000000010a7b7a00: a100 0054 | 6884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 6940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
1044 0x000000010a7b7a20: a100 0054 | 688c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 688c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 6900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1045 0x000000010a7b7a40: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 6940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1046 0x000000010a7b7a60: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9
1047 0x000000010a7b7a80: e103 00aa | 0984 80d2 | c91b a0f2 | 0901 c0f2
1049 0x000000010a7b7a90: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1050 ;*invokeinterface getAsLong {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1051 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@3 (line 141)
1052 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@257 (line 1259)
1053 ; {virtual_call}
1054 0x000000010a7b7a90: 7c11 a195
1056 0x000000010a7b7a94: ; {other}
1057 0x000000010a7b7a94: 1f20 03d5 | 9f70 86f2 | 1f80 82f2 | e087 00f9 | e16b 40f9
1059 0x000000010a7b7aa8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1060 0x000000010a7b7aa8: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
1062 0x000000010a7b7ab4: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_310')}
1063 0x000000010a7b7ab4: 08cf 85d2 | 8816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4980 1e91 | 2801 00f9 | 48d4 43f9 | 0805 0091 | 48d4 03f9
1064 0x000000010a7b7ad4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017107b5d0} 'method_53526' '()Lnet/minecraft/class_340;' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1065 0x000000010a7b7ad4: 0165 8cd2 | 815a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 22ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
1066 0x000000010a7b7af4: 4095 0354 | e16b 40f9 | 22c4 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3
1068 0x000000010a7b7b04: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bedbc
1069 0x000000010a7b7b04: 5f00 40f9 | e303 02aa
1071 0x000000010a7b7b0c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017107b5d0} 'method_53526' '()Lnet/minecraft/class_340;' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1072 0x000000010a7b7b0c: 0465 8cd2 | 845a aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8884 00f9 | 4268 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3
1073 0x000000010a7b7b2c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bedc0
1074 0x000000010a7b7b2c: 5f00 40f9 | e303 02aa
1076 0x000000010a7b7b34: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1077 0x000000010a7b7b34: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
1079 0x000000010a7b7b40: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_340')}
1080 0x000000010a7b7b40: 080f 8ad2 | e81c a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8960 1f91 | 2801 00f9 | 88f0 43f9 | 0805 0091 | 88f0 03f9
1081 0x000000010a7b7b60: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724b0fe0} 'method_53536' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_340')}
1082 0x000000010a7b7b60: 039c 9dd2 | a35a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
1083 0x000000010a7b7b80: 2092 0354 | 4330 4039 | 7f00 0071
1085 0x000000010a7b7b8c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724b0fe0} 'method_53536' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_340')}
1086 0x000000010a7b7b8c: 039c 9dd2 | a35a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0401 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
1087 0x000000010a7b7bac: 6568 24f8 | 2002 0054 | 4210 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3
1089 0x000000010a7b7bbc: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bede4
1090 0x000000010a7b7bbc: 42c8 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3
1092 0x000000010a7b7bc4: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bede8
1093 0x000000010a7b7bc4: 4280 4039 | 5f00 0071
1095 0x000000010a7b7bcc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724b0fe0} 'method_53536' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_340')}
1096 0x000000010a7b7bcc: 029c 9dd2 | a25a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0824 80d2 | 0922 80d2 | 0301 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
1097 0x000000010a7b7bec: 4468 23f8 | 6000 0054 | 0200 a052 | 0800 0014
1099 0x000000010a7b7bfc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724b0fe0} 'method_53536' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_340')}
1100 0x000000010a7b7bfc: 029c 9dd2 | a25a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4398 40f9 | 6304 0091 | 4398 00f9 | e203 0032 | 4200 0012
1101 0x000000010a7b7c1c: 5f00 0071
1103 0x000000010a7b7c20: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1104 0x000000010a7b7c20: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e803 75b2 | 0902 81d2 | 0311 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
1105 0x000000010a7b7c40: 4468 23f8 | a105 0054 | 22c4 41b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 4201 00b4
1107 0x000000010a7b7c54: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_5963')}
1108 0x000000010a7b7c54: 0552 96d2 | a516 a0f2 | 0501 c0f2 | 4608 40b9 | c600 5dd2 | c81c 40f9 | bf00 08eb | e18b 0354
1109 0x000000010a7b7c74: 0100 0014 | e303 02aa
1111 0x000000010a7b7c7c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bedf0
1112 0x000000010a7b7c7c: 5f00 40f9
1114 0x000000010a7b7c80: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1115 0x000000010a7b7c80: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2
1117 0x000000010a7b7c8c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_5963')}
1118 0x000000010a7b7c8c: 0852 96d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 69c0 2091 | 2801 00f9 | 681c 44f9 | 0805 0091 | 681c 04f9
1119 0x000000010a7b7cac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001711249b8} 'method_34773' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_5963')}
1120 0x000000010a7b7cac: 0284 92d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1121 0x000000010a7b7ccc: 4089 0354
1123 0x000000010a7b7cd0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1124 0x000000010a7b7cd0: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 432c 44f9 | 6304 0091 | 432c 04f9 | 00e4 002f | 2024 00fd
1125 0x000000010a7b7cf0: 0200 a052 | bc00 0014 | 22cc 41b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | e303 1faa | 5f00 03eb
1127 0x000000010a7b7d08: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1128 0x000000010a7b7d08: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 080f 81d2 | 0911 81d2 | 0401 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
1129 0x000000010a7b7d28: 6568 24f8 | 8002 0054 | e103 02aa | e9ff 9fd2 | e9ff bff2 | e9ff dff2
1131 0x000000010a7b7d40: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1132 ;*invokevirtual method_41723 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1133 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@295 (line 1262)
1134 ; {virtual_call}
1135 0x000000010a7b7d40: d011 6b95
1137 0x000000010a7b7d44: ; {other}
1138 0x000000010a7b7d44: 1f20 03d5 | 9fc6 86f2 | 1fa0 82f2 | 1f00 0071
1140 0x000000010a7b7d54: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1141 0x000000010a7b7d54: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 081a 81d2 | 091c 81d2 | 0101 899a | 0268 61f8 | 4204 0091
1142 0x000000010a7b7d74: 0268 21f8 | 2001 0054
1144 0x000000010a7b7d7c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1145 0x000000010a7b7d7c: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0178 44f9 | 2104 0091 | 0178 04f9 | e003 0032 | 0200 0014
1146 0x000000010a7b7d9c: 0000 a052 | 1f00 0071
1148 0x000000010a7b7da4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1149 0x000000010a7b7da4: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0823 81d2 | 0921 81d2 | 0211 899a | 2368 62f8 | 6304 0091
1150 0x000000010a7b7dc4: 2368 22f8 | 6100 0054 | e203 00aa | 8500 0014 | e007 01b9
1152 0x000000010a7b7dd8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1153 ;*invokestatic method_41719 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1154 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@313 (line 1264)
1155 ; {static_call}
1156 0x000000010a7b7dd8: 6a12 6b95
1158 0x000000010a7b7ddc: ; {other}
1159 0x000000010a7b7ddc: 1f20 03d5 | 9fd9 86f2 | 1fc0 82f2
1161 0x000000010a7b7de8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
1162 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1163 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@316 (line 1264)
1164 ; {runtime_call load_appendix_patching Runtime1 stub}
1165 0x000000010a7b7de8: e672 6e95 | e08b 00f9
1167 0x000000010a7b7df0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [272]=Oop }
1168 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1169 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@316 (line 1264)
1170 ; {static_call}
1171 0x000000010a7b7df0: 6412 6b95
1173 0x000000010a7b7df4: ; {other}
1174 0x000000010a7b7df4: 1f20 03d5 | 9fdc 86f2 | 1f00 83f2
1176 0x000000010a7b7e00: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1177 0x000000010a7b7e00: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4220 2591 | e103 00aa | a100 00b5 | 4900 40f9 | 2901 40b2
1178 0x000000010a7b7e20: 4900 00f9 | 1600 0014 | 2108 40b9 | 2100 5dd2 | 4900 40f9 | 2100 09ca | 28f4 7e92 | 0802 00b4
1179 0x000000010a7b7e40: e101 0837 | a901 00b4 | 3f05 00f1 | 6001 0054 | bf39 03d5 | 2100 09ca | 4900 40f9 | 2100 09ca
1180 0x000000010a7b7e60: 28f4 7e92 | c800 00b4 | 4900 40f9 | 2901 7fb2 | 4900 00f9 | 0200 0014 | 4100 00f9 | e28b 40f9
1181 0x000000010a7b7e80: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bee14
1182 0x000000010a7b7e80: 5f00 40f9 | e103 02aa
1184 0x000000010a7b7e88: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1185 0x000000010a7b7e88: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68ac 44f9 | 0805 0091 | 68ac 04f9
1187 0x000000010a7b7ea0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120330288} 'ifPresent' '(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V' in 'java/util/Optional')}
1188 0x000000010a7b7ea0: 01b2 85d2 | 614b aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 23ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 23ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1189 0x000000010a7b7ec0: c07a 0354 | 420c 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | e103 1faa | 5f00 01eb
1191 0x000000010a7b7ed4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120330288} 'ifPresent' '(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V' in 'java/util/Optional')}
1192 0x000000010a7b7ed4: 01b2 85d2 | 614b aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0301 899a | 2468 63f8 | 8404 0091
1193 0x000000010a7b7ef4: 2468 23f8 | 6006 0054
1195 0x000000010a7b7efc: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bee38
1196 0x000000010a7b7efc: 1f00 40f9 | e103 00aa
1198 0x000000010a7b7f04: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120330288} 'ifPresent' '(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V' in 'java/util/Optional')}
1199 0x000000010a7b7f04: 03b2 85d2 | 634b aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 2108 40b9 | 2100 5dd2 | 6980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 3f00 08eb
1200 0x000000010a7b7f24: a100 0054 | 6894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6894 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 69c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 3f00 08eb
1201 0x000000010a7b7f44: a100 0054 | 689c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 689c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 6980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1202 0x000000010a7b7f64: 2101 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69a0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 69c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1203 0x000000010a7b7f84: 2101 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69e0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 6888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6888 00f9
1204 0x000000010a7b7fa4: e103 00aa | e9ff 9fd2 | e9ff bff2 | e9ff dff2
1206 0x000000010a7b7fb4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1207 ;*invokeinterface accept {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1208 ; - java.util.Optional::ifPresent@12 (line 178)
1209 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@321 (line 1264)
1210 ; {virtual_call}
1211 0x000000010a7b7fb4: 3311 6b95
1213 0x000000010a7b7fb8: ; {other}
1214 0x000000010a7b7fb8: 1f20 03d5 | 1f15 87f2 | 1f20 83f2 | e007 41b9
1216 0x000000010a7b7fc8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1217 0x000000010a7b7fc8: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22c8 44f9 | 4204 0091 | 22c8 04f9 | e203 00aa
1219 0x000000010a7b7fe4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1220 0x000000010a7b7fe4: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 28d4 44f9 | 0805 0091 | 28d4 04f9
1222 0x000000010a7b7ffc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7c620} 'clear' '(IZ)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1223 0x000000010a7b7ffc: 01cf 92d2 | 415c aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
1224 0x000000010a7b801c: 0071 0354
1226 0x000000010a7b8020: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7c620} 'clear' '(IZ)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1227 0x000000010a7b8020: 01cf 92d2 | 415c aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
1229 0x000000010a7b8038: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c3ca0} '_clear' '(IZ)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1230 0x000000010a7b8038: 0175 87d2 | a15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
1231 0x000000010a7b8058: 2070 0354
1233 0x000000010a7b805c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c3ca0} '_clear' '(IZ)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1234 0x000000010a7b805c: 0175 87d2 | a15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
1236 0x000000010a7b8074: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1237 0x000000010a7b8074: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
1238 0x000000010a7b8094: 406f 0354
1240 0x000000010a7b8098: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1241 0x000000010a7b8098: 01c2 80d2 | 0128 b9f2 | c100 c0f2 | 21d0 4339 | 3f00 0071
1243 0x000000010a7b80ac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1244 0x000000010a7b80ac: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0011 899a | 2368 60f8 | 6304 0091
1245 0x000000010a7b80cc: 2368 20f8 | a107 0054
1247 0x000000010a7b80d4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1248 0x000000010a7b80d4: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2888 00f9
1250 0x000000010a7b80ec: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1251 0x000000010a7b80ec: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
1252 0x000000010a7b810c: 806c 0354
1254 0x000000010a7b8110: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1255 0x000000010a7b8110: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
1257 0x000000010a7b8128: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1258 0x000000010a7b8128: 01c2 80d2 | 0128 b9f2 | c100 c0f2 | 217c 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3 | 80c3 41f9 | 0000 40f9 | 1f00 01eb
1259 0x000000010a7b8148: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1260 0x000000010a7b8148: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0011 899a | 2368 60f8 | 6304 0091
1261 0x000000010a7b8168: 2368 20f8 | 2101 0054
1263 0x000000010a7b8170: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1264 0x000000010a7b8170: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2090 40f9 | 0004 0091 | 2090 00f9 | e103 0032 | 0200 0014
1265 0x000000010a7b8190: 0100 a052 | 2100 0012 | 3f00 0071
1267 0x000000010a7b819c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1268 0x000000010a7b819c: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0824 80d2 | 0926 80d2 | 0001 899a | 2368 60f8 | 6304 0091
1269 0x000000010a7b81bc: 2368 20f8 | 2034 0354 | e21b 01b9
1271 0x000000010a7b81c8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c3ca0} '_clear' '(IZ)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1272 0x000000010a7b81c8: 0175 87d2 | a15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2880 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2880 00f9
1274 0x000000010a7b81e0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720d6e30} 'glClear' '(I)V' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL11')}
1275 0x000000010a7b81e0: 01a6 87d2 | a15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
1276 0x000000010a7b8200: e065 0354
1278 0x000000010a7b8204: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720d6e30} 'glClear' '(I)V' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL11')}
1279 0x000000010a7b8204: 01a6 87d2 | a15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9 | 0120 8852
1281 0x000000010a7b8220: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1282 ;*invokestatic glClear {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1283 ; - org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11::glClear@1 (line 992)
1284 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@4 (line 705)
1285 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
1286 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
1287 ; {static_call}
1288 0x000000010a7b8220: ec68 a095
1290 0x000000010a7b8224: ; {other}
1291 0x000000010a7b8224: 1f20 03d5 | 9f62 87f2 | 1f40 83f2
1293 0x000000010a7b8230: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c3ca0} '_clear' '(IZ)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1294 0x000000010a7b8230: 0075 87d2 | a05a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0190 40f9 | 2104 0091 | 0190 00f9
1296 0x000000010a7b8248: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c3ca0} '_clear' '(IZ)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1297 0x000000010a7b8248: 0075 87d2 | a05a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0898 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0898 00f9
1299 0x000000010a7b8260: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c45b0} '_getError' '()I' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1300 0x000000010a7b8260: 0011 98d2 | 805a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 01ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 01ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
1301 0x000000010a7b8280: e062 0354
1303 0x000000010a7b8284: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c45b0} '_getError' '()I' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1304 0x000000010a7b8284: 0011 98d2 | 805a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9
1306 0x000000010a7b829c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1307 0x000000010a7b829c: 0018 82d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 01ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 01ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
1308 0x000000010a7b82bc: 0062 0354
1310 0x000000010a7b82c0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1311 0x000000010a7b82c0: 0018 82d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9
1313 0x000000010a7b82d8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1314 0x000000010a7b82d8: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 01ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 01ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
1315 0x000000010a7b82f8: 2061 0354
1317 0x000000010a7b82fc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1318 0x000000010a7b82fc: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9
1320 0x000000010a7b8314: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1321 0x000000010a7b8314: 00c2 80d2 | 0028 b9f2 | c000 c0f2 | 007c 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 81c3 41f9 | 2100 40f9 | 3f00 00eb
1322 0x000000010a7b8334: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1323 0x000000010a7b8334: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0111 899a | 0268 61f8 | 4204 0091
1324 0x000000010a7b8354: 0268 21f8 | 2101 0054
1326 0x000000010a7b835c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1327 0x000000010a7b835c: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0190 40f9 | 2104 0091 | 0190 00f9 | e003 0032 | 0200 0014
1328 0x000000010a7b837c: 0000 a052 | 0000 0012 | 1f00 0071
1330 0x000000010a7b8388: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1331 0x000000010a7b8388: 0018 82d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0822 80d2 | e903 78b2 | 0101 899a | 0268 61f8 | 4204 0091
1332 0x000000010a7b83a8: 0268 21f8 | 601e 0354
1334 0x000000010a7b83b0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c45b0} '_getError' '()I' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1335 0x000000010a7b83b0: 0011 98d2 | 805a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0880 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0880 00f9
1337 0x000000010a7b83c8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720da360} 'glGetError' '()I' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL11')}
1338 0x000000010a7b83c8: 003a 98d2 | 805a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 01ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 01ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
1339 0x000000010a7b83e8: a05a 0354
1341 0x000000010a7b83ec: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720da360} 'glGetError' '()I' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL11')}
1342 0x000000010a7b83ec: 003a 98d2 | 805a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9
1344 0x000000010a7b8404: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1345 ;*invokestatic glGetError {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1346 ; - org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11::glGetError@0 (line 2676)
1347 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_getError@3 (line 759)
1348 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@11 (line 708)
1349 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
1350 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
1351 ; {static_call}
1352 0x000000010a7b8404: 931d a095
1354 0x000000010a7b8408: ; {other}
1355 0x000000010a7b8408: 1f20 03d5 | 1f9f 87f2 | 1f60 83f2 | e16b 40f9 | 200c 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e093 00f9
1357 0x000000010a7b8424: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bef5c
1358 0x000000010a7b8424: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
1360 0x000000010a7b842c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1361 0x000000010a7b842c: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 6920 2791 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
1362 0x000000010a7b844c: a100 0054 | 68e8 44f9 | 0805 0091 | 68e8 04f9 | 1c00 0014 | 6960 2791 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
1363 0x000000010a7b846c: a100 0054 | 68f0 44f9 | 0805 0091 | 68f0 04f9 | 1400 0014 | 6920 2791 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1364 0x000000010a7b848c: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6940 2791 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 6960 2791 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1365 0x000000010a7b84ac: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6980 2791 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 68dc 44f9 | 0805 0091 | 68dc 04f9
1366 0x000000010a7b84cc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109afd8} 'method_1235' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1367 0x000000010a7b84cc: 02bd 90d2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1368 0x000000010a7b84ec: a053 0354
1370 0x000000010a7b84f0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109afd8} 'method_1235' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1371 0x000000010a7b84f0: 02bd 90d2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
1373 0x000000010a7b8508: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1374 0x000000010a7b8508: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1375 0x000000010a7b8528: c052 0354
1377 0x000000010a7b852c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1378 0x000000010a7b852c: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
1380 0x000000010a7b8544: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1381 0x000000010a7b8544: 02c2 80d2 | 0228 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | 427c 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 83c3 41f9 | 6300 40f9 | 7f00 02eb
1382 0x000000010a7b8564: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1383 0x000000010a7b8564: 03ea 81d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0411 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
1384 0x000000010a7b8584: 6568 24f8 | 2101 0054
1386 0x000000010a7b858c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1387 0x000000010a7b858c: 03ea 81d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6490 40f9 | 8404 0091 | 6490 00f9 | e303 0032 | 0200 0014
1388 0x000000010a7b85ac: 0300 a052 | 6300 0012 | 7f00 0071
1390 0x000000010a7b85b8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109afd8} 'method_1235' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1391 0x000000010a7b85b8: 03bd 90d2 | e35c aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0411 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
1392 0x000000010a7b85d8: 6568 24f8 | 0114 0054
1394 0x000000010a7b85e0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
1395 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1396 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@8 (line 202)
1397 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
1398 ; {runtime_call load_appendix_patching Runtime1 stub}
1399 0x000000010a7b85e0: e870 6e95 | e103 00aa | e203 0032
1401 0x000000010a7b85ec: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1402 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1403 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@8 (line 202)
1404 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
1405 ; {static_call}
1406 0x000000010a7b85ec: 6510 6b95
1408 0x000000010a7b85f0: ; {other}
1409 0x000000010a7b85f0: 1f20 03d5 | 1fdc 87f2 | 1fa0 83f2
1411 0x000000010a7b85fc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109afd8} 'method_1235' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1412 0x000000010a7b85fc: 02bd 90d2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4200 0591 | e103 00aa | a100 00b5 | 4900 40f9 | 2901 40b2
1413 0x000000010a7b861c: 4900 00f9 | 1600 0014 | 2108 40b9 | 2100 5dd2 | 4900 40f9 | 2100 09ca | 28f4 7e92 | 0802 00b4
1414 0x000000010a7b863c: e101 0837 | a901 00b4 | 3f05 00f1 | 6001 0054 | bf39 03d5 | 2100 09ca | 4900 40f9 | 2100 09ca
1415 0x000000010a7b865c: 28f4 7e92 | c800 00b4 | 4900 40f9 | 2901 7fb2 | 4900 00f9 | 0200 0014 | 4100 00f9
1417 0x000000010a7b8678: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109afd8} 'method_1235' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1418 0x000000010a7b8678: 02bd 90d2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 48a8 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 48a8 00f9
1420 0x000000010a7b8690: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a768} 'recordRenderCall' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_4573;)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1421 0x000000010a7b8690: 022a 97d2 | 8254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
1422 0x000000010a7b86b0: 8047 0354
1424 0x000000010a7b86b4: ; {oop(a 'java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue'{0x00000006cae1a4a8})}
1425 0x000000010a7b86b4: 0195 94d2 | 215c b9f2 | c100 c0f2 | e203 01aa
1427 0x000000010a7b86c4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a768} 'recordRenderCall' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_4573;)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1428 0x000000010a7b86c4: 032a 97d2 | 8354 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 6900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
1429 0x000000010a7b86e4: a100 0054 | 6884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 6940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
1430 0x000000010a7b8704: a100 0054 | 688c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 688c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 6900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1431 0x000000010a7b8724: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 6940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1432 0x000000010a7b8744: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9
1433 0x000000010a7b8764: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120bdd720} 'add' '(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z' in 'java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue')}
1434 0x000000010a7b8764: 0215 94d2 | 824b a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1435 0x000000010a7b8784: e041 0354 | e203 01aa
1437 0x000000010a7b878c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120bdd720} 'add' '(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z' in 'java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue')}
1438 0x000000010a7b878c: 0315 94d2 | 834b a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 6900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
1439 0x000000010a7b87ac: a100 0054 | 6884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 6940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
1440 0x000000010a7b87cc: a100 0054 | 688c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 688c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 6900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1441 0x000000010a7b87ec: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 6940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1442 0x000000010a7b880c: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9
1443 0x000000010a7b882c: e203 00aa
1445 0x000000010a7b8830: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1446 ;*invokevirtual offer {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1447 ; - java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue::add@2 (line 283)
1448 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::recordRenderCall@4 (line 144)
1449 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@13 (line 202)
1450 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
1451 ; {optimized virtual_call}
1452 0x000000010a7b8830: 540e 6b95
1454 0x000000010a7b8834: ; {other}
1455 0x000000010a7b8834: 1f20 03d5 | 9f24 88f2 | 1fc0 83f2
1457 0x000000010a7b8840: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109afd8} 'method_1235' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1458 0x000000010a7b8840: 01bd 90d2 | e15c aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22b0 40f9 | 4204 0091 | 22b0 00f9 | f600 0014 | e103 00aa
1459 0x000000010a7b8860: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109afd8} 'method_1235' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1460 0x000000010a7b8860: 03bd 90d2 | e35c aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68bc 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68bc 00f9
1462 0x000000010a7b8878: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b0c0} 'method_22595' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1463 0x000000010a7b8878: 01fc 90d2 | e15c aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 23ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 23ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1464 0x000000010a7b8898: 403a 0354
1466 0x000000010a7b889c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b0c0} 'method_22595' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1467 0x000000010a7b889c: 01fc 90d2 | e15c aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
1469 0x000000010a7b88b4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1470 0x000000010a7b88b4: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 23ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 23ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1471 0x000000010a7b88d4: 6039 0354
1473 0x000000010a7b88d8: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1474 0x000000010a7b88d8: 01c2 80d2 | 0128 b9f2 | c100 c0f2 | 21d0 4339 | 3f00 0071
1476 0x000000010a7b88ec: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1477 0x000000010a7b88ec: 033b 87d2 | 4353 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0411 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
1478 0x000000010a7b890c: 6568 24f8 | 0107 0054
1480 0x000000010a7b8914: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1481 0x000000010a7b8914: 033b 87d2 | 4353 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6888 00f9
1483 0x000000010a7b892c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1484 0x000000010a7b892c: 03ea 81d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
1485 0x000000010a7b894c: a036 0354
1487 0x000000010a7b8950: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1488 0x000000010a7b8950: 03ea 81d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9 | 83c3 41f9 | 6300 40f9
1489 0x000000010a7b8970: 7f00 02eb
1491 0x000000010a7b8974: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1492 0x000000010a7b8974: 03ea 81d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0411 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
1493 0x000000010a7b8994: 6568 24f8 | 2101 0054
1495 0x000000010a7b899c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1496 0x000000010a7b899c: 03ea 81d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6490 40f9 | 8404 0091 | 6490 00f9 | e303 0032 | 0200 0014
1497 0x000000010a7b89bc: 0300 a052 | 6300 0012 | 7f00 0071
1499 0x000000010a7b89c8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1500 0x000000010a7b89c8: 033b 87d2 | 4353 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 0824 80d2 | 0926 80d2 | 0401 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
1501 0x000000010a7b89e8: 6568 24f8 | 00e6 0254 | 0520 40b9
1503 0x000000010a7b89f4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b0c0} 'method_22595' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1504 0x000000010a7b89f4: 03fc 90d2 | e35c aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6880 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6880 00f9
1506 0x000000010a7b8a0c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c0f10} '_glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1507 0x000000010a7b8a0c: 0330 80d2 | c35a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
1508 0x000000010a7b8a2c: a030 0354
1510 0x000000010a7b8a30: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c0f10} '_glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1511 0x000000010a7b8a30: 0330 80d2 | c35a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9
1513 0x000000010a7b8a48: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1514 0x000000010a7b8a48: 033b 87d2 | 4353 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
1515 0x000000010a7b8a68: c02f 0354 | 3f00 0071
1517 0x000000010a7b8a70: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1518 0x000000010a7b8a70: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0311 899a | 2468 63f8 | 8404 0091
1519 0x000000010a7b8a90: 2468 23f8 | 0107 0054
1521 0x000000010a7b8a98: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1522 0x000000010a7b8a98: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2888 00f9
1524 0x000000010a7b8ab0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1525 0x000000010a7b8ab0: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 23ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 23ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1526 0x000000010a7b8ad0: 802d 0354
1528 0x000000010a7b8ad4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1529 0x000000010a7b8ad4: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9 | 81c3 41f9 | 2100 40f9
1530 0x000000010a7b8af4: 3f00 02eb
1532 0x000000010a7b8af8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1533 0x000000010a7b8af8: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0211 899a | 2368 62f8 | 6304 0091
1534 0x000000010a7b8b18: 2368 22f8 | 2101 0054
1536 0x000000010a7b8b20: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1537 0x000000010a7b8b20: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2290 40f9 | 4204 0091 | 2290 00f9 | e103 0032 | 0200 0014
1538 0x000000010a7b8b40: 0100 a052 | 2100 0012 | 3f00 0071
1540 0x000000010a7b8b4c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1541 0x000000010a7b8b4c: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0824 80d2 | 0926 80d2 | 0201 899a | 2368 62f8 | 6304 0091
1542 0x000000010a7b8b6c: 2368 22f8 | 60d3 0254
1544 0x000000010a7b8b74: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c0f10} '_glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1545 0x000000010a7b8b74: 0130 80d2 | c15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2880 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2880 00f9
1547 0x000000010a7b8b8c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017216fb80} 'glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL30')}
1548 0x000000010a7b8b8c: 015b 80d2 | c15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 22ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
1549 0x000000010a7b8bac: a027 0354
1551 0x000000010a7b8bb0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017216fb80} 'glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL30')}
1552 0x000000010a7b8bb0: 015b 80d2 | c15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9 | 01a8 9152 | e203 05aa
1553 0x000000010a7b8bd0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
1554 ;*invokestatic glBindFramebuffer {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1555 ; - org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30::glBindFramebuffer@2 (line 1619)
1556 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@5 (line 341)
1557 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@9 (line 212)
1558 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
1559 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
1560 ; {static_call}
1561 0x000000010a7b8bd0: 60c4 9f95
1563 0x000000010a7b8bd4: ; {other}
1564 0x000000010a7b8bd4: 1f20 03d5 | 9f98 88f2 | 1fe0 83f2
1566 0x000000010a7b8be0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b0c0} 'method_22595' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1567 0x000000010a7b8be0: 01fc 90d2 | e15c aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2290 40f9 | 4204 0091 | 2290 00f9 | e093 40f9 | 0390 4229
1568 0x000000010a7b8c00: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b0c0} 'method_22595' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
1569 0x000000010a7b8c00: 01fc 90d2 | e15c aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2898 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2898 00f9 | 0100 a052 | 0200 a052
1570 0x000000010a7b8c20: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1571 ;*invokestatic _viewport {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1572 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@26 (line 214)
1573 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
1574 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
1575 ; {static_call}
1576 0x000000010a7b8c20: 2802 fa97
1578 0x000000010a7b8c24: ; {other}
1579 0x000000010a7b8c24: 1f20 03d5 | 9fa2 88f2 | 1f00 84f2
1581 0x000000010a7b8c30: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1582 0x000000010a7b8c30: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 48f8 44f9 | 0805 0091 | 48f8 04f9
1584 0x000000010a7b8c48: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729a6910} 'method_23792' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_758')}
1585 0x000000010a7b8c48: 0236 9fd2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
1586 0x000000010a7b8c68: c022 0354
1588 0x000000010a7b8c6c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729a6910} 'method_23792' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_758')}
1589 0x000000010a7b8c6c: 0236 9fd2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
1591 0x000000010a7b8c84: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7c6d8} 'setShaderFogStart' '(F)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1592 0x000000010a7b8c84: 025d 9fd2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
1593 0x000000010a7b8ca4: e021 0354
1595 0x000000010a7b8ca8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7c6d8} 'setShaderFogStart' '(F)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1596 0x000000010a7b8ca8: 025d 9fd2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
1598 0x000000010a7b8cc0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1599 0x000000010a7b8cc0: 0218 82d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
1600 0x000000010a7b8ce0: 0021 0354
1602 0x000000010a7b8ce4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1603 0x000000010a7b8ce4: 0218 82d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
1605 0x000000010a7b8cfc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1606 0x000000010a7b8cfc: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
1607 0x000000010a7b8d1c: 2020 0354
1609 0x000000010a7b8d20: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1610 0x000000010a7b8d20: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
1612 0x000000010a7b8d38: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1613 0x000000010a7b8d38: 02c2 80d2 | 0228 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | 427c 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 81c3 41f9 | 2100 40f9 | 3f00 02eb
1614 0x000000010a7b8d58: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1615 0x000000010a7b8d58: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0011 899a | 2368 60f8 | 6304 0091
1616 0x000000010a7b8d78: 2368 20f8 | 2101 0054
1618 0x000000010a7b8d80: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1619 0x000000010a7b8d80: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2090 40f9 | 0004 0091 | 2090 00f9 | e103 0032 | 0200 0014
1620 0x000000010a7b8da0: 0100 a052 | 2100 0012 | 3f00 0071
1622 0x000000010a7b8dac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1623 0x000000010a7b8dac: 0118 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0822 80d2 | e903 78b2 | 0001 899a | 2368 60f8 | 6304 0091
1624 0x000000010a7b8dcc: 2368 20f8 | 00ba 0254
1626 0x000000010a7b8dd4: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1627 0x000000010a7b8dd4: 01c2 80d2 | 0128 b9f2 | c100 c0f2
1629 0x000000010a7b8de0: ; {section_word}
1630 0x000000010a7b8de0: 088d fe10 | 0001 40bd | 20e8 00bd | e16b 40f9 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
1632 0x000000010a7b8dfc: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1633 0x000000010a7b8dfc: 051d 95d2 | a516 a0f2 | 0501 c0f2 | 0608 40b9 | c600 5dd2 | c81c 40f9 | bf00 08eb | 4119 0354
1634 0x000000010a7b8e1c: 0100 0014 | e303 00aa
1636 0x000000010a7b8e24: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf144
1637 0x000000010a7b8e24: 1f00 40f9
1639 0x000000010a7b8e28: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1640 0x000000010a7b8e28: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2
1642 0x000000010a7b8e34: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1643 0x000000010a7b8e34: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 6940 2891 | 2801 00f9 | 680c 45f9 | 0805 0091 | 680c 05f9
1644 0x000000010a7b8e54: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1645 0x000000010a7b8e54: 0054 93d2 | c054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 03ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 03ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1646 0x000000010a7b8e74: a016 0354
1648 0x000000010a7b8e78: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1649 0x000000010a7b8e78: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 081c 45f9 | 0805 0091 | 081c 05f9
1651 0x000000010a7b8e90: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7b5d0} 'enableCull' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1652 0x000000010a7b8e90: 00a5 8dd2 | 405c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 03ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 03ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1653 0x000000010a7b8eb0: c015 0354
1655 0x000000010a7b8eb4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7b5d0} 'enableCull' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1656 0x000000010a7b8eb4: 00a5 8dd2 | 405c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9
1658 0x000000010a7b8ecc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1659 0x000000010a7b8ecc: 0018 82d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 03ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 03ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1660 0x000000010a7b8eec: e014 0354
1662 0x000000010a7b8ef0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1663 0x000000010a7b8ef0: 0018 82d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9
1665 0x000000010a7b8f08: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1666 0x000000010a7b8f08: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 03ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 03ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1667 0x000000010a7b8f28: 0014 0354
1669 0x000000010a7b8f2c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1670 0x000000010a7b8f2c: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9 | 80c3 41f9 | 0000 40f9
1671 0x000000010a7b8f4c: 1f00 02eb
1673 0x000000010a7b8f50: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1674 0x000000010a7b8f50: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0311 899a | 0468 63f8 | 8404 0091
1675 0x000000010a7b8f70: 0468 23f8 | 2101 0054
1677 0x000000010a7b8f78: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1678 0x000000010a7b8f78: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0390 40f9 | 6304 0091 | 0390 00f9 | e003 0032 | 0200 0014
1679 0x000000010a7b8f98: 0000 a052 | 0000 0012 | 1f00 0071
1681 0x000000010a7b8fa4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1682 0x000000010a7b8fa4: 0018 82d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0822 80d2 | e903 78b2 | 0301 899a | 0468 63f8 | 8404 0091
1683 0x000000010a7b8fc4: 0468 23f8 | e0a3 0254
1685 0x000000010a7b8fcc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7b5d0} 'enableCull' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1686 0x000000010a7b8fcc: 00a5 8dd2 | 405c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0880 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0880 00f9
1688 0x000000010a7b8fe4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c1eb0} '_enableCull' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1689 0x000000010a7b8fe4: 00ce 8dd2 | 405c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 03ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 03ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1690 0x000000010a7b9004: 200e 0354
1692 0x000000010a7b9008: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c1eb0} '_enableCull' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1693 0x000000010a7b9008: 00ce 8dd2 | 405c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9
1695 0x000000010a7b9020: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1696 0x000000010a7b9020: 0018 82d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 03ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 03ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1697 0x000000010a7b9040: 400d 0354
1699 0x000000010a7b9044: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1700 0x000000010a7b9044: 0018 82d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9
1702 0x000000010a7b905c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1703 0x000000010a7b905c: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 03ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 03ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1704 0x000000010a7b907c: 600c 0354
1706 0x000000010a7b9080: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1707 0x000000010a7b9080: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9 | 80c3 41f9 | 0000 40f9
1708 0x000000010a7b90a0: 1f00 02eb
1710 0x000000010a7b90a4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1711 0x000000010a7b90a4: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0011 899a | 4368 60f8 | 6304 0091
1712 0x000000010a7b90c4: 4368 20f8 | 2101 0054
1714 0x000000010a7b90cc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1715 0x000000010a7b90cc: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4090 40f9 | 0004 0091 | 4090 00f9 | e203 0032 | 0200 0014
1716 0x000000010a7b90ec: 0200 a052 | 4200 0012 | 5f00 0071
1718 0x000000010a7b90f8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
1719 0x000000010a7b90f8: 0218 82d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0822 80d2 | e903 78b2 | 0001 899a | 4368 60f8 | 6304 0091
1720 0x000000010a7b9118: 4368 20f8 | e092 0254
1722 0x000000010a7b9120: ; {oop(a 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1025'{0x00000006c9f958b0})}
1723 0x000000010a7b9120: 0216 8bd2 | 223f b9f2 | c200 c0f2
1725 0x000000010a7b912c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf228
1726 0x000000010a7b912c: 4010 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
1728 0x000000010a7b9134: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf22c
1729 0x000000010a7b9134: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
1731 0x000000010a7b913c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c1eb0} '_enableCull' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
1732 0x000000010a7b913c: 03ce 8dd2 | 435c aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 688c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 688c 00f9
1734 0x000000010a7b9154: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c6f48} 'method_4471' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1018')}
1735 0x000000010a7b9154: 02ae 9dd2 | 8254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1736 0x000000010a7b9174: e005 0354 | e203 00aa
1738 0x000000010a7b917c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c6f48} 'method_4471' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1018')}
1739 0x000000010a7b917c: 03ae 9dd2 | 8354 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6884 00f9 | e203 0032 | e103 00aa
1740 0x000000010a7b919c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1741 ;*invokevirtual method_4470 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1742 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager$class_1018::method_4471@2 (line 870)
1743 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@9 (line 460)
1744 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
1745 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
1746 ; {optimized virtual_call}
1747 0x000000010a7b919c: edcc a095
1749 0x000000010a7b91a0: ; {other}
1750 0x000000010a7b91a0: 1f20 03d5 | 1f52 89f2 | 1f20 84f2 | e16b 40f9 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
1752 0x000000010a7b91bc: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1753 0x000000010a7b91bc: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | c103 0354
1754 0x000000010a7b91dc: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
1756 0x000000010a7b91e4: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf254
1757 0x000000010a7b91e4: 1f00 40f9
1759 0x000000010a7b91e8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1760 0x000000010a7b91e8: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
1762 0x000000010a7b91f4: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1763 0x000000010a7b91f4: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4960 2991 | 2801 00f9 | 4830 45f9 | 0805 0091 | 4830 05f9
1764 0x000000010a7b9214: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e748} 'method_15405' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1765 0x000000010a7b9214: 003e 85d2 | 8055 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
1766 0x000000010a7b9234: 2001 0354 | 20d0 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
1768 0x000000010a7b9240: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf278
1769 0x000000010a7b9240: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
1771 0x000000010a7b9248: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1772 0x000000010a7b9248: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2
1774 0x000000010a7b9254: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_312')}
1775 0x000000010a7b9254: 08ac 80d2 | e81b a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 6940 2a91 | 2801 00f9 | 684c 45f9 | 0805 0091 | 684c 05f9
1776 0x000000010a7b9274: e103 00aa
1778 0x000000010a7b9278: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1779 ;*invokevirtual method_55793 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1780 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@386 (line 1280)
1781 ; {optimized virtual_call}
1782 0x000000010a7b9278: 62f6 0694
1784 0x000000010a7b927c: ; {other}
1785 0x000000010a7b927c: 1f20 03d5 | 9f6d 89f2 | 1f40 84f2 | e16b 40f9 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
1787 0x000000010a7b9298: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1788 0x000000010a7b9298: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | 41fe 0254
1789 0x000000010a7b92b8: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
1791 0x000000010a7b92c0: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf280
1792 0x000000010a7b92c0: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
1794 0x000000010a7b92c8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1795 0x000000010a7b92c8: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2
1797 0x000000010a7b92d4: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1798 0x000000010a7b92d4: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 6920 2b91 | 2801 00f9 | 6868 45f9 | 0805 0091 | 6868 05f9
1799 0x000000010a7b92f4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1800 0x000000010a7b92f4: 0222 88d2 | a254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
1801 0x000000010a7b9314: 80fb 0254 | 22e8 4139 | 5f00 0071
1803 0x000000010a7b9320: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1804 0x000000010a7b9320: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 085e 81d2 | 0960 81d2 | 0311 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
1805 0x000000010a7b9340: 4468 23f8 | e126 0054 | 4001 00b4
1807 0x000000010a7b934c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1808 0x000000010a7b934c: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | e1f9 0254
1809 0x000000010a7b936c: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
1811 0x000000010a7b9374: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1812 0x000000010a7b9374: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
1814 0x000000010a7b9380: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1815 0x000000010a7b9380: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4980 2c91 | 2801 00f9 | 4894 45f9 | 0805 0091 | 4894 05f9
1816 0x000000010a7b93a0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e748} 'method_15405' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1817 0x000000010a7b93a0: 003e 85d2 | 8055 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
1818 0x000000010a7b93c0: 40f7 0254 | 20b8 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 2294 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | e303 01aa
1820 0x000000010a7b93d8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1821 0x000000010a7b93d8: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
1823 0x000000010a7b93e4: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_310')}
1824 0x000000010a7b93e4: 08cf 85d2 | 8816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8960 2d91 | 2801 00f9 | 88b0 45f9 | 0805 0091 | 88b0 05f9
1825 0x000000010a7b9404: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710930c0} 'modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1826 0x000000010a7b9404: 0385 9fd2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
1827 0x000000010a7b9424: 20f5 0254
1829 0x000000010a7b9428: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006ca1f6a70} = 'xaero/map/WorldMap')}
1830 0x000000010a7b9428: 034e 8dd2 | e343 b9f2 | c300 c0f2 | 6374 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | e403 1faa | 7f00 04eb
1832 0x000000010a7b9444: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710930c0} 'modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1833 0x000000010a7b9444: 0485 9fd2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0501 899a | 8668 65f8 | c604 0091
1834 0x000000010a7b9464: 8668 25f8 | e08b 12a9 | 000a 0054 | 0301 00b5
1836 0x000000010a7b9474: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710930c0} 'modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1837 0x000000010a7b9474: 0685 9fd2 | 065d aef2 | 2600 c0f2 | c824 4439 | 0801 40b2 | c824 0439 | 3600 0014
1839 0x000000010a7b9490: ; {metadata('xaero/map/WorldMapFabric')}
1840 0x000000010a7b9490: 0500 88d2 | a51a a0f2 | 0501 c0f2 | 6808 40b9 | 0801 5dd2 | 1f01 05eb | e104 0054
1842 0x000000010a7b94ac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710930c0} 'modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1843 0x000000010a7b94ac: 0685 9fd2 | 065d aef2 | 2600 c0f2 | 6508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | c980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | bf00 08eb
1844 0x000000010a7b94cc: a100 0054 | c894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | c894 00f9 | 2200 0014 | c9c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | bf00 08eb
1845 0x000000010a7b94ec: a100 0054 | c89c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | c89c 00f9 | 1a00 0014 | c980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1846 0x000000010a7b950c: 2501 00f9 | e803 40b2 | c9a0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 1200 0014 | c9c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1847 0x000000010a7b952c: 2501 00f9 | e803 40b2 | c9e0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0a00 0014 | 0900 0014
1849 0x000000010a7b9544: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710930c0} 'modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1850 0x000000010a7b9544: 0685 9fd2 | 065d aef2 | 2600 c0f2 | c888 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | c888 00f9 | 6317 0014 | 0100 0014
1851 0x000000010a7b9564: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf2f0
1852 0x000000010a7b9564: 7f00 40f9 | e403 03aa
1854 0x000000010a7b956c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710930c0} 'modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1855 0x000000010a7b956c: 0585 9fd2 | 055d aef2 | 2500 c0f2
1857 0x000000010a7b9578: ; {metadata('xaero/map/WorldMapFabric')}
1858 0x000000010a7b9578: 0800 88d2 | a81a a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | a960 0591 | 2801 00f9 | a8b0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | a8b0 00f9
1859 0x000000010a7b9598: e103 03aa
1861 0x000000010a7b959c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [296]=Oop [304]=Oop }
1862 ;*invokevirtual tryLoadLater {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1863 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall@12 (line 10223)
1864 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@431 (line 1285)
1865 ; {optimized virtual_call}
1866 0x000000010a7b959c: a9d9 fb97
1868 0x000000010a7b95a0: ; {other}
1869 0x000000010a7b95a0: 1f20 03d5 | 1fd2 89f2 | 1f60 84f2
1871 0x000000010a7b95ac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710930c0} 'modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1872 0x000000010a7b95ac: 0285 9fd2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 48c0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 48c0 00f9
1874 0x000000010a7b95c4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171ea0600} 'onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCore')}
1875 0x000000010a7b95c4: 02c0 9fd2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
1876 0x000000010a7b95e4: 80e8 0254
1878 0x000000010a7b95e8: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006ca1f6a70} = 'xaero/map/WorldMap')}
1879 0x000000010a7b95e8: 024e 8dd2 | e243 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | 42e0 4439 | 5f00 0071
1881 0x000000010a7b95fc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171ea0600} 'onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCore')}
1882 0x000000010a7b95fc: 02c0 9fd2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0111 899a | 4068 61f8 | 0004 0091
1883 0x000000010a7b961c: 4068 21f8 | 8100 0054 | e2db 40b9 | 4100 0012 | 4600 0014
1885 0x000000010a7b9630: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006ca1f6a70} = 'xaero/map/WorldMap')}
1886 0x000000010a7b9630: 014e 8dd2 | e143 b9f2 | c100 c0f2 | 2188 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3
1888 0x000000010a7b9644: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf314
1889 0x000000010a7b9644: 3f00 40f9 | e003 01aa
1891 0x000000010a7b964c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171ea0600} 'onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCore')}
1892 0x000000010a7b964c: 03c0 9fd2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 0008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 6980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
1893 0x000000010a7b966c: a100 0054 | 6894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6894 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 69c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
1894 0x000000010a7b968c: a100 0054 | 689c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 689c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 6980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1895 0x000000010a7b96ac: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69a0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 69c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
1896 0x000000010a7b96cc: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69e0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 6888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6888 00f9
1897 0x000000010a7b96ec: e203 0032
1899 0x000000010a7b96f0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [296]=Oop [304]=Oop }
1900 ;*invokevirtual handleRenderTick {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1901 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCore::onRenderCall@12 (line 204)
1902 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall@16 (line 10224)
1903 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@431 (line 1285)
1904 ; {optimized virtual_call}
1905 0x000000010a7b96f0: 3403 fa97
1907 0x000000010a7b96f4: ; {other}
1908 0x000000010a7b96f4: 1f20 03d5 | 9ffc 89f2 | 1f80 84f2 | 1f00 0071
1910 0x000000010a7b9704: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171ea0600} 'onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCore')}
1911 0x000000010a7b9704: 02c0 9fd2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0829 80d2 | 092b 80d2 | 0301 899a | 4168 63f8 | 2104 0091
1912 0x000000010a7b9724: 4168 23f8 | 8000 0054 | 0100 a052 | e2db 40b9 | 0400 0014 | e2db 40b9 | 4300 0012 | e103 03aa
1913 0x000000010a7b9744: 2300 0012 | e08b 52a9
1915 0x000000010a7b974c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf318
1916 0x000000010a7b974c: 1f00 40f9 | e503 00aa
1918 0x000000010a7b9754: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1919 0x000000010a7b9754: 0644 94d2 | 065d aef2 | 2600 c0f2
1921 0x000000010a7b9760: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_757')}
1922 0x000000010a7b9760: 0818 92d2 | 281a a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | c940 2e91 | 2801 00f9 | c8cc 45f9 | 0805 0091 | c8cc 05f9
1923 0x000000010a7b9780: e103 00aa
1925 0x000000010a7b9784: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
1926 ;*invokevirtual method_3192 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1927 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@434 (line 1285)
1928 ; {optimized virtual_call}
1929 0x000000010a7b9784: 791b 0094
1931 0x000000010a7b9788: ; {other}
1932 0x000000010a7b9788: 1f20 03d5 | 1f0f 8af2 | 1fa0 84f2 | e16b 40f9 | 23b8 41b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | 4301 00b4
1934 0x000000010a7b97a4: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1935 0x000000010a7b97a4: 0a1d 95d2 | aa16 a0f2 | 0a01 c0f2 | 6b08 40b9 | 6b01 5dd2 | 681d 40f9 | 5f01 08eb | e1da 0254
1936 0x000000010a7b97c4: 0100 0014 | e003 03aa
1938 0x000000010a7b97cc: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf320
1939 0x000000010a7b97cc: 7f00 40f9
1941 0x000000010a7b97d0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1942 0x000000010a7b97d0: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2
1944 0x000000010a7b97dc: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1945 0x000000010a7b97dc: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 0920 2f91 | 2801 00f9 | 08e8 45f9 | 0805 0091 | 08e8 05f9
1946 0x000000010a7b97fc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1947 0x000000010a7b97fc: 0322 88d2 | a354 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 60ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 60ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
1948 0x000000010a7b981c: 40d8 0254 | 23c0 41b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | e003 1faa | 7f00 00eb
1950 0x000000010a7b9830: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1951 0x000000010a7b9830: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 087e 81d2 | e907 76b2 | 0001 899a | 6468 60f8 | 8404 0091
1952 0x000000010a7b9850: 6468 20f8 | c04d 0054 | 23b8 41b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | 4301 00b4
1954 0x000000010a7b9864: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1955 0x000000010a7b9864: 0a1d 95d2 | aa16 a0f2 | 0a01 c0f2 | 6b08 40b9 | 6b01 5dd2 | 681d 40f9 | 5f01 08eb | 21d6 0254
1956 0x000000010a7b9884: 0100 0014 | e003 03aa
1958 0x000000010a7b988c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf348
1959 0x000000010a7b988c: 7f00 40f9
1961 0x000000010a7b9890: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1962 0x000000010a7b9890: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2
1964 0x000000010a7b989c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1965 0x000000010a7b989c: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 0980 3091 | 2801 00f9 | 0814 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 0814 06f9
1966 0x000000010a7b98bc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
1967 0x000000010a7b98bc: 0354 93d2 | c354 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 60ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 60ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
1968 0x000000010a7b98dc: 80d3 0254
1970 0x000000010a7b98e0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
1971 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
1972 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@465 (line 1291)
1973 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
1974 0x000000010a7b98e0: 686b 6e95 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | c8d3 0254 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
1975 0x000000010a7b9900: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e09f 00f9
1976 0x000000010a7b9920: 2398 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3
1978 0x000000010a7b9928: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf374
1979 0x000000010a7b9928: 7f00 40f9 | e403 03aa
1981 0x000000010a7b9930: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1982 0x000000010a7b9930: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2
1984 0x000000010a7b993c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_4599')}
1985 0x000000010a7b993c: 08ee 9bd2 | 481c a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4961 3191 | 2801 00f9 | 4831 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 4831 06f9
1986 0x000000010a7b995c: 6214 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | e303 00aa
1988 0x000000010a7b9968: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
1989 0x000000010a7b9968: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8840 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 8840 06f9
1991 0x000000010a7b9980: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724d3970} '<init>' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_310;Lnet/minecraft/class_4597$class_4598;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_332')}
1992 0x000000010a7b9980: 03da 8ad2 | 635c aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
1993 0x000000010a7b99a0: c0ce 0254
1995 0x000000010a7b99a4: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_4587')}
1996 0x000000010a7b99a4: 03e2 86d2 | 231b a0f2 | 0301 c0f2 | 80df 40f9 | 0b60 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | c8ce 0254
1997 0x000000010a7b99c4: 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2 | 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | bf3a 03d5
1998 0x000000010a7b99e4: e303 00aa
2000 0x000000010a7b99e8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724d3970} '<init>' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_310;Lnet/minecraft/class_4597$class_4598;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_332')}
2001 0x000000010a7b99e8: 04da 8ad2 | 645c aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9 | e103 00aa | e00b 14a9
2002 0x000000010a7b9a08: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop [320]=Oop [328]=Oop }
2003 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2004 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::<init>@6 (line 82)
2005 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@477 (line 1291)
2006 ; {optimized virtual_call}
2007 0x000000010a7b9a08: de09 6b95
2009 0x000000010a7b9a0c: ; {other}
2010 0x000000010a7b9a0c: 1f20 03d5 | 9f5f 8af2 | 1fe0 84f2 | e09f 40f9
2012 0x000000010a7b9a1c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724d3970} '<init>' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_310;Lnet/minecraft/class_4597$class_4598;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_332')}
