Forge 1.12.2 Server Log

432 errors
7379 lines
Minecraft version:
Forge version:
This world was saved with mod 'appliedenergistics2' version v0.56.4 and it is now at version v0.56.5.
Line #5449
Install the mod 'appliedenergistics2' with version v0.56.4.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'quark' version r1.6-184 and it is now at version r1.6-185.
Line #5450
Install the mod 'quark' with version r1.6-184.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'binniecore' version and it is now at version
Line #5451
Install the mod 'binniecore' with version
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'binniedesign' version and it is now at version
Line #5452
Install the mod 'binniedesign' with version
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'genetics' version and it is now at version
Line #5453
Install the mod 'genetics' with version
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'botany' version and it is now at version
Line #5454
Install the mod 'botany' with version
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'extrabees' version and it is now at version
Line #5455
Install the mod 'extrabees' with version
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'extratrees' version and it is now at version
Line #5456
Install the mod 'extratrees' with version
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'loliasm' version 5.19 and it is now at version 5.20.
Line #5457
Install the mod 'loliasm' with version 5.19.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'cfm' version 6.4.1 and it is now at version 6.5.0.
Line #5458
Install the mod 'cfm' with version 6.4.1.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'opencomputers' version 1.8.3 and it is now at version 1.8.5.
Line #5459
Install the mod 'opencomputers' with version 1.8.3.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'crimsonrevelations' version 0.8 and it is now at version 1.0.1.
Line #5460
Install the mod 'crimsonrevelations' with version 0.8.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'mekanism' version 9.12.8 and it is now at version 9.12.10.
Line #5461
Install the mod 'mekanism' with version 9.12.8.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'extraplanets' version 1.12.2-0.7.7 and it is now at version 1.12.2-0.8.0.
Line #5462
Install the mod 'extraplanets' with version 1.12.2-0.7.7.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'loottweaker' version GRADLE:VERSION and it is now at version 0.4.0.
Line #5463
Install the mod 'loottweaker' with version GRADLE:VERSION.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'mekanismgenerators' version 9.12.8 and it is now at version 9.12.10.
Line #5464
Install the mod 'mekanismgenerators' with version 9.12.8.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'mekanismtools' version 9.12.8 and it is now at version 9.12.10.
Line #5465
Install the mod 'mekanismtools' with version 9.12.8.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'sledgehammer' version 1.12.2-2.0.25 and it is now at version 1.12.2-2.0.26.
Line #5466
Install the mod 'sledgehammer' with version 1.12.2-2.0.25.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'thaumicenergistics' version 2.2.6 and it is now at version 2.3.0.
Line #5467
Install the mod 'thaumicenergistics' with version 2.2.6.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'thaumictinkerer' version 1.12.2-5.3-Unofficial and it is now at version 1.12.2-5.4-Unofficial.
Line #5468
Install the mod 'thaumictinkerer' with version 1.12.2-5.3-Unofficial.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'thaumicwonders' version 1.8.2 and it is now at version 1.8.4.
Line #5469
Install the mod 'thaumicwonders' with version 1.8.2.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'treechop' version 0.14.6 and it is now at version 0.14.8.
Line #5470
Install the mod 'treechop' with version 0.14.6.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
This world was saved with mod 'vintagefix' version 0.4.1-16-g07f75cc and it is now at version 0.5.0-18-g6ebc4e0.
Line #5471
Install the mod 'vintagefix' with version 0.4.1-16-g07f75cc.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
The world was saved with mod 'worldcontrol' which appears to be missing.
Line #5472
Install the mod 'worldcontrol'.
Do nothing. This problem might fix itself.
The mod 'Mystcraft' has thrown an exception.
Line #7229
Install a different version of the mod 'Mystcraft'.
Remove the mod 'Mystcraft'.
1[14:12:12] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
2[14:12:12] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Using primary tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
3[14:12:12] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
4[14:12:12] [main/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.12.2 loading
5[14:12:12] [main/INFO] [FML]: Java is OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_412, running on Windows 11:amd64:10.0, installed at C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.412.8-hotspot\jre
6[14:12:13] [main/INFO] [FML]: Searching C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\.\mods for mods
7[14:12:13] [main/INFO] [FML]: Searching C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\.\mods\1.12.2 for mods
8[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in !configanytime-3.0.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
9[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod com.cleanroommc.configanytime.ConfigAnytimePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
10[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod ConfigAnytimePlugin (com.cleanroommc.configanytime.ConfigAnytimePlugin) is not signed!
11[14:12:13] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker from !mixinbooter-9.1.jar
12[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in AdvMachinesPatch-1.1.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
13[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod AFMLLoadingPlugin (mods.su5ed.advmachinespatch.asm.AFMLLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
14[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod PatcherPlugin (mods.su5ed.advsolarpatch.PatcherPlugin) is not signed!
15[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ae2-uel-v0.56.5.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
16[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod AE2ELCore (appeng.core.AE2ELCore) is not signed!
17[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in AquaAcrobatics-1.15.4.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
18[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod Aqua Acrobatics Transformer (com.fuzs.aquaacrobatics.core.AquaAcrobaticsCore) is not signed!
19[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Aroma1997Core-1.12.2- This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
20[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod aroma1997.core.coremod.CoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
21[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in censoredasm5.20.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
22[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod LoliASM (zone.rong.loliasm.core.LoliLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
23[14:12:13] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Lolis are on the server-side.
24[14:12:13] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Lolis are preparing and loading in mixins since Rongmario's too lazy to write pure ASM at times despite the mod being called 'LoliASM'
25[14:12:13] [main/WARN] [LoliASM]: Replacing CA Certs with an updated one...
26[14:12:13] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Initializing StacktraceDeobfuscator...
27[14:12:13] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Downloading MCP stable-39 method mappings to: methods-stable_39.csv
28[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Initialized StacktraceDeobfuscator.
29[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Installing DeobfuscatingRewritePolicy...
30[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Installed DeobfuscatingRewritePolicy.
31[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker codechicken.asm.internal.Tweaker from ChickenASM-1.12-
32[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod io.github.barteks2x.chunkgenlimiter.coremod.ChunkGenLimiterCoremod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
33[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod ChunkGenLimiterCoremod (io.github.barteks2x.chunkgenlimiter.coremod.ChunkGenLimiterCoremod) is not signed!
34[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker from cta-1.12.2-1.2.2.jar
35[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in EnergyControl-1.12.2-0.3.2a.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
36[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod com.zuxelus.energycontrol.hooks.ECHookLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
37[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod ECHookLoader (com.zuxelus.energycontrol.hooks.ECHookLoader) is not signed!
38[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Forgelin-1.8.4.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
39[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod net.shadowfacts.forgelin.preloader.ForgelinPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
40[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod ForgelinPlugin (net.shadowfacts.forgelin.preloader.ForgelinPlugin) is not signed!
41[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Galacticraft-1.12.2-4.0.7-technic-2.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
42[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod MicdoodlePlugin (micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin) is not signed!
43[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in GraviSuite-Patcher-1.0.0.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
44[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod PatcherPlugin (mods.su5ed.gravisuitepatch.asm.PatcherPlugin) is not signed!
45[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ic2patcher-2.0.7.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
46[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod PatcherFMLPlugin (mods.su5ed.ic2patcher.asm.PatcherFMLPlugin) is not signed!
47[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in IFPatcher-2.4.0.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
48[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod ivorius.ivtoolkit.IvToolkitLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
49[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod IvToolkit (ivorius.ivtoolkit.IvToolkitLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
50[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker from JustEnoughIDs-1.0.4-SNAPSHOT-thin.jar
51[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in logisticspipes- This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
52[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker from LootTweaker-0.4.0+MC1.12.2.jar
53[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Mekanism-Community-Edition-1.12.2-9.12.10-Core.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
54[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod mekanism.coremod.MekanismCoremod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
55[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod MekanismCoremod (mekanism.coremod.MekanismCoremod) is not signed!
56[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in OpenComputers-MC1.12.2-1.8.5+179e1c3.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
57[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod li.cil.oc.common.launch.TransformerLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
58[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod TransformerLoader (li.cil.oc.common.launch.TransformerLoader) is not signed!
59[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in OpenModsLib-1.12.2-0.12.2.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
60[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
61[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Quark-r1.6-185-technic.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
62[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod Quark Plugin (vazkii.quark.base.asm.LoadingPlugin) is not signed!
63[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod com.therandomlabs.randompatches.core.RPCore does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
64[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ReachFix-1.12.2-1.0.9.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
65[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod ReachFixPlugin (meldexun.reachfix.asm.ReachFixPlugin) is not signed!
66[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod io.dogboy.serializationisbad.legacyforge.SerializationIsBadCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
67[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod serializationisbad (io.dogboy.serializationisbad.legacyforge.SerializationIsBadCoreMod) is not signed!
68[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [io.dogboy.serializationisbad.core.SerializationIsBad]: Initializing SerializationIsBad, implementation type: legacyforge
69[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [io.dogboy.serializationisbad.core.SerializationIsBad]: Using remote config file
70[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [io.dogboy.serializationisbad.core.SerializationIsBad]: Loaded config file
71[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [io.dogboy.serializationisbad.core.SerializationIsBad]: Blocking Enabled: true
72[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [io.dogboy.serializationisbad.core.SerializationIsBad]: Loaded Patch Modules: 39
73[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker from Sledgehammer-1.12.2-2.0.26-thin.jar
74[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker from SnowRealMagic-1.12.2-0.7.1.jar
75[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ThaumicAugmentation-1.12.2-2.1.13.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
76[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker from thaumicfixes-1.0-nolibs.jar
77[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in UniDict-1.12.2-3.0.10.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
78[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod UniDictCoreMod (wanion.unidict.core.UniDictCoreMod) is not signed!
79[14:12:14] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker from uniq-2.1.jar
80[14:12:14] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in UniversalTweaks-1.12.2-1.11.0-580.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
81[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod UniversalTweaksCore (mod.acgaming.universaltweaks.core.UTLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
82[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in vintagefix-0.5.0-187.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
83[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod VintageFix (org.embeddedt.vintagefix.core.VintageFixCore) is not signed!
84[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in witcherycompanion-0.21.3-beta.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
85[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod Witchery Downloader Plugin (com.smokeythebandicoot.witcherycompanion.client.WitcheryJarDownloader) is not signed!
86[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod WitcheryLoadingPlugin (net.msrandom.witchery.asm.WitcheryLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
87[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in phosphor-1.12.2- This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
88[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod PhosphorFMLPlugin (me.jellysquid.mods.phosphor.core.PhosphorFMLPlugin) is not signed!
89[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
90[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker
91[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [mixin]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/C:/Users/********/Desktop/mc%20servers/the-1122-pack_1.6.1/./mods/!mixinbooter-9.1.jar Service=LaunchWrapper Env=SERVER
92[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod zone.rong.mixinbooter.MixinBooterPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
93[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod MixinBooter (zone.rong.mixinbooter.MixinBooterPlugin) is not signed!
94[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Initializing Mixins...
95[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [mixin]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_8
96[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Initializing MixinExtras...
97[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod gkappa.cta.CTALoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
98[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod CTALoadingPlugin (gkappa.cta.CTALoadingPlugin) is not signed!
99[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod JustEnoughIDs Extension Plugin (org.dimdev.jeid.JEIDLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
100[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [JustEnoughIDs]: Initializing JustEnoughIDs core mixins
101[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [JustEnoughIDs]: Initializing JustEnoughIDs initialization mixins
102[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod MixinLoader (leviathan143.loottweaker.common.MixinLoader) is not signed!
103[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod Sledgehammer (io.github.lxgaming.sledgehammer.launch.SledgehammerLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
104[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod snownee.snow.core.CoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
105[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod Snow! Real Magic! (snownee.snow.core.CoreMod) is not signed!
106[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod thaumicfixes (com.seriouscreeper.thaumicfixes.core.ThaumicFixesLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
107[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod UniQ Loading Plugin (re.domi.uniq.UniQLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
108[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name codechicken.asm.internal.Tweaker
109[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [LaunchWrapper]: Tweak class name org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker has already been visited -- skipping
110[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [LaunchWrapper]: Tweak class name org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker has already been visited -- skipping
111[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [LaunchWrapper]: Tweak class name org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker has already been visited -- skipping
112[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [LaunchWrapper]: Tweak class name org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker has already been visited -- skipping
113[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [LaunchWrapper]: Tweak class name org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker has already been visited -- skipping
114[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [LaunchWrapper]: Tweak class name org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker has already been visited -- skipping
115[14:12:15] [main/WARN] [LaunchWrapper]: Tweak class name org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker has already been visited -- skipping
116[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
117[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class io.github.lxgaming.sledgehammer.launch.SledgehammerTweaker
118[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
119[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
120[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
121[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
122[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
123[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [IC2-Patcher/IC2VersionExtraction]: IC2 was found! Extracted version: 2.8.222-ex112
124[14:12:15] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
125[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [FML]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
126[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
127[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
128[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
129[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
130[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
131[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [Aqua Acrobatics Transformer]: Running in obf, thanks for playing with the mod!
132[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
133[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [Aroma1997Core]: Finished data injection.
134[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [Aroma1997Core]: Finished data injection.
135[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
136[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
137[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Parsing hooks container com.zuxelus.hooklib.minecraft.SecondaryTransformerHook
138[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.minecraft.HookLibPlugin:getObfuscated:47]: Obfuscated: true
139[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Parsing hooks container com.zuxelus.energycontrol.hooks.DraconicEvolutionHooks
140[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Parsing hooks container com.zuxelus.energycontrol.hooks.GalacticraftHooks
141[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Parsing hooks container com.zuxelus.energycontrol.hooks.HBMHooks
142[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Parsing hooks container com.zuxelus.energycontrol.hooks.IC2Hooks
143[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Parsing hooks container com.zuxelus.energycontrol.hooks.IC2ClassicHooks
144[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Parsing hooks container com.zuxelus.energycontrol.hooks.MekanismHooks
145[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Parsing hooks container com.zuxelus.energycontrol.hooks.ThermalExpansionHooks
146[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
147[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
148[14:12:17] [main/INFO] [MicdoodleCore]: Successfully Registered Transformer
149[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
150[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
151[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
152[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
153[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
154[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
155[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
156[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [VintageFix]: Loading JarDiscovererCache
157[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
158[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
159[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker
160[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [mixin]: Initialised Mixin FML Remapper Adapter with net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.deobf.FMLDeobfuscatingRemapper@bfec2f9
161[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Grabbing class zone.rong.loliasm.core.LoliLoadingPlugin for its mixins.
162[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Grabbing class mod.acgaming.universaltweaks.core.UTLoadingPlugin for its mixins.
163[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Grabbing class org.embeddedt.vintagefix.core.VintageFixCore for its mixins.
164[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Grabbing class me.jellysquid.mods.phosphor.core.PhosphorFMLPlugin for its mixins.
165[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Grabbing class gkappa.cta.CTALoadingPlugin for its mixins.
166[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.devenv.json mixin configuration.
167[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.vfix_bugfixes.json mixin configuration.
168[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.internal.json mixin configuration.
169[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.vanities.json mixin configuration.
170[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.registries.json mixin configuration.
171[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.stripitemstack.json mixin configuration.
172[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.lockcode.json mixin configuration.
173[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixin configuration.
174[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.misc_fluidregistry.json mixin configuration.
175[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.forgefixes.json mixin configuration.
176[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.capability.json mixin configuration.
177[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.priorities.json mixin configuration.
178[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.crashes.json mixin configuration.
179[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.fix_mc129057.json mixin configuration.
180[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.misc.difficulty.server.json mixin configuration.
181[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.misc.buttons.snooper.server.json mixin configuration.
182[14:12:18] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.misc.particlespawning.json mixin configuration.
183[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.blocks.itemframevoid.json mixin configuration.
184[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.performance.entityradiuscheck.reducesearchsize.json mixin configuration.
185[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.tracker.json mixin configuration.
186[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixin configuration.
187[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.blocks.leafdecay.json mixin configuration.
188[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.entities.spawning.creeper.confetti.json mixin configuration.
189[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.destroypacket.json mixin configuration.
190[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixin configuration.
191[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.performance.oredictionarycheck.json mixin configuration.
192[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.misc.recipebook.server.json mixin configuration.
193[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.maxhealth.json mixin configuration.
194[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixin configuration.
195[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.blocks.lenientpaths.json mixin configuration.
196[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.skeletonaim.json mixin configuration.
197[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixin configuration.
198[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.blocks.hopper.boundingbox.json mixin configuration.
199[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.sleeping.json mixin configuration.
200[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.horsefalling.json mixin configuration.
201[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.performance.pathfinding.json mixin configuration.
202[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.entities.spawning.husk.json mixin configuration.
203[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.blocks.piston.tile.json mixin configuration.
204[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixin configuration.
205[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.blockfire.json mixin configuration.
206[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.performance.entityradiuscheck.lesscollisions.json mixin configuration.
207[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.performance.prefixcheck.json mixin configuration.
208[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixin configuration.
209[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.dimensionchange.json mixin configuration.
210[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.blocks.bedobstruction.json mixin configuration.
211[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.entitylists.json mixin configuration.
212[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.performance.advancementcheck.json mixin configuration.
213[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.misc.crafteditemstatistics.json mixin configuration.
214[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.untippedarrowparticles.json mixin configuration.
215[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.blocks.ladderflying.json mixin configuration.
216[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.minecart.json mixin configuration.
217[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.suffocation.json mixin configuration.
218[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.misc.console.addpacket.json mixin configuration.
219[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.desync.json mixin configuration.
220[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.performance.dyeblending.json mixin configuration.
221[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.blocks.sapling.json mixin configuration.
222[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.boundingbox.json mixin configuration.
223[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.deathtime.json mixin configuration.
224[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.performance.texturemapcheck.json mixin configuration.
225[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.blocks.comparatortiming.json mixin configuration.
226[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.blocks.miningglitch.server.json mixin configuration.
227[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.entities.spawning.stray.json mixin configuration.
228[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixin configuration.
229[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.attackradius.json mixin configuration.
230[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.boatoffset.json mixin configuration.
231[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.entities.burning.zombie.json mixin configuration.
232[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.mount.json mixin configuration.
233[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.blocks.hopper.tile.json mixin configuration.
234[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.saturation.json mixin configuration.
235[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.blocks.falling.json mixin configuration.
236[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.items.itementities.server.json mixin configuration.
237[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.bugfixes.entities.entityid.json mixin configuration.
238[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.tweaks.performance.craftingcache.json mixin configuration.
239[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.vintagefix.init.json mixin configuration.
240[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.vintagefix.json mixin configuration.
241[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.phosphor.json mixin configuration.
242[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding cta.mixins.json mixin configuration.
243[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class codechicken.asm.internal.Tweaker
244[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [codechicken.asm.internal.Tweaker:injectIntoClassLoader:30]: false
245[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
246[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
247[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: The lolis are now preparing to bytecode manipulate your game.
248[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation to the transformation queue
249[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraft.util.registry.RegistrySimple to the transformation queue
250[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString to the transformation queue
251[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ModCandidate to the transformation queue
252[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ASMDataTable$ASMData to the transformation queue
253[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack to the transformation queue
254[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraft.item.crafting.FurnaceRecipes to the transformation queue
255[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.common.enchantment.amulet.PlayerAmuletHandler to the transformation queue
256[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class mezz.jei.suffixtree.Edge to the transformation queue
257[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class betterwithmods.event.BlastingOilEvent to the transformation queue
258[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class betterwithmods.common.items.ItemMaterial to the transformation queue
259[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class lach_01298.qmd.render.entity.BeamRenderer to the transformation queue
260[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.dries007.tfc.objects.entity.EntityFallingBlockTFC to the transformation queue
261[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack to the transformation queue
262[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer to the transformation queue
263[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer to the transformation queue
264[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Adding class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound to the transformation queue
265[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Injecting hooks into class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader
266[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Patching method net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader#injectData([Ljava/lang/Object;)
267[14:12:19] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Reference map '' for mixins.vintagefix.init.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
268[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Injecting hooks into class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader
269[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Methods dictionary loaded in 0 ms
270[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
271[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
272[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
273[14:12:19] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
274[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
275[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
276[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
277[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
278[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
279[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
280[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.EnvironmentStateTweaker
281[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
282[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.EnvironmentStateTweaker
283[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching MinecraftServer
284[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched MinecraftServer#reload
285[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [Sledgehammer]: Successfully loaded configuration file.
286[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [Sledgehammer]: Successfully saved configuration file.
287[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Found 88 mixins
288[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.blockstates' to config file with default value 'true'
289[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.jar_discoverer_cache' to config file with default value 'true'
290[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.backports.new_world_name' to config file with default value 'true'
291[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.backports.white_button_text' to config file with default value 'true'
292[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.model_optimizations.dedup_quad_lists' to config file with default value 'true'
293[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.model_optimizations.dedup_baked_quad' to config file with default value 'true'
294[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.model_optimizations.dedup_multipart' to config file with default value 'true'
295[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.model_optimizations.simpler_perspective_wrapper' to config file with default value 'true'
296[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.model_optimizations.location_canon' to config file with default value 'true'
297[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.dynamic_resources' to config file with default value 'true'
298[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.invisible_subchunks' to config file with default value 'true'
299[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.mod_opts.agricraft' to config file with default value 'true'
300[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.dynamic_structures' to config file with default value 'true'
301[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.textures' to config file with default value 'true'
302[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.chunk_access' to config file with default value 'true'
303[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.branding' to config file with default value 'true'
304[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.bugfix.slow_tps_catchup' to config file with default value 'true'
305[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.bugfix.tab_complete_ddos' to config file with default value 'true'
306[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.bugfix.exit_freeze' to config file with default value 'true'
307[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.bugfix.extrautils' to config file with default value 'false'
308[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.bugfix.entity_disappearing' to config file with default value 'true'
309[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.version_protest' to config file with default value 'false'
310[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.allocation_rate' to config file with default value 'true'
311[14:12:20] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.resourcepacks' to config file with default value 'true'
312[14:12:20] [main/INFO] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Successfully saved config file
313[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.block.Block
314[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper
315[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [getEnchantments, func_82781_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Ljava/util/Map;)
316[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
317[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/item/ItemStack.func_77986_q ()Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagList;
318[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
319[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityBoat
320[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [attackEntityFrom, func_70097_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;F)Z)
321[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
322[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityBoat.func_145778_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/Item;IF)Lnet/minecraft/entity/item/EntityItem;
323[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
324[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem
325[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [onUpdate, func_70071_h_] Descriptor ()V)
326[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
327[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
328[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching EntityPlayer
329[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched EntityPlayer#updateSize
330[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched EntityPlayer#getEyeHeight
331[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
332[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer finished, added func_184613_cA() overriding EntityLivingBase
333[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.Entity
334[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [move, func_70091_d] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/MoverType;DDD)V)
335[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
336[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
337[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
338[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/entity/Entity.func_145775_I ()V
339[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
340[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [onEntityUpdate, func_70030_z] Descriptor ()V)
341[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
342[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
343[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase
344[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [org.spongepowered.asm.service.mojang.MixinServiceLaunchWrapper]: A re-entrant transformer '$wrapper.meldexun.reachfix.asm.ReachFixClassTransformer' was detected and will no longer process meta class data
345[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class
346[14:12:21] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeColorHelper$3 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class '$3' was not found)
347[14:12:21] [main/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeColorHelper$3 was not found META-INF/mixins.aquaacrobatics.json:BiomeColorHelperMixin from mod unknown-owner
348[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully patched net/minecraft/entity/EntityLiving.recreateLeash.
349[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.block.BlockDynamicLiquid
350[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [isBlocked, func_176372_g] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Z)
351[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
352[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
353[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
354[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
355[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [appeng.core.transformer.ItemStackPatch:patchCountGetSet:53]: Patched ItemStack Count getter!
356[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [appeng.core.transformer.ItemStackPatch:patchCountGetSet:81]: Patched ItemStack Count setter!
357[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
358[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [getTextComponent, func_151000_E] Descriptor ()Lnet/minecraft/util/text/ITextComponent;)
359[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
360[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node ARETURN
361[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
362[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching World
363[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched World#setBlockState
364[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class
365[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [org.spongepowered.asm.service.mojang.MixinServiceLaunchWrapper]: A re-entrant transformer '$wrapper.appeng.core.transformer.AE2ELTransformer' was detected and will no longer process meta class data
366[14:12:21] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Improving FurnaceRecipes. Lookups are now a lot faster.
367[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching MinecraftServer
368[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched MinecraftServer#reload
369[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItemFrame], Method [func_184230_a]
370[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItemFrame Finished.
371[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching WorldServer
372[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched WorldServer#init
373[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming
374[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [areAllPlayersAsleep, func_73056_e] Descriptor ()Z)
375[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
376[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
377[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [wakeAllPlayers, func_73053_d] Descriptor ()V)
378[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
379[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
380[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class
381[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching StructureStart
382[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Redirected StructureComponent#addComponentParts in StructureStart#generateStructure
383[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.item.ItemSpade
384[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityPiston
385[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [update, func_73660_a] Descriptor ()V)
386[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
387[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
388[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [clearPistonTileEntity, func_145866_f] Descriptor ()V)
389[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
390[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/world/World.func_180501_a (Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;I)Z
391[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
392[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [update, func_73660_a] Descriptor ()V)
393[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
394[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/world/World.func_180501_a (Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;I)Z
395[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
396[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecart
397[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [killMinecart, func_94095_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;)V)
398[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
399[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityMinecart.func_70099_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;F)Lnet/minecraft/entity/item/EntityItem;
400[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
401[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/TextureMap (net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerException: Exception in class transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer@27fe9713 from coremod FMLCorePlugin)
402[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap was not found mixins.tweaks.performance.texturemapcheck.json:UTTextureMapCheckMixin from mod unknown-owner
403[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming Class [], Method [func_76663_a]
404[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming Finished.
405[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/particle/ParticleFirework$Starter (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'net.minecraft.client.particle.ParticleFirework$Starter' was not found)
406[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Not applying mixin 'org.embeddedt.vintagefix.mixin.version_protest.FMLCommonHandlerMixin' as 'mixin.version_protest' is disabled in config
407[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Not applying mixin 'org.embeddedt.vintagefix.mixin.version_protest.MinecraftMixin' as 'mixin.version_protest' is disabled in config
408[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer$StateImplementation
409[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderItem (net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerException: Exception in class transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer@27fe9713 from coremod FMLCorePlugin)
410[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderItem was not found mixins.vintagefix.json:dynamic_resources.MixinRenderItem from mod unknown-owner
411[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/TextureMap (net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerException: Exception in class transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer@27fe9713 from coremod FMLCorePlugin)
412[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap was not found mixins.vintagefix.json:dynamic_resources.MixinTextureMap from mod unknown-owner
413[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderGlobal (net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerException: Exception in class transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer@27fe9713 from coremod FMLCorePlugin)
414[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal was not found mixins.vintagefix.json:invisible_subchunks.MixinRenderGlobal from mod unknown-owner
415[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/CompiledChunk (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'net.minecraft.client.renderer.chunk.CompiledChunk' was not found)
416[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.client.renderer.chunk.CompiledChunk was not found mixins.vintagefix.json:invisible_subchunks.AccessorCompiledChunk from mod unknown-owner
417[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/SetVisibility (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'net.minecraft.client.renderer.chunk.SetVisibility' was not found)
418[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.client.renderer.chunk.SetVisibility was not found mixins.vintagefix.json:invisible_subchunks.MixinSetVisibility from mod unknown-owner
419[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ChunkProviderClient (net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerException: Exception in class transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer@27fe9713 from coremod FMLCorePlugin)
420[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ChunkProviderClient was not found mixins.vintagefix.json:chunk_access.ChunkProviderClientMixin from mod unknown-owner
421[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/server/integrated/IntegratedServer (net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerException: Exception in class transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer@27fe9713 from coremod FMLCorePlugin)
422[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer was not found mixins.vintagefix.json:bugfix.exit_freeze.IntegratedServerMixin from mod unknown-owner
423[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderGlobal (net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerException: Exception in class transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer@27fe9713 from coremod FMLCorePlugin)
424[14:12:22] [main/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal was not found mixins.vintagefix.json:bugfix.entity_disappearing.MixinRenderGlobal from mod unknown-owner
425[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [MixinExtras|Service]: Initializing MixinExtras via org.embeddedt.vintagefix.mixinextras.service.MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0.3.6).
426[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching World
427[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched World#setBlockState
428[14:12:22] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class
429[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching WorldServer
430[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched WorldServer#init
431[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming
432[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [areAllPlayersAsleep, func_73056_e] Descriptor ()Z)
433[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
434[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
435[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [wakeAllPlayers, func_73053_d] Descriptor ()V)
436[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
437[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
438[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class
439[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching EntityPlayer
440[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched EntityPlayer#updateSize
441[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched EntityPlayer#getEyeHeight
442[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
443[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer finished, added func_184613_cA() overriding EntityLivingBase
444[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase
445[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.Entity
446[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [move, func_70091_d] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/MoverType;DDD)V)
447[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
448[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
449[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
450[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/entity/Entity.func_145775_I ()V
451[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
452[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [onEntityUpdate, func_70030_z] Descriptor ()V)
453[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
454[14:12:23] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
455[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer}
456[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching InjectedModContainer
457[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched return value of InjectedModContainer#isImmutable
458[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Injecting calls in net/minecraft/util/ResourceLocation<init> to canonicalize strings
459[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Injecting calls in net/minecraft/util/ResourceLocation<init> to canonicalize strings
460[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Injecting calls in net/minecraft/util/ResourceLocation<init> to canonicalize strings
461[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Injecting calls in net/minecraft/util/ResourceLocation<init> to canonicalize strings
462[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.block.Block
463[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment
464[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [canApply, func_92089_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z)
465[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
466[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
467[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
468[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem
469[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [onUpdate, func_70071_h_] Descriptor ()V)
470[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
471[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
472[14:12:24] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer$StateImplementation
473[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [VintageFix - class definer]: Using Java 8 class definer
474[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [appeng.core.transformer.ItemStackPatch:patchCountGetSet:53]: Patched ItemStack Count getter!
475[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [appeng.core.transformer.ItemStackPatch:patchCountGetSet:81]: Patched ItemStack Count setter!
476[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
477[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [getTextComponent, func_151000_E] Descriptor ()Lnet/minecraft/util/text/ITextComponent;)
478[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
479[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node ARETURN
480[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
481[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.block.BlockDynamicLiquid
482[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [isBlocked, func_176372_g] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Z)
483[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
484[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
485[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
486[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
487[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Replacing ClassHierarchyManager::superclasses with a dummy map.
488[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase
489[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [canPush, func_185646_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;ZLnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;)Z)
490[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
491[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/block/Block.hasTileEntity (Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Z
492[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
493[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [doMove, func_176319_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;Z)Z)
494[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
495[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/block/state/BlockPistonStructureHelper.func_177254_c ()Ljava/util/List;
496[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
497[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [doMove, func_176319_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;Z)Z)
498[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
499[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKESPECIAL net/minecraft/block/state/BlockPistonStructureHelper.<init> (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;Z)V
500[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
501[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [checkForMove, func_176316_e] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)V)
502[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
503[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKESPECIAL net/minecraft/block/state/BlockPistonStructureHelper.<init> (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;Z)V
504[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
505[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityPiston
506[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [update, func_73660_a] Descriptor ()V)
507[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
508[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
509[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [clearPistonTileEntity, func_145866_f] Descriptor ()V)
510[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
511[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/world/World.func_180501_a (Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;I)Z
512[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
513[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [update, func_73660_a] Descriptor ()V)
514[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
515[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/world/World.func_180501_a (Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;I)Z
516[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
517[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.block.BlockFire
518[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully patched net/minecraft/entity/EntityLiving.recreateLeash.
519[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentDamage
520[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [canApply, func_92089_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z)
521[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
522[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
523[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
524[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
525[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab
526[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.item.ItemSpade
527[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItemFrame], Method [func_184230_a]
528[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItemFrame Finished.
529[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecart
530[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [killMinecart, func_94095_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;)V)
531[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
532[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityMinecart.func_70099_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;F)Lnet/minecraft/entity/item/EntityItem;
533[14:12:25] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
534[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityBoat
535[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [attackEntityFrom, func_70097_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;F)Z)
536[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
537[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityBoat.func_145778_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/Item;IF)Lnet/minecraft/entity/item/EntityItem;
538[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
539[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.util.DamageSource
540[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [causePlayerDamage, func_76365_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;)Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;)
541[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
542[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
543[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment
544[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [canApply, func_92089_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z)
545[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
546[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
547[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
548[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.item.ItemBanner
549[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [appendHoverTextFromTileEntityTag, func_185054_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Ljava/util/List;)V)
550[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Failed to locate the method!
