Fabric 1.19.2 Server Log

60 errors
811 lines
Minecraft version:
Fabric loader version:
Java version:
The mod 'tweed4_base' has thrown an exception.
Line #765
Remove the mod 'tweed4_base'.
1[02:00:55] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.19.2 with Fabric Loader 0.14.13
2[02:00:56] [main/INFO]: Loading 253 mods:
3 - additionaladditions 5.1.0
4 - adventurez 1.4.17
5 - another_furniture 2.1.2-1.19.2
6 - appleskin 2.4.1+mc1.19
7 - aquatictorches 1.0.0
8 - architectury 6.3.56
9 - armorstatues 4.0.4
10 - bagofholding 4.1.6
11 - balm-fabric 4.5.2+0
12 - bclib 2.1.5
13 - bedbenefits 9.1.2
14 - beeinajar 1.0.1
15 - betterend 2.1.1
16 - betternether 7.1.2
17 - bettersafebed 4
18 - bettertridents 4.0.1
19 - biomemakeover 1.19.2-1.6.0
20 - blue_endless_jankson 1.2.1 via owo
21 - bookshelf 16.1.11
22 - bosses_of_mass_destruction 1.4.6-1.19.2
23 - bushierflowers 0.0.1-1.19.2
24 - capybara 2.0.1
25 - cardinal-components 5.0.2
26 - cardinal-components-base 5.0.2 via cardinal-components
27 - cardinal-components-block 5.0.2 via cardinal-components
28 - cardinal-components-chunk 5.0.2 via cardinal-components
29 - cardinal-components-entity 5.0.2 via cardinal-components
30 - cardinal-components-item 5.0.2 via cardinal-components
31 - cardinal-components-level 5.0.2 via cardinal-components
32 - cardinal-components-scoreboard 5.0.2 via cardinal-components
33 - cardinal-components-world 5.0.2 via cardinal-components
34 - cave_enhancements 1.19.2-2.1.7-fabric
35 - chalk 2.1.0+1.19
36 - chalk-colorful-addon 2.1.1+1.19.3
37 - charm 4.4.4
38 - chunkpregen 0.3.3
39 - clickadv 3.0
40 - cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 via cloth-config
41 - cloth-config 8.2.88
42 - cloth-config-lite 2.0.6 via mealapi
43 - collective 6.43
44 - com_electronwill_night-config_core 3.6.6 via corgilib
45 - com_electronwill_night-config_toml 3.6.6 via corgilib
46 - com_eliotlash_mclib_mclib 20 via geckolib3
47 - com_esotericsoftware_yamlbeans_yamlbeans 1.15 via emojiful
48 - com_github_llamalad7_mixinextras 0.1.1 via friendsandfoes
49 - com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305 3.0.2 via twilightforest
50 - com_moandjiezana_toml_toml4j 0.7.2 via charm
51 - com_typesafe_config 1.4.1 via croptopia
52 - comforts 6.0.3+1.19.2
53 - corgilib **.**.**.**
54 - creativecore 2.9.3
55 - creeperoverhaul 2.0.6
56 - croptopia 2.2.2
57 - customizableelytra 1.6.4-1.19
58 - customportalapi 0.0.1-beta54-1.19 via deeperdarker
59 - darkpaintings 13.1.5
60 - deeperdarker 1.1.6
61 - dualwielding 1.1.2
62 - duckling 2.0.8
63 - dummmmmmy 1.19.2-1.6.2
64 - dungeon_now_loading 1.0.0
65 - easymagic 4.3.2
66 - easyshulkerboxes 4.3.7
67 - eldritch_mobs 1.12.10
68 - ellemes_container_lib 2.1.0-alpha.12 via expandedstorage
69 - emojiful 4.0.4
70 - endrem 5.2.0
71 - enhancedcelestials **.**.**.**
72 - expandedstorage 8.1.0-beta.1
73 - extensibleenums 4.0.0 via bagofholding
74 - extraalchemy 1.9.0
75 - fabric-api 0.73.0+1.19.2
76 - fabric-api-base 0.4.14+6e0787e690 via fabric-api
77 - fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.13+93d8cb8290 via fabric-api
78 - fabric-biome-api-v1 9.1.0+82db024a90 via fabric-api
79 - fabric-block-api-v1 1.0.2+e415d50e90 via fabric-api
80 - fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.15+f71b366f90 via fabric-api
81 - fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.0+413cbbc790 via fabric-api
82 - fabric-commands-v0 0.2.32+df3654b390 via fabric-api
83 - fabric-containers-v0 0.1.40+df3654b390 via fabric-api
84 - fabric-content-registries-v0 3.5.0+7c6cd14d90 via fabric-api
85 - fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.2.1+27265b3490 via fabric-api
86 - fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.8+aeb40ebe90 via fabric-api
87 - fabric-data-generation-api-v1 5.3.6+413cbbc790 via fabric-api
88 - fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.34+0d0f210290 via fabric-api
89 - fabric-entity-events-v1 1.5.3+9244241690 via fabric-api
90 - fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.4.33+562bff6e90 via fabric-api
91 - fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.34+df3654b390 via fabric-api
92 - fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.24+b6b6abb490 via fabric-api
93 - fabric-item-api-v1 1.6.4+693ffc0590 via fabric-api
94 - fabric-item-groups-v0 0.3.37+9244241690 via fabric-api
95 - fabric-language-kotlin 1.8.7+kotlin.1.7.22
96 - fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.2.3+1b46dc7890 via fabric-api
97 - fabric-loot-api-v2 1.1.11+83a8659290 via fabric-api
98 - fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.14+9e7660c690 via fabric-api
99 - fabric-message-api-v1 5.0.6+93d8cb8290 via fabric-api
100 - fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.22+33fbc73890 via fabric-api
101 - fabric-networking-api-v1 1.2.10+10eb22f490 via fabric-api
102 - fabric-networking-v0 0.3.27+df3654b390 via fabric-api
103 - fabric-object-builder-api-v1 4.2.0+d8ef690890 via fabric-api
104 - fabric-particles-v1 1.0.13+4d0d570390 via fabric-api
105 - fabric-recipe-api-v1 1.0.0+413cbbc790 via fabric-api
106 - fabric-registry-sync-v0 0.9.31+9244241690 via fabric-api
107 - fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.18+6e0787e690 via fabric-api
108 - fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.10+4d0d570390 via fabric-api
109 - fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.1.2+aae9039d90 via fabric-api
110 - fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.8.3+251d254a90 via fabric-api
111 - fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.3.6+1cc24b1b90 via fabric-api
112 - fabric-transfer-api-v1 2.1.5+413cbbc790 via fabric-api
113 - fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 1.3.3+08b73de490 via fabric-api
114 - fabricloader 0.14.13
115 - fake-player-api 0.5.0 via the_bumblezone