2013 0x000000010a7b9a1c: 02da 8ad2 | 625c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4880 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4880 00f9 | e26b 40f9 | e313 54a9
2014 0x000000010a7b9a3c: e19f 40f9
2016 0x000000010a7b9a40: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
2017 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2018 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::<init>@10 (line 82)
2019 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@477 (line 1291)
2020 ; {optimized virtual_call}
2021 0x000000010a7b9a40: d009 6b95
2023 0x000000010a7b9a44: ; {other}
2024 0x000000010a7b9a44: 1f20 03d5 | 9f66 8af2 | 1f00 85f2 | e16b 40f9 | 23c0 41b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | e203 01aa
2026 0x000000010a7b9a60: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2027 0x000000010a7b9a60: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0848 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 0848 06f9 | e29f 40f9 | e003 01aa
2028 0x000000010a7b9a80: e103 00aa
2030 0x000000010a7b9a84: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
2031 ;*invokevirtual method_1492 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2032 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@489 (line 1292)
2033 ; {optimized virtual_call}
2034 0x000000010a7b9a84: bf09 6b95
2036 0x000000010a7b9a88: ; {other}
2037 0x000000010a7b9a88: 1f20 03d5 | 1f6f 8af2 | 1f20 85f2 | e09f 40f9
2039 0x000000010a7b9a98: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2040 0x000000010a7b9a98: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 4960 3391 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
2041 0x000000010a7b9ab8: a100 0054 | 4870 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 4870 06f9 | 1c00 0014 | 49a0 3391 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
2042 0x000000010a7b9ad8: a100 0054 | 4878 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 06f9 | 1400 0014 | 4960 3391 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2043 0x000000010a7b9af8: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4980 3391 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 49a0 3391 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2044 0x000000010a7b9b18: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 49c0 3391 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 4864 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 4864 06f9
2045 0x000000010a7b9b38: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724d3f88} 'method_51452' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_332')}
2046 0x000000010a7b9b38: 02c8 8ad2 | 825a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
2047 0x000000010a7b9b58: 40c2 0254
2049 0x000000010a7b9b5c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724d3f88} 'method_51452' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_332')}
2050 0x000000010a7b9b5c: 02c8 8ad2 | 825a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
2052 0x000000010a7b9b74: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7ac28} 'disableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2053 0x000000010a7b9b74: 0292 9dd2 | a254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
2054 0x000000010a7b9b94: 60c1 0254
2056 0x000000010a7b9b98: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7ac28} 'disableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2057 0x000000010a7b9b98: 0292 9dd2 | a254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
2059 0x000000010a7b9bb0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2060 0x000000010a7b9bb0: 0218 82d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
2061 0x000000010a7b9bd0: 80c0 0254
2063 0x000000010a7b9bd4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2064 0x000000010a7b9bd4: 0218 82d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
2066 0x000000010a7b9bec: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2067 0x000000010a7b9bec: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
2068 0x000000010a7b9c0c: a0bf 0254
2070 0x000000010a7b9c10: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2071 0x000000010a7b9c10: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
2073 0x000000010a7b9c28: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2074 0x000000010a7b9c28: 02c2 80d2 | 0228 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | 427c 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 81c3 41f9 | 2100 40f9 | 3f00 02eb
2075 0x000000010a7b9c48: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2076 0x000000010a7b9c48: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0011 899a | 2368 60f8 | 6304 0091
2077 0x000000010a7b9c68: 2368 20f8 | 2101 0054
2079 0x000000010a7b9c70: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2080 0x000000010a7b9c70: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2090 40f9 | 0004 0091 | 2090 00f9 | e103 0032 | 0200 0014
2081 0x000000010a7b9c90: 0100 a052 | 2100 0012 | 3f00 0071
2083 0x000000010a7b9c9c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2084 0x000000010a7b9c9c: 0118 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0822 80d2 | e903 78b2 | 0001 899a | 2368 60f8 | 6304 0091
2085 0x000000010a7b9cbc: 2368 20f8 | 602f 0254
2087 0x000000010a7b9cc4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7ac28} 'disableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2088 0x000000010a7b9cc4: 0192 9dd2 | a154 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2880 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2880 00f9
2090 0x000000010a7b9cdc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017209e930} '_disableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
2091 0x000000010a7b9cdc: 01bb 9dd2 | a154 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
2092 0x000000010a7b9cfc: 20b9 0254
2094 0x000000010a7b9d00: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017209e930} '_disableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
2095 0x000000010a7b9d00: 01bb 9dd2 | a154 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
2097 0x000000010a7b9d18: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2098 0x000000010a7b9d18: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
2099 0x000000010a7b9d38: 40b8 0254
2101 0x000000010a7b9d3c: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2102 0x000000010a7b9d3c: 01c2 80d2 | 0128 b9f2 | c100 c0f2 | 21d0 4339 | 3f00 0071
2104 0x000000010a7b9d50: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2105 0x000000010a7b9d50: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0011 899a | 2368 60f8 | 6304 0091
2106 0x000000010a7b9d70: 2368 20f8 | 0107 0054
2108 0x000000010a7b9d78: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2109 0x000000010a7b9d78: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2888 00f9
2111 0x000000010a7b9d90: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2112 0x000000010a7b9d90: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
2113 0x000000010a7b9db0: 80b5 0254
2115 0x000000010a7b9db4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2116 0x000000010a7b9db4: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9 | 81c3 41f9 | 2100 40f9
2117 0x000000010a7b9dd4: 3f00 02eb
2119 0x000000010a7b9dd8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2120 0x000000010a7b9dd8: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0111 899a | 4068 61f8 | 0004 0091
2121 0x000000010a7b9df8: 4068 21f8 | 2101 0054
2123 0x000000010a7b9e00: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2124 0x000000010a7b9e00: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4190 40f9 | 2104 0091 | 4190 00f9 | e203 0032 | 0200 0014
2125 0x000000010a7b9e20: 0200 a052 | 4200 0012 | 5f00 0071
2127 0x000000010a7b9e2c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2128 0x000000010a7b9e2c: 023b 87d2 | 4253 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0824 80d2 | 0926 80d2 | 0101 899a | 4068 61f8 | 0004 0091
2129 0x000000010a7b9e4c: 4068 21f8 | 801c 0254
2131 0x000000010a7b9e54: ; {oop(a 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1026'{0x00000006c9f958e0})}
2132 0x000000010a7b9e54: 021c 8bd2 | 223f b9f2 | c200 c0f2
2134 0x000000010a7b9e60: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf480
2135 0x000000010a7b9e60: 4114 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3
2137 0x000000010a7b9e68: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf484
2138 0x000000010a7b9e68: 3f00 40f9 | e203 01aa
2140 0x000000010a7b9e70: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017209e930} '_disableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
2141 0x000000010a7b9e70: 00bb 9dd2 | a054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 088c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 088c 00f9
2143 0x000000010a7b9e88: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c6e98} 'method_4469' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1018')}
2144 0x000000010a7b9e88: 02d2 95d2 | 8254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 40ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 40ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
2145 0x000000010a7b9ea8: 00af 0254 | e203 01aa
2147 0x000000010a7b9eb0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c6e98} 'method_4469' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1018')}
2148 0x000000010a7b9eb0: 00d2 95d2 | 8054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0884 00f9 | 0200 a052
2150 0x000000010a7b9ecc: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
2151 ;*invokevirtual method_4470 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2152 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager$class_1018::method_4469@2 (line 866)
2153 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@9 (line 67)
2154 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
2155 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
2156 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
2157 ; {optimized virtual_call}
2158 0x000000010a7b9ecc: ad08 6b95
2160 0x000000010a7b9ed0: ; {other}
2161 0x000000010a7b9ed0: 1f20 03d5 | 1ff8 8af2 | 1f40 85f2 | e09f 40f9 | 0118 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3
2163 0x000000010a7b9ee8: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf4a8
2164 0x000000010a7b9ee8: 3f00 40f9 | e003 01aa
2166 0x000000010a7b9ef0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724d3f88} 'method_51452' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_332')}
2167 0x000000010a7b9ef0: 02c8 8ad2 | 825a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 488c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 488c 00f9
2169 0x000000010a7b9f08: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2170 ;*invokevirtual method_22993 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2171 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@7 (line 130)
2172 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
2173 ; {optimized virtual_call}
2174 0x000000010a7b9f08: 9e08 6b95
2176 0x000000010a7b9f0c: ; {other}
2177 0x000000010a7b9f0c: 1f20 03d5 | 9fff 8af2 | 1f60 85f2
2179 0x000000010a7b9f18: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724d3f88} 'method_51452' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_332')}
2180 0x000000010a7b9f18: 02c8 8ad2 | 825a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 489c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 489c 00f9
2182 0x000000010a7b9f30: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7acc8} 'enableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2183 0x000000010a7b9f30: 02ad 93d2 | c254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
2184 0x000000010a7b9f50: e0aa 0254
2186 0x000000010a7b9f54: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7acc8} 'enableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2187 0x000000010a7b9f54: 02ad 93d2 | c254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
2189 0x000000010a7b9f6c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017209e9d8} '_enableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
2190 0x000000010a7b9f6c: 0264 9dd2 | a254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
2191 0x000000010a7b9f8c: 00aa 0254
2193 0x000000010a7b9f90: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017209e9d8} '_enableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
2194 0x000000010a7b9f90: 0264 9dd2 | a254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
2196 0x000000010a7b9fa8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2197 0x000000010a7b9fa8: 023b 87d2 | 4253 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
2198 0x000000010a7b9fc8: 20a9 0254
2200 0x000000010a7b9fcc: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2201 0x000000010a7b9fcc: 02c2 80d2 | 0228 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | 42d0 4339 | 5f00 0071
2203 0x000000010a7b9fe0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2204 0x000000010a7b9fe0: 023b 87d2 | 4253 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0111 899a | 4068 61f8 | 0004 0091
2205 0x000000010a7ba000: 4068 21f8 | a107 0054
2207 0x000000010a7ba008: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2208 0x000000010a7ba008: 023b 87d2 | 4253 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4888 00f9
2210 0x000000010a7ba020: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2211 0x000000010a7ba020: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
2212 0x000000010a7ba040: 60a6 0254
2214 0x000000010a7ba044: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2215 0x000000010a7ba044: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
2217 0x000000010a7ba05c: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2218 0x000000010a7ba05c: 02c2 80d2 | 0228 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | 427c 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 81c3 41f9 | 2100 40f9 | 3f00 02eb
2219 0x000000010a7ba07c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2220 0x000000010a7ba07c: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0111 899a | 4068 61f8 | 0004 0091
2221 0x000000010a7ba09c: 4068 21f8 | 2101 0054
2223 0x000000010a7ba0a4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2224 0x000000010a7ba0a4: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4190 40f9 | 2104 0091 | 4190 00f9 | e203 0032 | 0200 0014
2225 0x000000010a7ba0c4: 0200 a052 | 4200 0012 | 5f00 0071
2227 0x000000010a7ba0d0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2228 0x000000010a7ba0d0: 023b 87d2 | 4253 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0824 80d2 | 0926 80d2 | 0101 899a | 4068 61f8 | 0004 0091
2229 0x000000010a7ba0f0: 4068 21f8 | 0001 0254
2231 0x000000010a7ba0f8: ; {oop(a 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1026'{0x00000006c9f958e0})}
2232 0x000000010a7ba0f8: 021c 8bd2 | 223f b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | 4114 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3
2234 0x000000010a7ba10c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf52c
2235 0x000000010a7ba10c: 3f00 40f9 | e203 01aa
2237 0x000000010a7ba114: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017209e9d8} '_enableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
2238 0x000000010a7ba114: 0064 9dd2 | a054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 088c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 088c 00f9
2240 0x000000010a7ba12c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c6f48} 'method_4471' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1018')}
2241 0x000000010a7ba12c: 02ae 9dd2 | 8254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 40ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 40ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
2242 0x000000010a7ba14c: 209f 0254 | e203 01aa
2244 0x000000010a7ba154: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c6f48} 'method_4471' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1018')}
2245 0x000000010a7ba154: 00ae 9dd2 | 8054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0884 00f9 | e203 0032
2247 0x000000010a7ba170: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2248 ;*invokevirtual method_4470 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2249 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager$class_1018::method_4471@2 (line 870)
2250 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@9 (line 72)
2251 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
2252 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
2253 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
2254 ; {optimized virtual_call}
2255 0x000000010a7ba170: 0408 6b95
2257 0x000000010a7ba174: ; {other}
2258 0x000000010a7ba174: 1f20 03d5 | 9f4c 8bf2 | 1f80 85f2 | e16b 40f9 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
2260 0x000000010a7ba190: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2261 0x000000010a7ba190: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | 219d 0254
2262 0x000000010a7ba1b0: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
2264 0x000000010a7ba1b8: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf554
2265 0x000000010a7ba1b8: 1f00 40f9
2267 0x000000010a7ba1bc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2268 0x000000010a7ba1bc: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
2270 0x000000010a7ba1c8: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2271 0x000000010a7ba1c8: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4940 3491 | 2801 00f9 | 488c 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 488c 06f9
2272 0x000000010a7ba1e8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2273 0x000000010a7ba1e8: 0022 88d2 | a054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2274 0x000000010a7ba208: 809a 0254 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
2276 0x000000010a7ba218: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2277 0x000000010a7ba218: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | 219a 0254
2278 0x000000010a7ba238: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
2280 0x000000010a7ba240: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf57c
2281 0x000000010a7ba240: 1f00 40f9
2283 0x000000010a7ba244: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2284 0x000000010a7ba244: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
2286 0x000000010a7ba250: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2287 0x000000010a7ba250: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4920 3591 | 2801 00f9 | 48a8 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 48a8 06f9
2288 0x000000010a7ba270: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2289 0x000000010a7ba270: 0054 93d2 | c054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2290 0x000000010a7ba290: 8097 0254 | 200c 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3
2292 0x000000010a7ba29c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf5a0
2293 0x000000010a7ba29c: 1f00 40f9
2295 0x000000010a7ba2a0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2296 0x000000010a7ba2a0: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 4900 3691 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
2297 0x000000010a7ba2c0: a100 0054 | 48c4 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 48c4 06f9 | 1c00 0014 | 4940 3691 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
2298 0x000000010a7ba2e0: a100 0054 | 48cc 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 48cc 06f9 | 1400 0014 | 4900 3691 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2299 0x000000010a7ba300: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4920 3691 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 4940 3691 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2300 0x000000010a7ba320: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4960 3691 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 48b8 46f9 | 0805 0091 | 48b8 06f9
2301 0x000000010a7ba340: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b190} 'method_1240' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
2302 0x000000010a7ba340: 0086 90d2 | e05c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2303 0x000000010a7ba360: 2092 0254
2305 0x000000010a7ba364: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b190} 'method_1240' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
2306 0x000000010a7ba364: 0086 90d2 | e05c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9
2308 0x000000010a7ba37c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2309 0x000000010a7ba37c: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2310 0x000000010a7ba39c: 4091 0254
2312 0x000000010a7ba3a0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2313 0x000000010a7ba3a0: 00ea 81d2 | 804a aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9
2315 0x000000010a7ba3b8: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2316 0x000000010a7ba3b8: 00c2 80d2 | 0028 b9f2 | c000 c0f2 | 007c 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 82c3 41f9 | 4200 40f9 | 5f00 00eb
2317 0x000000010a7ba3d8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2318 0x000000010a7ba3d8: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0311 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2319 0x000000010a7ba3f8: 4468 23f8 | 2101 0054
2321 0x000000010a7ba400: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2322 0x000000010a7ba400: 02ea 81d2 | 824a aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4390 40f9 | 6304 0091 | 4390 00f9 | e203 0032 | 0200 0014
2323 0x000000010a7ba420: 0200 a052 | 4200 0012 | 5f00 0071
2325 0x000000010a7ba42c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b190} 'method_1240' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
2326 0x000000010a7ba42c: 0286 90d2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0311 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2327 0x000000010a7ba44c: 4468 23f8 | e113 0054
2329 0x000000010a7ba454: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2330 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2331 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@6 (line 221)
2332 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
2333 ; {runtime_call load_appendix_patching Runtime1 stub}
2334 0x000000010a7ba454: 4b69 6e95 | e103 00aa
2336 0x000000010a7ba45c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2337 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2338 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@6 (line 221)
2339 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
2340 ; {static_call}
2341 0x000000010a7ba45c: c908 6b95
2343 0x000000010a7ba460: ; {other}
2344 0x000000010a7ba460: 1f20 03d5 | 1faa 8bf2 | 1fc0 85f2
2346 0x000000010a7ba46c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b190} 'method_1240' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
2347 0x000000010a7ba46c: 0286 90d2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 42c0 0491 | e103 00aa | a100 00b5 | 4900 40f9 | 2901 40b2
2348 0x000000010a7ba48c: 4900 00f9 | 1600 0014 | 2108 40b9 | 2100 5dd2 | 4900 40f9 | 2100 09ca | 28f4 7e92 | 0802 00b4
2349 0x000000010a7ba4ac: e101 0837 | a901 00b4 | 3f05 00f1 | 6001 0054 | bf39 03d5 | 2100 09ca | 4900 40f9 | 2100 09ca
2350 0x000000010a7ba4cc: 28f4 7e92 | c800 00b4 | 4900 40f9 | 2901 7fb2 | 4900 00f9 | 0200 0014 | 4100 00f9
2352 0x000000010a7ba4e8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b190} 'method_1240' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
2353 0x000000010a7ba4e8: 0286 90d2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 48a0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 48a0 00f9
2355 0x000000010a7ba500: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a768} 'recordRenderCall' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_4573;)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2356 0x000000010a7ba500: 022a 97d2 | 8254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 41ac 40b9 | 2108 0011 | 41ac 00b9 | 214c 1f12 | 3f00 0071
2357 0x000000010a7ba520: 2086 0254
2359 0x000000010a7ba524: ; {oop(a 'java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue'{0x00000006cae1a4a8})}
2360 0x000000010a7ba524: 0195 94d2 | 215c b9f2 | c100 c0f2 | e203 01aa
2362 0x000000010a7ba534: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a768} 'recordRenderCall' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_4573;)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2363 0x000000010a7ba534: 032a 97d2 | 8354 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 6900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
2364 0x000000010a7ba554: a100 0054 | 6884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 6940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
2365 0x000000010a7ba574: a100 0054 | 688c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 688c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 6900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2366 0x000000010a7ba594: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 6940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2367 0x000000010a7ba5b4: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9
2368 0x000000010a7ba5d4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120bdd720} 'add' '(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z' in 'java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue')}
2369 0x000000010a7ba5d4: 0215 94d2 | 824b a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
2370 0x000000010a7ba5f4: 8080 0254 | e203 01aa
2372 0x000000010a7ba5fc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120bdd720} 'add' '(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z' in 'java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue')}
2373 0x000000010a7ba5fc: 0315 94d2 | 834b a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 6900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
2374 0x000000010a7ba61c: a100 0054 | 6884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 6940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
2375 0x000000010a7ba63c: a100 0054 | 688c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 688c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 6900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2376 0x000000010a7ba65c: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 6940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2377 0x000000010a7ba67c: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9
2378 0x000000010a7ba69c: e203 00aa
2380 0x000000010a7ba6a0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2381 ;*invokevirtual offer {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2382 ; - java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue::add@2 (line 283)
2383 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::recordRenderCall@4 (line 144)
2384 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@11 (line 221)
2385 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
2386 ; {optimized virtual_call}
2387 0x000000010a7ba6a0: b806 6b95
2389 0x000000010a7ba6a4: ; {other}
2390 0x000000010a7ba6a4: 1f20 03d5 | 9ff2 8bf2 | 1fe0 85f2
2392 0x000000010a7ba6b0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b190} 'method_1240' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
2393 0x000000010a7ba6b0: 0186 90d2 | e15c aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22a8 40f9 | 4204 0091 | 22a8 00f9 | 8000 0014
2395 0x000000010a7ba6cc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b190} 'method_1240' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
2396 0x000000010a7ba6cc: 0186 90d2 | e15c aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 28b4 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 28b4 00f9
2398 0x000000010a7ba6e4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c0f10} '_glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
2399 0x000000010a7ba6e4: 0130 80d2 | c15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 22ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2400 0x000000010a7ba704: 0079 0254
2402 0x000000010a7ba708: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c0f10} '_glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
2403 0x000000010a7ba708: 0130 80d2 | c15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
2405 0x000000010a7ba720: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2406 0x000000010a7ba720: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 22ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2407 0x000000010a7ba740: 2078 0254
2409 0x000000010a7ba744: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400610} = 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2410 0x000000010a7ba744: 01c2 80d2 | 0128 b9f2 | c100 c0f2 | 21d0 4339 | 3f00 0071
2412 0x000000010a7ba758: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2413 0x000000010a7ba758: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0211 899a | 2368 62f8 | 6304 0091
2414 0x000000010a7ba778: 2368 22f8 | 0107 0054
2416 0x000000010a7ba780: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2417 0x000000010a7ba780: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2888 00f9
2419 0x000000010a7ba798: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2420 0x000000010a7ba798: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 22ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2421 0x000000010a7ba7b8: 6075 0254
2423 0x000000010a7ba7bc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2424 0x000000010a7ba7bc: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9 | 81c3 41f9 | 2100 40f9
2425 0x000000010a7ba7dc: 3f00 00eb
2427 0x000000010a7ba7e0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2428 0x000000010a7ba7e0: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | 0922 80d2 | 0211 899a | 2068 62f8 | 0004 0091
2429 0x000000010a7ba800: 2068 22f8 | 2101 0054
2431 0x000000010a7ba808: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2432 0x000000010a7ba808: 01ea 81d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2290 40f9 | 4204 0091 | 2290 00f9 | e103 0032 | 0200 0014
2433 0x000000010a7ba828: 0100 a052 | 2100 0012 | 3f00 0071
2435 0x000000010a7ba834: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
2436 0x000000010a7ba834: 013b 87d2 | 4153 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0824 80d2 | 0926 80d2 | 0201 899a | 2068 62f8 | 0004 0091
2437 0x000000010a7ba854: 2068 22f8 | 80bf 0154
2439 0x000000010a7ba85c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001720c0f10} '_glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
2440 0x000000010a7ba85c: 0130 80d2 | c15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2880 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2880 00f9
2442 0x000000010a7ba874: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017216fb80} 'glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL30')}
2443 0x000000010a7ba874: 015b 80d2 | c15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 22ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2444 0x000000010a7ba894: 806f 0254
2446 0x000000010a7ba898: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017216fb80} 'glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL30')}
2447 0x000000010a7ba898: 015b 80d2 | c15a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9 | 01a8 9152 | 0200 a052
2448 0x000000010a7ba8b8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2449 ;*invokestatic glBindFramebuffer {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2450 ; - org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30::glBindFramebuffer@2 (line 1619)
2451 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@5 (line 341)
2452 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@20 (line 225)
2453 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
2454 ; {static_call}
2455 0x000000010a7ba8b8: 26bd 9f95
2457 0x000000010a7ba8bc: ; {other}
2458 0x000000010a7ba8bc: 1f20 03d5 | 9f35 8cf2 | 1f00 86f2 | e16b 40f9 | 250c 41b9 | a5f0 7dd3 | 2390 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3
2459 0x000000010a7ba8dc: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf6a4
2460 0x000000010a7ba8dc: 7f00 40f9 | e403 03aa
2462 0x000000010a7ba8e4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2463 0x000000010a7ba8e4: 0644 94d2 | 065d aef2 | 2600 c0f2 | c8d4 46f9 | 0805 0091 | c8d4 06f9 | 644c 40b9 | e603 03aa
2464 0x000000010a7ba904: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2465 0x000000010a7ba904: 0744 94d2 | 075d aef2 | 2700 c0f2 | e8f0 46f9 | 0805 0091 | e8f0 06f9 | 6350 40b9
2467 0x000000010a7ba920: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf6a8
2468 0x000000010a7ba920: bf00 40f9 | e603 05aa
2470 0x000000010a7ba928: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2471 0x000000010a7ba928: 0744 94d2 | 075d aef2 | 2700 c0f2 | c608 40b9 | c600 5dd2 | e9a0 3891 | 2801 40f9 | df00 08eb
2472 0x000000010a7ba948: a100 0054 | e818 47f9 | 0805 0091 | e818 07f9 | 1c00 0014 | e9e0 3891 | 2801 40f9 | df00 08eb
2473 0x000000010a7ba968: a100 0054 | e820 47f9 | 0805 0091 | e820 07f9 | 1400 0014 | e9a0 3891 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2474 0x000000010a7ba988: 2601 00f9 | e803 40b2 | e9c0 3891 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | e9e0 3891 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2475 0x000000010a7ba9a8: 2601 00f9 | e803 40b2 | e900 3991 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | e80c 47f9 | 0805 0091 | e80c 07f9
2476 0x000000010a7ba9c8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b378} 'method_1237' '(II)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
2477 0x000000010a7ba9c8: 06a3 86d2 | 265d aef2 | 2600 c0f2 | c7ac 40b9 | e708 0011 | c7ac 00b9 | e74c 1f12 | ff00 0071
2478 0x000000010a7ba9e8: 2066 0254 | e603 05aa
2480 0x000000010a7ba9f0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017109b378} 'method_1237' '(II)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
2481 0x000000010a7ba9f0: 07a3 86d2 | 275d aef2 | 2700 c0f2 | c608 40b9 | c600 5dd2 | e900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | df00 08eb
2482 0x000000010a7baa10: a100 0054 | e884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | e884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | e940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | df00 08eb
2483 0x000000010a7baa30: a100 0054 | e88c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | e88c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | e900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2484 0x000000010a7baa50: 2601 00f9 | e803 40b2 | e920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | e940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2485 0x000000010a7baa70: 2601 00f9 | e803 40b2 | e960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | e878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | e878 00f9
2486 0x000000010a7baa90: e203 04aa | e403 0032 | e103 05aa
2488 0x000000010a7baa9c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2489 ;*invokevirtual method_22594 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2490 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1237@4 (line 237)
2491 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@543 (line 1300)
2492 ; {optimized virtual_call}
2493 0x000000010a7baa9c: 092a 0094
2495 0x000000010a7baaa0: ; {other}
2496 0x000000010a7baaa0: 1f20 03d5 | 1f72 8cf2 | 1f20 86f2
2498 0x000000010a7baaac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2499 0x000000010a7baaac: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2828 47f9 | 0805 0091 | 2828 07f9
2501 0x000000010a7baac4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
2502 0x000000010a7baac4: 0173 8bd2 | c154 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
2503 0x000000010a7baae4: 405f 0254
2505 0x000000010a7baae8: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c2ed81a8} = 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
2506 0x000000010a7baae8: 0135 90d2 | a15d b8f2 | c100 c0f2 | 218c 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3
2508 0x000000010a7baafc: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf6ec
2509 0x000000010a7baafc: 3f00 40f9 | e003 01aa
2511 0x000000010a7bab04: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
2512 0x000000010a7bab04: 0273 8bd2 | c254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 4900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
2513 0x000000010a7bab24: a100 0054 | 4884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 4940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
2514 0x000000010a7bab44: a100 0054 | 488c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 488c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 4900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2515 0x000000010a7bab64: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 4940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2516 0x000000010a7bab84: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
2517 0x000000010a7baba4: 0984 80d2 | c91b a0f2 | 0901 c0f2
2519 0x000000010a7babb0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2520 ;*invokeinterface getAsLong {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2521 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@3 (line 141)
2522 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@547 (line 1301)
2523 ; {virtual_call}
2524 0x000000010a7babb0: 3405 a195
2526 0x000000010a7babb4: ; {other}
2527 0x000000010a7babb4: 1f20 03d5 | 9f94 8cf2 | 1f40 86f2 | e587 40f9 | 0000 05cb | e16b 40f9 | 201c 00f9 | e21b 41b9
2528 0x000000010a7babd4: 5f00 0071
2530 0x000000010a7babd8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2531 0x000000010a7babd8: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 08cc 81d2 | 09ce 81d2 | 0301 899a | 0468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2532 0x000000010a7babf8: 0468 23f8 | e21b 01b9 | c00f 0054
2534 0x000000010a7bac04: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2535 ;*invokestatic method_41719 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2536 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@561 (line 1303)
2537 ; {static_call}
2538 0x000000010a7bac04: df06 6b95
2540 0x000000010a7bac08: ; {other}
2541 0x000000010a7bac08: 1f20 03d5 | 1f9f 8cf2 | 1f60 86f2
2543 0x000000010a7bac14: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
2544 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2545 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@565 (line 1303)
2546 ; {runtime_call load_appendix_patching Runtime1 stub}
2547 0x000000010a7bac14: 5b67 6e95 | e16b 40f9 | e0ab 00f9
2549 0x000000010a7bac20: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [336]=Oop }
2550 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2551 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@565 (line 1303)
2552 ; {static_call}
2553 0x000000010a7bac20: d806 6b95
2555 0x000000010a7bac24: ; {other}
2556 0x000000010a7bac24: 1f20 03d5 | 9fa2 8cf2 | 1fa0 86f2
2558 0x000000010a7bac30: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2559 0x000000010a7bac30: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 42c0 3a91 | e103 00aa | a100 00b5 | 4900 40f9 | 2901 40b2
2560 0x000000010a7bac50: 4900 00f9 | 1600 0014 | 2108 40b9 | 2100 5dd2 | 4900 40f9 | 2100 09ca | 28f4 7e92 | 0802 00b4
2561 0x000000010a7bac70: e101 0837 | a901 00b4 | 3f05 00f1 | 6001 0054 | bf39 03d5 | 2100 09ca | 4900 40f9 | 2100 09ca
2562 0x000000010a7bac90: 28f4 7e92 | c800 00b4 | 4900 40f9 | 2901 7fb2 | 4900 00f9 | 0200 0014 | 4100 00f9 | e2ab 40f9
2563 0x000000010a7bacb0: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf6f0
2564 0x000000010a7bacb0: 5f00 40f9 | e103 02aa
2566 0x000000010a7bacb8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2567 0x000000010a7bacb8: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6860 47f9 | 0805 0091 | 6860 07f9
2569 0x000000010a7bacd0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120330288} 'ifPresent' '(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V' in 'java/util/Optional')}
2570 0x000000010a7bacd0: 01b2 85d2 | 614b aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 23ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 23ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
2571 0x000000010a7bacf0: 2050 0254 | 420c 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | e103 1faa | 5f00 01eb
2573 0x000000010a7bad04: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120330288} 'ifPresent' '(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V' in 'java/util/Optional')}
2574 0x000000010a7bad04: 01b2 85d2 | 614b aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0301 899a | 2468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2575 0x000000010a7bad24: 2468 23f8 | 6006 0054
2577 0x000000010a7bad2c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf714
2578 0x000000010a7bad2c: 1f00 40f9 | e103 00aa
2580 0x000000010a7bad34: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120330288} 'ifPresent' '(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V' in 'java/util/Optional')}
2581 0x000000010a7bad34: 03b2 85d2 | 634b aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 2108 40b9 | 2100 5dd2 | 6980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 3f00 08eb
2582 0x000000010a7bad54: a100 0054 | 6894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6894 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 69c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 3f00 08eb
2583 0x000000010a7bad74: a100 0054 | 689c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 689c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 6980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2584 0x000000010a7bad94: 2101 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69a0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 69c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2585 0x000000010a7badb4: 2101 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 69e0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 6888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6888 00f9
2586 0x000000010a7badd4: e103 00aa | e9ff 9fd2 | e9ff bff2 | e9ff dff2
2588 0x000000010a7bade4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2589 ;*invokeinterface accept {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2590 ; - java.util.Optional::ifPresent@12 (line 178)
2591 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@570 (line 1303)
2592 ; {virtual_call}
2593 0x000000010a7bade4: a705 6b95
2595 0x000000010a7bade8: ; {other}
2596 0x000000010a7bade8: 1f20 03d5 | 1fdb 8cf2 | 1fc0 86f2 | e16b 40f9 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
2598 0x000000010a7bae04: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2599 0x000000010a7bae04: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | c147 0254
2600 0x000000010a7bae24: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
2602 0x000000010a7bae2c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf71c
2603 0x000000010a7bae2c: 1f00 40f9
2605 0x000000010a7bae30: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2606 0x000000010a7bae30: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
2608 0x000000010a7bae3c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2609 0x000000010a7bae3c: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4920 3c91 | 2801 00f9 | 4888 47f9 | 0805 0091 | 4888 07f9
2610 0x000000010a7bae5c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e748} 'method_15405' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2611 0x000000010a7bae5c: 003e 85d2 | 8055 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2612 0x000000010a7bae7c: 2045 0254 | 2090 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
2614 0x000000010a7bae88: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf740
2615 0x000000010a7bae88: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
2617 0x000000010a7bae90: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2618 0x000000010a7bae90: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6898 47f9 | 0805 0091 | 6898 07f9 | e103 00aa
2620 0x000000010a7baeac: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2621 ;*invokevirtual method_15998 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2622 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@589 (line 1307)
2623 ; {optimized virtual_call}
2624 0x000000010a7baeac: d51f 0194
2626 0x000000010a7baeb0: ; {other}
2627 0x000000010a7baeb0: 1f20 03d5 | 1ff4 8cf2 | 1fe0 86f2 | e16b 40f9
2629 0x000000010a7baec0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2630 0x000000010a7baec0: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 08b4 47f9 | 0805 0091 | 08b4 07f9
2632 0x000000010a7baed8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074858} 'method_16009' '()I' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2633 0x000000010a7baed8: 014b 87d2 | 215d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 20ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
2634 0x000000010a7baef8: 6042 0254 | e16b 40f9 | 207c 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa | 1f00 02eb
2636 0x000000010a7baf10: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074858} 'method_16009' '()I' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2637 0x000000010a7baf10: 004b 87d2 | 205d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0211 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
2638 0x000000010a7baf30: 0368 22f8 | a103 0054 | 2098 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa | 1f00 02eb
2640 0x000000010a7baf48: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074858} 'method_16009' '()I' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2641 0x000000010a7baf48: 004b 87d2 | 205d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0822 80d2 | 0924 80d2 | 0211 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
2642 0x000000010a7baf68: 0368 22f8 | 6103 0054 | 209c 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa | 1f00 02eb
2644 0x000000010a7baf80: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074858} 'method_16009' '()I' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2645 0x000000010a7baf80: 004b 87d2 | 205d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0828 80d2 | 0926 80d2 | 0211 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
2646 0x000000010a7bafa0: 0368 22f8 | a101 0054 | 2090 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
2648 0x000000010a7bafb0: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf764
2649 0x000000010a7bafb0: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
2651 0x000000010a7bafb8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074858} 'method_16009' '()I' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2652 0x000000010a7bafb8: 034b 87d2 | 235d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68a8 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68a8 00f9 | 0030 40b9 | 0200 0014
2653 0x000000010a7bafd8: e00f 1e32 | 1f10 0471
2655 0x000000010a7bafe0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2656 0x000000010a7bafe0: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 08f6 81d2 | 09f4 81d2 | 03b1 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2657 0x000000010a7bb000: 4468 23f8 | 6b00 0054 | e01f 01b9 | 0e00 0014
2659 0x000000010a7bb010: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2660 0x000000010a7bb010: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 48e0 47f9 | 0805 0091 | 48e0 07f9 | e103 00aa | e01f 01b9
2661 0x000000010a7bb030: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2662 ;*invokestatic limitDisplayFPS {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2663 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@608 (line 1310)
2664 ; {static_call}
2665 0x000000010a7bb030: 1405 0294
2667 0x000000010a7bb034: ; {other}
2668 0x000000010a7bb034: 1f20 03d5 | 9f24 8df2 | 1f00 87f2 | e16b 40f9 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
2670 0x000000010a7bb050: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2671 0x000000010a7bb050: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | e137 0254
2672 0x000000010a7bb070: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
2674 0x000000010a7bb078: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf76c
2675 0x000000010a7bb078: 1f00 40f9
2677 0x000000010a7bb07c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2678 0x000000010a7bb07c: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
2680 0x000000010a7bb088: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2681 0x000000010a7bb088: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4980 3f91 | 2801 00f9 | 48f4 47f9 | 0805 0091 | 48f4 07f9
2682 0x000000010a7bb0a8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e748} 'method_15405' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2683 0x000000010a7bb0a8: 003e 85d2 | 8055 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2684 0x000000010a7bb0c8: 4035 0254
2686 0x000000010a7bb0cc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2687 0x000000010a7bb0cc: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0804 48f9 | 0805 0091 | 0804 08f9
2689 0x000000010a7bb0e4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2690 0x000000010a7bb0e4: 0014 9cd2 | e03a a4f2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2691 0x000000010a7bb104: 6034 0254
2693 0x000000010a7bb108: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2694 0x000000010a7bb108: 0014 9cd2 | e03a a4f2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9 | 80c3 41f9 | 0000 40f9
2695 0x000000010a7bb128: 0001 00b5
2697 0x000000010a7bb12c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2698 0x000000010a7bb12c: 0514 9cd2 | e53a a4f2 | 2500 c0f2 | a8e4 4339 | 0801 40b2 | a8e4 0339 | 3600 0014
2700 0x000000010a7bb148: ; {metadata('java/lang/VirtualThread')}
2701 0x000000010a7bb148: 045f 90d2 | 8400 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0808 40b9 | 0801 5dd2 | 1f01 04eb | e104 0054
2703 0x000000010a7bb164: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2704 0x000000010a7bb164: 0514 9cd2 | e53a a4f2 | 2500 c0f2 | 0408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | a940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb
2705 0x000000010a7bb184: a100 0054 | a88c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | a88c 00f9 | 2400 0014 | a980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb
2706 0x000000010a7bb1a4: a100 0054 | a894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | a894 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | a940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2707 0x000000010a7bb1c4: 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | a960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 1400 0014 | a980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2708 0x000000010a7bb1e4: 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | a9a0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 0b00 0014
2710 0x000000010a7bb1fc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2711 0x000000010a7bb1fc: 0514 9cd2 | e53a a4f2 | 2500 c0f2 | a880 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | a880 00f9 | 0200 0014 | 0300 0014
2712 0x000000010a7bb21c: e203 1faa | 0200 0014 | e203 40b2 | 5f00 0071
2714 0x000000010a7bb22c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2715 0x000000010a7bb22c: 0214 9cd2 | e23a a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0827 80d2 | 0929 80d2 | 0301 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2716 0x000000010a7bb24c: 4468 23f8 | 400a 0054 | 0001 00b5
2718 0x000000010a7bb258: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2719 0x000000010a7bb258: 0414 9cd2 | e43a a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8844 4539 | 0801 40b2 | 8844 0539 | 3600 0014
2721 0x000000010a7bb274: ; {metadata('java/lang/VirtualThread')}
2722 0x000000010a7bb274: 035f 90d2 | 8300 a0f2 | 0301 c0f2 | 0808 40b9 | 0801 5dd2 | 1f01 03eb | e104 0054
2724 0x000000010a7bb290: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2725 0x000000010a7bb290: 0414 9cd2 | e43a a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 0308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 89a0 0591 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
2726 0x000000010a7bb2b0: a100 0054 | 88b8 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 88b8 00f9 | 2200 0014 | 89e0 0591 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
2727 0x000000010a7bb2d0: a100 0054 | 88c0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 88c0 00f9 | 1a00 0014 | 89a0 0591 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2728 0x000000010a7bb2f0: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 89c0 0591 | 2801 00f9 | 1200 0014 | 89e0 0591 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2729 0x000000010a7bb310: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8900 0691 | 2801 00f9 | 0a00 0014 | 0900 0014
2731 0x000000010a7bb328: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2732 0x000000010a7bb328: 0414 9cd2 | e43a a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 88ac 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | 88ac 00f9 | 1c11 0014 | 0100 0014
2733 0x000000010a7bb348: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf7b8
2734 0x000000010a7bb348: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
2736 0x000000010a7bb350: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2737 0x000000010a7bb350: 0314 9cd2 | e33a a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68c8 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68c8 00f9 | e103 00aa
2739 0x000000010a7bb36c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2740 ;*invokevirtual tryYield {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2741 ; - java.lang.Thread::yield@17 (line 443)
2742 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@623 (line 1314)
2743 ; {optimized virtual_call}
2744 0x000000010a7bb36c: 8503 6b95
2746 0x000000010a7bb370: ; {other}
2747 0x000000010a7bb370: 1f20 03d5 | 1f8c 8df2 | 1f20 87f2
2749 0x000000010a7bb37c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2750 0x000000010a7bb37c: 0014 9cd2 | e03a a4f2 | 2000 c0f2 | 01e4 40f9 | 2104 0091 | 01e4 00f9 | 0b00 0014
2752 0x000000010a7bb398: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
2753 0x000000010a7bb398: 0014 9cd2 | e03a a4f2 | 2000 c0f2 | 08f0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 08f0 00f9
2755 0x000000010a7bb3b0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2756 ;*invokestatic yield0 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2757 ; - java.lang.Thread::yield@23 (line 445)
2758 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@623 (line 1314)
2759 ; {static_call}
2760 0x000000010a7bb3b0: 2800 a295
2762 0x000000010a7bb3b4: ; {other}
2763 0x000000010a7bb3b4: 1f20 03d5 | 9f94 8df2 | 1f40 87f2 | e16b 40f9 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
2765 0x000000010a7bb3d0: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2766 0x000000010a7bb3d0: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | 811e 0254
2767 0x000000010a7bb3f0: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
2769 0x000000010a7bb3f8: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf7c0
2770 0x000000010a7bb3f8: 1f00 40f9
2772 0x000000010a7bb3fc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2773 0x000000010a7bb3fc: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
2775 0x000000010a7bb408: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2776 0x000000010a7bb408: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4904 4091 | 29a1 0091 | 2801 00f9 | 4818 48f9 | 0805 0091
2777 0x000000010a7bb428: 4818 08f9
2779 0x000000010a7bb42c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
2780 0x000000010a7bb42c: 0022 88d2 | a054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2781 0x000000010a7bb44c: c01b 0254 | 2090 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
2783 0x000000010a7bb458: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf7e4
2784 0x000000010a7bb458: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
2786 0x000000010a7bb460: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2787 0x000000010a7bb460: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6828 48f9 | 0805 0091 | 6828 08f9
2789 0x000000010a7bb478: ; {oop("Post render"{0x00000006c8a43b08})}
2790 0x000000010a7bb478: 0261 87d2 | 8214 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | 8303 4139 | 7f00 0071 | e11a 0254 | 48fc 43d3 | 086c 00b9
2791 0x000000010a7bb498: 0300 02ca | 63fc 56d3 | 7f00 00f1 | e11a 0254 | 2068 40b9 | 0004 0011 | 2068 00b9 | e003 01aa
2792 0x000000010a7bb4b8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2793 0x000000010a7bb4b8: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
2795 0x000000010a7bb4c4: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_310')}
2796 0x000000010a7bb4c4: 08cf 85d2 | 8816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4904 4091 | 2961 0291 | 2801 00f9 | 4850 48f9 | 0805 0091
2797 0x000000010a7bb4e4: 4850 08f9
2799 0x000000010a7bb4e8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710788e8} 'method_1496' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2800 0x000000010a7bb4e8: 0058 96d2 | e05c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2801 0x000000010a7bb508: 4018 0254 | 20d8 4139 | 1f00 0071
2803 0x000000010a7bb514: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710788e8} 'method_1496' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2804 0x000000010a7bb514: 0058 96d2 | e05c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0201 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
2805 0x000000010a7bb534: 0368 22f8 | e001 0054 | 2084 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa | 1f00 02eb
2807 0x000000010a7bb54c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710788e8} 'method_1496' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2808 0x000000010a7bb54c: 0058 96d2 | e05c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0824 80d2 | 0922 80d2 | 0211 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
2809 0x000000010a7bb56c: 0368 22f8 | 6100 0054 | 0000 a052 | 0800 0014
2811 0x000000010a7bb57c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710788e8} 'method_1496' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2812 0x000000010a7bb57c: 0058 96d2 | e05c aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0298 40f9 | 4204 0091 | 0298 00f9 | e003 0032 | 0000 0012
2813 0x000000010a7bb59c: 1f00 0071
2815 0x000000010a7bb5a0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2816 0x000000010a7bb5a0: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0818 82d2 | 091a 82d2 | 0201 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
2817 0x000000010a7bb5c0: 0368 22f8 | 4018 0054 | 2098 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa | 1f00 02eb
2819 0x000000010a7bb5d8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2820 0x000000010a7bb5d8: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 081c 82d2 | 091e 82d2 | 0301 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2821 0x000000010a7bb5f8: 4468 23f8 | a008 0054
2823 0x000000010a7bb600: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf830
2824 0x000000010a7bb600: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
2826 0x000000010a7bb608: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2827 0x000000010a7bb608: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 6904 4091 | 2941 0491 | 2801 40f9
2828 0x000000010a7bb628: 5f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 688c 48f9 | 0805 0091 | 688c 08f9 | 2100 0014 | 6904 4091 | 2981 0491
2829 0x000000010a7bb648: 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 6894 48f9 | 0805 0091 | 6894 08f9 | 1800 0014 | 6904 4091
2830 0x000000010a7bb668: 2941 0491 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6904 4091 | 2961 0491 | 2801 00f9
2831 0x000000010a7bb688: 0e00 0014 | 6904 4091 | 2981 0491 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6904 4091
2832 0x000000010a7bb6a8: 29a1 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 6880 48f9 | 0805 0091 | 6880 08f9 | e103 00aa | e9ff 9fd2
2833 0x000000010a7bb6c8: e9ff bff2 | e9ff dff2
2835 0x000000010a7bb6d0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2836 ;*invokevirtual method_25421 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2837 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@674 (line 1320)
2838 ; {virtual_call}
2839 0x000000010a7bb6d0: 6c03 6b95
2841 0x000000010a7bb6d4: ; {other}
2842 0x000000010a7bb6d4: 1f20 03d5 | 9ff8 8df2 | 1f60 87f2 | 1f00 0071
2844 0x000000010a7bb6e4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2845 0x000000010a7bb6e4: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0827 82d2 | 0929 82d2 | 0011 899a | 2268 60f8 | 4204 0091
2846 0x000000010a7bb704: 2268 20f8 | e16b 40f9 | 6105 0054 | 209c 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa | 1f00 02eb
2848 0x000000010a7bb720: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2849 0x000000010a7bb720: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 082b 82d2 | 092d 82d2 | 0301 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2850 0x000000010a7bb740: 4468 23f8 | 400c 0054
2852 0x000000010a7bb748: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf834
2853 0x000000010a7bb748: 1f00 40f9
2855 0x000000010a7bb74c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2856 0x000000010a7bb74c: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
2858 0x000000010a7bb758: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_425')}
2859 0x000000010a7bb758: 08be 92d2 | 8816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4904 4091 | 2921 0691 | 2801 00f9 | 48c8 48f9 | 0805 0091
2860 0x000000010a7bb778: 48c8 08f9
2862 0x000000010a7bb77c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001710b1d78} 'method_18640' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_425')}
2863 0x000000010a7bb77c: 00b7 87d2 | 205d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
2864 0x000000010a7bb79c: e004 0254
2866 0x000000010a7bb7a0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2867 0x000000010a7bb7a0: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02e0 48f9 | 4204 0091 | 02e0 08f9 | 2084 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3
2868 0x000000010a7bb7c0: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf858
2869 0x000000010a7bb7c0: 1f00 40f9 | e203 00aa
2871 0x000000010a7bb7c8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2872 0x000000010a7bb7c8: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 6904 4091 | 2981 0791 | 2801 40f9
2873 0x000000010a7bb7e8: 5f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 68f4 48f9 | 0805 0091 | 68f4 08f9 | 2100 0014 | 6904 4091 | 29c1 0791
2874 0x000000010a7bb808: 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 68fc 48f9 | 0805 0091 | 68fc 08f9 | 1800 0014 | 6904 4091
2875 0x000000010a7bb828: 2981 0791 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6904 4091 | 29a1 0791 | 2801 00f9
2876 0x000000010a7bb848: 0e00 0014 | 6904 4091 | 29c1 0791 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6904 4091
2877 0x000000010a7bb868: 29e1 0791 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 68e8 48f9 | 0805 0091 | 68e8 08f9 | e103 00aa | e9ff 9fd2
2878 0x000000010a7bb888: e9ff bff2 | e9ff dff2
2880 0x000000010a7bb890: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
2881 ;*invokevirtual method_3860 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2882 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@701 (line 1320)
2883 ; {virtual_call}
2884 0x000000010a7bb890: fc02 6b95
2886 0x000000010a7bb894: ; {other}
2887 0x000000010a7bb894: 1f20 03d5 | 9f30 8ef2 | 1f80 87f2 | 1f00 0071
2889 0x000000010a7bb8a4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2890 0x000000010a7bb8a4: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0843 82d2 | 0941 82d2 | 0001 899a | 2268 60f8 | 4204 0091
2891 0x000000010a7bb8c4: 2268 20f8 | 6000 0054 | 0100 a052 | 0800 0014
2893 0x000000010a7bb8d4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2894 0x000000010a7bb8d4: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2014 49f9 | 0004 0091 | 2014 09f9 | e103 0032 | e06b 40f9
2895 0x000000010a7bb8f4: 2100 0012 | bf3b 03d5 | 01e0 0139 | bf3b 03d5 | 0194 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3 | bf3b 03d5 | 02e0 4139
2896 0x000000010a7bb914: bf39 03d5
2898 0x000000010a7bb918: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf85c
2899 0x000000010a7bb918: 3f00 40f9 | e303 01aa
2901 0x000000010a7bb920: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2902 0x000000010a7bb920: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
2904 0x000000010a7bb92c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
2905 0x000000010a7bb92c: 0800 90d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8904 4091 | 2941 0991 | 2801 00f9 | 882c 49f9 | 0805 0091
2906 0x000000010a7bb94c: 882c 09f9
2908 0x000000010a7bb950: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171112998} 'method_60642' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
2909 0x000000010a7bb950: 0317 9ed2 | e35c aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
2910 0x000000010a7bb970: 80f7 0154 | 5f00 0071
2912 0x000000010a7bb978: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171112998} 'method_60642' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
2913 0x000000010a7bb978: 0217 9ed2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0301 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2914 0x000000010a7bb998: 4468 23f8 | e203 01aa | e004 0054
2916 0x000000010a7bb9a4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171112998} 'method_60642' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
2917 0x000000010a7bb9a4: 0317 9ed2 | e35c aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6888 00f9
2919 0x000000010a7bb9bc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171112a68} 'method_60643' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
2920 0x000000010a7bb9bc: 0253 9ed2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
2921 0x000000010a7bb9dc: 20f5 0154 | 22c0 4039 | 5f00 0071
2923 0x000000010a7bb9e8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171112a68} 'method_60643' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
2924 0x000000010a7bb9e8: 0253 9ed2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0311 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2925 0x000000010a7bba08: 4468 23f8 | 6100 0054 | 202c 40bd | 2020 00bd | e203 0032 | 22c0 0039
2927 0x000000010a7bba20: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171112998} 'method_60642' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
2928 0x000000010a7bba20: 0117 9ed2 | e15c aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22a4 40f9 | 4204 0091 | 22a4 00f9 | 1f00 0014
2930 0x000000010a7bba3c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171112998} 'method_60642' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
2931 0x000000010a7bba3c: 0317 9ed2 | e35c aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68b0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68b0 00f9
2933 0x000000010a7bba54: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171112b38} 'method_60645' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
2934 0x000000010a7bba54: 027b 9ed2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
2935 0x000000010a7bba74: 60f1 0154 | 22c0 4039 | 5f00 0071
2937 0x000000010a7bba80: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171112b38} 'method_60645' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
2938 0x000000010a7bba80: 027b 9ed2 | e25c aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0301 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
2939 0x000000010a7bbaa0: 4468 23f8 | 6000 0054 | 2020 40bd | 202c 00bd | 3fc0 0039 | 0294 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | e103 00aa
2940 0x000000010a7bbac0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2941 0x000000010a7bbac0: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 683c 49f9 | 0805 0091 | 683c 09f9
2943 0x000000010a7bbad8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171076d70} 'method_60647' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2944 0x000000010a7bbad8: 0176 81d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 23ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 23ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
2945 0x000000010a7bbaf8: 40ee 0154 | 017c 41b9 | 21f0 7dd3 | e303 1faa | 3f00 03eb
2947 0x000000010a7bbb0c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171076d70} 'method_60647' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2948 0x000000010a7bbb0c: 0376 81d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0401 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
2949 0x000000010a7bbb2c: 6568 24f8 | e2af 00f9 | a008 0054
2951 0x000000010a7bbb38: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf8e0
2952 0x000000010a7bbb38: 3f00 40f9 | e303 01aa
2954 0x000000010a7bbb40: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171076d70} 'method_60647' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2955 0x000000010a7bbb40: 0476 81d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 6308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 8980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
2956 0x000000010a7bbb60: a100 0054 | 8894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8894 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 89c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
2957 0x000000010a7bbb80: a100 0054 | 889c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 889c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 8980 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2958 0x000000010a7bbba0: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 89a0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 89c0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
2959 0x000000010a7bbbc0: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 89e0 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 8888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8888 00f9
2960 0x000000010a7bbbe0: 099c 8dd2 | 0936 a0f2 | 0900 ccf2
2962 0x000000010a7bbbec: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [344]=Oop }
2963 ;*invokevirtual method_54719 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2964 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_60647@11 (line 2015)