551[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming
552[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [isSuitableTarget, func_179445_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/EntityLiving;Lnet/minecraft/entity/EntityLivingBase;ZZ)Z)
553[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
554[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
555[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching EntityAgeable
556[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched end of EntityAgeable constructor
557[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching EntityAgeable
558[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched end of EntityAgeable constructor
559[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming Class [], Method [func_75246_d]
560[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming Finished.
561[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class$AITakeBlock
562[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class
563[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityRabbit$AIRaidFarm
564[14:12:26] [main/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class
565[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.item.crafting.RecipesBanners$RecipeAddPattern
566[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [matches, func_77569_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/inventory/InventoryCrafting;Lnet/minecraft/world/World;)Z)
567[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
568[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKESTATIC net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityBanner.func_175113_c (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)I
569[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
570[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [LoliASM]: Improving FurnaceRecipes. Lookups are now a lot faster.
571[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerMerchant
572[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [transferStackInSlot, func_82846_b] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;I)Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)
573[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
574[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerMerchant.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
575[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerMerchant.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
576[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerMerchant.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
577[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerMerchant.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
578[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
579[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace], Method [func_82846_b]
580[14:12:27] [main/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace Finished.
581[14:12:27] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer]: Starting minecraft server version 1.12.2
582[14:12:27] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: MinecraftForge v14.23.5.2860 Initialized
583[14:12:27] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Starts to replace vanilla recipe ingredients with ore ingredients.
584[14:12:27] [Server thread/INFO] [UniDictCoreMod]: Successfully transformed 'net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreIngredient'.
585[14:12:27] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Invalid recipe found with multiple oredict ingredients in the same ingredient...
586[14:12:28] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Replaced 1227 ore ingredients
587[14:12:28] [Server thread/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching InjectedModContainer
588[14:12:28] [Server thread/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patched return value of InjectedModContainer#isImmutable
589[14:12:28] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Enabling removal of erroring Entities - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
590[14:12:28] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Enabling removal of erroring Tile Entities - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
591[14:12:28] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Initializing MixinBooter's Mod Container.
592[14:12:28] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Searching C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\.\mods for mods
593[14:12:28] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Searching C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\.\mods\1.12.2 for mods
594[14:12:29] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod advmachinespatch is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.1
595[14:12:29] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod aroma1997core is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
596[14:12:29] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod aroma1997sdimension is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
597[14:12:30] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod chickenchunks is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
598[14:12:30] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod codechickenlib is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
599[14:12:30] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod compactsolars is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.12.2-
600[14:12:30] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod cookingforblockheads is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 6.5.0
601[14:12:30] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod ctgui it is client side only.
602[14:12:31] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod enderstorage is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
603[14:12:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod microblockcbe is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
604[14:12:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod forgemultipartcbe is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
605[14:12:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod minecraftmultipartcbe is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
606[14:12:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod gravisuitepatch is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.0
607[14:12:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod helpfixer is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.12.1-1.5.18
608[14:12:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod ic2patcher is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2.0.7
609[14:12:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod icbmclassic is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 5.4.0
610[14:12:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod icbmcc is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.1.0
611[14:12:33] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod ironchest is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.12.2-
612[14:12:33] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod jeid is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT
613[14:12:33] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod kleeslabs is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 5.4.12
614[14:12:33] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod logisticspipes is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
615[14:12:33] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod magicbees is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
616[14:12:34] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod mekanismgenerators is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 9.12.10
617[14:12:34] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod mekanismtools is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 9.12.10
618[14:12:34] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod powersuits is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.1.048
619[14:12:34] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod mrtjpcore is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
620[14:12:34] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod numina is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
621[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod patchouli is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0-23
622[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod projectred-core is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
623[14:12:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Mod projectred-compat is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting projectred-compat
624[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod projectred-compat is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
625[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod projectred-fabrication is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
626[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod projectred-integration is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
627[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod projectred-transmission is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
628[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod projectred-illumination is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
629[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod projectred-expansion is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
630[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod projectred-relocation is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
631[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod projectred-transportation is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
632[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod projectred-exploration is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
633[14:12:35] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod reachfix is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.9
634[14:12:36] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod simplyjetpacks is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.12.2-
635[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod translocators is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
636[14:12:37] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Unable to read a class file correctly
637java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null
638 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>( ~[asm-debug-all-5.2.jar:5.2]
639 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>( ~[asm-debug-all-5.2.jar:5.2]
640 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>( ~[asm-debug-all-5.2.jar:5.2]
641 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.asm.ASMModParser.<init>( [ASMModParser.class:?]
642 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.JarDiscoverer.redirect$zia000$redirectNewASMModParser( [JarDiscoverer.class:?]
643 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.JarDiscoverer.findClassesASM( [JarDiscoverer.class:?]
644 at [JarDiscoverer.class:?]
645 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ContainerType.findMods( [ContainerType.class:?]
646 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ModCandidate.explore( [ModCandidate.class:?]
647 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ModDiscoverer.identifyMods( [ModDiscoverer.class:?]
648 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.identifyMods( [Loader.class:?]
649 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
650 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
651 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
652 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
653 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
654 at [?:1.8.0_412]
655[14:12:37] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: There was a problem reading the entry META-INF/versions/9/module-info.class in the jar .\mods\UniversalTweaks-1.12.2-1.11.0-580.jar - probably a corrupt zip
656net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
658 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.asm.ASMModParser.<init>( ~[ASMModParser.class:?]
659 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.JarDiscoverer.redirect$zia000$redirectNewASMModParser( ~[JarDiscoverer.class:?]
660 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.JarDiscoverer.findClassesASM( [JarDiscoverer.class:?]
661 at [JarDiscoverer.class:?]
662 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ContainerType.findMods( [ContainerType.class:?]
663 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ModCandidate.explore( [ModCandidate.class:?]
664 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ModDiscoverer.identifyMods( [ModDiscoverer.class:?]
665 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.identifyMods( [Loader.class:?]
666 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
667 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
668 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
669 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
670 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
671 at [?:1.8.0_412]
672Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
673 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>( ~[asm-debug-all-5.2.jar:5.2]
674 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>( ~[asm-debug-all-5.2.jar:5.2]
675 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>( ~[asm-debug-all-5.2.jar:5.2]
676 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.asm.ASMModParser.<init>( ~[ASMModParser.class:?]
677 ... 13 more
678[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Zip file UniversalTweaks-1.12.2-1.11.0-580.jar failed to read properly, it will be ignored
679net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
681 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.asm.ASMModParser.<init>( ~[ASMModParser.class:?]
682 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.JarDiscoverer.redirect$zia000$redirectNewASMModParser( ~[JarDiscoverer.class:?]
683 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.JarDiscoverer.findClassesASM( ~[JarDiscoverer.class:?]
684 at [JarDiscoverer.class:?]
685 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ContainerType.findMods( [ContainerType.class:?]
686 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ModCandidate.explore( [ModCandidate.class:?]
687 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ModDiscoverer.identifyMods( [ModDiscoverer.class:?]
688 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.identifyMods( [Loader.class:?]
689 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
690 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
691 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
692 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
693 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
694 at [?:1.8.0_412]
695Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
696 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>( ~[asm-debug-all-5.2.jar:5.2]
697 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>( ~[asm-debug-all-5.2.jar:5.2]
698 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>( ~[asm-debug-all-5.2.jar:5.2]
699 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.asm.ASMModParser.<init>( ~[ASMModParser.class:?]
700 ... 13 more
701[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 298 mods to load
702[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package dan200.computercraft.api.turtle (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
703[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package dan200.computercraft.api.turtle.event (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
704[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
705[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package dan200.computercraft.api.lua (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
706[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
707[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
708[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
709[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package dan200.computercraft.api (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
710[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
711[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
712[14:12:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [opencomputers] containing declared API package dan200.computercraft.api.permissions (owned by ComputerCraft) without associated API reference
713[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for FML: assets/fml/lang/en_us.lang
714[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for configanytime: assets/configanytime/lang/en_us.lang
715[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for advmachinespatch: assets/advmachinespatch/lang/en_us.lang
716[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for appleskin: assets/appleskin/lang/en_us.lang
717[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for buildcraftbuilders: assets/buildcraftbuilders/lang/en_us.lang
718[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for buildcraftcore: assets/buildcraftcore/lang/en_us.lang
719[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for buildcraftenergy: assets/buildcraftenergy/lang/en_us.lang
720[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for buildcraftfactory: assets/buildcraftfactory/lang/en_us.lang
721[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for buildcraftrobotics: assets/buildcraftrobotics/lang/en_us.lang
722[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for buildcraftsilicon: assets/buildcraftsilicon/lang/en_us.lang
723[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for buildcrafttransport: assets/buildcrafttransport/lang/en_us.lang
724[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for cctweaked: assets/cctweaked/lang/en_us.lang
725[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for chunkgenlimit: assets/chunkgenlimit/lang/en_us.lang
726[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for codechickenlib: assets/codechickenlib/lang/en_us.lang
727[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for cofhcore: assets/cofhcore/lang/en_us.lang
728[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for colorchat: assets/colorchat/lang/en_us.lang
729[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for crafttweakerjei: assets/crafttweakerjei/lang/en_us.lang
730[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for cta: assets/cta/lang/en_us.lang
731[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for customstartinggear: assets/customstartinggear/lang/en_us.lang
732[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for damagetilt: assets/damagetilt/lang/en_us.lang
733[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderiobase: assets/enderiobase/lang/en_us.lang
734[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderioconduitsappliedenergistics: assets/enderioconduitsappliedenergistics/lang/en_us.lang
735[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderioconduitsopencomputers: assets/enderioconduitsopencomputers/lang/en_us.lang
736[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderioconduitsrefinedstorage: assets/enderioconduitsrefinedstorage/lang/en_us.lang
737[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderioconduits: assets/enderioconduits/lang/en_us.lang
738[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderiointegrationforestry: assets/enderiointegrationforestry/lang/en_us.lang
739[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderiointegrationtic: assets/enderiointegrationtic/lang/en_us.lang
740[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderiointegrationticlate: assets/enderiointegrationticlate/lang/en_us.lang
741[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderioinvpanel: assets/enderioinvpanel/lang/en_us.lang
742[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderiomachines: assets/enderiomachines/lang/en_us.lang
743[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderiopowertools: assets/enderiopowertools/lang/en_us.lang
744[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for enderiozoo: assets/enderiozoo/lang/en_us.lang
745[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for experiencebugfix: assets/experiencebugfix/lang/en_us.lang
746[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for forgelin: assets/forgelin/lang/en_us.lang
747[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for microblockcbe: assets/microblockcbe/lang/en_us.lang
748[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for forgemultipartcbe: assets/forgemultipartcbe/lang/en_us.lang
749[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for minecraftmultipartcbe: assets/minecraftmultipartcbe/lang/en_us.lang
750[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for gendustryjei: assets/gendustryjei/lang/en_us.lang
751[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for gravisuitepatch: assets/gravisuitepatch/lang/en_us.lang
752[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for gunpowderlib: assets/gunpowderlib/lang/en_us.lang
753[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for hatstand: assets/hatstand/lang/en_us.lang
754[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for helpfixer: assets/helpfixer/lang/en_us.lang
755[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for ic2cropplugin: assets/ic2cropplugin/lang/en_us.lang
756[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for ic2patcher: assets/ic2patcher/lang/en_us.lang
757[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for ifoccompat: assets/ifoccompat/lang/en_us.lang
758[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for ifpatcher: assets/ifpatcher/lang/en_us.lang
759[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for ic2: assets/ic2/lang/en_us.lang
760[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for oredictinit: assets/oredictinit/lang/en_us.lang
761[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for justenoughdrags: assets/justenoughdrags/lang/en_us.lang
762[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for jeid: assets/jeid/lang/en_us.lang
763[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for k4lib: assets/k4lib/lang/en_us.lang
764[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for kleeslabs: assets/kleeslabs/lang/en_us.lang
765[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for login_shield: assets/login_shield/lang/en_us.lang
766[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for ltta: assets/ltta/lang/en_us.lang
767[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for lunatriuscore: assets/lunatriuscore/lang/en_us.lang
768[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for mantle: assets/mantle/lang/en_us.lang
769[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for mcmultipart: assets/mcmultipart/lang/en_us.lang
770[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for mekanismgenerators: assets/mekanismgenerators/lang/en_us.lang
771[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for mekanismtools: assets/mekanismtools/lang/en_us.lang
772[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for mjrlegendslib: assets/mjrlegendslib/lang/en_us.lang
773[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for modtweaker: assets/modtweaker/lang/en_us.lang
774[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for morpheus: assets/morpheus/lang/en_us.lang
775[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for mrtjpcore: assets/mrtjpcore/lang/en_us.lang
776[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for mtlib: assets/mtlib/lang/en_us.lang
777[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for mystoc: assets/mystoc/lang/en_us.lang
778[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for eternalsoap.icbm.opencomputers: assets/eternalsoap.icbm.opencomputers/lang/en_us.lang
779[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for packcrashinfo: assets/packcrashinfo/lang/en_us.lang
780[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for plethora-core: assets/plethora-core/lang/en_us.lang
781[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for projectred-core: assets/projectred-core/lang/en_us.lang
782[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for projectred-compat: assets/projectred-compat/lang/en_us.lang
783[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for projectred-fabrication: assets/projectred-fabrication/lang/en_us.lang
784[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for projectred-integration: assets/projectred-integration/lang/en_us.lang
785[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for projectred-transmission: assets/projectred-transmission/lang/en_us.lang
786[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for projectred-illumination: assets/projectred-illumination/lang/en_us.lang
787[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for projectred-expansion: assets/projectred-expansion/lang/en_us.lang
788[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for projectred-relocation: assets/projectred-relocation/lang/en_us.lang
789[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for projectred-transportation: assets/projectred-transportation/lang/en_us.lang
790[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for projectred-exploration: assets/projectred-exploration/lang/en_us.lang
791[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for reachfix: assets/reachfix/lang/en_us.lang
792[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for redstoneflux: assets/redstoneflux/lang/en_us.lang
793[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for roguelike: assets/roguelike/lang/en_us.lang
794[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for spaceambient: assets/spaceambient/lang/en_us.lang
795[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for tc_integration: assets/tc_integration/lang/en_us.lang
796[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for teslacorelib_registries: assets/teslacorelib_registries/lang/en_us.lang
797[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for thaumicfixes: assets/thaumicfixes/lang/en_us.lang
798[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for thaumicwaila: assets/thaumicwaila/lang/en_us.lang
799[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for tinkersoredictcache: assets/tinkersoredictcache/lang/en_us.lang
800[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for unidict: assets/unidict/lang/en_us.lang
801[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for vintagefix: assets/vintagefix/lang/en_us.lang
802[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for witcherycompanion: assets/witcherycompanion/lang/en_us.lang
803[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for wrapup: assets/wrapup/lang/en_us.lang
804[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for lemonlib: assets/lemonlib/lang/en_us.lang
805[14:12:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Missing English translation for phosphor-lighting: assets/phosphor-lighting/lang/en_us.lang
806[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file Charset-Crafting- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
807[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file Charset-Immersion- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
808[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file Charset-StorageBarrels- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
809[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file AutoSave-1.12.2-1.0.11.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
810[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file AutoConfig-1.12.2-1.0.2.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
811[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating all MixinLoader annotated classes...
812[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class com.fuzs.aquaacrobatics.core.ModCompatMixinHandler for its mixins.
813[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [Aqua Acrobatics Transformer]: Aqua Acrobatics is loading mod compatibility mixins
814[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class re.domi.uniq.UniQMixinLoader for its mixins.
815[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class youyihj.tinkersoredictcache.MixinInit for its mixins.
816[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating all ILateMixinLoader implemented classes...
817[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class gkappa.cta.CTALateLoadingPlugin for its mixins.
818[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class org.embeddedt.vintagefix.core.LateMixins for its mixins.
819[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.vintagefix.late.json mixin configuration.
820[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class mod.icarus.crimsonrevelations.core.CRMixinLoader for its mixins.
821[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.crimsonrevelations.json mixin configuration.
822[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class griglog.thaumtweaks.core.TTLoader for its mixins.
823[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.thaumtweaks.json mixin configuration.
824[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class io.github.lxgaming.sledgehammer.mixin.loader.LateLoader for its mixins.
825[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.abyssalcraft.json mixin configuration.
826[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.actuallyadditions.json mixin configuration.
827[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.armorunder.json mixin configuration.
828[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.astralsorcery.json mixin configuration.
829[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.bdsandm.json mixin configuration.
830[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.betterquesting.json mixin configuration.
831[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.bewitchment.json mixin configuration.
832[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.bibliocraft.json mixin configuration.
833[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.biomesoplenty.json mixin configuration.
834[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.careerbees.json mixin configuration.
835[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.carryon.json mixin configuration.
836[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.champions.json mixin configuration.
837[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.chesttransporter.json mixin configuration.
838[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.conarm.json mixin configuration.
839[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.danknull.json mixin configuration.
840[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.embers.json mixin configuration.
841[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.enderstorage.json mixin configuration.
842[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.fluxnetworks.json mixin configuration.
843[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.hwell.json mixin configuration.
844[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.immersiveengineering.json mixin configuration.
845[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.industrialforegoing.json mixin configuration.
846[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.integrateddynamicscompat.json mixin configuration.
847[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.jetif.json mixin configuration.
848[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.journeymap.json mixin configuration.
849[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.kubejs.json mixin configuration.
850[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.logisticspipes.json mixin configuration.
851[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.matteroverdrive.json mixin configuration.
852[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.mob_grinding_utils.json mixin configuration.
853[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.morph.json mixin configuration.
854[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.mowziesmobs.json mixin configuration.
855[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.naturesaura.json mixin configuration.
856[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.pneumaticcraft.json mixin configuration.
857[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.primitivecrafting.json mixin configuration.
858[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.primitivemobs.json mixin configuration.
859[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.projectred-integration.json mixin configuration.
860[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.projectred-transportation.json mixin configuration.
861[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.pyrotech.json mixin configuration.
862[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.qmd.json mixin configuration.
863[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.quark.json mixin configuration.
864[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.randomthings.json mixin configuration.
865[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.realfilingcabinet.json mixin configuration.
866[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.ruins.json mixin configuration.
867[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.storagenetwork.json mixin configuration.
868[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.tconevo.json mixin configuration.
869[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.tconstruct.json mixin configuration.
870[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.thaumicwonders.json mixin configuration.
871[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.tombmanygraves.json mixin configuration.
872[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.topography.json mixin configuration.
873[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.sledgehammer.vaultopic.json mixin configuration.
874[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class thaumicenergistics.mixin.core.LateMixins for its mixins.
875[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.thaumicenergistics.late.json mixin configuration.
876[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class zone.rong.loliasm.core.LoliLateMixinLoader for its mixins.
877[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.modfixes_xu2.json mixin configuration.
878[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.searchtree_mod.json mixin configuration.
879[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class mod.acgaming.universaltweaks.core.UTMixinLoader for its mixins.
880[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.biomesoplenty.json mixin configuration.
881[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.mekanism.dupes.json mixin configuration.
882[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.thermalexpansion.json mixin configuration.
883[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.bloodmagic.json mixin configuration.
884[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.cofhcore.json mixin configuration.
885[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.tconstruct.toolcustomization.plustic.json mixin configuration.
886[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.mrtjpcore.json mixin configuration.
887[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.industrialforegoing.rangeaddon.json mixin configuration.
888[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.extrautilities.dupes.json mixin configuration.
889[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.thaumcraft.foci.focuseffects.json mixin configuration.
890[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.extrautilities.deepdarkstats.json mixin configuration.
891[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.openblocks.json mixin configuration.
892[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.thermalexpansion.dupes.json mixin configuration.
893[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.forestry.cocoa.json mixin configuration.
894[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.botania.dupes.json mixin configuration.
895[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.thaumicwonders.dupes.json mixin configuration.
896[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.extrautilities.mutabledrops.json mixin configuration.
897[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.thaumcraft.foci.focusmediums.json mixin configuration.
898[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.thaumcraft.enderio.dupes.json mixin configuration.
899[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.tconstruct.json mixin configuration.
900[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.thaumcraft.entities.server.json mixin configuration.
901[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.quark.dupes.json mixin configuration.
902[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.forestry.extratrees.json mixin configuration.
903[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.industrialcraft.dupes.json mixin configuration.
904[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.extrautilities.breakcreativemill.json mixin configuration.
905[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.industrialforegoing.dupes.json mixin configuration.
906[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.forestry.json mixin configuration.
907[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.tconstruct.toolcustomization.json mixin configuration.
908[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.bloodmagic.dupes.json mixin configuration.
909[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.thaumcraft.dupes.json mixin configuration.
910[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.botania.json mixin configuration.
911[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.thaumcraft.json mixin configuration.
912[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.cbmultipart.json mixin configuration.
913[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.mods.forestry.dupes.json mixin configuration.
914[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Instantiating class com.smokeythebandicoot.witcherycompanion.WitcheryCompanion for its mixins.
915[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.witcherycompanion.json mixin configuration.
916[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Appending non-conventional mixin configurations...
917[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.thaumicfixes.modsupport.json mixin configuration.
918[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.jeid.modsupport.json mixin configuration.
919[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [MixinBooter]: Adding mixins.jeid.twilightforest.json mixin configuration.
920[14:12:38] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Reference map 'crimsonrevelations.refmap.json' for mixins.crimsonrevelations.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
921[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [Thaumic Energistics Mixin Loader]: Found 1 mixins
922[14:12:38] [Server thread/WARN] [Thaumic Energistics Mixin Loader]: Added missing entry 'mixin.ae2' to config file
923[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [Thaumic Energistics Mixin Loader]: Successfully saved config file
924[14:12:38] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Reference map 'mixins.thaumicenergistics.refmap.json' for mixins.thaumicenergistics.late.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
925[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class thaumcraft.common.items.armor.ItemVoidRobeArmor
926[14:12:38] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class thaumcraft.common.tiles.crafting.TileInfusionMatrix
927[14:12:39] [Server thread/ERROR] [mixin]: Critical problem: mixins.sledgehammer.quark.json:base.module.ModuleLoaderMixin from mod unknown-owner target vazkii.quark.base.module.ModuleLoader was loaded too early.
928[14:12:39] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patching Conveyor Insertion Upgrade from IF
929[14:12:39] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Using 'Insertion Conveyor Upgrade' will no longer duplicate items!
930[14:12:39] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: PatchConveyorInsertionUpgrade succeeded
931[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: com/shinoow/abyssalcraft/common/util/BiomeUtil (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.common.util.BiomeUtil' was not found)
932[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: zmaster587/advancedRocketry/util/BiomeHandler (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'zmaster587.advancedRocketry.util.BiomeHandler' was not found)
933[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: zmaster587/advancedRocketry/network/PacketBiomeIDChange (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class '' was not found)
934[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: com/bewitchment/common/ritual/RitualBiomeShift (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'com.bewitchment.common.ritual.RitualBiomeShift' was not found)
935[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: com/bewitchment/common/world/BiomeChangingUtils (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class '' was not found)
936[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: me/superckl/biometweaker/util/BiomeColorMappings (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'me.superckl.biometweaker.util.BiomeColorMappings' was not found)
937[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target me.superckl.biometweaker.util.BiomeColorMappings was not found mixins.jeid.modsupport.json:biometweaker.MixinBiomeColorMappings from mod unknown-owner
938[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: me/superckl/biometweaker/util/BiomeHelper (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'me.superckl.biometweaker.util.BiomeHelper' was not found)
939[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target me.superckl.biometweaker.util.BiomeHelper was not found mixins.jeid.modsupport.json:biometweaker.MixinBiomeHelper from mod unknown-owner
940[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: me/superckl/biometweaker/server/command/CommandSetBiome (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'me.superckl.biometweaker.server.command.CommandSetBiome' was not found)
941[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target me.superckl.biometweaker.server.command.CommandSetBiome was not found mixins.jeid.modsupport.json:biometweaker.MixinCommandSetBiome from mod unknown-owner
942[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: com/cutievirus/creepingnether/entity/CorruptorAbstract (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'com.cutievirus.creepingnether.entity.CorruptorAbstract' was not found)
943[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: org/cyclops/cyclopscore/helper/WorldHelpers (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'org.cyclops.cyclopscore.helper.WorldHelpers' was not found)
944[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: androsa/gaiadimension/world/layer/GenLayerGDRiverMix (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class '' was not found)
945[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: climateControl/DimensionManager (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'climateControl.DimensionManager' was not found)
946[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: com/zeitheron/hammercore/utils/WorldLocation (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'com.zeitheron.hammercore.utils.WorldLocation' was not found)
947[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: @Mixin target com.zeitheron.hammercore.utils.WorldLocation was not found mixins.jeid.modsupport.json:hammercore.MixinWorldLocation from mod unknown-owner
948[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: journeymap/client/model/ChunkMD (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'journeymap.client.model.ChunkMD' was not found)
949[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: thebetweenlands/common/block/terrain/BlockSpreadingDeath (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'thebetweenlands.common.block.terrain.BlockSpreadingDeath' was not found)
950[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: thebetweenlands/common/world/gen/layer/GenLayerVoronoiZoomInstanced (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class '' was not found)
951[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: cn/mcmod/tofucraft/world/gen/layer/GenLayerRiverMix (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class '' was not found)
952[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: cn/mcmod/tofucraft/world/gen/layer/GenLayerTofuVoronoiZoom (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class '' was not found)
953[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/tropicraft/core/common/worldgen/genlayer/GenLayerTropiVoronoiZoom (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'net.tropicraft.core.common.worldgen.genlayer.GenLayerTropiVoronoiZoom' was not found)
954[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: com/sk89q/worldedit/blocks/BaseBlock (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BaseBlock' was not found)
955[14:12:40] [Server thread/INFO] [JustEnoughIDs]: Newer TwilightForest version (>689). Using mixin: org.dimdev.jeid.mixin.modsupport.twilightforest.MixinBlockTFMagicLogSpecial
956[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/entity/EntityPlayerSP (net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerException: Exception in class transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer@27fe9713 from coremod FMLCorePlugin)
957[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Not applying mixin 'org.embeddedt.vintagefix.mixin.bugfix.extrautils.TileMachineSlotMixin' as 'mixin.bugfix.extrautils' is disabled in config
958[14:12:40] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Error loading class: com/agricraft/agricore/util/ResourceHelper (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The specified class 'com.agricraft.agricore.util.ResourceHelper' was not found)
959[14:12:40] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class thaumcraft.common.items.casters.foci.FocusMediumTouch
960[14:12:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [minecraft, mcp, witcherydownloader, ic2patcher-core, FML, forge, advmachinespatchcore, advsolarpatch, micdoodlecore, gravisuitepatchcore, ivtoolkit, witchery, mixinbooter, openmodscore, opencomputers|core, randompatches, configanytime, additionalbanners, additionalpipes, advanced_machines, advanced_solar_panels, advanced_alchemy_furnace, advmachinespatch, appliedenergistics2, ae2stuff, akashictome, appleskin, aquaacrobatics, aroma1997core, aroma1997sdimension, asmc, autoreglib, backpack, backups, badwithernocookiereloaded, baubles, bdlib, bibliocraft, binniecore, botany, binniedesign, extrabees, extratrees, genetics, biomesoplenty, blockcraftery, bloodmagic, bookshelf, botania, buildcraftcompat, buildcraftbuilders, buildcraftcore, buildcraftenergy, buildcraftfactory, buildcraftlib, buildcraftrobotics, buildcraftsilicon, buildcrafttransport, cctweaked, computercraft, loliasm, cfm, charset, chickenchunks, chisel, chiselsandbits, chunkgenlimit, codechickenlib, cofhcore, cofhworld, colorchat, comforts, compacter, compactsolars, computronics, asielib, conarm, cookingforblockheads, crafttweaker, crafttweakerjei, crimsonwarfare, cta, cucumber, culinaryconstruct, customstartinggear, damagetilt, deathcounter, debark, doge, eplus, endercore, enderio, enderiobase, enderioconduitsappliedenergistics, enderioconduitsopencomputers, enderioconduitsrefinedstorage, enderioconduits, enderiointegrationforestry, enderiointegrationtic, enderiointegrationticlate, enderioinvpanel, enderiomachines, enderiopowertools, gasconduits, enderiozoo, enderstorage, energycontrol, energyconverters, exchangers, experiencebugfix, extracells, extraplanets, extrautils2, bigreactors, fairylights, forestry, forgelin, microblockcbe, forgemultipartcbe, minecraftmultipartcbe, funkylocomotion, galacticcomputers, galacticraftcore, galacticraftplanets, gendustry, gendustryjei, gravisuitepatch, gravisuite, growthcraft_hops, growthcraft_fishtrap, growthcraft_milk, growthcraft_bamboo, growthcraft_apples, growthcraft_bees, growthcraft_grapes, growthcraft, growthcraft_rice, growthcraft_cellar, guideapi, gbook, gunpowderlib, jei, hats, hatstand, helpfixer, waila, ic2cropplugin, ic2patcher, icbmclassic, icbmcc, ichunutil, ifoccompat, ifpatcher, ic2, industrialforegoing, integrationforegoing, ironchest, irontanks, isorropia, jaopca, oredictinit, jeibees, jeri, jexclusives, justenoughdrags, jee, jeid, justenoughreactors, k4lib, kleeslabs, linking_tweaks, login_shield, logisticspipes, longfallboots, loottweaker, lostmagic, ltta, lunatriuscore, magicbees, mantle, mcmultipart, mekanism, mekanismgenerators, mekanismtools, mia, mimicfish, mjrlegendslib, testdummy, modtweaker, modularrouters, powersuits, moremystcraft, morph, morphtool, morpheus, mrtjpcore, mtlib, mystcraft, mystoc, mystcraft_info, mysticalagriculture, mysticallib, mystlibrary, natura, naturescompass, netherendingores, netherportalfix, crimsonrevelations, recipehandler, numina, omlib, openblocks, opencomputers, eternalsoap.icbm.opencomputers, openmods, openmodularturrets, packcrashinfo, pages, harvestcraft, patchouli, planetprogression, playerplates, plethora-core, plethora, plustic, pneumaticcraft, portalgun, projectred-core, projectred-compat, projectred-fabrication, projectred-integration, projectred-transmission, projectred-illumination, projectred-expansion, projectred-relocation, projectred-transportation, projectred-exploration, quark, railcraft, reachfix, reborncore, reccomplex, redstonearsenal, redstoneflux, forbiddenmagicre, reforged, xreliquary, roguelike, schematica, searedladder, simplyjetpacks, sledgehammer, snowrealmagic, spaceambient, statues, stevescarts, superfactorymanager, supersoundmuffler, tc_integration, tconstruct, teslacorelib, teslacorelib_registries, thaumcraft, thaumicenergistics, thaumicaugmentation, thaumcomp, thaumicfixes, thaumicperiphery, thaumictinkerer, thaumicwaila, thaumicwonders, thaumtweaks, thermalcultivation, thermaldynamics, thermalexpansion, thermalfoundation, thermalinnovation, tinkersaddons, tinkersjei, tinkersoredictcache, torchmaster, translocators, treechop, tumbleweed, twilightforest, unidict, uniq, universaltweaks, vintagefix, wanionlib, whoosh, witcherycompanion, wrcbe, wrapup, zerocore, zettaindustries, lemonlib, phosphor-lighting] at CLIENT
961[14:12:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [minecraft, mcp, witcherydownloader, ic2patcher-core, FML, forge, advmachinespatchcore, advsolarpatch, micdoodlecore, gravisuitepatchcore, ivtoolkit, witchery, mixinbooter, openmodscore, opencomputers|core, randompatches, configanytime, additionalbanners, additionalpipes, advanced_machines, advanced_solar_panels, advanced_alchemy_furnace, advmachinespatch, appliedenergistics2, ae2stuff, akashictome, appleskin, aquaacrobatics, aroma1997core, aroma1997sdimension, asmc, autoreglib, backpack, backups, badwithernocookiereloaded, baubles, bdlib, bibliocraft, binniecore, botany, binniedesign, extrabees, extratrees, genetics, biomesoplenty, blockcraftery, bloodmagic, bookshelf, botania, buildcraftcompat, buildcraftbuilders, buildcraftcore, buildcraftenergy, buildcraftfactory, buildcraftlib, buildcraftrobotics, buildcraftsilicon, buildcrafttransport, cctweaked, computercraft, loliasm, cfm, charset, chickenchunks, chisel, chiselsandbits, chunkgenlimit, codechickenlib, cofhcore, cofhworld, colorchat, comforts, compacter, compactsolars, computronics, asielib, conarm, cookingforblockheads, crafttweaker, crafttweakerjei, crimsonwarfare, cta, cucumber, culinaryconstruct, customstartinggear, damagetilt, deathcounter, debark, doge, eplus, endercore, enderio, enderiobase, enderioconduitsappliedenergistics, enderioconduitsopencomputers, enderioconduitsrefinedstorage, enderioconduits, enderiointegrationforestry, enderiointegrationtic, enderiointegrationticlate, enderioinvpanel, enderiomachines, enderiopowertools, gasconduits, enderiozoo, enderstorage, energycontrol, energyconverters, exchangers, experiencebugfix, extracells, extraplanets, extrautils2, bigreactors, fairylights, forestry, forgelin, microblockcbe, forgemultipartcbe, minecraftmultipartcbe, funkylocomotion, galacticcomputers, galacticraftcore, galacticraftplanets, gendustry, gendustryjei, gravisuitepatch, gravisuite, growthcraft_hops, growthcraft_fishtrap, growthcraft_milk, growthcraft_bamboo, growthcraft_apples, growthcraft_bees, growthcraft_grapes, growthcraft, growthcraft_rice, growthcraft_cellar, guideapi, gbook, gunpowderlib, jei, hats, hatstand, helpfixer, waila, ic2cropplugin, ic2patcher, icbmclassic, icbmcc, ichunutil, ifoccompat, ifpatcher, ic2, industrialforegoing, integrationforegoing, ironchest, irontanks, isorropia, jaopca, oredictinit, jeibees, jeri, jexclusives, justenoughdrags, jee, jeid, justenoughreactors, k4lib, kleeslabs, linking_tweaks, login_shield, logisticspipes, longfallboots, loottweaker, lostmagic, ltta, lunatriuscore, magicbees, mantle, mcmultipart, mekanism, mekanismgenerators, mekanismtools, mia, mimicfish, mjrlegendslib, testdummy, modtweaker, modularrouters, powersuits, moremystcraft, morph, morphtool, morpheus, mrtjpcore, mtlib, mystcraft, mystoc, mystcraft_info, mysticalagriculture, mysticallib, mystlibrary, natura, naturescompass, netherendingores, netherportalfix, crimsonrevelations, recipehandler, numina, omlib, openblocks, opencomputers, eternalsoap.icbm.opencomputers, openmods, openmodularturrets, packcrashinfo, pages, harvestcraft, patchouli, planetprogression, playerplates, plethora-core, plethora, plustic, pneumaticcraft, portalgun, projectred-core, projectred-compat, projectred-fabrication, projectred-integration, projectred-transmission, projectred-illumination, projectred-expansion, projectred-relocation, projectred-transportation, projectred-exploration, quark, railcraft, reachfix, reborncore, reccomplex, redstonearsenal, redstoneflux, forbiddenmagicre, reforged, xreliquary, roguelike, schematica, searedladder, simplyjetpacks, sledgehammer, snowrealmagic, spaceambient, statues, stevescarts, superfactorymanager, supersoundmuffler, tc_integration, tconstruct, teslacorelib, teslacorelib_registries, thaumcraft, thaumicenergistics, thaumicaugmentation, thaumcomp, thaumicfixes, thaumicperiphery, thaumictinkerer, thaumicwaila, thaumicwonders, thaumtweaks, thermalcultivation, thermaldynamics, thermalexpansion, thermalfoundation, thermalinnovation, tinkersaddons, tinkersjei, tinkersoredictcache, torchmaster, translocators, treechop, tumbleweed, twilightforest, unidict, uniq, universaltweaks, vintagefix, wanionlib, whoosh, witcherycompanion, wrcbe, wrapup, zerocore, zettaindustries, lemonlib, phosphor-lighting] at SERVER
962[14:12:42] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [appeng.core.transformer.AE2ELTransformer:spliceClasses:140]: Spliced in METHOD:
963[14:12:42] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [appeng.core.transformer.AE2ELTransformer:spliceClasses:140]: Spliced in METHOD:
964[14:12:43] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method func_76615_h in mixins.phosphor.json:common.MixinChunk from mod unknown-owner cannot reduce visibiliy of PUBLIC target method, visibility will be upgraded.