116 - fallingtree 3.10.0
117 - ferritecore 5.0.3
118 - fiber 0.23.0-2 via patchouli
119 - fishofthieves 2.1.1
120 - forge_tags 3.0 via porting_lib
121 - forgeconfigapiport 4.2.7
122 - friendsandfoes 1.6.1
123 - ftbchunks 1902.3.14-build.218
124 - ftblibrary 1902.3.11-build.166
125 - ftbteams 1902.2.12-build.95
126 - galosphere 1.19.2-1.2.1
127 - geckolib3 3.1.37
128 - go-fish 1.6.0-1.19.1
129 - guardvillagers 1.19.2-1.0.16
130 - hopobetterunderwaterruins 1.0.9
131 - iceberg 1.0.46
132 - immersive_paintings 0.3.1+1.19.2
133 - io_leangen_geantyref_geantyref 1.3.11 via croptopia
134 - jankson 4.1.1+j1.2.1 via libgui
135 - java 17
136 - javax_annotation_javax_annotation-api 1.3.2 via twilightforest
137 - jei **.**.**.**
138 - jeresources **.**.**.**
139 - justmobheads 7.0
140 - kanos_config 0.3.1+1.14.4-1.19 via pehkui
141 - kiwi 8.1.2
142 - lazydfu 0.1.3
143 - libgui 6.0.0-beta.5+1.19-pre1 via additionaladditions
144 - libninepatch 1.1.0 via libgui
145 - lightingwand 5.0.0
146 - lithium 0.10.4
147 - lovely_snails 1.1.0+1.19
148 - maelstrom_library 1.3-1.19-pre1 via bosses_of_mass_destruction
149 - mambience 5.2.0+1.19
150 - maybe-data 1.3.2-1.19-rc2 via wolveswitharmor
151 - mealapi 0.3.1+1.19
152 - memoryleakfix 1.19.3-0.7.0
153 - midnightlib 1.0.0
154 - minecraft 1.19.2
155 - mm 2.3 via twilightforest
156 - mobscarecrow 2.2.1-1.19.1
157 - mobvote2022 1.0
158 - moonlight 1.19.2-2.2.1
159 - morebannerfeatures 1.1.3
160 - moretotems 2.11.0
161 - mtmechs 1.0.14
162 - multipart_entities 1.2-1.19-pre1 via bosses_of_mass_destruction
163 - mythicmounts 1.19.2-7.1
164 - mythicupgrades 1.5
165 - naturalist 2.1.1
166 - naturallychargedcreepers 3.0
167 - nears 1.2.3
168 - netherportalfix 10.0.0
169 - nochatreports 1.19.2-v1.13.11
170 - observable 3.3.0
171 - org_javassist_javassist 3.28.0-GA via yungsapi
172 - org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect 1.7.22 via fabric-language-kotlin
173 - org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib 1.7.22 via fabric-language-kotlin
174 - org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.7.22 via fabric-language-kotlin
175 - org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.7.22 via fabric-language-kotlin
176 - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm 0.18.5 via fabric-language-kotlin
177 - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.6.4 via fabric-language-kotlin
178 - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.6.4 via fabric-language-kotlin
179 - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.4.0 via fabric-language-kotlin
180 - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.4.1 via fabric-language-kotlin
181 - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.4.1 via fabric-language-kotlin
182 - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.4.1 via fabric-language-kotlin
183 - org_reflections_reflections 0.10.2 via yungsapi
184 - org_spongepowered_configurate-core 4.1.2 via croptopia
185 - org_spongepowered_configurate-hocon 4.1.2 via croptopia
186 - org_yaml_snakeyaml 1.27 via paragon
187 - owo 0.9.0+1.19
188 - packet_tweaker 0.3.0+1.18.2 via polymer
189 - paragon 3.0.2 via deeperdarker
190 - patchouli 1.19.2-77-FABRIC
191 - pehkui 3.6.0+1.14.4-1.19.3
192 - playdate 1.0.1
193 - polymer 0.2.18+1.19.2 via eldritch_mobs
194 - polymer-blocks-ext 0.1.0-alpha.9+1.19.2 via eldritch_mobs
195 - polymer-registry-sync-manipulator 0.0.3+1.19.2 via polymer
196 - porting_lib 2.1.642+1.19.2 via twilightforest
197 - porting_lib_accessors 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib_extensions
198 - porting_lib_attributes 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib_extensions
199 - porting_lib_base 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib
200 - porting_lib_common 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib_extensions
201 - porting_lib_constants 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib_attributes
202 - porting_lib_entity 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib
203 - porting_lib_extensions 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib_transfer
204 - porting_lib_lazy_registration 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib
205 - porting_lib_model_generators 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib
206 - porting_lib_model_loader 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib_obj_loader
207 - porting_lib_models 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib
208 - porting_lib_networking 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib
209 - porting_lib_obj_loader 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib
210 - porting_lib_transfer 2.1.642+1.19.2 via porting_lib
211 - probablychests 0.5.5-1.19.2
212 - puzzleslib 4.3.12
213 - queen-cats 1.0.3-1.19.2-Fabric
214 - quickteleports 1.19-1.2.0
215 - reach-entity-attributes 2.3.0 via rottencreatures
216 - rottencreatures 1.0.1
217 - runelic 14.1.4
218 - scout 1.1.2
219 - serialization_hooks 0.3.26 via porting_lib_base
220 - server_translations_api 1.4.18+1.19.2 via eldritch_mobs
221 - simple_backpack 1.3.16
222 - simplehats 1.19.2-0.1.6
223 - smoothchunk 1.19.1-2.0
224 - sound_physics_remastered 1.19.2-1.0.18
225 - spectrelib 0.10.0+1.19 via comforts
226 - splatus_spellbound_weapons 3.4.0
227 - splatus_ultris 5.6.7
228 - starlight 1.1.1+fabric.ae22326
229 - static-content 1.0.1-1.16.2 via wolveswitharmor
230 - staticdata 1.1.2 via static-content
231 - subterrestrial 2.0.0
232 - team_reborn_energy 2.2.0 via tempad
233 - tectonic 1.1.6
234 - tempad 1.4.3
235 - terrablender **.**.**.**
236 - the_bumblezone 6.6.2+1.19.2
237 - things 0.2.20+1.19
238 - transportables 1.2.1
239 - trinkets 3.4.1 via scout
240 - tweed4_annotated 1.3.1+mc22w17a via wandering_collector
241 - tweed4_base 1.6.0+mc22w17a via wandering_collector