2965 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@731 (line 1322)
2966 ; {virtual_call}
2967 0x000000010a7bbbec: d013 6b95
2969 0x000000010a7bbbf0: ; {other}
2970 0x000000010a7bbbf0: 1f20 03d5 | 1f9c 8ef2 | 1fa0 87f2 | e103 00aa | 0941 92d2 | c923 a0f2 | 0901 c0f2
2972 0x000000010a7bbc0c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [344]=Oop }
2973 ;*invokevirtual method_54751 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
2974 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_60647@14 (line 2015)
2975 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@731 (line 1322)
2976 ; {virtual_call}
2977 0x000000010a7bbc0c: 5dc1 ad95
2979 0x000000010a7bbc10: ; {other}
2980 0x000000010a7bbc10: 1f20 03d5 | 1fa0 8ef2 | 1fc0 87f2 | 1f00 0071
2982 0x000000010a7bbc20: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171076d70} 'method_60647' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2983 0x000000010a7bbc20: 0176 81d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | e807 79b2 | 0932 80d2 | 0001 899a | 2268 60f8 | 4204 0091
2984 0x000000010a7bbc40: 2268 20f8 | 2001 0054
2986 0x000000010a7bbc48: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171076d70} 'method_60647' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2987 0x000000010a7bbc48: 0176 81d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 20d0 40f9 | 0004 0091 | 20d0 00f9 | e103 0032 | 0200 0014
2988 0x000000010a7bbc68: 0100 a052 | 2100 0012 | 3f00 0071
2990 0x000000010a7bbc74: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2991 0x000000010a7bbc74: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 0856 82d2 | 0958 82d2 | 0011 899a | 2268 60f8 | 4204 0091
2992 0x000000010a7bbc94: 2268 20f8 | 2101 0054
2994 0x000000010a7bbc9c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
2995 0x000000010a7bbc9c: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2068 49f9 | 0004 0091 | 2068 09f9 | e103 0032 | 0200 0014
2996 0x000000010a7bbcbc: 0100 a052 | e2af 40f9
2998 0x000000010a7bbcc4: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf8e4
2999 0x000000010a7bbcc4: 5f00 40f9 | e403 02aa
3001 0x000000010a7bbccc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3002 0x000000010a7bbccc: 0544 94d2 | 055d aef2 | 2500 c0f2
3004 0x000000010a7bbcd8: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
3005 0x000000010a7bbcd8: 0800 90d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | a904 4091 | 29e1 0b91 | 2801 00f9 | a880 49f9 | 0805 0091
3006 0x000000010a7bbcf8: a880 09f9 | 2100 0012 | 41c4 0039
3008 0x000000010a7bbd04: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3009 0x000000010a7bbd04: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2890 49f9 | 0805 0091 | 2890 09f9
3011 0x000000010a7bbd1c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
3012 0x000000010a7bbd1c: 0173 8bd2 | c154 aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 22ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
3013 0x000000010a7bbd3c: 60dd 0154
3015 0x000000010a7bbd40: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c2ed81a8} = 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
3016 0x000000010a7bbd40: 0135 90d2 | a15d b8f2 | c100 c0f2 | 218c 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3
3018 0x000000010a7bbd54: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf908
3019 0x000000010a7bbd54: 3f00 40f9 | e203 01aa
3021 0x000000010a7bbd5c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
3022 0x000000010a7bbd5c: 0473 8bd2 | c454 aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 4208 40b9 | 4200 5dd2 | 8900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
3023 0x000000010a7bbd7c: a100 0054 | 8884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 8940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 5f00 08eb
3024 0x000000010a7bbd9c: a100 0054 | 888c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 888c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 8900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
3025 0x000000010a7bbdbc: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 8940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
3026 0x000000010a7bbddc: 2201 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9
3027 0x000000010a7bbdfc: 0984 80d2 | c91b a0f2 | 0901 c0f2
3029 0x000000010a7bbe08: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3030 ;*invokeinterface getAsLong {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3031 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@3 (line 141)
3032 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@745 (line 1324)
3033 ; {virtual_call}
3034 0x000000010a7bbe08: 9e00 a195
3036 0x000000010a7bbe0c: ; {other}
3037 0x000000010a7bbe0c: 1f20 03d5 | 9fdf 8ef2 | 1fe0 87f2 | e16b 40f9 | 2214 40f9 | 0200 02cb | e51b 41b9 | bf00 0071
3038 0x000000010a7bbe2c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3039 0x000000010a7bbe2c: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 0866 82d2 | 0968 82d2 | 0401 899a | 6568 64f8 | a504 0091
3040 0x000000010a7bbe4c: 6568 24f8 | 4000 0054 | 2220 00f9 | e0b7 00f9 | e303 01aa
3042 0x000000010a7bbe60: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3043 0x000000010a7bbe60: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
3045 0x000000010a7bbe6c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_310')}
3046 0x000000010a7bbe6c: 08cf 85d2 | 8816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8904 4091 | 2981 0d91 | 2801 00f9 | 88b4 49f9 | 0805 0091
3047 0x000000010a7bbe8c: 88b4 09f9
3049 0x000000010a7bbe90: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017107b5d0} 'method_53526' '()Lnet/minecraft/class_340;' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3050 0x000000010a7bbe90: 0365 8cd2 | 835a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3051 0x000000010a7bbeb0: e0d2 0154 | 23c4 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3
3053 0x000000010a7bbebc: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf92c
3054 0x000000010a7bbebc: 7f00 40f9 | e403 03aa
3056 0x000000010a7bbec4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017107b5d0} 'method_53526' '()Lnet/minecraft/class_340;' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3057 0x000000010a7bbec4: 0565 8cd2 | 855a aef2 | 2500 c0f2 | a884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | a884 00f9 | 6368 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3
3058 0x000000010a7bbee4: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf930
3059 0x000000010a7bbee4: 7f00 40f9 | e403 03aa
3061 0x000000010a7bbeec: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3062 0x000000010a7bbeec: 0544 94d2 | 055d aef2 | 2500 c0f2
3064 0x000000010a7bbef8: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_340')}
3065 0x000000010a7bbef8: 080f 8ad2 | e81c a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | a904 4091 | 2961 0e91 | 2801 00f9 | a8d0 49f9 | 0805 0091
3066 0x000000010a7bbf18: a8d0 09f9
3068 0x000000010a7bbf1c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724b16b0} 'method_53534' '(J)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_340')}
3069 0x000000010a7bbf1c: 04d8 87d2 | 245d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 85ac 40b9 | a508 0011 | 85ac 00b9 | a54c 1f12 | bf00 0071
3070 0x000000010a7bbf3c: c0cf 0154 | 6330 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3
3072 0x000000010a7bbf48: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf954
3073 0x000000010a7bbf48: 7f00 40f9 | e403 03aa
3075 0x000000010a7bbf50: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724b16b0} 'method_53534' '(J)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_340')}
3076 0x000000010a7bbf50: 05d8 87d2 | 255d aef2 | 2500 c0f2 | 8408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | a900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb
3077 0x000000010a7bbf70: a100 0054 | a884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | a884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | a940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb
3078 0x000000010a7bbf90: a100 0054 | a88c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | a88c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | a900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
3079 0x000000010a7bbfb0: 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | a920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | a940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
3080 0x000000010a7bbfd0: 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | a960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | a878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | a878 00f9
3081 0x000000010a7bbff0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724b7aa0} 'method_53066' '(J)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9187')}
3082 0x000000010a7bbff0: 0407 88d2 | 245d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 85ac 40b9 | a508 0011 | 85ac 00b9 | a54c 1f12 | bf00 0071
3083 0x000000010a7bc010: 40ca 0154 | 6410 40b9 | 84f0 7dd3
3085 0x000000010a7bc01c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf978
3086 0x000000010a7bc01c: 850c 40b9 | bf00 0071 | c9ca 0154 | 8208 00f9 | e203 03aa
3088 0x000000010a7bc030: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724b7aa0} 'method_53066' '(J)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9187')}
3089 0x000000010a7bc030: 0407 88d2 | 245d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
3091 0x000000010a7bc03c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_9191')}
3092 0x000000010a7bc03c: 0874 8bd2 | e81c a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8900 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 8884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8884 00f9
3093 0x000000010a7bc05c: e103 03aa | e3b3 00f9
3095 0x000000010a7bc064: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [352]=Oop }
3096 ;*invokevirtual method_56649 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3097 ; - net.minecraft.class_9187::method_53066@8 (line 25)
3098 ; - net.minecraft.class_340::method_53534@5 (line 572)
3099 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@776 (line 1329)
3100 ; {optimized virtual_call}
3101 0x000000010a7bc064: 970c 0194
3103 0x000000010a7bc068: ; {other}
3104 0x000000010a7bc068: 1f20 03d5 | 1f2b 8ff2 | 1f00 88f2 | e3b3 40f9
3106 0x000000010a7bc078: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001724b7aa0} 'method_53066' '(J)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9187')}
3107 0x000000010a7bc078: 0107 88d2 | 215d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 6308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 29e0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
3108 0x000000010a7bc098: a100 0054 | 28a0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 28a0 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 2920 0591 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
3109 0x000000010a7bc0b8: a100 0054 | 28a8 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 28a8 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 29e0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
3110 0x000000010a7bc0d8: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 2900 0591 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 2920 0591 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
3111 0x000000010a7bc0f8: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 2940 0591 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 2894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2894 00f9
3112 0x000000010a7bc118: e1b3 40f9
3114 0x000000010a7bc11c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3115 ;*invokevirtual method_56651 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3116 ; - net.minecraft.class_9187::method_53066@12 (line 26)
3117 ; - net.minecraft.class_340::method_53534@5 (line 572)
3118 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@776 (line 1329)
3119 ; {optimized virtual_call}
3120 0x000000010a7bc11c: 392c 0194
3122 0x000000010a7bc120: ; {other}
3123 0x000000010a7bc120: 1f20 03d5 | 1f42 8ff2 | 1f20 88f2 | e16b 40f9 | e0b7 40f9 | 2014 00f9 | 20b8 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3
3124 0x000000010a7bc140: 4001 00b4
3126 0x000000010a7bc144: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
3127 0x000000010a7bc144: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | a1c1 0154
3128 0x000000010a7bc164: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
3130 0x000000010a7bc16c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf998
3131 0x000000010a7bc16c: 1f00 40f9
3133 0x000000010a7bc170: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3134 0x000000010a7bc170: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
3136 0x000000010a7bc17c: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
3137 0x000000010a7bc17c: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4904 4091 | 2941 0f91 | 2801 00f9 | 48ec 49f9 | 0805 0091
3138 0x000000010a7bc19c: 48ec 09f9
3140 0x000000010a7bc1a0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
3141 0x000000010a7bc1a0: 0054 93d2 | c054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
3142 0x000000010a7bc1c0: e0be 0154 | 20cc 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa | 1f00 02eb
3144 0x000000010a7bc1d4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3145 0x000000010a7bc1d4: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 087f 82d2 | 0981 82d2 | 0301 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
3146 0x000000010a7bc1f4: 4468 23f8 | 0005 0054 | e103 00aa | e9ff 9fd2 | e9ff bff2 | e9ff dff2
3148 0x000000010a7bc20c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3149 ;*invokevirtual method_41723 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3150 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@808 (line 1334)
3151 ; {virtual_call}
3152 0x000000010a7bc20c: 9d00 6b95
3154 0x000000010a7bc210: ; {other}
3155 0x000000010a7bc210: 1f20 03d5 | 1f60 8ff2 | 1f40 88f2 | 1f00 0071
3157 0x000000010a7bc220: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3158 0x000000010a7bc220: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 088a 82d2 | 098c 82d2 | 0001 899a | 2268 60f8 | 4204 0091
3159 0x000000010a7bc240: 2268 20f8 | a002 0054 | e16b 40f9 | 20cc 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e103 00aa | e9ff 9fd2 | e9ff bff2
3160 0x000000010a7bc260: e9ff dff2
3162 0x000000010a7bc264: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3163 ;*invokevirtual method_41724 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3164 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@819 (line 1335)
3165 ; {virtual_call}
3166 0x000000010a7bc264: 8700 6b95
3168 0x000000010a7bc268: ; {other}
3169 0x000000010a7bc268: 1f20 03d5 | 1f6b 8ff2 | 1f60 88f2 | e16b 40f9 | 2220 40f9 | 0000 629e
3171 0x000000010a7bc280: ; {section_word}
3172 0x000000010a7bc280: 48e8 fc10 | 0101 40fd | 0208 611e | 4000 629e | 4118 601e | 2124 00fd
3174 0x000000010a7bc298: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3175 0x000000010a7bc298: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4854 4af9 | 0805 0091 | 4854 0af9
3177 0x000000010a7bc2b0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243d20} 'method_658' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
3178 0x000000010a7bc2b0: 0200 80d2 | 8255 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
3179 0x000000010a7bc2d0: 60b7 0154
3181 0x000000010a7bc2d4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243d20} 'method_658' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
3182 0x000000010a7bc2d4: 0200 80d2 | 8255 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
3184 0x000000010a7bc2ec: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
3185 0x000000010a7bc2ec: 0273 8bd2 | c254 aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
3186 0x000000010a7bc30c: 80b6 0154
3188 0x000000010a7bc310: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c2ed81a8} = 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
3189 0x000000010a7bc310: 0235 90d2 | a25d b8f2 | c200 c0f2 | 428c 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3
3191 0x000000010a7bc324: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bf9fc
3192 0x000000010a7bc324: 5f00 40f9 | e303 02aa
3194 0x000000010a7bc32c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
3195 0x000000010a7bc32c: 0473 8bd2 | c454 aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 6308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 8900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
3196 0x000000010a7bc34c: a100 0054 | 8884 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8884 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 8940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb
3197 0x000000010a7bc36c: a100 0054 | 888c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 888c 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 8900 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
3198 0x000000010a7bc38c: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8920 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 8940 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
3199 0x000000010a7bc3ac: 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8960 0491 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9
3200 0x000000010a7bc3cc: e103 02aa | 0984 80d2 | c91b a0f2 | 0901 c0f2
3202 0x000000010a7bc3dc: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3203 ;*invokeinterface getAsLong {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3204 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@3 (line 141)
3205 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_658@0 (line 137)
3206 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@836 (line 1338)
3207 ; {virtual_call}
3208 0x000000010a7bc3dc: 29ff a095
3210 0x000000010a7bc3e0: ; {other}
3211 0x000000010a7bc3e0: 1f20 03d5 | 1f9a 8ff2 | 1f80 88f2 | 0148 88d2 | e101 a0f2 | 020c c19a | e16b 40f9 | 2018 40f9
3212 0x000000010a7bc400: 037d 80d2 | 0000 038b | 5f00 00eb
3214 0x000000010a7bc40c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3215 0x000000010a7bc40c: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0897 82d2 | 0999 82d2 | 00b1 899a | 4368 60f8 | 6304 0091
3216 0x000000010a7bc42c: 4368 20f8 | 2bce 0054 | 2024 40fd | 01e4 002f | 0020 611e | e207 9f9a | 42a4 82da | 5f00 0071
3217 0x000000010a7bc44c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3218 0x000000010a7bc44c: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 089b 82d2 | 099d 82d2 | 00d1 899a | 4368 60f8 | 6304 0091
3219 0x000000010a7bc46c: 4368 20f8 | 8d0f 0054
3221 0x000000010a7bc474: ; {section_word}
3222 0x000000010a7bc474: e8d8 fc10 | 0101 40fd | 0020 611e | e207 9f9a | 42a4 82da | 5f00 0071
3224 0x000000010a7bc48c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3225 0x000000010a7bc48c: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 089f 82d2 | 09a1 82d2 | 00d1 899a | 4368 60f8 | 6304 0091
3226 0x000000010a7bc4ac: 4368 20f8 | 4d07 0054
3228 0x000000010a7bc4b4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3229 0x000000010a7bc4b4: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 488c 4af9 | 0805 0091 | 488c 0af9
3231 0x000000010a7bc4cc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012000fc88} 'valueOf' '(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/lang/String')}
3232 0x000000010a7bc4cc: 022e 9fd2 | 620c a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 40ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 40ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
3233 0x000000010a7bc4ec: a0a8 0154
3235 0x000000010a7bc4f0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012000fc88} 'valueOf' '(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/lang/String')}
3236 0x000000010a7bc4f0: 022e 9fd2 | 620c a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4078 40f9 | 0004 0091 | 4078 00f9
3238 0x000000010a7bc508: ; {oop(a 'net/minecraft/class_124'{0x00000006c55f4dd0})}
3239 0x000000010a7bc508: 02ba 89d2 | e2ab b8f2 | c200 c0f2 | e003 02aa
3241 0x000000010a7bc518: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012000fc88} 'valueOf' '(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/lang/String')}
3242 0x000000010a7bc518: 032e 9fd2 | 630c a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6894 00f9
3244 0x000000010a7bc530: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfa20
3245 0x000000010a7bc530: 4224 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3
3247 0x000000010a7bc538: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
3248 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3249 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@877 (line 1341)
3250 ; {runtime_call load_appendix_patching Runtime1 stub}
3251 0x000000010a7bc538: 1261 6e95 | e103 02aa | e203 00aa
3253 0x000000010a7bc544: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3254 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3255 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@877 (line 1341)
3256 ; {static_call}
3257 0x000000010a7bc544: 8f00 6b95
3259 0x000000010a7bc548: ; {other}
3260 0x000000010a7bc548: 1f20 03d5 | 1fc7 8ff2 | 1fc0 88f2
3262 0x000000010a7bc554: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3263 0x000000010a7bc554: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2104 4091 | 2120 1591 | e203 00aa | 8200 00b5 | 2900 40f9
3264 0x000000010a7bc574: 2901 40b2 | 2900 00f9
3266 0x000000010a7bc57c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3267 0x000000010a7bc57c: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 4af9 | 4204 0091 | 22ac 0af9 | 1b00 0014
3269 0x000000010a7bc598: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3270 0x000000010a7bc598: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 08b8 4af9 | 0805 0091 | 08b8 0af9
3272 0x000000010a7bc5b0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3273 ;*invokestatic round {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3274 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@889 (line 1341)
3275 ; {static_call}
3276 0x000000010a7bc5b0: 7400 6b95
3278 0x000000010a7bc5b4: ; {other}
3279 0x000000010a7bc5b4: 1f20 03d5 | 9fd4 8ff2 | 1fe0 88f2
3281 0x000000010a7bc5c0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3282 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3283 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@892 (line 1341)
3284 ; {runtime_call load_appendix_patching Runtime1 stub}
3285 0x000000010a7bc5c0: f060 6e95 | e103 00aa
3287 0x000000010a7bc5c8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3288 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3289 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@892 (line 1341)
3290 ; {static_call}
3291 0x000000010a7bc5c8: 6e00 6b95
3293 0x000000010a7bc5cc: ; {other}
3294 0x000000010a7bc5cc: 1f20 03d5 | 9fd7 8ff2 | 1f20 89f2
3296 0x000000010a7bc5d8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3297 0x000000010a7bc5d8: 0144 94d2 | 015d aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2104 4091 | 2140 1691 | e203 00aa | 8200 00b5 | 2900 40f9
3298 0x000000010a7bc5f8: 2901 40b2 | 2900 00f9
3300 0x000000010a7bc600: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
3301 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3302 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@897 (line 1341)
3303 ; {runtime_call load_appendix_patching Runtime1 stub}
3304 0x000000010a7bc600: e060 6e95 | e103 00aa
3306 0x000000010a7bc608: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3307 ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3308 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@897 (line 1341)
3309 ; {static_call}
3310 0x000000010a7bc608: 5e00 6b95
3312 0x000000010a7bc60c: ; {other}
3313 0x000000010a7bc60c: 1f20 03d5 | 9fdf 8ff2 | 1f60 89f2
3315 0x000000010a7bc618: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3316 0x000000010a7bc618: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6304 4091 | 6300 1791 | e503 00aa | 8500 00b5 | 6900 40f9
3317 0x000000010a7bc638: 2901 40b2 | 6900 00f9
3319 0x000000010a7bc640: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3320 0x000000010a7bc640: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 65e8 4af9 | a504 0091 | 65e8 0af9 | e203 00aa | 0400 0014
3321 0x000000010a7bc660: ; {oop(""{0x00000006c0898e60})}
3322 0x000000010a7bc660: 02cc 91d2 | 2211 b8f2 | c200 c0f2 | e16b 40f9 | 2368 40b9
3324 0x000000010a7bc674: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006c9400708} = 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3325 0x000000010a7bc674: 04e1 80d2 | 0428 b9f2 | c400 c0f2 | 83a0 00b9 | f30b 0032
3327 0x000000010a7bc688: ; {metadata('java/lang/Object'[])}
3328 0x000000010a7bc688: 03c9 93d2 | a300 a0f2 | 0301 c0f2 | 737e 40d3 | e503 13aa | e85f 40b2 | 7f02 08eb | 029c 0154
3329 0x000000010a7bc6a8: eb02 80d2 | 6b49 338b | 6bf1 7d92 | 80df 40f9 | 0b60 2b8b | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | 089b 0154
3330 0x000000010a7bc6c8: 8bdf 00f9 | 6b01 00cb | ea03 40b2 | 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a4c 0129 | 6b41 00f1 | c001 0054
3331 0x000000010a7bc6e8: e803 0baa | 0a40 0091 | 0bfd 43d3 | 6821 00f1 | 4300 0054
3333 0x000000010a7bc6fc: ; {runtime_call StubRoutines (final stubs)}
3334 0x000000010a7bc6fc: d11b 6b95 | 6b00 1036 | 5f7d 81a8 | 5f7d 81a8 | 4b00 0836 | 5f7d 81a8 | 4b00 0036 | 5f01 00f9
3335 0x000000010a7bc71c: bf3a 03d5 | 85a0 40b9
3337 0x000000010a7bc724: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3338 0x000000010a7bc724: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68f4 4af9 | 0805 0091 | 68f4 0af9
3340 0x000000010a7bc73c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154ae0} 'valueOf' '(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3341 0x000000010a7bc73c: 03ac 82d2 | e309 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3342 0x000000010a7bc75c: 8096 0154 | bf00 0231
3344 0x000000010a7bc764: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154ae0} 'valueOf' '(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3345 0x000000010a7bc764: 03ac 82d2 | e309 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 04b1 899a | 6a68 64f8 | 4a05 0091
3346 0x000000010a7bc784: 6a68 24f8 | 8b01 0054 | bffc 0171
3348 0x000000010a7bc790: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154ae0} 'valueOf' '(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3349 0x000000010a7bc790: 03ac 82d2 | e309 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 0824 80d2 | 0922 80d2 | 04d1 899a | 6a68 64f8 | 4a05 0091
3350 0x000000010a7bc7b0: 6a68 24f8 | 6d08 0054
3352 0x000000010a7bc7b8: ; {metadata('java/lang/Integer')}
3353 0x000000010a7bc7b8: 031a 91d2 | a300 a0f2 | 0301 c0f2 | e603 00aa | 80df 40f9 | 0b40 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb
3354 0x000000010a7bc7d8: a893 0154 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2 | 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | bf3a 03d5 | e303 00aa
3355 0x000000010a7bc7f8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154ae0} 'valueOf' '(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3356 0x000000010a7bc7f8: 04ac 82d2 | e409 a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8898 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8898 00f9
3358 0x000000010a7bc810: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154bc8} '<init>' '(I)V' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3359 0x000000010a7bc810: 03da 82d2 | e309 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3360 0x000000010a7bc830: 2091 0154 | e303 00aa
3362 0x000000010a7bc838: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154bc8} '<init>' '(I)V' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3363 0x000000010a7bc838: 04da 82d2 | e409 a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9
3365 0x000000010a7bc850: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012014b250} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Number')}
3366 0x000000010a7bc850: 0301 83d2 | e309 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3367 0x000000010a7bc870: 2090 0154 | e303 00aa
3369 0x000000010a7bc878: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012014b250} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Number')}
3370 0x000000010a7bc878: 0401 83d2 | e409 a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9
3372 0x000000010a7bc890: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120000640} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Object')}
3373 0x000000010a7bc890: 0341 94d2 | e304 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3374 0x000000010a7bc8b0: 208f 0154 | 050c 00b9 | bf3a 03d5 | 0c00 0014 | e603 00aa | a300 0211
3376 0x000000010a7bc8c8: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Integer'[256] {0x00000006c08894f0})}
3377 0x000000010a7bc8c8: 009e 92d2 | 0011 b8f2 | c000 c0f2 | 637c 4093 | 63f4 7ed3 | 6340 0091
3379 0x000000010a7bc8e0: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfab4
3380 0x000000010a7bc8e0: 0368 63b8 | 63f0 7dd3 | e003 03aa | e51f 41b9 | 2001 00b5
3382 0x000000010a7bc8f4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3383 0x000000010a7bc8f4: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8904 4091 | 28c5 5739 | 0801 40b2 | 28c5 1739 | 4700 0014
3384 0x000000010a7bc914: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfab8
3385 0x000000010a7bc914: c308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 0408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | 6368 40f9 | 9f00 03eb | 6001 0054 | 6a14 40b9
3386 0x000000010a7bc934: 8868 6af8 | 7f00 08eb | e000 0054 | 5f81 00f1 | 2106 0054 | e40f bfa9
3388 0x000000010a7bc94c: ; {runtime_call slow_subtype_check Runtime1 stub}
3389 0x000000010a7bc94c: 4d59 6e95 | e313 c1a8 | a305 0034
3391 0x000000010a7bc958: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3392 0x000000010a7bc958: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 0308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 8904 4091 | 2921 1891 | 2801 40f9
3393 0x000000010a7bc978: 7f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 8808 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 8808 0bf9 | 2800 0014 | 8904 4091 | 2961 1891
3394 0x000000010a7bc998: 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 8810 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 8810 0bf9 | 1f00 0014 | 8904 4091
3395 0x000000010a7bc9b8: 2921 1891 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8904 4091 | 2941 1891 | 2801 00f9
3396 0x000000010a7bc9d8: 1500 0014 | 8904 4091 | 2961 1891 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8904 4091
3397 0x000000010a7bc9f8: 2981 1891 | 2801 00f9 | 0b00 0014 | 0a00 0014
3399 0x000000010a7bca08: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3400 0x000000010a7bca08: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8904 4091 | 29e1 1791 | 2801 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | 2801 00f9
3401 0x000000010a7bca28: 250c 0014 | c340 0091 | 8403 4139 | 9f00 0071 | 6184 0154 | 08fc 43d3 | 6800 00b9 | 6400 00ca
3402 0x000000010a7bca48: 84fc 56d3 | 9f00 00f1 | 6184 0154 | bf10 0471
3404 0x000000010a7bca58: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3405 0x000000010a7bca58: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 08c6 82d2 | 09c8 82d2 | 0011 899a | 6468 60f8 | 8404 0091
3406 0x000000010a7bca78: 6468 20f8 | 6101 0054
3408 0x000000010a7bca80: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3409 0x000000010a7bca80: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6028 4bf9 | 0004 0091 | 6028 0bf9
3411 0x000000010a7bca98: ; {oop("inf"{0x00000006d4b8c788})}
3412 0x000000010a7bca98: 07f1 98d2 | 0797 baf2 | c700 c0f2 | 7200 0014
3414 0x000000010a7bcaa8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3415 0x000000010a7bcaa8: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6834 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 6834 0bf9
3417 0x000000010a7bcac0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154ae0} 'valueOf' '(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3418 0x000000010a7bcac0: 03ac 82d2 | e309 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 60ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 60ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
3419 0x000000010a7bcae0: 6080 0154 | bf00 0231
3421 0x000000010a7bcae8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154ae0} 'valueOf' '(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3422 0x000000010a7bcae8: 03ac 82d2 | e309 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 00b1 899a | 6468 60f8 | 8404 0091
3423 0x000000010a7bcb08: 6468 20f8 | 8b01 0054 | bffc 0171
3425 0x000000010a7bcb14: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154ae0} 'valueOf' '(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3426 0x000000010a7bcb14: 03ac 82d2 | e309 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 0824 80d2 | 0922 80d2 | 00d1 899a | 6468 60f8 | 8404 0091
3427 0x000000010a7bcb34: 6468 20f8 | 6d08 0054
3429 0x000000010a7bcb3c: ; {metadata('java/lang/Integer')}
3430 0x000000010a7bcb3c: 031a 91d2 | a300 a0f2 | 0301 c0f2 | 80df 40f9 | 0b40 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | a87d 0154
3431 0x000000010a7bcb5c: 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2 | 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | bf3a 03d5 | e303 00aa
3433 0x000000010a7bcb78: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154ae0} 'valueOf' '(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3434 0x000000010a7bcb78: 04ac 82d2 | e409 a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8898 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8898 00f9
3436 0x000000010a7bcb90: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154bc8} '<init>' '(I)V' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3437 0x000000010a7bcb90: 03da 82d2 | e309 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3438 0x000000010a7bcbb0: 207b 0154 | e303 00aa
3440 0x000000010a7bcbb8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120154bc8} '<init>' '(I)V' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
3441 0x000000010a7bcbb8: 04da 82d2 | e409 a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9
3443 0x000000010a7bcbd0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012014b250} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Number')}
3444 0x000000010a7bcbd0: 0301 83d2 | e309 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3445 0x000000010a7bcbf0: 207a 0154 | e303 00aa
3447 0x000000010a7bcbf8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012014b250} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Number')}
3448 0x000000010a7bcbf8: 0401 83d2 | e409 a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9
3450 0x000000010a7bcc10: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120000640} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Object')}
3451 0x000000010a7bcc10: 0341 94d2 | e304 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3452 0x000000010a7bcc30: 2079 0154 | 050c 00b9 | bf3a 03d5 | e703 00aa | 0b00 0014 | a300 0211
3454 0x000000010a7bcc48: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Integer'[256] {0x00000006c08894f0})}
3455 0x000000010a7bcc48: 009e 92d2 | 0011 b8f2 | c000 c0f2 | 637c 4093 | 63f4 7ed3 | 6340 0091
3457 0x000000010a7bcc60: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfb74
3458 0x000000010a7bcc60: 0368 63b8 | 63f0 7dd3 | e703 03aa | 2701 00b5
3460 0x000000010a7bcc70: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3461 0x000000010a7bcc70: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0904 4091 | 28c5 5939 | 0801 40b2 | 28c5 1939 | 4700 0014
3462 0x000000010a7bcc90: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfb78
3463 0x000000010a7bcc90: c308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | e008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 6368 40f9 | 1f00 03eb | 6001 0054 | 6414 40b9
3464 0x000000010a7bccb0: 0868 64f8 | 7f00 08eb | e000 0054 | 9f80 00f1 | 2106 0054 | e00f bfa9
3466 0x000000010a7bccc8: ; {runtime_call slow_subtype_check Runtime1 stub}
3467 0x000000010a7bccc8: 6e58 6e95 | e303 c1a8 | a305 0034
3469 0x000000010a7bccd4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3470 0x000000010a7bccd4: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | e308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 0904 4091 | 2921 1a91 | 2801 40f9
3471 0x000000010a7bccf4: 7f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 0848 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 0848 0bf9 | 2800 0014 | 0904 4091 | 2961 1a91
3472 0x000000010a7bcd14: 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 0850 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 0850 0bf9 | 1f00 0014 | 0904 4091
3473 0x000000010a7bcd34: 2921 1a91 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 0904 4091 | 2941 1a91 | 2801 00f9
3474 0x000000010a7bcd54: 1500 0014 | 0904 4091 | 2961 1a91 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 0904 4091
3475 0x000000010a7bcd74: 2981 1a91 | 2801 00f9 | 0b00 0014 | 0a00 0014
3477 0x000000010a7bcd84: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3478 0x000000010a7bcd84: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0904 4091 | 29e1 1991 | 2801 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | 2801 00f9
3479 0x000000010a7bcda4: 760b 0014 | c350 0091 | 8003 4139 | 1f00 0071 | 816e 0154 | e8fc 43d3 | 6800 00b9 | 6000 07ca
3480 0x000000010a7bcdc4: 00fc 56d3 | 1f00 00f1 | 816e 0154 | 23c8 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3
3482 0x000000010a7bcdd8: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfbac
3483 0x000000010a7bcdd8: 7f00 40f9 | e003 03aa
3485 0x000000010a7bcde0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3486 0x000000010a7bcde0: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
3488 0x000000010a7bcdec: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_315')}
3489 0x000000010a7bcdec: 08ac 97d2 | 281b a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8904 4091 | 2901 1b91 | 2801 00f9 | 8864 4bf9 | 0805 0091
3490 0x000000010a7bce0c: 8864 0bf9 | 60d4 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
3492 0x000000010a7bce18: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfbb0
3493 0x000000010a7bce18: 1f00 40f9 | e403 00aa
3495 0x000000010a7bce20: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3496 0x000000010a7bce20: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 4875 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 4875 0bf9 | 0028 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
3497 0x000000010a7bce40: 2001 00b5
3499 0x000000010a7bce44: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3500 0x000000010a7bce44: 0b44 94d2 | 0b5d aef2 | 2b00 c0f2 | 6905 4091 | 2865 5c39 | 0801 40b2 | 2865 1c39 | 3d00 0014
3501 0x000000010a7bce64: ; {metadata('java/lang/Boolean')}
3502 0x000000010a7bce64: 0a12 8fd2 | aa00 a0f2 | 0a01 c0f2 | 0808 40b9 | 0801 5dd2 | 1f01 0aeb | a105 0054
3504 0x000000010a7bce80: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3505 0x000000010a7bce80: 0b44 94d2 | 0b5d aef2 | 2b00 c0f2 | 0a08 40b9 | 4a01 5dd2 | 6905 4091 | 29c1 1c91 | 2801 40f9
3506 0x000000010a7bcea0: 5f01 08eb | a100 0054 | 689d 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 689d 0bf9 | 2800 0014 | 6905 4091 | 2901 1d91
3507 0x000000010a7bcec0: 2801 40f9 | 5f01 08eb | a100 0054 | 68a5 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 68a5 0bf9 | 1f00 0014 | 6905 4091
3508 0x000000010a7bcee0: 29c1 1c91 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2a01 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6905 4091 | 29e1 1c91 | 2801 00f9
3509 0x000000010a7bcf00: 1500 0014 | 6905 4091 | 2901 1d91 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2a01 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 6905 4091
3510 0x000000010a7bcf20: 2921 1d91 | 2801 00f9 | 0b00 0014 | 0a00 0014
3512 0x000000010a7bcf30: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3513 0x000000010a7bcf30: 0b44 94d2 | 0b5d aef2 | 2b00 c0f2 | 6905 4091 | 2891 43f9 | 0805 00d1 | 2891 03f9 | 1a0b 0014
3514 0x000000010a7bcf50: 0100 0014
3516 0x000000010a7bcf54: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfbbc
3517 0x000000010a7bcf54: 1f00 40f9 | e403 00aa
3519 0x000000010a7bcf5c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3520 0x000000010a7bcf5c: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 48ad 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 48ad 0bf9 | 0030 4039 | 0000 0012
3521 0x000000010a7bcf7c: 1f00 0071
3523 0x000000010a7bcf80: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3524 0x000000010a7bcf80: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 08f2 82d2 | 09f4 82d2 | 0401 899a | 0a68 64f8 | 4a05 0091
3525 0x000000010a7bcfa0: 0a68 24f8 | 6001 0054
3527 0x000000010a7bcfa8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3528 0x000000010a7bcfa8: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 04d8 4bf9 | 8404 0091 | 04d8 0bf9
3530 0x000000010a7bcfc0: ; {oop(" vsync "{0x00000006d4b8c758})}
3531 0x000000010a7bcfc0: 00eb 98d2 | 0097 baf2 | c000 c0f2 | 0400 0014
3533 0x000000010a7bcfd0: ; {oop(" "{0x00000006c08b7d28})}
3534 0x000000010a7bcfd0: 00a5 8fd2 | 6011 b8f2 | c000 c0f2 | 2001 00b5
3536 0x000000010a7bcfe0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3537 0x000000010a7bcfe0: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 4905 4091 | 2805 5f39 | 0801 40b2 | 2805 1f39 | 4700 0014
3538 0x000000010a7bd000: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfbc0
3539 0x000000010a7bd000: c408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | 0a08 40b9 | 4a01 5dd2 | 8468 40f9 | 5f01 04eb | 6001 0054 | 8b14 40b9
3540 0x000000010a7bd020: 4869 6bf8 | 9f00 08eb | e000 0054 | 7f81 00f1 | 2106 0054 | ea13 bfa9
3542 0x000000010a7bd038: ; {runtime_call slow_subtype_check Runtime1 stub}
3543 0x000000010a7bd038: 9257 6e95 | e42b c1a8 | a405 0034
3545 0x000000010a7bd044: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3546 0x000000010a7bd044: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 0408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | 4905 4091 | 2961 1f91 | 2801 40f9
3547 0x000000010a7bd064: 9f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 48f1 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 48f1 0bf9 | 2800 0014 | 4905 4091 | 29a1 1f91
3548 0x000000010a7bd084: 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 48f9 4bf9 | 0805 0091 | 48f9 0bf9 | 1f00 0014 | 4905 4091
3549 0x000000010a7bd0a4: 2961 1f91 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4905 4091 | 2981 1f91 | 2801 00f9
3550 0x000000010a7bd0c4: 1500 0014 | 4905 4091 | 29a1 1f91 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4905 4091
3551 0x000000010a7bd0e4: 29c1 1f91 | 2801 00f9 | 0b00 0014 | 0a00 0014
3553 0x000000010a7bd0f4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3554 0x000000010a7bd0f4: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 4905 4091 | 2921 1f91 | 2801 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | 2801 00f9
3555 0x000000010a7bd114: ac0a 0014 | c460 0091 | 8a03 4139 | 5f01 0071 | 4155 0154 | 08fc 43d3 | 8800 00b9 | 8a00 00ca
3556 0x000000010a7bd134: 4afd 56d3 | 5f01 00f1 | 4155 0154 | e003 03aa
3558 0x000000010a7bd144: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3559 0x000000010a7bd144: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
3561 0x000000010a7bd150: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_315')}
3562 0x000000010a7bd150: 08ac 97d2 | 281b a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8904 4091 | 2941 2091 | 2801 00f9 | 880c 4cf9 | 0805 0091
3563 0x000000010a7bd170: 880c 0cf9 | 604c 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
3565 0x000000010a7bd17c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfbf4
3566 0x000000010a7bd17c: 1f00 40f9 | e403 00aa
3568 0x000000010a7bd184: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3569 0x000000010a7bd184: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 481d 4cf9 | 0805 0091 | 481d 0cf9 | 0028 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
3570 0x000000010a7bd1a4: 2001 00b5
3572 0x000000010a7bd1a8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3573 0x000000010a7bd1a8: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 4905 4091 | 28a5 6139 | 0801 40b2 | 28a5 2139 | 4700 0014
3574 0x000000010a7bd1c8: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfbf8
3575 0x000000010a7bd1c8: c408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | 0a08 40b9 | 4a01 5dd2 | 8468 40f9 | 5f01 04eb | 6001 0054 | 8b14 40b9
3576 0x000000010a7bd1e8: 4869 6bf8 | 9f00 08eb | e000 0054 | 7f81 00f1 | 2106 0054 | ea13 bfa9
3578 0x000000010a7bd200: ; {runtime_call slow_subtype_check Runtime1 stub}
3579 0x000000010a7bd200: 2057 6e95 | e42b c1a8 | a405 0034
3581 0x000000010a7bd20c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3582 0x000000010a7bd20c: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 0408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | 4905 4091 | 2901 2291 | 2801 40f9
3583 0x000000010a7bd22c: 9f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 4845 4cf9 | 0805 0091 | 4845 0cf9 | 2800 0014 | 4905 4091 | 2941 2291
3584 0x000000010a7bd24c: 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 484d 4cf9 | 0805 0091 | 484d 0cf9 | 1f00 0014 | 4905 4091
3585 0x000000010a7bd26c: 2901 2291 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4905 4091 | 2921 2291 | 2801 00f9
3586 0x000000010a7bd28c: 1500 0014 | 4905 4091 | 2941 2291 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4905 4091
3587 0x000000010a7bd2ac: 2961 2291 | 2801 00f9 | 0b00 0014 | 0a00 0014
3589 0x000000010a7bd2bc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3590 0x000000010a7bd2bc: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 4905 4091 | 29c1 2191 | 2801 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | 2801 00f9
3591 0x000000010a7bd2dc: 480a 0014 | c470 0091 | 8a03 4139 | 5f01 0071 | c148 0154 | 08fc 43d3 | 8800 00b9 | 8a00 00ca
3592 0x000000010a7bd2fc: 4afd 56d3 | 5f01 00f1 | c148 0154 | e003 03aa
3594 0x000000010a7bd30c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3595 0x000000010a7bd30c: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
3597 0x000000010a7bd318: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_315')}
3598 0x000000010a7bd318: 08ac 97d2 | 281b a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8904 4091 | 29e1 2291 | 2801 00f9 | 8860 4cf9 | 0805 0091
3599 0x000000010a7bd338: 8860 0cf9 | 6048 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3
3601 0x000000010a7bd344: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfc2c
3602 0x000000010a7bd344: 1f00 40f9 | e403 00aa
3604 0x000000010a7bd34c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3605 0x000000010a7bd34c: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 4871 4cf9 | 0805 0091 | 4871 0cf9 | 0428 40b9 | 84f0 7dd3
3606 0x000000010a7bd36c: ; {oop(a 'net/minecraft/class_4063'{0x00000006ca0cc3d0})}
3607 0x000000010a7bd36c: 0a7a 98d2 | 8a41 b9f2 | ca00 c0f2 | 9f00 0aeb
3609 0x000000010a7bd37c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3610 0x000000010a7bd37c: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 0823 83d2 | 0925 83d2 | 0b11 899a | 4769 6bf8 | e704 0091
3611 0x000000010a7bd39c: 4769 2bf8 | 6101 0054
3613 0x000000010a7bd3a4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3614 0x000000010a7bd3a4: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 049c 4cf9 | 8404 0091 | 049c 0cf9
3616 0x000000010a7bd3bc: ; {oop(""{0x00000006c0898e60})}
3617 0x000000010a7bd3bc: 00cc 91d2 | 2011 b8f2 | c000 c0f2 | 2f00 0014 | ea03 03aa
3619 0x000000010a7bd3d0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3620 0x000000010a7bd3d0: 0b44 94d2 | 0b5d aef2 | 2b00 c0f2
3622 0x000000010a7bd3dc: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_315')}
3623 0x000000010a7bd3dc: 08ac 97d2 | 281b a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 6905 4091 | 2981 2591 | 2801 00f9 | 68b5 4cf9 | 0805 0091
3624 0x000000010a7bd3fc: 68b5 0cf9
3626 0x000000010a7bd400: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3627 0x000000010a7bd400: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 48c5 4cf9 | 0805 0091 | 48c5 0cf9
3629 0x000000010a7bd418: ; {oop(a 'net/minecraft/class_4063'{0x00000006ca0cc378})}
3630 0x000000010a7bd418: 006f 98d2 | 8041 b9f2 | c000 c0f2 | 9f00 00eb
3632 0x000000010a7bd428: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3633 0x000000010a7bd428: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0838 83d2 | 093a 83d2 | 0411 899a | 0a68 64f8 | 4a05 0091
3634 0x000000010a7bd448: 0a68 24f8 | 6101 0054
3636 0x000000010a7bd450: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3637 0x000000010a7bd450: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 04f0 4cf9 | 8404 0091 | 04f0 0cf9
3639 0x000000010a7bd468: ; {oop(" fast-clouds"{0x00000006d4b8c720})}
3640 0x000000010a7bd468: 00e4 98d2 | 0097 baf2 | c000 c0f2 | 0400 0014
3642 0x000000010a7bd478: ; {oop(" fancy-clouds"{0x00000006c8a43a50})}
3643 0x000000010a7bd478: 004a 87d2 | 8014 b9f2 | c000 c0f2 | e51f 01b9 | 2001 00b5
3645 0x000000010a7bd48c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3646 0x000000010a7bd48c: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 4905 4091 | 28c5 6739 | 0801 40b2 | 28c5 2739 | 4700 0014
3647 0x000000010a7bd4ac: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfc30
3648 0x000000010a7bd4ac: c408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | 0a08 40b9 | 4a01 5dd2 | 8468 40f9 | 5f01 04eb | 6001 0054 | 8b14 40b9
3649 0x000000010a7bd4cc: 4869 6bf8 | 9f00 08eb | e000 0054 | 7f81 00f1 | 2106 0054 | ea13 bfa9
3651 0x000000010a7bd4e4: ; {runtime_call slow_subtype_check Runtime1 stub}
3652 0x000000010a7bd4e4: 6756 6e95 | e42b c1a8 | a405 0034
3654 0x000000010a7bd4f0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3655 0x000000010a7bd4f0: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 0408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | 4905 4091 | 2921 2891 | 2801 40f9
3656 0x000000010a7bd510: 9f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 4809 4df9 | 0805 0091 | 4809 0df9 | 2800 0014 | 4905 4091 | 2961 2891
3657 0x000000010a7bd530: 2801 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 4811 4df9 | 0805 0091 | 4811 0df9 | 1f00 0014 | 4905 4091
3658 0x000000010a7bd550: 2921 2891 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4905 4091 | 2941 2891 | 2801 00f9
3659 0x000000010a7bd570: 1500 0014 | 4905 4091 | 2961 2891 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2401 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4905 4091
3660 0x000000010a7bd590: 2981 2891 | 2801 00f9 | 0b00 0014 | 0a00 0014
3662 0x000000010a7bd5a0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3663 0x000000010a7bd5a0: 0a44 94d2 | 0a5d aef2 | 2a00 c0f2 | 4905 4091 | 29e1 2791 | 2801 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | 2801 00f9
3664 0x000000010a7bd5c0: 9d09 0014 | c480 0091 | 8a03 4139 | 5f01 0071 | 6133 0154 | 08fc 43d3 | 8800 00b9 | 8a00 00ca
3665 0x000000010a7bd5e0: 4afd 56d3 | 5f01 00f1 | 6133 0154 | e003 03aa
3667 0x000000010a7bd5f0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3668 0x000000010a7bd5f0: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2
3670 0x000000010a7bd5fc: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_315')}
3671 0x000000010a7bd5fc: 08ac 97d2 | 281b a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 8904 4091 | 2901 2991 | 2801 00f9 | 8824 4df9 | 0805 0091
3672 0x000000010a7bd61c: 8824 0df9 | 63b0 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3
3674 0x000000010a7bd628: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfc64
3675 0x000000010a7bd628: 7f00 40f9 | e003 03aa
3677 0x000000010a7bd630: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3678 0x000000010a7bd630: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8834 4df9 | 0805 0091 | 8834 0df9 | 6328 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3
3679 0x000000010a7bd650: 2301 00b5
3681 0x000000010a7bd654: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3682 0x000000010a7bd654: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8904 4091 | 2865 6a39 | 0801 40b2 | 2865 2a39 | 4700 0014
3683 0x000000010a7bd674: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfc68
3684 0x000000010a7bd674: c008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 6408 40b9 | 8400 5dd2 | 0068 40f9 | 9f00 00eb | 6001 0054 | 0a14 40b9
3685 0x000000010a7bd694: 8868 6af8 | 1f00 08eb | e000 0054 | 5f81 00f1 | 2106 0054 | e403 bfa9
3687 0x000000010a7bd6ac: ; {runtime_call slow_subtype_check Runtime1 stub}
3688 0x000000010a7bd6ac: f555 6e95 | e013 c1a8 | a005 0034
3690 0x000000010a7bd6b8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3691 0x000000010a7bd6b8: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 6008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 8904 4091 | 29c1 2a91 | 2801 40f9
3692 0x000000010a7bd6d8: 1f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 885c 4df9 | 0805 0091 | 885c 0df9 | 2800 0014 | 8904 4091 | 2901 2b91
3693 0x000000010a7bd6f8: 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 8864 4df9 | 0805 0091 | 8864 0df9 | 1f00 0014 | 8904 4091
3694 0x000000010a7bd718: 29c1 2a91 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8904 4091 | 29e1 2a91 | 2801 00f9
3695 0x000000010a7bd738: 1500 0014 | 8904 4091 | 2901 2b91 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 8904 4091
3696 0x000000010a7bd758: 2921 2b91 | 2801 00f9 | 0b00 0014 | 0a00 0014
3698 0x000000010a7bd768: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3699 0x000000010a7bd768: 0444 94d2 | 045d aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8904 4091 | 2981 2a91 | 2801 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | 2801 00f9
3700 0x000000010a7bd788: 3909 0014 | c090 0091 | 8403 4139 | 9f00 0071 | e126 0154 | 68fc 43d3 | 0800 00b9 | 0400 03ca
3701 0x000000010a7bd7a8: 84fc 56d3 | 9f00 00f1 | e126 0154 | 2201 00b5
3703 0x000000010a7bd7b8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3704 0x000000010a7bd7b8: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0904 4091 | 2845 6b39 | 0801 40b2 | 2845 2b39 | 4700 0014
3705 0x000000010a7bd7d8: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfc9c
3706 0x000000010a7bd7d8: c308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 4008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 6368 40f9 | 1f00 03eb | 6001 0054 | 6414 40b9
3707 0x000000010a7bd7f8: 0868 64f8 | 7f00 08eb | e000 0054 | 9f80 00f1 | 2106 0054 | e00f bfa9
3709 0x000000010a7bd810: ; {runtime_call slow_subtype_check Runtime1 stub}
3710 0x000000010a7bd810: 9c55 6e95 | e303 c1a8 | a305 0034
3712 0x000000010a7bd81c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3713 0x000000010a7bd81c: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 4308 40b9 | 6300 5dd2 | 0904 4091 | 29a1 2b91 | 2801 40f9
3714 0x000000010a7bd83c: 7f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 0878 4df9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 0df9 | 2800 0014 | 0904 4091 | 29e1 2b91
3715 0x000000010a7bd85c: 2801 40f9 | 7f00 08eb | a100 0054 | 0880 4df9 | 0805 0091 | 0880 0df9 | 1f00 0014 | 0904 4091
3716 0x000000010a7bd87c: 29a1 2b91 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 0904 4091 | 29c1 2b91 | 2801 00f9
3717 0x000000010a7bd89c: 1500 0014 | 0904 4091 | 29e1 2b91 | 2801 40f9 | e800 00b5 | 2301 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 0904 4091
3718 0x000000010a7bd8bc: 2901 2c91 | 2801 00f9 | 0b00 0014 | 0a00 0014
3720 0x000000010a7bd8cc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3721 0x000000010a7bd8cc: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0904 4091 | 2961 2b91 | 2801 40f9 | 0805 00d1 | 2801 00f9
3722 0x000000010a7bd8ec: ed08 0014 | c3a0 0091 | 8003 4139 | 1f00 0071 | 611d 0154 | 48fc 43d3 | 6800 00b9 | 6000 02ca
3723 0x000000010a7bd90c: 00fc 56d3 | 1f00 00f1 | 611d 0154
3725 0x000000010a7bd918: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3726 0x000000010a7bd918: 0344 94d2 | 035d aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6888 4df9 | 0805 0091 | 6888 0df9
3728 0x000000010a7bd930: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012000fb10} 'format' '(Ljava/util/Locale;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/lang/String')}
3729 0x000000010a7bd930: 03c7 94d2 | 834b a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 60ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 60ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
3730 0x000000010a7bd950: 001c 0154
3732 0x000000010a7bd954: ; {metadata('java/util/Formatter')}
3733 0x000000010a7bd954: 03ee 96d2 | 4301 a0f2 | 0301 c0f2 | 80df 40f9 | 0b60 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | 081c 0154
3734 0x000000010a7bd974: 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2 | 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | bf3a 03d5
3735 0x000000010a7bd994: e303 00aa
3737 0x000000010a7bd998: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012000fb10} 'format' '(Ljava/util/Locale;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/lang/String')}
3738 0x000000010a7bd998: 04c7 94d2 | 844b a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9
3740 0x000000010a7bd9b0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ec308} '<init>' '(Ljava/util/Locale;)V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3741 0x000000010a7bd9b0: 03ff 94d2 | 834b a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3742 0x000000010a7bd9d0: 4019 0154
3744 0x000000010a7bd9d4: ; {metadata('java/lang/StringBuilder')}
3745 0x000000010a7bd9d4: 0379 82d2 | a300 a0f2 | 0301 c0f2 | e0bb 00f9 | 80df 40f9 | 0b60 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb
3746 0x000000010a7bd9f4: 2819 0154 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2 | 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9
3747 0x000000010a7bda14: bf3a 03d5 | e203 00aa
3749 0x000000010a7bda1c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ec308} '<init>' '(Ljava/util/Locale;)V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3750 0x000000010a7bda1c: 03ff 94d2 | 834b a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9
3752 0x000000010a7bda34: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001200d7500} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/StringBuilder')}
3753 0x000000010a7bda34: 0204 83d2 | 2206 a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
3754 0x000000010a7bda54: 6016 0154 | e203 00aa
3756 0x000000010a7bda5c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001200d7500} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/StringBuilder')}
3757 0x000000010a7bda5c: 0304 83d2 | 2306 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9 | e203 1c32 | e103 00aa
3758 0x000000010a7bda7c: e09b 17a9
3760 0x000000010a7bda80: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [368]=Oop [376]=Oop [384]=Oop }
3761 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3762 ; - java.lang.StringBuilder::<init>@3 (line 106)
3763 ; - java.util.Formatter::<init>@6 (line 2139)
3764 ; - java.lang.String::format@5 (line 4431)
3765 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
3766 ; {optimized virtual_call}
3767 0x000000010a7bda80: 345d 8195
3769 0x000000010a7bda84: ; {other}
3770 0x000000010a7bda84: 1f20 03d5 | 9f6e 92f2 | 1f80 89f2 | e0bb 40f9
3772 0x000000010a7bda94: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ec308} '<init>' '(Ljava/util/Locale;)V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3773 0x000000010a7bda94: 02ff 94d2 | 824b a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4880 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4880 00f9
3775 0x000000010a7bdaac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ebfe0} '<init>' '(Ljava/util/Locale;Ljava/lang/Appendable;)V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3776 0x000000010a7bdaac: 0222 9dd2 | a215 a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
3777 0x000000010a7bdacc: a013 0154 | e0bb 40f9
3779 0x000000010a7bdad4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ebfe0} '<init>' '(Ljava/util/Locale;Ljava/lang/Appendable;)V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3780 0x000000010a7bdad4: 0222 9dd2 | a215 a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
3782 0x000000010a7bdaec: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000120000640} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Object')}
3783 0x000000010a7bdaec: 0241 94d2 | e204 a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 43ac 40b9 | 6308 0011 | 43ac 00b9 | 634c 1f12 | 7f00 0071
3784 0x000000010a7bdb0c: a012 0154 | 8203 4139 | 5f00 0071 | e0bb 40f9 | 2113 0154 | e2bf 40f9 | 48fc 43d3 | 080c 00b9
3785 0x000000010a7bdb2c: 0300 02ca | 63fc 56d3 | 7f00 00f1 | 0113 0154
3787 0x000000010a7bdb3c: ; {oop(a 'java/util/Locale'{0x00000006c0845798})}
3788 0x000000010a7bdb3c: 02f3 8ad2 | 8210 b8f2 | c200 c0f2 | 8303 4139 | 7f00 0071 | c112 0154 | 48fc 43d3 | 0810 00b9
3789 0x000000010a7bdb5c: 0300 02ca | 63fc 56d3 | 7f00 00f1 | c112 0154 | bf3a 03d5 | e303 00aa
3791 0x000000010a7bdb74: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012000fb10} 'format' '(Ljava/util/Locale;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/lang/String')}
3792 0x000000010a7bdb74: 04c7 94d2 | 844b a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8880 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8880 00f9
3794 0x000000010a7bdb8c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ed550} 'format' '(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/Formatter;' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3795 0x000000010a7bdb8c: 034a 9dd2 | a315 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3796 0x000000010a7bdbac: 2011 0154 | e303 00aa
3798 0x000000010a7bdbb4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ed550} 'format' '(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/Formatter;' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3799 0x000000010a7bdbb4: 044a 9dd2 | a415 a4f2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9
3801 0x000000010a7bdbcc: ; {oop("%d fps T: %s%s%s%s B: %d%s"{0x00000006c8a43a88})}
3802 0x000000010a7bdbcc: 0351 87d2 | 8314 b9f2 | c300 c0f2 | e4c3 40f9 | e103 00aa
3804 0x000000010a7bdbe0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3805 ;*invokevirtual format {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3806 ; - java.util.Formatter::format@7 (line 2728)
3807 ; - java.lang.String::format@10 (line 4431)
3808 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
3809 ; {optimized virtual_call}
3810 0x000000010a7bdbe0: 68f9 6a95
3812 0x000000010a7bdbe4: ; {other}
3813 0x000000010a7bdbe4: 1f20 03d5 | 9f9a 92f2 | 1fa0 89f2
3815 0x000000010a7bdbf0: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfdf0
3816 0x000000010a7bdbf0: 1f00 40f9 | e103 00aa
3818 0x000000010a7bdbf8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000012000fb10} 'format' '(Ljava/util/Locale;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/lang/String')}
3819 0x000000010a7bdbf8: 02c7 94d2 | 824b a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 489c 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 489c 00f9
3821 0x000000010a7bdc10: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ed0f0} 'toString' '()Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3822 0x000000010a7bdc10: 0153 9ed2 | a115 a4f2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 22ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
3823 0x000000010a7bdc30: 200e 0154 | e103 00aa
3825 0x000000010a7bdc38: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ed0f0} 'toString' '()Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3826 0x000000010a7bdc38: 0253 9ed2 | a215 a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 4878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4878 00f9
3828 0x000000010a7bdc50: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ed3d0} 'ensureOpen' '()V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3829 0x000000010a7bdc50: 0187 9ed2 | a115 a4f2 | 2100 c0f2 | 22ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 22ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
3830 0x000000010a7bdc70: 200d 0154 | 010c 40b9 | 21f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa | 3f00 02eb
3832 0x000000010a7bdc84: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ed3d0} 'ensureOpen' '()V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3833 0x000000010a7bdc84: 0287 9ed2 | a215 a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | e803 78b2 | e90f 7cb2 | 0301 899a | 4468 63f8 | 8404 0091
3834 0x000000010a7bdca4: 4468 23f8 | c01a 0054
3836 0x000000010a7bdcac: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfe34
3837 0x000000010a7bdcac: 3f00 40f9 | e003 01aa
3839 0x000000010a7bdcb4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ed0f0} 'toString' '()Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3840 0x000000010a7bdcb4: 0253 9ed2 | a215 a4f2 | 2200 c0f2 | 0008 40b9 | 0000 5dd2 | 49e0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
3841 0x000000010a7bdcd4: a100 0054 | 48a0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 48a0 00f9 | 1c00 0014 | 4920 0591 | 2801 40f9 | 1f00 08eb
3842 0x000000010a7bdcf4: a100 0054 | 48a8 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 48a8 00f9 | 1400 0014 | 49e0 0491 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
3843 0x000000010a7bdd14: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4900 0591 | 2801 00f9 | 0c00 0014 | 4920 0591 | 2801 40f9 | c800 00b5
3844 0x000000010a7bdd34: 2001 00f9 | e803 40b2 | 4940 0591 | 2801 00f9 | 0400 0014 | 4894 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 4894 00f9
3845 0x000000010a7bdd54: 0979 82d2 | a900 a0f2 | 0901 c0f2
3847 0x000000010a7bdd60: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3848 ;*invokeinterface toString {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3849 ; - java.util.Formatter::toString@8 (line 2628)
3850 ; - java.lang.String::format@13 (line 4431)
3851 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
3852 ; {virtual_call}
3853 0x000000010a7bdd60: 68b1 9795
3855 0x000000010a7bdd64: ; {other}
3856 0x000000010a7bdd64: 1f20 03d5 | 9fca 92f2 | 1fc0 89f2 | e16b 40f9 | 8203 4139 | 5f00 0071 | e105 0154 | 08fc 43d3
3857 0x000000010a7bdd84: 28a8 01b9 | 2200 00ca | 42fc 56d3 | 5f00 00f1 | e105 0154 | 2018 40f9 | 027d 80d2 | 0000 028b
3858 0x000000010a7bdda4: 2018 00f9 | 3f68 00b9
3860 0x000000010a7bddac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3861 0x000000010a7bddac: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02b0 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02b0 00b9 | 4230 1f12 | 5f00 0071
3862 0x000000010a7bddcc: a004 0154
3864 0x000000010a7bddd0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
3865 ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3866 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1098 (line 1358)
3867 0x000000010a7bddd0: 882f 42f9
3869 0x000000010a7bddd4: ; {poll}
3870 0x000000010a7bddd4: 1f01 40b9
3872 0x000000010a7bddd8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3873 0x000000010a7bddd8: 0044 94d2 | 005d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0290 4df9 | 4204 0091 | 0290 0df9 | 2af9 ff17 | 20b8 41b9
3874 0x000000010a7bddf8: 00f0 7dd3 | 4001 00b4
3876 0x000000010a7bde00: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
3877 0x000000010a7bde00: 041d 95d2 | a416 a0f2 | 0401 c0f2 | 0508 40b9 | a500 5dd2 | a81c 40f9 | 9f00 08eb | 2103 0154
3878 0x000000010a7bde20: 0100 0014 | e203 00aa
3880 0x000000010a7bde28: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfe84
3881 0x000000010a7bde28: 1f00 40f9
3883 0x000000010a7bde2c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3884 0x000000010a7bde2c: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2
3886 0x000000010a7bde38: ; {metadata('net/minecraft/class_3694')}
3887 0x000000010a7bde38: 081d 95d2 | a816 a0f2 | 0801 c0f2 | 4904 4091 | 2921 2d91 | 2801 00f9 | 48a8 4df9 | 0805 0091
3888 0x000000010a7bde58: 48a8 0df9
3890 0x000000010a7bde5c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
3891 0x000000010a7bde5c: 0022 88d2 | a054 aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
3892 0x000000010a7bde7c: 6000 0154 | e003 01aa
3894 0x000000010a7bde84: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3895 0x000000010a7bde84: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 48b8 4df9 | 0805 0091 | 48b8 0df9
3897 0x000000010a7bde9c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017107f400} 'handler$bhn000$tweakeroo$onGameLoop' '(ZLorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3898 0x000000010a7bde9c: 00a3 88d2 | 205d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
3899 0x000000010a7bdebc: 60ff 0054 | 2080 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa | 1f00 02eb
3901 0x000000010a7bded0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017107f400} 'handler$bhn000$tweakeroo$onGameLoop' '(ZLorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3902 0x000000010a7bded0: 00a3 88d2 | 205d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | e80f 7cb2 | e903 78b2 | 0201 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
3903 0x000000010a7bdef0: 0368 22f8 | e005 0054 | 207c 41b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | e203 1faa | 1f00 02eb
3905 0x000000010a7bdf08: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017107f400} 'handler$bhn000$tweakeroo$onGameLoop' '(ZLorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3906 0x000000010a7bdf08: 00a3 88d2 | 205d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0822 80d2 | 0924 80d2 | 0201 899a | 0368 62f8 | 6304 0091
3907 0x000000010a7bdf28: 0368 22f8 | 2004 0054
3909 0x000000010a7bdf30: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x000000017107f400} 'handler$bhn000$tweakeroo$onGameLoop' '(ZLorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3910 0x000000010a7bdf30: 00a3 88d2 | 205d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0898 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0898 00f9
3912 0x000000010a7bdf48: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729192b8} 'onGameLoop' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_310;)V' in 'fi/dy/masa/tweakeroo/tweaks/MiscTweaks')}
3913 0x000000010a7bdf48: 00d5 88d2 | 205d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 02ac 40b9 | 4208 0011 | 02ac 00b9 | 424c 1f12 | 5f00 0071