965[14:12:43] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.util.DamageSource
966[14:12:43] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [causePlayerDamage, func_76365_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;)Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;)
967[14:12:43] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
968[14:12:43] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
969[14:12:43] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class thaumcraft.common.lib.utils.InventoryUtils
970[14:12:43] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class
971[14:12:44] [Server thread/INFO] [ChunkGenLimitTransformer]: Transforming
972[14:12:44] [Server thread/INFO] [ChunkGenLimitTransformer]: > Finding method func_72693_b
973[14:12:44] [Server thread/INFO] [ChunkGenLimitTransformer]: > Transforming PlayerChunkMap.tick()
974[14:12:44] [Server thread/INFO] [ChunkGenLimitTransformer]: >>> Replacing constant 50000000L with getTimeLimit
975[14:12:44] [Server thread/INFO] [ChunkGenLimitTransformer]: >>> Replacing constant 49 with getChunkLimit
976[14:12:44] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.WorldData (new size 5090)
977[14:12:44] [Server thread/INFO] [AdvMachinesPatchCoreMod]: Patching class AdvancedMachines
978[14:12:44] [Server thread/INFO] [AdvMachinesPatchCoreMod]: Class AdvancedMachines patched successfully!
979[14:12:44] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class thaumcraft.common.items.casters.foci.FocusMediumTouch
980[14:12:44] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class thaumcraft.common.entities.EntityFluxRift
981[14:12:45] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod appliedenergistics2 is expecting signature dfa4d3ac143316c6f32aa1a1beda1e34d42132e5 for source ae2-uel-v0.56.5.jar, however there is no signature matching that description
982[14:12:45] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod backpack is expecting signature @FINGERPRINT@ for source backpack-3.0.2-1.12.2.jar, however there is no signature matching that description
983[14:12:46] [Server thread/INFO] [Pulsar-natura]: Skipping Pulse craftingtweaksIntegration; missing dependency: craftingtweaks
984[14:12:48] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod redstoneflux is expecting signature 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f for source RedstoneFlux-1.12-, however there is no signature matching that description
985[14:12:48] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod cofhworld is expecting signature 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f for source CoFHWorld-1.12.2-, however there is no signature matching that description
986[14:12:48] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod thermalfoundation is expecting signature 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f for source ThermalFoundation-1.12.2-, however there is no signature matching that description
987[14:12:48] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod thermalexpansion is expecting signature 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f for source ThermalExpansion-1.12.2-, however there is no signature matching that description
988[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found annotation mixin: crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.upgrade.DarkSteelUpgradeMixin
989[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Registered mixin.
990[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found annotation mixin: crazypants.enderio.base.paint.MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin
991[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Registered mixin.
992[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found annotation mixin: crazypants.enderio.base.paint.MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin
993[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Registered mixin.
994[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found annotation mixin: crazypants.enderio.base.paint.MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin
995[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Registered mixin.
996[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found annotation mixin: crazypants.enderio.base.paint.MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin
997[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Registered mixin.
998[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found annotation mixin: crazypants.enderio.base.power.forge.item.InternalPoweredItemMixin
999[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Registered mixin.
1000[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found annotation mixin: crazypants.enderio.base.integration.thaumcraft.ThaumcraftArmorMixin
1001[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Registered mixin.
1002[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found mixin source class data for crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.upgrade.DarkSteelUpgradeMixin.
1003[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found interface target crazypants.enderio.api.upgrades.IDarkSteelItem
1004[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found mixin source class data for crazypants.enderio.base.paint.MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin.
1005[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found mixin source class data for crazypants.enderio.base.paint.MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin.
1006[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found mixin source class data for crazypants.enderio.base.paint.MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin.
1007[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found mixin source class data for crazypants.enderio.base.paint.MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin.
1008[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found mixin source class data for crazypants.enderio.base.power.forge.item.InternalPoweredItemMixin.
1009[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found interface target crazypants.enderio.base.power.forge.item.IInternalPoweredItem
1010[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found mixin source class data for crazypants.enderio.base.integration.thaumcraft.ThaumcraftArmorMixin.
1011[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found interface target crazypants.enderio.base.paint.IPaintable$ITexturePaintableBlock
1012[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found interface target crazypants.enderio.base.paint.IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock
1013[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found interface target crazypants.enderio.base.paint.IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock
1014[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found interface target crazypants.enderio.base.paint.IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock
1015[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelArmor from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1016[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 2 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelArmor (ThaumcraftArmorMixin, DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1017[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new interfaces: [thaumcraft/api/items/IVisDiscountGear, thaumcraft/api/items/IGoggles, thaumcraft/api/items/IRevealer]
1018[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [showNodes(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/entity/EntityLivingBase;)Z, showIngamePopups(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/entity/EntityLivingBase;)Z, getVisDiscount(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;)I]
1019[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 4 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, addCommonEntries(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Ljava/util/List;Z)V, addBasicEntries(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Ljava/util/List;Z)V, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1020[14:12:48] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1021[14:12:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderio is not accessible
1022java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.base.EnderIO.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1023 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1024 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1025 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1026 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1027 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1028 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1029 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1030 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1031 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1032 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1033 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1034 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1035 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1036 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1037 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1038 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1039 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1040 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1041 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1042 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1043 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1044 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1045 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1046 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1047 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1048 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1049 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1050 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1051 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1052 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1053 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1054 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1055 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1056 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1057[14:12:49] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemInventoryCharger from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1058[14:12:49] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemInventoryCharger (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1059[14:12:49] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, getAttributeModifiers(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1060[14:12:49] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1061[14:12:49] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelCrook from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1062[14:12:49] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelCrook (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1063[14:12:49] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, getAttributeModifiers(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1064[14:12:49] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1065[14:12:49] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderiointegrationtic is not accessible
1066java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.integration.tic.EnderIOIntegrationTic.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1067 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1068 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1069 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1070 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1071 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1072 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1073 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1074 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1075 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1076 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1077 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1078 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1079 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1080 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1081 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1082 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1083 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1084 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1085 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1086 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1087 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1088 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1089 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1090 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1091 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1092 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1093 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1094 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1095 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1096 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1097 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1098 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1099 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1100 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1101[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [Pulsar-tconstruct]: Skipping Pulse craftingtweaksIntegration; missing dependency: craftingtweaks
1102[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [Pulsar-tconstruct]: Skipping Pulse theoneprobeIntegration; missing dependency: theoneprobe
1103[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [tconstruct]: Preparing to take over the world
1104[14:12:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderioconduits is not accessible
1105java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.conduits.EnderIOConduits.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1106 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1107 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1108 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1109 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1110 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1111 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1112 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1113 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1114 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1115 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1116 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1117 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1118 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1119 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1120 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1121 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1122 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1123 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1124 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1125 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1126 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1127 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1128 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1129 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1130 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1131 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1132 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1133 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1134 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1135 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1136 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1137 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1138 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1139 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1140[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found annotation mixin:
1141[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Registered mixin.
1142[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found mixin source class data for
1143[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.conduits.conduit.TileConduitBundle (MEMixin)
1144[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new interface: [appeng/api/networking/IGridHost]
1145[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [getGridNode(Lappeng/api/util/AEPartLocation;)Lappeng/api/networking/IGridNode;, getCableConnectionType(Lappeng/api/util/AEPartLocation;)Lappeng/api/util/AECableType;, securityBreak()V]
1146[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1147[14:12:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderioconduitsappliedenergistics is not accessible
1148java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1149 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1150 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1151 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1152 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1153 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1154 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1155 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1156 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1157 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1158 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1159 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1160 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1161 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1162 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1163 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1164 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1165 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1166 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1167 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1168 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1169 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1170 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1171 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1172 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1173 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1174 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1175 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1176 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1177 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1178 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1179 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1180 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1181 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1182 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1183[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found annotation mixin: crazypants.enderio.conduit.oc.conduit.OCMixin
1184[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Registered mixin.
1185[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found mixin source class data for crazypants.enderio.conduit.oc.conduit.OCMixin.
1186[14:12:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderioconduitsopencomputers is not accessible
1187java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.conduit.oc.EnderIOConduitsOpenComputers.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1188 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1189 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1190 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1191 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1192 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1193 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1194 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1195 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1196 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1197 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1198 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1199 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1200 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1201 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1202 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1203 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1204 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1205 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1206 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1207 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1208 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1209 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1210 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1211 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1212 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1213 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1214 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1215 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1216 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1217 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1218 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1219 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1220 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1221 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1222[14:12:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderioconduitsrefinedstorage is not accessible
1223java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.conduit.refinedstorage.EnderIOConduitsRefinedStorage.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1224 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1225 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1226 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1227 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1228 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1229 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1230 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1231 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1232 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1233 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1234 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1235 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1236 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1237 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1238 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1239 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1240 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1241 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1242 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1243 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1244 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1245 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1246 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1247 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1248 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1249 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1250 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1251 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1252 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1253 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1254 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1255 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1256 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1257 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1258[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found annotation mixin: crazypants.enderio.integration.forestry.upgrades.ArmorMixin
1259[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Registered mixin.
1260[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found mixin source class data for crazypants.enderio.integration.forestry.upgrades.ArmorMixin.
1261[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.integration.forestry.upgrades.ArmorMixin from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1262[14:12:50] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Not mixing into class crazypants.enderio.integration.forestry.upgrades.ArmorMixin because it is itself a mixin
1263[14:12:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderiointegrationforestry is not accessible
1264java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.integration.forestry.EnderIOIntegrationForestry.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1265 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1266 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1267 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1268 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1269 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1270 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1271 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1272 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1273 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1274 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1275 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1276 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1277 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1278 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1279 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1280 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1281 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1282 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1283 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1284 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1285 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1286 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1287 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1288 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1289 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1290 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1291 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1292 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1293 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1294 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1295 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1296 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1297 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1298 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1299[14:12:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderiointegrationticlate is not accessible
1300java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.integration.tic.EnderIOIntegrationTicLate.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1301 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1302 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1303 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1304 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1305 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1306 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1307 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1308 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1309 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1310 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1311 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1312 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1313 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1314 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1315 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1316 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1317 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1318 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1319 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1320 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1321 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1322 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1323 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1324 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1325 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1326 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1327 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1328 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1329 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1330 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1331 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1332 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1333 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1334 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1335[14:12:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderioinvpanel is not accessible
1336java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.invpanel.EnderIOInvPanel.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1337 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1338 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1339 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1340 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1341 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1342 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1343 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1344 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1345 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1346 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1347 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1348 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1349 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1350 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1351 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1352 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1353 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1354 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1355 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1356 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1357 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1358 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1359 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1360 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1361 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1362 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1363 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1364 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1365 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1366 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1367 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1368 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1369 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1370 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1371[14:12:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderiomachines is not accessible
1372java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.machines.EnderIOMachines.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1373 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1374 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1375 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1376 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1377 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1378 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1379 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1380 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1381 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1382 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1383 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1384 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1385 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1386 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1387 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1388 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1389 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1390 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1391 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1392 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1393 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1394 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1395 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1396 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1397 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1398 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1399 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1400 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1401 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1402 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1403 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1404 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1405 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1406 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1407[14:12:51] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderiopowertools is not accessible
1408java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.powertools.EnderIOPowerTools.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1409 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1410 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1411 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1412 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1413 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1414 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1415 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1416 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1417 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1418 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1419 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1420 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1421 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1422 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1423 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1424 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1425 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1426 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1427 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1428 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1429 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1430 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1431 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1432 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1433 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1434 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1435 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1436 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1437 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1438 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1439 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1440 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1441 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1442 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1443[14:12:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerWorkbench
1444[14:12:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [transferStackInSlot, func_82846_b] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;I)Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)
1445[14:12:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
1446[14:12:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerWorkbench.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
1447[14:12:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerWorkbench.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
1448[14:12:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerWorkbench.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
1449[14:12:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerWorkbench.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
1450[14:12:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
1451[14:12:51] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id gasconduits is not accessible
1452java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: gg.galaxygaming.gasconduits.GasConduits.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1453 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1454 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1455 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1456 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1457 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1458 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1459 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1460 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1461 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1462 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1463 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1464 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1465 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1466 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1467 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1468 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1469 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1470 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1471 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1472 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1473 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1474 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1475 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1476 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1477 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1478 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1479 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1480 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1481 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1482 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1483 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1484 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1485 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1486 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1487[14:12:51] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: The declared version check handler method checkModLists on network mod id enderiozoo is not accessible
1488java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: crazypants.enderio.zoo.EnderIOZoo.checkModLists(java.util.Map, net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side)
1489 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1490 at<init>( [NetworkModHolder.class:?]
1491 at [NetworkRegistry.class:?]
1492 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
1493 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
1494 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1495 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1496 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1497 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1498 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1499 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1500 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1501 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1502 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1503 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
1504 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1505 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1506 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1507 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1508 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
1509 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1510 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1511 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1512 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1513 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1514 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1515 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
1516 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
1517 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
1518 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
1519 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
1520 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
1521 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
1522 at [?:1.8.0_412]
1523[14:12:51] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mactso.experiencebugfix.Main:<init>:22]: experiencebugfix: Registering Mod.
1524[14:12:53] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod forgemultipartcbe is expecting signature f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 for source ForgeMultipart-1.12.2-, however there is no signature matching that description
1525[14:12:54] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod ifpatcher is expecting signature 7b67d082f16024d3f7cb6784c00e0082c8f1d3700146bc84ca164fe3d2ef5598 for source IFPatcher-2.4.0.jar, however there is no signature matching that description
1526[14:12:54] [Server thread/WARN] [teslacorelib]: Annotated class 'net.ndrei.teslacorelib.blocks.multipart.MultiPartBlockEvents' not found!
1527[14:12:54] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patching CommonProxy from IF
1528[14:12:54] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patched Common Proxy
1529[14:12:54] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: PatchCommonProxy succeeded
1530[14:12:56] [Server thread/INFO] [testdummy]: Please don't hurt me. :S
1531[14:12:56] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod redstonearsenal is expecting signature 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f for source RedstoneArsenal-1.12.2-, however there is no signature matching that description
1532[14:12:56] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod thermaldynamics is expecting signature 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f for source ThermalDynamics-1.12.2-, however there is no signature matching that description
1533[14:12:56] [Server thread/INFO] [packcrashinfo]: |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
1534[14:12:56] [Server thread/INFO] [packcrashinfo]: | Modpack Information |
1535[14:12:56] [Server thread/INFO] [packcrashinfo]: | Modpack: [The 1.12.2 Pack] Version: [1.6.1-Server] by author [Jon] |
1536[14:12:56] [Server thread/INFO] [packcrashinfo]: |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
1537[14:12:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod reborncore is expecting signature 8727a3141c8ec7f173b87aa78b9b9807867c4e6b for source RebornCore-1.12.2-3.19.5-universal.jar, however there is no signature matching that description
1538[14:12:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [reborncore]: Invalid fingerprint detected for RebornCore!
1539[14:12:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Sledgehammer]: Sledgehammer v1.12.2-2.0.26 (forge)
1540[14:12:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Sledgehammer]: Loaded default locale
1541[14:12:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod thermalcultivation is expecting signature 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f for source ThermalCultivation-1.12.2-, however there is no signature matching that description
1542[14:12:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod thermalinnovation is expecting signature 8a6abf2cb9e141b866580d369ba6548732eff25f for source ThermalInnovation-1.12.2-, however there is no signature matching that description
1543[14:12:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The mod torchmaster is expecting signature 5e9a436b366831c8f54a7e80b015784da69278c6 for source torchmaster_1.12.2-, however there is no signature matching that description
1544[14:12:59] [Server thread/INFO] [UniQ]: Processing forestry:seed.oil<->seed_oil
1545[14:12:59] [Server thread/WARN] [UniQ]: seed_oil
1546[14:12:59] [Server thread/WARN] [VintageFix Mixin Loader]: Not applying mixin 'mixin.version_protest.LoaderChange' as 'mixin.version_protest' is disabled in config
1547[14:12:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
1548[14:13:00] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 2541 ObjectHolder annotations
1549[14:13:00] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Identifying ItemStackHolder annotations
1550[14:13:00] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 69 ItemStackHolder annotations
1551[14:13:00] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
1552[14:13:00] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class baubles.api.cap.BaublesContainer
1553[14:13:00] [Server thread/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Patching StructureStart
1554[14:13:00] [Server thread/INFO] [WitcheryLoadingPlugin]: Redirected StructureComponent#addComponentParts in StructureStart#generateStructure
1555[14:13:01] [Server thread/INFO] [twilightforest]: Loaded compatibility for mod Baubles.
1556[14:13:01] [Server thread/INFO] [twilightforest]: Loaded compatibility for mod Chisel.
1557[14:13:01] [Server thread/INFO] [twilightforest]: Loaded compatibility for mod Forestry.
1558[14:13:01] [Server thread/INFO] [twilightforest]: Skipped compatibility for mod Immersive Engineering.
1559[14:13:01] [Server thread/INFO] [twilightforest]: Loaded compatibility for mod Just Enough Items.
1560[14:13:01] [Server thread/INFO] [twilightforest]: Loaded compatibility for mod Tinkers' Construct.
1561[14:13:01] [Server thread/INFO] [twilightforest]: Loaded compatibility for mod Thaumcraft.
1562[14:13:02] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class net.minecraft.block.BlockFire
1563[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]:
1564[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Starting BuildCraft **.**.**.**
1565[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Copyright (c) the BuildCraft team, 2011-2018
1566[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]:
1567[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Detailed Build Information:
1568[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Branch HEAD
1569[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Commit 68370005a10488d02a4bb4b8df86bbc62633d216
1570[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Bump version for release relase, fix a java 13+ compile error, tweak changelog, and fix engines chaining one block more than they should have.
1571[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: committed by AlexIIL
1572[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]:
1573[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Loaded Modules:
1574[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: - lib
1575[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: - core
1576[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: - builders
1577[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: - energy
1578[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: - factory
1579[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: - robotics
1580[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: - silicon
1581[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: - transport
1582[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: - compat
1583[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Missing Modules:
1584[14:13:04] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]:
1585[14:13:05] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: [debugger] Not a dev environment!
1586[14:13:05] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
1587[14:13:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Additional Pipes]: Registering pipes
1588[14:13:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Additional Pipes]: Registering gates
1589[14:13:06] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.init.BlocksItems (new size 25377)
1590[14:13:06] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.init.BlocksItems$1 (new size 795)
1591[14:13:06] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Injecting hooks into class ic2.core.block.kineticgenerator.tileentity.TileEntityElectricKineticGenerator
1592[14:13:06] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Patching method ic2.core.block.kineticgenerator.tileentity.TileEntityElectricKineticGenerator#updateEntityServer()
1593[14:13:06] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.invslot.InvSlotDischarge (new size 3648)
1594[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityCropHarvester (new size 6756)
1595[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityCropmatron (new size 10020)
1596[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityBatchCrafter (new size 14534)
1597[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.personal.TileEntityTradingTerminal (new size 2915)
1598[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Injecting hooks into class ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricBlock
1599[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Patching method ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricBlock#updateEntityServer()
1600[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.transport.TileEntityFluidPipe (new size 18678)
1601[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.steam.TileEntityCokeKiln (new size 14762)
1602[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.steam.TileEntityCokeKilnHatch (new size 2942)
1603[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.steam.TileEntityCokeKilnGrate (new size 3416)
1604[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 761)
1605[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 467)
1606[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 473)
1607[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 470)
1608[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 476)
1609[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 452)
1610[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 446)
1611[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 450)
1612[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 456)
1613[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [AdvMachinesPatchCoreMod]: Patching class TileEntityHeatingMachine
1614[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [AdvMachinesPatchCoreMod]: Class TileEntityHeatingMachine patched successfully!
1615[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.steam.BlockRefractoryBricks (new size 1530)
1616[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.item.armor.ItemArmorNightvisionGoggles (new size 6547)
1617[14:13:07] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.item.armor.ItemArmorQuantumSuit (new size 16726)
1618[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolWrenchNew (new size 9437)
1619[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolCrowbar (new size 6620)
1620[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.util.StackUtil (new size 50712)
1621[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.util.StackUtil$AdjacentInv (new size 724)
1622[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.util.StackUtil$PersonalAdjacentInv (new size 923)
1623[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.item.block.ItemFluidPipe (new size 14211)
1624[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.item.logistics.ItemPumpCover (new size 8475)
1625[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.item.ItemCoke (new size 696)
1626[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 354 out of 354 recipes for shaped recipes
1627[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 79 out of 79 recipes for shapeless recipes
1628[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityBatchCrafter$1 (new size 1654)
1629[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityBatchCrafter$2 (new size 1640)
1630[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.machine.container.ContainerBatchCrafter (new size 5386)
1631[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 41 out of 41 recipes for solid uu recipes
1632[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 27 out of 27 recipes for furnace recipes
1633[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 5 out of 5 recipes for blast furnace recipes
1634[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 14 out of 14 recipes for block cutter recipes
1635[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 51 out of 51 recipes for compressor recipes
1636[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 14 out of 14 recipes for extractor recipes
1637[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 86 out of 90 recipes for macerator recipes
1638[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 5 out of 5 recipes for metal former cutting recipes
1639[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 10 out of 10 recipes for metal former extruding recipes
1640[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 14 out of 14 recipes for metal former rolling recipes
1641[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 8 out of 8 recipes for ore washing recipes
1642[14:13:08] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Recipe]: Successfully loaded 26 out of 26 recipes for thermal centrifuge recipes
1643[14:13:09] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_solar_panels]: Loading ASP Config from C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\config\advanced_solar_panels.cfg
1644[14:13:09] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_solar_panels]: Loading MT Recipes from C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\config\advanced_solar_panels_MTRecipes.cfg
1645[14:13:09] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Pre Initialization ( started )
1646[14:13:10] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Pre Initialization ( ended after 1206ms )
1647[14:13:10] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: bdlib **.**.**.** loaded
1648[14:13:10] [Server thread/INFO] [io.dogboy.serializationisbad.core.SerializationIsBad]: Applying patches to
1649[14:13:10] [Server thread/INFO] [io.dogboy.serializationisbad.core.SerializationIsBad]: Applying patches to
1650[14:13:10] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.multiblock' for mod 'bdlib'
1651[14:13:11] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading internal config files for mod AE2 Stuff
1652[14:13:11] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/********/Desktop/mc%20servers/the-1122-pack_1.6.1/./mods/ae2stuff-!/assets/ae2stuff/config/tuning.cfg
1653[14:13:11] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/********/Desktop/mc%20servers/the-1122-pack_1.6.1/./mods/ae2stuff-!/assets/ae2stuff/config/recipes.cfg
1654[14:13:11] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading user config files for mod AE2 Stuff
1655[14:13:11] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Config loading for mod AE2 Stuff finished
1656[14:13:11] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loaded creative tabs for ae2stuff
1657[14:13:11] [Server thread/INFO] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Charset profile is STABLE
1658[14:13:11] [Server thread/INFO] [computronics]: Adding Charset Bundled Cable support to ComputerCraft. Bundled Cables can now transmit ComputerCraft bundled signals!
1659[14:13:11] [Server thread/INFO] [computronics]: Adding Charset Bundled Cable support to ComputerCraft. ComputerCraft can now read values from Bundled Cables!
1660[14:13:12] [Server thread/INFO] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Charset material heuristics time (phase 1): 14ms
1661[14:13:13] [Server thread/OFF] [Aroma1997Core]: Loading Aroma1997Core version for MC 1.12.2
1662[14:13:13] [Server thread/INFO] [Aroma1997Core]: Finished Pre-initialization.
1663[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: 'Improved sleeping' is forcefully disabled as it's incompatible with the following loaded mods: [morpheus]
1664[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: 'Charcoal block' is forcefully disabled as it's incompatible with the following loaded mods: [mekanism]
1665[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: 'Ender watcher' is forcefully disabled as it's incompatible with the following loaded mods: [botania]
1666[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: 'Dispensers place seeds' is forcefully disabled as it's incompatible with the following loaded mods: [botania]
1667[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: 'Food tooltip' is forcefully disabled as it's incompatible with the following loaded mods: [appleskin]
1668[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module building is enabled
1669[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module tweaks is enabled
1670[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module vanity is enabled
1671[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module decoration is enabled
1672[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module automation is enabled
1673[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module misc is enabled
1674[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module experimental is disabled
1675[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module management is enabled
1676[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module world is enabled
1677[14:13:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module client is enabled
1678[14:13:15] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: Module AgriCraft Module failed to load: AgriCraft not found
1679[14:13:15] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: Module Actually Additions Module failed to load: Actually Additions not found
1680[14:13:15] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: Module Roots Module failed to load: Roots not found
1681[14:13:15] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: Module rustic Module failed to load: Rustic not found
1682[14:13:15] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: Module Better With Mods Module failed to load: Better With Mods not found
1683[14:13:15] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: Module ImmersiveEngineering Module failed to load: ImmersiveEngineering not found
1684[14:13:15] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: Module TechReborn Module failed to load: TechReborn not found
1685[14:13:22] [Server thread/INFO] [modularrouters]: Modular Routers is loading!
1686[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]:
1687[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Starting BuildCraftCompat **.**.**.**
1688[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Copyright (c) the BuildCraft team, 2011-2017
1689[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]:
1690[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Detailed Build Information:
1691[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Branch 8.0.x-1.12.2
1692[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Commit 16adfdb3d6a3362ba3659be7d5e9b7d12af7eee5
1693[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Bump for release.
1694[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: committed by AlexIIL
1695[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]:
1696[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: [compat] Module list:
1697[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: [compat] + forestry
1698[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: [compat] x theoneprobe (It cannot load)
1699[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: [compat] + crafttweaker
1700[14:13:23] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: [compat] + ic2
1701[14:13:24] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
1702[14:13:24] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
1703[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: Registering default Feature Templates...
1704[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: Registering default World Generators...
1705[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: Verifying or creating base world generation directory...
1706[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: Complete.
1707[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [colorchat]: ColorChat starting up!