242 - tweed4_data 1.2.1+mc22w17a via wandering_collector
243 - tweed4_data_hjson 1.1.0+mc22w17a via wandering_collector
244 - twilightforest 4.2.333
245 - uselessreptile 0.1.8-1.19.2
246 - vanillatweaks 1.5.63
247 - voicechat 1.19.2-2.3.27
248 - voidtotem 2.1.0
249 - wandering_collector 1.1.2+mc1.19
250 - wandering_trapper 2.0.0
251 - wolveswitharmor 1.8.0-1.19
252 - wondrouswilds 1.19.2-1.1.5
253 - wooledboots 1.4
254 - xp_storage 1.4.3+1.19
255 - yungsapi 1.19.2-Fabric-3.8.2
256[02:00:56] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/server/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.11.4+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.11.4+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=SERVER
257[02:00:56] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_16
258[02:00:56] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
259[02:00:57] [main/INFO]: [MixinConfig] Not adding no_cured_villager_discount.BypassReputationGossipMixin
260[02:00:57] [main/INFO]: [MixinConfig] Not adding respawn_anchor_in_the_end.CheckIfCanSetSpawnMixin
261[02:00:57] [main/INFO]: [MixinConfig] Not adding no_chat_verified_nag.DisableToastMixin
262[02:00:57] [main/INFO]: [MixinConfig] Not adding no_treasure_enchantment_trading.CheckIfTradeableMixin
263[02:00:57] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'fabric-chunkpregen-refmap.json' for chunkpregen.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
264[02:00:57] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'dummmmmmy-fabric-refmap.json' for dummmmmmy.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
265[02:00:57] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'immersive_paintings-common-refmap.json' for immersive_paintings.mixin.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
266[02:00:57] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'JustEnoughResources-Fabric-1.19.2-refmap.json' for jeresources.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
267[02:00:57] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Lithium: 106 options available, 1 override(s) found
268[02:00:57] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'mythicupgrades-refmap.json' for mythicupgrades.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
269[02:00:57] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'nears-fabric-1.19-refmap.json' for nears.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
270[02:00:57] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'paragon-fabric-refmap.json' for paragon.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
271[02:00:57] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'paragon-common-refmap.json' for paragon-common.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
272[02:00:57] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'static-content-refmap.json' for static-content.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
273[02:00:58] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_293 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_293)
274[02:00:58] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_293 was not found creativecore.fabric.mixins.json:VertexFormatMixin from mod creativecore
275[02:00:58] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_304 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_304)
276[02:00:58] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_304 was not found ftblibrary-fabric.mixins.json:KeyMappingAccessor from mod ftblibrary
277[02:00:58] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_906 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_906)
278[02:00:58] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_906 was not found go-fish.mixins.json:FishingBobberEntityRendererMixin from mod go-fish
279[02:00:58] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_702 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_702)
280[02:00:58] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_702 was not found go-fish.mixins.json:ParticleManagerMixin from mod go-fish
281[02:00:58] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'alloc.blockstate.StateMixin' as rule 'mixin.alloc.blockstate' (added by mods [ferritecore]) disables it and children
282[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_4224 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_4224)
283[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_4224 was not found sound_physics_remastered.mixins.json:ChannelAccessor from mod sound_physics_remastered
284[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_1163 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_1163)
285[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_1163 was not found mixins.mm.json:net.minecraft.class_1163 from mod mm
286[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_1142 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_1142)
287[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_1142 was not found mixins.mm.json:net.minecraft.class_1142 from mod mm
288[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_898 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_898)
289[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_898 was not found mixins.mm.json:net.minecraft.class_898 from mod mm
290[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_761 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_761)
291[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_761 was not found mixins.mm.json:net.minecraft.class_761 from mod mm
292[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_759 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_759)
293[02:00:59] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_759 was not found mixins.mm.json:net.minecraft.class_759 from mod mm