3914 0x000000010a7bdf68: 00fb 0054
3916 0x000000010a7bdf6c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001729192b8} 'onGameLoop' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_310;)V' in 'fi/dy/masa/tweakeroo/tweaks/MiscTweaks')}
3917 0x000000010a7bdf6c: 00d5 88d2 | 205d aef2 | 2000 c0f2 | 0878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 0878 00f9 | e003 01aa | e103 00aa
3918 0x000000010a7bdf8c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3919 ;*invokestatic onTick {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3920 ; - fi.dy.masa.tweakeroo.tweaks.MiscTweaks::onGameLoop@1 (line 128)
3921 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bhn000$tweakeroo$onGameLoop@15 (line 3212)
3922 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1113 (line 1360)
3923 ; {static_call}
3924 0x000000010a7bdf8c: 570b 0094
3926 0x000000010a7bdf90: ; {other}
3927 0x000000010a7bdf90: 1f20 03d5 | 1f10 93f2 | 1f00 8af2
3929 0x000000010a7bdf9c: ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000006ca668368} = 'fi/dy/masa/tweakeroo/Tweakeroo')}
3930 0x000000010a7bdf9c: 026d 90d2 | c24c b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | 5f74 00b9 | 5f78 00b9 | e16b 40f9
3932 0x000000010a7bdfb4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
3933 0x000000010a7bdfb4: 0244 94d2 | 025d aef2 | 2200 c0f2 | 48c0 4df9 | 0805 0091 | 48c0 0df9 | e2db 40b9 | e303 1faa
3934 0x000000010a7bdfd4: e16b 40f9
3936 0x000000010a7bdfd8: ; ImmutableOopMap {}
3937 ;*invokespecial handler$bcc000$sodium$postRender {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3938 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1119 (line 1360)
3939 ; {optimized virtual_call}
3940 0x000000010a7bdfd8: ba25 0194
3942 0x000000010a7bdfdc: ; {other}
3943 0x000000010a7bdfdc: 1f20 03d5 | 9f19 93f2 | 1f20 8af2 | ff03 0891 | fd7b c1a8
3945 0x000000010a7bdff0: ; {poll_return}
3946 0x000000010a7bdff0: 882b 42f9 | ff63 28eb | 88f7 0054 | c003 5fd6 | e0cb 00f9
3948 0x000000010a7be004: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [400]=Oop }
3949 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3950 ; - java.util.Formatter::ensureOpen@7 (line 2680)
3951 ; - java.util.Formatter::toString@1 (line 2627)
3952 ; - java.lang.String::format@13 (line 4431)
3953 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
3954 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
3955 0x000000010a7be004: 9f59 6e95 | bb07 0014 | e103 00aa
3957 0x000000010a7be010: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x00000001208ed3d0} 'ensureOpen' '()V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
3958 0x000000010a7be010: 0387 9ed2 | a315 a4f2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6888 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6888 00f9 | e103 00aa | e0c7 00f9
3959 0x000000010a7be030: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [392]=Oop [400]=Oop }
3960 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3961 ; - java.util.Formatter::ensureOpen@11 (line 2680)
3962 ; - java.util.Formatter::toString@1 (line 2627)
3963 ; - java.lang.String::format@13 (line 4431)
3964 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
3965 ; {optimized virtual_call}
3966 0x000000010a7be030: 54f8 6a95
3968 0x000000010a7be034: ; {other}
3969 0x000000010a7be034: 1f20 03d5 | 9f24 93f2 | 1f60 8af2 | e0c7 40f9 | 2a08 0014
3971 0x000000010a7be048: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
3972 0x000000010a7be048: 033b 87d2 | 4353 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68a0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68a0 00f9
3974 0x000000010a7be060: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
3975 0x000000010a7be060: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
3976 0x000000010a7be080: e0f3 0054
3978 0x000000010a7be084: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
3979 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3980 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
3981 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
3982 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
3983 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@20 (line 225)
3984 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
3985 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
3986 0x000000010a7be084: 7f59 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
3988 0x000000010a7be090: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bff1c
3989 0x000000010a7be090: 81f4 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | e8f3 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
3990 0x000000010a7be0b0: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e103 00aa
3991 0x000000010a7be0d0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
3992 0x000000010a7be0d0: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6878 00f9
3994 0x000000010a7be0e8: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
3995 0x000000010a7be0e8: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0cf 00f9
3997 0x000000010a7be0fc: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [408]=Oop }
3998 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
3999 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4000 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4001 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
4002 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@20 (line 225)
4003 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
4004 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4005 0x000000010a7be0fc: 21f8 6a95
4007 0x000000010a7be100: ; {other}
4008 0x000000010a7be100: 1f20 03d5 | 1f3e 93f2 | 1fa0 8af2 | e0cf 40f9 | f707 0014
4010 0x000000010a7be114: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4011 0x000000010a7be114: 033b 87d2 | 4353 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68a0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68a0 00f9
4013 0x000000010a7be12c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4014 0x000000010a7be12c: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 60ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 60ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
4015 0x000000010a7be14c: e0ee 0054
4017 0x000000010a7be150: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4018 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4019 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
4020 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4021 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@0 (line 71)
4022 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
4023 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
4024 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
4025 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
4026 0x000000010a7be150: 4c59 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
4028 0x000000010a7be15c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bff48
4029 0x000000010a7be15c: 81ef 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | e8ee 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
4030 0x000000010a7be17c: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e203 00aa
4031 0x000000010a7be19c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4032 0x000000010a7be19c: 0145 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
4034 0x000000010a7be1b4: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
4035 0x000000010a7be1b4: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0d3 00f9
4037 0x000000010a7be1c8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [416]=Oop }
4038 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4039 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4040 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4041 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@0 (line 71)
4042 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
4043 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
4044 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
4045 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4046 0x000000010a7be1c8: eef7 6a95
4048 0x000000010a7be1cc: ; {other}
4049 0x000000010a7be1cc: 1f20 03d5 | 9f57 93f2 | 1fe0 8af2 | e0d3 40f9 | c407 0014
4051 0x000000010a7be1e0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4052 0x000000010a7be1e0: 033b 87d2 | 4353 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68a0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68a0 00f9
4054 0x000000010a7be1f8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4055 0x000000010a7be1f8: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
4056 0x000000010a7be218: e0e9 0054
4058 0x000000010a7be21c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
4059 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4060 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
4061 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4062 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@0 (line 66)
4063 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
4064 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
4065 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
4066 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
4067 0x000000010a7be21c: 1959 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
4069 0x000000010a7be228: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bff74
4070 0x000000010a7be228: 81ea 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | e8e9 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
4071 0x000000010a7be248: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e203 00aa
4072 0x000000010a7be268: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4073 0x000000010a7be268: 0145 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
4075 0x000000010a7be280: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
4076 0x000000010a7be280: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0d7 00f9
4078 0x000000010a7be294: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop [424]=Oop }
4079 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4080 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4081 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4082 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@0 (line 66)
4083 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
4084 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
4085 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
4086 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4087 0x000000010a7be294: bbf7 6a95
4089 0x000000010a7be298: ; {other}
4090 0x000000010a7be298: 1f20 03d5 | 1f71 93f2 | 1f20 8bf2 | e0d7 40f9 | 9107 0014
4092 0x000000010a7be2ac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4093 0x000000010a7be2ac: 0318 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6890 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6890 00f9
4095 0x000000010a7be2c4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4096 0x000000010a7be2c4: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
4097 0x000000010a7be2e4: e0e4 0054
4099 0x000000010a7be2e8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
4100 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4101 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
4102 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
4103 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@0 (line 192)
4104 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
4105 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
4106 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
4107 0x000000010a7be2e8: e658 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
4109 0x000000010a7be2f4: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bffa0
4110 0x000000010a7be2f4: 81e5 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | e8e4 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
4111 0x000000010a7be314: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e203 00aa
4112 0x000000010a7be334: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4113 0x000000010a7be334: 0145 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
4115 0x000000010a7be34c: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
4116 0x000000010a7be34c: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0db 00f9
4118 0x000000010a7be360: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop [432]=Oop }
4119 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4120 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4121 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
4122 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@0 (line 192)
4123 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
4124 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
4125 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4126 0x000000010a7be360: 88f7 6a95
4128 0x000000010a7be364: ; {other}
4129 0x000000010a7be364: 1f20 03d5 | 9f8a 93f2 | 1f60 8bf2 | e0db 40f9 | 5e07 0014
4131 0x000000010a7be378: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4132 0x000000010a7be378: 0318 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6890 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6890 00f9
4134 0x000000010a7be390: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4135 0x000000010a7be390: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 60ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 60ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
4136 0x000000010a7be3b0: e0df 0054
4138 0x000000010a7be3b4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4139 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4140 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
4141 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
4142 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@0 (line 459)
4143 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
4144 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
4145 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
4146 0x000000010a7be3b4: b358 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
4148 0x000000010a7be3c0: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bffcc
4149 0x000000010a7be3c0: 81e0 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | e8df 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
4150 0x000000010a7be3e0: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e203 00aa
4151 0x000000010a7be400: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4152 0x000000010a7be400: 0145 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
4154 0x000000010a7be418: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
4155 0x000000010a7be418: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0df 00f9
4157 0x000000010a7be42c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [440]=Oop }
4158 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4159 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4160 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
4161 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@0 (line 459)
4162 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
4163 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
4164 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4165 0x000000010a7be42c: 55f7 6a95
4167 0x000000010a7be430: ; {other}
4168 0x000000010a7be430: 1f20 03d5 | 1fa4 93f2 | 1fa0 8bf2 | e0df 40f9 | 2b07 0014
4170 0x000000010a7be444: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4171 0x000000010a7be444: 0318 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6890 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6890 00f9
4173 0x000000010a7be45c: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4174 0x000000010a7be45c: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 60ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 60ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
4175 0x000000010a7be47c: e0da 0054
4177 0x000000010a7be480: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4178 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4179 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
4180 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
4181 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@0 (line 256)
4182 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
4183 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
4184 0x000000010a7be480: 8058 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
4186 0x000000010a7be48c: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7bfff8
4187 0x000000010a7be48c: 81db 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | e8da 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
4188 0x000000010a7be4ac: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e203 00aa
4189 0x000000010a7be4cc: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4190 0x000000010a7be4cc: 0145 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
4192 0x000000010a7be4e4: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
4193 0x000000010a7be4e4: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0e3 00f9
4195 0x000000010a7be4f8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [448]=Oop }
4196 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4197 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4198 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
4199 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@0 (line 256)
4200 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
4201 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4202 0x000000010a7be4f8: 22f7 6a95
4204 0x000000010a7be4fc: ; {other}
4205 0x000000010a7be4fc: 1f20 03d5 | 9fbd 93f2 | 1fe0 8bf2 | e0e3 40f9 | f806 0014
4207 0x000000010a7be510: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4208 0x000000010a7be510: 0318 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6890 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6890 00f9
4210 0x000000010a7be528: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4211 0x000000010a7be528: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 60ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 60ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
4212 0x000000010a7be548: e0d5 0054
4214 0x000000010a7be54c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4215 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4216 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
4217 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
4218 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::setShaderFogStart@0 (line 368)
4219 ; - net.minecraft.class_758::method_23792@3 (line 203)
4220 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@352 (line 1274)
4221 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
4222 0x000000010a7be54c: 4d58 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
4224 0x000000010a7be558: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7c0024
4225 0x000000010a7be558: 81d6 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | e8d5 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
4226 0x000000010a7be578: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e203 00aa
4227 0x000000010a7be598: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4228 0x000000010a7be598: 0145 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
4230 0x000000010a7be5b0: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
4231 0x000000010a7be5b0: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0e7 00f9
4233 0x000000010a7be5c4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [456]=Oop }
4234 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4235 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4236 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
4237 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::setShaderFogStart@0 (line 368)
4238 ; - net.minecraft.class_758::method_23792@3 (line 203)
4239 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@352 (line 1274)
4240 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4241 0x000000010a7be5c4: eff6 6a95
4243 0x000000010a7be5c8: ; {other}
4244 0x000000010a7be5c8: 1f20 03d5 | 1fd7 93f2 | 1f20 8cf2 | e0e7 40f9 | c506 0014 | e5db 01b9
4246 0x000000010a7be5e0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4247 0x000000010a7be5e0: 033b 87d2 | 4353 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68a0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68a0 00f9
4249 0x000000010a7be5f8: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4250 0x000000010a7be5f8: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
4251 0x000000010a7be618: c0d0 0054
4253 0x000000010a7be61c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
4254 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4255 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
4256 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4257 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
4258 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@9 (line 212)
4259 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
4260 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
4261 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
4262 0x000000010a7be61c: 1958 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
4264 0x000000010a7be628: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7c0050
4265 0x000000010a7be628: 61d1 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | c8d0 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
4266 0x000000010a7be648: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e203 00aa
4267 0x000000010a7be668: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4268 0x000000010a7be668: 0145 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
4270 0x000000010a7be680: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
4271 0x000000010a7be680: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0eb 00f9
4273 0x000000010a7be694: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop [464]=Oop }
4274 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4275 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4276 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4277 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
4278 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@9 (line 212)
4279 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
4280 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
4281 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4282 0x000000010a7be694: bbf6 6a95
4284 0x000000010a7be698: ; {other}
4285 0x000000010a7be698: 1f20 03d5 | 1ff1 93f2 | 1f60 8cf2 | e0eb 40f9 | 9106 0014
4287 0x000000010a7be6ac: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4288 0x000000010a7be6ac: 033b 87d2 | 4353 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68a0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68a0 00f9
4290 0x000000010a7be6c4: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4291 0x000000010a7be6c4: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
4292 0x000000010a7be6e4: c0cb 0054
4294 0x000000010a7be6e8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
4295 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4296 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
4297 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4298 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@0 (line 211)
4299 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
4300 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
4301 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
4302 0x000000010a7be6e8: e657 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
4304 0x000000010a7be6f4: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7c007c
4305 0x000000010a7be6f4: 61cc 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | c8cb 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
4306 0x000000010a7be714: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e203 00aa
4307 0x000000010a7be734: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4308 0x000000010a7be734: 0145 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
4310 0x000000010a7be74c: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
4311 0x000000010a7be74c: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0f3 00f9
4313 0x000000010a7be760: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop [480]=Oop }
4314 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4315 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4316 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4317 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@0 (line 211)
4318 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
4319 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
4320 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4321 0x000000010a7be760: 88f6 6a95
4323 0x000000010a7be764: ; {other}
4324 0x000000010a7be764: 1f20 03d5 | 9f0a 94f2 | 1fa0 8cf2 | e0f3 40f9 | 5e06 0014
4326 0x000000010a7be778: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4327 0x000000010a7be778: 0318 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 6890 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 6890 00f9
4329 0x000000010a7be790: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4330 0x000000010a7be790: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 60ac 40b9 | 0008 0011 | 60ac 00b9 | 004c 1f12 | 1f00 0071
4331 0x000000010a7be7b0: c0c6 0054
4333 0x000000010a7be7b4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4334 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4335 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
4336 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
4337 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_getError@0 (line 758)
4338 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@11 (line 708)
4339 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
4340 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
4341 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
4342 0x000000010a7be7b4: b357 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
4344 0x000000010a7be7c0: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7c00a8
4345 0x000000010a7be7c0: 61c7 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | c8c6 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
4346 0x000000010a7be7e0: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e203 00aa
4347 0x000000010a7be800: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4348 0x000000010a7be800: 0145 82d2 | 814a aef2 | 2100 c0f2 | 2878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 2878 00f9
4350 0x000000010a7be818: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
4351 0x000000010a7be818: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0f7 00f9
4353 0x000000010a7be82c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [488]=Oop }
4354 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4355 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4356 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
4357 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_getError@0 (line 758)
4358 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@11 (line 708)
4359 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
4360 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
4361 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4362 0x000000010a7be82c: 55f6 6a95
4364 0x000000010a7be830: ; {other}
4365 0x000000010a7be830: 1f20 03d5 | 1f24 94f2 | 1fe0 8cf2 | e0f7 40f9 | 2b06 0014 | e21b 01b9
4367 0x000000010a7be848: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4368 0x000000010a7be848: 033b 87d2 | 4353 aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 68a0 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 68a0 00f9
4370 0x000000010a7be860: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4371 0x000000010a7be860: 0345 82d2 | 834a aef2 | 2300 c0f2 | 64ac 40b9 | 8408 0011 | 64ac 00b9 | 844c 1f12 | 9f00 0071
4372 0x000000010a7be880: a0c1 0054
4374 0x000000010a7be884: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4375 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4376 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
4377 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4378 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@0 (line 704)
4379 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
4380 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
4381 ; {runtime_call load_mirror_patching Runtime1 stub}
4382 0x000000010a7be884: 7f57 6e95 | 6880 4439 | 1f15 0071
4384 0x000000010a7be890: ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x000000010a7c00d4
4385 0x000000010a7be890: 41c2 0054 | 80df 40f9 | 0ba0 0091 | 88e7 40f9 | 7f01 08eb | a8c1 0054 | 8bdf 00f9 | ea03 40b2
4386 0x000000010a7be8b0: 0a00 00f9 | 6a00 5dd2 | 0a7c 0129 | 0a40 0091 | 5f01 00f9 | 5ffd 00a9 | bf3a 03d5 | e303 00aa
4387 0x000000010a7be8d0: ; {metadata(method data for {method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
4388 0x000000010a7be8d0: 0445 82d2 | 844a aef2 | 2400 c0f2 | 8878 40f9 | 0805 0091 | 8878 00f9
4390 0x000000010a7be8e8: ; {oop("Rendersystem called from wrong thread"{0x00000006ca826318})}
4391 0x000000010a7be8e8: 0263 8cd2 | 4250 b9f2 | c200 c0f2 | e103 00aa | e0fb 00f9
4393 0x000000010a7be8fc: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [496]=Oop }
4394 ;*invokespecial <init> {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4395 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@6 (line 140)
4396 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
4397 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@0 (line 704)
4398 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
4399 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
4400 ; {optimized virtual_call}
4401 0x000000010a7be8fc: 21f6 6a95
4403 0x000000010a7be900: ; {other}
4404 0x000000010a7be900: 1f20 03d5 | 1f3e 94f2 | 1f20 8df2 | e0fb 40f9 | f705 0014
4406 0x000000010a7be914: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
4407 0x000000010a7be914: 0800 88d2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4409 0x000000010a7be92c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4410 ;*synchronization entry
4411 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@-1
4412 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4413 0x000000010a7be92c: 9559 6e95 | cedd ff17
4415 0x000000010a7be934: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171092c38} 'handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart' '(Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
4416 0x000000010a7be934: 0887 85d2 | 2821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4418 0x000000010a7be94c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4419 ;*synchronization entry
4420 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart@-1 (line 10188)
4421 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@8
4422 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4423 0x000000010a7be94c: 8d59 6e95 | ebdd ff17
4425 0x000000010a7be954: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001729421d8} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric')}
4426 0x000000010a7be954: 083b 84d2 | 8852 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4428 0x000000010a7be96c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4429 ;*synchronization entry
4430 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric::onMinecraftRunTick@-1 (line 22)
4431 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart@0 (line 10188)
4432 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@8
4433 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4434 0x000000010a7be96c: 8559 6e95 | f2dd ff17 | e803 01aa
4436 0x000000010a7be978: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4437 ;*checkcast {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4438 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric::onMinecraftRunTick@9 (line 23)
4439 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart@0 (line 10188)
4440 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@8
4441 ; {runtime_call throw_class_cast_exception Runtime1 stub}
4442 0x000000010a7be978: c24f 6e95
4444 0x000000010a7be97c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4445 ;*invokevirtual tryLoadLater {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4446 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric::onMinecraftRunTick@12 (line 23)
4447 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart@0 (line 10188)
4448 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@8
4449 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4450 0x000000010a7be97c: c146 6e95
4452 0x000000010a7be980: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171ea0370} 'onMinecraftRunTick' '()V' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCore')}
4453 0x000000010a7be980: 086e 80d2 | 483d aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4455 0x000000010a7be998: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4456 ;*synchronization entry
4457 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCore::onMinecraftRunTick@-1 (line 185)
4458 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric::onMinecraftRunTick@15 (line 24)
4459 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart@0 (line 10188)
4460 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@8
4461 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4462 0x000000010a7be998: 7a59 6e95 | 55de ff17
4464 0x000000010a7be9a0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4465 ;*invokevirtual handleClientRunTickStart {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4466 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCore::onMinecraftRunTick@9 (line 186)
4467 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCoreFabric::onMinecraftRunTick@15 (line 24)
4468 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bjm001$xaeroworldmap$onRunTickStart@0 (line 10188)
4469 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@8
4470 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4471 0x000000010a7be9a0: b846 6e95
4473 0x000000010a7be9a4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4474 ;*invokevirtual method_4474 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4475 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@18 (line 1218)
4476 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4477 0x000000010a7be9a4: b746 6e95 | 036c 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | 03d4 fbb4 | e303 00f9
4479 0x000000010a7be9b8: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
4480 0x000000010a7be9b8: f25a 6e95 | 9dde ff17 | 42d4 fbb4 | e003 00f9
4482 0x000000010a7be9c8: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
4483 0x000000010a7be9c8: ae5b 6e95 | 9fde ff17
4485 0x000000010a7be9d0: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171fee1d8} 'method_22093' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_1041')}
4486 0x000000010a7be9d0: 083b 9cd2 | c83f aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4488 0x000000010a7be9e8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4489 ;*synchronization entry
4490 ; - net.minecraft.class_1041::method_22093@-1 (line 150)
4491 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@25 (line 1220)
4492 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4493 0x000000010a7be9e8: 6659 6e95 | a7de ff17
4495 0x000000010a7be9f0: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171fe6a88} '_shouldClose' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_1041;)Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GLX')}
4496 0x000000010a7be9f0: 0851 8dd2 | c83f aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4498 0x000000010a7bea08: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4499 ;*synchronization entry
4500 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GLX::_shouldClose@-1 (line 93)
4501 ; - net.minecraft.class_1041::method_22093@1 (line 150)
4502 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@25 (line 1220)
4503 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4504 0x000000010a7bea08: 5e59 6e95 | aede ff17
4506 0x000000010a7bea10: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171075c98} 'method_1592' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
4507 0x000000010a7bea10: 0893 8bd2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4509 0x000000010a7bea28: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4510 ;*synchronization entry
4511 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1592@-1 (line 1704)
4512 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@32 (line 1221)
4513 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4514 0x000000010a7bea28: 5659 6e95 | dcde ff17 | 22b0 41b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 82e7 fbb4 | e203 00f9
4516 0x000000010a7bea40: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
4517 0x000000010a7bea40: d05a 6e95 | 39df ff17
4519 0x000000010a7bea48: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017108ebe8} 'method_1521' '()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
4520 0x000000010a7bea48: 087d 9dd2 | 0821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4522 0x000000010a7bea60: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop [224]=Oop }
4523 ;*synchronization entry
4524 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1521@-1 (line 983)
4525 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@63 (line 1228)
4526 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4527 0x000000010a7bea60: 4859 6e95 | 47df ff17
4529 0x000000010a7bea68: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171092a50} 'handler$bcc000$sodium$postResourceReload' '(Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfoReturnable;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
4530 0x000000010a7bea68: 084a 85d2 | 2821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4532 0x000000010a7bea80: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [224]=Oop }
4533 ;*synchronization entry
4534 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bcc000$sodium$postResourceReload@-1 (line 9732)
4535 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1521@8 (line 983)
4536 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@63 (line 1228)
4537 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4538 0x000000010a7bea80: 4059 6e95 | 5edf ff17
4540 0x000000010a7bea88: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4541 ;*invokevirtual thenRun {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4542 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@72 (line 1228)
4543 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4544 0x000000010a7bea88: 7e46 6e95
4546 0x000000010a7bea8c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000121d90920} 'thenRun' '(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;' in 'java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture')}
4547 0x000000010a7bea8c: 0824 81d2 | 283b a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4549 0x000000010a7beaa4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4550 ;*synchronization entry
4551 ; - java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture::thenRun@-1 (line 2227)
4552 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@72 (line 1228)
4553 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4554 0x000000010a7beaa4: 3759 6e95 | bddf ff17
4556 0x000000010a7beaac: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4557 ;*invokeinterface run {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4558 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@94 (line 1233)
4559 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4560 0x000000010a7beaac: 7546 6e95
4562 0x000000010a7beab0: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
4563 0x000000010a7beab0: 0800 88d2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 680c 80d2 | e803 00f9
4565 0x000000010a7beac8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4566 ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4567 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@99 (line 1233)
4568 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4569 0x000000010a7beac8: 2e59 6e95 | fddf ff17
4571 0x000000010a7bead0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4572 ;*invokeinterface poll {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4573 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@80 (line 1232)
4574 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4575 0x000000010a7bead0: 6c46 6e95 | e803 00aa
4577 0x000000010a7bead8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4578 ;*checkcast {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4579 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@85 (line 1232)
4580 ; {runtime_call throw_class_cast_exception Runtime1 stub}
4581 0x000000010a7bead8: 6a4f 6e95
4583 0x000000010a7beadc: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000122243d20} 'method_658' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
4584 0x000000010a7beadc: 08a4 87d2 | 8844 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4586 0x000000010a7beaf4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [240]=Oop }
4587 ;*synchronization entry
4588 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_658@-1 (line 137)
4589 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@106 (line 1236)
4590 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4591 0x000000010a7beaf4: 2359 6e95 | 93e0 ff17
4593 0x000000010a7beafc: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
4594 0x000000010a7beafc: 08b8 87d2 | 8844 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4596 0x000000010a7beb14: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [240]=Oop }
4597 ;*synchronization entry
4598 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@-1 (line 141)
4599 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_658@0 (line 137)
4600 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@106 (line 1236)
4601 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4602 0x000000010a7beb14: 1b59 6e95 | 9ae0 ff17
4604 0x000000010a7beb1c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop [240]=Oop }
4605 ;*invokeinterface getAsLong {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4606 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@3 (line 141)
4607 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_658@0 (line 137)
4608 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@106 (line 1236)
4609 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4610 0x000000010a7beb1c: 5946 6e95
4612 0x000000010a7beb20: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [240]=Oop }
4613 ;*invokevirtual method_60640 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4614 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@110 (line 1236)
4615 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4616 0x000000010a7beb20: 5846 6e95
4618 0x000000010a7beb24: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001711126e8} 'method_60640' '(JZ)I' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
4619 0x000000010a7beb24: 08dd 84d2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4621 0x000000010a7beb3c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [240]=Oop }
4622 ;*synchronization entry
4623 ; - net.minecraft.class_9779$class_9781::method_60640@-1 (line 38)
4624 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@110 (line 1236)
4625 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4626 0x000000010a7beb3c: 1159 6e95 | e1e0 ff17
4628 0x000000010a7beb44: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
4629 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4630 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@125 (line 1239)
4631 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
4632 0x000000010a7beb44: 0f50 6e95
4634 0x000000010a7beb48: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
4635 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4636 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@125 (line 1239)
4637 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4638 0x000000010a7beb48: 4e46 6e95
4640 0x000000010a7beb4c: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
4641 0x000000010a7beb4c: 088f 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4643 0x000000010a7beb64: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4644 ;*synchronization entry
4645 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15396@-1 (line 27)
4646 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@125 (line 1239)
4647 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4648 0x000000010a7beb64: 0759 6e95 | 30e1 ff17
4650 0x000000010a7beb6c: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001710964f0} 'method_5383' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1255')}
4651 0x000000010a7beb6c: 089e 8cd2 | 2821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4653 0x000000010a7beb84: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4654 ;*synchronization entry
4655 ; - net.minecraft.class_1255::method_5383@-1 (line 121)
4656 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@131 (line 1240)
4657 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4658 0x000000010a7beb84: ff58 6e95 | 5ae1 ff17
4660 0x000000010a7beb8c: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001710964f0} 'method_5383' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1255')}
4661 0x000000010a7beb8c: 089e 8cd2 | 2821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | e80b 40b2 | e803 00f9
4663 0x000000010a7beba4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4664 ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4665 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_1255::method_5383@7 (line 121)
4666 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@131 (line 1240)
4667 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4668 0x000000010a7beba4: f758 6e95 | 5de1 ff17
4670 0x000000010a7bebac: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4671 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4672 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@138 (line 1241)
4673 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
4674 0x000000010a7bebac: f54f 6e95
4676 0x000000010a7bebb0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4677 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4678 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@138 (line 1241)
4679 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4680 0x000000010a7bebb0: 3446 6e95
4682 0x000000010a7bebb4: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
4683 0x000000010a7bebb4: 08d2 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4685 0x000000010a7bebcc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4686 ;*synchronization entry
4687 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15407@-1 (line 39)
4688 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@138 (line 1241)
4689 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4690 0x000000010a7bebcc: ed58 6e95 | bae1 ff17
4692 0x000000010a7bebd4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4693 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4694 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@150 (line 1243)
4695 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
4696 0x000000010a7bebd4: eb4f 6e95
4698 0x000000010a7bebd8: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
4699 0x000000010a7bebd8: 088f 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4701 0x000000010a7bebf0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4702 ;*synchronization entry
4703 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15396@-1 (line 27)
4704 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@150 (line 1243)
4705 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4706 0x000000010a7bebf0: e458 6e95 | d0e1 ff17
4708 0x000000010a7bebf8: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001201a99a8} 'min' '(II)I' in 'java/lang/Math')}
4709 0x000000010a7bebf8: 0835 93d2 | 4803 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4711 0x000000010a7bec10: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4712 ;*synchronization entry
4713 ; - java.lang.Math::min@-1 (line 2115)
4714 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@163 (line 1244)
4715 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4716 0x000000010a7bec10: dc58 6e95 | d9e1 ff17
4718 0x000000010a7bec18: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
4719 ;*invokeinterface method_39278 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4720 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@176 (line 1245)
4721 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
4722 0x000000010a7bec18: da4f 6e95
4724 0x000000010a7bec1c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
4725 ;*invokeinterface method_39278 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4726 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@176 (line 1245)
4727 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4728 0x000000010a7bec1c: 1946 6e95
4730 0x000000010a7bec20: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001710984c0} 'method_39278' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3695')}
4731 0x000000010a7bec20: 0898 90d2 | 2821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4733 0x000000010a7bec38: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
4734 ;*synchronization entry
4735 ; - net.minecraft.class_3695::method_39278@-1 (line 27)
4736 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@176 (line 1245)
4737 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4738 0x000000010a7bec38: d258 6e95 | 30e2 ff17
4740 0x000000010a7bec40: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
4741 ;*invokeinterface method_24270 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4742 ; - net.minecraft.class_3695::method_39278@3 (line 27)
4743 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@176 (line 1245)
4744 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
4745 0x000000010a7bec40: d04f 6e95
4747 0x000000010a7bec44: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e8c8} 'method_24270' '(Ljava/lang/String;I)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
4748 0x000000010a7bec44: 0819 9dd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4750 0x000000010a7bec5c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4751 ;*synchronization entry
4752 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_24270@-1 (line 51)
4753 ; - net.minecraft.class_3695::method_39278@3 (line 27)
4754 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@176 (line 1245)
4755 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4756 0x000000010a7bec5c: c958 6e95 | 46e2 ff17
4758 0x000000010a7bec64: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
4759 0x000000010a7bec64: 0800 88d2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 8817 80d2 | e803 00f9
4761 0x000000010a7bec7c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4762 ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4763 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@188 (line 1244)
4764 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4765 0x000000010a7bec7c: c158 6e95 | 5be2 ff17
4767 0x000000010a7bec84: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4768 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4769 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@195 (line 1248)
4770 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
4771 0x000000010a7bec84: bf4f 6e95
4773 0x000000010a7bec88: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4774 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4775 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@195 (line 1248)
4776 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4777 0x000000010a7bec88: fe45 6e95
4779 0x000000010a7bec8c: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
4780 0x000000010a7bec8c: 08d2 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4782 0x000000010a7beca4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4783 ;*synchronization entry
4784 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15407@-1 (line 39)
4785 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@195 (line 1248)
4786 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4787 0x000000010a7beca4: b758 6e95 | 7fe2 ff17
4789 0x000000010a7becac: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4790 ;*invokevirtual method_4474 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4791 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@207 (line 1251)
4792 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4793 0x000000010a7becac: f545 6e95 | 436c 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | 6351 fcb4 | e303 00f9
4795 0x000000010a7becc0: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
4796 0x000000010a7becc0: 305a 6e95 | 88e2 ff17 | a051 fcb4 | e203 00f9
4798 0x000000010a7becd0: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
4799 0x000000010a7becd0: ec5a 6e95 | 8ae2 ff17
4801 0x000000010a7becd8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4802 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4803 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@217 (line 1253)
4804 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
4805 0x000000010a7becd8: aa4f 6e95
4807 0x000000010a7becdc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4808 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4809 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@217 (line 1253)
4810 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4811 0x000000010a7becdc: e945 6e95
4813 0x000000010a7bece0: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
4814 0x000000010a7bece0: 088f 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4816 0x000000010a7becf8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4817 ;*synchronization entry
4818 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15396@-1 (line 27)
4819 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@217 (line 1253)
4820 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4821 0x000000010a7becf8: a258 6e95 | a2e2 ff17
4823 0x000000010a7bed00: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4824 ;*invokevirtual method_19418 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4825 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@230 (line 1254)
4826 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4827 0x000000010a7bed00: e045 6e95
4829 0x000000010a7bed04: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4830 ;*invokevirtual method_4876 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4831 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@233 (line 1254)
4832 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4833 0x000000010a7bed04: df45 6e95
4835 0x000000010a7bed08: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000172251ef0} 'method_4876' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1144')}
4836 0x000000010a7bed08: 08de 83d2 | a844 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4838 0x000000010a7bed20: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4839 ;*synchronization entry
4840 ; - net.minecraft.class_1144::method_4876@-1 (line 263)
4841 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@233 (line 1254)
4842 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4843 0x000000010a7bed20: 9858 6e95 | c1e2 ff17
4845 0x000000010a7bed28: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
4846 ;*invokevirtual method_4840 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4847 ; - net.minecraft.class_1144::method_4876@5 (line 263)
4848 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@233 (line 1254)
4849 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4850 0x000000010a7bed28: d645 6e95
4852 0x000000010a7bed2c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4853 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4854 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@240 (line 1255)
4855 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
4856 0x000000010a7bed2c: 954f 6e95
4858 0x000000010a7bed30: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4859 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4860 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@240 (line 1255)
4861 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4862 0x000000010a7bed30: d445 6e95
4864 0x000000010a7bed34: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
4865 0x000000010a7bed34: 08d2 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4867 0x000000010a7bed4c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4868 ;*synchronization entry
4869 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15407@-1 (line 39)
4870 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@240 (line 1255)
4871 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4872 0x000000010a7bed4c: 8d58 6e95 | efe2 ff17
4874 0x000000010a7bed54: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4875 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4876 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@252 (line 1257)
4877 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
4878 0x000000010a7bed54: 8b4f 6e95
4880 0x000000010a7bed58: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
4881 0x000000010a7bed58: 088f 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4883 0x000000010a7bed70: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4884 ;*synchronization entry
4885 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15396@-1 (line 27)
4886 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@252 (line 1257)
4887 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4888 0x000000010a7bed70: 8458 6e95 | 05e3 ff17
4890 0x000000010a7bed78: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
4891 0x000000010a7bed78: 08b8 87d2 | 8844 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4893 0x000000010a7bed90: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4894 ;*synchronization entry
4895 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@-1 (line 141)
4896 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@257 (line 1259)
4897 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4898 0x000000010a7bed90: 7c58 6e95 | 0ce3 ff17
4900 0x000000010a7bed98: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4901 ;*invokeinterface getAsLong {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4902 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@3 (line 141)
4903 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@257 (line 1259)
4904 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4905 0x000000010a7bed98: ba45 6e95
4907 0x000000010a7bed9c: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017107b5d0} 'method_53526' '()Lnet/minecraft/class_340;' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
4908 0x000000010a7bed9c: 08ba 96d2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4910 0x000000010a7bedb4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
4911 ;*synchronization entry
4912 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_53526@-1 (line 2968)
4913 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@263 (line 1261)
4914 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4915 0x000000010a7bedb4: 7358 6e95 | 50e3 ff17
4917 0x000000010a7bedbc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4918 ;*invokevirtual method_53531 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4919 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_53526@4 (line 2968)
4920 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@263 (line 1261)
4921 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4922 0x000000010a7bedbc: b145 6e95
4924 0x000000010a7bedc0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4925 ;*invokevirtual method_53536 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4926 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@266 (line 1261)
4927 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4928 0x000000010a7bedc0: b045 6e95
4930 0x000000010a7bedc4: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001724b0fe0} 'method_53536' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_340')}
4931 0x000000010a7bedc4: 08fc 81d2 | 6849 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4933 0x000000010a7beddc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4934 ;*synchronization entry
4935 ; - net.minecraft.class_340::method_53536@-1 (line 529)
4936 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@266 (line 1261)
4937 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4938 0x000000010a7beddc: 6958 6e95 | 69e3 ff17
4940 0x000000010a7bede4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4941 ;*getfield field_1690 {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4942 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_340::method_53536@11 (line 529)
4943 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@266 (line 1261)
4944 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4945 0x000000010a7bede4: a745 6e95
4947 0x000000010a7bede8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4948 ;*getfield field_1842 {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4949 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_340::method_53536@14 (line 529)
4950 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@266 (line 1261)
4951 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4952 0x000000010a7bede8: a645 6e95
4954 0x000000010a7bedec: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4955 ;*invokeinterface method_34773 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4956 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@276 (line 1261)
4957 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
4958 0x000000010a7bedec: 654f 6e95
4960 0x000000010a7bedf0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4961 ;*invokeinterface method_34773 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4962 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@276 (line 1261)
4963 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4964 0x000000010a7bedf0: a445 6e95
4966 0x000000010a7bedf4: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001711249b8} 'method_34773' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_5963')}
4967 0x000000010a7bedf4: 0837 89d2 | 4822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4969 0x000000010a7bee0c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
4970 ;*synchronization entry
4971 ; - net.minecraft.class_5963::method_34773@-1 (line 23)
4972 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@276 (line 1261)
4973 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4974 0x000000010a7bee0c: 5d58 6e95 | b0e3 ff17
4976 0x000000010a7bee14: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4977 ;*invokevirtual ifPresent {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4978 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@321 (line 1264)
4979 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4980 0x000000010a7bee14: 9b45 6e95
4982 0x000000010a7bee18: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120330288} 'ifPresent' '(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V' in 'java/util/Optional')}
4983 0x000000010a7bee18: 0851 80d2 | 6806 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
4985 0x000000010a7bee30: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
4986 ;*synchronization entry
4987 ; - java.util.Optional::ifPresent@-1 (line 177)
4988 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@321 (line 1264)
4989 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
4990 0x000000010a7bee30: 5458 6e95 | 24e4 ff17
4992 0x000000010a7bee38: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
4993 ;*invokeinterface accept {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
4994 ; - java.util.Optional::ifPresent@12 (line 178)
4995 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@321 (line 1264)
4996 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
4997 0x000000010a7bee38: 9245 6e95
4999 0x000000010a7bee3c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7c620} 'clear' '(IZ)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5000 0x000000010a7bee3c: 08c4 98d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5002 0x000000010a7bee54: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5003 ;*synchronization entry
5004 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@-1 (line 364)
5005 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
5006 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5007 0x000000010a7bee54: 4b58 6e95 | 72e4 ff17
5009 0x000000010a7bee5c: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001720c3ca0} '_clear' '(IZ)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
5010 0x000000010a7bee5c: 0894 87d2 | 8841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5012 0x000000010a7bee74: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5013 ;*synchronization entry
5014 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@-1 (line 704)
5015 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
5016 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
5017 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5018 0x000000010a7bee74: 4358 6e95 | 79e4 ff17
5020 0x000000010a7bee7c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5021 0x000000010a7bee7c: 08a9 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5023 0x000000010a7bee94: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5024 ;*synchronization entry
5025 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@-1 (line 127)
5026 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@0 (line 704)
5027 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
5028 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
5029 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5030 0x000000010a7bee94: 3b58 6e95 | 80e4 ff17
5032 0x000000010a7bee9c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5033 0x000000010a7bee9c: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5035 0x000000010a7beeb4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5036 ;*synchronization entry
5037 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5038 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@6 (line 127)
5039 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@0 (line 704)
5040 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
5041 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
5042 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5043 0x000000010a7beeb4: 3358 6e95 | 96e4 ff17
5045 0x000000010a7beebc: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001720d6e30} 'glClear' '(I)V' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL11')}
5046 0x000000010a7beebc: 08c6 8dd2 | a841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5048 0x000000010a7beed4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5049 ;*synchronization entry
5050 ; - org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11::glClear@-1 (line 992)
5051 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@4 (line 705)
5052 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
5053 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
5054 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5055 0x000000010a7beed4: 2b58 6e95 | cbe4 ff17
5057 0x000000010a7beedc: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001720c45b0} '_getError' '()I' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
5058 0x000000010a7beedc: 08b6 88d2 | 8841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5060 0x000000010a7beef4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5061 ;*synchronization entry
5062 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_getError@-1 (line 758)
5063 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@11 (line 708)
5064 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
5065 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
5066 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5067 0x000000010a7beef4: 2358 6e95 | e3e4 ff17
5069 0x000000010a7beefc: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5070 0x000000010a7beefc: 08c0 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5072 0x000000010a7bef14: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5073 ;*synchronization entry
5074 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@-1 (line 134)
5075 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_getError@0 (line 758)
5076 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@11 (line 708)
5077 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
5078 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
5079 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5080 0x000000010a7bef14: 1b58 6e95 | eae4 ff17
5082 0x000000010a7bef1c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5083 0x000000010a7bef1c: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5085 0x000000010a7bef34: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5086 ;*synchronization entry
5087 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5088 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@0 (line 134)
5089 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_getError@0 (line 758)
5090 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@11 (line 708)
5091 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
5092 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
5093 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5094 0x000000010a7bef34: 1358 6e95 | f1e4 ff17
5096 0x000000010a7bef3c: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001720da360} 'glGetError' '()I' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL11')}
5097 0x000000010a7bef3c: 086c 94d2 | a841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5099 0x000000010a7bef54: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5100 ;*synchronization entry
5101 ; - org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11::glGetError@-1 (line 2676)
5102 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_getError@3 (line 759)
5103 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@11 (line 708)
5104 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
5105 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
5106 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5107 0x000000010a7bef54: 0b58 6e95 | 25e5 ff17