1708[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [morpheus]: Loading configuration
1709[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading internal config files for mod Compacter
1710[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/********/Desktop/mc%20servers/the-1122-pack_1.6.1/./mods/compacter-!/assets/compacter/config/recipes.cfg
1711[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading user config files for mod Compacter
1712[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Config loading for mod Compacter finished
1713[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Injecting hooks into class
1714[14:13:25] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Patching method
1715[14:13:26] [Server thread/WARN] []: ========================================================
1716[14:13:26] [Server thread/WARN] []: == Forge Debug Logging is ENABLED ======================
1717[14:13:26] [Server thread/WARN] []: ========================================================
1718[14:13:26] [Server thread/WARN] []: == This WILL slow down the game, so we recommend you ==
1719[14:13:26] [Server thread/WARN] []: == disable it unless you need it. See: ==
1720[14:13:26] [Server thread/WARN] []: ==
1721[14:13:26] [Server thread/WARN] []: ========================================================
1722[14:13:26] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: ========================================================
1723[14:13:26] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: == Ender IO Debug Logging is DISABLED ==================
1724[14:13:26] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: ========================================================
1725[14:13:26] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: == This will not slow down the game, but you may miss ==
1726[14:13:26] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: == out on information needed to diagnose issues. For ==
1727[14:13:26] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: == normal operation this is fine. ==
1728[14:13:26] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: ========================================================
1729[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedFence from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ITexturePaintableBlock]
1730[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedFence (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1731[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1732[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1733[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedFenceGate from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ITexturePaintableBlock]
1734[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedFenceGate (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1735[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1736[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1737[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedWall from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ITexturePaintableBlock]
1738[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedWall (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1739[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1740[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1741[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedStairs from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ITexturePaintableBlock]
1742[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedStairs (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1743[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1744[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1745[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedSlab from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ITexturePaintableBlock]
1746[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedSlab (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1747[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1748[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1749[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedGlowstone from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1750[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedGlowstone (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1751[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1752[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1753[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedGlowstone$BlockPaintedGlowstoneSolid from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1754[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedGlowstone$BlockPaintedGlowstoneSolid (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1755[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1756[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1757[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedGlowstone$BlockPaintedGlowstoneNonSolid from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1758[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedGlowstone$BlockPaintedGlowstoneNonSolid (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1759[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1760[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1761[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedCarpet from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ITexturePaintableBlock]
1762[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedCarpet (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1763[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1764[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1765[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedPressurePlate from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ITexturePaintableBlock]
1766[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedPressurePlate (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1767[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1768[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1769[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedRedstone from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1770[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedRedstone (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1771[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1772[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1773[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedRedstone$BlockPaintedRedstoneSolid from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1774[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedRedstone$BlockPaintedRedstoneSolid (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1775[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1776[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1777[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedRedstone$BlockPaintedRedstoneNonSolid from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1778[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedRedstone$BlockPaintedRedstoneNonSolid (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1779[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1780[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1781[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedStone from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1782[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedStone (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1783[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1784[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1785[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedSand from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1786[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedSand (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1787[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1788[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1789[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedTrapDoor from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ITexturePaintableBlock]
1790[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedTrapDoor (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1791[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1792[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1793[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedDoor from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ITexturePaintableBlock]
1794[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedDoor (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1795[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1796[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1797[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedWorkbench from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1798[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedWorkbench (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1799[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1800[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1801[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedReinforcedObsidian from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1802[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedReinforcedObsidian (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1803[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1804[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1805[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedReinforcedObsidian$BlockPaintedReinforcedObsidianSolid from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1806[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedReinforcedObsidian$BlockPaintedReinforcedObsidianSolid (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1807[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1808[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1809[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedReinforcedObsidian$BlockPaintedReinforcedObsidianNonSolid from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1810[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedReinforcedObsidian$BlockPaintedReinforcedObsidianNonSolid (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1811[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1812[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1813[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedPackedIce from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1814[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedPackedIce (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1815[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1816[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1817[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedPackedIce$BlockPaintedPackedIceSolid from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1818[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedPackedIce$BlockPaintedPackedIceSolid (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1819[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1820[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1821[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedPackedIce$BlockPaintedPackedIceNonSolid from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1822[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.painted.BlockPaintedPackedIce$BlockPaintedPackedIceNonSolid (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1823[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1824[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1825[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.travelstaff.ItemTravelStaff from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1826[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.travelstaff.ItemTravelStaff (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1827[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, getAttributeModifiers(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1828[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1829[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.power.forge.item.AbstractPoweredItem from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/power/forge/item/IInternalPoweredItem]
1830[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.power.forge.item.AbstractPoweredItem (InternalPoweredItemMixin)
1831[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;]
1832[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1833[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1834[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1835[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1836[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1837[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.block.detector.BlockDetector from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1838[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.block.detector.BlockDetector (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1839[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1840[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1841[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelShield from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1842[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelShield (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1843[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 2 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1844[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1845[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelSword from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1846[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelSword (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1847[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 2 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1848[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1849[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelPickaxe from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1850[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelPickaxe (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1851[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 5 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, getAttributeModifiers(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;, addCommonEntries(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Ljava/util/List;Z)V, addBasicEntries(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Ljava/util/List;Z)V, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1852[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1853[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelAxe from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1854[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelAxe (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1855[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, getAttributeModifiers(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1856[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1857[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelBow from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1858[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelBow (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1859[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, getAttributeModifiers(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1860[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1861[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelShears from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1862[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelShears (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1863[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, getAttributeModifiers(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1864[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1865[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelTreetap from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1866[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelTreetap (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1867[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, getAttributeModifiers(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1868[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1869[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelHand from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1870[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.darksteel.ItemDarkSteelHand (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1871[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, getAttributeModifiers(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1872[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1873[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.item.staffoflevity.ItemStaffOfLevity from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/api/upgrades/IDarkSteelItem]
1874[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.item.staffoflevity.ItemStaffOfLevity (DarkSteelUpgradeMixin)
1875[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 3 new methods: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;, getAttributeModifiers(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;, openUpgradeGui(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V]
1876[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1877[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.conduits.conduit.BlockConduitBundle from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1878[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.conduits.conduit.BlockConduitBundle (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1879[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1880[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1881[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.invpanel.sensor.BlockInventoryPanelSensor from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1882[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.invpanel.sensor.BlockInventoryPanelSensor (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1883[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1884[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1885[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.invpanel.chest.BlockInventoryChest from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1886[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.invpanel.chest.BlockInventoryChest (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1887[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1888[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1889[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.invpanel.remote.ItemRemoteInvAccess from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/power/forge/item/IInternalPoweredItem]
1890[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.invpanel.remote.ItemRemoteInvAccess (InternalPoweredItemMixin)
1891[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;]
1892[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1893[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.alloy.BlockAlloySmelter from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1894[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.alloy.BlockAlloySmelter (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1895[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1896[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1897[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.base.power.forge.item.PoweredBlockItem from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/power/forge/item/IInternalPoweredItem]
1898[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.base.power.forge.item.PoweredBlockItem (InternalPoweredItemMixin)
1899[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;]
1900[14:13:27] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1901[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.buffer.BlockBuffer from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1902[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.buffer.BlockBuffer (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1903[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1904[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1905[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1906[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1907[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1908[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1909[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.generator.combustion.BlockCombustionGenerator from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1910[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.generator.combustion.BlockCombustionGenerator (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1911[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1912[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1913[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.generator.stirling.BlockStirlingGenerator from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1914[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.generator.stirling.BlockStirlingGenerator (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1915[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1916[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1917[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.generator.lava.BlockLavaGenerator from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1918[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.generator.lava.BlockLavaGenerator (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1919[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1920[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1921[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.painter.BlockPainter from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1922[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.painter.BlockPainter (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1923[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1924[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1925[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.sagmill.BlockSagMill from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1926[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.sagmill.BlockSagMill (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1927[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1928[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1929[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.slicensplice.BlockSliceAndSplice from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1930[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.slicensplice.BlockSliceAndSplice (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1931[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1932[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1933[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.soul.BlockSoulBinder from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1934[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.soul.BlockSoulBinder (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1935[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1936[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1937[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.spawner.BlockPoweredSpawner from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1938[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.spawner.BlockPoweredSpawner (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1939[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1940[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1941[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.vat.BlockVat from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1942[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.vat.BlockVat (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1943[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1944[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1945[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.wired.BlockWiredCharger from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1946[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.wired.BlockWiredCharger (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1947[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1948[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1949[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.wireless.BlockWirelessCharger from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1950[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.wireless.BlockWirelessCharger (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1951[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1952[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1953[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.tank.BlockTank from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1954[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.tank.BlockTank (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1955[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1956[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1957[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.transceiver.BlockTransceiver from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1958[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.transceiver.BlockTransceiver (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1959[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1960[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1961[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.vacuum.chest.BlockVacuumChest from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1962[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.vacuum.chest.BlockVacuumChest (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1963[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1964[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1965[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.vacuum.xp.BlockXPVacuum from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1966[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.vacuum.xp.BlockXPVacuum (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1967[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1968[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1969[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.niard.BlockNiard from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$INonSolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1970[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.niard.BlockNiard (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1971[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1972[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1973[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.teleport.anchor.BlockTravelAnchor from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$IBlockPaintableBlock]
1974[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.teleport.anchor.BlockTravelAnchor (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1975[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1976[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1977[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.teleport.telepad.BlockTelePad from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1978[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.teleport.telepad.BlockTelePad (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1979[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1980[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1981[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.crafter.BlockCrafter from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1982[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.crafter.BlockCrafter (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1983[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1984[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1985[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.spawner.creative.BlockCreativeSpawner from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1986[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.spawner.creative.BlockCreativeSpawner (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1987[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1988[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1989[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.powertools.machine.capbank.BlockCapBank from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1990[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.powertools.machine.capbank.BlockCapBank (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1991[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
1992[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1993[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.powertools.machine.capbank.BlockItemCapBank from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/power/forge/item/IInternalPoweredItem]
1994[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.powertools.machine.capbank.BlockItemCapBank (InternalPoweredItemMixin)
1995[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [initCapabilities(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraftforge/common/capabilities/ICapabilityProvider;]
1996[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
1997[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Found 1 patch to apply to class crazypants.enderio.powertools.machine.monitor.BlockPowerMonitor from implemented interfaces: [crazypants/enderio/base/paint/IPaintable$ISolidBlockPaintableBlock]
1998[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Patching 1 mixins onto class crazypants.enderio.powertools.machine.monitor.BlockPowerMonitor (MobilityFlagForPaintedBlocksMixin)
1999[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Added 1 new method: [func_149656_h(Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Lnet/minecraft/block/material/EnumPushReaction;]
2000[14:13:28] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore Mixins]: Successfully patched.
2001[14:13:29] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: Updating config from version '**.**.**.**' to '1.8.5'.
2002[14:13:29] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: => Updating setting ''.
2003[14:13:29] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: => Migrating Internet Card filtering rules.
2004[14:13:29] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface into li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.traits.power.IndustrialCraft2Experimental.
2005[14:13:30] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface ic2.api.item.IBoxable into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
2006[14:13:30] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface ic2.api.item.ISpecialElectricItem into li.cil.oc.common.item.traits.Chargeable.
2007[14:13:30] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: Initializing OpenComputers API.
2008[14:13:31] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: Found a compatible native library: 'OpenComputersMod-1.8.5-52-libjnlua52-windows-x86_64.dll'.
2009[14:13:31] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: Found a compatible native library: 'OpenComputersMod-1.8.5-53-libjnlua53-windows-x86_64.dll'.
2010[14:13:31] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: Found a compatible native library: 'OpenComputersMod-1.8.5-54-libjnlua54-windows-x86_64.dll'.
2011[14:13:31] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: Done with pre init phase.
2012[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Successfully substituted minecraft:commandblock_minecart with railcraft:cart_command_block. This is an intended override.
2013[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Successfully substituted minecraft:minecart with railcraft:cart_basic. This is an intended override.
2014[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Successfully substituted minecraft:chest_minecart with railcraft:cart_chest. This is an intended override.
2015[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Successfully substituted minecraft:furnace_minecart with railcraft:cart_furnace. This is an intended override.
2016[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Successfully substituted minecraft:tnt_minecart with railcraft:cart_tnt. This is an intended override.
2017[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Successfully substituted minecraft:hopper_minecart with railcraft:cart_hopper. This is an intended override.
2018[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Successfully substituted minecraft:spawner_minecart with railcraft:cart_spawner. This is an intended override.
2019[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] []: defineId called for: class mods.railcraft.common.carts.EntityTunnelBore from class mods.railcraft.common.plugins.forge.DataManagerPlugin
2020[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: This is NOT an error. Its just Forge being nosy.
2021[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] []: defineId called for: class mods.railcraft.common.carts.EntityTunnelBore from class mods.railcraft.common.plugins.forge.DataManagerPlugin
2022[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: This is NOT an error. Its just Forge being nosy.
2023[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] []: defineId called for: class mods.railcraft.common.carts.EntityTunnelBore from class mods.railcraft.common.plugins.forge.DataManagerPlugin
2024[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: This is NOT an error. Its just Forge being nosy.
2025[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] []: defineId called for: class mods.railcraft.common.carts.EntityTunnelBore from class mods.railcraft.common.plugins.forge.DataManagerPlugin
2026[14:13:33] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: This is NOT an error. Its just Forge being nosy.
2027[14:13:34] [Server thread/INFO] [computronics]: Multiperipheral system for ComputerCraft engaged. Hooray!
2028[14:13:34] [Server thread/INFO] [computronics]: Multiple mods registering peripherals for the same block now won't be a problem anymore.
2029[14:13:34] [Server thread/INFO] [computronics-text-to-speech-loader]: Initializing Text To Speech
2030[14:13:34] [Server thread/INFO] [computronics-text-to-speech-loader]: No MaryTTS directory found, you will not be able to use Text To Speech unless the server you are playing on has MaryTTS installed. To use TTS, install MaryTTS into the marytts directory of your minecraft instance.
2031[14:13:34] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: TConstruct, you fail again, muhaha! The world is mine, mine!
2032[14:13:34] [Server thread/INFO] [customstartinggear]: Reading starting inventory config
2033[14:13:34] [Server thread/INFO] [customstartinggear]: Loaded 2 starting items.
2034[14:13:34] [Server thread/INFO] [doge]: Loading Config
2035[14:13:34] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Applied Energistics conduits loaded. Let your networks connect!
2036[14:13:34] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: OpenComputers conduits loaded. Let your networks connect!
2037[14:13:34] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Refined Storage conduits NOT loaded. Refined Storage is not installed
2038[14:13:34] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Forestry integration loaded. Let things grow.
2039[14:13:35] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Mekanism Gas conduits loaded. Let your networks connect!
2040[14:13:36] [Server thread/INFO] [extracells]: Enable integration for 'waila (waila)'
2041[14:13:36] [Server thread/INFO] [extracells]: Enable integration for 'opencomputers (opencomputers)'
2042[14:13:36] [Server thread/INFO] [extracells]: Enable integration for 'MekanismGas (MekanismAPI|gas)'
2043[14:13:36] [Server thread/INFO] [extracells]: Enable integration for 'Thaumatic Energistics (thaumicenergistics)'
2044[14:13:36] [Server thread/INFO] [extracells]: Enable integration for 'mekanism (mekanism)'
2045[14:13:36] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Galacticraft oil is not default, issues may occur.
2046[14:13:37] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Injecting hooks into class micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.TileEntityEnergyStorageModule
2047[14:13:37] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Patching method micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.TileEntityEnergyStorageModule#update()
2048[14:13:37] [Server thread/INFO] [Aqua Acrobatics Transformer]: Notifying Galacticraft that we are a height-conflicting mod
2049[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
2050[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: pressure_module_0.slotPoints.base
2051[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
2052[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
2053[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: pressure_module_0.slotPoints.base
2054[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
2055[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
2056[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: pressure_module_0.slotPoints.base
2057[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
2058[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
2059[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: pressure_module_0.slotPoints.base
2060[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
2061[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
2062[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: radiation_module_0.slotPoints.base
2063[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
2064[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
2065[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: radiation_module_0.slotPoints.base
2066[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
2067[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
2068[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: radiation_module_0.slotPoints.base
2069[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
2070[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
2071[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: radiation_module_0.slotPoints.base
2072[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
2073[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [com.mjr.mjrlegendslib.util.MessageUtilities]: extraplanets: MachineMusePowersuits Compatibility success!
2074[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [ChunkGenLimitTransformer]: Transforming
2075[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [ChunkGenLimitTransformer]: > Finding method func_72693_b
2076[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [ChunkGenLimitTransformer]: > Transforming PlayerChunkMap.tick()
2077[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [ChunkGenLimitTransformer]: >>> Replacing constant 50000000L with getTimeLimit
2078[14:13:40] [Server thread/INFO] [ChunkGenLimitTransformer]: >>> Replacing constant 49 with getChunkLimit
2079[14:13:41] [Server thread/WARN] [tconstruct-API]: Itemstack 1xitem.null@17 cannot represent material xu_evil_metal since it is not associated with the material!
2080[14:13:41] [Server thread/WARN] [tconstruct-API]: Itemstack 1xitem.null@12 cannot represent material xu_enchanted_metal since it is not associated with the material!
2081[14:13:41] [Server thread/WARN] [tconstruct-API]: Itemstack 1xitem.null@11 cannot represent material xu_demonic_metal since it is not associated with the material!
2082[14:13:42] [Server thread/INFO] [BigReactors]: Loaded support for thermalexpansion
2083[14:13:42] [Server thread/INFO] [BigReactors]: Loaded support for mekanism
2084[14:13:42] [Server thread/INFO] [BigReactors]: Loaded support for computercraft
2085[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: Let's Move!
2086[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [galacticcomputers]: Loading GalacticComputers integrations
2087[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [galacticcomputers]: Unconditionally loading GalactiCraft Core integration
2088[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [galacticcomputers]: Loading GalactiCraft Planets integration
2089[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: IC2 Version: ic2 2.8.222-ex112
2090[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: RF API Version: redstoneflux 2.1.1
2091[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: Tesla Version: NOT FOUND
2092[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: Available Forestry species roots:
2093[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: * rootTrees - forestry.arboriculture.genetics.TreeRoot
2094[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: * rootBees - forestry.apiculture.genetics.BeeRoot
2095[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: * rootButterflies - forestry.lepidopterology.genetics.ButterflyRoot
2096[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: * rootFlowers - binnie.botany.genetics.FlowerRoot
2097[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading internal config files for mod Gendustry
2098[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/********/Desktop/mc%20servers/the-1122-pack_1.6.1/./mods/gendustry-!/assets/gendustry/config/tuning.cfg
2099[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/********/Desktop/mc%20servers/the-1122-pack_1.6.1/./mods/gendustry-!/assets/gendustry/config/recipes.cfg
2100[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/********/Desktop/mc%20servers/the-1122-pack_1.6.1/./mods/gendustry-!/assets/gendustry/config/upgrades.cfg
2101[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/********/Desktop/mc%20servers/the-1122-pack_1.6.1/./mods/gendustry-!/assets/gendustry/config/bees_color.cfg
2102[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/********/Desktop/mc%20servers/the-1122-pack_1.6.1/./mods/gendustry-!/assets/gendustry/config/bees_patreon.cfg
2103[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading user config files for mod Gendustry
2104[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Config loading for mod Gendustry finished
2105[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loaded creative tabs for gendustry
2106[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: Blocks loaded
2107[14:13:43] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: Fluids loaded
2108[14:13:44] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: Items loaded
2109[14:13:44] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: Machines loaded
2110[14:13:44] [Server thread/INFO] [gravisuite]: Loading GS Config from C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\config\gravisuite.cfg
2111[14:13:44] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 24444)
2112[14:13:45] [Server thread/WARN] []: defineId called for: class net.minecraft.entity.EntityAgeable from class icbm.classic.lib.capability.chicken.CapSpaceChicken
2113[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]:
2114[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]: at
2115[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]: at$200(
2116[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]: at$
2117[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]: at$
2118[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]: at Method)
2119[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]: at
2120[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]: at
2121[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]: at
2122[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]: at
2123[14:13:45] [Hats Mod Mob Support Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.hats.common.thread.ThreadGetModMobSupport:run:90]: at
2124[14:13:45] [Hats Download/Read Hats Thread/INFO] [Hats]: [7.1.1] Extracted 198 hats from archive
2125[14:13:46] [Server thread/INFO] [icbmclassic]: ExplosiveRegistry: loading registry save, File: C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\config\icbmclassic\explosive_reg.json
2126[14:13:46] [Server thread/WARN] [icbmclassic]: ExplosiveRegistry: No save found for registry. This can be ignored if first run with the mod. File: C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\config\icbmclassic\explosive_reg.json
2127[14:13:47] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patching Potion Brewer from IF
2128[14:13:47] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Potion Brewer can now brew potion that does not start from Nether Wart!
2129[14:13:47] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: PatchPotionBrewer succeeded
2130[14:13:47] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patching Plant Sower from IF
2131[14:13:47] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Plant Sower now till any blocks if possible!
2132[14:13:47] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: PatchPlantSower succeeded
2133[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patching Laser Base from IF
2134[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Laser Base does not make Minecraft crash on any conditions!
2135[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: PatchLaserBase succeeded
2136[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patching Fluid Pump from IF
2137[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Pump now accepts fluid items!
2138[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Pump now fill fluids to items!
2139[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Pump now works properly!
2140[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: PatchPump succeeded
2141[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patching Mob Imprisonment Tool from IF
2142[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: MobImprisonmentTool configuration system added
2143[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Implement MobImprisonmentTool blacklist
2144[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Remove default blacklist of boss
2145[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Add condition check for boss blacklist
2146[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: PatchMobImprisonmentTool succeeded
2147[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patching CustomConfiguration from IF
2148[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patched Custom Configuration
2149[14:13:48] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: PatchCustomConfiguration succeeded
2150[14:13:53] [Hats Download/Read Hats Thread/INFO] [Hats]: [7.1.1] Loaded 198 hats. 68 are contributor hats.
2151[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Initialising CraftTweaker support...
2152[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Initialised CraftTweaker support
2153[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering drink handlers for Thermal Foundation...
2154[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered drink handlers for Thermal Foundation
2155[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Laser Drill entries for Thermal Foundation...
2156[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Laser Drill entries for Thermal Foundation
2157[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Pre-initialising integration for Tinkers' Construct...
2158[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Pre-initialised integration for Tinkers' Construct
2159[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering drink handlers for Tinkers' Construct...
2160[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered drink handlers for Tinkers' Construct
2161[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Laser Drill entries for Mystical Agriculture...
2162[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Laser Drill entries for Mystical Agriculture
2163[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Laser Drill entries for AE2 Unofficial Extended Life...
2164[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Laser Drill entries for AE2 Unofficial Extended Life
2165[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Laser Drill entries for Forestry...
2166[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Laser Drill entries for Forestry
2167[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Plant Gatherer entries for Extra Utilities 2...
2168[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Plant Gatherer entries for Extra Utilities 2
2169[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Plant Gatherer entries for Natura...
2170[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Plant Gatherer entries for Natura
2171[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering drink handlers for Ender IO...
2172[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered drink handlers for Ender IO
2173[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering drink handlers for Biomes O' Plenty...
2174[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered drink handlers for Biomes O' Plenty
2175[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Laser Drill entries for Biomes O' Plenty...
2176[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Laser Drill entries for Biomes O' Plenty
2177[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Plant Gatherer entries for Botania...
2178[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Plant Gatherer entries for Botania
2179[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Laser Drill entries for Thaumcraft...
2180[14:13:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Laser Drill entries for Thaumcraft
2181[14:13:55] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-0/INFO] [io.dogboy.serializationisbad.core.SerializationIsBad]: Applying patches to
2182[14:13:56] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [io.dogboy.serializationisbad.core.SerializationIsBad]: Applying patches to
2183[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: ====================================================
2184[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: LogisticsPipes Logger initialized, enabled levels:
2185[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: ----------------------------------------------------
2186[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Fatal: true
2187[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Error: true
2188[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Warn: true
2189[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Info: true
2190[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Trace: true
2191[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Debug: true
2192[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: ====================================================
2193[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded BCProxy
2194[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded IC2Proxy
2195[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded CCProxy
2196[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded ThermalExpansionProxy
2197[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded NEI DummyProxy
2198[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded IronChestProxy
2199[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded EnderStorageProxy
2200[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded OpenComputersProxy
2201[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded TDProxy
2202[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded MCMPProxy
2203[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded CCLProxy
2204[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded BuildCraft PipeConfigToolWrapper
2205[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded CoFH PipeConfigToolWrapper
2206[14:13:56] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Running Logistics Pipes **.**.**.**, target Forge 1.12.2-, vendor
2207[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [LootTweaker]: Successfully installed network checker
2208[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Preinitializing modules for mod magicbees...
2209[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Preinitializing module ThermalExpansion Integration
2210[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Preinitializing module RedstoneArsenal Integration
2211[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Preinitializing module Vanilla Module
2212[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Preinitializing module Botania Integration
2213[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Preinitializing module Thaumcraft Integration
2214[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Preinitializing module Railcraft Integration
2215[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Preinitializing module AE2 Integration
2216[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Preinitialized 7 modules for mod magicbees
2217[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: MagicBees has Pre-initialized in 469 ms
2218[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Initializing Mystcraft APIs
2219[14:13:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading words from JSON....
2220[14:13:58] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading words from assets/moremystcraft/words/word_cloud.json
2221[14:13:58] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading words from assets/moremystcraft/words/word_size.json
2222[14:13:58] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading words from assets/moremystcraft/words/word_tilt.json
2223[14:13:59] [Server thread/WARN] [iChunUtil]: Config property enableFlight from mod Morph may not be localized!
2224[14:14:00] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Starting Simply Jetpacks 2...
2225[14:14:00] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Loading Configuration Files...
2226[14:14:00] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering Items...
2227[14:14:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to inject capability landmaster.plustic.api.Toggle$IToggleArmor at landmaster.plustic.api.Toggle$Gui.TOGGLE_ARMOR
2228java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: landmaster.plustic.api.Toggle$Gui
2229 at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
2230 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2231 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2232 at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2233 at java.lang.Class.forName( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2234 at net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.CapabilityManager$2.apply( ~[CapabilityManager$2.class:?]
2235 at net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.CapabilityManager$2.apply( ~[CapabilityManager$2.class:?]
2236 at net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.CapabilityManager.register( ~[CapabilityManager.class:?]
2237 at landmaster.plustic.api.Toggle.<clinit>( ~[Toggle.class:?]
2238 at landmaster.plustic.traits.Global.<init>( ~[Global.class:?]
2239 at landmaster.plustic.traits.Global.<clinit>( ~[Global.class:?]
2240 at landmaster.plustic.modules.ModuleBase.init( ~[ModuleBase.class:?]
2241 at java.lang.Iterable.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2242 at landmaster.plustic.PlusTiC.preInit( [PlusTiC.class:?]
2243 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2244 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2245 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2246 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2247 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
2248 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
2249 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2250 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2251 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2252 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2253 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2254 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2255 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2256 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2257 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2258 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
2259 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
2260 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2261 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2262 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2263 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2264 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2265 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2266 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2267 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2268 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2269 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2270 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
2271 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
2272 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.preinitializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2273 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2274 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2275 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2276 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2277 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2278Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreen
2279 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2280 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2281 at ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2282 at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
2283 ... 48 more
2284Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen
2285 at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
2286 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2287 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2288 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2289 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2290 at ~[?:1.8.0_412]
2291 at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
2292 ... 48 more
2293[14:14:01] [Server thread/INFO] [omlib]: Found the following mods: IC2 OpenComputers
2294[14:14:03] [Server thread/INFO] [openmodularturrets]: Hi there, dV=V0B(t1-t0)! (Found ThermalExpansion)
2295[14:14:03] [Server thread/INFO] [openmodularturrets]: Not sure if iron ingot, or electrical steel ingot... (Found EnderIO)
2296[14:14:03] [Server thread/INFO] [openmodularturrets]: Mur omsimu, plz. (Found Mekanism)
2297[14:14:03] [Server thread/INFO] [openmodularturrets]: Enabling LUA integration. (Found OpenComputers/ComputerCraft)
2298[14:14:04] [Server thread/WARN] [pneumaticcraft]: Fluid 'oil' already registered by another mod: [buildcraftenergy:oil] - we'll use it, but it might not be available in block form!
2299[14:14:04] [Server thread/WARN] [pneumaticcraft]: Fluid 'fuel' already registered by another mod: [galacticraftcore:fuel] - we'll use it, but it might not be available in block form!
2300[14:14:05] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Thirdparty integration activated for [toughasnails, theoneprobe, immersiveengineering, baubles, computercraft, waila, botania, crafttweaker, cofhcore, thaumcraft, enderio, immersivepetroleum, mekanism, igwmod, ic2, patchouli, buildcraftcore, forestry, appliedenergistics2]
2301[14:14:05] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class me.desht.pneumaticcraft.common.thirdparty.computercraft.TileEntityDroneInterface.
2302[14:14:05] [Server thread/WARN] [ProjectRed]: Failed to load PR Plugin: Treecapitator: gem axe compat
2303[14:14:06] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Pre loaded registries in 46ms
2304[14:14:06] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Loaded registrys for reborncore.common.registration.RegistryConstructionEvent in 49ms
2305[14:14:06] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Loaded power manager from: ForgePowerManager
2306[14:14:06] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Loaded registrys for net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent in 10ms
2307[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Loading plugins
2308[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Found plugin candidate:vswe.stevescarts.compat.forestry.CompatForestry
2309[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Plugin vswe.stevescarts.compat.forestry.CompatForestry was found and has been initialized successfully!
2310[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Found plugin candidate:vswe.stevescarts.compat.techreborn.CompatTR
2311[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Plugin (vswe.stevescarts.compat.techreborn.CompatTR) was NOT loaded due to mod 'techreborn' missing, this isn't an error
2312[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Found plugin candidate:vswe.stevescarts.compat.ic2.CompatIC2
2313[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Plugin vswe.stevescarts.compat.ic2.CompatIC2 was found and has been initialized successfully!
2314[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Loaded 2 plugins
2315[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Integrations: Registered [thaumcraft]
2316[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Integrations: Registered [appliedenergistics2]
2317[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Integrations: Registered [waila]
2318[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Integrations: PreInit
2319[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumcomp]: Done with preInit phase.
2320[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [tinkersoredictcache]: Detected mods installed are different from the last starting. We will rescan all recipes...
2321[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: UTAttributes ::: Successfully altered attribute generic.maxHealth with -65536.0 as minimum and 65536.0 as maximum
2322[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: UTAttributes ::: Successfully altered attribute generic.followRange with -65536.0 as minimum and 65536.0 as maximum
2323[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: UTAttributes ::: Successfully altered attribute generic.knockbackResistance with -65536.0 as minimum and 65536.0 as maximum
2324[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: UTAttributes ::: Successfully altered attribute generic.movementSpeed with -65536.0 as minimum and 65536.0 as maximum
2325[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: UTAttributes ::: Successfully altered attribute generic.flyingSpeed with -65536.0 as minimum and 65536.0 as maximum
2326[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: UTAttributes ::: Successfully altered attribute generic.attackDamage with -65536.0 as minimum and 65536.0 as maximum
2327[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: UTAttributes ::: Successfully altered attribute generic.attackSpeed with -65536.0 as minimum and 65536.0 as maximum
2328[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: UTAttributes ::: Successfully altered attribute generic.armor with -65536.0 as minimum and 65536.0 as maximum
2329[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: UTAttributes ::: Successfully altered attribute generic.armorToughness with -65536.0 as minimum and 65536.0 as maximum
2330[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: UTAttributes ::: Successfully altered attribute generic.luck with -65536.0 as minimum and 65536.0 as maximum
2331[14:14:08] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: Universal Tweaks pre-initialized
2332[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start preInit!
2333[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start loading [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.ecatalogue.ECatalogueMod]
2334[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.ecatalogue.ECatalogueTileEntity.
2335[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Modification has been loaded [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.ecatalogue.ECatalogueMod]
2336[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start loading [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.battery.Battery]
2337[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.battery.tileentity.TileEntityComputerPort.
2338[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Modification has been loaded [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.battery.Battery]
2339[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start loading [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.battery.CharcoalBlockMod]
2340[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Modification has been loaded [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.battery.CharcoalBlockMod]
2341[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start loading [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.nfc.NFC]
2342[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Modification has been loaded [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.nfc.NFC]
2343[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start loading [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.vanillautils.VanillaUtils]
2344[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: create: variableredstoneemitter
2345[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Modification has been loaded [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.vanillautils.VanillaUtils]
2346[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start loading [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.quarryfixer.QuarryFixer]
2347[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Modification has been loaded [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.quarryfixer.QuarryFixer]
2348[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start loading [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.rfpowermeter.RFMeter]
2349[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.rfpowermeter.RFMeterTileEntityOC.
2350[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Modification has been loaded [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.rfpowermeter.RFMeter]
2351[14:14:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: End preInit!
2352[14:14:10] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class thaumcraft.common.items.armor.ItemVoidRobeArmor
2353[14:14:10] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class thaumcraft.common.tiles.crafting.TileInfusionMatrix
2354[14:14:10] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class thaumcraft.common.entities.EntityFluxRift
2355[14:14:11] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Loading blocks...
2356[14:14:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: 75 Feature's blocks loaded.
2357[14:14:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Loading Tile Entities...
2358[14:14:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Tile Entities loaded.
2359[14:14:13] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Injecting hooks into class mekanism.common.tile.TileEntityEnergyCube
2360[14:14:13] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.zuxelus.hooklib.asm.HookLogger$SystemOutLogger:debug:20]: [DEBUG] Patching method mekanism.common.tile.TileEntityEnergyCube#onUpdate()
2361[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Netherending Ores]: Registered Blocks
2362[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: registered block for fluid: diesel
2363[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: registered block for fluid: lubricant
2364[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: registered block for fluid: kerosene
2365[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: registered block for fluid: plastic
2366[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: registered block for fluid: lpg
2367[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: registered block for fluid: etchacid
2368[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Registering Blocks
2369[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Additional Pipes]: Registering blocks
2370[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [Aroma1997Core]: Successfully registered 3 Blocks for class net.minecraft.block.Block from aroma1997sdimension.
2371[14:14:14] [Server thread/INFO] [doge]: Registering Blocks
2372[14:14:15] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery]: Updated 220 Minecraft Forge owned RegistrySuppliers in minecraft:blocks
2373[14:14:15] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
2374[14:14:15] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
2375[14:14:15] [Server thread/INFO] [Backpack]: Loading items...
2376[14:14:15] [Server thread/INFO] [Backpack]: 15 item features loaded.
2377[14:14:16] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Loading items...
2378[14:14:16] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: 75 Feature's items loaded.
2379[14:14:17] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Galacticraft: activating Tinker's Construct compatibility.