294[02:01:01] [main/INFO]: Mixing server.MixinPlayer from nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_1657
295[02:01:02] [main/WARN]: @Final field field_6248:Lnet/minecraft/class_2371; in wooledboots.mixins.json:LivingEntityEdits from mod wooledboots should be final
296[02:01:02] [main/WARN]: @Inject(@At("INVOKE")) Shift.BY=2 on vanillatweaks.mixins.json:events.MixinLivingEntity from mod vanillatweaks::handler$eie000$entityEquip exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning.
297[02:01:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config bclib.generator to auto sync (file hash)
298[02:01:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config bclib.main to auto sync (content diff)
299[02:01:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config bclib.recipes to auto sync (file hash)
300[02:01:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config bclib.biomes to auto sync (file hash)
301[02:01:03] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: org/spongepowered/asm/synthetic/args/Args$5 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/spongepowered/asm/synthetic/args/Args$5)
302[02:01:06] [main/INFO]: Building unoptimized datafixer
303[02:01:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender
304BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (1d9f40af)
305 biomes = 5
306 namespaces = minecraft
307 seed = 0
308 height = 128
309 config = BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square, useVerticalBiomes=true, amplified=false, biomeSize=256, biomeSizeVertical=86}
310[02:01:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender
311BCLib - The End BiomeSource (3fa57a5a)
312 biomes = 5
313 namespaces = minecraft
314 seed = 0
315 height = 128
316 deciders = 0
317 config = BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}
318[02:01:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender
319BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (37754509)
320 biomes = 5
321 namespaces = minecraft
322 seed = 0
323 height = 128
324 config = BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, useVerticalBiomes=true, amplified=false, biomeSize=1024, biomeSizeVertical=172}
325[02:01:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender
326BCLib - The End BiomeSource (3fda74a8)
327 biomes = 5
328 namespaces = minecraft
329 seed = 0
330 height = 128
331 deciders = 0
332 config = BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=512, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=1024, barrensBiomesSize=512}
333[02:01:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender
334BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4e38fad)
335 biomes = 5
336 namespaces = minecraft
337 seed = 0
338 height = 128
339 config = BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, useVerticalBiomes=true, amplified=false, biomeSize=256, biomeSizeVertical=86}
340[02:01:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender
341BCLib - The End BiomeSource (64ef639c)
342 biomes = 5
343 namespaces = minecraft
344 seed = 0
345 height = 128
346 deciders = 0
347 config = BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}
348[02:01:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender
349BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4b0465bd)
350 biomes = 5
351 namespaces = minecraft
352 seed = 0
353 height = 256
354 config = BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, useVerticalBiomes=true, amplified=true, biomeSize=256, biomeSizeVertical=128}
355[02:01:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender
356BCLib - The End BiomeSource (445f815f)
357 biomes = 5
358 namespaces = minecraft
359 seed = 0
360 height = 128
361 deciders = 0
362 config = BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}
363[02:01:10] [main/ERROR]: Registry 'corgilib:blending_function' was empty after loading
364[02:01:10] [main/ERROR]: Registry 'corgilib:villager_trades_item_listing' was empty after loading
365[02:01:10] [main/ERROR]: Registry 'corgilib:condition' was empty after loading
366[02:01:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for galosphere:silver_bomb
367[02:01:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for galosphere:sparkle
368[02:01:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for galosphere:spectre
369[02:01:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for galosphere:glow_flare
370[02:01:10] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.main to auto sync (file hash)
371[02:01:10] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.generator to auto sync (file hash)
372[02:01:10] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.blocks to auto sync (file hash)
373[02:01:10] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.items to auto sync (file hash)
374[02:01:10] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.biomes to auto sync (file hash)
375[02:01:10] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.mobs to auto sync (file hash)
376[02:01:10] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.recipes to auto sync (file hash)
377[02:01:11] [main/ERROR]: Entity galosphere:sparkle has no attributes
378[02:01:11] [main/ERROR]: Entity galosphere:spectre has no attributes
379[02:01:11] [main/INFO]: Mixing server.MixinServerGamePacketListenerImpl from nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_3244
380[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod armorstatues
381[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod armorstatues
382[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod bagofholding
383[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: Creating capability controller for mod id bagofholding
384[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod bagofholding
385[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: Loaded config file.