5109 0x000000010a7bef5c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
5110 ;*invokevirtual method_1235 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5111 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5112 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5113 0x000000010a7bef5c: 4945 6e95
5115 0x000000010a7bef60: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017109afd8} 'method_1235' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
5116 0x000000010a7bef60: 08fb 95d2 | 2821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5118 0x000000010a7bef78: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
5119 ;*synchronization entry
5120 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@-1 (line 201)
5121 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5122 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5123 0x000000010a7bef78: 0258 6e95 | 5de5 ff17
5125 0x000000010a7bef80: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5126 0x000000010a7bef80: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5128 0x000000010a7bef98: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
5129 ;*synchronization entry
5130 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5131 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@0 (line 201)
5132 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5133 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5134 0x000000010a7bef98: fa57 6e95 | 64e5 ff17
5136 0x000000010a7befa0: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a768} 'recordRenderCall' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_4573;)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5137 0x000000010a7befa0: 08ed 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5139 0x000000010a7befb8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5140 ;*synchronization entry
5141 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::recordRenderCall@-1 (line 144)
5142 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@13 (line 202)
5143 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5144 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5145 0x000000010a7befb8: f257 6e95 | bee5 ff17
5147 0x000000010a7befc0: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120bdd720} 'add' '(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z' in 'java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue')}
5148 0x000000010a7befc0: 08e4 9ad2 | a817 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5150 0x000000010a7befd8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5151 ;*synchronization entry
5152 ; - java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue::add@-1 (line 283)
5153 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::recordRenderCall@4 (line 144)
5154 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@13 (line 202)
5155 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5156 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5157 0x000000010a7befd8: ea57 6e95 | ebe5 ff17
5159 0x000000010a7befe0: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017109b0c0} 'method_22595' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
5160 0x000000010a7befe0: 0818 96d2 | 2821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5162 0x000000010a7beff8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
5163 ;*synchronization entry
5164 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@-1 (line 211)
5165 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
5166 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5167 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5168 0x000000010a7beff8: e257 6e95 | 28e6 ff17
5170 0x000000010a7bf000: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5171 0x000000010a7bf000: 08a9 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5173 0x000000010a7bf018: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
5174 ;*synchronization entry
5175 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@-1 (line 127)
5176 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@0 (line 211)
5177 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
5178 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5179 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5180 0x000000010a7bf018: da57 6e95 | 2fe6 ff17
5182 0x000000010a7bf020: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5183 0x000000010a7bf020: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5185 0x000000010a7bf038: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
5186 ;*synchronization entry
5187 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5188 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@6 (line 127)
5189 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@0 (line 211)
5190 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
5191 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5192 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5193 0x000000010a7bf038: d257 6e95 | 45e6 ff17
5195 0x000000010a7bf040: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001720c0f10} '_glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
5196 0x000000010a7bf040: 08e2 81d2 | 8841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5198 0x000000010a7bf058: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
5199 ;*synchronization entry
5200 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@-1 (line 339)
5201 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@9 (line 212)
5202 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
5203 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5204 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5205 0x000000010a7bf058: ca57 6e95 | 75e6 ff17
5207 0x000000010a7bf060: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5208 0x000000010a7bf060: 08a9 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5210 0x000000010a7bf078: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
5211 ;*synchronization entry
5212 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@-1 (line 127)
5213 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
5214 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@9 (line 212)
5215 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
5216 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5217 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5218 0x000000010a7bf078: c257 6e95 | 7ce6 ff17
5220 0x000000010a7bf080: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5221 0x000000010a7bf080: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5223 0x000000010a7bf098: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
5224 ;*synchronization entry
5225 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5226 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@6 (line 127)
5227 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
5228 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@9 (line 212)
5229 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
5230 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5231 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5232 0x000000010a7bf098: ba57 6e95 | 8ee6 ff17
5234 0x000000010a7bf0a0: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017216fb80} 'glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL30')}
5235 0x000000010a7bf0a0: 0870 9fd2 | c842 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5237 0x000000010a7bf0b8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
5238 ;*synchronization entry
5239 ; - org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30::glBindFramebuffer@-1 (line 1619)
5240 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@5 (line 341)
5241 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@9 (line 212)
5242 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
5243 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
5244 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5245 0x000000010a7bf0b8: b257 6e95 | bde6 ff17
5247 0x000000010a7bf0c0: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001729a6910} 'method_23792' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_758')}
5248 0x000000010a7bf0c0: 0822 8dd2 | 4853 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5250 0x000000010a7bf0d8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5251 ;*synchronization entry
5252 ; - net.minecraft.class_758::method_23792@-1 (line 203)
5253 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@352 (line 1274)
5254 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5255 0x000000010a7bf0d8: aa57 6e95 | e4e6 ff17
5257 0x000000010a7bf0e0: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7c6d8} 'setShaderFogStart' '(F)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5258 0x000000010a7bf0e0: 08db 98d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5260 0x000000010a7bf0f8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5261 ;*synchronization entry
5262 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::setShaderFogStart@-1 (line 368)
5263 ; - net.minecraft.class_758::method_23792@3 (line 203)
5264 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@352 (line 1274)
5265 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5266 0x000000010a7bf0f8: a257 6e95 | ebe6 ff17
5268 0x000000010a7bf100: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5269 0x000000010a7bf100: 08c0 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5271 0x000000010a7bf118: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5272 ;*synchronization entry
5273 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@-1 (line 134)
5274 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::setShaderFogStart@0 (line 368)
5275 ; - net.minecraft.class_758::method_23792@3 (line 203)
5276 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@352 (line 1274)
5277 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5278 0x000000010a7bf118: 9a57 6e95 | f2e6 ff17
5280 0x000000010a7bf120: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5281 0x000000010a7bf120: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5283 0x000000010a7bf138: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5284 ;*synchronization entry
5285 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5286 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@0 (line 134)
5287 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::setShaderFogStart@0 (line 368)
5288 ; - net.minecraft.class_758::method_23792@3 (line 203)
5289 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@352 (line 1274)
5290 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5291 0x000000010a7bf138: 9257 6e95 | f9e6 ff17
5293 0x000000010a7bf140: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5294 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5295 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@362 (line 1276)
5296 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
5297 0x000000010a7bf140: 904e 6e95
5299 0x000000010a7bf144: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5300 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5301 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@362 (line 1276)
5302 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5303 0x000000010a7bf144: cf44 6e95
5305 0x000000010a7bf148: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
5306 0x000000010a7bf148: 088f 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5308 0x000000010a7bf160: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5309 ;*synchronization entry
5310 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15396@-1 (line 27)
5311 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@362 (line 1276)
5312 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5313 0x000000010a7bf160: 8857 6e95 | 45e7 ff17
5315 0x000000010a7bf168: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7b5d0} 'enableCull' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5316 0x000000010a7bf168: 08ba 96d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5318 0x000000010a7bf180: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5319 ;*synchronization entry
5320 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@-1 (line 256)
5321 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
5322 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5323 0x000000010a7bf180: 8057 6e95 | 4ce7 ff17
5325 0x000000010a7bf188: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5326 0x000000010a7bf188: 08c0 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5328 0x000000010a7bf1a0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5329 ;*synchronization entry
5330 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@-1 (line 134)
5331 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@0 (line 256)
5332 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
5333 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5334 0x000000010a7bf1a0: 7857 6e95 | 53e7 ff17
5336 0x000000010a7bf1a8: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5337 0x000000010a7bf1a8: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5339 0x000000010a7bf1c0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5340 ;*synchronization entry
5341 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5342 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@0 (line 134)
5343 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@0 (line 256)
5344 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
5345 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5346 0x000000010a7bf1c0: 7057 6e95 | 5ae7 ff17
5348 0x000000010a7bf1c8: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001720c1eb0} '_enableCull' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
5349 0x000000010a7bf1c8: 08d6 83d2 | 8841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5351 0x000000010a7bf1e0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5352 ;*synchronization entry
5353 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@-1 (line 459)
5354 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
5355 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
5356 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5357 0x000000010a7bf1e0: 6857 6e95 | 89e7 ff17
5359 0x000000010a7bf1e8: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5360 0x000000010a7bf1e8: 08c0 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5362 0x000000010a7bf200: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5363 ;*synchronization entry
5364 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@-1 (line 134)
5365 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@0 (line 459)
5366 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
5367 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
5368 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5369 0x000000010a7bf200: 6057 6e95 | 90e7 ff17
5371 0x000000010a7bf208: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5372 0x000000010a7bf208: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5374 0x000000010a7bf220: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5375 ;*synchronization entry
5376 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5377 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@0 (line 134)
5378 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@0 (line 459)
5379 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
5380 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
5381 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5382 0x000000010a7bf220: 5857 6e95 | 97e7 ff17
5384 0x000000010a7bf228: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5385 ;*getfield field_5072 {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5386 ; - (reexecute) com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@6 (line 460)
5387 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
5388 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
5389 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5390 0x000000010a7bf228: 9644 6e95
5392 0x000000010a7bf22c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5393 ;*invokevirtual method_4471 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5394 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@9 (line 460)
5395 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
5396 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
5397 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5398 0x000000010a7bf22c: 9544 6e95
5400 0x000000010a7bf230: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001720c6f48} 'method_4471' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1018')}
5401 0x000000010a7bf230: 08e9 8dd2 | 8841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5403 0x000000010a7bf248: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5404 ;*synchronization entry
5405 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager$class_1018::method_4471@-1 (line 870)
5406 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@9 (line 460)
5407 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
5408 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
5409 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5410 0x000000010a7bf248: 4e57 6e95 | cbe7 ff17
5412 0x000000010a7bf250: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5413 ;*invokeinterface method_15405 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5414 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@377 (line 1279)
5415 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
5416 0x000000010a7bf250: 4c4e 6e95
5418 0x000000010a7bf254: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5419 ;*invokeinterface method_15405 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5420 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@377 (line 1279)
5421 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5422 0x000000010a7bf254: 8b44 6e95
5424 0x000000010a7bf258: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e748} 'method_15405' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
5425 0x000000010a7bf258: 08e9 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5427 0x000000010a7bf270: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5428 ;*synchronization entry
5429 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15405@-1 (line 43)
5430 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@377 (line 1279)
5431 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5432 0x000000010a7bf270: 4457 6e95 | f1e7 ff17
5434 0x000000010a7bf278: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5435 ;*invokevirtual method_55793 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5436 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@386 (line 1280)
5437 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5438 0x000000010a7bf278: 8244 6e95
5440 0x000000010a7bf27c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5441 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5442 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@393 (line 1281)
5443 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
5444 0x000000010a7bf27c: 414e 6e95
5446 0x000000010a7bf280: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5447 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5448 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@393 (line 1281)
5449 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5450 0x000000010a7bf280: 8044 6e95
5452 0x000000010a7bf284: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
5453 0x000000010a7bf284: 08d2 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5455 0x000000010a7bf29c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5456 ;*synchronization entry
5457 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15407@-1 (line 39)
5458 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@393 (line 1281)
5459 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5460 0x000000010a7bf29c: 3957 6e95 | 1ee8 ff17
5462 0x000000010a7bf2a4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5463 ;*invokeinterface method_15405 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5464 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@412 (line 1284)
5465 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
5466 0x000000010a7bf2a4: 374e 6e95
5468 0x000000010a7bf2a8: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e748} 'method_15405' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
5469 0x000000010a7bf2a8: 08e9 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5471 0x000000010a7bf2c0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5472 ;*synchronization entry
5473 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15405@-1 (line 43)
5474 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@412 (line 1284)
5475 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5476 0x000000010a7bf2c0: 3057 6e95 | 40e8 ff17
5478 0x000000010a7bf2c8: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001710930c0} 'modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
5479 0x000000010a7bf2c8: 0818 86d2 | 2821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5481 0x000000010a7bf2e0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
5482 ;*synchronization entry
5483 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall@-1 (line 10222)
5484 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@431 (line 1285)
5485 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5486 0x000000010a7bf2e0: 2857 6e95 | 51e8 ff17 | e803 03aa
5488 0x000000010a7bf2ec: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [296]=Oop [304]=Oop }
5489 ;*checkcast {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5490 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall@9 (line 10223)
5491 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@431 (line 1285)
5492 ; {runtime_call throw_class_cast_exception Runtime1 stub}
5493 0x000000010a7bf2ec: 654d 6e95
5495 0x000000010a7bf2f0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop [296]=Oop [304]=Oop }
5496 ;*invokevirtual tryLoadLater {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5497 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall@12 (line 10223)
5498 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@431 (line 1285)
5499 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5500 0x000000010a7bf2f0: 6444 6e95
5502 0x000000010a7bf2f4: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171ea0600} 'onRenderCall' '(Z)Z' in 'xaero/map/core/XaeroWorldMapCore')}
5503 0x000000010a7bf2f4: 08c0 80d2 | 483d aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5505 0x000000010a7bf30c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [296]=Oop [304]=Oop }
5506 ;*synchronization entry
5507 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCore::onRenderCall@-1 (line 202)
5508 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall@16 (line 10224)
5509 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@431 (line 1285)
5510 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5511 0x000000010a7bf30c: 1d57 6e95 | b6e8 ff17
5513 0x000000010a7bf314: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop [296]=Oop [304]=Oop }
5514 ;*invokevirtual handleRenderTick {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5515 ; - xaero.map.core.XaeroWorldMapCore::onRenderCall@12 (line 204)
5516 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::modify$bjm000$xaeroworldmap$onRenderCall@16 (line 10224)
5517 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@431 (line 1285)
5518 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5519 0x000000010a7bf314: 5b44 6e95
5521 0x000000010a7bf318: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5522 ;*invokevirtual method_3192 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5523 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@434 (line 1285)
5524 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5525 0x000000010a7bf318: 5a44 6e95
5527 0x000000010a7bf31c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
5528 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5529 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@441 (line 1286)
5530 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
5531 0x000000010a7bf31c: 194e 6e95
5533 0x000000010a7bf320: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
5534 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5535 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@441 (line 1286)
5536 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5537 0x000000010a7bf320: 5844 6e95
5539 0x000000010a7bf324: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
5540 0x000000010a7bf324: 08d2 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5542 0x000000010a7bf33c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5543 ;*synchronization entry
5544 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15407@-1 (line 39)
5545 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@441 (line 1286)
5546 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5547 0x000000010a7bf33c: 1157 6e95 | 38e9 ff17
5549 0x000000010a7bf344: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
5550 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5551 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@460 (line 1290)
5552 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
5553 0x000000010a7bf344: 0f4e 6e95
5555 0x000000010a7bf348: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
5556 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5557 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@460 (line 1290)
5558 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5559 0x000000010a7bf348: 4e44 6e95
5561 0x000000010a7bf34c: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
5562 0x000000010a7bf34c: 088f 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5564 0x000000010a7bf364: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5565 ;*synchronization entry
5566 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15396@-1 (line 27)
5567 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@460 (line 1290)
5568 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5569 0x000000010a7bf364: 0757 6e95 | 5ee9 ff17
5571 0x000000010a7bf36c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5572 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5573 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@465 (line 1291)
5574 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance Runtime1 stub}
5575 0x000000010a7bf36c: 8546 6e95 | 6be9 ff17
5577 0x000000010a7bf374: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5578 ;*invokevirtual method_23000 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5579 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@474 (line 1291)
5580 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5581 0x000000010a7bf374: 4344 6e95
5583 0x000000010a7bf378: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001724d3970} '<init>' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_310;Lnet/minecraft/class_4597$class_4598;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_332')}
5584 0x000000010a7bf378: 082e 87d2 | a849 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5586 0x000000010a7bf390: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5587 ;*synchronization entry
5588 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::<init>@-1 (line 82)
5589 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@477 (line 1291)
5590 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5591 0x000000010a7bf390: fc56 6e95 | 84e9 ff17
5593 0x000000010a7bf398: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5594 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5595 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::<init>@2 (line 82)
5596 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@477 (line 1291)
5597 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance Runtime1 stub}
5598 0x000000010a7bf398: 7a46 6e95 | 92e9 ff17
5600 0x000000010a7bf3a0: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001724d3f88} 'method_51452' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_332')}
5601 0x000000010a7bf3a0: 08f1 87d2 | a849 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5603 0x000000010a7bf3b8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5604 ;*synchronization entry
5605 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@-1 (line 129)
5606 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5607 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5608 0x000000010a7bf3b8: f256 6e95 | e8e9 ff17
5610 0x000000010a7bf3c0: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7ac28} 'disableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5611 0x000000010a7bf3c0: 0885 95d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5613 0x000000010a7bf3d8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5614 ;*synchronization entry
5615 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@-1 (line 192)
5616 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
5617 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5618 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5619 0x000000010a7bf3d8: ea56 6e95 | efe9 ff17
5621 0x000000010a7bf3e0: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a600} 'assertOnRenderThread' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5622 0x000000010a7bf3e0: 08c0 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5624 0x000000010a7bf3f8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5625 ;*synchronization entry
5626 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@-1 (line 134)
5627 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@0 (line 192)
5628 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
5629 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5630 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5631 0x000000010a7bf3f8: e256 6e95 | f6e9 ff17
5633 0x000000010a7bf400: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5634 0x000000010a7bf400: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5636 0x000000010a7bf418: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5637 ;*synchronization entry
5638 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5639 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@0 (line 134)
5640 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@0 (line 192)
5641 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
5642 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5643 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5644 0x000000010a7bf418: da56 6e95 | fde9 ff17
5646 0x000000010a7bf420: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017209e930} '_disableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
5647 0x000000010a7bf420: 0826 9dd2 | 2841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5649 0x000000010a7bf438: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5650 ;*synchronization entry
5651 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@-1 (line 66)
5652 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
5653 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
5654 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5655 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5656 0x000000010a7bf438: d256 6e95 | 31ea ff17
5658 0x000000010a7bf440: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5659 0x000000010a7bf440: 08a9 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5661 0x000000010a7bf458: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5662 ;*synchronization entry
5663 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@-1 (line 127)
5664 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@0 (line 66)
5665 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
5666 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
5667 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5668 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5669 0x000000010a7bf458: ca56 6e95 | 38ea ff17
5671 0x000000010a7bf460: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5672 0x000000010a7bf460: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5674 0x000000010a7bf478: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5675 ;*synchronization entry
5676 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5677 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@6 (line 127)
5678 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@0 (line 66)
5679 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
5680 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
5681 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5682 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5683 0x000000010a7bf478: c256 6e95 | 4eea ff17
5685 0x000000010a7bf480: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5686 ;*getfield field_5074 {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5687 ; - (reexecute) com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@6 (line 67)
5688 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
5689 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
5690 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5691 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5692 0x000000010a7bf480: 0044 6e95
5694 0x000000010a7bf484: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5695 ;*invokevirtual method_4469 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5696 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@9 (line 67)
5697 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
5698 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
5699 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5700 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5701 0x000000010a7bf484: ff43 6e95
5703 0x000000010a7bf488: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001720c6e98} 'method_4469' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1018')}
5704 0x000000010a7bf488: 08d3 8dd2 | 8841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5706 0x000000010a7bf4a0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
5707 ;*synchronization entry
5708 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager$class_1018::method_4469@-1 (line 866)
5709 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@9 (line 67)
5710 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
5711 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
5712 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5713 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5714 0x000000010a7bf4a0: b856 6e95 | 82ea ff17
5716 0x000000010a7bf4a8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5717 ;*invokevirtual method_22993 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5718 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@7 (line 130)
5719 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5720 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5721 0x000000010a7bf4a8: f643 6e95
5723 0x000000010a7bf4ac: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7acc8} 'enableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5724 0x000000010a7bf4ac: 0899 95d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5726 0x000000010a7bf4c4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5727 ;*synchronization entry
5728 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@-1 (line 197)
5729 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
5730 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5731 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5732 0x000000010a7bf4c4: af56 6e95 | a3ea ff17
5734 0x000000010a7bf4cc: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017209e9d8} '_enableDepthTest' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
5735 0x000000010a7bf4cc: 083b 9dd2 | 2841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5737 0x000000010a7bf4e4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5738 ;*synchronization entry
5739 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@-1 (line 71)
5740 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
5741 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
5742 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5743 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5744 0x000000010a7bf4e4: a756 6e95 | aaea ff17
5746 0x000000010a7bf4ec: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5747 0x000000010a7bf4ec: 08a9 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5749 0x000000010a7bf504: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5750 ;*synchronization entry
5751 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@-1 (line 127)
5752 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@0 (line 71)
5753 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
5754 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
5755 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5756 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5757 0x000000010a7bf504: 9f56 6e95 | b1ea ff17
5759 0x000000010a7bf50c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5760 0x000000010a7bf50c: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5762 0x000000010a7bf524: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5763 ;*synchronization entry
5764 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5765 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@6 (line 127)
5766 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@0 (line 71)
5767 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
5768 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
5769 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5770 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5771 0x000000010a7bf524: 9756 6e95 | c7ea ff17
5773 0x000000010a7bf52c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5774 ;*invokevirtual method_4471 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5775 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@9 (line 72)
5776 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
5777 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
5778 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5779 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5780 0x000000010a7bf52c: d543 6e95
5782 0x000000010a7bf530: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001720c6f48} 'method_4471' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1018')}
5783 0x000000010a7bf530: 08e9 8dd2 | 8841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5785 0x000000010a7bf548: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5786 ;*synchronization entry
5787 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager$class_1018::method_4471@-1 (line 870)
5788 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@9 (line 72)
5789 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
5790 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
5791 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
5792 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5793 0x000000010a7bf548: 8e56 6e95 | 01eb ff17
5795 0x000000010a7bf550: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5796 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5797 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@501 (line 1294)
5798 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
5799 0x000000010a7bf550: 8c4d 6e95
5801 0x000000010a7bf554: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5802 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5803 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@501 (line 1294)
5804 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5805 0x000000010a7bf554: cb43 6e95
5807 0x000000010a7bf558: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
5808 0x000000010a7bf558: 08d2 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5810 0x000000010a7bf570: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5811 ;*synchronization entry
5812 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15407@-1 (line 39)
5813 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@501 (line 1294)
5814 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5815 0x000000010a7bf570: 8456 6e95 | 26eb ff17
5817 0x000000010a7bf578: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5818 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5819 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@513 (line 1297)
5820 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
5821 0x000000010a7bf578: 824d 6e95
5823 0x000000010a7bf57c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5824 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5825 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@513 (line 1297)
5826 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5827 0x000000010a7bf57c: c143 6e95
5829 0x000000010a7bf580: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
5830 0x000000010a7bf580: 088f 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5832 0x000000010a7bf598: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5833 ;*synchronization entry
5834 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15396@-1 (line 27)
5835 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@513 (line 1297)
5836 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5837 0x000000010a7bf598: 7a56 6e95 | 3eeb ff17
5839 0x000000010a7bf5a0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5840 ;*invokevirtual method_1240 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5841 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
5842 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5843 0x000000010a7bf5a0: b843 6e95
5845 0x000000010a7bf5a4: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017109b190} 'method_1240' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
5846 0x000000010a7bf5a4: 0832 96d2 | 2821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5848 0x000000010a7bf5bc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5849 ;*synchronization entry
5850 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@-1 (line 220)
5851 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
5852 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5853 0x000000010a7bf5bc: 7156 6e95 | 69eb ff17
5855 0x000000010a7bf5c4: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5856 0x000000010a7bf5c4: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5858 0x000000010a7bf5dc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5859 ;*synchronization entry
5860 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5861 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@0 (line 220)
5862 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
5863 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5864 0x000000010a7bf5dc: 6956 6e95 | 70eb ff17
5866 0x000000010a7bf5e4: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a768} 'recordRenderCall' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_4573;)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5867 0x000000010a7bf5e4: 08ed 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5869 0x000000010a7bf5fc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5870 ;*synchronization entry
5871 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::recordRenderCall@-1 (line 144)
5872 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@11 (line 221)
5873 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
5874 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5875 0x000000010a7bf5fc: 6156 6e95 | c9eb ff17
5877 0x000000010a7bf604: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120bdd720} 'add' '(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z' in 'java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue')}
5878 0x000000010a7bf604: 08e4 9ad2 | a817 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5880 0x000000010a7bf61c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5881 ;*synchronization entry
5882 ; - java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue::add@-1 (line 283)
5883 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::recordRenderCall@4 (line 144)
5884 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@11 (line 221)
5885 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
5886 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5887 0x000000010a7bf61c: 5956 6e95 | f6eb ff17
5889 0x000000010a7bf624: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001720c0f10} '_glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager')}
5890 0x000000010a7bf624: 08e2 81d2 | 8841 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5892 0x000000010a7bf63c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5893 ;*synchronization entry
5894 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@-1 (line 339)
5895 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@20 (line 225)
5896 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
5897 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5898 0x000000010a7bf63c: 5156 6e95 | 32ec ff17
5900 0x000000010a7bf644: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a548} 'assertOnRenderThreadOrInit' '()V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5901 0x000000010a7bf644: 08a9 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5903 0x000000010a7bf65c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5904 ;*synchronization entry
5905 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@-1 (line 127)
5906 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
5907 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@20 (line 225)
5908 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
5909 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5910 0x000000010a7bf65c: 4956 6e95 | 39ec ff17
5912 0x000000010a7bf664: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a3d8} 'isOnRenderThread' '()Z' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
5913 0x000000010a7bf664: 087b 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5915 0x000000010a7bf67c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5916 ;*synchronization entry
5917 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::isOnRenderThread@-1 (line 119)
5918 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@6 (line 127)
5919 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
5920 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@20 (line 225)
5921 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
5922 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5923 0x000000010a7bf67c: 4156 6e95 | 4fec ff17
5925 0x000000010a7bf684: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017216fb80} 'glBindFramebuffer' '(II)V' in 'org/lwjgl/opengl/GL30')}
5926 0x000000010a7bf684: 0870 9fd2 | c842 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5928 0x000000010a7bf69c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5929 ;*synchronization entry
5930 ; - org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30::glBindFramebuffer@-1 (line 1619)
5931 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@5 (line 341)
5932 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@20 (line 225)
5933 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
5934 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5935 0x000000010a7bf69c: 3956 6e95 | 7eec ff17
5937 0x000000010a7bf6a4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg5=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
5938 ;*invokevirtual method_4489 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5939 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@533 (line 1300)
5940 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5941 0x000000010a7bf6a4: 7743 6e95
5943 0x000000010a7bf6a8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg5=Oop [208]=Oop }
5944 ;*invokevirtual method_1237 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5945 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@543 (line 1300)
5946 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5947 0x000000010a7bf6a8: 7643 6e95
5949 0x000000010a7bf6ac: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017109b378} 'method_1237' '(II)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_276')}
5950 0x000000010a7bf6ac: 086f 96d2 | 2821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5952 0x000000010a7bf6c4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg5=Oop [208]=Oop }
5953 ;*synchronization entry
5954 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1237@-1 (line 237)
5955 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@543 (line 1300)
5956 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5957 0x000000010a7bf6c4: 2f56 6e95 | c9ec ff17
5959 0x000000010a7bf6cc: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
5960 0x000000010a7bf6cc: 08b8 87d2 | 8844 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5962 0x000000010a7bf6e4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
5963 ;*synchronization entry
5964 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@-1 (line 141)
5965 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@547 (line 1301)
5966 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5967 0x000000010a7bf6e4: 2756 6e95 | 00ed ff17
5969 0x000000010a7bf6ec: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
5970 ;*invokeinterface getAsLong {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5971 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@3 (line 141)
5972 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@547 (line 1301)
5973 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5974 0x000000010a7bf6ec: 6543 6e95
5976 0x000000010a7bf6f0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
5977 ;*invokevirtual ifPresent {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5978 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@570 (line 1303)
5979 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5980 0x000000010a7bf6f0: 6443 6e95
5982 0x000000010a7bf6f4: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120330288} 'ifPresent' '(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V' in 'java/util/Optional')}
5983 0x000000010a7bf6f4: 0851 80d2 | 6806 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
5985 0x000000010a7bf70c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
5986 ;*synchronization entry
5987 ; - java.util.Optional::ifPresent@-1 (line 177)
5988 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@570 (line 1303)
5989 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
5990 0x000000010a7bf70c: 1d56 6e95 | 79ed ff17
5992 0x000000010a7bf714: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
5993 ;*invokeinterface accept {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
5994 ; - java.util.Optional::ifPresent@12 (line 178)
5995 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@570 (line 1303)
5996 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
5997 0x000000010a7bf714: 5b43 6e95
5999 0x000000010a7bf718: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6000 ;*invokeinterface method_15405 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6001 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@580 (line 1306)
6002 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
6003 0x000000010a7bf718: 1a4d 6e95
6005 0x000000010a7bf71c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6006 ;*invokeinterface method_15405 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6007 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@580 (line 1306)
6008 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6009 0x000000010a7bf71c: 5943 6e95
6011 0x000000010a7bf720: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e748} 'method_15405' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
6012 0x000000010a7bf720: 08e9 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6014 0x000000010a7bf738: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6015 ;*synchronization entry
6016 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15405@-1 (line 43)
6017 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@580 (line 1306)
6018 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6019 0x000000010a7bf738: 1256 6e95 | d1ed ff17
6021 0x000000010a7bf740: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6022 ;*invokevirtual method_15998 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6023 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@589 (line 1307)
6024 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6025 0x000000010a7bf740: 5043 6e95
6027 0x000000010a7bf744: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171074858} 'method_16009' '()I' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
6028 0x000000010a7bf744: 080b 89d2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6030 0x000000010a7bf75c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6031 ;*synchronization entry
6032 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_16009@-1 (line 1431)
6033 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@593 (line 1308)
6034 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6035 0x000000010a7bf75c: 0956 6e95 | e7ed ff17
6037 0x000000010a7bf764: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6038 ;*invokevirtual method_16000 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6039 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_16009@28 (line 1434)
6040 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@593 (line 1308)
6041 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6042 0x000000010a7bf764: 4743 6e95
6044 0x000000010a7bf768: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6045 ;*invokeinterface method_15405 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6046 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@618 (line 1313)
6047 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
6048 0x000000010a7bf768: 064d 6e95
6050 0x000000010a7bf76c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6051 ;*invokeinterface method_15405 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6052 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@618 (line 1313)
6053 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6054 0x000000010a7bf76c: 4543 6e95
6056 0x000000010a7bf770: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e748} 'method_15405' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
6057 0x000000010a7bf770: 08e9 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6059 0x000000010a7bf788: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6060 ;*synchronization entry
6061 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15405@-1 (line 43)
6062 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@618 (line 1313)
6063 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6064 0x000000010a7bf788: fe55 6e95 | 50ee ff17
6066 0x000000010a7bf790: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000012004ade8} 'yield' '()V' in 'java/lang/Thread')}
6067 0x000000010a7bf790: 08bd 95d2 | 8800 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6069 0x000000010a7bf7a8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6070 ;*synchronization entry
6071 ; - java.lang.Thread::yield@-1 (line 442)
6072 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@623 (line 1314)
6073 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6074 0x000000010a7bf7a8: f655 6e95 | 57ee ff17 | e803 00aa
6076 0x000000010a7bf7b4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6077 ;*checkcast {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6078 ; - java.lang.Thread::yield@12 (line 442)
6079 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@623 (line 1314)
6080 ; {runtime_call throw_class_cast_exception Runtime1 stub}
6081 0x000000010a7bf7b4: 334c 6e95
6083 0x000000010a7bf7b8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6084 ;*invokevirtual tryYield {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6085 ; - java.lang.Thread::yield@17 (line 443)
6086 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@623 (line 1314)
6087 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6088 0x000000010a7bf7b8: 3243 6e95
6090 0x000000010a7bf7bc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6091 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6092 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@630 (line 1315)
6093 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
6094 0x000000010a7bf7bc: f14c 6e95
6096 0x000000010a7bf7c0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6097 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6098 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@630 (line 1315)
6099 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6100 0x000000010a7bf7c0: 3043 6e95
6102 0x000000010a7bf7c4: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
6103 0x000000010a7bf7c4: 08d2 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6105 0x000000010a7bf7dc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6106 ;*synchronization entry
6107 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15407@-1 (line 39)
6108 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@630 (line 1315)
6109 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6110 0x000000010a7bf7dc: e955 6e95 | 1cef ff17
6112 0x000000010a7bf7e4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6113 ;*invokevirtual method_4474 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6114 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@642 (line 1317)
6115 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6116 0x000000010a7bf7e4: 2743 6e95 | 036c 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | 03e5 fdb4 | e303 00f9
6118 0x000000010a7bf7f8: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6119 0x000000010a7bf7f8: 6257 6e95 | 25ef ff17 | 42e5 fdb4 | e003 00f9
6121 0x000000010a7bf808: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6122 0x000000010a7bf808: 1e58 6e95 | 27ef ff17
6124 0x000000010a7bf810: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001710788e8} 'method_1496' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
6125 0x000000010a7bf810: 081d 91d2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6127 0x000000010a7bf828: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6128 ;*synchronization entry
6129 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1496@-1 (line 2601)
6130 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@657 (line 1320)
6131 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6132 0x000000010a7bf828: d655 6e95 | 38ef ff17
6134 0x000000010a7bf830: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6135 ;*invokevirtual method_25421 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6136 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@674 (line 1320)
6137 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6138 0x000000010a7bf830: 1443 6e95
6140 0x000000010a7bf834: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6141 ;*invokevirtual method_18640 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6142 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@691 (line 1320)
6143 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6144 0x000000010a7bf834: 1343 6e95
6146 0x000000010a7bf838: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001710b1d78} 'method_18640' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_425')}
6147 0x000000010a7bf838: 08af 83d2 | 6821 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6149 0x000000010a7bf850: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6150 ;*synchronization entry
6151 ; - net.minecraft.class_425::method_18640@-1 (line 177)
6152 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@691 (line 1320)
6153 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6154 0x000000010a7bf850: cc55 6e95 | d3ef ff17
6156 0x000000010a7bf858: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6157 ;*invokevirtual method_3860 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6158 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@701 (line 1320)
6159 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6160 0x000000010a7bf858: 0a43 6e95
6162 0x000000010a7bf85c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6163 ;*invokevirtual method_60642 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6164 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@723 (line 1321)
6165 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6166 0x000000010a7bf85c: 0943 6e95
6168 0x000000010a7bf860: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171112998} 'method_60642' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
6169 0x000000010a7bf860: 0833 85d2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6171 0x000000010a7bf878: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6172 ;*synchronization entry
6173 ; - net.minecraft.class_9779$class_9781::method_60642@-1 (line 61)
6174 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@723 (line 1321)
6175 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6176 0x000000010a7bf878: c255 6e95 | 3ef0 ff17
6178 0x000000010a7bf880: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171112a68} 'method_60643' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
6179 0x000000010a7bf880: 084d 85d2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6181 0x000000010a7bf898: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6182 ;*synchronization entry
6183 ; - net.minecraft.class_9779$class_9781::method_60643@-1 (line 69)
6184 ; - net.minecraft.class_9779$class_9781::method_60642@5 (line 62)
6185 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@723 (line 1321)
6186 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6187 0x000000010a7bf898: ba55 6e95 | 51f0 ff17
6189 0x000000010a7bf8a0: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171112b38} 'method_60645' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
6190 0x000000010a7bf8a0: 0867 85d2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6192 0x000000010a7bf8b8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6193 ;*synchronization entry
6194 ; - net.minecraft.class_9779$class_9781::method_60645@-1 (line 76)
6195 ; - net.minecraft.class_9779$class_9781::method_60642@12 (line 64)
6196 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@723 (line 1321)
6197 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6198 0x000000010a7bf8b8: b255 6e95 | 6ff0 ff17
6200 0x000000010a7bf8c0: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171076d70} 'method_60647' '()Z' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
6201 0x000000010a7bf8c0: 08ae 8dd2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6203 0x000000010a7bf8d8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
6204 ;*synchronization entry
6205 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_60647@-1 (line 2015)
6206 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@731 (line 1322)
6207 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6208 0x000000010a7bf8d8: aa55 6e95 | 88f0 ff17
6210 0x000000010a7bf8e0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop [344]=Oop }
6211 ;*invokevirtual method_54719 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6212 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_60647@11 (line 2015)
6213 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@731 (line 1322)
6214 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6215 0x000000010a7bf8e0: e842 6e95
6217 0x000000010a7bf8e4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
6218 ;*invokevirtual method_60644 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6219 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@742 (line 1322)
6220 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6221 0x000000010a7bf8e4: e742 6e95
6223 0x000000010a7bf8e8: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
6224 0x000000010a7bf8e8: 08b8 87d2 | 8844 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6226 0x000000010a7bf900: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6227 ;*synchronization entry
6228 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@-1 (line 141)
6229 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@745 (line 1324)
6230 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6231 0x000000010a7bf900: a055 6e95 | 0ff1 ff17
6233 0x000000010a7bf908: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6234 ;*invokeinterface getAsLong {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6235 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@3 (line 141)
6236 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@745 (line 1324)
6237 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6238 0x000000010a7bf908: de42 6e95
6240 0x000000010a7bf90c: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017107b5d0} 'method_53526' '()Lnet/minecraft/class_340;' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
6241 0x000000010a7bf90c: 08ba 96d2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6243 0x000000010a7bf924: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6244 ;*synchronization entry
6245 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_53526@-1 (line 2968)
6246 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@771 (line 1329)
6247 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6248 0x000000010a7bf924: 9755 6e95 | 63f1 ff17
6250 0x000000010a7bf92c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
6251 ;*invokevirtual method_53531 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6252 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_53526@4 (line 2968)
6253 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@771 (line 1329)
6254 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6255 0x000000010a7bf92c: d542 6e95
6257 0x000000010a7bf930: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
6258 ;*invokevirtual method_53534 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6259 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@776 (line 1329)
6260 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6261 0x000000010a7bf930: d442 6e95
6263 0x000000010a7bf934: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001724b16b0} 'method_53534' '(J)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_340')}
6264 0x000000010a7bf934: 08d6 82d2 | 6849 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6266 0x000000010a7bf94c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
6267 ;*synchronization entry
6268 ; - net.minecraft.class_340::method_53534@-1 (line 572)
6269 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@776 (line 1329)
6270 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6271 0x000000010a7bf94c: 8d55 6e95 | 7cf1 ff17
6273 0x000000010a7bf954: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
6274 ;*invokevirtual method_53066 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6275 ; - net.minecraft.class_340::method_53534@5 (line 572)
6276 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@776 (line 1329)
6277 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6278 0x000000010a7bf954: cb42 6e95
6280 0x000000010a7bf958: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001724b7aa0} 'method_53066' '(J)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9187')}
6281 0x000000010a7bf958: 0854 8fd2 | 6849 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6283 0x000000010a7bf970: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
6284 ;*synchronization entry
6285 ; - net.minecraft.class_9187::method_53066@-1 (line 24)
6286 ; - net.minecraft.class_340::method_53534@5 (line 572)
6287 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@776 (line 1329)
6288 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6289 0x000000010a7bf970: 8455 6e95 | a8f1 ff17
6291 0x000000010a7bf978: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg4=Oop [208]=Oop }
6292 ;*lastore {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6293 ; - net.minecraft.class_9187::method_53066@6 (line 24)
6294 ; - net.minecraft.class_340::method_53534@5 (line 572)
6295 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@776 (line 1329)
6296 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6297 0x000000010a7bf978: c242 6e95 | 0800 80d2 | e903 04aa
6299 0x000000010a7bf984: ; {runtime_call throw_range_check_failed Runtime1 stub}
6300 0x000000010a7bf984: 1e70 9fd2 | 9e06 a2f2 | 3e00 c0f2
6302 0x000000010a7bf990: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg4=Oop [208]=Oop }
6303 ;*lastore {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6304 ; - net.minecraft.class_9187::method_53066@6 (line 24)
6305 ; - net.minecraft.class_340::method_53534@5 (line 572)
6306 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@776 (line 1329)
6307 0x000000010a7bf990: c003 3fd6
6309 0x000000010a7bf994: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6310 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6311 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@792 (line 1332)
6312 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
6313 0x000000010a7bf994: 7b4c 6e95
6315 0x000000010a7bf998: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6316 ;*invokeinterface method_15396 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6317 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@792 (line 1332)
6318 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6319 0x000000010a7bf998: ba42 6e95
6321 0x000000010a7bf99c: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e478} 'method_15396' '(Ljava/lang/String;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
6322 0x000000010a7bf99c: 088f 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6324 0x000000010a7bf9b4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6325 ;*synchronization entry
6326 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15396@-1 (line 27)
6327 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@792 (line 1332)
6328 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6329 0x000000010a7bf9b4: 7355 6e95 | 03f2 ff17
6331 0x000000010a7bf9bc: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000122243d20} 'method_658' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
6332 0x000000010a7bf9bc: 08a4 87d2 | 8844 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6334 0x000000010a7bf9d4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6335 ;*synchronization entry
6336 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_658@-1 (line 137)
6337 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@836 (line 1338)
6338 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6339 0x000000010a7bf9d4: 6b55 6e95 | 3ff2 ff17
6341 0x000000010a7bf9dc: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000122243dc0} 'method_648' '()J' in 'net/minecraft/class_156')}