2380[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [Netherending Ores]: Registered ItemBlocks
2381[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.moon
2382[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.mars
2383[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.venus
2384[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.asteroids
2385[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.overworld
2386[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.deimos
2387[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.phobos
2388[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.mercury
2389[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.callisto
2390[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.ganymede
2391[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]:
2392[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.europa
2393[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.jupiter
2394[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.ceres
2395[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.titan
2396[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.iapetus
2397[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.rhea
2398[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.saturn
2399[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.titania
2400[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.oberon
2401[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.uranus
2402[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.triton
2403[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.neptune
2404[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.pluto
2405[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.eris
2406[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kepler22b
2407[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.xovis
2408[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.oarilia
2409[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.hoth
2410[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.qustroithea
2411[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.speshani16
2412[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.aqua
2413[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.crait
2414[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.struronides
2415[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.ketherth
2416[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kuiperbelt
2417[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kepler47b
2418[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kepler69b
2419[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kepler47c
2420[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kepler69c
2421[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.haumea
2422[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.makemake
2423[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.jetraruta
2424[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.brajutov
2425[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.trars9
2426[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kepler62b
2427[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kepler62e
2428[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kepler62f
2429[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kepler62c
2430[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.tatooine
2431[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.kepler62d
2432[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: planet.moswion
2433[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.dysnomia
2434[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.charon
2435[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.hydra
2436[14:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mjr.planetprogression.item.PlanetProgression_Items:initResearchPaperItems:150]: moon.nix
2437[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Registering 21 Items
2438[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Registering ItemBlocks
2439[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [Additional Pipes]: Registering items
2440[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [Aroma1997Core]: Successfully registered 4 Items for class net.minecraft.item.Item from aroma1997sdimension.
2441[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [doge]: Registering Items
2442[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [keletu.forbiddenmagicre.compat.botania.RegisterHandlerBota:onItemRegister:35]: REGISTER FLOWER : astralbloom
2443[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [keletu.forbiddenmagicre.compat.botania.RegisterHandlerBota:onItemRegister:35]: REGISTER FLOWER : euclidaisy
2444[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [keletu.forbiddenmagicre.compat.botania.RegisterHandlerBota:onItemRegister:35]: REGISTER FLOWER : tainthistle
2445[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [keletu.forbiddenmagicre.compat.botania.RegisterHandlerBota:onItemRegister:35]: REGISTER FLOWER : bloodthorn
2446[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [keletu.forbiddenmagicre.compat.botania.RegisterHandlerBota:onItemRegister:35]: REGISTER FLOWER : whisperweed
2447[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
2448[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
2449[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
2450[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
2451[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
2452[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
2453[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
2454[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
2455[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
2456[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2457[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2458[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2459[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2460[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2461[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2462[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2463[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2464[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2465[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2466[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2467[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2468[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2469[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2470[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2471[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2472[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2473[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2474[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2475[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2476[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2477[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2478[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2479[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2480[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2481[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2482[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2483[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2484[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2485[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2486[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2487[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2488[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2489[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2490[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2491[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2492[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2493[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2494[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2495[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2496[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2497[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2498[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of cropBlocks
2499[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of cropBlocks
2500[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of seeds
2501[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of seeds
2502[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
2503[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2504[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2505[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2506[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2507[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
2508[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2509[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2510[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2511[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
2512[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of shrooms
2513[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of shrooms
2514[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of shrooms
2515[14:14:20] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Missing block: sandstone
2516[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery]: Updated 423 Minecraft Forge owned RegistrySuppliers in minecraft:items
2517[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
2518[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
2519[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: MFR integration not loaded
2520[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Botania integration for farming fully loaded
2521[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Thaumcraft integration for farming mana beans not loaded
2522[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: IC2 integration fully loaded
2523[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Immersive Engineering integration not loaded
2524[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: IC2 classic integration not loaded
2525[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: 'Thaumic Additions: reconstructed' integration for farming not loaded
2526[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Extra Utilities 2 integration fully loaded
2527[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Natura integration fully loaded
2528[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: TechReborn integration not loaded
2529[14:14:20] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Farming Station: Forestry integration for farming loaded but could not find Forestry sapling.
2530[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Botania integration for fertilizing fully loaded
2531[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Actually Additions integration not loaded
2532[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Metallurgy integration not loaded
2533[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Magicalcrops integration not loaded
2534[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Gardencore integration not loaded
2535[14:14:20] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Farming Station: Forestry integration for fertilizing loaded but could not find Forestry fertilizer.
2536[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Dark Steel Upgrades: Thaumcraft integration loaded
2537[14:14:20] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Dark Steel Upgrades: Forestry integration loaded
2538[14:14:21] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Patching Conveyor Insertion Upgrade from IF
2539[14:14:21] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: Using 'Insertion Conveyor Upgrade' will no longer duplicate items!
2540[14:14:21] [Server thread/INFO] [IFPatcher]: PatchConveyorInsertionUpgrade succeeded
2541[14:14:21] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class
2542[14:14:21] [Server thread/INFO] [Netherending Ores]: Registered Ore Dictionary Entries
2543[14:14:21] [Server thread/INFO] [Aroma1997Core]: Successfully registered 1 Biomes for class from aroma1997sdimension.
2544[14:14:22] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class
2545[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [doge]: Registering Entities
2546[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery]: Updated 59 Minecraft Forge owned RegistrySuppliers in minecraft:entities
2547[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery]: Updated 44 Minecraft Forge owned RegistrySuppliers in minecraft:potions
2548[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery]: Updated 2 Minecraft Forge owned RegistrySuppliers in minecraft:potiontypes
2549[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [Additional Pipes]: Registering sounds
2550[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery]: Updated 63 Minecraft Forge owned RegistrySuppliers in minecraft:soundevents
2551[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.planets.asteroids.items.AsteroidItems
2552[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(
2553[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
2554[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
2555[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
2556[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at java.lang.Class.forName(
2557[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets.register(
2558[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at thelm.oredictinit.registry.OreDictRegisCore.initCompat(
2559[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at thelm.oredictinit.lib.EventHandler.onRegistryWrapUp(
2560[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_1978_EventHandler_onRegistryWrapUp_Event0.invoke(.dynamic)
2561[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(
2562[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus$1.invoke(
2563[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at
2564[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at thelm.wrapup.WrapUp.onVillagerProfessionRegisterLowest(
2565[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_1144_WrapUp_onVillagerProfessionRegisterLowest_Register.invoke(.dynamic)
2566[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(
2567[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus$1.invoke(
2568[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at
2569[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraftforge.registries.GameData.fireRegistryEvents(
2570[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.preinitializeMods(
2571[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
2572[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
2573[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(
2574[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at
2575[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:52]: at
2576[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:635]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
2577[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.planets.venus.blocks.VenusBlocks
2578[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(
2579[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
2580[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
2581[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
2582[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at java.lang.Class.forName(
2583[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets.register(
2584[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at thelm.oredictinit.registry.OreDictRegisCore.initCompat(
2585[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at thelm.oredictinit.lib.EventHandler.onRegistryWrapUp(
2586[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_1978_EventHandler_onRegistryWrapUp_Event0.invoke(.dynamic)
2587[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(
2588[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus$1.invoke(
2589[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at
2590[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at thelm.wrapup.WrapUp.onVillagerProfessionRegisterLowest(
2591[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_1144_WrapUp_onVillagerProfessionRegisterLowest_Register.invoke(.dynamic)
2592[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(
2593[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus$1.invoke(
2594[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at
2595[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraftforge.registries.GameData.fireRegistryEvents(
2596[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.preinitializeMods(
2597[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
2598[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
2599[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(
2600[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at
2601[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [thelm.oredictinit.compat.CompatGalacticraftPlanets:register:65]: at
2602[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:635]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
2603[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [OreDictInit]: Loading Custom Block Entries
2604[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [OreDictInit]: Loading Custom Item Entries
2605[14:14:23] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery]: Updated 1 Minecraft Forge owned RegistrySupplier in minecraft:villagerprofessions
2606[14:14:28] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading Age Symbols from JSON....
2607[14:14:28] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/moremystcraft/symbols/cloud_heights.json
2608[14:14:28] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/moremystcraft/symbols/sizes.json
2609[14:14:28] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/moremystcraft/symbols/tilts.json
2610[14:14:28] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_appliedenergistics2.json
2611[14:14:28] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_biomesoplenty.json
2612[14:14:28] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_botania.json
2613[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "botania:altgrass[variant=mutated]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2614[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "botania:altgrass[variant=infused]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2615[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "botania:altgrass[variant=scorched]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2616[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "botania:altgrass[variant=vivid]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2617[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "botania:altgrass[variant=golden]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2618[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "botania:altgrass[variant=dry]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2619[14:14:28] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_enderio.json
2620[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy[variant=construction_alloy]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2621[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy[variant=end_steel]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2622[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy[variant=soularium]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2623[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy[variant=dark_steel]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2624[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy[variant=pulsating_iron]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2625[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy[variant=conductive_iron]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2626[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy[variant=redstone_alloy]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2627[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy[variant=vibrant_alloy]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2628[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy[variant=energetic_alloy]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2629[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy[variant=electrical_steel]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2630[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy_endergy[variant=vivid_alloy]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2631[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy_endergy[variant=energetic_silver]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2632[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy_endergy[variant=crystalline_pink_slime]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2633[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy_endergy[variant=stellar_alloy]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2634[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy_endergy[variant=melodic_alloy]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2635[14:14:28] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy_endergy[variant=crystalline_alloy]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2636[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Block::getPickBlock failed for IBlockState "enderio:block_alloy_endergy[variant=crude_steel]". Attempting to create new ItemStack instance.
2637[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_extrautils2.json
2638[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "bedrock_bricks" to property "type". Leaving in default state.
2639[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: bedrock_bricks, bedrock_slabs, bedrock_cobblestone.
2640[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "bedrock_cobblestone" to property "type". Leaving in default state.
2641[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: bedrock_bricks, bedrock_slabs, bedrock_cobblestone.
2642[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "bedrock_slabs" to property "type". Leaving in default state.
2643[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: bedrock_bricks, bedrock_slabs, bedrock_cobblestone.
2644[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "block_evil" to property "type". Leaving in default state.
2645[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: block_enchanted, block_demonic, block_evil.
2646[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "block_enchanted" to property "type". Leaving in default state.
2647[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: block_enchanted, block_demonic, block_evil.
2648[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "block_demonic" to property "type". Leaving in default state.
2649[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: block_enchanted, block_demonic, block_evil.
2650[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "burnt" to property "treetype". Leaving in default state.
2651[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: raw, burnt.
2652[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "raw" to property "treetype". Leaving in default state.
2653[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: raw, burnt.
2654[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "burnt" to property "treetype". Leaving in default state.
2655[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: raw, burnt.
2656[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "raw" to property "treetype". Leaving in default state.
2657[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: raw, burnt.
2658[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "burnt" to property "treetype". Leaving in default state.
2659[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: raw, burnt.
2660[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Cannot apply value "raw" to property "treetype". Leaving in default state.
2661[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Acceptable values are: raw, burnt.
2662[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_immersiveengineering.json
2663[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_rftools.json
2664[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_tconstruct.json
2665[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_thaumcraft.json
2666[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Refusing to register duplicate symbol pages:block_ore_amber
2667[14:14:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [mystlibrary]: Refusing to register duplicate symbol pages:block_flesh
2668[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_thermalfoundation.json
2669[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_twilightforest.json
2670[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_vanilla.json
2671[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/colors.json
2672[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/directions.json
2673[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/lengths.json
2674[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: Loading symbols from assets/pages/symbols/phases.json
2675[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: One or more block symbols from mod "immersiveengineering" added from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_immersiveengineering.json failed to load because the block's mod is not present. Add or enable this mod if you would like to use these symbols.
2676[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [mystlibrary]: One or more block symbols from mod "rftools" added from assets/pages/symbols/blocks_rftools.json failed to load because the block's mod is not present. Add or enable this mod if you would like to use these symbols.
2677[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
2678[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
2679[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
2680[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
2681[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting itemstacks
2682[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Itemstack injection complete
2683[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer]: Loading properties
2684[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
2685[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer]: Generating keypair
2686[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer]: Starting Minecraft server on **.**.**.**:25565
2687[14:14:29] [Server thread/INFO] []: Using default channel type
2688[14:14:30] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Fluid ingredient factory loaded
2689[14:14:30] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Remaining item shaped recipe factory loaded
2690[14:14:30] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Remaining item shaped recipe factory loaded
2691[14:14:32] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Could not create IOutputSupplierFactory$Factory:$Factory
2692[14:14:32] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Could not create IOutputSupplierFactory$Factory:$Factory
2693[14:14:32] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe bibliocraft:markerpole Invalid pattern: empty pattern not allowed
2695 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2696 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2697 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2698 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2699 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2700 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2701 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2702 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2703 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2704 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2705 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2706 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2707 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2708[14:14:32] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe bibliocraft:clipboard Invalid pattern: empty pattern not allowed
2710 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2711 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2712 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2713 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2714 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2715 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2716 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2717 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2718 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2719 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2720 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2721 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2722 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2723[14:14:39] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe energycontrol:kit_thermal_expansion_2 Unknown item 'energycontrol:kit_thermal_expansion'
2725 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2726 at ~[KitAssemblerRecipeFactory.class:?]
2727 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2728 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2729 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2730 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2731 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2732 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2733 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2734 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2735 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2736 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2737 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2738 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2739[14:14:39] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe harvestcraft:minecraft_pumpkinseeds Unknown item 'harvestcraft:harvestpumpkinitem'
2741 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStackBasic( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2742 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$16( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2743 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getIngredient( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2744 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$15( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2745 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2746 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2747 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2748 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2749 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2750 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2751 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2752 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2753 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2754 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2755 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2756 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2757[14:14:39] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe harvestcraft:minecraft_pumpkinblocks Unknown item 'harvestcraft:harvestpumpkinitem'
2759 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStackBasic( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2760 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$16( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2761 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getIngredient( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2762 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$15( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2763 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2764 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2765 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2766 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2767 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2768 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2769 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2770 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2771 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2772 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2773 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2774 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2775[14:14:39] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe harvestcraft:harvestpumpkinitem Unknown item 'harvestcraft:harvestpumpkinitem'
2777 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2778 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$15( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2779 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2780 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2781 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2782 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2783 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2784 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2785 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2786 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2787 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2788 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2789 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2790 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2791[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe mia:quark/golden_frog_leg Unknown item 'quark:golden_frog_leg'
2793 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2794 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2795 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2796 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2797 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2798 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2799 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2800 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2801 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2802 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2803 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2804 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2805 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2806 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2807[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe mia:aether/chain_gloves_quark Unknown item 'aether_legacy:chain_gloves'
2809 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2810 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2811 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2812 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2813 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2814 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2815 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2816 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2817 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2818 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2819 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2820 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2821 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2822 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2823[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2824[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2825[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2826[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2827[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2828[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2829[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2830[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2831[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2832[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2833[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2834[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2835[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2836[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2837[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2838[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2839[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2840[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2841[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2842[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2843[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2844[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2845[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2846[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2847[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2848[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2849[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2850[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2851[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2852[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2853[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2854[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2855[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2856[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2857[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2858[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2859[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2860[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2861[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2862[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2863[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2864[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2865[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2866[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2867[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2868[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2869[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2870[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2871[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2872[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2873[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2874[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2875[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2876[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2877[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2878[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2879[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2880[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2881[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2882[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2883[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2884[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2885[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2886[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2887[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2888[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2889[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2890[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2891[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2892[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2893[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2894[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2895[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2896[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2897[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2898[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2899[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2900[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2901[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2902[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2903[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2904[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2905[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2906[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2907[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2908[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2909[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2910[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2911[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2912[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2913[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2914[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2915[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2916[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2917[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2918[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2919[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [openmodularturrets]: Recipe config broken, defaulting to auto recipes!
2920[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:wooden_musket Unknown item 'reforged:wooden_knife'
2922 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStackBasic( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2923 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$16( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2924 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getIngredient( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2925 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$15( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2926 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2927 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2928 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2929 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2930 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2931 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2932 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2933 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2934 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2935 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2936 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2937 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2938[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:wooden_knife Unknown item 'reforged:wooden_knife'
2940 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2941 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2942 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2943 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2944 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2945 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2946 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2947 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2948 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2949 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2950 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2951 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2952 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2953 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2954[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:wooden_boomerangench Unknown item 'reforged:wooden_boomerang'
2956 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes.deserializeItem( ~[akw.class:?]
2957 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes.deserializeIngredient( ~[akw.class:?]
2958 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes.deserializeIngredients( ~[akx.class:?]
2959 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes.deserialize( ~[akx.class:?]
2960 at ~[BoomerangEnchRecipeFactory.class:0.7.9]
2961 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2962 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2963 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2964 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2965 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2966 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2967 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2968 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2969 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2970 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2971 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2972 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2973[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:wooden_boomerang Unknown item 'reforged:wooden_boomerang'
2975 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2976 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2977 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2978 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2979 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2980 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2981 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2982 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2983 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
2984 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
2985 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
2986 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
2987 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
2988 at [?:1.8.0_412]
2989[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:wooden_battleaxe Unknown item 'reforged:wooden_battleaxe'
2991 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2992 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2993 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2994 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2995 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2996 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
2997 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
2998 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
2999 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3000 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3001 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3002 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3003 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3004 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3005[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:stone_musket Unknown item 'reforged:stone_knife'
3007 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStackBasic( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3008 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$16( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3009 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getIngredient( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3010 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$15( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3011 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3012 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3013 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3014 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3015 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3016 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3017 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3018 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3019 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3020 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3021 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3022 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3023[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:stone_knife Unknown item 'reforged:stone_knife'
3025 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3026 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3027 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3028 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3029 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3030 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3031 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3032 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3033 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3034 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3035 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3036 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3037 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3038 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3039[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:stone_boomerangench Unknown item 'reforged:stone_boomerang'
3041 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes.deserializeItem( ~[akw.class:?]
3042 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes.deserializeIngredient( ~[akw.class:?]
3043 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes.deserializeIngredients( ~[akx.class:?]
3044 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes.deserialize( ~[akx.class:?]
3045 at ~[BoomerangEnchRecipeFactory.class:0.7.9]
3046 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3047 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3048 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3049 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3050 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3051 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3052 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3053 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3054 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3055 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3056 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3057 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3058[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:stone_boomerang Unknown item 'reforged:stone_boomerang'
3060 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3061 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3062 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3063 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3064 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3065 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3066 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3067 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3068 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3069 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3070 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3071 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3072 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3073 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3074[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:stone_battleaxe Unknown item 'reforged:stone_battleaxe'
3076 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3077 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3078 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3079 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3080 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3081 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3082 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3083 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3084 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3085 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3086 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3087 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3088 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3089 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3090[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:iron_musket Unknown item 'reforged:iron_knife'
3092 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStackBasic( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3093 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$16( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3094 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getIngredient( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3095 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$15( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3096 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3097 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3098 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3099 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3100 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3101 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3102 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3103 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3104 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3105 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3106 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3107 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3108[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:iron_knife Unknown item 'reforged:iron_knife'
3110 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3111 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3112 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3113 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3114 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3115 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3116 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3117 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3118 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3119 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3120 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3121 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3122 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3123 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3124[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:iron_boomerangench Unknown item 'reforged:iron_boomerang'
3126 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes.deserializeItem( ~[akw.class:?]
3127 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes.deserializeIngredient( ~[akw.class:?]
3128 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes.deserializeIngredients( ~[akx.class:?]
3129 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes.deserialize( ~[akx.class:?]
3130 at ~[BoomerangEnchRecipeFactory.class:0.7.9]
3131 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3132 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3133 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3134 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3135 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3136 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3137 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3138 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3139 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3140 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3141 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3142 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3143[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:iron_boomerang Unknown item 'reforged:iron_boomerang'
3145 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3146 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3147 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3148 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3149 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3150 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3151 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3152 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3153 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3154 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3155 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3156 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3157 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3158 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3159[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:iron_battleaxe Unknown item 'reforged:iron_battleaxe'
3161 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3162 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3163 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3164 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3165 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3166 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3167 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3168 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3169 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3170 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3171 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3172 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3173 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3174 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3175[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:golden_musket Unknown item 'reforged:golden_knife'
3177 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStackBasic( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3178 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$16( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3179 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getIngredient( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3180 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$15( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3181 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3182 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3183 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3184 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3185 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3186 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3187 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3188 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3189 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3190 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3191 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3192 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3193[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:golden_knife Unknown item 'reforged:golden_knife'
3195 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3196 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3197 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3198 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3199 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3200 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3201 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3202 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3203 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3204 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3205 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3206 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3207 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3208 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3209[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:golden_boomerangench Unknown item 'reforged:golden_boomerang'
3211 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes.deserializeItem( ~[akw.class:?]
3212 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes.deserializeIngredient( ~[akw.class:?]
3213 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes.deserializeIngredients( ~[akx.class:?]
3214 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes.deserialize( ~[akx.class:?]
3215 at ~[BoomerangEnchRecipeFactory.class:0.7.9]
3216 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3217 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3218 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3219 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3220 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3221 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3222 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3223 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3224 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3225 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3226 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3227 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3228[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:golden_boomerang Unknown item 'reforged:golden_boomerang'
3230 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3231 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3232 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3233 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3234 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3235 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3236 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3237 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3238 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3239 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3240 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3241 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3242 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3243 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3244[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:golden_battleaxe Unknown item 'reforged:golden_battleaxe'
3246 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3247 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3248 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3249 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3250 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3251 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3252 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3253 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3254 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3255 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3256 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3257 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3258 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3259 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3260[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:diamond_musket Unknown item 'reforged:diamond_knife'
3262 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStackBasic( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3263 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$16( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3264 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getIngredient( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3265 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$15( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3266 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3267 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3268 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3269 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3270 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3271 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3272 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3273 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3274 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3275 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3276 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3277 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3278[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:diamond_knife Unknown item 'reforged:diamond_knife'
3280 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3281 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3282 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3283 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3284 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3285 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3286 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3287 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3288 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3289 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3290 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3291 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3292 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3293 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3294[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:diamond_boomerangench Unknown item 'reforged:diamond_boomerang'
3296 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes.deserializeItem( ~[akw.class:?]
3297 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes.deserializeIngredient( ~[akw.class:?]
3298 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes.deserializeIngredients( ~[akx.class:?]
3299 at net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes.deserialize( ~[akx.class:?]
3300 at ~[BoomerangEnchRecipeFactory.class:0.7.9]
3301 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3302 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3303 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3304 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3305 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3306 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3307 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3308 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3309 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3310 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3311 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3312 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3313[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:diamond_boomerang Unknown item 'reforged:diamond_boomerang'
3315 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3316 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3317 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3318 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3319 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3320 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3321 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3322 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3323 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3324 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3325 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3326 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3327 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3328 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3329[14:14:40] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe reforged:diamond_battleaxe Unknown item 'reforged:diamond_battleaxe'
3331 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getItemStack( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3332 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$init$14( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3333 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getRecipe( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3334 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.lambda$loadRecipes$22( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3335 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.findFiles( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3336 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( ~[CraftingHelper.class:?]
3337 at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_412]
3338 at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.loadRecipes( [CraftingHelper.class:?]
3339 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3340 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3341 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3342 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3343 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3344 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3345[14:14:40] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Checking for mod & oredict compatibilities
3346[14:14:40] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentationcore]: Successfully transformed class thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.InfusionRunicAugmentRecipe
3347[14:14:40] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Adding entities to MFR safari net blacklist.
3348[14:14:41] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ignored smelting recipe with conflicting input: 1xic2.dust@8 = 1xitem.ingotIron@0
3349[14:14:41] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ignored smelting recipe with conflicting input: 1xic2.dust@7 = 1xitem.ingotGold@0
3350[14:14:41] [Server thread/INFO] [Backpack]: Loading recipes...
3351[14:14:41] [Server thread/INFO] [Backpack]: 15 recipe features loaded.
3352[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Loading recipes...
3353[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: 75 Feature's recipes loaded.
3354[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ignored smelting recipe with conflicting input: 1xitem.Dust@0 = 1xitem.ingotIron@0
3355[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ignored smelting recipe with conflicting input: 1xitem.Dust@1 = 1xitem.ingotGold@0
3356[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotIron
3357[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotGold
3358[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotBrick
3359[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotBrickNether
3360[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotTin
3361[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotSilver
3362[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotSteel
3363[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotCopper
3364[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotLead
3365[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotBronze
3366[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotRefinedIron
3367[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotUranium
3368[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotIridium
3369[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotAluminum
3370[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotNickel
3371[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotPlatinum
3372[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotMithril
3373[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotElectrum
3374[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotInvar
3375[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotConstantan
3376[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotSignalum
3377[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotLumium
3378[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotEnderium
3379[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotZinc
3380[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotBrass
3381[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotElectricalSteel
3382[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotEnergeticAlloy
3383[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotVibrantAlloy
3384[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotRedstoneAlloy
3385[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotConductiveIron
3386[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotPulsatingIron
3387[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotDarkSteel
3388[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotSoularium
3389[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotEndSteel
3390[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotConstructionAlloy
3391[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotUnstable
3392[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotDemonicMetal
3393[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotEnchantedMetal
3394[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotEvilMetal
3395[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotRedAlloy
3396[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotElectrotineAlloy
3397[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotElectrumFlux
3398[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotAlumite
3399[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotOsmium
3400[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotRefinedObsidian
3401[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotRefinedGlowstone
3402[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotOsgloglas
3403[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotOsmiridium
3404[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotDesh
3405[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotThaumium
3406[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotVoid
3407[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotManasteel
3408[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotTerrasteel
3409[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotElvenElementium
3410[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotCobalt
3411[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotArdite
3412[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotManyullyn
3413[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotKnightslime
3414[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotPigiron
3415[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotAlubrass
3416[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotBrickSeared
3417[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotMeteoricIron
3418[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotMercury
3419[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotCarbon
3420[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotPalladium
3421[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotMagnesium
3422[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotCrystal
3423[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotTungsten
3424[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotDarkIron
3425[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotCyanite
3426[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotGraphite
3427[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotBlutonium
3428[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotLudicrite
3429[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotYellorium
3430[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotSupremium
3431[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotIntermedium
3432[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotInferium
3433[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotBaseEssence
3434[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotSoulium
3435[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotPrudentium
3436[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotSuperium
3437[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotMirion
3438[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotBrickNetherGlazed
3439[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotCrudeSteel
3440[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotCrystallineAlloy
3441[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotMelodicAlloy
3442[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotStellarAlloy
3443[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotCrystallinePinkSlime
3444[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotEnergeticSilver
3445[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotVividAlloy
3446[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotAluminium
3447[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotFiery
3448[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotIronwood
3449[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotKnightmetal
3450[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotSteeleaf
3451[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotIronCompressed
3452[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotTitanium
3453[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [newframes]: ingotCoal
3454[14:14:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to find recipe for minecraft:rabbit_stew
3455[14:14:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to find recipe for minecraft:baked_potato
3456[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [Netherending Ores]: Removed Automatic Thermal Expansion Recipes
3457[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumictinkerer]: Hi Botania, we have unfinished business you and I
3458[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [Additional Pipes]: Registering recipes
3459[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ignored smelting recipe with conflicting input: 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@0 = 1xitem.ingotIron@0
3460[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ignored smelting recipe with conflicting input: 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@1 = 1xitem.ingotGold@0
3461[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [Exchangers]: Fetching items for Ender IO integration...
3462[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [Exchangers]: Fetching items for Thermal Expansion integration...
3463[14:14:42] [Server thread/INFO] [Exchangers]: Fetching items for Mekanism integration...
3464[14:14:43] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Stealing Thermal Expansion's items
3465[14:14:48] [Server thread/WARN] [com.mjr.mjrlegendslib.util.MessageUtilities]: extraplanets: An error occurred when setting up MorePlanets Compatibility, this is most likey intended!
3466[14:14:49] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
3467[14:14:50] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
3468[14:14:50] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/minecraft/RecipeManager]: Loaded 5 recipes
3469[14:14:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: No types have been added to Biome jeid:error_biome, types have been assigned on a best-effort guess: [PLAINS]
3470[14:14:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: No types have been added to Biome appliedenergistics2:storage_biome, types have been assigned on a best-effort guess: [COLD, PLAINS]
3471[14:14:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: No types have been added to Biome buildcraftenergy:oil_ocean, types have been assigned on a best-effort guess: [PLAINS, OCEAN, WATER]
3472[14:14:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: No types have been added to Biome buildcraftenergy:oil_desert, types have been assigned on a best-effort guess: [DRY, PLAINS, HOT, SANDY]
3473[14:14:50] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: No types have been added to Biome aroma1997sdimension:miningbiome, types have been assigned on a best-effort guess: [PLAINS]
3474[14:14:50] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery]: Updated 282 Witchery: Resurrected owned RegistrySuppliers
3475[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3476java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid property value detected!
3477 Property class = class forestry.arboriculture.blocks.PropertyTree
3478 Property = PropertyTree{name=tree, clazz=interface forestry.api.arboriculture.IAlleleTreeSpecies, values=[forestry.treeOak, forestry.treeDarkOak, forestry.treeBirch, forestry.treeLime, forestry.treeWalnut, forestry.treeChestnut, forestry.treeCherry, forestry.treeLemon, forestry.treePlum, forestry.treeMaple, forestry.treeSpruce, forestry.treeLarch, forestry.treePine, forestry.treeSequoia, forestry.treeGigant, forestry.treeJungle, forestry.treeTeak, forestry.treeIpe, forestry.treeKapok, forestry.treeEbony, forestry.treeZebrawood, forestry.treeMahogony, forestry.treeAcaciaVanilla, forestry.treeAcacia, forestry.treePadauk, forestry.treeBalsa, forestry.treeCocobolo, forestry.treeWenge, forestry.treeBaobab, forestry.treeMahoe, forestry.treeWillow, forestry.treeSipiri, forestry.treePapaya, forestry.treeDate, forestry.treePoplar, orchardapple, sweetcrabapple, floweringcrabapple, prairiecrabapple, blackthorn, cherryplum, peach, nectarine, apricot, almond, wildcherry, sourcherry, blackcherry, orange, manderin, satsuma, tangerine, lime, keylime, fingerlime, pomelo, grapefruit, kumquat, citron, buddhahand, banana, redbanana, plantain, butternut, rowan, hemlock, ash, alder, beech, copperbeech, aspen, yew, cypress, douglasfir, hazel, sycamore, whitebeam, hawthorn, pecan, elm, elder, holly, hornbeam, sallow, acornoak, fir, cedar, olive, redmaple, balsamfir, loblollypine, sweetgum, locust, pear, osangeorange, oldfustic, brazilwood, logwood, rosewood, purpleheart, iroko, gingko, brazilnut, rosegum, swampgum, box, clove, coffee, monkeypuzzle, rainbowgum, pinkivory, blackcurrant, redcurrant, blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, juniper, gooseberry, goldenraspberry, cinnamon, coconut, cashew, avocado, nutmeg, allspice, chilli, staranise, mango, starfruit, candlenut, dwarfhazel]}
3479 Possible Values = [forestry.treeOak, forestry.treeDarkOak, forestry.treeBirch, forestry.treeLime, forestry.treeWalnut, forestry.treeChestnut, forestry.treeCherry, forestry.treeLemon, forestry.treePlum, forestry.treeMaple, forestry.treeSpruce, forestry.treeLarch, forestry.treePine, forestry.treeSequoia, forestry.treeGigant, forestry.treeJungle, forestry.treeTeak, forestry.treeIpe, forestry.treeKapok, forestry.treeEbony, forestry.treeZebrawood, forestry.treeMahogony, forestry.treeAcaciaVanilla, forestry.treeAcacia, forestry.treePadauk, forestry.treeBalsa, forestry.treeCocobolo, forestry.treeWenge, forestry.treeBaobab, forestry.treeMahoe, forestry.treeWillow, forestry.treeSipiri, forestry.treePapaya, forestry.treeDate, forestry.treePoplar, orchardapple, sweetcrabapple, floweringcrabapple, prairiecrabapple, blackthorn, cherryplum, peach, nectarine, apricot, almond, wildcherry, sourcherry, blackcherry, orange, manderin, satsuma, tangerine, lime, keylime, fingerlime, pomelo, grapefruit, kumquat, citron, buddhahand, banana, redbanana, plantain, butternut, rowan, hemlock, ash, alder, beech, copperbeech, aspen, yew, cypress, douglasfir, hazel, sycamore, whitebeam, hawthorn, pecan, elm, elder, holly, hornbeam, sallow, acornoak, fir, cedar, olive, redmaple, balsamfir, loblollypine, sweetgum, locust, pear, osangeorange, oldfustic, brazilwood, logwood, rosewood, purpleheart, iroko, gingko, brazilnut, rosegum, swampgum, box, clove, coffee, monkeypuzzle, rainbowgum, pinkivory, blackcurrant, redcurrant, blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, juniper, gooseberry, goldenraspberry, cinnamon, coconut, cashew, avocado, nutmeg, allspice, chilli, staranise, mango, starfruit, candlenut, dwarfhazel]
3480 Value Name = lime
3481 Value (original) = forestry.treeLime
3482 Value (parsed) = lime
3483 Value class (original) = class forestry.arboriculture.genetics.alleles.AlleleTreeSpecies
3484 Value class (parsed) = class forestry.arboriculture.genetics.alleles.AlleleTreeSpecies
3486 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3487 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3488 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3489 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3490 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3491 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3492 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3493 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3494 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3495 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3496 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3497 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3498 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3499 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3500 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3501 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3502 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3503 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3504 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3505 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3506 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3507 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3508 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3509 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3510 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3511 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3512 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3513 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3514 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3515 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3516 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3517 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3518 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3519 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3520 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3521 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3522 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3523 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3524 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3525[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3526java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3527 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.blocks.BlockEnderLilly$1
3528 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3529 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3530 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3531 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3532 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3533 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3534 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3535 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3536 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3537 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3538 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3539 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3540 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3541 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3542 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3543 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3544 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3545 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3546 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3547 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3548 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3549 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3550 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3551 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3552 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3553 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3554 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3555 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3556 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3557 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3558 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3559 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3560 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3561 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3562 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3563 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3564 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3565 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3566 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3567 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3568Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/blocks/BlockEnderLilly$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
3569 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.blocks.BlockEnderLilly$1.parseValue( ~[BlockEnderLilly$1.class:?]