386[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: Saved config file.
387[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: BeeInAJar is installed correctly, loading now! Thanks for installing! <3
388[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.entities to auto sync (file hash)
389[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.blocks to auto sync (file hash)
390[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.items to auto sync (file hash)
391[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.biomes to auto sync (file hash)
392[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.recipes to auto sync (file hash)
393[02:01:12] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.enchantments to auto sync (file hash)
394[02:01:13] [main/INFO]: [betternether] =^..^= BetterNether for 1.19 =^..^=
395[02:01:13] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod bettertridents
396[02:01:13] [main/INFO]: Loading common config for bettertridents
397[02:01:13] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for loyal_item
398[02:01:13] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for loyal_experience_orb
399[02:01:13] [main/INFO]: Creating capability controller for mod id bettertridents
400[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id biomemakeover:cl_complete_quest
401[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id biomemakeover:update_dir_data
402[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:pufferfish_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
403[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:salmon_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
404[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:cod_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
405[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:tropical_fish_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
406[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:axolotl_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
407[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:powder_snow_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
408[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:tadpole_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
409[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Registering ModConfiguredFeatures for bushierflowers
410[02:01:14] [main/ERROR]: Adding duplicate key 'ResourceKey[minecraft:worldgen/biome / cave_enhancements:goop_caves]' to registry
411[02:01:14] [main/ERROR]: Adding duplicate key 'ResourceKey[minecraft:worldgen/biome / cave_enhancements:rose_quartz_caves]' to registry
412[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: [Chalk] Registering blocks and items...
413[02:01:14] [main/INFO]: [Chalk] Startup finished!
414[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AerialAffinityEnchantment
415[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AllowTooExpensive
416[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AmethystNoteBlock
417[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Atlases
418[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AutoRestock
419[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AzaleaWood
420[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled BatBuckets
421[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled BeaconsHealMobs
422[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Beekeepers
423[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled BlockOfEnderPearls
424[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled BlockOfGunpowder
425[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled BlockOfSugar
426[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Bookcases
427[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled CaveSpidersDropCobwebs
428[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Chairs
429[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ChickensDropFeathers
430[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ClearItemFrames
431[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled CollectionEnchantment
432[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ColoredBundles
433[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ColoredNetherPortals
434[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled CompassOverlay
435[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled CoralSeaLanterns
436[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled CoralSquids
437[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Core
438[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled DiscsStopBackgroundMusic
439[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled EbonyWood
440[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled EditableSigns
441[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled EndermitePowder
442[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ExtraBoats
443[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ExtraRecipes
444[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ExtraTrades
445[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ExtraWanderingTrades
446[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ExtractEnchantments
447[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled GentlePotionParticles
448[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled GoatsDropMutton
449[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled GrindableArmor
450[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled HoverSorting
451[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled HusksDropSand
452[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled HusksSpawnUnderground
453[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ImprovedFortressLoot
454[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ImprovedMansionLoot
455[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ImprovedMineshafts
456[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled InventoryTidying
457[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Kilns
458[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled LavaBucketDestroysItems
459[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled LowerNoteblockPitch
460[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Lumberjacks
461[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled MapTooltip
462[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Mooblooms
463[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled MorePortalFrames
464[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled NoCropTrampling
465[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled NoPetDamage
466[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled NoPotionGlint
467[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled NoSpyglassScope
468[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled OpenBothDoors
469[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ParrotsStayOnShoulder
470[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled PathToDirt
471[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled PlayerPressurePlates
472[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled PortableCrafting
473[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled QuickReplant
474[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RaidHorns
475[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RedstoneLanterns
476[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RedstoneSand
477[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RepairElytraFromLeather
478[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RepairNetheriteFromScrap
479[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RepairTridentsFromShards
480[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ShowRepairCost
481[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ShulkerBoxDragDrop
482[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ShulkerBoxTooltip
483[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled SmoothGlowstone
484[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled SnowAccumulation
485[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StackableEnchantedBooks
486[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StackablePotions
487[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StackableStews
488[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StraysDropBlueIce
489[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StraysSpawnUnderground
490[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StrongerAnvils
491[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled TotemOfPreserving
492[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled TotemWorksFromInventory
493[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantBarrels
494[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantBars
495[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantBookshelves
496[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantChains
497[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantChests
498[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantLadders
499[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantLanterns
500[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantMobTextures
501[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VillagersFollowEmeraldBlocks
502[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled WeatheringIron
503[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled WitchesDropLuck
504[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Woodcutters
505[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AerialAffinityEnchantment
506[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AllowTooExpensive