6342 0x000000010a7bf9dc: 08b8 87d2 | 8844 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6344 0x000000010a7bf9f4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6345 ;*synchronization entry
6346 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@-1 (line 141)
6347 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_658@0 (line 137)
6348 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@836 (line 1338)
6349 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6350 0x000000010a7bf9f4: 6355 6e95 | 46f2 ff17
6352 0x000000010a7bf9fc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop }
6353 ;*invokeinterface getAsLong {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6354 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_648@3 (line 141)
6355 ; - net.minecraft.class_156::method_658@0 (line 137)
6356 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@836 (line 1338)
6357 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6358 0x000000010a7bf9fc: a142 6e95
6360 0x000000010a7bfa00: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000012000fc88} 'valueOf' '(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/lang/String')}
6361 0x000000010a7bfa00: 0891 9fd2 | 0800 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6363 0x000000010a7bfa18: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6364 ;*synchronization entry
6365 ; - java.lang.String::valueOf@-1 (line 4465)
6366 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@874 (line 1341)
6367 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6368 0x000000010a7bfa18: 5a55 6e95 | b5f2 ff17
6370 0x000000010a7bfa20: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6371 ;*getfield field_1069 {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6372 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_124::toString@1 (line 104)
6373 ; - java.lang.String::valueOf@11 (line 4465)
6374 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@874 (line 1341)
6375 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6376 0x000000010a7bfa20: 9842 6e95
6378 0x000000010a7bfa24: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg4=Oop [208]=Oop }
6379 ;*anewarray {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6380 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@928 (line 1347)
6381 ; {runtime_call new_object_array Runtime1 stub}
6382 0x000000010a7bfa24: 1747 6e95 | 3ef3 ff17
6384 0x000000010a7bfa2c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120154ae0} 'valueOf' '(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
6385 0x000000010a7bfa2c: 085c 89d2 | a802 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6387 0x000000010a7bfa44: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6388 ;*synchronization entry
6389 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@-1 (line 1071)
6390 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@936 (line 1348)
6391 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6392 0x000000010a7bfa44: 4f55 6e95 | 46f3 ff17
6394 0x000000010a7bfa4c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop [208]=Oop }
6395 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6396 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@23 (line 1073)
6397 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@936 (line 1348)
6398 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance Runtime1 stub}
6399 0x000000010a7bfa4c: cd44 6e95 | 69f3 ff17
6401 0x000000010a7bfa54: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120154bc8} '<init>' '(I)V' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
6402 0x000000010a7bfa54: 0879 89d2 | a802 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6404 0x000000010a7bfa6c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6405 ;*synchronization entry
6406 ; - java.lang.Integer::<init>@-1 (line 1096)
6407 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@28 (line 1073)
6408 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@936 (line 1348)
6409 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6410 0x000000010a7bfa6c: 4555 6e95 | 71f3 ff17
6412 0x000000010a7bfa74: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000012014b250} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Number')}
6413 0x000000010a7bfa74: 084a 96d2 | 8802 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6415 0x000000010a7bfa8c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6416 ;*synchronization entry
6417 ; - java.lang.Number::<init>@-1 (line 59)
6418 ; - java.lang.Integer::<init>@1 (line 1096)
6419 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@28 (line 1073)
6420 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@936 (line 1348)
6421 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6422 0x000000010a7bfa8c: 3d55 6e95 | 79f3 ff17
6424 0x000000010a7bfa94: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120000640} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Object')}
6425 0x000000010a7bfa94: 08c8 80d2 | 0800 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6427 0x000000010a7bfaac: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6428 ;*synchronization entry
6429 ; - java.lang.Object::<init>@-1 (line 45)
6430 ; - java.lang.Number::<init>@1 (line 59)
6431 ; - java.lang.Integer::<init>@1 (line 1096)
6432 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@28 (line 1073)
6433 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@936 (line 1348)
6434 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6435 0x000000010a7bfaac: 3555 6e95 | 81f3 ff17
6437 0x000000010a7bfab4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop [208]=Oop }
6438 ;*aaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6439 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@21 (line 1072)
6440 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@936 (line 1348)
6441 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6442 0x000000010a7bfab4: 7342 6e95
6444 0x000000010a7bfab8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6445 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6446 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@939 (line 1348)
6447 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6448 0x000000010a7bfab8: 7242 6e95 | e803 00aa
6450 0x000000010a7bfac0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6451 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6452 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@939 (line 1348)
6453 ; {runtime_call throw_array_store_exception Runtime1 stub}
6454 0x000000010a7bfac0: b04a 6e95 | 6400 40b9 | 84f0 7dd3 | 847b feb4 | e403 00f9
6456 0x000000010a7bfad4: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6457 0x000000010a7bfad4: ab56 6e95 | d9f3 ff17 | c07b feb4 | e303 00f9
6459 0x000000010a7bfae4: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6460 0x000000010a7bfae4: 6757 6e95 | dbf3 ff17
6462 0x000000010a7bfaec: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120154ae0} 'valueOf' '(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
6463 0x000000010a7bfaec: 085c 89d2 | a802 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6465 0x000000010a7bfb04: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop [208]=Oop }
6466 ;*synchronization entry
6467 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@-1 (line 1071)
6468 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@958 (line 1349)
6469 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6470 0x000000010a7bfb04: 1f55 6e95 | f7f3 ff17
6472 0x000000010a7bfb0c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop [208]=Oop }
6473 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6474 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@23 (line 1073)
6475 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@958 (line 1349)
6476 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance Runtime1 stub}
6477 0x000000010a7bfb0c: 9d44 6e95 | 19f4 ff17
6479 0x000000010a7bfb14: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120154bc8} '<init>' '(I)V' in 'java/lang/Integer')}
6480 0x000000010a7bfb14: 0879 89d2 | a802 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6482 0x000000010a7bfb2c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6483 ;*synchronization entry
6484 ; - java.lang.Integer::<init>@-1 (line 1096)
6485 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@28 (line 1073)
6486 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@958 (line 1349)
6487 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6488 0x000000010a7bfb2c: 1555 6e95 | 21f4 ff17
6490 0x000000010a7bfb34: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000012014b250} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Number')}
6491 0x000000010a7bfb34: 084a 96d2 | 8802 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6493 0x000000010a7bfb4c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6494 ;*synchronization entry
6495 ; - java.lang.Number::<init>@-1 (line 59)
6496 ; - java.lang.Integer::<init>@1 (line 1096)
6497 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@28 (line 1073)
6498 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@958 (line 1349)
6499 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6500 0x000000010a7bfb4c: 0d55 6e95 | 29f4 ff17
6502 0x000000010a7bfb54: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120000640} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Object')}
6503 0x000000010a7bfb54: 08c8 80d2 | 0800 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6505 0x000000010a7bfb6c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6506 ;*synchronization entry
6507 ; - java.lang.Object::<init>@-1 (line 45)
6508 ; - java.lang.Number::<init>@1 (line 59)
6509 ; - java.lang.Integer::<init>@1 (line 1096)
6510 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@28 (line 1073)
6511 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@958 (line 1349)
6512 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6513 0x000000010a7bfb6c: 0555 6e95 | 31f4 ff17
6515 0x000000010a7bfb74: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop [208]=Oop }
6516 ;*aaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6517 ; - java.lang.Integer::valueOf@21 (line 1072)
6518 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@958 (line 1349)
6519 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6520 0x000000010a7bfb74: 4342 6e95
6522 0x000000010a7bfb78: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg7=Oop [208]=Oop }
6523 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6524 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@961 (line 1349)
6525 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6526 0x000000010a7bfb78: 4242 6e95 | e803 07aa
6528 0x000000010a7bfb80: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg7=Oop [208]=Oop }
6529 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6530 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@961 (line 1349)
6531 ; {runtime_call throw_array_store_exception Runtime1 stub}
6532 0x000000010a7bfb80: 804a 6e95 | 6000 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 6091 feb4 | e003 00f9
6534 0x000000010a7bfb94: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6535 0x000000010a7bfb94: 7b56 6e95 | 88f4 ff17 | a791 feb4 | e303 00f9
6537 0x000000010a7bfba4: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6538 0x000000010a7bfba4: 3757 6e95 | 8af4 ff17
6540 0x000000010a7bfbac: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
6541 ;*invokevirtual method_42433 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6542 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@968 (line 1350)
6543 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6544 0x000000010a7bfbac: 3542 6e95
6546 0x000000010a7bfbb0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6547 ;*invokevirtual method_41753 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6548 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@971 (line 1350)
6549 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6550 0x000000010a7bfbb0: 3442 6e95 | e803 00aa
6552 0x000000010a7bfbb8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
6553 ;*checkcast {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6554 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@974 (line 1350)
6555 ; {runtime_call throw_class_cast_exception Runtime1 stub}
6556 0x000000010a7bfbb8: 324b 6e95
6558 0x000000010a7bfbbc: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6559 ;*invokevirtual booleanValue {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6560 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@977 (line 1350)
6561 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6562 0x000000010a7bfbbc: 3142 6e95
6564 0x000000010a7bfbc0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6565 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6566 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@992 (line 1350)
6567 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6568 0x000000010a7bfbc0: 3042 6e95 | e803 00aa
6570 0x000000010a7bfbc8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6571 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6572 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@992 (line 1350)
6573 ; {runtime_call throw_array_store_exception Runtime1 stub}
6574 0x000000010a7bfbc8: 6e4a 6e95 | 8a00 40b9 | 4af1 7dd3 | aaaa feb4 | ea03 00f9
6576 0x000000010a7bfbdc: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6577 0x000000010a7bfbdc: 6956 6e95 | 52f5 ff17 | e0aa feb4 | e403 00f9
6579 0x000000010a7bfbec: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6580 0x000000010a7bfbec: 2557 6e95 | 54f5 ff17
6582 0x000000010a7bfbf4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6583 ;*invokevirtual method_41753 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6584 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1002 (line 1351)
6585 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6586 0x000000010a7bfbf4: 2342 6e95
6588 0x000000010a7bfbf8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6589 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6590 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1005 (line 1351)
6591 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6592 0x000000010a7bfbf8: 2242 6e95 | e803 00aa
6594 0x000000010a7bfc00: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6595 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6596 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1005 (line 1351)
6597 ; {runtime_call throw_array_store_exception Runtime1 stub}
6598 0x000000010a7bfc00: 604a 6e95 | 8a00 40b9 | 4af1 7dd3 | 2ab7 feb4 | ea03 00f9
6600 0x000000010a7bfc14: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6601 0x000000010a7bfc14: 5b56 6e95 | b6f5 ff17 | 60b7 feb4 | e403 00f9
6603 0x000000010a7bfc24: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6604 0x000000010a7bfc24: 1757 6e95 | b8f5 ff17
6606 0x000000010a7bfc2c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6607 ;*invokevirtual method_41753 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6608 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1015 (line 1352)
6609 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6610 0x000000010a7bfc2c: 1542 6e95
6612 0x000000010a7bfc30: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6613 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6614 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1055 (line 1352)
6615 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6616 0x000000010a7bfc30: 1442 6e95 | e803 00aa
6618 0x000000010a7bfc38: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6619 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6620 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1055 (line 1352)
6621 ; {runtime_call throw_array_store_exception Runtime1 stub}
6622 0x000000010a7bfc38: 524a 6e95 | 8a00 40b9 | 4af1 7dd3 | 8acc feb4 | ea03 00f9
6624 0x000000010a7bfc4c: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6625 0x000000010a7bfc4c: 4d56 6e95 | 61f6 ff17 | c0cc feb4 | e403 00f9
6627 0x000000010a7bfc5c: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6628 0x000000010a7bfc5c: 0957 6e95 | 63f6 ff17
6630 0x000000010a7bfc64: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
6631 ;*invokevirtual method_41753 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6632 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1065 (line 1353)
6633 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6634 0x000000010a7bfc64: 0742 6e95
6636 0x000000010a7bfc68: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
6637 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6638 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1068 (line 1353)
6639 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6640 0x000000010a7bfc68: 0642 6e95 | e803 03aa
6642 0x000000010a7bfc70: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg3=Oop [208]=Oop }
6643 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6644 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1068 (line 1353)
6645 ; {runtime_call throw_array_store_exception Runtime1 stub}
6646 0x000000010a7bfc70: 444a 6e95 | 0400 40b9 | 84f0 7dd3 | 04d9 feb4 | e403 00f9
6648 0x000000010a7bfc84: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6649 0x000000010a7bfc84: 3f56 6e95 | c5f6 ff17 | 43d9 feb4 | e003 00f9
6651 0x000000010a7bfc94: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6652 0x000000010a7bfc94: fb56 6e95 | c7f6 ff17
6654 0x000000010a7bfc9c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg6=Oop [208]=Oop }
6655 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6656 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1074 (line 1353)
6657 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6658 0x000000010a7bfc9c: f941 6e95 | e803 02aa
6660 0x000000010a7bfca4: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg2=Oop c_rarg6=Oop [208]=Oop }
6661 ;*aastore {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6662 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1074 (line 1353)
6663 ; {runtime_call throw_array_store_exception Runtime1 stub}
6664 0x000000010a7bfca4: 374a 6e95 | 6000 40b9 | 00f0 7dd3 | 80e2 feb4 | e003 00f9
6666 0x000000010a7bfcb8: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6667 0x000000010a7bfcb8: 3256 6e95 | 11f7 ff17 | c2e2 feb4 | e303 00f9
6669 0x000000010a7bfcc8: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6670 0x000000010a7bfcc8: ee56 6e95 | 13f7 ff17
6672 0x000000010a7bfcd0: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000012000fb10} 'format' '(Ljava/util/Locale;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/lang/String')}
6673 0x000000010a7bfcd0: 0862 9fd2 | 0800 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6675 0x000000010a7bfce8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg6=Oop [208]=Oop }
6676 ;*synchronization entry
6677 ; - java.lang.String::format@-1 (line 4431)
6678 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6679 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6680 0x000000010a7bfce8: a654 6e95 | 1af7 ff17
6682 0x000000010a7bfcf0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg6=Oop [208]=Oop }
6683 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6684 ; - java.lang.String::format@0 (line 4431)
6685 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6686 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance Runtime1 stub}
6687 0x000000010a7bfcf0: 2444 6e95 | 28f7 ff17
6689 0x000000010a7bfcf8: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001208ec308} '<init>' '(Ljava/util/Locale;)V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
6690 0x000000010a7bfcf8: 0861 98d2 | c811 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6692 0x000000010a7bfd10: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6693 ;*synchronization entry
6694 ; - java.util.Formatter::<init>@-1 (line 2139)
6695 ; - java.lang.String::format@5 (line 4431)
6696 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6697 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6698 0x000000010a7bfd10: 9c54 6e95 | 30f7 ff17
6700 0x000000010a7bfd18: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg6=Oop [208]=Oop [368]=Oop }
6701 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6702 ; - java.util.Formatter::<init>@2 (line 2139)
6703 ; - java.lang.String::format@5 (line 4431)
6704 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6705 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance Runtime1 stub}
6706 0x000000010a7bfd18: 1a44 6e95 | 3ff7 ff17
6708 0x000000010a7bfd20: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001200d7500} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/StringBuilder')}
6709 0x000000010a7bfd20: 08a0 8ed2 | a801 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6711 0x000000010a7bfd38: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg6=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop [368]=Oop }
6712 ;*synchronization entry
6713 ; - java.lang.StringBuilder::<init>@-1 (line 106)
6714 ; - java.util.Formatter::<init>@6 (line 2139)
6715 ; - java.lang.String::format@5 (line 4431)
6716 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6717 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6718 0x000000010a7bfd38: 9254 6e95 | 47f7 ff17
6720 0x000000010a7bfd40: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001208ebfe0} '<init>' '(Ljava/util/Locale;Ljava/lang/Appendable;)V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
6721 0x000000010a7bfd40: 08fc 97d2 | c811 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6723 0x000000010a7bfd58: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [368]=Oop [376]=Oop [384]=Oop }
6724 ;*synchronization entry
6725 ; - java.util.Formatter::<init>@-1 (line 2082)
6726 ; - java.util.Formatter::<init>@9 (line 2139)
6727 ; - java.lang.String::format@5 (line 4431)
6728 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6729 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6730 0x000000010a7bfd58: 8a54 6e95 | 5df7 ff17
6732 0x000000010a7bfd60: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000120000640} '<init>' '()V' in 'java/lang/Object')}
6733 0x000000010a7bfd60: 08c8 80d2 | 0800 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6735 0x000000010a7bfd78: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [368]=Oop [376]=Oop [384]=Oop }
6736 ;*synchronization entry
6737 ; - java.lang.Object::<init>@-1 (line 45)
6738 ; - java.util.Formatter::<init>@1 (line 2082)
6739 ; - java.util.Formatter::<init>@9 (line 2139)
6740 ; - java.lang.String::format@5 (line 4431)
6741 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6742 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6743 0x000000010a7bfd78: 8254 6e95 | 65f7 ff17 | 020c 40b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | c2ec feb4 | e203 00f9
6745 0x000000010a7bfd90: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6746 0x000000010a7bfd90: fc55 6e95 | 63f7 ff17 | 22ed feb4 | e003 00f9
6748 0x000000010a7bfda0: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6749 0x000000010a7bfda0: b856 6e95 | 66f7 ff17 | 0310 40b9 | 63f0 7dd3 | 23ed feb4 | e303 00f9
6751 0x000000010a7bfdb8: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6752 0x000000010a7bfdb8: f255 6e95 | 66f7 ff17 | 62ed feb4 | e003 00f9
6754 0x000000010a7bfdc8: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6755 0x000000010a7bfdc8: ae56 6e95 | 68f7 ff17
6757 0x000000010a7bfdd0: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001208ed550} 'format' '(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/Formatter;' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
6758 0x000000010a7bfdd0: 08aa 9ad2 | c811 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6760 0x000000010a7bfde8: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop c_rarg2=Oop [208]=Oop [384]=Oop }
6761 ;*synchronization entry
6762 ; - java.util.Formatter::format@-1 (line 2728)
6763 ; - java.lang.String::format@10 (line 4431)
6764 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6765 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6766 0x000000010a7bfde8: 6654 6e95 | 71f7 ff17
6768 0x000000010a7bfdf0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6769 ;*invokevirtual toString {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6770 ; - java.lang.String::format@13 (line 4431)
6771 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6772 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6773 0x000000010a7bfdf0: a441 6e95
6775 0x000000010a7bfdf4: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001208ed0f0} 'toString' '()Ljava/lang/String;' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
6776 0x000000010a7bfdf4: 081e 9ad2 | c811 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6778 0x000000010a7bfe0c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6779 ;*synchronization entry
6780 ; - java.util.Formatter::toString@-1 (line 2627)
6781 ; - java.lang.String::format@13 (line 4431)
6782 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6783 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6784 0x000000010a7bfe0c: 5d54 6e95 | 89f7 ff17
6786 0x000000010a7bfe14: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001208ed3d0} 'ensureOpen' '()V' in 'java/util/Formatter')}
6787 0x000000010a7bfe14: 087a 9ad2 | c811 a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6789 0x000000010a7bfe2c: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6790 ;*synchronization entry
6791 ; - java.util.Formatter::ensureOpen@-1 (line 2679)
6792 ; - java.util.Formatter::toString@1 (line 2627)
6793 ; - java.lang.String::format@13 (line 4431)
6794 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6795 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6796 0x000000010a7bfe2c: 5554 6e95 | 91f7 ff17
6798 0x000000010a7bfe34: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6799 ;*invokeinterface toString {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6800 ; - java.util.Formatter::toString@8 (line 2628)
6801 ; - java.lang.String::format@13 (line 4431)
6802 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6803 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6804 0x000000010a7bfe34: 9341 6e95 | 22a8 41b9 | 42f0 7dd3 | 02fa feb4 | e203 00f9
6806 0x000000010a7bfe48: ; {runtime_call g1_pre_barrier_slow}
6807 0x000000010a7bfe48: ce55 6e95 | cdf7 ff17 | 40fa feb4 | e103 00f9
6809 0x000000010a7bfe58: ; {runtime_call g1_post_barrier_slow}
6810 0x000000010a7bfe58: 8a56 6e95 | cff7 ff17
6812 0x000000010a7bfe60: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171074000} 'method_1523' '(Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
6813 0x000000010a7bfe60: 0800 88d2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 4889 80d2 | e803 00f9
6815 0x000000010a7bfe78: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6816 ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6817 ; - (reexecute) net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1098 (line 1358)
6818 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6819 0x000000010a7bfe78: 4254 6e95 | d5f7 ff17
6821 0x000000010a7bfe80: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6822 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6823 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1105 (line 1359)
6824 ; {runtime_call throw_incompatible_class_change_error Runtime1 stub}
6825 0x000000010a7bfe80: 404b 6e95
6827 0x000000010a7bfe84: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop c_rarg0=Oop [208]=Oop }
6828 ;*invokeinterface method_15407 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6829 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1105 (line 1359)
6830 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6831 0x000000010a7bfe84: 7f41 6e95
6833 0x000000010a7bfe88: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017111e690} 'method_15407' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_3694')}
6834 0x000000010a7bfe88: 08d2 9cd2 | 2822 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6836 0x000000010a7bfea0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6837 ;*synchronization entry
6838 ; - net.minecraft.class_3694::method_15407@-1 (line 39)
6839 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1105 (line 1359)
6840 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6841 0x000000010a7bfea0: 3854 6e95 | f7f7 ff17
6843 0x000000010a7bfea8: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017107f400} 'handler$bhn000$tweakeroo$onGameLoop' '(ZLorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
6844 0x000000010a7bfea8: 0880 9ed2 | e820 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6846 0x000000010a7bfec0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6847 ;*synchronization entry
6848 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bhn000$tweakeroo$onGameLoop@-1 (line 3210)
6849 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1113 (line 1360)
6850 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6851 0x000000010a7bfec0: 3054 6e95 | fff7 ff17
6853 0x000000010a7bfec8: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001729192b8} 'onGameLoop' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_310;)V' in 'fi/dy/masa/tweakeroo/tweaks/MiscTweaks')}
6854 0x000000010a7bfec8: 0857 92d2 | 2852 aef2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6856 0x000000010a7bfee0: ; ImmutableOopMap {c_rarg1=Oop [208]=Oop }
6857 ;*synchronization entry
6858 ; - fi.dy.masa.tweakeroo.tweaks.MiscTweaks::onGameLoop@-1 (line 128)
6859 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::handler$bhn000$tweakeroo$onGameLoop@15 (line 3212)
6860 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1113 (line 1360)
6861 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6862 0x000000010a7bfee0: 2854 6e95 | 22f8 ff17
6864 0x000000010a7bfee8: ; {internal_word}
6865 0x000000010a7bfee8: 4808 ff10 | 8837 02f9
6867 0x000000010a7bfef0: ; {runtime_call SafepointBlob}
6868 0x000000010a7bfef0: 840a 6b15
6870 0x000000010a7bfef4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [400]=Oop }
6871 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6872 ; - java.util.Formatter::ensureOpen@7 (line 2680)
6873 ; - java.util.Formatter::toString@1 (line 2627)
6874 ; - java.lang.String::format@13 (line 4431)
6875 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@1075 (line 1347)
6876 ; {runtime_call new_instance Runtime1 stub}
6877 0x000000010a7bfef4: e342 6e95 | 45f8 ff17
6879 0x000000010a7bfefc: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
6880 0x000000010a7bfefc: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6882 0x000000010a7bff14: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6883 ;*synchronization entry
6884 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
6885 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
6886 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
6887 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@20 (line 225)
6888 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
6889 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6890 0x000000010a7bff14: 1b54 6e95 | 5bf8 ff17
6892 0x000000010a7bff1c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6893 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6894 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
6895 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
6896 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
6897 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@20 (line 225)
6898 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
6899 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6900 0x000000010a7bff1c: 5941 6e95
6902 0x000000010a7bff20: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6903 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6904 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
6905 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
6906 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
6907 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1240@20 (line 225)
6908 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@522 (line 1298)
6909 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
6910 0x000000010a7bff20: 5844 6e95 | 6af8 ff17
6912 0x000000010a7bff28: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
6913 0x000000010a7bff28: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6915 0x000000010a7bff40: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6916 ;*synchronization entry
6917 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
6918 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
6919 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@0 (line 71)
6920 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
6921 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
6922 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
6923 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6924 0x000000010a7bff40: 1054 6e95 | 83f8 ff17
6926 0x000000010a7bff48: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6927 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6928 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
6929 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
6930 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@0 (line 71)
6931 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
6932 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
6933 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
6934 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6935 0x000000010a7bff48: 4e41 6e95
6937 0x000000010a7bff4c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
6938 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6939 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
6940 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
6941 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableDepthTest@0 (line 71)
6942 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableDepthTest@0 (line 197)
6943 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@10 (line 131)
6944 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
6945 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
6946 0x000000010a7bff4c: 4d44 6e95 | 92f8 ff17
6948 0x000000010a7bff54: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
6949 0x000000010a7bff54: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6951 0x000000010a7bff6c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
6952 ;*synchronization entry
6953 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
6954 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
6955 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@0 (line 66)
6956 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
6957 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
6958 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
6959 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6960 0x000000010a7bff6c: 0554 6e95 | abf8 ff17
6962 0x000000010a7bff74: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
6963 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6964 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
6965 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
6966 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@0 (line 66)
6967 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
6968 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
6969 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
6970 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
6971 0x000000010a7bff74: 4341 6e95
6973 0x000000010a7bff78: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
6974 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6975 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
6976 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
6977 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_disableDepthTest@0 (line 66)
6978 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@3 (line 193)
6979 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
6980 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
6981 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
6982 0x000000010a7bff78: 4244 6e95 | baf8 ff17
6984 0x000000010a7bff80: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
6985 0x000000010a7bff80: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
6987 0x000000010a7bff98: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
6988 ;*synchronization entry
6989 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
6990 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
6991 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@0 (line 192)
6992 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
6993 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
6994 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
6995 0x000000010a7bff98: fa53 6e95 | d3f8 ff17
6997 0x000000010a7bffa0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
6998 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
6999 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7000 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7001 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@0 (line 192)
7002 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
7003 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
7004 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
7005 0x000000010a7bffa0: 3841 6e95
7007 0x000000010a7bffa4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [312]=Oop }
7008 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7009 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7010 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7011 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::disableDepthTest@0 (line 192)
7012 ; - net.minecraft.class_332::method_51452@0 (line 129)
7013 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@494 (line 1293)
7014 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
7015 0x000000010a7bffa4: 3744 6e95 | e2f8 ff17
7017 0x000000010a7bffac: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
7018 0x000000010a7bffac: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
7020 0x000000010a7bffc4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7021 ;*synchronization entry
7022 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
7023 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7024 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@0 (line 459)
7025 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
7026 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
7027 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
7028 0x000000010a7bffc4: ef53 6e95 | fbf8 ff17
7030 0x000000010a7bffcc: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7031 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7032 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7033 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7034 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@0 (line 459)
7035 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
7036 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
7037 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
7038 0x000000010a7bffcc: 2d41 6e95
7040 0x000000010a7bffd0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7041 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7042 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7043 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7044 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_enableCull@0 (line 459)
7045 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@3 (line 257)
7046 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
7047 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
7048 0x000000010a7bffd0: 2c44 6e95 | 0af9 ff17
7050 0x000000010a7bffd8: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
7051 0x000000010a7bffd8: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
7053 0x000000010a7bfff0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7054 ;*synchronization entry
7055 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
7056 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7057 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@0 (line 256)
7058 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
7059 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
7060 0x000000010a7bfff0: e453 6e95 | 23f9 ff17
7062 0x000000010a7bfff8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7063 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7064 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7065 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7066 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@0 (line 256)
7067 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
7068 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
7069 0x000000010a7bfff8: 2241 6e95
7071 0x000000010a7bfffc: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7072 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7073 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7074 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7075 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::enableCull@0 (line 256)
7076 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@367 (line 1277)
7077 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
7078 0x000000010a7bfffc: 2144 6e95 | 32f9 ff17
7080 0x000000010a7c0004: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
7081 0x000000010a7c0004: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
7083 0x000000010a7c001c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7084 ;*synchronization entry
7085 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
7086 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7087 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::setShaderFogStart@0 (line 368)
7088 ; - net.minecraft.class_758::method_23792@3 (line 203)
7089 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@352 (line 1274)
7090 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
7091 0x000000010a7c001c: d953 6e95 | 4bf9 ff17
7093 0x000000010a7c0024: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7094 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7095 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7096 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7097 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::setShaderFogStart@0 (line 368)
7098 ; - net.minecraft.class_758::method_23792@3 (line 203)
7099 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@352 (line 1274)
7100 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
7101 0x000000010a7c0024: 1741 6e95
7103 0x000000010a7c0028: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7104 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7105 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7106 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7107 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::setShaderFogStart@0 (line 368)
7108 ; - net.minecraft.class_758::method_23792@3 (line 203)
7109 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@352 (line 1274)
7110 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
7111 0x000000010a7c0028: 1644 6e95 | 5af9 ff17
7113 0x000000010a7c0030: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
7114 0x000000010a7c0030: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
7116 0x000000010a7c0048: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
7117 ;*synchronization entry
7118 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
7119 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
7120 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
7121 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@9 (line 212)
7122 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
7123 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
7124 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
7125 0x000000010a7c0048: ce53 6e95 | 74f9 ff17
7127 0x000000010a7c0050: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
7128 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7129 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7130 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
7131 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
7132 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@9 (line 212)
7133 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
7134 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
7135 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
7136 0x000000010a7c0050: 0c41 6e95
7138 0x000000010a7c0054: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
7139 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7140 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7141 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
7142 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_glBindFramebuffer@0 (line 339)
7143 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@9 (line 212)
7144 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
7145 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
7146 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
7147 0x000000010a7c0054: 0b44 6e95 | 83f9 ff17
7149 0x000000010a7c005c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
7150 0x000000010a7c005c: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
7152 0x000000010a7c0074: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
7153 ;*synchronization entry
7154 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
7155 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
7156 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@0 (line 211)
7157 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
7158 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
7159 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
7160 0x000000010a7c0074: c353 6e95 | 9cf9 ff17
7162 0x000000010a7c007c: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
7163 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7164 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7165 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
7166 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@0 (line 211)
7167 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
7168 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
7169 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
7170 0x000000010a7c007c: 0141 6e95
7172 0x000000010a7c0080: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop [288]=Oop }
7173 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7174 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7175 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
7176 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_22595@0 (line 211)
7177 ; - net.minecraft.class_276::method_1235@21 (line 206)
7178 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@349 (line 1273)
7179 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
7180 0x000000010a7c0080: 0044 6e95 | abf9 ff17
7182 0x000000010a7c0088: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
7183 0x000000010a7c0088: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
7185 0x000000010a7c00a0: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7186 ;*synchronization entry
7187 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
7188 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7189 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_getError@0 (line 758)
7190 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@11 (line 708)
7191 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
7192 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
7193 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
7194 0x000000010a7c00a0: b853 6e95 | c4f9 ff17
7196 0x000000010a7c00a8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7197 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7198 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7199 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7200 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_getError@0 (line 758)
7201 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@11 (line 708)
7202 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
7203 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
7204 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
7205 0x000000010a7c00a8: f640 6e95
7207 0x000000010a7c00ac: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7208 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7209 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7210 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThread@6 (line 135)
7211 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_getError@0 (line 758)
7212 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@11 (line 708)
7213 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
7214 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
7215 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
7216 0x000000010a7c00ac: f543 6e95 | d3f9 ff17
7218 0x000000010a7c00b4: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7a6b0} 'constructThreadException' '()Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
7219 0x000000010a7c00b4: 08d6 94d2 | e87e a4f2 | 2800 c0f2 | e807 00f9 | 0800 8092 | e803 00f9
7221 0x000000010a7c00cc: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7222 ;*synchronization entry
7223 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@-1 (line 140)
7224 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
7225 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@0 (line 704)
7226 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
7227 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
7228 ; {runtime_call counter_overflow Runtime1 stub}
7229 0x000000010a7c00cc: ad53 6e95 | edf9 ff17
7231 0x000000010a7c00d4: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7232 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7233 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7234 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
7235 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@0 (line 704)
7236 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
7237 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
7238 ; {runtime_call throw_null_pointer_exception Runtime1 stub}
7239 0x000000010a7c00d4: eb40 6e95
7241 0x000000010a7c00d8: ; ImmutableOopMap {[208]=Oop }
7242 ;*new {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
7243 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::constructThreadException@0 (line 140)
7244 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::assertOnRenderThreadOrInit@13 (line 130)
7245 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager::_clear@0 (line 704)
7246 ; - com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem::clear@2 (line 364)
7247 ; - net.minecraft.class_310::method_1523@341 (line 1271)
7248 ; {runtime_call fast_new_instance_init_check Runtime1 stub}
7249 0x000000010a7c00d8: ea43 6e95 | fcf9 ff17 | 8083 42f9 | 9f83 02f9 | 9f87 02f9 | ff03 0891 | fd7b c1a8
7251 0x000000010a7c00f4: ; {runtime_call unwind_exception Runtime1 stub}
7252 0x000000010a7c00f4: 233d 6e15
7253[Stub Code]
7254 0x000000010a7c00f8: ; {no_reloc}
7255 0x000000010a7c00f8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | c039 7b0a | 0100 0000
7257 0x000000010a7c0108: ; {static_stub}
7258 0x000000010a7c0108: df3f 03d5
7260 0x000000010a7c010c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7261 0x000000010a7c010c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7263 0x000000010a7c0128: ; {trampoline_stub}
7264 0x000000010a7c0128: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 40fc 6a0a | 0100 0000
7266 0x000000010a7c0138: ; {static_stub}
7267 0x000000010a7c0138: df3f 03d5
7269 0x000000010a7c013c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171dc61c0} 'handleClientRunTickStart' '()V' in 'xaero/map/events/ClientEvents')}
7270 0x000000010a7c013c: 0c38 8cd2 | 8c3b aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 886a 81d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7272 0x000000010a7c0158: ; {trampoline_stub}
7273 0x000000010a7c0158: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 40fa 7f0a | 0100 0000
7275 0x000000010a7c0168: ; {trampoline_stub}
7276 0x000000010a7c0168: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 0005 800a | 0100 0000
7278 0x000000010a7c0178: ; {trampoline_stub}
7279 0x000000010a7c0178: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7281 0x000000010a7c0188: ; {trampoline_stub}
7282 0x000000010a7c0188: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7284 0x000000010a7c0198: ; {static_stub}
7285 0x000000010a7c0198: df3f 03d5
7287 0x000000010a7c019c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7288 0x000000010a7c019c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7290 0x000000010a7c01b8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7291 0x000000010a7c01b8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7293 0x000000010a7c01c8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7294 0x000000010a7c01c8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7296 0x000000010a7c01d8: ; {static_stub}
7297 0x000000010a7c01d8: df3f 03d5
7299 0x000000010a7c01dc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7300 0x000000010a7c01dc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7302 0x000000010a7c01f8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7303 0x000000010a7c01f8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 2c0b 2810 | 0100 0000
7305 0x000000010a7c0208: ; {static_stub}
7306 0x000000010a7c0208: df3f 03d5
7308 0x000000010a7c020c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7309 0x000000010a7c020c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7311 0x000000010a7c0228: ; {trampoline_stub}
7312 0x000000010a7c0228: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | c0dd b910 | 0100 0000
7314 0x000000010a7c0238: ; {static_stub}
7315 0x000000010a7c0238: df3f 03d5
7317 0x000000010a7c023c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7318 0x000000010a7c023c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7320 0x000000010a7c0258: ; {trampoline_stub}
7321 0x000000010a7c0258: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c0 ff10 | 0100 0000
7323 0x000000010a7c0268: ; {trampoline_stub}
7324 0x000000010a7c0268: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 400b 800a | 0100 0000
7326 0x000000010a7c0278: ; {trampoline_stub}
7327 0x000000010a7c0278: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 000f 800a | 0100 0000
7329 0x000000010a7c0288: ; {static_stub}
7330 0x000000010a7c0288: df3f 03d5
7332 0x000000010a7c028c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7333 0x000000010a7c028c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7335 0x000000010a7c02a8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7336 0x000000010a7c02a8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 00e1 600a | 0100 0000
7338 0x000000010a7c02b8: ; {static_stub}
7339 0x000000010a7c02b8: df3f 03d5
7341 0x000000010a7c02bc: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171076c78} 'method_1574' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
7342 0x000000010a7c02bc: 0c8f 8dd2 | ec20 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 886a 81d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7344 0x000000010a7c02d8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7345 0x000000010a7c02d8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | b802 7c0a | 0100 0000
7347 0x000000010a7c02e8: ; {static_stub}
7348 0x000000010a7c02e8: df3f 03d5
7350 0x000000010a7c02ec: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000172263dc0} 'method_4840' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1140')}
7351 0x000000010a7c02ec: 0cb8 87d2 | cc44 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 88ba 82d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7353 0x000000010a7c0308: ; {trampoline_stub}
7354 0x000000010a7c0308: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | e802 7c0a | 0100 0000
7356 0x000000010a7c0318: ; {static_stub}
7357 0x000000010a7c0318: df3f 03d5
7359 0x000000010a7c031c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7360 0x000000010a7c031c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7362 0x000000010a7c0338: ; {trampoline_stub}
7363 0x000000010a7c0338: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c0 ff10 | 0100 0000
7365 0x000000010a7c0348: ; {static_stub}
7366 0x000000010a7c0348: df3f 03d5
7368 0x000000010a7c034c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7369 0x000000010a7c034c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7371 0x000000010a7c0368: ; {trampoline_stub}
7372 0x000000010a7c0368: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c4 2710 | 0100 0000
7374 0x000000010a7c0378: ; {static_stub}
7375 0x000000010a7c0378: df3f 03d5
7377 0x000000010a7c037c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7378 0x000000010a7c037c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7380 0x000000010a7c0398: ; {trampoline_stub}
7381 0x000000010a7c0398: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7383 0x000000010a7c03a8: ; {static_stub}
7384 0x000000010a7c03a8: df3f 03d5
7386 0x000000010a7c03ac: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7387 0x000000010a7c03ac: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7389 0x000000010a7c03c8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7390 0x000000010a7c03c8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7392 0x000000010a7c03d8: ; {static_stub}
7393 0x000000010a7c03d8: df3f 03d5
7395 0x000000010a7c03dc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7396 0x000000010a7c03dc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7398 0x000000010a7c03f8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7399 0x000000010a7c03f8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c4 2710 | 0100 0000
7401 0x000000010a7c0408: ; {trampoline_stub}
7402 0x000000010a7c0408: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | d025 fd10 | 0100 0000
7404 0x000000010a7c0418: ; {trampoline_stub}
7405 0x000000010a7c0418: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 50fa fb10 | 0100 0000
7407 0x000000010a7c0428: ; {static_stub}
7408 0x000000010a7c0428: df3f 03d5
7410 0x000000010a7c042c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7411 0x000000010a7c042c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7413 0x000000010a7c0448: ; {trampoline_stub}
7414 0x000000010a7c0448: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7416 0x000000010a7c0458: ; {static_stub}
7417 0x000000010a7c0458: df3f 03d5
7419 0x000000010a7c045c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7420 0x000000010a7c045c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7422 0x000000010a7c0478: ; {trampoline_stub}
7423 0x000000010a7c0478: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7425 0x000000010a7c0488: ; {trampoline_stub}
7426 0x000000010a7c0488: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 509d fa10 | 0100 0000
7428 0x000000010a7c0498: ; {trampoline_stub}
7429 0x000000010a7c0498: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | c094 630a | 0100 0000
7431 0x000000010a7c04a8: ; {static_stub}
7432 0x000000010a7c04a8: df3f 03d5
7434 0x000000010a7c04ac: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7435 0x000000010a7c04ac: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7437 0x000000010a7c04c8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7438 0x000000010a7c04c8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 50c5 fe10 | 0100 0000
7440 0x000000010a7c04d8: ; {static_stub}
7441 0x000000010a7c04d8: df3f 03d5
7443 0x000000010a7c04dc: ; {metadata({method} {0x000000017213e8a8} 'method_55793' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_312')}
7444 0x000000010a7c04dc: 0c15 9dd2 | 6c42 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 886a 81d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7446 0x000000010a7c04f8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7447 0x000000010a7c04f8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 006c 970a | 0100 0000
7449 0x000000010a7c0508: ; {static_stub}
7450 0x000000010a7c0508: df3f 03d5
7452 0x000000010a7c050c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7453 0x000000010a7c050c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7455 0x000000010a7c0528: ; {trampoline_stub}
7456 0x000000010a7c0528: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 40fc 6a0a | 0100 0000
7458 0x000000010a7c0538: ; {static_stub}
7459 0x000000010a7c0538: df3f 03d5
7461 0x000000010a7c053c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7462 0x000000010a7c053c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7464 0x000000010a7c0558: ; {trampoline_stub}
7465 0x000000010a7c0558: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | c0a3 630a | 0100 0000
7467 0x000000010a7c0568: ; {static_stub}
7468 0x000000010a7c0568: df3f 03d5
7470 0x000000010a7c056c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171ca85d0} 'method_3192' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_9779;Z)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_757')}
7471 0x000000010a7c056c: 0cba 90d2 | 4c39 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 083b 8dd2 | e804 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7473 0x000000010a7c0588: ; {trampoline_stub}
7474 0x000000010a7c0588: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 6805 7c0a | 0100 0000
7476 0x000000010a7c0598: ; {trampoline_stub}
7477 0x000000010a7c0598: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7479 0x000000010a7c05a8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7480 0x000000010a7c05a8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7482 0x000000010a7c05b8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7483 0x000000010a7c05b8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7485 0x000000010a7c05c8: ; {static_stub}
7486 0x000000010a7c05c8: df3f 03d5
7488 0x000000010a7c05cc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7489 0x000000010a7c05cc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7491 0x000000010a7c05e8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7492 0x000000010a7c05e8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7494 0x000000010a7c05f8: ; {static_stub}
7495 0x000000010a7c05f8: df3f 03d5
7497 0x000000010a7c05fc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7498 0x000000010a7c05fc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7500 0x000000010a7c0618: ; {trampoline_stub}
7501 0x000000010a7c0618: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7503 0x000000010a7c0628: ; {static_stub}
7504 0x000000010a7c0628: df3f 03d5
7506 0x000000010a7c062c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7507 0x000000010a7c062c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7509 0x000000010a7c0648: ; {trampoline_stub}
7510 0x000000010a7c0648: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7512 0x000000010a7c0658: ; {static_stub}
7513 0x000000010a7c0658: df3f 03d5
7515 0x000000010a7c065c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7516 0x000000010a7c065c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7518 0x000000010a7c0678: ; {trampoline_stub}
7519 0x000000010a7c0678: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7521 0x000000010a7c0688: ; {static_stub}
7522 0x000000010a7c0688: df3f 03d5
7524 0x000000010a7c068c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7525 0x000000010a7c068c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7527 0x000000010a7c06a8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7528 0x000000010a7c06a8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7530 0x000000010a7c06b8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7531 0x000000010a7c06b8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 509d fa10 | 0100 0000
7533 0x000000010a7c06c8: ; {static_stub}
7534 0x000000010a7c06c8: df3f 03d5
7536 0x000000010a7c06cc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7537 0x000000010a7c06cc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7539 0x000000010a7c06e8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7540 0x000000010a7c06e8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | c052 7c0a | 0100 0000
7542 0x000000010a7c06f8: ; {static_stub}
7543 0x000000010a7c06f8: df3f 03d5
7545 0x000000010a7c06fc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7546 0x000000010a7c06fc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7548 0x000000010a7c0718: ; {trampoline_stub}
7549 0x000000010a7c0718: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c0 ff10 | 0100 0000
7551 0x000000010a7c0728: ; {static_stub}
7552 0x000000010a7c0728: df3f 03d5
7554 0x000000010a7c072c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7555 0x000000010a7c072c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7557 0x000000010a7c0748: ; {trampoline_stub}
7558 0x000000010a7c0748: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7560 0x000000010a7c0758: ; {static_stub}
7561 0x000000010a7c0758: df3f 03d5
7563 0x000000010a7c075c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7564 0x000000010a7c075c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7566 0x000000010a7c0778: ; {trampoline_stub}
7567 0x000000010a7c0778: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7569 0x000000010a7c0788: ; {static_stub}
7570 0x000000010a7c0788: df3f 03d5
7572 0x000000010a7c078c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7573 0x000000010a7c078c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7575 0x000000010a7c07a8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7576 0x000000010a7c07a8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c4 2710 | 0100 0000
7578 0x000000010a7c07b8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7579 0x000000010a7c07b8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 002e 800a | 0100 0000
7581 0x000000010a7c07c8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7582 0x000000010a7c07c8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c4 830a | 0100 0000
7584 0x000000010a7c07d8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7585 0x000000010a7c07d8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7587 0x000000010a7c07e8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7588 0x000000010a7c07e8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 50b4 0311 | 0100 0000
7590 0x000000010a7c07f8: ; {static_stub}
7591 0x000000010a7c07f8: df3f 03d5
7593 0x000000010a7c07fc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7594 0x000000010a7c07fc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7596 0x000000010a7c0818: ; {trampoline_stub}
7597 0x000000010a7c0818: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c4 2710 | 0100 0000
7599 0x000000010a7c0828: ; {static_stub}
7600 0x000000010a7c0828: df3f 03d5
7602 0x000000010a7c082c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7603 0x000000010a7c082c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7605 0x000000010a7c0848: ; {trampoline_stub}
7606 0x000000010a7c0848: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c4 2710 | 0100 0000
7608 0x000000010a7c0858: ; {static_stub}
7609 0x000000010a7c0858: df3f 03d5
7611 0x000000010a7c085c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7612 0x000000010a7c085c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7614 0x000000010a7c0878: ; {trampoline_stub}
7615 0x000000010a7c0878: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 2c0b 2810 | 0100 0000
7617 0x000000010a7c0888: ; {static_stub}
7618 0x000000010a7c0888: df3f 03d5
7620 0x000000010a7c088c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7621 0x000000010a7c088c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7623 0x000000010a7c08a8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7624 0x000000010a7c08a8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 3211 | 0100 0000
7626 0x000000010a7c08b8: ; {static_stub}
7627 0x000000010a7c08b8: df3f 03d5
7629 0x000000010a7c08bc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7630 0x000000010a7c08bc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7632 0x000000010a7c08d8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7633 0x000000010a7c08d8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c0 ff10 | 0100 0000
7635 0x000000010a7c08e8: ; {static_stub}
7636 0x000000010a7c08e8: df3f 03d5
7638 0x000000010a7c08ec: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001724b6c40} 'method_56649' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9191')}
7639 0x000000010a7c08ec: 0c88 8dd2 | 6c49 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 886a 81d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7641 0x000000010a7c0908: ; {trampoline_stub}
7642 0x000000010a7c0908: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | c0f2 7f0a | 0100 0000
7644 0x000000010a7c0918: ; {static_stub}
7645 0x000000010a7c0918: df3f 03d5
7647 0x000000010a7c091c: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001724b7d00} 'method_56651' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9187')}
7648 0x000000010a7c091c: 0ca0 8fd2 | 6c49 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 886a 81d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7650 0x000000010a7c0938: ; {trampoline_stub}
7651 0x000000010a7c0938: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 0072 800a | 0100 0000
7653 0x000000010a7c0948: ; {static_stub}
7654 0x000000010a7c0948: df3f 03d5
7656 0x000000010a7c094c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7657 0x000000010a7c094c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7659 0x000000010a7c0968: ; {trampoline_stub}
7660 0x000000010a7c0968: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c4 2710 | 0100 0000
7662 0x000000010a7c0978: ; {static_stub}
7663 0x000000010a7c0978: df3f 03d5
7665 0x000000010a7c097c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7666 0x000000010a7c097c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7668 0x000000010a7c0998: ; {trampoline_stub}
7669 0x000000010a7c0998: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c4 2710 | 0100 0000
7671 0x000000010a7c09a8: ; {static_stub}
7672 0x000000010a7c09a8: df3f 03d5
7674 0x000000010a7c09ac: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7675 0x000000010a7c09ac: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7677 0x000000010a7c09c8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7678 0x000000010a7c09c8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c0 ff10 | 0100 0000
7680 0x000000010a7c09d8: ; {static_stub}
7681 0x000000010a7c09d8: df3f 03d5