3570 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3571 ... 38 more
3572[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3573java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3574 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1
3575 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3576 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3577 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3578 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3579 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3580 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3581 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3582 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3583 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3584 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3585 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3586 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3587 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3588 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3589 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3590 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3591 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3592 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3593 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3594 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3595 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3596 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3597 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3598 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3599 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3600 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3601 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3602 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3603 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3604 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3605 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3606 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3607 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3608 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3609 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3610 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3611 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3612 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3613 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3614 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3615Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/tile/TilePower$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
3616 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1.parseValue( ~[TilePower$1.class:?]
3617 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3618 ... 38 more
3619[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3620java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3621 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1
3622 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3623 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3624 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3625 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3626 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3627 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3628 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3629 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3630 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3631 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3632 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3633 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3634 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3635 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3636 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3637 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3638 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3639 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3640 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3641 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3642 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3643 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3644 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3645 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3646 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3647 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3648 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3649 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3650 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3651 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3652 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3653 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3654 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3655 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3656 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3657 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3658 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3659 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3660 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3661 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3662Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/tile/TilePower$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
3663 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1.parseValue( ~[TilePower$1.class:?]
3664 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3665 ... 38 more
3666[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3667java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3668 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1
3669 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3670 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3671 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3672 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3673 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3674 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3675 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3676 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3677 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3678 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3679 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3680 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3681 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3682 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3683 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3684 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3685 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3686 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3687 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3688 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3689 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3690 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3691 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3692 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3693 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3694 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3695 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3696 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3697 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3698 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3699 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3700 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3701 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3702 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3703 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3704 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3705 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3706 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3707 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3708 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3709Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/tile/TilePower$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
3710 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1.parseValue( ~[TilePower$1.class:?]
3711 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3712 ... 38 more
3713[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3714java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3715 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1
3716 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3717 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3718 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3719 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3720 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3721 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3722 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3723 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3724 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3725 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3726 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3727 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3728 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3729 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3730 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3731 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3732 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3733 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3734 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3735 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3736 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3737 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3738 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3739 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3740 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3741 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3742 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3743 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3744 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3745 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3746 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3747 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3748 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3749 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3750 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3751 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3752 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3753 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3754 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3755 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3756Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/tile/TilePower$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
3757 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1.parseValue( ~[TilePower$1.class:?]
3758 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3759 ... 38 more
3760[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3761java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3762 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1
3763 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3764 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3765 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3766 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3767 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3768 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3769 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3770 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3771 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3772 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3773 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3774 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3775 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3776 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3777 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3778 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3779 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3780 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3781 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3782 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3783 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3784 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3785 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3786 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3787 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3788 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3789 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3790 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3791 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3792 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3793 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3794 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3795 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3796 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3797 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3798 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3799 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3800 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3801 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3802 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3803Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/tile/TilePower$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
3804 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1.parseValue( ~[TilePower$1.class:?]
3805 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3806 ... 38 more
3807[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3808java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3809 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.blocks.BlockPlayerChest$1
3810 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3811 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3812 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3813 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3814 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3815 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3816 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3817 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3818 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3819 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3820 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3821 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3822 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3823 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3824 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3825 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3826 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3827 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3828 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3829 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3830 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3831 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3832 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3833 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3834 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3835 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3836 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3837 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3838 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3839 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3840 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3841 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3842 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3843 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3844 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3845 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3846 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3847 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3848 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3849 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3850Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/blocks/BlockPlayerChest$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
3851 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.blocks.BlockPlayerChest$1.parseValue( ~[BlockPlayerChest$1.class:?]
3852 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3853 ... 38 more
3854[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3855java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3856 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1
3857 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3858 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3859 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3860 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3861 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3862 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3863 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3864 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3865 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3866 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3867 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3868 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3869 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3870 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3871 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3872 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3873 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3874 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3875 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3876 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3877 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3878 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3879 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3880 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3881 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3882 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3883 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3884 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3885 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3886 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3887 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3888 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3889 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3890 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3891 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3892 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3893 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3894 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3895 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3896 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3897Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/tile/TilePower$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
3898 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1.parseValue( ~[TilePower$1.class:?]
3899 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3900 ... 38 more
3901[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3902java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3903 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1
3904 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3905 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3906 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3907 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3908 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3909 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3910 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3911 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3912 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3913 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3914 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3915 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3916 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3917 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3918 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3919 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3920 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3921 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3922 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3923 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3924 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3925 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3926 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3927 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3928 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3929 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3930 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3931 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3932 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3933 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3934 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3935 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3936 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3937 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3938 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3939 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3940 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3941 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3942 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3943 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3944Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/tile/TilePower$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
3945 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1.parseValue( ~[TilePower$1.class:?]
3946 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3947 ... 38 more
3948[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3949java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3950 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1
3951 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3952 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3953 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3954 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3955 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
3956 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3957 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3958 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3959 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3960 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
3961 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
3962 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3963 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3964 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3965 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3966 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3967 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3968 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3969 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3970 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3971 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
3972 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3973 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3974 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3975 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3976 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
3977 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3978 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3979 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3980 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3981 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3982 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3983 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
3984 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
3985 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
3986 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
3987 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
3988 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
3989 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
3990 at [?:1.8.0_412]
3991Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/tile/TilePower$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
3992 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1.parseValue( ~[TilePower$1.class:?]
3993 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
3994 ... 38 more
3995[14:14:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft]: [silicon.facade] Invalid property!
3996java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid IProperty object detected!
3997 Class = class com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1
3998 Method not overriden: IProperty.parseValue(String)
3999 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
4000 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.scanBlock( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
4001 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.init( [FacadeStateManager.class:?]
4002 at buildcraft.silicon.BCSilicon.init( [BCSilicon.class:?]
4003 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
4004 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
4005 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
4006 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
4007 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
4008 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
4009 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
4010 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
4011 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4012 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4013 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4014 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4015 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4016 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4017 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4018 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
4019 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
4020 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
4021 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
4022 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
4023 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
4024 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4025 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4026 at$ [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4027 at$DirectExecutor.execute( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4028 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4029 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4030 at [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
4031 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
4032 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
4033 at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
4034 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
4035 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( [nz.class:?]
4036 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
4037 at [?:1.8.0_412]
4038Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/rwtema/extrautils2/tile/TilePower$1.func_185929_b(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; is abstract
4039 at com.rwtema.extrautils2.tile.TilePower$1.parseValue( ~[TilePower$1.class:?]
4040 at buildcraft.silicon.plug.FacadeStateManager.doesPropertyConform( ~[FacadeStateManager.class:?]
4041 ... 38 more
4042[14:14:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Additional Pipes]: Registering chunk load handler
4043[14:14:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Additional Pipes]: Setting up renderings...
4044[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.invslot.InvSlotUpgrade (new size 8639)
4045[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityBatchCrafter$3 (new size 1674)
4046[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityBatchCrafter$4 (new size 1731)
4047[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [BinPatchManager]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ic2.core.block.transport.TileEntityFluidPipe$PipeFluidTank (new size 3159)
4048[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_machines]: Successfully loaded 0 out of 0 recipes for rotary macerator recipes
4049[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_machines]: Successfully loaded 0 out of 0 recipes for singularity compressor recipes
4050[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_machines]: Successfully loaded 0 out of 0 recipes for centrifuge extractor recipes
4051[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_machines]: Successfully loaded 1 out of 1 recipes for compacting recycler recipes
4052[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_machines]: Successfully loaded 0 out of 0 recipes for liquescent extruder recipes
4053[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_machines]: Successfully loaded 0 out of 0 recipes for impellerized roller recipes
4054[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_machines]: Successfully loaded 0 out of 0 recipes for water jet cutter recipes
4055[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_machines]: Successfully loaded 0 out of 0 recipes for thermal washer recipes
4056[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_solar_panels]: Loading Molecular Transformer recipes from file
4057[14:14:52] [Server thread/WARN] [advanced_solar_panels]: Skipping line 27 as the output (OreDict:dustChrome) cannot be resolved
4058[14:14:52] [Server thread/WARN] [advanced_solar_panels]: Skipping line 28 as the output (OreDict:ingotChrome) cannot be resolved
4059[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_solar_panels]: Load complete, successfully loaded 20 out of 22.
4060[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Initialization ( started )
4061[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Disabling item.csv export for custom recipes, since creative tab information is only available on the client.
4062[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Initialization ( ended after 122ms )
4063[14:14:52] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.ae2stuff' for mod 'ae2stuff'
4064[14:14:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Aroma1997Core]: Finished Initialization.
4065[14:14:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: [energy.oilgen] Registered the ocean oil biome.
4066[14:14:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: [energy.oilgen] Registered the desert oil biome.
4067[14:14:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: [energy.oilgen] Registered the oil spout generator
4068[14:14:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: [energy.oilgen] Registered the oil biome initiializer
4069[14:14:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: [Forestry] Arborist Villager Trades - Adding a level 5 trade for 1 to 1 pollen(s) with a complexity between 6 and 10, costing between 20 to 40 emeralds
4070[14:14:54] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Addding crop ''
4071[14:14:54] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Addding crop ''
4072[14:14:55] [Server thread/WARN] [mixin]: @Final field field_73244_f:Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/Long2ObjectMap; in mixins.vintagefix.json:chunk_access.ChunkProviderServerMixin from mod unknown-owner should be final
4073[14:14:56] [Server thread/WARN] [morpheus]: New day handler for dimension 0 has been replaced
4074[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.compacter' for mod 'compacter'
4075[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [io.dogboy.serializationisbad.core.SerializationIsBad]: Applying patches to com.enderio.core.common.config.PacketConfigSync
4076[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler RightClickCropHandler to busses: [FORGE]
4077[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Skipping class com.enderio.core.client.handlers.EnchantTooltipHandler, it is not loaded on this side.
4078[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Skipping class com.enderio.core.client.handlers.FluidVisualsHandler, it is not loaded on this side.
4079[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Skipping class com.enderio.core.client.handlers.ClientHandler, it is not loaded on this side.
4080[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Skipping class com.enderio.core.client.handlers.SpecialTooltipHandler, it is not loaded on this side.
4081[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler FireworkHandler to busses: [FORGE]
4082[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler JoinMessageHandler to busses: [FORGE]
4083[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler XPBoostHandler to busses: [FORGE]
4084[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler FluidSpawnHandler to busses: [FORGE]
4085[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler Scheduler to busses: [FORGE]
4086[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Skipping class com.enderio.core.client.handlers.OreDictTooltipHandler, it is not loaded on this side.
4087[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler AutoSmeltHandler to busses: [FORGE]
4088[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: Sending dummy event to all mods
4089[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: Reloading ingame configs for modid: endercore
4090[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Reloading config file...
4091[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Config reload finished
4092[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Reloading config file...
4093[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Config reload finished
4094[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Reloading config file...
4095[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Config reload finished
4096[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Reloading config file...
4097[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Config reload finished
4098[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Reloading config file...
4099[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Config reload finished
4100[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Reloading config file...
4101[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Config reload finished
4102[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Reloading config file...
4103[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Config reload finished
4104[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Reloading config file...
4105[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Config reload finished
4106[14:14:56] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Farming Station: Thaumcraft integration for hoes loaded
4107[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_dark_steel_anvil
4108[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_dark_paper_anvil
4109[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_basic_item_filter
4110[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_advanced_item_filter
4111[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_limited_item_filter
4112[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_big_item_filter
4113[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_big_advanced_item_filter
4114[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_existing_item_filter
4115[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_mod_item_filter
4116[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_power_item_filter
4117[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_soul_filter_normal
4118[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_soul_filter_big
4119[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_enchantment_filter_normal
4120[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_enchantment_filter_big
4121[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_fluid_filter
4122[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_not_filter
4123[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_or_filter
4124[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_and_filter
4125[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_nor_filter
4126[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_nand_filter
4127[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_xor_filter
4128[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_xnor_filter
4129[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_toggle_filter
4130[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_counting_filter
4131[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_sensor_filter
4132[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_redstone_timer_filter
4133[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_dark_steel_helmet
4134[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_dark_steel_chestplate
4135[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_dark_steel_leggings
4136[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_dark_steel_boots
4137[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_end_steel_helmet
4138[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_end_steel_chestplate
4139[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_end_steel_leggings
4140[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_end_steel_boots
4141[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_conduit_bundle
4142[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_species_item_filter
4143[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_panel
4144[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_panel_sensor
4145[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_chest_tiny
4146[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_chest_small
4147[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_chest_medium
4148[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_chest_big
4149[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_chest_large
4150[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_chest_huge
4151[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_chest_enormous
4152[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_chest_warehouse
4153[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inventory_chest_warehouse13
4154[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_inventory_remote
4155[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_simple_furnace
4156[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_simple_alloy_smelter
4157[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_alloy_smelter
4158[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_enhanced_alloy_smelter
4159[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_buffer
4160[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_enchanter
4161[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_farm_station
4162[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_combustion_generator
4163[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_enhanced_combustion_generator
4164[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_simple_stirling_generator
4165[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_stirling_generator
4166[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_zombie_generator
4167[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_franken_zombie_generator
4168[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_ender_generator
4169[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_lava_generator
4170[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_killer_joe
4171[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_attractor_obelisk
4172[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_aversion_obelisk
4173[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_inhibitor_obelisk
4174[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_relocator_obelisk
4175[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_weather_obelisk
4176[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_experience_obelisk
4177[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_painter
4178[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_simple_sag_mill
4179[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_sag_mill
4180[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_enhanced_sag_mill
4181[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_slice_and_splice
4182[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_soul_binder
4183[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_powered_spawner
4184[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_vat
4185[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_enhanced_vat
4186[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_simple_wired_charger
4187[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_wired_charger
4188[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_enhanced_wired_charger
4189[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_tank
4190[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_transceiver
4191[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_vacuum_chest
4192[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_xp_vacuum
4193[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_niard
4194[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_travel_anchor
4195[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_tele_pad
4196[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_dialing_device
4197[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_impulse_hopper
4198[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_simple_crafter
4199[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_crafter
4200[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_creative_spawner
4201[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_cap_bank
4202[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_power_monitor
4203[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.block_advanced_power_monitor
4204[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Registered permission enderio.gui.item_gas_filter
4205[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Sending whitelist message to Chisel and Bits for block blockDecoration1
4206[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Sending whitelist message to Chisel and Bits for block blockDecoration2
4207[14:14:57] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Sending whitelist message to Chisel and Bits for block blockDecoration3
4208[14:14:58] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: Found extended redstone mods, enabling tier two redstone card.
4209[14:14:58] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: Initializing capabilities.
4210[14:14:59] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: Done with init phase.
4211[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#0$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4212[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4213[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#1$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4214[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4215[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#2$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4216[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4217[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#3$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4218[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4219[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#4$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4220[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4221[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#5$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4222[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4223[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#6$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4224[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4225[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#7$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4226[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4227[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#8$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4228[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4229[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#9$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4230[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4231[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#10$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4232[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4233[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#11$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4234[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4235[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#12$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4236[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4237[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#13$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4238[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4239[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#14$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4240[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4241[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal#15$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4242[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4243[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#0$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4244[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4245[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#1$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4246[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4247[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#2$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4248[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4249[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#3$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4250[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4251[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#4$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4252[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4253[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#5$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4254[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4255[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#6$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4256[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4257[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#7$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4258[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4259[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#8$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4260[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4261[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#9$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4262[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4263[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#10$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4264[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4265[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#11$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4266[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4267[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#12$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4268[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4269[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#13$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4270[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4271[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#14$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4272[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4273[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]: Tried to define railcraft:post_metal_platform#15$1 as a recipe, but it was missing an ingredient. A necessary item was probably disabled. Skipping
4274[14:15:00] [Server thread/WARN] [railcraft]:
4275[14:15:00] [Server thread/INFO] [computronics]: Adding Forestry Bees for OpenComputers.
4276[14:15:01] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [crazypants.enderio.conduit.oc.EnderIOConduitsOpenComputers:init:75]: Mixin successful? false
4277[14:15:01] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Version 999.999.999 initializing...
4278[14:15:01] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Loading complete.
4279[14:15:01] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Mod loaded.
4280[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyIntegerOrDefault:290]: Property config values missing:
4281[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyIntegerOrDefault:291]: property: aoePickUpgrade.aoeMiningDiameter.diameter.multiplier
4282[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyIntegerOrDefault:292]: getValue: 5
4283[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyIntegerOrDefault:290]: Property config values missing:
4284[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyIntegerOrDefault:291]: property: fortuneModule.fortuneLevel.enchLevel.multiplier
4285[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyIntegerOrDefault:292]: getValue: 3
4286[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
4287[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: airtightSeal.slotPoints.base
4288[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
4289[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
4290[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: chisel.slotPoints.base
4291[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
4292[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
4293[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: chisel.chiselEnergyCon.base
4294[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 500.0
4295[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
4296[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: chisel.chiselHarvSpd.base
4297[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 8.0
4298[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
4299[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: chisel.chiselEnergyCon.overclock.multiplier
4300[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 9500.0
4301[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
4302[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: chisel.chiselHarvSpd.overclock.multiplier
4303[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 22.0
4304[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:266]: Property config values missing:
4305[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:267]: property: omniProbe.slotPoints.base
4306[14:15:02] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.config.MPSConfig:getPropertyDoubleOrDefault:268]: getValue: 1.0
4307[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Overriding existing radiation moderator data for <redstone>
4308[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Overriding existing radiation moderator data for <glowstone>
4309[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Overriding existing radiation moderator data for <ender>
4310[14:15:03] [Server thread/ERROR] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Material with id chisel:gold[variation=13] is already registered.
4311[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_abyssal as it doesn't exist
4312[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_diorite as it doesn't exist
4313[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_granite as it doesn't exist
4314[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_infernal as it doesn't exist
4315[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_andesite as it doesn't exist
4316[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_bleachedbone as it doesn't exist
4317[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_red_nether as it doesn't exist
4318[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_bloodstained as it doesn't exist
4319[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_sandy as it doesn't exist
4320[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_pearlized as it doesn't exist
4321[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_nether as it doesn't exist
4322[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_frostbound as it doesn't exist
4323[14:15:03] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroBlockCBE]: Unable to add micro material for block with unlocalised name railcraft:brick_red_sandy as it doesn't exist
4324[14:15:03] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: Registered 2 branches
4325[14:15:03] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: Registered 17 bees
4326[14:15:03] [Server thread/INFO] [icbmclassic]: Mekanism interaction: Block{mekanism:machineblock} Block{mekanism:basicblock}
4327[14:15:03] [Server thread/INFO] [icbmclassic]: Mekanism interaction: mekanism:basicblock[active=true,facing=down,tier=basic,type=teleporter_frame]
4328[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/WARN] [iChunUtil]: Error retrieving mods versions list.
4329[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]:
4330[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]: at
4331[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]: at$200(
4332[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]: at$
4333[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]: at$
4334[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]: at Method)
4335[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]: at
4336[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]: at
4337[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]: at
4338[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]: at
4339[14:15:04] [iChunUtil Online Resource Thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [me.ichun.mods.ichunutil.common.thread.ThreadGetResources:run:77]: at
4340[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:ocean;OCEAN;0.5;false;false;false;[OCEAN, WATER]
4341[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:plains;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[PLAINS]
4342[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:desert;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[DRY, HOT, SANDY]
4343[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:extreme_hills;MEDIUM;0.2;false;false;false;[MOUNTAIN, HILLS]
4344[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:forest;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[FOREST]
4345[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:taiga;MEDIUM;0.25;false;false;false;[COLD, FOREST, CONIFEROUS]
4346[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:swampland;MEDIUM;0.8;true;false;false;[WET, SWAMP]
4347[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:river;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[RIVER, WATER]
4348[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:hell;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[DRY, HOT, NETHER]
4349[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:sky;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[END, COLD, DRY]
4350[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:frozen_ocean;OCEAN;0.0;false;false;true;[COLD, OCEAN, SNOWY, WATER]
4351[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:frozen_river;COLD;0.0;false;false;true;[RIVER, COLD, SNOWY, WATER]
4352[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:ice_flats;COLD;0.0;false;false;true;[WASTELAND, COLD, SNOWY]
4353[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:ice_mountains;COLD;0.0;false;false;true;[MOUNTAIN, COLD, SNOWY]
4354[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mushroom_island;MEDIUM;0.9;true;false;false;[RARE, MUSHROOM]
4355[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mushroom_island_shore;MEDIUM;0.9;true;false;false;[RARE, MUSHROOM, BEACH]
4356[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:beaches;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[BEACH]
4357[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:desert_hills;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[DRY, HOT, SANDY, HILLS]
4358[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:forest_hills;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[FOREST, HILLS]
4359[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:taiga_hills;MEDIUM;0.25;false;false;false;[COLD, FOREST, CONIFEROUS, HILLS]
4360[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:smaller_extreme_hills;MEDIUM;0.2;false;false;false;[MOUNTAIN]
4361[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:jungle;MEDIUM;0.95;true;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, HOT, DENSE]
4362[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:jungle_hills;MEDIUM;0.95;true;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, HOT, DENSE, HILLS]
4363[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:jungle_edge;MEDIUM;0.95;false;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, RARE, HOT, FOREST]
4364[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:deep_ocean;OCEAN;0.5;false;false;false;[OCEAN, WATER]
4365[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:stone_beach;MEDIUM;0.2;false;false;false;[BEACH]
4366[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:cold_beach;COLD;0.05;false;false;true;[COLD, SNOWY, BEACH]
4367[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:birch_forest;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[FOREST]
4368[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:birch_forest_hills;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[FOREST, HILLS]
4369[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:roofed_forest;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[SPOOKY, FOREST, DENSE]
4370[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:taiga_cold;COLD;-0.5;false;false;true;[COLD, FOREST, SNOWY, CONIFEROUS]
4371[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:taiga_cold_hills;COLD;-0.5;false;false;true;[COLD, FOREST, SNOWY, CONIFEROUS, HILLS]
4372[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:redwood_taiga;MEDIUM;0.3;false;false;false;[COLD, FOREST, CONIFEROUS]
4373[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:redwood_taiga_hills;MEDIUM;0.3;false;false;false;[COLD, FOREST, CONIFEROUS, HILLS]
4374[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:extreme_hills_with_trees;MEDIUM;0.2;false;false;false;[MOUNTAIN, SPARSE, FOREST]
4375[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:savanna;WARM;1.2;false;false;false;[SAVANNA, HOT, PLAINS, SPARSE]
4376[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:savanna_rock;WARM;1.0;false;false;false;[SAVANNA, RARE, HOT, PLAINS, SPARSE]
4377[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mesa;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[MESA, DRY, SANDY]
4378[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mesa_rock;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[MESA, DRY, SPARSE, SANDY]
4379[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mesa_clear_rock;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[MESA, DRY, SANDY]
4380[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:void;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[VOID]
4381[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_plains;MEDIUM;0.8;false;true;false;[RARE, PLAINS]
4382[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_desert;WARM;2.0;false;true;false;[RARE, DRY, HOT, SANDY]
4383[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills;MEDIUM;0.2;false;true;false;[RARE, MOUNTAIN, SPARSE]
4384[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_forest;MEDIUM;0.7;false;true;false;[RARE, FOREST, HILLS]
4385[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_taiga;MEDIUM;0.25;false;true;false;[RARE, MOUNTAIN, COLD, FOREST, CONIFEROUS]
4386[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_swampland;MEDIUM;0.8;true;true;false;[WET, RARE, SWAMP, HILLS]
4387[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_ice_flats;COLD;0.0;false;true;true;[RARE, COLD, SNOWY, HILLS]
4388[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_jungle;MEDIUM;0.95;true;true;false;[JUNGLE, WET, RARE, MOUNTAIN, HOT, DENSE]
4389[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_jungle_edge;MEDIUM;0.95;false;true;false;[JUNGLE, RARE, HOT, SPARSE, HILLS]
4390[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_birch_forest;MEDIUM;0.6;false;true;false;[RARE, FOREST, DENSE, HILLS]
4391[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_birch_forest_hills;MEDIUM;0.6;false;true;false;[RARE, MOUNTAIN, FOREST, DENSE]
4392[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_roofed_forest;MEDIUM;0.7;false;true;false;[RARE, MOUNTAIN, SPOOKY, FOREST, DENSE]
4393[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_taiga_cold;COLD;-0.5;false;true;true;[RARE, MOUNTAIN, COLD, FOREST, SNOWY, CONIFEROUS]
4394[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga;MEDIUM;0.25;false;true;false;[RARE, FOREST, DENSE]
4395[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga_hills;MEDIUM;0.25;false;true;false;[RARE, FOREST, DENSE, HILLS]
4396[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills_with_trees;MEDIUM;0.2;false;true;false;[RARE, MOUNTAIN, SPARSE]
4397[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_savanna;WARM;1.1;false;true;false;[SAVANNA, RARE, MOUNTAIN, DRY, HOT, SPARSE]
4398[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_savanna_rock;WARM;1.0;false;true;false;[SAVANNA, RARE, DRY, HOT, SPARSE, HILLS]
4399[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_mesa;WARM;2.0;false;true;false;[RARE, MOUNTAIN, DRY, HOT, SPARSE]
4400[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_mesa_rock;WARM;2.0;false;true;false;[RARE, DRY, HOT, SPARSE, HILLS]
4401[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: minecraft:mutated_mesa_clear_rock;WARM;2.0;false;true;false;[RARE, MOUNTAIN, DRY, HOT, SPARSE]
4402[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:gravel_beach;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[BEACH]
4403[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:white_beach;WARM;1.0;true;false;false;[BEACH]
4404[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:origin_beach;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[RARE, BEACH]
4405[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:alps;COLD;-0.25;false;false;true;[MOUNTAIN, COLD, DRY, SNOWY]
4406[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:bamboo_forest;MEDIUM;0.9;false;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, FOREST, DENSE]
4407[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:bayou;MEDIUM;0.95;true;false;false;[WET, HOT, DENSE, SWAMP]
4408[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:bog;MEDIUM;0.5;true;false;false;[WET, COLD, FOREST, SWAMP]
4409[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:boreal_forest;MEDIUM;0.3;false;false;false;[COLD, FOREST, DENSE, CONIFEROUS, HILLS]
4410[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:brushland;WARM;1.5;false;false;false;[SAVANNA, DRY, HOT, SPARSE]
4411[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:chaparral;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[DRY, PLAINS]
4412[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:cherry_blossom_grove;MEDIUM;0.55;false;false;false;[WET, MAGICAL, FOREST, DENSE, LUSH]
4413[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:cold_desert;MEDIUM;0.2;false;false;false;[DRY, COLD, SNOWY]
4414[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:coniferous_forest;MEDIUM;0.45;false;false;false;[COLD, FOREST, DENSE, CONIFEROUS]
4415[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:crag;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, MOUNTAIN, MAGICAL, COLD, DRY, HILLS]
4416[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:dead_forest;MEDIUM;0.3;false;false;false;[DEAD, COLD, DRY, SPARSE, FOREST]
4417[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:dead_swamp;MEDIUM;0.6;true;false;false;[WET, DEAD, COLD, SPOOKY, SPARSE, SWAMP]
4418[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:eucalyptus_forest;MEDIUM;0.95;true;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, FOREST, DENSE, LUSH]
4419[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:fen;MEDIUM;0.4;false;false;false;[WET, DEAD, COLD, FOREST, DENSE, SWAMP]
4420[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:flower_field;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[PLAINS, LUSH]
4421[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:grassland;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[WET, PLAINS, HILLS]
4422[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:grove;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[WET, PLAINS, SPARSE, FOREST, LUSH]
4423[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:highland;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[WET, MOUNTAIN, HILLS]
4424[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:land_of_lakes;MEDIUM;0.5;true;false;false;[WET, FOREST, DENSE, SWAMP]
4425[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:lavender_fields;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[MAGICAL, PLAINS, LUSH]
4426[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:lush_desert;WARM;1.2;false;false;false;[SAVANNA, DRY, HOT, SPARSE, SANDY, LUSH]
4427[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:lush_swamp;MEDIUM;0.7;true;false;false;[WET, DENSE, LUSH, SWAMP]
4428[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:mangrove;MEDIUM;0.85;false;false;false;[WET, WATER, DENSE, LUSH, SWAMP]
4429[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:maple_woods;MEDIUM;0.25;false;false;false;[COLD, FOREST, DENSE, CONIFEROUS]
4430[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:marsh;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[WET, LUSH]
4431[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:meadow;MEDIUM;0.4;false;false;false;[WET, COLD, PLAINS, SPARSE, FOREST, LUSH]
4432[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:moor;MEDIUM;0.6;true;false;false;[WET, SWAMP, HILLS]
4433[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:mountain;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[MOUNTAIN, DRY, SPARSE, FOREST]
4434[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:mystic_grove;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[WET, RARE, MAGICAL, FOREST, DENSE, LUSH]
4435[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:ominous_woods;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[WET, RARE, DEAD, MAGICAL, SPOOKY, FOREST, DENSE]
4436[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:orchard;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[PLAINS, FOREST, DENSE, LUSH]
4437[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:outback;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[SAVANNA, DRY, HOT, SPARSE, SANDY]
4438[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:overgrown_cliffs;MEDIUM;0.95;false;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, MOUNTAIN, DENSE, LUSH, HILLS]
4439[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:prairie;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[DRY, PLAINS, SPARSE]
4440[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:quagmire;MEDIUM;0.6;true;false;false;[WASTELAND, WET, DEAD, SWAMP]
4441[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:rainforest;MEDIUM;0.95;true;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, FOREST, DENSE, LUSH, HILLS]
4442[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:redwood_forest;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[FOREST, DENSE]
4443[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:sacred_springs;MEDIUM;0.85;true;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, RARE, MAGICAL, FOREST, DENSE, LUSH]
4444[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:seasonal_forest;MEDIUM;0.4;false;false;false;[COLD, FOREST, DENSE]
4445[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:shield;MEDIUM;0.4;false;false;false;[WET, COLD, FOREST, DENSE]
4446[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:shrubland;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[DRY, PLAINS, SPARSE]
4447[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:snowy_coniferous_forest;COLD;-0.25;false;false;true;[COLD, FOREST, SNOWY, DENSE, CONIFEROUS]
4448[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:snowy_forest;COLD;-0.25;false;false;true;[WET, COLD, SPARSE, FOREST, SNOWY]
4449[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:steppe;MEDIUM;0.75;false;false;false;[DRY, PLAINS, SANDY]
4450[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:temperate_rainforest;MEDIUM;0.75;true;false;false;[WET, FOREST, DENSE, LUSH]
4451[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:tropical_rainforest;WARM;1.0;true;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, HOT, DENSE, LUSH]
4452[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:tundra;MEDIUM;0.2;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, WET, DEAD, COLD, SPARSE]
4453[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:wasteland;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, DEAD, DRY, SPARSE]
4454[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:wetland;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[WET, FOREST, DENSE, LUSH, SWAMP]
4455[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:woodland;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[DRY, FOREST, DENSE]
4456[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:xeric_shrubland;WARM;1.75;false;false;false;[SAVANNA, DRY, HOT, SPARSE, SANDY, LUSH]
4457[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:alps_foothills;COLD;-0.25;false;false;true;[MOUNTAIN, COLD, DRY, SPARSE, FOREST, SNOWY]
4458[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:mountain_foothills;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[MOUNTAIN, DRY, SPARSE, FOREST, HILLS]
4459[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:redwood_forest_edge;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[FOREST, DENSE]
4460[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:pasture;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[DRY, PLAINS, SPARSE]
4461[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:glacier;COLD;-0.5;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, COLD, SNOWY]
4462[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:oasis;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, HOT, SPARSE, SANDY, LUSH]
4463[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:snowy_tundra;COLD;0.0;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, WET, DEAD, COLD, SPARSE, SNOWY]
4464[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:coral_reef;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[OCEAN, WATER]
4465[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:kelp_forest;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[OCEAN, WATER]
4466[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:origin_island;MEDIUM;0.6;false;false;false;[RARE, FOREST, WATER]
4467[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:tropical_island;MEDIUM;0.95;true;false;false;[JUNGLE, WET, WATER, DENSE, LUSH]
4468[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:volcanic_island;WARM;1.2;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, DEAD, MOUNTAIN, DRY, HOT, WATER]
4469[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:flower_island;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[MAGICAL, PLAINS, WATER, DENSE, LUSH]
4470[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:corrupted_sands;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[DRY, HOT, DENSE, SANDY, NETHER]
4471[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:fungi_forest;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[HOT, MUSHROOM, DENSE, NETHER]
4472[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:phantasmagoric_inferno;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, DRY, MAGICAL, HOT, SPOOKY, NETHER]
4473[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:undergarden;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[HOT, NETHER, LUSH]
4474[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: biomesoplenty:visceral_heap;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[WET, HOT, NETHER]
4475[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: jeid:error_biome;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[PLAINS]
4476[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: thaumcraft:magical_forest;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[MAGICAL, FOREST]
4477[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: thaumcraft:eerie;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[MAGICAL, SPOOKY]
4478[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: thaumcraft:eldritch;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[END, MAGICAL, SPOOKY]
4479[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:twilight_lake;MEDIUM;0.66;true;false;false;[TWILIGHT, OCEAN, WATER]
4480[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:twilight_forest;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[TWILIGHT, FOREST]
4481[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:dense_twilight_forest;MEDIUM;0.7;false;false;false;[TWILIGHT, FOREST, DENSE]
4482[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:twilight_highlands;MEDIUM;0.4;false;false;false;[TWILIGHT, MOUNTAIN, FOREST, CONIFEROUS]
4483[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:mushroom_forest;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[TWILIGHT, FOREST, MUSHROOM]
4484[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:twilight_swamp;MEDIUM;0.8;true;false;false;[WET, TWILIGHT, SWAMP]
4485[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:twilight_stream;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[TWILIGHT, RIVER, WATER]
4486[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:snowy_forest;COLD;0.09;true;false;false;[TWILIGHT, COLD, FOREST, SNOWY, CONIFEROUS]
4487[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:twilight_glacier;COLD;0.0;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, TWILIGHT, COLD, SNOWY]
4488[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:twilight_clearing;MEDIUM;0.8;false;false;false;[TWILIGHT, PLAINS, SPARSE]
4489[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:oak_savannah;MEDIUM;0.9;false;false;false;[TWILIGHT, SPARSE, FOREST]
4490[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:firefly_forest;MEDIUM;0.5;true;false;false;[TWILIGHT, FOREST, LUSH]
4491[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:deep_mushroom_forest;MEDIUM;0.8;true;false;false;[TWILIGHT, FOREST, MUSHROOM]
4492[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:dark_forest;MEDIUM;0.7;true;false;false;[TWILIGHT, SPOOKY, FOREST, DENSE]
4493[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:enchanted_forest;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[TWILIGHT, MAGICAL, FOREST]
4494[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:fire_swamp;WARM;1.0;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, TWILIGHT, HOT, SWAMP]
4495[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:dark_forest_center;MEDIUM;0.5;true;false;false;[TWILIGHT, MAGICAL, SPOOKY, FOREST, DENSE]
4496[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:highlands_center;MEDIUM;0.3;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, TWILIGHT, DEAD, MESA, DRY]
4497[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:thornlands;MEDIUM;0.3;false;false;false;[WASTELAND, TWILIGHT, DEAD, DRY, HILLS]
4498[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: twilightforest:spooky_forest;MEDIUM;0.5;true;false;false;[TWILIGHT, DEAD, SPOOKY, FOREST, DENSE]
4499[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: thaumicaugmentation:emptiness;MEDIUM;0.25;false;false;false;[COLD, SPOOKY, SPARSE, VOID]
4500[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: thaumicaugmentation:tainted_lands;MEDIUM;0.25;false;false;false;[COLD, SPOOKY, VOID]
4501[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: thaumicaugmentation:emptiness_highlands;MEDIUM;0.25;false;false;false;[MOUNTAIN, COLD, SPOOKY, SPARSE, VOID, HILLS]
4502[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: appliedenergistics2:storage_biome;COLD;-100.0;false;true;false;[COLD, PLAINS]
4503[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: buildcraftenergy:oil_ocean;OCEAN;0.5;false;false;false;[PLAINS, OCEAN, WATER]
4504[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: buildcraftenergy:oil_desert;WARM;2.0;false;false;false;[DRY, PLAINS, HOT, SANDY]
4505[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: galacticraftcore:outer space;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;true;[DEAD, DRY, SPOOKY, SPARSE]
4506[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: galacticraftplanets:outer space 1;WARM;4.0;false;false;true;[DEAD, DRY, HOT, SANDY]
4507[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: galacticraftplanets:outer space 2;WARM;4.0;false;false;true;[DEAD, DRY, HOT, SANDY]
4508[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: extraplanets:outer space 3;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[COLD, DRY, DENSE, LUSH]
4509[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: extraplanets:outer space 4;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[COLD, DRY, DENSE, LUSH]
4510[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: extraplanets:outer space 5;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[COLD, DRY, DENSE, LUSH]
4511[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: extraplanets:outer space 6;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[COLD, DRY, DENSE, LUSH]
4512[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: extraplanets:outer space 7;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[DEAD, COLD, DRY]
4513[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: extraplanets:outer space 8;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[DEAD, COLD, FOREST]
4514[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: extraplanets:outer space 9;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[DEAD, COLD, DRY, SANDY]
4515[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: extraplanets:outer space 10;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[DEAD, COLD, FOREST]
4516[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: extraplanets:outer space 11;MEDIUM;0.8;true;false;false;[WASTELAND, WET, DEAD, COLD]
4517[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: extraplanets:outer space 12;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[DEAD, COLD, FOREST]
4518[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: aroma1997sdimension:miningbiome;MEDIUM;0.5;false;false;false;[PLAINS]
4519[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: Registering drops for shadedGarden.