507[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AmethystNoteBlock
508[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Atlases
509[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AutoRestock
510[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AzaleaWood
511[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running BatBuckets
512[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running BeaconsHealMobs
513[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Beekeepers
514[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running BlockOfEnderPearls
515[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running BlockOfGunpowder
516[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running BlockOfSugar
517[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Bookcases
518[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running CaveSpidersDropCobwebs
519[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Chairs
520[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ChickensDropFeathers
521[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ClearItemFrames
522[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running CollectionEnchantment
523[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ColoredBundles
524[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ColoredNetherPortals
525[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running CompassOverlay
526[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running CoralSeaLanterns
527[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running CoralSquids
528[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Core
529[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running DiscsStopBackgroundMusic
530[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running EbonyWood
531[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running EditableSigns
532[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running EndermitePowder
533[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ExtraBoats
534[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ExtraRecipes
535[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ExtraTrades
536[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ExtraWanderingTrades
537[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ExtractEnchantments
538[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running GentlePotionParticles
539[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running GoatsDropMutton
540[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running GrindableArmor
541[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running HoverSorting
542[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running HusksDropSand
543[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running HusksSpawnUnderground
544[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ImprovedFortressLoot
545[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ImprovedMansionLoot
546[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ImprovedMineshafts
547[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running InventoryTidying
548[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Kilns
549[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running LavaBucketDestroysItems
550[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running LowerNoteblockPitch
551[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Lumberjacks
552[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running MapTooltip
553[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Mooblooms
554[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running MorePortalFrames
555[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running NoCropTrampling
556[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running NoPetDamage
557[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running NoPotionGlint
558[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running NoSpyglassScope
559[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running OpenBothDoors
560[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ParrotsStayOnShoulder
561[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running PathToDirt
562[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running PlayerPressurePlates
563[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running PortableCrafting
564[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running QuickReplant
565[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RaidHorns
566[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RedstoneLanterns
567[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RedstoneSand
568[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RepairElytraFromLeather
569[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RepairNetheriteFromScrap
570[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RepairTridentsFromShards
571[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ShowRepairCost
572[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ShulkerBoxDragDrop
573[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ShulkerBoxTooltip
574[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running SmoothGlowstone
575[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running SnowAccumulation
576[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StackableEnchantedBooks
577[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StackablePotions
578[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StackableStews
579[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StraysDropBlueIce
580[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StraysSpawnUnderground
581[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StrongerAnvils
582[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running TotemOfPreserving
583[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running TotemWorksFromInventory
584[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantBarrels
585[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantBars
586[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantBookshelves
587[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantChains
588[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantChests
589[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantLadders
590[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantLanterns
591[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantMobTextures
592[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VillagersFollowEmeraldBlocks
593[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running WeatheringIron
594[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running WitchesDropLuck
595[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Woodcutters
596[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: clickadv mod initialized
597[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: Loading Collective version 6.43.
598[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: Initializing network...
599[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: Initialized network!
600[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for jungle_creeper
601[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for bamboo_creeper
602[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for desert_creeper
603[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for badlands_creeper
604[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for hills_creeper
605[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for savannah_creeper
606[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for mushroom_creeper
607[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for swamp_creeper
608[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for dripstone_creeper
609[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for cave_creeper
610[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for dark_oak_creeper
611[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for spruce_creeper
612[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for beach_creeper
613[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for snowy_creeper
614[02:01:15] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for ocean_creeper
615[02:01:15] [main/INFO]: Registered deeperdarker
616[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Deeper and Darker entities have been registered
617[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Deeper and Darker blocks have been registered
618[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Deeper and Darker block entities have been registered
619[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Deeper and Darker sounds have been registered
620[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Deeper and Darker items have been registered
621[02:01:16] [main/WARN]: Lithium detected. MmmMmmMmmMmm scarecrow mode has been disabled as lithium doesnt have a way to add goals to new entities
622[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod easymagic
623[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod easyshulkerboxes
624[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Creating capability controller for mod id easyshulkerboxes
625[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod easyshulkerboxes
626[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Channelling eldritch energies...
627[02:01:16] [main/ERROR]: Registry 'enhancedcelestials:lunar/event' was empty after loading
628[02:01:16] [main/ERROR]: Registry 'enhancedcelestials:lunar/dimension_settings' was empty after loading
629[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Initializing enhancedcelestials network...
630[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Initialized enhancedcelestials network!