7683 0x000000010a7c09dc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7684 0x000000010a7c09dc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7686 0x000000010a7c09f8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7687 0x000000010a7c09f8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7689 0x000000010a7c0a08: ; {trampoline_stub}
7690 0x000000010a7c0a08: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7692 0x000000010a7c0a18: ; {static_stub}
7693 0x000000010a7c0a18: df3f 03d5
7695 0x000000010a7c0a1c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7696 0x000000010a7c0a1c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7698 0x000000010a7c0a38: ; {trampoline_stub}
7699 0x000000010a7c0a38: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7701 0x000000010a7c0a48: ; {static_stub}
7702 0x000000010a7c0a48: df3f 03d5
7704 0x000000010a7c0a4c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7705 0x000000010a7c0a4c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7707 0x000000010a7c0a68: ; {trampoline_stub}
7708 0x000000010a7c0a68: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c7 2710 | 0100 0000
7710 0x000000010a7c0a78: ; {trampoline_stub}
7711 0x000000010a7c0a78: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 504f 8110 | 0100 0000
7713 0x000000010a7c0a88: ; {trampoline_stub}
7714 0x000000010a7c0a88: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7716 0x000000010a7c0a98: ; {static_stub}
7717 0x000000010a7c0a98: df3f 03d5
7719 0x000000010a7c0a9c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7720 0x000000010a7c0a9c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7722 0x000000010a7c0ab8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7723 0x000000010a7c0ab8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 00a3 da10 | 0100 0000
7725 0x000000010a7c0ac8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7726 0x000000010a7c0ac8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | e80c 7c0a | 0100 0000
7728 0x000000010a7c0ad8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7729 0x000000010a7c0ad8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | c076 800a | 0100 0000
7731 0x000000010a7c0ae8: ; {static_stub}
7732 0x000000010a7c0ae8: df3f 03d5
7734 0x000000010a7c0aec: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7735 0x000000010a7c0aec: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7737 0x000000010a7c0b08: ; {trampoline_stub}
7738 0x000000010a7c0b08: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7740 0x000000010a7c0b18: ; {trampoline_stub}
7741 0x000000010a7c0b18: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7743 0x000000010a7c0b28: ; {trampoline_stub}
7744 0x000000010a7c0b28: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7746 0x000000010a7c0b38: ; {trampoline_stub}
7747 0x000000010a7c0b38: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7749 0x000000010a7c0b48: ; {trampoline_stub}
7750 0x000000010a7c0b48: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7752 0x000000010a7c0b58: ; {trampoline_stub}
7753 0x000000010a7c0b58: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7755 0x000000010a7c0b68: ; {trampoline_stub}
7756 0x000000010a7c0b68: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7758 0x000000010a7c0b78: ; {trampoline_stub}
7759 0x000000010a7c0b78: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7761 0x000000010a7c0b88: ; {trampoline_stub}
7762 0x000000010a7c0b88: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7764 0x000000010a7c0b98: ; {trampoline_stub}
7765 0x000000010a7c0b98: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7767 0x000000010a7c0ba8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7768 0x000000010a7c0ba8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7770 0x000000010a7c0bb8: ; {trampoline_stub}
7771 0x000000010a7c0bb8: 4800 0058 | 0001 1fd6 | 80c1 2710 | 0100 0000
7773 0x000000010a7c0bc8: ; {static_stub}
7774 0x000000010a7c0bc8: df3f 03d5
7776 0x000000010a7c0bcc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7777 0x000000010a7c0bcc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7779 0x000000010a7c0be8: ; {static_stub}
7780 0x000000010a7c0be8: df3f 03d5
7782 0x000000010a7c0bec: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7783 0x000000010a7c0bec: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7785 0x000000010a7c0c08: ; {static_stub}
7786 0x000000010a7c0c08: df3f 03d5
7788 0x000000010a7c0c0c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7789 0x000000010a7c0c0c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7791 0x000000010a7c0c28: ; {static_stub}
7792 0x000000010a7c0c28: df3f 03d5
7794 0x000000010a7c0c2c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7795 0x000000010a7c0c2c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7797 0x000000010a7c0c48: ; {static_stub}
7798 0x000000010a7c0c48: df3f 03d5
7800 0x000000010a7c0c4c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7801 0x000000010a7c0c4c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7803 0x000000010a7c0c68: ; {static_stub}
7804 0x000000010a7c0c68: df3f 03d5
7806 0x000000010a7c0c6c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171b5c780} 'glfwWindowShouldClose' '(J)Z' in 'org/lwjgl/glfw/GLFW')}
7807 0x000000010a7c0c6c: 0cf0 98d2 | ac36 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 885a 88d2 | c804 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7809 0x000000010a7c0c88: ; {static_stub}
7810 0x000000010a7c0c88: df3f 03d5
7812 0x000000010a7c0c8c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7813 0x000000010a7c0c8c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7815 0x000000010a7c0ca8: ; {static_stub}
7816 0x000000010a7c0ca8: df3f 03d5
7818 0x000000010a7c0cac: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7819 0x000000010a7c0cac: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7821 0x000000010a7c0cc8: ; {static_stub}
7822 0x000000010a7c0cc8: df3f 03d5
7824 0x000000010a7c0ccc: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7825 0x000000010a7c0ccc: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7827 0x000000010a7c0ce8: ; {static_stub}
7828 0x000000010a7c0ce8: df3f 03d5
7830 0x000000010a7c0cec: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000172913310} 'onTick' '(Lnet/minecraft/class_310;)V' in 'fi/dy/masa/tweakeroo/tweaks/PlacementTweaks')}
7831 0x000000010a7c0cec: 0c62 86d2 | 2c52 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 886a 81d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7833 0x000000010a7c0d08: ; {static_stub}
7834 0x000000010a7c0d08: df3f 03d5
7836 0x000000010a7c0d0c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171092870} 'handler$bcc000$sodium$postRender' '(ZLorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_310')}
7837 0x000000010a7c0d0c: 0c0e 85d2 | 2c21 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 88fb 8ad2 | c804 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7839 0x000000010a7c0d28: ; {static_stub}
7840 0x000000010a7c0d28: df3f 03d5
7842 0x000000010a7c0d2c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171fef608} 'method_15998' '()V' in 'net/minecraft/class_1041')}
7843 0x000000010a7c0d2c: 0cc1 9ed2 | cc3f aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 886a 81d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7845 0x000000010a7c0d48: ; {static_stub}
7846 0x000000010a7c0d48: df3f 03d5
7848 0x000000010a7c0d4c: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000123f7ab78} 'limitDisplayFPS' '(I)V' in 'com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem')}
7849 0x000000010a7c0d4c: 0c6f 95d2 | ec7e a4f2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 88da 81d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7851 0x000000010a7c0d68: ; {static_stub}
7852 0x000000010a7c0d68: df3f 03d5
7854 0x000000010a7c0d6c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7855 0x000000010a7c0d6c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7857 0x000000010a7c0d88: ; {static_stub}
7858 0x000000010a7c0d88: df3f 03d5
7860 0x000000010a7c0d8c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7861 0x000000010a7c0d8c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7863 0x000000010a7c0da8: ; {static_stub}
7864 0x000000010a7c0da8: df3f 03d5
7866 0x000000010a7c0dac: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7867 0x000000010a7c0dac: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7869 0x000000010a7c0dc8: ; {static_stub}
7870 0x000000010a7c0dc8: df3f 03d5
7872 0x000000010a7c0dcc: ; {metadata({method} {0x00000001711128d0} 'method_60641' '(J)V' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
7873 0x000000010a7c0dcc: 0c1a 85d2 | 2c22 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 088b 83d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7875 0x000000010a7c0de8: ; {static_stub}
7876 0x000000010a7c0de8: df3f 03d5
7878 0x000000010a7c0dec: ; {metadata({method} {0x0000000171112800} 'method_60639' '(J)I' in 'net/minecraft/class_9779$class_9781')}
7879 0x000000010a7c0dec: 0c00 85d2 | 2c22 aef2 | 2c00 c0f2 | 088b 83d2 | 0805 a2f2 | 2800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7881 0x000000010a7c0e08: ; {static_stub}
7882 0x000000010a7c0e08: df3f 03d5
7884 0x000000010a7c0e0c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7885 0x000000010a7c0e0c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7887 0x000000010a7c0e28: ; {static_stub}
7888 0x000000010a7c0e28: df3f 03d5
7890 0x000000010a7c0e2c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7891 0x000000010a7c0e2c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7893 0x000000010a7c0e48: ; {static_stub}
7894 0x000000010a7c0e48: df3f 03d5
7896 0x000000010a7c0e4c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7897 0x000000010a7c0e4c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7899 0x000000010a7c0e68: ; {static_stub}
7900 0x000000010a7c0e68: df3f 03d5
7902 0x000000010a7c0e6c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7903 0x000000010a7c0e6c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7905 0x000000010a7c0e88: ; {static_stub}
7906 0x000000010a7c0e88: df3f 03d5
7908 0x000000010a7c0e8c: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7909 0x000000010a7c0e8c: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7911 0x000000010a7c0ea8: ; {static_stub}
7912 0x000000010a7c0ea8: df3f 03d5
7914 0x000000010a7c0eac: ; {metadata(nullptr)}
7915 0x000000010a7c0eac: 0c00 80d2 | 0c00 a0f2 | 0c00 c0f2 | 0800 80d2 | 0800 a0f2 | 0800 c0f2 | 0001 1fd6
7916[Exception Handler]
7917 0x000000010a7c0ec8: ; {runtime_call handle_exception_from_callee Runtime1 stub}
7918 0x000000010a7c0ec8: ee44 6e95 | c1d5 bbd4 | b54d bc04 | 0100 0000
7919[Deopt Handler Code]
7920 0x000000010a7c0ed8: 1e00 0010
7922 0x000000010a7c0edc: ; {runtime_call DeoptimizationBlob}
7923 0x000000010a7c0edc: 5907 6b15
7927--------------- P R O C E S S ---------------
7929Threads class SMR info:
7930_java_thread_list=0x0000600001b7d460, length=63, elements={
79310x000000014b81aa00, 0x000000014b89b400, 0x000000014b8d6600, 0x000000014b8d6e00,
79320x000000014b8d7600, 0x000000014b899800, 0x000000014b89a000, 0x000000014b89a800,
79330x000000014a80aa00, 0x000000014b894400, 0x00000001266e1600, 0x00000001272eac00,
79340x000000014bcb9200, 0x0000000126e27e00, 0x00000001268c3400, 0x00000001499d0a00,
79350x0000000149ecda00, 0x000000012b022c00, 0x000000012b023400, 0x000000014a196e00,
79360x000000014a237e00, 0x0000000126c8f400, 0x000000012863a400, 0x000000012740aa00,
79370x00000001271ce200, 0x0000000127409c00, 0x0000000126a20e00, 0x0000000127409200,
79380x00000001271d8200, 0x000000014a193200, 0x000000014a127a00, 0x00000001271d6a00,
79390x00000001271d7200, 0x000000014982da00, 0x00000001282fe600, 0x0000000128315400,
79400x000000012b026800, 0x000000014bee1c00, 0x000000011f80b000, 0x000000012b02a000,
79410x000000012826fa00, 0x000000014bea6800, 0x00000001275a6800, 0x000000012b0c7000,
79420x000000012b0c5400, 0x0000000149f4f000, 0x0000000126dff000, 0x0000000126d91800,
79430x0000000126d7a800, 0x000000012700b000, 0x000000014a9d0000, 0x000000014a50b800,
79440x000000014a50ae00, 0x000000014a50c000, 0x0000000126187a00, 0x0000000128481800,
79450x000000014bc07600, 0x0000000149e6a800, 0x000000014bfd9e00, 0x0000000126b1f800,
79460x000000012693c600, 0x0000000126561200, 0x0000000126a10c00
7949Java Threads: ( => current thread )
7950=>0x000000014b81aa00 JavaThread "Render thread" [_thread_in_native, id=259, stack(0x000000016c828000,0x000000016d024000) (8176K)]
7951 0x000000014b89b400 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=22531, stack(0x000000016e020000,0x000000016e223000) (2060K)]
7952 0x000000014b8d6600 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=32003, stack(0x000000016e22c000,0x000000016e42f000) (2060K)]
7953 0x000000014b8d6e00 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=31747, stack(0x000000016e438000,0x000000016e63b000) (2060K)]
7954 0x000000014b8d7600 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=31491, stack(0x000000016e644000,0x000000016e847000) (2060K)]
7955 0x000000014b899800 JavaThread "Monitor Deflation Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=31235, stack(0x000000016e850000,0x000000016ea53000) (2060K)]
7956 0x000000014b89a000 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=30723, stack(0x000000016ea5c000,0x000000016ec5f000) (2060K)]
7957 0x000000014b89a800 JavaThread "C1 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=30467, stack(0x000000016ec68000,0x000000016ee6b000) (2060K)]
7958 0x000000014a80aa00 JavaThread "Notification Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=24067, stack(0x000000016ee74000,0x000000016f077000) (2060K)]
7959 0x000000014b894400 JavaThread "Common-Cleaner" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=24579, stack(0x000000016f080000,0x000000016f283000) (2060K)]
7960 0x00000001266e1600 JavaThread "JNA Cleaner" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=33543, stack(0x00000001704f8000,0x00000001706fb000) (2060K)]
7961 0x00000001272eac00 JavaThread "process reaper" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=27667, stack(0x0000000170704000,0x000000017073b000) (220K)]
7962 0x000000014bcb9200 JavaThread "Timer hack thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=18951, stack(0x00000001702ec000,0x00000001704ef000) (2060K)]
7963 0x0000000126e27e00 JavaThread "Yggdrasil Key Fetcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=27919, stack(0x0000000170744000,0x0000000170947000) (2060K)]
7964 0x00000001268c3400 JavaThread "Download-1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=32775, stack(0x0000000170950000,0x0000000170b53000) (2060K)]
7965 0x00000001499d0a00 JavaThread "Download-2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=34055, stack(0x0000000170b5c000,0x0000000170d5f000) (2060K)]
7966 0x0000000149ecda00 JavaThread "Keep-Alive-Timer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=27151, stack(0x0000000170d68000,0x0000000170f6b000) (2060K)]
7967 0x000000012b022c00 JavaThread "Thread-3" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=34571, stack(0x0000000175004000,0x0000000175207000) (2060K)]
7968 0x000000012b023400 JavaThread "DH-ApplyConfigPresetTimer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=33287, stack(0x0000000175210000,0x0000000175413000) (2060K)]
7969 0x000000014a196e00 JavaThread "DH-ApplyConfigPresetTimer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=42243, stack(0x000000017541c000,0x000000017561f000) (2060K)]
7970 0x000000014a237e00 JavaThread "Thread-6" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=41731, stack(0x0000000175628000,0x000000017582b000) (2060K)]
7971 0x0000000126c8f400 JavaThread "Worker-Main-1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=41475, stack(0x0000000175834000,0x0000000175a37000) (2060K)]
7972 0x000000012863a400 JavaThread "ForkJoinPool-3-worker-1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=40963, stack(0x0000000175a40000,0x0000000175c43000) (2060K)]
7973 0x000000012740aa00 JavaThread "ForkJoinPool-3-worker-2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=35331, stack(0x0000000175c4c000,0x0000000175e4f000) (2060K)]
7974 0x00000001271ce200 JavaThread "ForkJoinPool-3-worker-3" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=40707, stack(0x0000000175e58000,0x000000017605b000) (2060K)]
7975 0x0000000127409c00 JavaThread "ForkJoinPool-3-worker-4" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=40195, stack(0x0000000176064000,0x0000000176267000) (2060K)]
7976 0x0000000126a20e00 JavaThread "ForkJoinPool-3-worker-5" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=39939, stack(0x0000000176270000,0x0000000176473000) (2060K)]
7977 0x0000000127409200 JavaThread "HttpClient-1-SelectorManager" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=36099, stack(0x000000017647c000,0x000000017667f000) (2060K)]
7978 0x00000001271d8200 JavaThread "ForkJoinPool-3-worker-6" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=39171, stack(0x0000000176688000,0x000000017688b000) (2060K)]
7979 0x000000014a193200 JavaThread "HttpClient-1-Worker-0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=38915, stack(0x0000000176894000,0x0000000176a97000) (2060K)]
7980 0x000000014a127a00 JavaThread "HttpClient-1-Worker-1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=38403, stack(0x0000000176aa0000,0x0000000176ca3000) (2060K)]
7981 0x00000001271d6a00 JavaThread "HttpClient-1-Worker-2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=36611, stack(0x0000000176cac000,0x0000000176eaf000) (2060K)]
7982 0x00000001271d7200 JavaThread "HttpClient-1-Worker-3" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=37635, stack(0x0000000176eb8000,0x00000001770bb000) (2060K)]
7983 0x000000014982da00 JavaThread "Thread-7" [_thread_blocked, id=37379, stack(0x00000001770c4000,0x00000001772c7000) (2060K)]
7984 0x00000001282fe600 JavaThread "Worker-Main-2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=103939, stack(0x0000000177a54000,0x0000000177c57000) (2060K)]
7985 0x0000000128315400 JavaThread "Worker-Main-3" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=104195, stack(0x0000000177c60000,0x0000000177e63000) (2060K)]
7986 0x000000012b026800 JavaThread "Worker-Main-4" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=104707, stack(0x000000030fdb0000,0x000000030ffb3000) (2060K)]
7987 0x000000014bee1c00 JavaThread "Worker-Main-5" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=116483, stack(0x000000030ffbc000,0x00000003101bf000) (2060K)]
7988 0x000000011f80b000 JavaThread "Worker-Main-6" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=105475, stack(0x00000003101c8000,0x00000003103cb000) (2060K)]
7989 0x000000012b02a000 JavaThread "Worker-Main-7" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=105987, stack(0x00000003103d4000,0x00000003105d7000) (2060K)]
7990 0x000000012826fa00 JavaThread "MiniHUD Worker Thread 0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=115971, stack(0x0000000314684000,0x0000000314887000) (2060K)]
7991 0x000000014bea6800 JavaThread "IO-Worker-1" [_thread_blocked, id=115459, stack(0x0000000314890000,0x0000000314a93000) (2060K)]
7992 0x00000001275a6800 JavaThread "IO-Worker-2" [_thread_blocked, id=163599, stack(0x000000031b758000,0x000000031b95b000) (2060K)]
7993 0x000000012b0c7000 JavaThread "IO-Worker-3" [_thread_blocked, id=112699, stack(0x000000031ca74000,0x000000031cc77000) (2060K)]
7994 0x000000012b0c5400 JavaThread "IO-Worker-4" [_thread_blocked, id=141831, stack(0x000000031cc80000,0x000000031ce83000) (2060K)]
7995 0x0000000149f4f000 JavaThread "Server Pinger #0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=135175, stack(0x000000031d258000,0x000000031d45b000) (2060K)]
7996 0x0000000126dff000 JavaThread "Netty Client IO #0" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=169031, stack(0x000000031d464000,0x000000031d667000) (2060K)]
7997 0x0000000126d91800 JavaThread "Netty Client IO #1" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=163367, stack(0x000000031d87c000,0x000000031da7f000) (2060K)]
7998 0x0000000126d7a800 JavaThread "Sound engine" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=100363, stack(0x0000000177474000,0x0000000177677000) (2060K)]
7999 0x000000012700b000 JavaThread "Telemetry-Sender-#1" [_thread_blocked, id=143107, stack(0x000000031e11c000,0x000000031e31f000) (2060K)]
8000 0x000000014a9d0000 JavaThread "DH-Delayed Full Datasource Save Timer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=143367, stack(0x000000031f700000,0x000000031f903000) (2060K)]
8001 0x000000014a50b800 JavaThread "DH-Full Data Migration Thread: [l6n5s8oa17n94@minecraft:overworld] Thread[0]" [_thread_blocked, id=143875, stack(0x000000031f90c000,0x000000031fb0f000) (2060K)]
8002 0x000000014a50ae00 JavaThread "DH-Parent Update Queue [l6n5s8oa17n94@minecraft:overworld] Thread[0]" [_thread_blocked, id=144387, stack(0x000000031fb18000,0x000000031fd1b000) (2060K)]
8003 0x000000014a50c000 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=162307, stack(0x000000031ff70000,0x0000000320173000) (2060K)]
8004 0x0000000126187a00 JavaThread "DH-LOD Builder - Chunk to Lod Builder Thread[0]" [_thread_blocked, id=144899, stack(0x0000000320304000,0x0000000320507000) (2060K)]
8005 0x0000000128481800 JavaThread "DH-Client World Ticker Thread Thread[0]" [_thread_blocked, id=161795, stack(0x0000000320510000,0x0000000320713000) (2060K)]
8006 0x000000014bc07600 JavaThread "DH-QuadTree Full Data Retrieval Queue Populator Thread[0]" [_thread_blocked, id=145411, stack(0x000000032071c000,0x000000032091f000) (2060K)]
8007 0x0000000149e6a800 JavaThread "Chunk Render Task Executor #0" [_thread_blocked, id=142867, stack(0x000000031dd04000,0x000000031df07000) (2060K)]
8008 0x000000014bfd9e00 JavaThread "Chunk Render Task Executor #1" [_thread_blocked, id=163087, stack(0x000000031df10000,0x000000031e113000) (2060K)]
8009 0x0000000126b1f800 JavaThread "DH-GLBuffer Cleanup Thread[0]" [_thread_blocked, id=145667, stack(0x0000000320928000,0x0000000320b2b000) (2060K)]
8010 0x000000012693c600 JavaThread "DH-Beacon Culling Thread[0]" [_thread_blocked, id=146179, stack(0x0000000321ef4000,0x00000003220f7000) (2060K)]
8011 0x0000000126561200 JavaThread "DH-File Handler Thread[0]" [_thread_blocked, id=118607, stack(0x0000000323a50000,0x0000000323c53000) (2060K)]
8012 0x0000000126a10c00 JavaThread "DH-LOD Builder - Buffer Builder Thread[0]" [_thread_blocked, id=162827, stack(0x000000032d484000,0x000000032d687000) (2060K)]
8013Total: 63
8015Other Threads:
8016 0x000000014b10dfc0 VMThread "VM Thread" [id=20227, stack(0x000000016dcfc000,0x000000016deff000) (2060K)]
8017 0x000000014b10b580 WatcherThread "VM Periodic Task Thread" [id=21507, stack(0x000000016daf0000,0x000000016dcf3000) (2060K)]
8018 0x000000014b106bb0 WorkerThread "GC Thread#0" [id=11779, stack(0x000000016d0b4000,0x000000016d2b7000) (2060K)]
8019 0x000000014b013aa0 WorkerThread "GC Thread#1" [id=30211, stack(0x000000016f28c000,0x000000016f48f000) (2060K)]
8020 0x000000014b13b9e0 WorkerThread "GC Thread#2" [id=25091, stack(0x000000016f498000,0x000000016f69b000) (2060K)]
8021 0x000000014b13c000 WorkerThread "GC Thread#3" [id=25603, stack(0x000000016f6a4000,0x000000016f8a7000) (2060K)]
8022 0x000000014b13c960 WorkerThread "GC Thread#4" [id=25859, stack(0x000000016f8b0000,0x000000016fab3000) (2060K)]
8023 0x000000014b13d2c0 WorkerThread "GC Thread#5" [id=26115, stack(0x000000016fabc000,0x000000016fcbf000) (2060K)]
8024 0x000000014b13dc20 WorkerThread "GC Thread#6" [id=29187, stack(0x000000016fcc8000,0x000000016fecb000) (2060K)]
8025 0x000000014b13e580 WorkerThread "GC Thread#7" [id=26883, stack(0x000000016fed4000,0x00000001700d7000) (2060K)]
8026 0x000000014b107350 ConcurrentGCThread "G1 Main Marker" [id=14339, stack(0x000000016d2c0000,0x000000016d4c3000) (2060K)]
8027 0x000000014b107cc0 WorkerThread "G1 Conc#0" [id=12803, stack(0x000000016d4cc000,0x000000016d6cf000) (2060K)]
8028 0x000000014b032f40 WorkerThread "G1 Conc#1" [id=28679, stack(0x00000001700e0000,0x00000001702e3000) (2060K)]
8029 0x000000014b819000 ConcurrentGCThread "G1 Refine#0" [id=13827, stack(0x000000016d6d8000,0x000000016d8db000) (2060K)]
8030 0x000000014b10a1e0 ConcurrentGCThread "G1 Service" [id=13571, stack(0x000000016d8e4000,0x000000016dae7000) (2060K)]
8031Total: 15
8033Threads with active compile tasks:
8034C2 CompilerThread0 36922 23294 % ! 4 com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.dataObjects.transformers.LodDataBuilder::createFromChunk @ 535 (858 bytes)
8035Total: 1
8037VM state: not at safepoint (normal execution)
8039VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
8041Heap address: 0x00000006c0000000, size: 5120 MB, Compressed Oops mode: Zero based, Oop shift amount: 3
8043CDS archive(s) not mapped
8044Compressed class space mapped at: 0x0000000800000000-0x0000000840000000, reserved size: 1073741824
8045Narrow klass base: 0x0000000800000000, Narrow klass shift: 0, Narrow klass range: 0x40000000
8047GC Precious Log:
8048 CardTable entry size: 512
8049 Card Set container configuration: InlinePtr #cards 4 size 8 Array Of Cards #cards 32 size 80 Howl #buckets 8 coarsen threshold 7372 Howl Bitmap #cards 1024 size 144 coarsen threshold 921 Card regions per heap region 1 cards per card region 8192
8050 CPUs: 8 total, 8 available
8051 Memory: 8192M
8052 Large Page Support: Disabled
8053 NUMA Support: Disabled
8054 Compressed Oops: Enabled (Zero based)
8055 Heap Region Size: 4M
8056 Heap Min Capacity: 512M
8057 Heap Initial Capacity: 512M
8058 Heap Max Capacity: 5G
8059 Pre-touch: Disabled
8060 Parallel Workers: 8
8061 Concurrent Workers: 2
8062 Concurrent Refinement Workers: 8
8063 Periodic GC: Disabled
8066 garbage-first heap total 1146880K, used 908841K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8067 region size 4096K, 159 young (651264K), 4 survivors (16384K)
8068 Metaspace used 135786K, committed 137216K, reserved 1179648K
8069 class space used 19169K, committed 19776K, reserved 1048576K
8071Heap Regions: E=young(eden), S=young(survivor), O=old, HS=humongous(starts), HC=humongous(continues), CS=collection set, F=free, TAMS=top-at-mark-start, PB=parsable bottom
8072| 0|0x00000006c0000000, 0x00000006c0400000, 0x00000006c0400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c0000000| PB 0x00000006c0000000| Untracked
8073| 1|0x00000006c0400000, 0x00000006c0800000, 0x00000006c0800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c0400000| PB 0x00000006c0400000| Untracked
8074| 2|0x00000006c0800000, 0x00000006c0c00000, 0x00000006c0c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c0800000| PB 0x00000006c0800000| Untracked
8075| 3|0x00000006c0c00000, 0x00000006c1000000, 0x00000006c1000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c0c00000| PB 0x00000006c0c00000| Untracked
8076| 4|0x00000006c1000000, 0x00000006c1400000, 0x00000006c1400000|100%|HS| |TAMS 0x00000006c1000000| PB 0x00000006c1000000| Complete
8077| 5|0x00000006c1400000, 0x00000006c1800000, 0x00000006c1800000|100%|HS| |TAMS 0x00000006c1400000| PB 0x00000006c1400000| Complete
8078| 6|0x00000006c1800000, 0x00000006c1c00000, 0x00000006c1c00000|100%|HC| |TAMS 0x00000006c1800000| PB 0x00000006c1800000| Complete
8079| 7|0x00000006c1c00000, 0x00000006c2000000, 0x00000006c2000000|100%|HC| |TAMS 0x00000006c1c00000| PB 0x00000006c1c00000| Complete
8080| 8|0x00000006c2000000, 0x00000006c2400000, 0x00000006c2400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c2000000| PB 0x00000006c2000000| Untracked
8081| 9|0x00000006c2400000, 0x00000006c2800000, 0x00000006c2800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c2400000| PB 0x00000006c2400000| Untracked
8082| 10|0x00000006c2800000, 0x00000006c2c00000, 0x00000006c2c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c2800000| PB 0x00000006c2800000| Untracked
8083| 11|0x00000006c2c00000, 0x00000006c3000000, 0x00000006c3000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c2c00000| PB 0x00000006c2c00000| Untracked
8084| 12|0x00000006c3000000, 0x00000006c3400000, 0x00000006c3400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c3000000| PB 0x00000006c3000000| Untracked
8085| 13|0x00000006c3400000, 0x00000006c3800000, 0x00000006c3800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c3400000| PB 0x00000006c3400000| Untracked
8086| 14|0x00000006c3800000, 0x00000006c3c00000, 0x00000006c3c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c3800000| PB 0x00000006c3800000| Untracked
8087| 15|0x00000006c3c00000, 0x00000006c4000000, 0x00000006c4000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c3c00000| PB 0x00000006c3c00000| Untracked
8088| 16|0x00000006c4000000, 0x00000006c4400000, 0x00000006c4400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c4000000| PB 0x00000006c4000000| Untracked
8089| 17|0x00000006c4400000, 0x00000006c4800000, 0x00000006c4800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c4400000| PB 0x00000006c4400000| Untracked
8090| 18|0x00000006c4800000, 0x00000006c4c00000, 0x00000006c4c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c4800000| PB 0x00000006c4800000| Untracked
8091| 19|0x00000006c4c00000, 0x00000006c5000000, 0x00000006c5000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c4c00000| PB 0x00000006c4c00000| Untracked
8092| 20|0x00000006c5000000, 0x00000006c5400000, 0x00000006c5400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c5000000| PB 0x00000006c5000000| Untracked
8093| 21|0x00000006c5400000, 0x00000006c5800000, 0x00000006c5800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c5400000| PB 0x00000006c5400000| Untracked
8094| 22|0x00000006c5800000, 0x00000006c5c00000, 0x00000006c5c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c5800000| PB 0x00000006c5800000| Untracked
8095| 23|0x00000006c5c00000, 0x00000006c6000000, 0x00000006c6000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c5c00000| PB 0x00000006c5c00000| Untracked
8096| 24|0x00000006c6000000, 0x00000006c6400000, 0x00000006c6400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c6000000| PB 0x00000006c6000000| Untracked
8097| 25|0x00000006c6400000, 0x00000006c6800000, 0x00000006c6800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c6400000| PB 0x00000006c6400000| Untracked
8098| 26|0x00000006c6800000, 0x00000006c6c00000, 0x00000006c6c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c6800000| PB 0x00000006c6800000| Untracked
8099| 27|0x00000006c6c00000, 0x00000006c7000000, 0x00000006c7000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c6c00000| PB 0x00000006c6c00000| Untracked
8100| 28|0x00000006c7000000, 0x00000006c7400000, 0x00000006c7400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c7000000| PB 0x00000006c7000000| Untracked
8101| 29|0x00000006c7400000, 0x00000006c7800000, 0x00000006c7800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c7400000| PB 0x00000006c7400000| Untracked
8102| 30|0x00000006c7800000, 0x00000006c7c00000, 0x00000006c7c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c7800000| PB 0x00000006c7800000| Untracked
8103| 31|0x00000006c7c00000, 0x00000006c8000000, 0x00000006c8000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c7c00000| PB 0x00000006c7c00000| Untracked
8104| 32|0x00000006c8000000, 0x00000006c8400000, 0x00000006c8400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c8000000| PB 0x00000006c8000000| Untracked
8105| 33|0x00000006c8400000, 0x00000006c8800000, 0x00000006c8800000|100%|HS| |TAMS 0x00000006c8400000| PB 0x00000006c8400000| Complete
8106| 34|0x00000006c8800000, 0x00000006c8c00000, 0x00000006c8c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c8800000| PB 0x00000006c8800000| Untracked
8107| 35|0x00000006c8c00000, 0x00000006c9000000, 0x00000006c9000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c8c00000| PB 0x00000006c8c00000| Untracked
8108| 36|0x00000006c9000000, 0x00000006c9400000, 0x00000006c9400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c9000000| PB 0x00000006c9000000| Untracked
8109| 37|0x00000006c9400000, 0x00000006c9800000, 0x00000006c9800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c9400000| PB 0x00000006c9400000| Untracked
8110| 38|0x00000006c9800000, 0x00000006c9c00000, 0x00000006c9c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c9800000| PB 0x00000006c9800000| Untracked
8111| 39|0x00000006c9c00000, 0x00000006ca000000, 0x00000006ca000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006c9c00000| PB 0x00000006c9c00000| Untracked
8112| 40|0x00000006ca000000, 0x00000006ca400000, 0x00000006ca400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006ca000000| PB 0x00000006ca000000| Untracked
8113| 41|0x00000006ca400000, 0x00000006ca800000, 0x00000006ca800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006ca400000| PB 0x00000006ca400000| Untracked
8114| 42|0x00000006ca800000, 0x00000006cac00000, 0x00000006cac00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006ca800000| PB 0x00000006ca800000| Untracked
8115| 43|0x00000006cac00000, 0x00000006cb000000, 0x00000006cb000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006cac00000| PB 0x00000006cac00000| Untracked
8116| 44|0x00000006cb000000, 0x00000006cb400000, 0x00000006cb400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006cb000000| PB 0x00000006cb000000| Untracked
8117| 45|0x00000006cb400000, 0x00000006cb800000, 0x00000006cb800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006cb400000| PB 0x00000006cb400000| Untracked
8118| 46|0x00000006cb800000, 0x00000006cbc00000, 0x00000006cbc00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006cb800000| PB 0x00000006cb800000| Untracked
8119| 47|0x00000006cbc00000, 0x00000006cc000000, 0x00000006cc000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006cbc00000| PB 0x00000006cbc00000| Untracked
8120| 48|0x00000006cc000000, 0x00000006cc400000, 0x00000006cc400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006cc000000| PB 0x00000006cc000000| Untracked
8121| 49|0x00000006cc400000, 0x00000006cc800000, 0x00000006cc800000|100%|HS| |TAMS 0x00000006cc400000| PB 0x00000006cc400000| Complete
8122| 50|0x00000006cc800000, 0x00000006ccc00000, 0x00000006ccc00000|100%|HC| |TAMS 0x00000006cc800000| PB 0x00000006cc800000| Complete
8123| 51|0x00000006ccc00000, 0x00000006cd000000, 0x00000006cd000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006ccc00000| PB 0x00000006ccc00000| Untracked
8124| 52|0x00000006cd000000, 0x00000006cd400000, 0x00000006cd400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006cd000000| PB 0x00000006cd000000| Untracked
8125| 53|0x00000006cd400000, 0x00000006cd400000, 0x00000006cd800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006cd400000| PB 0x00000006cd400000| Untracked
8126| 54|0x00000006cd800000, 0x00000006cd800000, 0x00000006cdc00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006cd800000| PB 0x00000006cd800000| Untracked
8127| 55|0x00000006cdc00000, 0x00000006cdc00000, 0x00000006ce000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006cdc00000| PB 0x00000006cdc00000| Untracked
8128| 56|0x00000006ce000000, 0x00000006ce000000, 0x00000006ce400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006ce000000| PB 0x00000006ce000000| Untracked
8129| 57|0x00000006ce400000, 0x00000006ce400000, 0x00000006ce800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006ce400000| PB 0x00000006ce400000| Untracked
8130| 58|0x00000006ce800000, 0x00000006ce800000, 0x00000006cec00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006ce800000| PB 0x00000006ce800000| Untracked
8131| 59|0x00000006cec00000, 0x00000006cec00000, 0x00000006cf000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006cec00000| PB 0x00000006cec00000| Untracked
8132| 60|0x00000006cf000000, 0x00000006cf000000, 0x00000006cf400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006cf000000| PB 0x00000006cf000000| Untracked
8133| 61|0x00000006cf400000, 0x00000006cf400000, 0x00000006cf800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006cf400000| PB 0x00000006cf400000| Untracked
8134| 62|0x00000006cf800000, 0x00000006cf800000, 0x00000006cfc00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006cf800000| PB 0x00000006cf800000| Untracked
8135| 63|0x00000006cfc00000, 0x00000006d0000000, 0x00000006d0000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006cfc00000| PB 0x00000006cfc00000| Untracked
8136| 64|0x00000006d0000000, 0x00000006d0000000, 0x00000006d0400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d0000000| PB 0x00000006d0000000| Untracked
8137| 65|0x00000006d0400000, 0x00000006d0400000, 0x00000006d0800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d0400000| PB 0x00000006d0400000| Untracked
8138| 66|0x00000006d0800000, 0x00000006d0800000, 0x00000006d0c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d0800000| PB 0x00000006d0800000| Untracked
8139| 67|0x00000006d0c00000, 0x00000006d1000000, 0x00000006d1000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d0c00000| PB 0x00000006d0c00000| Untracked
8140| 68|0x00000006d1000000, 0x00000006d1400000, 0x00000006d1400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d1000000| PB 0x00000006d1000000| Untracked
8141| 69|0x00000006d1400000, 0x00000006d1800000, 0x00000006d1800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d1400000| PB 0x00000006d1400000| Untracked
8142| 70|0x00000006d1800000, 0x00000006d1c00000, 0x00000006d1c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d1800000| PB 0x00000006d1800000| Untracked
8143| 71|0x00000006d1c00000, 0x00000006d2000000, 0x00000006d2000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d1c00000| PB 0x00000006d1c00000| Untracked
8144| 72|0x00000006d2000000, 0x00000006d2400000, 0x00000006d2400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d2000000| PB 0x00000006d2000000| Untracked
8145| 73|0x00000006d2400000, 0x00000006d2800000, 0x00000006d2800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d2400000| PB 0x00000006d2400000| Untracked
8146| 74|0x00000006d2800000, 0x00000006d2c00000, 0x00000006d2c00000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d2800000| PB 0x00000006d2800000| Untracked
8147| 75|0x00000006d2c00000, 0x00000006d3000000, 0x00000006d3000000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d2c00000| PB 0x00000006d2c00000| Untracked
8148| 76|0x00000006d3000000, 0x00000006d3400000, 0x00000006d3400000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d3000000| PB 0x00000006d3000000| Untracked
8149| 77|0x00000006d3400000, 0x00000006d3800000, 0x00000006d3800000|100%| O| |TAMS 0x00000006d3400000| PB 0x00000006d3400000| Untracked
8150| 78|0x00000006d3800000, 0x00000006d3800000, 0x00000006d3c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d3800000| PB 0x00000006d3800000| Untracked
8151| 79|0x00000006d3c00000, 0x00000006d3c00000, 0x00000006d4000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d3c00000| PB 0x00000006d3c00000| Untracked
8152| 80|0x00000006d4000000, 0x00000006d438a660, 0x00000006d4400000| 88%| S|CS|TAMS 0x00000006d4000000| PB 0x00000006d4000000| Complete
8153| 81|0x00000006d4400000, 0x00000006d4800000, 0x00000006d4800000|100%| S|CS|TAMS 0x00000006d4400000| PB 0x00000006d4400000| Complete
8154| 82|0x00000006d4800000, 0x00000006d4c00000, 0x00000006d4c00000|100%| S|CS|TAMS 0x00000006d4800000| PB 0x00000006d4800000| Complete
8155| 83|0x00000006d4c00000, 0x00000006d5000000, 0x00000006d5000000|100%| S|CS|TAMS 0x00000006d4c00000| PB 0x00000006d4c00000| Complete
8156| 84|0x00000006d5000000, 0x00000006d5000000, 0x00000006d5400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d5000000| PB 0x00000006d5000000| Untracked
8157| 85|0x00000006d5400000, 0x00000006d5400000, 0x00000006d5800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d5400000| PB 0x00000006d5400000| Untracked
8158| 86|0x00000006d5800000, 0x00000006d5800000, 0x00000006d5c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d5800000| PB 0x00000006d5800000| Untracked
8159| 87|0x00000006d5c00000, 0x00000006d5c00000, 0x00000006d6000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d5c00000| PB 0x00000006d5c00000| Untracked
8160| 88|0x00000006d6000000, 0x00000006d6000000, 0x00000006d6400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d6000000| PB 0x00000006d6000000| Untracked
8161| 89|0x00000006d6400000, 0x00000006d6400000, 0x00000006d6800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d6400000| PB 0x00000006d6400000| Untracked
8162| 90|0x00000006d6800000, 0x00000006d6800000, 0x00000006d6c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d6800000| PB 0x00000006d6800000| Untracked
8163| 91|0x00000006d6c00000, 0x00000006d6c00000, 0x00000006d7000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d6c00000| PB 0x00000006d6c00000| Untracked
8164| 92|0x00000006d7000000, 0x00000006d7000000, 0x00000006d7400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d7000000| PB 0x00000006d7000000| Untracked
8165| 93|0x00000006d7400000, 0x00000006d7400000, 0x00000006d7800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d7400000| PB 0x00000006d7400000| Untracked
8166| 94|0x00000006d7800000, 0x00000006d7800000, 0x00000006d7c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d7800000| PB 0x00000006d7800000| Untracked
8167| 95|0x00000006d7c00000, 0x00000006d7c00000, 0x00000006d8000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d7c00000| PB 0x00000006d7c00000| Untracked
8168| 96|0x00000006d8000000, 0x00000006d8000000, 0x00000006d8400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d8000000| PB 0x00000006d8000000| Untracked
8169| 97|0x00000006d8400000, 0x00000006d8400000, 0x00000006d8800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d8400000| PB 0x00000006d8400000| Untracked
8170| 98|0x00000006d8800000, 0x00000006d8800000, 0x00000006d8c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d8800000| PB 0x00000006d8800000| Untracked
8171| 99|0x00000006d8c00000, 0x00000006d8c00000, 0x00000006d9000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d8c00000| PB 0x00000006d8c00000| Untracked
8172| 100|0x00000006d9000000, 0x00000006d9000000, 0x00000006d9400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d9000000| PB 0x00000006d9000000| Untracked
8173| 101|0x00000006d9400000, 0x00000006d9400000, 0x00000006d9800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d9400000| PB 0x00000006d9400000| Untracked
8174| 102|0x00000006d9800000, 0x00000006d9800000, 0x00000006d9c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d9800000| PB 0x00000006d9800000| Untracked
8175| 103|0x00000006d9c00000, 0x00000006d9c00000, 0x00000006da000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006d9c00000| PB 0x00000006d9c00000| Untracked
8176| 104|0x00000006da000000, 0x00000006da000000, 0x00000006da400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006da000000| PB 0x00000006da000000| Untracked
8177| 105|0x00000006da400000, 0x00000006da400000, 0x00000006da800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006da400000| PB 0x00000006da400000| Untracked
8178| 106|0x00000006da800000, 0x00000006da800000, 0x00000006dac00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006da800000| PB 0x00000006da800000| Untracked
8179| 107|0x00000006dac00000, 0x00000006dac00000, 0x00000006db000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006dac00000| PB 0x00000006dac00000| Untracked
8180| 108|0x00000006db000000, 0x00000006db000000, 0x00000006db400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006db000000| PB 0x00000006db000000| Untracked
8181| 109|0x00000006db400000, 0x00000006db400000, 0x00000006db800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006db400000| PB 0x00000006db400000| Untracked
8182| 110|0x00000006db800000, 0x00000006db800000, 0x00000006dbc00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006db800000| PB 0x00000006db800000| Untracked
8183| 111|0x00000006dbc00000, 0x00000006dbc00000, 0x00000006dc000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006dbc00000| PB 0x00000006dbc00000| Untracked
8184| 112|0x00000006dc000000, 0x00000006dc000000, 0x00000006dc400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006dc000000| PB 0x00000006dc000000| Untracked
8185| 113|0x00000006dc400000, 0x00000006dc400000, 0x00000006dc800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006dc400000| PB 0x00000006dc400000| Untracked
8186| 114|0x00000006dc800000, 0x00000006dc800000, 0x00000006dcc00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006dc800000| PB 0x00000006dc800000| Untracked
8187| 115|0x00000006dcc00000, 0x00000006dcc00000, 0x00000006dd000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006dcc00000| PB 0x00000006dcc00000| Untracked
8188| 116|0x00000006dd000000, 0x00000006dd000000, 0x00000006dd400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006dd000000| PB 0x00000006dd000000| Untracked
8189| 117|0x00000006dd400000, 0x00000006dd400000, 0x00000006dd800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006dd400000| PB 0x00000006dd400000| Untracked
8190| 118|0x00000006dd800000, 0x00000006dd800000, 0x00000006ddc00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006dd800000| PB 0x00000006dd800000| Untracked
8191| 119|0x00000006ddc00000, 0x00000006ddc00000, 0x00000006de000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006ddc00000| PB 0x00000006ddc00000| Untracked
8192| 120|0x00000006de000000, 0x00000006de000000, 0x00000006de400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006de000000| PB 0x00000006de000000| Untracked
8193| 121|0x00000006de400000, 0x00000006de400000, 0x00000006de800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006de400000| PB 0x00000006de400000| Untracked
8194| 122|0x00000006de800000, 0x00000006de800000, 0x00000006dec00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006de800000| PB 0x00000006de800000| Untracked
8195| 123|0x00000006dec00000, 0x00000006dec00000, 0x00000006df000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006dec00000| PB 0x00000006dec00000| Untracked
8196| 124|0x00000006df000000, 0x00000006df000000, 0x00000006df400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x00000006df000000| PB 0x00000006df000000| Untracked
8197| 125|0x00000006df400000, 0x00000006df485c50, 0x00000006df800000| 13%| E| |TAMS 0x00000006df400000| PB 0x00000006df400000| Complete
8198| 126|0x00000006df800000, 0x00000006dfc00000, 0x00000006dfc00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006df800000| PB 0x00000006df800000| Complete
8199| 127|0x00000006dfc00000, 0x00000006e0000000, 0x00000006e0000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006dfc00000| PB 0x00000006dfc00000| Complete
8200| 128|0x00000006e0000000, 0x00000006e0400000, 0x00000006e0400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e0000000| PB 0x00000006e0000000| Complete
8201| 129|0x00000006e0400000, 0x00000006e0800000, 0x00000006e0800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e0400000| PB 0x00000006e0400000| Complete
8202| 130|0x00000006e0800000, 0x00000006e0c00000, 0x00000006e0c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e0800000| PB 0x00000006e0800000| Complete
8203| 131|0x00000006e0c00000, 0x00000006e1000000, 0x00000006e1000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e0c00000| PB 0x00000006e0c00000| Complete
8204| 132|0x00000006e1000000, 0x00000006e1400000, 0x00000006e1400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e1000000| PB 0x00000006e1000000| Complete
8205| 133|0x00000006e1400000, 0x00000006e1800000, 0x00000006e1800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e1400000| PB 0x00000006e1400000| Complete
8206| 134|0x00000006e1800000, 0x00000006e1c00000, 0x00000006e1c00000|100%| E| |TAMS 0x00000006e1800000| PB 0x00000006e1800000| Complete
8207| 135|0x00000006e1c00000, 0x00000006e2000000, 0x00000006e2000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e1c00000| PB 0x00000006e1c00000| Complete
8208| 136|0x00000006e2000000, 0x00000006e2400000, 0x00000006e2400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e2000000| PB 0x00000006e2000000| Complete
8209| 137|0x00000006e2400000, 0x00000006e2800000, 0x00000006e2800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e2400000| PB 0x00000006e2400000| Complete
8210| 138|0x00000006e2800000, 0x00000006e2c00000, 0x00000006e2c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e2800000| PB 0x00000006e2800000| Complete
8211| 139|0x00000006e2c00000, 0x00000006e3000000, 0x00000006e3000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e2c00000| PB 0x00000006e2c00000| Complete
8212| 140|0x00000006e3000000, 0x00000006e3400000, 0x00000006e3400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e3000000| PB 0x00000006e3000000| Complete
8213| 141|0x00000006e3400000, 0x00000006e3800000, 0x00000006e3800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e3400000| PB 0x00000006e3400000| Complete
8214| 142|0x00000006e3800000, 0x00000006e3c00000, 0x00000006e3c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e3800000| PB 0x00000006e3800000| Complete
8215| 143|0x00000006e3c00000, 0x00000006e4000000, 0x00000006e4000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e3c00000| PB 0x00000006e3c00000| Complete
8216| 144|0x00000006e4000000, 0x00000006e4400000, 0x00000006e4400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e4000000| PB 0x00000006e4000000| Complete
8217| 145|0x00000006e4400000, 0x00000006e4800000, 0x00000006e4800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e4400000| PB 0x00000006e4400000| Complete
8218| 146|0x00000006e4800000, 0x00000006e4c00000, 0x00000006e4c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e4800000| PB 0x00000006e4800000| Complete
8219| 147|0x00000006e4c00000, 0x00000006e5000000, 0x00000006e5000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e4c00000| PB 0x00000006e4c00000| Complete
8220| 148|0x00000006e5000000, 0x00000006e5400000, 0x00000006e5400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e5000000| PB 0x00000006e5000000| Complete
8221| 149|0x00000006e5400000, 0x00000006e5800000, 0x00000006e5800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e5400000| PB 0x00000006e5400000| Complete
8222| 150|0x00000006e5800000, 0x00000006e5c00000, 0x00000006e5c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e5800000| PB 0x00000006e5800000| Complete
8223| 151|0x00000006e5c00000, 0x00000006e6000000, 0x00000006e6000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e5c00000| PB 0x00000006e5c00000| Complete
8224| 152|0x00000006e6000000, 0x00000006e6400000, 0x00000006e6400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e6000000| PB 0x00000006e6000000| Complete
8225| 153|0x00000006e6400000, 0x00000006e6800000, 0x00000006e6800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e6400000| PB 0x00000006e6400000| Complete
8226| 154|0x00000006e6800000, 0x00000006e6c00000, 0x00000006e6c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e6800000| PB 0x00000006e6800000| Complete
8227| 155|0x00000006e6c00000, 0x00000006e7000000, 0x00000006e7000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e6c00000| PB 0x00000006e6c00000| Complete
8228| 156|0x00000006e7000000, 0x00000006e7400000, 0x00000006e7400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e7000000| PB 0x00000006e7000000| Complete
8229| 157|0x00000006e7400000, 0x00000006e7800000, 0x00000006e7800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e7400000| PB 0x00000006e7400000| Complete
8230| 158|0x00000006e7800000, 0x00000006e7c00000, 0x00000006e7c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e7800000| PB 0x00000006e7800000| Complete
8231| 159|0x00000006e7c00000, 0x00000006e8000000, 0x00000006e8000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e7c00000| PB 0x00000006e7c00000| Complete
8232| 160|0x00000006e8000000, 0x00000006e8400000, 0x00000006e8400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e8000000| PB 0x00000006e8000000| Complete
8233| 161|0x00000006e8400000, 0x00000006e8800000, 0x00000006e8800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e8400000| PB 0x00000006e8400000| Complete
8234| 162|0x00000006e8800000, 0x00000006e8c00000, 0x00000006e8c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e8800000| PB 0x00000006e8800000| Complete
8235| 163|0x00000006e8c00000, 0x00000006e9000000, 0x00000006e9000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e8c00000| PB 0x00000006e8c00000| Complete
8236| 164|0x00000006e9000000, 0x00000006e9400000, 0x00000006e9400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e9000000| PB 0x00000006e9000000| Complete
8237| 165|0x00000006e9400000, 0x00000006e9800000, 0x00000006e9800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e9400000| PB 0x00000006e9400000| Complete
8238| 166|0x00000006e9800000, 0x00000006e9c00000, 0x00000006e9c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e9800000| PB 0x00000006e9800000| Complete
8239| 167|0x00000006e9c00000, 0x00000006ea000000, 0x00000006ea000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006e9c00000| PB 0x00000006e9c00000| Complete
8240| 168|0x00000006ea000000, 0x00000006ea400000, 0x00000006ea400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ea000000| PB 0x00000006ea000000| Complete
8241| 169|0x00000006ea400000, 0x00000006ea800000, 0x00000006ea800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ea400000| PB 0x00000006ea400000| Complete
8242| 170|0x00000006ea800000, 0x00000006eac00000, 0x00000006eac00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ea800000| PB 0x00000006ea800000| Complete
8243| 171|0x00000006eac00000, 0x00000006eb000000, 0x00000006eb000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006eac00000| PB 0x00000006eac00000| Complete
8244| 172|0x00000006eb000000, 0x00000006eb400000, 0x00000006eb400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006eb000000| PB 0x00000006eb000000| Complete
8245| 173|0x00000006eb400000, 0x00000006eb800000, 0x00000006eb800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006eb400000| PB 0x00000006eb400000| Complete
8246| 174|0x00000006eb800000, 0x00000006ebc00000, 0x00000006ebc00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006eb800000| PB 0x00000006eb800000| Complete
8247| 175|0x00000006ebc00000, 0x00000006ec000000, 0x00000006ec000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ebc00000| PB 0x00000006ebc00000| Complete
8248| 176|0x00000006ec000000, 0x00000006ec400000, 0x00000006ec400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ec000000| PB 0x00000006ec000000| Complete
8249| 177|0x00000006ec400000, 0x00000006ec800000, 0x00000006ec800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ec400000| PB 0x00000006ec400000| Complete
8250| 178|0x00000006ec800000, 0x00000006ecc00000, 0x00000006ecc00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ec800000| PB 0x00000006ec800000| Complete
8251| 179|0x00000006ecc00000, 0x00000006ed000000, 0x00000006ed000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ecc00000| PB 0x00000006ecc00000| Complete
8252| 180|0x00000006ed000000, 0x00000006ed400000, 0x00000006ed400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ed000000| PB 0x00000006ed000000| Complete
8253| 181|0x00000006ed400000, 0x00000006ed800000, 0x00000006ed800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ed400000| PB 0x00000006ed400000| Complete
8254| 182|0x00000006ed800000, 0x00000006edc00000, 0x00000006edc00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ed800000| PB 0x00000006ed800000| Complete
8255| 183|0x00000006edc00000, 0x00000006ee000000, 0x00000006ee000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006edc00000| PB 0x00000006edc00000| Complete
8256| 184|0x00000006ee000000, 0x00000006ee400000, 0x00000006ee400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ee000000| PB 0x00000006ee000000| Complete
8257| 185|0x00000006ee400000, 0x00000006ee800000, 0x00000006ee800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ee400000| PB 0x00000006ee400000| Complete
8258| 186|0x00000006ee800000, 0x00000006eec00000, 0x00000006eec00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ee800000| PB 0x00000006ee800000| Complete
8259| 187|0x00000006eec00000, 0x00000006ef000000, 0x00000006ef000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006eec00000| PB 0x00000006eec00000| Complete
8260| 188|0x00000006ef000000, 0x00000006ef400000, 0x00000006ef400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ef000000| PB 0x00000006ef000000| Complete
8261| 189|0x00000006ef400000, 0x00000006ef800000, 0x00000006ef800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ef400000| PB 0x00000006ef400000| Complete
8262| 190|0x00000006ef800000, 0x00000006efc00000, 0x00000006efc00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ef800000| PB 0x00000006ef800000| Complete
8263| 191|0x00000006efc00000, 0x00000006f0000000, 0x00000006f0000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006efc00000| PB 0x00000006efc00000| Complete
8264| 192|0x00000006f0000000, 0x00000006f0400000, 0x00000006f0400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f0000000| PB 0x00000006f0000000| Complete
8265| 193|0x00000006f0400000, 0x00000006f0800000, 0x00000006f0800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f0400000| PB 0x00000006f0400000| Complete
8266| 194|0x00000006f0800000, 0x00000006f0c00000, 0x00000006f0c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f0800000| PB 0x00000006f0800000| Complete
8267| 195|0x00000006f0c00000, 0x00000006f1000000, 0x00000006f1000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f0c00000| PB 0x00000006f0c00000| Complete
8268| 196|0x00000006f1000000, 0x00000006f1400000, 0x00000006f1400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f1000000| PB 0x00000006f1000000| Complete
8269| 197|0x00000006f1400000, 0x00000006f1800000, 0x00000006f1800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f1400000| PB 0x00000006f1400000| Complete
8270| 198|0x00000006f1800000, 0x00000006f1c00000, 0x00000006f1c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f1800000| PB 0x00000006f1800000| Complete
8271| 199|0x00000006f1c00000, 0x00000006f2000000, 0x00000006f2000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f1c00000| PB 0x00000006f1c00000| Complete
8272| 200|0x00000006f2000000, 0x00000006f2400000, 0x00000006f2400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f2000000| PB 0x00000006f2000000| Complete
8273| 201|0x00000006f2400000, 0x00000006f2800000, 0x00000006f2800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f2400000| PB 0x00000006f2400000| Complete
8274| 202|0x00000006f2800000, 0x00000006f2c00000, 0x00000006f2c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f2800000| PB 0x00000006f2800000| Complete
8275| 203|0x00000006f2c00000, 0x00000006f3000000, 0x00000006f3000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f2c00000| PB 0x00000006f2c00000| Complete
8276| 204|0x00000006f3000000, 0x00000006f3400000, 0x00000006f3400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f3000000| PB 0x00000006f3000000| Complete
8277| 205|0x00000006f3400000, 0x00000006f3800000, 0x00000006f3800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f3400000| PB 0x00000006f3400000| Complete
8278| 206|0x00000006f3800000, 0x00000006f3c00000, 0x00000006f3c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f3800000| PB 0x00000006f3800000| Complete
8279| 207|0x00000006f3c00000, 0x00000006f4000000, 0x00000006f4000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f3c00000| PB 0x00000006f3c00000| Complete
8280| 208|0x00000006f4000000, 0x00000006f4400000, 0x00000006f4400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f4000000| PB 0x00000006f4000000| Complete
8281| 209|0x00000006f4400000, 0x00000006f4800000, 0x00000006f4800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f4400000| PB 0x00000006f4400000| Complete
8282| 210|0x00000006f4800000, 0x00000006f4c00000, 0x00000006f4c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f4800000| PB 0x00000006f4800000| Complete
8283| 211|0x00000006f4c00000, 0x00000006f5000000, 0x00000006f5000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f4c00000| PB 0x00000006f4c00000| Complete
8284| 212|0x00000006f5000000, 0x00000006f5400000, 0x00000006f5400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f5000000| PB 0x00000006f5000000| Complete
8285| 213|0x00000006f5400000, 0x00000006f5800000, 0x00000006f5800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f5400000| PB 0x00000006f5400000| Complete
8286| 214|0x00000006f5800000, 0x00000006f5c00000, 0x00000006f5c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f5800000| PB 0x00000006f5800000| Complete
8287| 215|0x00000006f5c00000, 0x00000006f6000000, 0x00000006f6000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f5c00000| PB 0x00000006f5c00000| Complete
8288| 216|0x00000006f6000000, 0x00000006f6400000, 0x00000006f6400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f6000000| PB 0x00000006f6000000| Complete
8289| 217|0x00000006f6400000, 0x00000006f6800000, 0x00000006f6800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f6400000| PB 0x00000006f6400000| Complete
8290| 218|0x00000006f6800000, 0x00000006f6c00000, 0x00000006f6c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f6800000| PB 0x00000006f6800000| Complete
8291| 219|0x00000006f6c00000, 0x00000006f7000000, 0x00000006f7000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f6c00000| PB 0x00000006f6c00000| Complete
8292| 220|0x00000006f7000000, 0x00000006f7400000, 0x00000006f7400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f7000000| PB 0x00000006f7000000| Complete
8293| 221|0x00000006f7400000, 0x00000006f7800000, 0x00000006f7800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f7400000| PB 0x00000006f7400000| Complete
8294| 222|0x00000006f7800000, 0x00000006f7c00000, 0x00000006f7c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f7800000| PB 0x00000006f7800000| Complete
8295| 223|0x00000006f7c00000, 0x00000006f8000000, 0x00000006f8000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f7c00000| PB 0x00000006f7c00000| Complete
8296| 224|0x00000006f8000000, 0x00000006f8400000, 0x00000006f8400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f8000000| PB 0x00000006f8000000| Complete
8297| 225|0x00000006f8400000, 0x00000006f8800000, 0x00000006f8800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f8400000| PB 0x00000006f8400000| Complete
8298| 226|0x00000006f8800000, 0x00000006f8c00000, 0x00000006f8c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f8800000| PB 0x00000006f8800000| Complete
8299| 227|0x00000006f8c00000, 0x00000006f9000000, 0x00000006f9000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f8c00000| PB 0x00000006f8c00000| Complete
8300| 228|0x00000006f9000000, 0x00000006f9400000, 0x00000006f9400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f9000000| PB 0x00000006f9000000| Complete
8301| 229|0x00000006f9400000, 0x00000006f9800000, 0x00000006f9800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f9400000| PB 0x00000006f9400000| Complete
8302| 230|0x00000006f9800000, 0x00000006f9c00000, 0x00000006f9c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f9800000| PB 0x00000006f9800000| Complete
8303| 231|0x00000006f9c00000, 0x00000006fa000000, 0x00000006fa000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006f9c00000| PB 0x00000006f9c00000| Complete
8304| 232|0x00000006fa000000, 0x00000006fa400000, 0x00000006fa400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fa000000| PB 0x00000006fa000000| Complete
8305| 233|0x00000006fa400000, 0x00000006fa800000, 0x00000006fa800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fa400000| PB 0x00000006fa400000| Complete
8306| 234|0x00000006fa800000, 0x00000006fac00000, 0x00000006fac00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fa800000| PB 0x00000006fa800000| Complete
8307| 235|0x00000006fac00000, 0x00000006fb000000, 0x00000006fb000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fac00000| PB 0x00000006fac00000| Complete
8308| 236|0x00000006fb000000, 0x00000006fb400000, 0x00000006fb400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fb000000| PB 0x00000006fb000000| Complete
8309| 237|0x00000006fb400000, 0x00000006fb800000, 0x00000006fb800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fb400000| PB 0x00000006fb400000| Complete
8310| 238|0x00000006fb800000, 0x00000006fbc00000, 0x00000006fbc00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fb800000| PB 0x00000006fb800000| Complete
8311| 239|0x00000006fbc00000, 0x00000006fc000000, 0x00000006fc000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fbc00000| PB 0x00000006fbc00000| Complete
8312| 240|0x00000006fc000000, 0x00000006fc400000, 0x00000006fc400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fc000000| PB 0x00000006fc000000| Complete
8313| 241|0x00000006fc400000, 0x00000006fc800000, 0x00000006fc800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fc400000| PB 0x00000006fc400000| Complete
8314| 242|0x00000006fc800000, 0x00000006fcc00000, 0x00000006fcc00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fc800000| PB 0x00000006fc800000| Complete
8315| 243|0x00000006fcc00000, 0x00000006fd000000, 0x00000006fd000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fcc00000| PB 0x00000006fcc00000| Complete
8316| 244|0x00000006fd000000, 0x00000006fd400000, 0x00000006fd400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fd000000| PB 0x00000006fd000000| Complete
8317| 245|0x00000006fd400000, 0x00000006fd800000, 0x00000006fd800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fd400000| PB 0x00000006fd400000| Complete
8318| 246|0x00000006fd800000, 0x00000006fdc00000, 0x00000006fdc00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fd800000| PB 0x00000006fd800000| Complete
8319| 247|0x00000006fdc00000, 0x00000006fe000000, 0x00000006fe000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fdc00000| PB 0x00000006fdc00000| Complete
8320| 248|0x00000006fe000000, 0x00000006fe400000, 0x00000006fe400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fe000000| PB 0x00000006fe000000| Complete
8321| 249|0x00000006fe400000, 0x00000006fe800000, 0x00000006fe800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fe400000| PB 0x00000006fe400000| Complete
8322| 250|0x00000006fe800000, 0x00000006fec00000, 0x00000006fec00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fe800000| PB 0x00000006fe800000| Complete
8323| 251|0x00000006fec00000, 0x00000006ff000000, 0x00000006ff000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006fec00000| PB 0x00000006fec00000| Complete
8324| 252|0x00000006ff000000, 0x00000006ff400000, 0x00000006ff400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ff000000| PB 0x00000006ff000000| Complete
8325| 253|0x00000006ff400000, 0x00000006ff800000, 0x00000006ff800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ff400000| PB 0x00000006ff400000| Complete
8326| 254|0x00000006ff800000, 0x00000006ffc00000, 0x00000006ffc00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ff800000| PB 0x00000006ff800000| Complete
8327| 255|0x00000006ffc00000, 0x0000000700000000, 0x0000000700000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x00000006ffc00000| PB 0x00000006ffc00000| Complete
8328| 256|0x0000000700000000, 0x0000000700400000, 0x0000000700400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000700000000| PB 0x0000000700000000| Complete
8329| 257|0x0000000700400000, 0x0000000700800000, 0x0000000700800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000700400000| PB 0x0000000700400000| Complete
8330| 258|0x0000000700800000, 0x0000000700c00000, 0x0000000700c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000700800000| PB 0x0000000700800000| Complete
8331| 259|0x0000000700c00000, 0x0000000701000000, 0x0000000701000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000700c00000| PB 0x0000000700c00000| Complete
8332| 260|0x0000000701000000, 0x0000000701400000, 0x0000000701400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000701000000| PB 0x0000000701000000| Complete
8333| 261|0x0000000701400000, 0x0000000701800000, 0x0000000701800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000701400000| PB 0x0000000701400000| Complete
8334| 262|0x0000000701800000, 0x0000000701c00000, 0x0000000701c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000701800000| PB 0x0000000701800000| Complete
8335| 263|0x0000000701c00000, 0x0000000702000000, 0x0000000702000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000701c00000| PB 0x0000000701c00000| Complete
8336| 264|0x0000000702000000, 0x0000000702400000, 0x0000000702400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000702000000| PB 0x0000000702000000| Complete
8337| 265|0x0000000702400000, 0x0000000702800000, 0x0000000702800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000702400000| PB 0x0000000702400000| Complete
8338| 266|0x0000000702800000, 0x0000000702c00000, 0x0000000702c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000702800000| PB 0x0000000702800000| Complete
8339| 267|0x0000000702c00000, 0x0000000703000000, 0x0000000703000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000702c00000| PB 0x0000000702c00000| Complete
8340| 268|0x0000000703000000, 0x0000000703400000, 0x0000000703400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000703000000| PB 0x0000000703000000| Complete
8341| 269|0x0000000703400000, 0x0000000703800000, 0x0000000703800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000703400000| PB 0x0000000703400000| Complete
8342| 270|0x0000000703800000, 0x0000000703c00000, 0x0000000703c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000703800000| PB 0x0000000703800000| Complete
8343| 271|0x0000000703c00000, 0x0000000704000000, 0x0000000704000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000703c00000| PB 0x0000000703c00000| Complete
8344| 272|0x0000000704000000, 0x0000000704400000, 0x0000000704400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000704000000| PB 0x0000000704000000| Complete
8345| 273|0x0000000704400000, 0x0000000704800000, 0x0000000704800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000704400000| PB 0x0000000704400000| Complete
8346| 274|0x0000000704800000, 0x0000000704c00000, 0x0000000704c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000704800000| PB 0x0000000704800000| Complete
8347| 275|0x0000000704c00000, 0x0000000705000000, 0x0000000705000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000704c00000| PB 0x0000000704c00000| Complete
8348| 276|0x0000000705000000, 0x0000000705400000, 0x0000000705400000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000705000000| PB 0x0000000705000000| Complete
8349| 277|0x0000000705400000, 0x0000000705800000, 0x0000000705800000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000705400000| PB 0x0000000705400000| Complete
8350| 278|0x0000000705800000, 0x0000000705c00000, 0x0000000705c00000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000705800000| PB 0x0000000705800000| Complete
8351| 279|0x0000000705c00000, 0x0000000706000000, 0x0000000706000000|100%| E|CS|TAMS 0x0000000705c00000| PB 0x0000000705c00000| Complete
8353Card table byte_map: [0x0000000117d0c000,0x000000011870c000] _byte_map_base: 0x000000011470c000