4520[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: Registering drops for tropicalGarden.
4521[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: Registering drops for windyGarden.
4522[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: Registering drops for frostGarden.
4523[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: Registering drops for aridGarden.
4524[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [harvestcraft]: Registering drops for soggyGarden.
4525[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Initialising integration for Tinkers' Construct...
4526[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Initialised integration for Tinkers' Construct
4527[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Bioreactor entries for Tinkers' Construct...
4528[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Bioreactor entries for Tinkers' Construct
4529[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Bioreactor entries for Mystical Agriculture...
4530[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Bioreactor entries for Mystical Agriculture
4531[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Forestry...
4532[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Forestry...
4533[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Extra Utilities 2...
4534[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Extra Utilities 2...
4535[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Bioreactor entries for Pam's HarvestCraft...
4536[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Bioreactor entries for Pam's HarvestCraft
4537[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Protein Reactor entries for Pam's HarvestCraft...
4538[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Protein Reactor entries for Pam's HarvestCraft
4539[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Pam's HarvestCraft...
4540[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Pam's HarvestCraft...
4541[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Bioreactor entries for Natura...
4542[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Bioreactor entries for Natura
4543[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Protein Reactor entries for Natura...
4544[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Protein Reactor entries for Natura
4545[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Natura...
4546[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Natura...
4547[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Bioreactor entries for Biomes O' Plenty...
4548[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Bioreactor entries for Biomes O' Plenty
4549[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Biomes O' Plenty...
4550[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Biomes O' Plenty...
4551[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Bioreactor entries for Botania...
4552[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Bioreactor entries for Botania
4553[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Bioreactor entries for Thaumcraft...
4554[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Bioreactor entries for Thaumcraft
4555[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registering Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Thaumcraft...
4556[14:15:04] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Registered Tree Fluid Extractor entries for Thaumcraft...
4557[14:15:04] [Thread-10/INFO] [Jon's Exclusives]: returned respond code 200
4558[14:15:05] [Thread-10/INFO] [Jon's Exclusives]: returned respond code 200
4559[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Initializing modules for mod magicbees...
4560[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Initializing module ThermalExpansion Integration
4561[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Initializing module RedstoneArsenal Integration
4562[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Initializing module Vanilla Module
4563[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Initializing module Botania Integration
4564[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Initializing module Thaumcraft Integration
4565[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Initializing module Railcraft Integration
4566[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Initializing module AE2 Integration
4567[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Initialized 7 modules for mod magicbees
4568[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Registering 111 new bee species!
4569[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: MagicBees has Initialized in 180 ms
4570[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Loaded MekanismGenerators module.
4571[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Loaded 'Mekanism: Tools' module.
4572[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper
4573[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [getEnchantments, func_82781_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Ljava/util/Map;)
4574[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
4575[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/item/ItemStack.func_77986_q ()Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagList;
4576[14:15:05] [Server thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
4577[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [moremystcraft]: Initializing Mystcraft APIs
4578[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [moremystcraft]: Successfully initialized Mystcraft APIs
4579[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [mystcraft_info]: Initializing Mystcraft APIs
4580[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [mystcraft_info]: Successfully initialized Mystcraft APIs
4581[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering Handlers...
4582[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering Network Messages...
4583[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Performing IMC...
4584[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering EIO Recipe: Alloy: Conductive Iron Armor Plating
4585[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering EIO Recipe: Alloy: Electrical Steel Armor Plating
4586[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering EIO Recipe: Alloy: Dark Steel Armor Plating
4587[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering EIO Recipe: Alloy: Dark Soularium Alloy
4588[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering EIO Recipe: Soul Binder: Flight Control Unit
4589[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering TE Induction Smelter Recipe...
4590[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering TE Induction Smelter Recipe...
4591[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering TE Induction Smelter Recipe...
4592[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering TE Fluid Transposer Fill Recipe...
4593[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering TE Fluid Transposer Fill Recipe...
4594[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering Sounds...
4595[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Netherending Ores]: Registered Vanilla Recipes
4596[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Netherending Ores]: Registered Tinkers' Construct Recipes
4597[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Netherending Ores]: Registered Thermal Expansion Recipes
4598[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Netherending Ores]: Registered Mekanism Recipes
4599[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Netherending Ores]: Registered Industrial Craft 2 Recipes
4600[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Netherending Ores]: Loaded WAILA/HWYLA Integration
4601[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [eternalsoap.icbm.opencomputers]: Loaded OpenComputers Addon for ICBM-Classic
4602[14:15:06] [Server thread/INFO] [omlib]: Registered OC Driver: openmodularturrets:turret_base
4603[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Added PneumaticCraft: Repressurized fuels to CoFH Compression Dynamo
4604[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered CoFH fuel 'creosote' @ 75000 mL air/bucket
4605[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered CoFH fuel 'coal' @ 300000 mL air/bucket
4606[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered CoFH fuel 'tree_oil' @ 750000 mL air/bucket
4607[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered CoFH fuel 'refined_oil' @ 937500 mL air/bucket
4608[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered CoFH fuel 'refined_fuel' @ 1500000 mL air/bucket
4609[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Added CoFH Crude Oil as a Refinery input
4610[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered Forestry fuel 'biomass' @ 500000 mL air/bucket
4611[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered Forestry fuel 'bio.ethanol' @ 500000 mL air/bucket
4612[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Found 597 ores
4613[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Created new network wrapper rc&reborncore.&64769
4614[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&64769 side: SERVER id:0
4615[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Created new network wrapper rc&reborncore.&39932
4616[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:0
4617[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: SERVER id:1
4618[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: SERVER id:2
4619[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: SERVER id:3
4620[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:4
4621[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:5
4622[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: SERVER id:6
4623[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: SERVER id:7
4624[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:8
4625[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:9
4626[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:10
4627[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Created new network wrapper rc&vswe.steves&10928
4628[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&vswe.steves&10928 side: CLIENT id:0
4629[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&vswe.steves&10928 side: SERVER id:2
4630[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&vswe.steves&10928 side: CLIENT id:3
4631[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&vswe.steves&10928 side: SERVER id:4
4632[14:15:07] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Loaded registrys for net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent in 0ms
4633[14:15:08] [Server thread/ERROR] [Lost Magic]: Schools of Magic decayed like a Daybloom.
4634[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/particle/Particle
4635[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at keletu.forbiddenmagicre.compat.botania.RegisterHandlerBota.lexify(
4636[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at keletu.forbiddenmagicre.forbiddenmagicre.init(
4637[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
4638[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
4639[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
4640[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
4641[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent(
4642[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source)
4643[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
4644[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
4645[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at
4646[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod(
4647[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at$
4648[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at$DirectExecutor.execute(
4649[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at
4650[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch(
4651[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at
4652[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(
4653[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(
4654[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
4655[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
4656[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
4657[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
4658[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at
4659[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod(
4660[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at$
4661[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at$DirectExecutor.execute(
4662[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at
4663[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch(
4664[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at
4665[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
4666[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods(
4667[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading(
4668[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted(
4669[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(
4670[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at
4671[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [fox.spiteful.lostmagic.Lumberjack:log:12]: at
4672[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:635]: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.particle.Particle
4673[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:635]: at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(
4674[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:635]: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
4675[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:635]: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
4676[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:635]: ... 37 more
4677[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:644]: Caused by: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerException: Exception in class transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer@27fe9713 from coremod FMLCorePlugin
4678[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:644]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerWrapper.transform(
4679[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:644]: at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.runTransformers(
4680[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:644]: at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(
4681[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:644]: ... 39 more
4682[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:668]: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to load class btf for invalid side SERVER
4683[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:668]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer.transform(
4684[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:668]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerWrapper.transform(
4685[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:668]: ... 41 more
4686[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.shadowking21.tc_integraton.SmeltingBonus:SmeltBonus:15]: [Thaumcraft Integration] Adding Smelting Bonus!
4687[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Integrations: Init
4688[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Registering Research Category
4689[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Registering Research
4690[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumcomp]: Done with init phase.
4691[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumictinkerer]: Initializing Telekenetic powers
4692[14:15:08] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumictinkerer]: Checked Mob Aspects
4693[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: Universal Tweaks initialized
4694[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.ecatalogue.ECatalogueMod]
4695[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Finish init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.ecatalogue.ECatalogueMod]
4696[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.battery.Battery]
4697[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Finish init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.battery.Battery]
4698[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.battery.CharcoalBlockMod]
4699[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Finish init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.battery.CharcoalBlockMod]
4700[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.nfc.NFC]
4701[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Finish init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.nfc.NFC]
4702[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.vanillautils.VanillaUtils]
4703[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Finish init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.vanillautils.VanillaUtils]
4704[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.quarryfixer.QuarryFixer]
4705[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Finish init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.quarryfixer.QuarryFixer]
4706[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Start init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.rfpowermeter.RFMeter]
4707[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [zettaindustries]: Finish init [com.bymarcin.zettaindustries.mods.rfpowermeter.RFMeter]
4708[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [UniDictCoreMod]: Successfully transformed 'wanion.unidict.common.Util.getOreNameFromIngredient'.
4709[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: UniDict: Initializing Module: Mod Config, Side: Server
4710[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: TConstruct Mod Config: Fixed TConstruct OreDict configuration.
4711[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: UniDict: All 1 Mod Configs took 6ms to finish. at load stage Init
4712[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received 5 IMC messages from mod projectred-compat.
4713[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received 12 IMC messages from mod quark.
4714[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received 52 IMC messages from mod twilightforest.
4715[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received 22 IMC messages from mod tconstruct.
4716[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received 178 IMC messages from mod mia.
4717[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalfoundation]: Thermal Foundation: Tinkers' Construct Plugin Enabled.
4718[14:15:09] [Server thread/WARN] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion received an invalid IMC from chisel! Key was addcompactorpressrecipe
4719[14:15:09] [Server thread/WARN] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion received an invalid IMC from chisel! Key was addcompactorpressrecipe
4720[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message fluidFuel:add from pneumaticcraft
4721[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message fluidFuel:add from pneumaticcraft
4722[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message fluidFuel:add from pneumaticcraft
4723[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message fluidFuel:add from pneumaticcraft
4724[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from endercore
4725[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from endercore
4726[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message fluidFuel:add from forestry
4727[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message fluidCoolant:add from forestry
4728[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from simplyjetpacks
4729[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from simplyjetpacks
4730[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from simplyjetpacks
4731[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from simplyjetpacks
4732[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from simplyjetpacks
4733[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4734[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4735[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4736[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4737[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4738[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4739[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4740[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4741[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4742[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4743[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4744[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4745[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4746[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4747[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4748[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4749[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4750[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4751[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4752[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4753[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4754[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4755[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4756[14:15:09] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Processing IMC message recipe:xml from jaopca
4757[14:15:10] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Reading user recipe file user_recipes.xml
4758[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Valid IMC recipes to be processed:
4759[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Carbon Ore JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4760[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Carbon Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4761[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Carbon Block Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4762[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Crystal Ore JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4763[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Crystal Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4764[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Crystal Block Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4765[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: DarkIron Ore JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4766[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: DarkIron Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4767[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: DarkIron Block Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4768[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Desh Ore JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4769[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Desh Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4770[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Desh Block Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4771[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Iridium Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4772[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Iridium Block Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4773[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Mercury Ore JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4774[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Mercury Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4775[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Mercury Block Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4776[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: MeteoricIron Ore JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4777[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: MeteoricIron Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4778[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: MeteoricIron Block Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4779[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Palladium Ore JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4780[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Palladium Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4781[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Palladium Block Dust JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4782[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Sagmill: Niter Ore JAOPCA from IMC from mod 'jaopca'
4783[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Enchanter: endercore:xpboost from IMC from mod 'endercore'
4784[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Enchanter: endercore:autosmelt from IMC from mod 'endercore'
4785[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Alloy: Conductive Iron Armor Plating from IMC from mod 'simplyjetpacks'
4786[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Alloy: Electrical Steel Armor Plating from IMC from mod 'simplyjetpacks'
4787[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Alloy: Dark Steel Armor Plating from IMC from mod 'simplyjetpacks'
4788[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Alloy: Dark Soularium Alloy from IMC from mod 'simplyjetpacks'
4789[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: * Soul Binder: Flight Control Unit from IMC from mod 'simplyjetpacks'
4790[14:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Reading user recipe file user_recipes.xml
4791[14:15:12] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xtile.railcraft.ore@1
4792[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Bronze Dust (1xic2.dust@0 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@163) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xic2.dust@0 => 1xic2.ingot@1.
4793[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Copper Dust (1xic2.dust@4 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@128) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xic2.dust@4 => 1xic2.ingot@2.
4794[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Copper Dust (1xitem.Dust@3 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@128) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xitem.Dust@3 => 1xitem.Ingot@5.
4795[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Tin Dust (1xic2.dust@17 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@129) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xic2.dust@17 => 1xic2.ingot@6.
4796[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Tin Dust (1xitem.Dust@4 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@129) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xitem.Dust@4 => 1xitem.Ingot@6.
4797[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Lead Dust (1xic2.dust@10 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@131) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xic2.dust@10 => 1xic2.ingot@3.
4798[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Lead Dust (1xitem.Dust@6 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@131) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xitem.Dust@6 => 1xic2.ingot@3.
4799[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Silver Dust (1xic2.dust@14 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@130) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xic2.dust@14 => 1xic2.ingot@4.
4800[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Silver Dust (1xitem.Dust@5 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@130) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xitem.Dust@5 => 1xic2.ingot@4.
4801[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Aluminium Dust (1xitem.ic2compat@0 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@132) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xitem.ic2compat@0 => 1xitem.basic_item@5.
4802[14:15:12] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xtile.thermalfoundation.ore@4
4803[14:15:12] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xtile.netherendingores:ore_nether_modded_1@0
4804[14:15:12] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@132
4805[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Aluminum Dust (1xitem.ic2compat@0 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@132) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xitem.ic2compat@0 => 1xitem.basic_item@5.
4806[14:15:12] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input:
4807[14:15:12] [Server thread/WARN] [enderio]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xtile.railcraft.ore@1
4808[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Steel Dust (1xitem.OtherDust@1 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@160) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xitem.OtherDust@1 => 1xitem.Ingot@4.
4809[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Smelting: Steel Dust (1xitem.bigreactors:duststeel@0 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@160) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xitem.bigreactors:duststeel@0 => 1xitem.bigreactors:ingotsteel@0.
4810[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Copper (1xic2.dust@4 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@128) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xic2.dust@4 => 1xic2.ingot@2.
4811[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Copper (1xitem.Dust@3 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@128) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xitem.Dust@3 => 1xitem.Ingot@5.
4812[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Tin (1xic2.dust@17 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@129) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xic2.dust@17 => 1xic2.ingot@6.
4813[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Cannot add smelting recipe Tin (1xitem.Dust@4 => 1xitem.thermalfoundation.material@129) because another mod already has registered a recipe 1xitem.Dust@4 => 1xitem.Ingot@6.
4814[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: bigreactors added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4815[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: bigreactors added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4816[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: bigreactors added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4817[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: bigreactors added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4818[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: bigreactors added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4819[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4820[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4821[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4822[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4823[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4824[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4825[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4826[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4827[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4828[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4829[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4830[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4831[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4832[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4833[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4834[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4835[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4836[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4837[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4838[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4839[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4840[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4841[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4842[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4843[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4844[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4845[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4846[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4847[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4848[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4849[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4850[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4851[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4852[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4853[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4854[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4855[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4856[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4857[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4858[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4859[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4860[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4861[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4862[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4863[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4864[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4865[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4866[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4867[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4868[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4869[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4870[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4871[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4872[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4873[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4874[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4875[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4876[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4877[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4878[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4879[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4880[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4881[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4882[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4883[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4884[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4885[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4886[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4887[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4888[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4889[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4890[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4891[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4892[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4893[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Combiner to the recipe list.
4894[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4895[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4896[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4897[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4898[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4899[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4900[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4901[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4902[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4903[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4904[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4905[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4906[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4907[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4908[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
4909[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4910[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4911[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4912[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4913[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4914[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4915[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4916[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4917[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4918[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4919[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4920[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4921[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4922[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4923[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4924[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4925[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4926[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4927[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
4928[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4929[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4930[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4931[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4932[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4933[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4934[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4935[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4936[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4937[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4938[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4939[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4940[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4941[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4942[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4943[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4944[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4945[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4946[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4947[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4948[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4949[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4950[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4951[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4952[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4953[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4954[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4955[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4956[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4957[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4958[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4959[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4960[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4961[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4962[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4963[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4964[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4965[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4966[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4967[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4968[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4969[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4970[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4971[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4972[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4973[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4974[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4975[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
4976[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4977[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4978[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4979[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4980[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4981[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4982[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4983[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4984[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4985[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4986[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4987[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4988[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4989[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4990[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4991[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4992[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4993[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4994[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4995[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4996[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4997[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4998[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
4999[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5000[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5001[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5002[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5003[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5004[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5005[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5006[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5007[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5008[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5009[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5010[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5011[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5012[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5013[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5014[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5015[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5016[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5017[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5018[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5019[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5020[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5021[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5022[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5023[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
5024[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5025[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5026[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5027[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5028[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5029[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5030[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5031[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5032[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5033[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5034[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5035[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5036[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5037[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5038[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5039[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5040[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5041[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
5042[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5043[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5044[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5045[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5046[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5047[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5048[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5049[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5050[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5051[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5052[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5053[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5054[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5055[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5056[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5057[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5058[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5059[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
5060[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5061[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5062[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5063[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5064[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5065[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5066[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5067[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5068[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5069[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5070[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5071[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5072[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5073[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5074[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5075[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5076[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5077[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5078[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5079[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5080[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5081[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5082[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5083[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5084[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5085[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5086[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5087[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5088[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5089[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: jaopca added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
5090[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting itemstacks
5091[14:15:12] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Itemstack injection complete
5092[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.shadowking21.tc_integraton.OreDicts.OreDicts:aspectRegistrationEvent:14]: [Thaumcraft Integration] Add a Aspects for OreDictionaries!
5093[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.shadowking21.tc_integraton.MekanismCompat:aspectRegistrationEvent:16]: [Thaumcraft Integration] Mekanism Support is on!
5094[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.dirt@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5095[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.hellrock@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5096[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.obsidian@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5097[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.vine@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5098[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.tconstruct.slime_vine_blue@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5099[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.tconstruct.slime_vine_blue_mid@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5100[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.tconstruct.slime_vine_blue_end@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5101[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.tconstruct.slime_vine_purple@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5102[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.tconstruct.slime_vine_purple_mid@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5103[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.tconstruct.slime_vine_purple_end@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5104[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [thaumicwonders]: Wildcard meta detected for 1xtile.cactus@32767 in void beacon registration; this can result in invalid result blocks
5105[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 20 research entries from thaumcraft:research/basics
5106[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 2 research entries from crimsonrevelations:research/compat/thaumic_augmentation
5107[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 20 research entries from thaumcraft:research/artifice
5108[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 4 research entries from crimsonwarfare:research/warfare
5109[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 2 research entries from thaumictinkerer:research/baubles
5110[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 7 research entries from thaumictinkerer:research/machines
5111[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from advanced_alchemy_furnace:research/research.json
5112[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 9 research entries from thaumicwonders:research/infusion
5113[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from thaumicwonders:research/scans
5114[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 13 research entries from thaumicenergistics:research/thaumicenergistics
5115[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from thaumicwonders:research/misc
5116[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 8 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/warded.json
5117[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 10 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/impetus.json
5118[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 12 research entries from thaumicwonders:research/eldritch
5119[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 11 research entries from crimsonrevelations:research/revelations
5120[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 22 research entries from thaumcraft:research/alchemy
5121[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 23 research entries from thaumcraft:research/auromancy
5122[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 12 research entries from forbiddenmagicre:research/research.json
5123[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 5 research entries from thaumicperiphery:research/periphery
5124[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 4 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/foci.json
5125[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 17 research entries from thaumcraft:research/infusion
5126[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [THAUMCRAFT]: Could not add invalid research entry RINGNUTRITION
5127[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from lostmagic:research/gluttony
5128[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from forbiddenmagicre:research/bota.json
5129[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 5 research entries from thaumcraft:research/eldritch
5130[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 3 research entries from thaumictinkerer:research/foci
5131[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 12 research entries from thaumcraft:research/scans
5132[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 8 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/casting.json
5133[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 8 research entries from thaumicwonders:research/alchemy
5134[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 10 research entries from thaumictinkerer:research/misc
5135[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 5 research entries from thaumicwonders:research/artifice
5136[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/ward_foci_coremod.json
5137[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 29 research entries from thaumcraft:research/golemancy
5138[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 6 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/baubles.json
5139[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [THAUMCRAFT]: Research file not found: magicbees:research/magicbees
5140[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from mia:research/basics.json
5141[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 19 research entries from thaumictinkerer:research/kami
5142[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 5 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/construct.json
5143[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 5 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/gear.json
5144[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 14 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/void.json
5145[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 29 research entries from isorropia:research/isorropia.json
5146[14:15:23] [Server thread/WARN] [THAUMCRAFT]: Could not add invalid research entry PURESHOVEL
5147[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 2 research entries from lostmagic:research/apocrypha
5148[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/alchemy.json
5149[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 2 research entries from forbiddenmagicre:research/bloodmagic.json
5150[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from lostmagic:research/bloodmagic
5151[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 1 research entries from thaumicperiphery:research/mana_caster
5152[14:15:23] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Loaded 4 research entries from thaumicaugmentation:research/misc.json
5153[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.Uu]: Loading predefined UU world scan values, run /ic2 uu-world-scan <small|medium|large> to calibrate them for your world.
5154[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [ic2.General]: ic2 version 2.8.222-ex112 loaded.
5155[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [advanced_machines]: Advanced Machines 61.0.1 loaded.
5156[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentation]: The following mods were detected and have integration enabled:
5157[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentation]: botania
5158[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicaugmentation]: jeid
5159[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Post Initialization ( started )
5160[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Industrial Craft 2 - Integration Enable
5161[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: GregTech - Integration Disabled
5162[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Railcraft - Integration Enable
5163[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Mine Factory Reloaded - Integration Disabled
5164[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Waila - Integration Enable
5165[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Mekanism - Integration Enable
5166[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: OpenComputers - Integration Enable
5167[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: TheOneProbe - Integration Disabled
5168[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Tesla - Integration Disabled
5169[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: CraftTweaker - Integration Enable
5170[14:15:24] [Server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Post Initialization ( ended after 260ms )
5171[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;0]
5172[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;1]
5173[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;2]
5174[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;3]
5175[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;4]
5176[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;5]
5177[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;6]
5178[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;7]
5179[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;8]
5180[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;9]
5181[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;10]
5182[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;11]
5183[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;12]
5184[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;13]
5185[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;14]
5186[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone;15]
5187[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone1;0]
5188[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone1;1]
5189[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone1;2]
5190[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone1;3]
5191[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone1;4]
5192[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone1;5]
5193[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone1;6]
5194[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone1;7]
5195[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone1;8]
5196[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone1;9]
5197[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone2;0]
5198[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone2;1]
5199[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone2;2]
5200[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone2;3]
5201[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone2;4]
5202[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone2;5]
5203[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone2;6]
5204[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone2;7]
5205[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone2;8]
5206[14:15:27] [Server thread/WARN] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Found OreDict cobblestone which does not give OreDict stone -> ItemMaterial[chisel:cobblestone2;9]
5207[14:15:42] [Netty Server IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Disconnecting Player: Server is still starting! Please wait before reconnecting.
5208[14:15:46] [Server thread/INFO] [pl.asie.charset.ModCharset]: Charset material heuristics time (phase 2): 22054ms
5209[14:15:47] [Server thread/INFO] [Hats]: [7.1.1] Overriding hat render helper for net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
5210[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (ic2:itemmisc) in the Forge registry.
5211[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_abyssal) in the Forge registry.
5212[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_andesite) in the Forge registry.
5213[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_bleachedbone) in the Forge registry.
5214[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_bloodstained) in the Forge registry.
5215[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_diorite) in the Forge registry.
5216[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_frostbound) in the Forge registry.
5217[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_granite) in the Forge registry.
5218[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_infernal) in the Forge registry.
5219[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_nether) in the Forge registry.
5220[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_pearlized) in the Forge registry.
5221[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_quarried) in the Forge registry.
5222[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_red_nether) in the Forge registry.
5223[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_red_sandy) in the Forge registry.
5224[14:15:47] [Server thread/WARN] [forestry]: Failed to find item for (railcraft:brick_sandy) in the Forge registry.
5225[14:15:47] [Server thread/INFO] [botania]: The Lexica Botania has 27125 words.
5226[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Forestry Plugin Enabled.
5227[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Extra Bees Plugin Enabled.
5228[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Extra Trees Plugin Enabled.
5229[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Gendustry Plugin Enabled.
5230[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Magic Bees Plugin Enabled.
5231[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Pam's HarvestCraft Plugin Enabled.
5232[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Applied Energistics 2 Plugin Enabled.
5233[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Biomes O' Plenty Plugin Enabled.
5234[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Chisel Plugin Enabled.
5235[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Computronics Plugin Enabled.
5236[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Ender IO Plugin Enabled.
5237[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Extra Utilities 2 Plugin Enabled.
5238[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: IndustrialCraft 2 Plugin Enabled.
5239[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Mystical Agriculture Plugin Enabled.
5240[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Natura Plugin Enabled.
5241[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Quark Plugin Enabled.
5242[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Tinkers' Construct Plugin Enabled.
5243[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Thaumcraft Plugin Enabled.
5244[14:15:48] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Twilight Forest Plugin Enabled.
5245[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Thaumcraft integration: Adding aspects...
5246[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Thaumcraft integration: Added aspects for 11 items and 10 ore dictionary entries
5247[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [opencomputers]: Done with post init phase.