631[02:01:16] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for expandedstorage:chest
632[02:01:16] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for expandedstorage:old_chest
633[02:01:16] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for expandedstorage:barrel
634[02:01:16] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for expandedstorage:mini_chest
635[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering pehkui effects
636[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registered 16 status effects
637[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registered dummy effects
638[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering pehkui potions
639[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registered 39 potions
640[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering pehkui recipes
641[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:request_map_data
642[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:request_chunk_change
643[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:teleport_from_map
644[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:sync_tx
645[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:update_force_load_expiry
646[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:server_config_request
647[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftblibrary:edit_nbt_response
648[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbteams:open_gui
649[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbteams:update_settings
650[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbteams:send_message
651[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbteams:create_party
652[02:01:16] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbteams:player_gui_operation
653[02:01:16] [main/ERROR]: Adding duplicate key 'ResourceKey[minecraft:worldgen/biome / galosphere:crystal_canyons]' to registry
654[02:01:16] [main/ERROR]: Adding duplicate key 'ResourceKey[minecraft:worldgen/biome / galosphere:lichen_caves]' to registry
655[02:01:17] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_paintings:painting
656[02:01:17] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO]: [Friends&Foes] An update is available! You're using 1.6.1 version, but the latest version is 1.6.8.
657[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: Processing 3 KiwiModule annotations
658[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: Module [kiwi:contributors] initialized
659[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: Module [lightingwand:core] initialized
660[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: block: 1
661[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: entity_type: 1
662[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: item: 1
663[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: recipe_serializer: 1
664[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: Module [kiwi:data] initialized
665[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: recipe_serializer: 3
666[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: Definitely not up to no good
667[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: [Mob-Scarecrow] is initializing.
668[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: [Mob-Scarecrow] has successfully been initialized.
669[02:01:17] [main/INFO]: [Mob-Scarecrow] if you have any issues or questions feel free to join my Discord: https://discord.gg/fvcFxTg6sB
670[02:01:18] [main/INFO]: Registering Mod Items for mythicupgrades
671[02:01:18] [main/INFO]: Registering ModBlocks formythicupgrades
672[02:01:18] [main/INFO]: near features initialized.
673[02:01:18] [main/INFO]: Let there be nears!
674[02:01:18] [main/INFO]: KONNICHIWA ZA WARUDO!
675[02:01:18] [main/INFO]: Default JVM text encoding is: UTF-8
676[02:01:18] [main/INFO]: Reading config file NoChatReports/NCR-Common.json...
677[02:01:18] [main/INFO]: Writing config file NoChatReports/NCR-Common.json...
678[02:01:18] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.BetterChannel$PartialPacketBegin
679[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/61a49a35c5283c0aaa7b0dfea5b7a53a
680[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.BetterChannel$PartialPacketBegin
681[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.BetterChannel$PartialPacketData
682[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/3dd73fd88be832559bc3a3c4a2e63b4a
683[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.BetterChannel$PartialPacketData
684[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.C2SPacket$InitTPSProfile
685[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/b453c08f23b83b82b690c31bf8b2a45a
686[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.C2SPacket$InitTPSProfile
687[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.C2SPacket$RequestTeleport
688[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/3a13df9e0b0a3290bb99252e1f8f68a2
689[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.C2SPacket$RequestTeleport
690[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.C2SPacket$RequestAvailability
691[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/0c662822629034678f5a8f0e70375315
692[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.C2SPacket$RequestAvailability
693[02:01:19] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.S2CPacket$ProfilingStarted
694[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/2e815604a29b3a5cbfe0208e619d86c4
695[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.S2CPacket$ProfilingStarted
696[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.S2CPacket$ProfilingCompleted
697[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/9ae83199b65a3768862799cc5e461a02
698[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.S2CPacket$ProfilingCompleted
699[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.S2CPacket$ProfilerInactive
700[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/ae8dfae1238e312397aa53e9d14c45ca
701[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.S2CPacket$ProfilerInactive
702[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.S2CPacket$ProfilingResult
703[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/3a94cae7336038df9152bcb7b4b94825
704[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.S2CPacket$ProfilingResult
705[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.S2CPacket$Availability
706[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/c86a824e756d312396d1ba30e943e6aa
707[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.S2CPacket$Availability
708[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering class observable.net.S2CPacket$ConsiderProfiling
709[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id minecraft:channel/observable/80ae5e04c32934dab1c17d27a88baf19
710[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registered class observable.net.S2CPacket$ConsiderProfiling
711[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: chyz: now i just need to painstakingly move jerry (the little tiny lil fella tiny guy man button) to correct spot when recipe book is opened
712[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Registered paragon
713[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: acee#1220
714[02:01:20] [main/INFO]: Paragon has been initialized
715[02:01:21] [main/INFO]: [Probably-Chests] is initializing.
716[02:01:21] [main/INFO]: [Probably-Chests] has successfully been initialized.