8355Marking Bits: (CMBitMap*) 0x000000014a80c010
8356 Bits: [0x000000011870c000, 0x000000011d70c000)
8358Polling page: 0x0000000102e74000
8363 Non-class: 113.88 MB used.
8364 Class: 18.72 MB used.
8365 Both: 132.60 MB used.
8367Virtual space:
8368 Non-class space: 128.00 MB reserved, 114.69 MB ( 90%) committed, 2 nodes.
8369 Class space: 1.00 GB reserved, 19.31 MB ( 2%) committed, 1 nodes.
8370 Both: 1.12 GB reserved, 134.00 MB ( 12%) committed.
8372Chunk freelists:
8373 Non-Class: 13.34 MB
8374 Class: 12.69 MB
8375 Both: 26.03 MB
8377MaxMetaspaceSize: unlimited
8378CompressedClassSpaceSize: 1.00 GB
8379Initial GC threshold: 21.00 MB
8380Current GC threshold: 172.62 MB
8381CDS: off
8382 - commit_granule_bytes: 65536.
8383 - commit_granule_words: 8192.
8384 - virtual_space_node_default_size: 8388608.
8385 - enlarge_chunks_in_place: 1.
8386 - use_allocation_guard: 0.
8389Internal statistics:
8391num_allocs_failed_limit: 70.
8392num_arena_births: 2254.
8393num_arena_deaths: 0.
8394num_vsnodes_births: 3.
8395num_vsnodes_deaths: 0.
8396num_space_committed: 2138.
8397num_space_uncommitted: 0.
8398num_chunks_returned_to_freelist: 70.
8399num_chunks_taken_from_freelist: 7402.
8400num_chunk_merges: 67.
8401num_chunk_splits: 4878.
8402num_chunks_enlarged: 3509.
8403num_inconsistent_stats: 0.
8405CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods': size=120032Kb used=11980Kb max_used=11980Kb free=108051Kb
8406 bounds [0x00000001107d4000, 0x0000000111394000, 0x0000000117d0c000]
8407CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods': size=120016Kb used=36916Kb max_used=36916Kb free=83099Kb
8408 bounds [0x0000000108d0c000, 0x000000010b11c000, 0x0000000110240000]
8409CodeHeap 'non-nmethods': size=5712Kb used=2879Kb max_used=2926Kb free=2832Kb
8410 bounds [0x0000000110240000, 0x0000000110530000, 0x00000001107d4000]
8411 total_blobs=21680 nmethods=19481 adapters=2106
8412 compilation: enabled
8413 stopped_count=0, restarted_count=0
8414 full_count=0
8416Compilation events (20 events):
8417Event: 36.664 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 nmethod 22329 0x000000010b01a610 code [0x000000010b01a7c0, 0x000000010b01a9e0]
8418Event: 36.664 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 22330 2 net.caffeinemc.mods.sodium.client.model.quad.ModelQuad::getY (17 bytes)
8419Event: 36.664 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 nmethod 22330 0x000000010b01ab90 code [0x000000010b01ad00, 0x000000010b01ae68]
8420Event: 36.664 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 22339 3 net.minecraft.class_3610::method_20785 (9 bytes)
8421Event: 36.665 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 nmethod 22339 0x000000010b01af10 code [0x000000010b01b0c0, 0x000000010b01b440]
8422Event: 36.665 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 22340 3 net.caffeinemc.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.pipeline.DefaultFluidRenderer::modifyHeight (42 bytes)
8423Event: 36.666 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 nmethod 22340 0x000000010b01b590 code [0x000000010b01b7c0, 0x000000010b01bb90]
8424Event: 36.666 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 22341 3 net.minecraft.class_3609::method_20784 (10 bytes)
8425Event: 36.667 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 nmethod 22341 0x000000010b01bd90 code [0x000000010b01bf80, 0x000000010b01c370]
8426Event: 36.667 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 22343 3 net.caffeinemc.mods.sodium.client.world.LevelSlice::method_8314 (109 bytes)
8427Event: 36.667 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 nmethod 22343 0x000000010b01c510 code [0x000000010b01c740, 0x000000010b01d010]
8428Event: 36.667 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 22347 3 net.caffeinemc.mods.sodium.client.model.light.smooth.AoFaceData::hasUnpackedLightData (15 bytes)
8429Event: 36.667 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 nmethod 22347 0x000000010b01d310 code [0x000000010b01d4c0, 0x000000010b01d630]
8430Event: 36.667 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 22331 2 net.caffeinemc.mods.sodium.client.model.quad.ModelQuad::getZ (17 bytes)
8431Event: 36.667 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 nmethod 22331 0x000000010b01d710 code [0x000000010b01d880, 0x000000010b01d9e8]
8432Event: 36.667 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 22348 2 net.minecraft.class_3611::method_15780 (11 bytes)
8433Event: 36.668 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 nmethod 22348 0x000000010b01da90 code [0x000000010b01dc00, 0x000000010b01dd20]
8434Event: 36.668 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 22350 3 net.caffeinemc.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.pipeline.DefaultFluidRenderer::isFullBlockFluidOccluded (26 bytes)
8435Event: 36.668 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 nmethod 22350 0x000000010b01dd90 code [0x000000010b01df40, 0x000000010b01e1b0]
8436Event: 36.668 Thread 0x000000014b89a800 22351 3 net.caffeinemc.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.pipeline.BlockOcclusionCache::shouldDrawFullBlockFluidSide (218 bytes)
8438GC Heap History (20 events):
8439Event: 5.261 GC heap before
8440{Heap before GC invocations=10 (full 0):
8441 garbage-first heap total 630784K, used 458505K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8442 region size 4096K, 92 young (376832K), 6 survivors (24576K)
8443 Metaspace used 58263K, committed 59072K, reserved 1114112K
8444 class space used 7257K, committed 7616K, reserved 1048576K
8446Event: 5.292 GC heap after
8447{Heap after GC invocations=11 (full 0):
8448 garbage-first heap total 630784K, used 132925K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8449 region size 4096K, 12 young (49152K), 12 survivors (49152K)
8450 Metaspace used 58263K, committed 59072K, reserved 1114112K
8451 class space used 7257K, committed 7616K, reserved 1048576K
8453Event: 5.362 GC heap before
8454{Heap before GC invocations=11 (full 0):
8455 garbage-first heap total 630784K, used 165693K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8456 region size 4096K, 21 young (86016K), 12 survivors (49152K)
8457 Metaspace used 59496K, committed 60288K, reserved 1114112K
8458 class space used 7460K, committed 7808K, reserved 1048576K
8460Event: 5.380 GC heap after
8461{Heap after GC invocations=12 (full 0):
8462 garbage-first heap total 630784K, used 140329K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8463 region size 4096K, 2 young (8192K), 2 survivors (8192K)
8464 Metaspace used 59496K, committed 60288K, reserved 1114112K
8465 class space used 7460K, committed 7808K, reserved 1048576K
8467Event: 6.075 GC heap before
8468{Heap before GC invocations=13 (full 0):
8469 garbage-first heap total 532480K, used 451625K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8470 region size 4096K, 78 young (319488K), 2 survivors (8192K)
8471 Metaspace used 69923K, committed 70848K, reserved 1114112K
8472 class space used 9823K, committed 10240K, reserved 1048576K
8474Event: 6.088 GC heap after
8475{Heap after GC invocations=14 (full 0):
8476 garbage-first heap total 532480K, used 148135K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8477 region size 4096K, 4 young (16384K), 4 survivors (16384K)
8478 Metaspace used 69923K, committed 70848K, reserved 1114112K
8479 class space used 9823K, committed 10240K, reserved 1048576K
8481Event: 7.121 GC heap before
8482{Heap before GC invocations=14 (full 0):
8483 garbage-first heap total 532480K, used 455335K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8484 region size 4096K, 78 young (319488K), 4 survivors (16384K)
8485 Metaspace used 81021K, committed 82112K, reserved 1179648K
8486 class space used 11615K, committed 12096K, reserved 1048576K
8488Event: 7.158 GC heap after
8489{Heap after GC invocations=15 (full 0):
8490 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 165781K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8491 region size 4096K, 7 young (28672K), 7 survivors (28672K)
8492 Metaspace used 81021K, committed 82112K, reserved 1179648K
8493 class space used 11615K, committed 12096K, reserved 1048576K
8495Event: 10.316 GC heap before
8496{Heap before GC invocations=15 (full 0):
8497 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 534421K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8498 region size 4096K, 97 young (397312K), 7 survivors (28672K)
8499 Metaspace used 93299K, committed 94400K, reserved 1179648K
8500 class space used 13384K, committed 13888K, reserved 1048576K
8502Event: 10.371 GC heap after
8503{Heap after GC invocations=16 (full 0):
8504 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 174038K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8505 region size 4096K, 9 young (36864K), 9 survivors (36864K)
8506 Metaspace used 93299K, committed 94400K, reserved 1179648K
8507 class space used 13384K, committed 13888K, reserved 1048576K
8509Event: 12.137 GC heap before
8510{Heap before GC invocations=16 (full 0):
8511 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 522198K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8512 region size 4096K, 95 young (389120K), 9 survivors (36864K)
8513 Metaspace used 101603K, committed 102720K, reserved 1179648K
8514 class space used 14428K, committed 14912K, reserved 1048576K
8516Event: 12.182 GC heap after
8517{Heap after GC invocations=17 (full 0):
8518 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 178345K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8519 region size 4096K, 7 young (28672K), 7 survivors (28672K)
8520 Metaspace used 101603K, committed 102720K, reserved 1179648K
8521 class space used 14428K, committed 14912K, reserved 1048576K
8523Event: 12.730 GC heap before
8524{Heap before GC invocations=18 (full 0):
8525 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 542889K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8526 region size 4096K, 97 young (397312K), 7 survivors (28672K)
8527 Metaspace used 106301K, committed 107520K, reserved 1179648K
8528 class space used 15123K, committed 15680K, reserved 1048576K
8530Event: 12.772 GC heap after
8531{Heap after GC invocations=19 (full 0):
8532 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 199741K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8533 region size 4096K, 12 young (49152K), 12 survivors (49152K)
8534 Metaspace used 106301K, committed 107520K, reserved 1179648K
8535 class space used 15123K, committed 15680K, reserved 1048576K
8537Event: 13.282 GC heap before
8538{Heap before GC invocations=19 (full 0):
8539 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 543805K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8540 region size 4096K, 97 young (397312K), 12 survivors (49152K)
8541 Metaspace used 106940K, committed 108160K, reserved 1179648K
8542 class space used 15216K, committed 15744K, reserved 1048576K
8544Event: 13.312 GC heap after
8545{Heap after GC invocations=20 (full 0):
8546 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 216114K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8547 region size 4096K, 10 young (40960K), 10 survivors (40960K)
8548 Metaspace used 106940K, committed 108160K, reserved 1179648K
8549 class space used 15216K, committed 15744K, reserved 1048576K
8551Event: 13.979 GC heap before
8552{Heap before GC invocations=20 (full 0):
8553 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 568370K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8554 region size 4096K, 97 young (397312K), 10 survivors (40960K)
8555 Metaspace used 107683K, committed 108992K, reserved 1179648K
8556 class space used 15292K, committed 15872K, reserved 1048576K
8558Event: 14.028 GC heap after
8559{Heap after GC invocations=21 (full 0):
8560 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 253341K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8561 region size 4096K, 13 young (53248K), 13 survivors (53248K)
8562 Metaspace used 107683K, committed 108992K, reserved 1179648K
8563 class space used 15292K, committed 15872K, reserved 1048576K
8565Event: 34.831 GC heap before
8566{Heap before GC invocations=21 (full 0):
8567 garbage-first heap total 667648K, used 581021K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8568 region size 4096K, 92 young (376832K), 13 survivors (53248K)
8569 Metaspace used 122217K, committed 123520K, reserved 1179648K
8570 class space used 17448K, committed 18048K, reserved 1048576K
8572Event: 34.885 GC heap after
8573{Heap after GC invocations=22 (full 0):
8574 garbage-first heap total 1146880K, used 282153K [0x00000006c0000000, 0x0000000800000000)
8575 region size 4096K, 4 young (16384K), 4 survivors (16384K)
8576 Metaspace used 122217K, committed 123520K, reserved 1179648K
8577 class space used 17448K, committed 18048K, reserved 1048576K
8580Dll operation events (18 events):
8581Event: 0.011 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libjava.dylib
8582Event: 0.016 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libzip.dylib
8583Event: 0.094 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libnio.dylib
8584Event: 0.101 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libzip.dylib
8585Event: 0.235 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libjimage.dylib
8586Event: 0.494 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libmanagement.dylib
8587Event: 0.497 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libmanagement_ext.dylib
8588Event: 0.617 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libnet.dylib
8589Event: 0.751 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libverify.dylib
8590Event: 2.639 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Caches/JNA/temp/jna14145290308549964087.tmp
8591Event: 6.307 Loaded shared library /private/var/folders/fs/qjvd209d1jz8ncyjnvv4v3q40000gn/T/lwjgl_jleblanc/3.3.3-snapshot/arm64/liblwjgl.dylib
8592Event: 7.328 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libextnet.dylib
8593Event: 7.524 Loaded shared library /private/var/folders/fs/qjvd209d1jz8ncyjnvv4v3q40000gn/T/sqlite-
8594Event: 10.833 Loaded shared library /private/var/folders/fs/qjvd209d1jz8ncyjnvv4v3q40000gn/T/lwjgl_jleblanc/3.3.3-snapshot/arm64/liblwjgl_opengl.dylib
8595Event: 11.262 Loaded shared library /private/var/folders/fs/qjvd209d1jz8ncyjnvv4v3q40000gn/T/libjcocoa8048433822308444065.dylib
8596Event: 12.125 Loaded shared library /private/var/folders/fs/qjvd209d1jz8ncyjnvv4v3q40000gn/T/lwjgl_jleblanc/3.3.3-snapshot/arm64/liblwjgl_stb.dylib
8597Event: 35.271 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libawt.dylib
8598Event: 35.337 Loaded shared library /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libawt_lwawt.dylib
8600Deoptimization events (20 events):
8601Event: 36.656 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x000000010af6b71c sp=0x0000000323c52420
8602Event: 36.656 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x0000000110282e7c sp=0x0000000323c52110 mode 0
8603Event: 36.657 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x000000010af6b71c sp=0x0000000323c52420
8604Event: 36.657 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x0000000110282e7c sp=0x0000000323c52110 mode 0
8605Event: 36.657 Thread 0x0000000149e6a800 Uncommon trap: trap_request=0xffffff45 fr.pc=0x0000000111336ab0 relative=0x00000000000000b0
8606Event: 36.657 Thread 0x0000000149e6a800 Uncommon trap: reason=unstable_if action=reinterpret pc=0x0000000111336ab0 method=it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList.grow(I)V @ 6 c2
8607Event: 36.657 Thread 0x0000000149e6a800 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x0000000111336ab0 sp=0x000000031df06240
8608Event: 36.657 Thread 0x0000000149e6a800 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x000000011028301c sp=0x000000031df06170 mode 2
8609Event: 36.659 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x000000010af6b71c sp=0x0000000323c52420
8610Event: 36.659 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x0000000110282e7c sp=0x0000000323c52110 mode 0
8611Event: 36.661 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x000000010af6b71c sp=0x0000000323c52420
8612Event: 36.661 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x0000000110282e7c sp=0x0000000323c52110 mode 0
8613Event: 36.662 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x000000010af6b71c sp=0x0000000323c52420
8614Event: 36.662 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x0000000110282e7c sp=0x0000000323c52110 mode 0
8615Event: 36.662 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x000000010af6b71c sp=0x0000000323c52420
8616Event: 36.662 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x0000000110282e7c sp=0x0000000323c52110 mode 0
8617Event: 36.663 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x000000010af6b71c sp=0x0000000323c52420
8618Event: 36.663 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x0000000110282e7c sp=0x0000000323c52110 mode 0
8619Event: 36.666 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x000000010af6b71c sp=0x0000000323c52420
8620Event: 36.666 Thread 0x0000000126561200 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x0000000110282e7c sp=0x0000000323c52110 mode 0
8622Classes loaded (20 events):
8623Event: 35.862 Loading class java/util/stream/LongPipeline$1
8624Event: 35.862 Loading class java/util/stream/LongPipeline$1 done
8625Event: 35.862 Loading class java/util/stream/LongPipeline$1$1
8626Event: 35.862 Loading class java/util/stream/Sink$ChainedLong
8627Event: 35.862 Loading class java/util/stream/Sink$ChainedLong done
8628Event: 35.862 Loading class java/util/stream/LongPipeline$1$1 done
8629Event: 36.017 Loading class java/util/Hashtable$ValueCollection
8630Event: 36.017 Loading class java/util/Hashtable$ValueCollection done
8631Event: 36.038 Loading class java/util/EnumMap$Values
8632Event: 36.038 Loading class java/util/EnumMap$Values done
8633Event: 36.038 Loading class java/util/EnumMap$ValueIterator
8634Event: 36.038 Loading class java/util/EnumMap$ValueIterator done
8635Event: 36.044 Loading class java/nio/HeapFloatBuffer
8636Event: 36.044 Loading class java/nio/HeapFloatBuffer done
8637Event: 36.410 Loading class sun/security/rsa/RSASignature$SHA1withRSA
8638Event: 36.411 Loading class sun/security/rsa/RSASignature$SHA1withRSA done
8639Event: 36.415 Loading class jdk/internal/vm/annotation/ForceInline
8640Event: 36.415 Loading class jdk/internal/vm/annotation/ForceInline done
8641Event: 36.444 Loading class sun/nio/ch/MembershipRegistry$ThrowingConsumer
8642Event: 36.444 Loading class sun/nio/ch/MembershipRegistry$ThrowingConsumer done
8644Classes unloaded (0 events):
8645No events
8647Classes redefined (0 events):
8648No events
8650Internal exceptions (20 events):
8651Event: 35.910 Thread 0x0000000126187a00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006ea3fd280}: 'void java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeStaticInit(java.lang.Object, long, int, java.lang.Object)'> (0x00000006ea3fd280)
8652thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8653Event: 35.954 Thread 0x0000000126187a00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e99901b8}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.newInvokeSpecial(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, long)'> (0x00000006e99901b8)
8654thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8655Event: 35.954 Thread 0x0000000126187a00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e9993f18}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeSpecial(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, long)'> (0x00000006e9993f18)
8656thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8657Event: 35.955 Thread 0x0000000126187a00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e9997558}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.Invokers$Holder.linkToTargetMethod(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, long, java.lang.Object)'> (0x00000006e9997558)
8658thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8659Event: 35.982 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e96b6ec8}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeVirtual(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)'> (0x00000006e96b6ec8)
8660thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8661Event: 35.982 Thread 0x0000000128481800 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e9091e18}: 'void java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeSpecial(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, int, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)'> (0x00000006e9091e18)
8662thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8663Event: 35.991 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e91f2690}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeStatic(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, int, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)'> (0x00000006e91f2690)
8664thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8665Event: 35.993 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e9225868}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeStatic(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, float)'> (0x00000006e9225868)
8666thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8667Event: 36.015 Thread 0x000000014982da00 Exception <a 'sun/nio/fs/UnixException'{0x00000006e8f38df0}> (0x00000006e8f38df0)
8668thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/prims/jni.cpp, line 520]
8669Event: 36.028 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e8a5f388}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeStatic(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, int, int, int)'> (0x00000006e8a5f388)
8670thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8671Event: 36.029 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e8a88ac0}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeSpecial(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, float)'> (0x00000006e8a88ac0)
8672thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8673Event: 36.029 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e8a8c3a8}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.Invokers$Holder.linkToTargetMethod(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, float, java.lang.Object)'> (0x00000006e8a8c3a8)
8674thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8675Event: 36.029 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e8a918f8}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeStatic(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, float, java.lang.Object)'> (0x00000006e8a918f8)
8676thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8677Event: 36.274 Thread 0x0000000126187a00 Implicit null exception at 0x00000001112e8820 to 0x00000001112e8950
8678Event: 36.416 Thread 0x0000000128315400 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e6a6ad30}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DelegatingMethodHandle$Holder.reinvoke_L(java.lang.Object, long, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, int, java.lang.Object)'> (0x00000006e6a6ad30)
8679thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8680Event: 36.438 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e6af0080}: 'void java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeStatic(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, float)'> (0x00000006e6af0080)
8681thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8682Event: 36.438 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e6af3538}: 'void java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeStaticInit(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, float)'> (0x00000006e6af3538)
8683thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8684Event: 36.453 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e649a5f0}: 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeSpecialIFC(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)'> (0x00000006e649a5f0)
8685thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8686Event: 36.470 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e67deac0}: 'float java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeStaticInit(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, int)'> (0x00000006e67deac0)
8687thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8688Event: 36.564 Thread 0x000000014b81aa00 Exception <a 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError'{0x00000006e55c5608}: 'void java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.invokeVirtual(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, long, int)'> (0x00000006e55c5608)
8689thrown [../../src/hotspot/share/interpreter/linkResolver.cpp, line 773]
8691ZGC Phase Switch (0 events):
8692No events
8694VM Operations (20 events):
8695Event: 36.081 Executing VM operation: HandshakeAllThreads (Deoptimize)
8696Event: 36.081 Executing VM operation: HandshakeAllThreads (Deoptimize) done
8697Event: 36.256 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull
8698Event: 36.256 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull done
8699Event: 36.477 Executing VM operation: HandshakeAllThreads (Deoptimize)
8700Event: 36.477 Executing VM operation: HandshakeAllThreads (Deoptimize) done
8701Event: 36.501 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull
8702Event: 36.501 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull done
8703Event: 36.532 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull
8704Event: 36.533 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull done
8705Event: 36.546 Executing VM operation: HandshakeAllThreads (Deoptimize)
8706Event: 36.546 Executing VM operation: HandshakeAllThreads (Deoptimize) done
8707Event: 36.546 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull
8708Event: 36.546 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull done
8709Event: 36.589 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull
8710Event: 36.589 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull done
8711Event: 36.601 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull
8712Event: 36.601 Executing VM operation: ICBufferFull done
8713Event: 36.664 Executing VM operation: HandshakeAllThreads (Deoptimize)
8714Event: 36.665 Executing VM operation: HandshakeAllThreads (Deoptimize) done
8716Events (20 events):
8717Event: 35.997 Protecting memory [0x000000032071c000,0x0000000320728000] with protection modes 0
8718Event: 36.037 Protecting memory [0x000000031dd04000,0x000000031dd10000] with protection modes 3
8719Event: 36.037 Thread 0x000000014bfd9e00 Thread exited: 0x000000014bfd9e00
8720Event: 36.037 Protecting memory [0x000000031df10000,0x000000031df1c000] with protection modes 3
8721Event: 36.037 Thread 0x0000000128480800 Thread exited: 0x0000000128480800
8722Event: 36.039 Thread 0x0000000149e6a800 Thread added: 0x0000000149e6a800
8723Event: 36.039 Protecting memory [0x000000031dd04000,0x000000031dd10000] with protection modes 0
8724Event: 36.040 Thread 0x000000014bfd9e00 Thread added: 0x000000014bfd9e00
8725Event: 36.040 Protecting memory [0x000000031df10000,0x000000031df1c000] with protection modes 0
8726Event: 36.063 Thread 0x0000000126b1f800 Thread added: 0x0000000126b1f800
8727Event: 36.063 Protecting memory [0x0000000320928000,0x0000000320934000] with protection modes 0
8728Event: 36.359 Thread 0x000000012693c600 Thread added: 0x000000012693c600
8729Event: 36.359 Protecting memory [0x0000000321ef4000,0x0000000321f00000] with protection modes 0
8730Event: 36.359 Protecting memory [0x000000031bd9c000,0x000000031bda0000] with protection modes 1
8731Event: 36.444 Protecting memory [0x000000031d04c000,0x000000031d058000] with protection modes 3
8732Event: 36.444 Thread 0x0000000149921400 Thread exited: 0x0000000149921400
8733Event: 36.530 Thread 0x0000000126561200 Thread added: 0x0000000126561200
8734Event: 36.530 Protecting memory [0x0000000323a50000,0x0000000323a5c000] with protection modes 0
8735Event: 36.578 Thread 0x0000000126a10c00 Thread added: 0x0000000126a10c00
8736Event: 36.579 Protecting memory [0x000000032d484000,0x000000032d490000] with protection modes 0
8739Dynamic libraries:
87400x0000000102e20000 /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libjli.dylib
87410x00000001a577d000 /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
87420x000000018d8ed000 /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
87430x0000000190b36000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
87440x000000018af60000 /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
87450x00000001977d5000 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
87460x000000018ece9000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIFoundation.framework/Versions/A/UIFoundation
87470x000000022e8bb000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CollectionViewCore.framework/Versions/A/CollectionViewCore
87480x000000019ea14000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RemoteViewServices.framework/Versions/A/RemoteViewServices
87490x000000019547d000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XCTTargetBootstrap.framework/Versions/A/XCTTargetBootstrap
87500x0000000199ea4000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/InternationalSupport.framework/Versions/A/InternationalSupport
87510x0000000199f03000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UserActivity.framework/Versions/A/UserActivity
87520x00000002589bc000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIIntelligenceSupport.framework/Versions/A/UIIntelligenceSupport
87530x00000002259a1000 /System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/Versions/A/SwiftUICore
87540x000000025d535000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WritingTools.framework/Versions/A/WritingTools
87550x000000025c5cc000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WindowManagement.framework/Versions/A/WindowManagement
87560x000000018abbb000 /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfiguration
87570x00000001992fa000 /usr/lib/libspindump.dylib
87580x000000018ee95000 /System/Library/Frameworks/UniformTypeIdentifiers.framework/Versions/A/UniformTypeIdentifiers
87590x0000000196be1000 /usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib
87600x0000000192f54000 /usr/lib/libapp_launch_measurement.dylib
87610x000000019235a000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAnalytics.framework/Versions/A/CoreAnalytics
87620x0000000192f58000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAutoLayout.framework/Versions/A/CoreAutoLayout
87630x0000000194ac8000 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/Metal
87640x0000000195cc2000 /usr/lib/liblangid.dylib
87650x0000000195483000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSVG.framework/Versions/A/CoreSVG
87660x000000018f8aa000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/SkyLight
87670x000000018fdc1000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics
87680x000000019f0da000 /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate
87690x0000000199130000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IconServices.framework/Versions/A/IconServices
87700x0000000194aa5000 /System/Library/Frameworks/IOSurface.framework/Versions/A/IOSurface
87710x000000019238c000 /usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib
87720x0000000197718000 /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
87730x00000001a2e9b000 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/ApplicationServices
87740x0000000195468000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DFRFoundation.framework/Versions/A/DFRFoundation
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87760x000000019b014000 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
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87820x000000018cd6c000 /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
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87880x000000018f7f4000 /usr/lib/libenergytrace.dylib
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88030x00000001e6b4a000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTransferable.framework/Versions/A/CoreTransferable
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88060x000000022656b000 /System/Library/Frameworks/Symbols.framework/Versions/A/Symbols
88070x00000001977da000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SoftLinking.framework/Versions/A/SoftLinking
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88110x00000001b15c7000 /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreImage.dylib
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88220x00000002647ea000 /usr/lib/swift/libswift_Builtin_float.dylib
88230x00000002647ef000 /usr/lib/swift/libswift_Concurrency.dylib
88240x0000000264957000 /usr/lib/swift/libswift_StringProcessing.dylib
88250x0000000264a0a000 /usr/lib/swift/libswift_errno.dylib
88260x0000000264a0c000 /usr/lib/swift/libswift_math.dylib
88270x0000000264a0f000 /usr/lib/swift/libswift_signal.dylib
88280x0000000264a10000 /usr/lib/swift/libswift_stdio.dylib
88290x0000000264a11000 /usr/lib/swift/libswift_time.dylib
88300x00000001a33ff000 /usr/lib/swift/libswiftos.dylib
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88320x0000000264a12000 /usr/lib/swift/libswiftsys_time.dylib
88330x0000000264a13000 /usr/lib/swift/libswiftunistd.dylib
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88350x0000000199dfc000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TextureIO.framework/Versions/A/TextureIO
88360x0000000198dc6000 /usr/lib/libate.dylib
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88390x00000001977b5000 /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
88400x00000001977aa000 /usr/lib/system/libcopyfile.dylib
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88440x00000001977c5000 /usr/lib/system/libkeymgr.dylib
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88500x0000000189baa000 /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
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88530x0000000194a76000 /usr/lib/system/libsystem_containermanager.dylib
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88630x000000018f7d9000 /usr/lib/system/libsystem_networkextension.dylib
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88680x0000000189cd5000 /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
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88730x0000000197796000 /usr/lib/system/libunwind.dylib
88740x0000000189a15000 /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
88750x0000000189cba000 /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
88760x00000001977a2000 /usr/lib/liboah.dylib
88770x000000018d71c000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreServicesInternal.framework/Versions/A/CoreServicesInternal
88780x00000001977d7000 /usr/lib/libfakelink.dylib
88790x00000001a294f000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Versions/A/DiskImages
88800x00000001ae8fe000 /System/Library/Frameworks/NetFS.framework/Versions/A/NetFS
88810x000000018f412000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
88820x0000000192f1c000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/FSEvents.framework/Versions/A/FSEvents
88830x000000018d426000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
88840x00000001923ee000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Metadata
88850x00000001972c6000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServices.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
88860x00000001978b5000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchKit.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
88870x00000001912d4000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.framework/Versions/A/AE
88880x000000018a275000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
88890x0000000198c19000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DictionaryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
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94680x000000031fe44000 /Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/java/java-runtime-delta/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/libawt_lwawt.dylib
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94700x00000001aee2d000 /System/Library/Frameworks/ExceptionHandling.framework/Versions/A/ExceptionHandling
9473VM Arguments:
9474jvm_args: -Xms512m -Xmx5120m -Duser.language=en -Djava.library.path=/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/instances/1.21.1/natives
9475java_command: org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint
9476java_class_path (initial): /private/var/folders/fs/qjvd209d1jz8ncyjnvv4v3q40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/E2124DA9-DBA7-48BF-AB48-08AD77B72011/d/Prism Launcher.app/Contents/MacOS/jars/NewLaunch.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-freetype-natives-macos-arm64/3.3.3/lwjgl-freetype-natives-macos-arm64-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-freetype/3.3.3/lwjgl-freetype-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw-natives-macos-arm64/3.3.3/lwjgl-glfw-natives-macos-arm64-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.3.3/lwjgl-glfw-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-macos-arm64/3.3.3/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-macos-arm64-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc/3.3.3/lwjgl-jemalloc-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-natives-macos-arm64/3.3.3/lwjgl-natives-macos-arm64-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal-natives-macos-arm64/3.3.3/lwjgl-openal-natives-macos-arm64-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal/3.3.3/lwjgl-openal-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl-natives-macos-arm64/3.3.3/lwjgl-opengl-natives-macos-arm64-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl/3.3.3/lwjgl-opengl-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb-natives-macos-arm64/3.3.3/lwjgl-stb-natives-macos-arm64-3.3.3.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application 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Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-handler/4.1.97.Final/netty-handler-4.1.97.Final.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-resolver/4.1.97.Final/netty-resolver-4.1.97.Final.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport-classes-epoll/4.1.97.Final/netty-transport-classes-epoll-4.1.97.Final.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport-native-unix-common/4.1.97.Final/netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.97.Final.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport/4.1.97.Final/netty-transport-4.1.97.Final.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/it/unimi/dsi/fastutil/8.5.12/fastutil-8.5.12.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/java/dev/jna/jna-platform/5.14.0/jna-platform-5.14.0.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/java/dev/jna/jna/5.14.0/jna-5.14.0.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/sf/jopt-simple/jopt-simple/5.0.4/jopt-simple-5.0.4.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.26.0/commons-compress-1.26.0.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.14.0/commons-lang3-3.14.0.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.5.13/httpclient-4.5.13.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.16/httpcore-4.4.16.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-api/2.22.1/log4j-api-2.22.1.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-core/2.22.1/log4j-core-2.22.1.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-slf4j2-impl/2.22.1/log4j-slf4j2-impl-2.22.1.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/jcraft/jorbis/0.0.17/jorbis-0.0.17.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/joml/joml/1.10.5/joml-1.10.5.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lz4/lz4-java/1.8.0/lz4-java-1.8.0.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/2.0.9/slf4j-api-2.0.9.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/intermediary/1.21.1/intermediary-1.21.1.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm/9.7.1/asm-9.7.1.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-analysis/9.7.1/asm-analysis-9.7.1.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-commons/9.7.1/asm-commons-9.7.1.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-tree/9.7.1/asm-tree-9.7.1.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-util/9.7.1/asm-util-9.7.1.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.15.4+mixin.0.8.7/sponge-mixin-0.15.4+mixin.0.8.7.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/fabric-loader/0.16.9/fabric-loader-0.16.9.jar:/Users/********/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/minecraft/1.21.1/minecraft-1.21.1-client.jar
9477Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
9479[Global flags]
9480 intx CICompilerCount = 4 {product} {ergonomic}
9481 uint ConcGCThreads = 2 {product} {ergonomic}
9482 uint G1ConcRefinementThreads = 8 {product} {ergonomic}
9483 size_t G1HeapRegionSize = 4194304 {product} {ergonomic}
9484 uintx GCDrainStackTargetSize = 64 {product} {ergonomic}
9485 size_t InitialHeapSize = 536870912 {product} {command line}
9486 size_t MarkStackSize = 4194304 {product} {ergonomic}
9487 size_t MaxHeapSize = 5368709120 {product} {command line}
9488 size_t MaxNewSize = 3221225472 {product} {ergonomic}
9489 size_t MinHeapDeltaBytes = 4194304 {product} {ergonomic}
9490 size_t MinHeapSize = 536870912 {product} {command line}
9491 uintx NonNMethodCodeHeapSize = 5839564 {pd product} {ergonomic}
9492 uintx NonProfiledCodeHeapSize = 122909338 {pd product} {ergonomic}
9493 uintx ProfiledCodeHeapSize = 122909338 {pd product} {ergonomic}
9494 uintx ReservedCodeCacheSize = 251658240 {pd product} {ergonomic}
9495 bool SegmentedCodeCache = true {product} {ergonomic}
9496 size_t SoftMaxHeapSize = 5368709120 {manageable} {ergonomic}
9497 bool UseCompressedOops = true {product lp64_product} {ergonomic}
9498 bool UseG1GC = true {product} {ergonomic}
9499 bool UseNUMA = false {product} {ergonomic}
9500 bool UseNUMAInterleaving = false {product} {ergonomic}
9503Log output configuration:
9504 #0: stdout all=warning uptime,level,tags foldmultilines=false
9505 #1: stderr all=off uptime,level,tags foldmultilines=false
9507Environment Variables:
9512Active Locale:
9521Signal Handlers:
9522 SIGSEGV: crash_handler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_ONSTACK|SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, unblocked
9523 SIGBUS: crash_handler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, unblocked
9524 SIGFPE: crash_handler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, unblocked
9525 SIGPIPE: javaSignalHandler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, blocked
9526 SIGXFSZ: javaSignalHandler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, blocked
9527 SIGILL: crash_handler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, unblocked
9528 SIGUSR2: SR_handler in libjvm.dylib, mask=00000000000000000000000000000000, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, blocked
9529 SIGHUP: UserHandler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, blocked
9530 SIGINT: UserHandler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, blocked
9531 SIGTERM: UserHandler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, blocked
9532 SIGQUIT: UserHandler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, blocked
9533 SIGTRAP: crash_handler in libjvm.dylib, mask=11100110000111110111111111111111, flags=SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, unblocked
9536Periodic native trim disabled
9538--------------- S Y S T E M ---------------
9541uname: Darwin 24.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 24.1.0: Thu Oct 10 21:05:14 PDT 2024; root:xnu-11215.41.3~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 arm64
9542OS uptime: 4 days 8:35 hours
9543rlimit (soft/hard): STACK 8176k/65520k , CORE 0k/infinity , NPROC 1333/2000 , NOFILE 10240/infinity , AS infinity/infinity , CPU infinity/infinity , DATA infinity/infinity , FSIZE infinity/infinity , MEMLOCK infinity/infinity , RSS infinity/infinity
9544load average: 4.16 6.23 6.31
9546CPU: total 8 (initial active 8) 0x61:0x0:0x1b588bb3:0, fp, asimd, aes, pmull, sha1, sha256, crc32, lse, sha3, sha512
9547machdep.cpu.brand_string:Apple M1
9553Memory: 16k page, physical 8388608k(147584k free), swap 7340032k(1036544k free)
9555vm_info: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.3+9-LTS) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (21.0.3+9-LTS), built on 2024-04-09T21:58:09Z by "MicrosoftCorporation" with clang Apple LLVM 12.0.5 (clang-1205.0.22.9)
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