717[02:01:21] [main/INFO]: [Probably-Chests] if you have any issues or questions feel free to join my Discord: https://discord.gg/fvcFxTg6sB
718[02:01:21] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod puzzleslib
719[02:01:21] [main/INFO]: Registering Mod Items forqueencats
720[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for burned
721[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for frostbitten
722[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for swampy
723[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for undead_miner
724[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for mummy
725[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for glacial_hunter
726[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for hunter_wolf
727[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for scarab
728[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for flying_scarab
729[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for dead_beard
730[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for zombie_lackey
731[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for skeleton_lackey
732[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immortal
733[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for zap
734[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for primed_tnt_barrel
735[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for treasure_chest
736[02:01:21] [main/INFO]: Loaded 207 hat entries from simplehats.json
737[02:01:21] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for hatdisplay
738[02:01:21] [main/INFO]: Generated 207 hat items from hat entries.
739[02:01:22] [main/INFO]: Reloading config
740[02:01:22] [main/INFO]: Reloading reverb parameters
741[02:01:22] [main/INFO]: Registered region minecraft:overworld to index 0 for type OVERWORLD
742[02:01:22] [main/INFO]: Registered region minecraft:nether to index 0 for type NETHER
743[02:01:22] [main/INFO]: Registered region cave_enhancements:region to index 1 for type OVERWORLD
744[02:01:25] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for wyvern
745[02:01:25] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for wyvern_projectile
746[02:01:25] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for meowleclaw
747[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Setup Complete
748[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Compatibility version 15
749[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Loading plugins
750[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Loaded 1 plugin(s)
751[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Initializing plugins
752[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Initializing Simple Voice Chat integration
753[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Initialized 1 plugin(s)
754[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Registering events for sound_physics_remastered
755[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Loading up Void Totem (Fabric)
756[02:01:25] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for wandering_trapper:wandering_trapper
757[02:01:25] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for wandering_trappertrapper_dog
758[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Loaded 5 Static Content files for wolveswitharmor:wolf_armor
759[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Wondrous Wilds initializing!
760[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Initializing Wondrous Wilds config
761[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Initializing Wondrous Wilds content
762[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Wondrous Wilds initialized and ready!
763[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 50 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values
764[02:01:25] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 4 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values
765[02:01:25] [main/ERROR]: Failed to start the minecraft server
766java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'tweed4_base'!
767 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.lambda$invoke0$0(EntrypointUtils.java:51) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
768 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.gatherExceptions(ExceptionUtil.java:33) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
769 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke0(EntrypointUtils.java:49) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
770 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke(EntrypointUtils.java:35) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
771 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.Hooks.startServer(Hooks.java:62) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
772 at net.minecraft.server.Main.main(Main.java:101) [server-intermediary.jar:?]
773 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:461) [fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
774 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:74) [fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
775 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotServer.main(KnotServer.java:23) [fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
776 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main(FabricServerLauncher.java:69) [fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
777Caused by: net.fabricmc.loader.api.EntrypointException: Exception while loading entries for entrypoint 'tweed4:serializer' provided by 'tweed4_data_hjson'
778 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointStorage.getEntrypoints(EntrypointStorage.java:183) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
779 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.getEntrypoints(FabricLoaderImpl.java:320) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
780 at de.siphalor.tweed4.Tweed.runEntryPoints(Tweed.java:121) ~[tweed4_base-1.6.0+mc22w17a-196e706f45037545.jar:?]
781 at de.siphalor.tweed4.Tweed.onInitialize(Tweed.java:113) ~[tweed4_base-1.6.0+mc22w17a-196e706f45037545.jar:?]
782 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke0(EntrypointUtils.java:47) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
783 ... 7 more
784Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hjson/JsonValue
785 at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
786 at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
787 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.DefaultLanguageAdapter.create(DefaultLanguageAdapter.java:50) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
788 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointStorage$NewEntry.getOrCreate(EntrypointStorage.java:117) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
789 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointStorage.getEntrypoints(EntrypointStorage.java:176) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
790 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.getEntrypoints(FabricLoaderImpl.java:320) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
791 at de.siphalor.tweed4.Tweed.runEntryPoints(Tweed.java:121) ~[tweed4_base-1.6.0+mc22w17a-196e706f45037545.jar:?]
792 at de.siphalor.tweed4.Tweed.onInitialize(Tweed.java:113) ~[tweed4_base-1.6.0+mc22w17a-196e706f45037545.jar:?]
793 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke0(EntrypointUtils.java:47) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
794 ... 7 more
795Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hjson.JsonValue
796 at jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
797 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
798 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:226) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
799 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(KnotClassLoader.java:112) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
800 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
801 at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
802 at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
803 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.DefaultLanguageAdapter.create(DefaultLanguageAdapter.java:50) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
804 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointStorage$NewEntry.getOrCreate(EntrypointStorage.java:117) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
805 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointStorage.getEntrypoints(EntrypointStorage.java:176) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
806 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.getEntrypoints(FabricLoaderImpl.java:320) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
807 at de.siphalor.tweed4.Tweed.runEntryPoints(Tweed.java:121) ~[tweed4_base-1.6.0+mc22w17a-196e706f45037545.jar:?]
808 at de.siphalor.tweed4.Tweed.onInitialize(Tweed.java:113) ~[tweed4_base-1.6.0+mc22w17a-196e706f45037545.jar:?]
809 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke0(EntrypointUtils.java:47) ~[fabric-loader-0.14.13.jar:?]
810 ... 7 more
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