5248[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Blacklisting Cargo: [minecraft:cyan_shulker_box, minecraft:blue_shulker_box, minecraft:brown_shulker_box, minecraft:orange_shulker_box, minecraft:red_shulker_box, minecraft:magenta_shulker_box, minecraft:yellow_shulker_box, minecraft:white_shulker_box, minecraft:gray_shulker_box, minecraft:green_shulker_box, minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box, minecraft:lime_shulker_box, minecraft:silver_shulker_box, minecraft:black_shulker_box, minecraft:purple_shulker_box, minecraft:pink_shulker_box]
5249[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Blacklisting Cargo: [minecraft:milk_bucket, minecraft:water_bucket, minecraft:lava_bucket]
5250[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Blacklisting Cargo: [forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, 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forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled, forge:bucketfilled]
5251[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Blacklisting Cargo: [ic2:re_battery, ic2:re_battery, ic2:advanced_batpack, ic2:advanced_batpack, ic2:single_use_battery, ic2:batpack, ic2:batpack, ic2:charging_re_battery, ic2:charging_re_battery, ic2:advanced_re_battery, ic2:advanced_re_battery, ic2:advanced_charging_re_battery, ic2:advanced_charging_re_battery]
5252[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Blacklisting Cargo: [ic2:energy_crystal, ic2:energy_crystal, ic2:charging_lapotron_crystal, ic2:charging_lapotron_crystal, ic2:charging_energy_crystal, ic2:charging_energy_crystal, ic2:lapotron_crystal, ic2:lapotron_crystal]
5253[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Blacklisting Cargo: [ic2:jetpack_electric, ic2:jetpack_electric]
5254[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Blacklisting Cargo: [ic2:energy_pack, ic2:energy_pack]
5255[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Blacklisting Cargo: []
5256[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Blacklisting Cargo: [ic2:te#68, ic2:te#69, ic2:te#70, ic2:te#71, ic2:te#72, ic2:te#73, ic2:te#74, ic2:te#75]
5257[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Standard Worldspike Fuel: [thermalfoundation:material#770, ic2:dust#12, mekanism:otherdust#6, railcraft:dust#0, enderio:item_material#29]=2.0
5258[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Standard Worldspike Fuel: [minecraft:ender_pearl]=4.0
5259[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Standard Worldspike Fuel: [ic2:dust#31, railcraft:dust#6, appliedenergistics2:material#46, portalgun:item_dust_ender_pearl]=8.0
5260[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Standard Worldspike Fuel: [railcraft:dust#7]=16.0
5261[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Standard Worldspike Fuel: [minecraft:ender_eye]=8.0
5262[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Standard Worldspike Fuel: [ic2:dust#32]=12.0
5263[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Personal Worldspike Fuel: [thermalfoundation:material#770, ic2:dust#12, mekanism:otherdust#6, railcraft:dust#0, enderio:item_material#29]=2.0
5264[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Personal Worldspike Fuel: [minecraft:ender_pearl]=4.0
5265[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Personal Worldspike Fuel: [ic2:dust#31, railcraft:dust#6, appliedenergistics2:material#46, portalgun:item_dust_ender_pearl]=8.0
5266[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Personal Worldspike Fuel: [railcraft:dust#7]=16.0
5267[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Personal Worldspike Fuel: [minecraft:ender_eye]=8.0
5268[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Personal Worldspike Fuel: [ic2:dust#32]=12.0
5269[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Passive Worldspike Fuel: [thermalfoundation:material#770, ic2:dust#12, mekanism:otherdust#6, railcraft:dust#0, enderio:item_material#29]=2.0
5270[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Passive Worldspike Fuel: [minecraft:ender_pearl]=4.0
5271[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Passive Worldspike Fuel: [ic2:dust#31, railcraft:dust#6, appliedenergistics2:material#46, portalgun:item_dust_ender_pearl]=8.0
5272[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Passive Worldspike Fuel: [railcraft:dust#7]=16.0
5273[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Passive Worldspike Fuel: [minecraft:ender_eye]=8.0
5274[14:15:49] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Adding Passive Worldspike Fuel: [ic2:dust#32]=12.0
5275[14:15:50] [Server thread/INFO] [tconstruct-TinkerSmeltery]: Started adding oredict melting recipes
5276[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [tconstruct-TinkerSmeltery]: Oredict melting recipes finished in 15943.8423 ms
5277[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Fake player readout: UUID = 46e82cd0-d480-3d48-800a-77431ede078e, name = [Mekanism]
5278[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Hooked into IC2 successfully.
5279[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Hooked into AE2 successfully.
5280[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Hooked into Computer Craft successfully.
5281[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 3 entries)
5282[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Hooking complete.
5283[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Loaded 9 entries from core spawn config.
5284[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Loaded 0 entries from user spawn config.
5285[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Applying 9 spawn entries from config.
5286[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Activating Mekanism compatibility.
5287[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Activating ThermalExpansion compatibility features.
5288[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Activating Tinker's Construct compatibility features.
5289[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Activating IndustrialCraft2 compatibility features.
5290[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Activating BuildCraft Transport (Pipes) compatibility features.
5291[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Activating Biomes O'Plenty compatibility feature.
5292[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Activating AppliedEnergistics2 compatibility features.
5293[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Activating PneumaticCraft compatibility features.
5294[14:16:06] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Activating WAILA compatibility features.
5295[14:16:07] [Server thread/INFO] [com.mjr.mjrlegendslib.util.MessageUtilities]: extraplanets: ExtremeReactors Compatibility success!
5296[14:16:07] [Server thread/WARN] [com.mjr.mjrlegendslib.util.MessageUtilities]: extraplanets: An error occurred when setting up MCMultiPart Compatibility, this is most likey intended!
5297[14:16:07] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityVillager]: PriceRange(-4, -8) invalid, -8 smaller than -4
5298[14:16:07] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: Registered 17 mutations
5299[14:16:07] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Parsing CraftTweaker action entries...
5300[14:16:07] [Server thread/INFO] [Integration Foregoing]: Parsed CraftTweaker action entries
5301[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: If you wish to setup additional KleeSlabs compatibility, create a folder called 'KleeSlabsCompat' in your config directory and place JSON files inside.
5302[14:16:19] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab biotite_slab could not be found.
5303[14:16:19] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab stone_basalt_slab could not be found.
5304[14:16:19] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab stone_basalt_bricks_slab could not be found.
5305[14:16:19] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab stone_marble_slab could not be found.
5306[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler.Factory: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.AEInterfaceInventoryHandler
5307[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler.Factory: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.BuildCraftTransactorHandler
5308[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler.Factory: network.rs485.logisticspipes.compat.CharsetImplementationFactory
5309[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded AssemblyTable RecipeProvider
5310[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded thermalexpansion, Generic ProgressProvider
5311[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded ic2, Generic ProgressProvider
5312[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Loaded endercore, Generic ProgressProvider
5313[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Postinitializing modules for mod magicbees...
5314[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Postinitializing module ThermalExpansion Integration
5315[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Postinitializing module RedstoneArsenal Integration
5316[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Postinitializing module Vanilla Module
5317[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Postinitializing module Botania Integration
5318[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Postinitializing module Thaumcraft Integration
5319[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Postinitializing module Railcraft Integration
5320[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Postinitializing module AE2 Integration
5321[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: Postinitialized 7 modules for mod magicbees
5322[14:16:19] [Server thread/INFO] [MagicBees]: MagicBees has Post-initialized in 48 ms
5323[14:16:19] [Server thread/WARN] [openmodularturrets]: Tried to add duplicate mob to mob list: ArmorStand
5324[14:16:19] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Loaded NBT modifiers for presumably 18 Minecraft mobs
5325[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings fly to class twilightforest.entity.passive.EntityTFRaven
5326[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings climb, hostile to class twilightforest.entity.EntityTFHedgeSpider
5327[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings sunburn, hostile to class
5328[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings fly, hostile to class
5329[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings hostile to class twilightforest.entity.EntityTFPinchBeetle
5330[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings fly, hostile to class biomesoplenty.common.entities.EntityWasp
5331[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings fly to class twilightforest.entity.passive.EntityTFTinyBird
5332[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings fly to class twilightforest.entity.passive.EntityTFMobileFirefly
5333[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings fly, hostile to class twilightforest.entity.EntityTFMiniGhast
5334[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings fireImmunity, waterAllergy, fly, hostile to class
5335[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings waterAllergy to class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.entity.EntityLinkbook
5336[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings fireImmunity, hostile to class twilightforest.entity.EntityTFFireBeetle
5337[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings climb, hostile to class twilightforest.entity.EntityTFSwarmSpider
5338[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings sunburn, hostile to class
5339[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings fly, hostile to class twilightforest.entity.EntityTFMosquitoSwarm
5340[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Adding ability mappings fly, hostile to class twilightforest.entity.EntityTFDeathTome
5341[14:16:20] [Morph Resource Thread/INFO] [Morph]: Found and mapped ability mappings for 24 presumably Minecraft mobs.
5342[14:16:20] [Server thread/INFO] [plethora-core]: Loaded 187 methods and 72 metadata providers in 1.073 seconds
5343[14:16:20] [Server thread/WARN] [pneumaticcraft]: skipping BlockHeatProperties.cfg entry 'immersiveengineering:storage[type=uranium]': unknown block (mod not loaded?)
5344[14:16:20] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered experience fluid 'xpjuice' from mod 'openblocks' with mB->XP ratio 20
5345[14:16:20] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered experience fluid 'essence' from mod 'industrialforegoing' with mB->XP ratio 20
5346[14:16:20] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered experience fluid 'experience' from mod 'thermalfoundation' with mB->XP ratio 20
5347[14:16:20] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered EnderIO fuel 'hootch' @ 360000 mL air/bucket
5348[14:16:20] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered EnderIO fuel 'rocket_fuel' @ 1120000 mL air/bucket
5349[14:16:20] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Overriding liquid fuel entry Fire Water (fire_water) with a fuel value of 1200000 (previously 68000)
5350[14:16:20] [Server thread/INFO] [pneumaticcraft]: Registered EnderIO fuel 'fire_water' @ 1200000 mL air/bucket
5351[14:16:21] [Server thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Loaded registrys for net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent in 0ms
5352[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [xreliquary]: [xreliquary] Loaded successfully!
5353[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [thaumicenergistics]: Integrations: PostInit
5354[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [torchmaster]: Applying mega torch entity block list overrides...
5355[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [torchmaster]: Applying dread lamp entity block list overrides...
5356[14:16:24] [Server thread/WARN] [tumbleweed]: Item cfm:fridge is invalid.
5357[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: Entity Desync blacklist initialized
5358[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: Block Dispenser block list initialized
5359[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: Swing Through Grass lists initialized
5360[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: Item rarity map initialized
5361[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: Universal Tweaks post-initialized
5362[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: UniDict: Initializing Module: Integration, Side: Server
5363[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Crafting Integration: Why so many recipes? I had to deal with at least 251 recipes.
5364[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Furnace Integration: Some things that you smelted appear to be different now.
5365[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Villagers Integration: Villagers now offer even better deals.
5366[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Advanced Solar Panels Integration: All that free energy now has a use!
5367[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Applied Energistics 2 Integration: The world of energistics has never been so powerful.
5368[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Blood Magic Integration: It's bleeding...
5369[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Ender IO Integration: Some inanimate objects appear to have used ender pearls. They all disappeared, how this is possible?
5370[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Forestry Integration: All these bees... they can hurt, you know?
5371[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Industrial Craft 2 Integration: The world appears to be entirely industrialized.
5372[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Industrial Foregoing Integration: enhanced Laser Drill focus and sieve.
5373[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Mekanism Integration: All the mekanisms were checked.
5374[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Rail Craft Integration: The rails seem more viable.
5375[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Thermal Expansion Integration: The world seems to be more thermally involved.
5376[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: UniDict: All 13 Integrations took 144ms to finish. at load stage PostInit
5377[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Starting Waila...
5378[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Gathering annotated plugins...
5379[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Gathering wrapped IMC plugins...
5380[14:16:24] [Server thread/WARN] [Waila]: Error wrapping plugin at pl.asie.computronics.integration.waila.IntegrationWaila.register: ClassNotFoundException: pl.asie.computronics.integration.waila.IntegrationWaila
5381[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugins...
5382[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.core.PluginCore
5383[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at buildcraft.compat.module.waila.HWYLAPlugin
5384[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft
5385[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.capability.PluginCapability
5386[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at appeng.integration.modules.waila.WailaModule
5387[14:16:24] [Server thread/ERROR] [Waila]: Error registering wrapped plugin from appliedenergistics2 at appeng.integration.modules.waila.WailaModule.register
5388[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at com.blakebr0.mysticalagriculture.compat.WailaDataProvider
5389[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at
5390[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at edgarallen.soundmuffler.compat.waila.SoundMufflerWailaDataProvider
5391[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at extracells.integration.waila.Waila
5392[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at growthcraft.cellar.common.compat.waila.WailaDataProvider
5393[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at landmaster.plustic.waila.PTWailaRegistrar
5394[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at li.cil.oc.integration.waila.BlockDataProvider
5395[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at me.desht.modularrouters.integration.waila.WailaIntegration
5396[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at me.desht.pneumaticcraft.common.thirdparty.waila.WailaCallback
5397[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at me.xfl03.thaumicwaila.provider.AspectContainerProvider
5398[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [ThaumicWaila]: AspectContainerProvider registered.
5399[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at me.xfl03.thaumicwaila.provider.BlockVisBatteryProvider
5400[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [ThaumicWaila]: BlockVisBatteryProvider registered.
5401[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at me.xfl03.thaumicwaila.provider.GogglesDisplayProvider
5402[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [ThaumicWaila]: GogglesDisplayProvider registered.
5403[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at me.xfl03.thaumicwaila.provider.StabilizableProvider
5404[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [ThaumicWaila]: StabilizableProvider registered.
5405[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at me.xfl03.thaumicwaila.render.AspectRender
5406[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [ThaumicWaila]: AspectRender registered.
5407[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at net.bdew.ae2stuff.waila.WailaHandler
5408[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at net.bdew.gendustry.waila.WailaHandler
5409[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [gendustry]: WAILA callback received, loading...
5410[14:16:24] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at net.blay09.mods.cookingforblockheads.compat.WailaProvider
5411[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at net.msrandom.witchery.integration.HwylaIntegration.Registrar
5412[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at omtteam.omlib.compatibility.hwyla.OMLibWailaPlugin
5413[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at org.icannt.netherendingores.integration.common.compat.WailaCompatibility
5414[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at
5415[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at slimeknights.tconstruct.plugin.waila.WailaRegistrar
5416[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at team.chisel.common.integration.waila.ChiselDataHandler
5417[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at thaumicenergistics.integration.hwyla.ThEHwyla
5418[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at WayofTime.bloodmagic.compat.waila.BloodMagicHwylaPlugin
5419[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registering plugin at xreliquary.compat.waila.WailaCallbackHandler
5420[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Starting Waila took 503.9 ms
5421[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Trimming simple registries
5422[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Cleaning up LaunchClassLoader
5423[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: 19312969 total strings processed. 204342 unique strings in LoliStringPool, 19108627 strings deduplicated altogether during game load.
5424[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 115.4 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
5425[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [cofhcore]: CoFH Core: Load Complete.
5426[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: Accumulating world generation files from: "C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\config\cofh\world"
5427[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: Found a total of 4 world generation files.
5428[14:16:25] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
5429[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: Reading world generation info from: "cofh\world\01_thermalfoundation_ores.json":
5430[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: Reading world generation info from: "cofh\world\02_thermalfoundation_oil.json":
5431[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: Reading world generation info from: "cofh\world\03_thermalfoundation_clathrates.json":
5432[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: Reading world generation info from: "cofh\world\04_the1122pack_nether_ores.json":
5433[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [CoFH World]: CoFH World: Load Complete.
5434[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalfoundation]: [Whitelist] Reading established Whitelist from file.
5435[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalfoundation]: Thermal Foundation: Load Complete.
5436[14:16:25] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalexpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Load Complete.
5437[14:16:26] [Server thread/INFO] [redstonearsenal]: Redstone Arsenal: Load Complete.
5438[14:16:26] [Server thread/INFO] [thermaldynamics]: Thermal Dynamics: Load Complete.
5439[14:16:26] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalcultivation]: Thermal Cultivation: Load Complete.
5440[14:16:26] [Server thread/INFO] [thermalinnovation]: Thermal Innovation: Load Complete.
5441[14:16:26] [Server thread/INFO] [Universal Tweaks]: The game loaded in approximately 251.02 seconds
5442[14:16:26] [Server thread/INFO] [whoosh]: Whoosh: Load Complete.
5443[14:16:26] [Netty Server IO #2/INFO] [FML]: Disconnecting Player: Server is still starting! Please wait before reconnecting.
5444[14:16:31] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 298 mods
5445[14:16:31] [Server thread/INFO] [enderio]: Permission Handler is: (default)
5446[14:16:32] [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1/INFO] [logisticspipes]: Waiting for server tick
5447[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer]: Preparing level "world"
5448[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod opencomputers|core version 1.8.3 and it is now at version 1.8.5, things may not work well
5449[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod appliedenergistics2 version v0.56.4 and it is now at version v0.56.5, things may not work well
5450[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod quark version r1.6-184 and it is now at version r1.6-185, things may not work well
5451[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod binniecore version and it is now at version, things may not work well
5452[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod binniedesign version and it is now at version, things may not work well
5453[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod genetics version and it is now at version, things may not work well
5454[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod botany version and it is now at version, things may not work well
5455[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod extrabees version and it is now at version, things may not work well
5456[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod extratrees version and it is now at version, things may not work well
5457[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod loliasm version 5.19 and it is now at version 5.20, things may not work well
5458[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod cfm version 6.4.1 and it is now at version 6.5.0, things may not work well
5459[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod opencomputers version 1.8.3 and it is now at version 1.8.5, things may not work well
5460[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod crimsonrevelations version 0.8 and it is now at version 1.0.1, things may not work well
5461[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod mekanism version 9.12.8 and it is now at version 9.12.10, things may not work well
5462[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod extraplanets version 1.12.2-0.7.7 and it is now at version 1.12.2-0.8.0, things may not work well
5463[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod loottweaker version GRADLE:VERSION and it is now at version 0.4.0, things may not work well
5464[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod mekanismgenerators version 9.12.8 and it is now at version 9.12.10, things may not work well
5465[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod mekanismtools version 9.12.8 and it is now at version 9.12.10, things may not work well
5466[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod sledgehammer version 1.12.2-2.0.25 and it is now at version 1.12.2-2.0.26, things may not work well
5467[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod thaumicenergistics version 2.2.6 and it is now at version 2.3.0, things may not work well
5468[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod thaumictinkerer version 1.12.2-5.3-Unofficial and it is now at version 1.12.2-5.4-Unofficial, things may not work well
5469[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod thaumicwonders version 1.8.2 and it is now at version 1.8.4, things may not work well
5470[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod treechop version 0.14.6 and it is now at version 0.14.8, things may not work well
5471[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod vintagefix version 0.4.1-16-g07f75cc and it is now at version 0.5.0-18-g6ebc4e0, things may not work well
5472[14:16:32] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod worldcontrol which appears to be missing, things may not work well
5473[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting existing registry data into this server instance
5474[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Block: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:ic2_remote_reactor_monitor
5475[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Block: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:info_panel_advanced
5476[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Block: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:howler_alarm
5477[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Block: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:industrial_alarm
5478[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Block: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:extremereactormonitor
5479[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Block: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:info_panel
5480[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Block: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:info_panel_extender
5481[14:16:32] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Block: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_monitor
5482[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:ic2_remote_reactor_monitor
5483[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:info_panel_advanced
5484[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_kit
5485[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:time_card
5486[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:extremereactormonitor
5487[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:image_card
5488[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:fluid_card
5489[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:er_kit
5490[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:remote_panel
5491[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:fluid_kit
5492[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:thermometer
5493[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:howler_alarm
5494[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:ic2_energy_storage_card
5495[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_card
5496[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:industrial_alarm
5497[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:forge_energy_card
5498[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:ic2_energy_storage_kit
5499[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:info_panel
5500[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:er_card
5501[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:info_panel_extender
5502[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_monitor
5503[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:upgrade_cards
5504[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registry Item: Found a missing id from the world worldcontrol:forge_energy_kit
5505[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Unidentified mapping from registry minecraft:blocks
5506[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:howler_alarm: 4676
5507[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:info_panel: 4677
5508[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:extremereactormonitor: 4674
5509[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:info_panel_extender: 4678
5510[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_monitor: 4672
5511[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:industrial_alarm: 4675
5512[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:info_panel_advanced: 4679
5513[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:ic2_remote_reactor_monitor: 4673
5514[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
5515[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
5516[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
5517[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
5518[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
5519[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
5520[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
5521[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
5522[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of materials
5523[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5524[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5525[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5526[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5527[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5528[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5529[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5530[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5531[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5532[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5533[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5534[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5535[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5536[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5537[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5538[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5539[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5540[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5541[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5542[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5543[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5544[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5545[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5546[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5547[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5548[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5549[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5550[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5551[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5552[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5553[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5554[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5555[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5556[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5557[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5558[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5559[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5560[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5561[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5562[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5563[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5564[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5565[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of cropBlocks
5566[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of cropBlocks
5567[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of seeds
5568[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of seeds
5569[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of edibles
5570[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5571[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5572[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5573[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5574[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of logs
5575[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5576[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5577[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5578[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of saplings
5579[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of shrooms
5580[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of shrooms
5581[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [forestry]: [PluginNatura] Adding '' to list of shrooms
5582[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Unidentified mapping from registry minecraft:items
5583[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_kit: 11173
5584[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:time_card: 11179
5585[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:ic2_remote_reactor_monitor: 11165
5586[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:remote_panel: 11180
5587[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:er_kit: 11177
5588[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:forge_energy_card: 11183
5589[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:forge_energy_kit: 11184
5590[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:howler_alarm: 11168
5591[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:er_card: 11176
5592[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:info_panel_advanced: 11171
5593[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:fluid_kit: 11182
5594[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:industrial_alarm: 11167
5595[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_card: 11172
5596[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_monitor: 11164
5597[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:extremereactormonitor: 11166
5598[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:upgrade_cards: 11185
5599[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:fluid_card: 11181
5600[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:info_panel: 11169
5601[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:thermometer: 11178
5602[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:ic2_energy_storage_card: 11174
5603[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:info_panel_extender: 11170
5604[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:ic2_energy_storage_kit: 11175
5605[14:16:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: worldcontrol:image_card: 11186
5606[14:16:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Using fml.queryResult confirm to answer the following query:
5607Forge Mod Loader detected missing registry entries.
5609There are 31 missing entries in this save.
5610If you continue the missing entries will get removed.
5611A world backup will be automatically created in your saves directory.
5613Missing minecraft:blocks:
5614 worldcontrol:info_panel_advanced
5615 worldcontrol:industrial_alarm
5616 worldcontrol:info_panel
5617 worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_monitor
5618 worldcontrol:ic2_remote_reactor_monitor
5619 worldcontrol:info_panel_extender
5620 worldcontrol:howler_alarm
5621 worldcontrol:extremereactormonitor
5622Missing minecraft:items:
5623 worldcontrol:info_panel_advanced
5624 worldcontrol:fluid_card
5625 worldcontrol:industrial_alarm
5626 worldcontrol:forge_energy_card
5627 worldcontrol:image_card
5628 worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_monitor
5629 worldcontrol:er_kit
5630 worldcontrol:ic2_remote_reactor_monitor
5631 worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_card
5632 worldcontrol:ic2_energy_storage_kit
5633 worldcontrol:thermometer
5634 worldcontrol:remote_panel
5635 worldcontrol:time_card
5636 worldcontrol:er_card
5637 worldcontrol:upgrade_cards
5638 worldcontrol:info_panel
5639 worldcontrol:forge_energy_kit
5640 worldcontrol:ic2_reactor_kit
5641 worldcontrol:ic2_energy_storage_card
5642 worldcontrol:info_panel_extender
5643 worldcontrol:howler_alarm
5644 worldcontrol:extremereactormonitor
5645 worldcontrol:fluid_kit
5647[14:16:52] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: World backup created at C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\
5648[14:16:52] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: There are unidentified mappings in this world - we are going to attempt to process anyway
5649[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:yellow_coffin Expected: 1645 Got: 5611
5650[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spectral_witchs_ladder Expected: 1610 Got: 5612
5651[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3386 Got: 5613
5652[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_pine_closed Expected: 3544 Got: 5614
5653[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3571 Got: 5615
5654[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silver_vat Expected: 1616 Got: 5616
5655[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3486 Got: 5617
5656[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3372 Got: 5618
5657[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:clever Expected: 1634 Got: 5619
5658[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3568 Got: 5620
5659[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3472 Got: 5621
5660[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:glint_weed Expected: 1529 Got: 5622
5661[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dandelion_thorn_plant_mine Expected: 1695 Got: 5623
5662[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_jacaranda_closed Expected: 3539 Got: 5624
5663[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:altar Expected: 1586 Got: 5625
5664[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3402 Got: 5626
5665[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_log Expected: 1720 Got: 5627
5666[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_log Expected: 1729 Got: 5628
5667[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mandrake_seeds Expected: 1519 Got: 5629
5668[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3343 Got: 5630
5669[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:lime_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1678 Got: 5631
5670[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blue_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1684 Got: 5632
5671[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3435 Got: 5633
5672[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:waterlily Expected: 1544 Got: 5634
5673[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:disease Expected: 1630 Got: 5635
5674[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:magma_cube_critter_snare Expected: 1537 Got: 5636
5675[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:iron_arm_dream_weaver Expected: 1590 Got: 5637
5676[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3449 Got: 5638
5677[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3454 Got: 5639
5678[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3470 Got: 5640
5679[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3355 Got: 5641
5680[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus_open Expected: 3520 Got: 5642
5681[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snow_double_slab Expected: 1571 Got: 5643
5682[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_cherry_open Expected: 3517 Got: 5644
5683[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3458 Got: 5645
5684[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alluring_skull Expected: 1557 Got: 5646
5685[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:curative_vat Expected: 4949 Got: 5647
5686[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cactus Expected: 1543 Got: 5648
5687[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3468 Got: 5649
5688[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:distillery Expected: 1603 Got: 5650
5689[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_leaves Expected: 1719 Got: 5651
5690[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_redwood_closed Expected: 3545 Got: 5652
5691[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pink_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1679 Got: 5653
5692[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_cherry_closed Expected: 3533 Got: 5654
5693[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3582 Got: 5655
5694[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3363 Got: 5656
5695[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_sapling Expected: 1718 Got: 5657
5696[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3480 Got: 5658
5697[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:beartrap Expected: 1617 Got: 5659
5698[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:filtered_fume_funnel Expected: 1602 Got: 5660
5699[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_fence_gate Expected: 1567 Got: 5661
5700[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3426 Got: 5662
5701[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_mangrove_closed Expected: 3542 Got: 5663
5702[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fleet_foot_dream_weaver Expected: 1589 Got: 5664
5703[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:placed_item Expected: 1556 Got: 5665
5704[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3464 Got: 5666
5705[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3412 Got: 5667
5706[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3500 Got: 5668
5707[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cwoodendoor Expected: 1635 Got: 5669
5708[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3427 Got: 5670
5709[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hollow_tears Expected: 1629 Got: 5671
5710[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dead_bush_sprouting_plant_mine Expected: 1700 Got: 5672
5711[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3473 Got: 5673
5712[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:heart_circle_glyph Expected: 1624 Got: 5674
5713[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dead_bush_web_plant_mine Expected: 1697 Got: 5675
5714[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3345 Got: 5676
5715[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3457 Got: 5677
5716[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:grassper Expected: 1538 Got: 5678
5717[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3384 Got: 5679
5718[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3580 Got: 5680
5719[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3585 Got: 5681
5720[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_slab Expected: 1713 Got: 5682
5721[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blood_stained_wool Expected: 1579 Got: 5683
5722[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3577 Got: 5684
5723[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brazier Expected: 1598 Got: 5685
5724[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blue_coffin Expected: 1652 Got: 5686
5725[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3405 Got: 5687
5726[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pit_dirt Expected: 1575 Got: 5688
5727[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:torment_stone Expected: 1583 Got: 5689
5728[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3498 Got: 5690
5729[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:info_panel Expected: 4248 Got: 5691
5730[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3515 Got: 5692
5731[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3476 Got: 5693
5732[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3564 Got: 5694
5733[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3592 Got: 5695
5734[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3376 Got: 5696
5735[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3392 Got: 5697
5736[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spirit_portal Expected: 1595 Got: 5698
5737[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:seed_library Expected: 4262 Got: 5699
5738[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3587 Got: 5700
5739[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3444 Got: 5701
5740[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3425 Got: 5702
5741[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mirror_wall Expected: 1580 Got: 5703
5742[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_planks Expected: 1721 Got: 5704
5743[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3344 Got: 5705
5744[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3399 Got: 5706
5745[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witchs_ladder Expected: 1607 Got: 5707
5746[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3349 Got: 5708
5747[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cbuttonstone Expected: 1640 Got: 5709
5748[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3362 Got: 5710
5749[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snow_stairs Expected: 1570 Got: 5711
5750[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3461 Got: 5712
5751[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:yellow_shaded_glass Expected: 1661 Got: 5713
5752[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:artichoke_seeds Expected: 1520 Got: 5714
5753[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3437 Got: 5715
5754[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_log Expected: 1711 Got: 5716
5755[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3549 Got: 5717
5756[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_mahogany_closed Expected: 3541 Got: 5718
5757[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_fence Expected: 1566 Got: 5719
5758[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_slab Expected: 1722 Got: 5720
5759[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3346 Got: 5721
5760[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_fir_open Expected: 3521 Got: 5722
5761[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3460 Got: 5723
5762[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3374 Got: 5724
5763[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3361 Got: 5725
5764[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:trent_effigy Expected: 1606 Got: 5726
5765[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_hellbark_open Expected: 3522 Got: 5727
5766[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:candelabra Expected: 1555 Got: 5728
5767[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:slime_critter_snare Expected: 1536 Got: 5729
5768[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:perpetual_ice Expected: 1562 Got: 5730
5769[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cwoodpressureplate Expected: 1636 Got: 5731
5770[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3596 Got: 5732
5771[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3342 Got: 5733
5772[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3365 Got: 5734
5773[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_fence_gate Expected: 1726 Got: 5735
5774[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wormwood_seeds Expected: 1522 Got: 5736
5775[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cyan_shaded_glass Expected: 1666 Got: 5737
5776[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3400 Got: 5738
5777[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3485 Got: 5739
5778[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_planks Expected: 1730 Got: 5740
5779[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:thermal_monitor Expected: 4247 Got: 5741
5780[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:worship_statue Expected: 1613 Got: 5742
5781[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:leaping_lily Expected: 1531 Got: 5743
5782[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:light Expected: 1619 Got: 5744
5783[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:liquid_brew Expected: 1632 Got: 5745
5784[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_willow_closed Expected: 3548 Got: 5746
5785[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3387 Got: 5747
5786[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witches_oven_burning Expected: 1600 Got: 5748
5787[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3420 Got: 5749
5788[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:demon_heart Expected: 1545 Got: 5750
5789[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3489 Got: 5751
5790[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3406 Got: 5752
5791[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:gray_coffin Expected: 1648 Got: 5753
5792[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3436 Got: 5754
5793[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3509 Got: 5755
5794[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3381 Got: 5756
5795[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:distillery_burning Expected: 1604 Got: 5757
5796[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:leech_chest Expected: 1585 Got: 5758
5797[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3581 Got: 5759
5798[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wolftrap Expected: 1618 Got: 5760
5799[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3572 Got: 5761
5800[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3409 Got: 5762
5801[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3491 Got: 5763
5802[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:empty_critter_snare Expected: 1533 Got: 5764
5803[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3584 Got: 5765
5804[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dead_bush_ink_plant_mine Expected: 1698 Got: 5766
5805[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:range_trigger Expected: 4254 Got: 5767
5806[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3561 Got: 5768
5807[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3416 Got: 5769
5808[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3588 Got: 5770
5809[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fasting_dream_weaver Expected: 1591 Got: 5771
5810[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3432 Got: 5772
5811[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3507 Got: 5773
5812[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_door Expected: 1552 Got: 5774
5813[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ember_moss Expected: 1532 Got: 5775
5814[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silver_coffin Expected: 1649 Got: 5776
5815[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:info_panel_extender Expected: 4249 Got: 5777
5816[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:white_shaded_glass Expected: 1657 Got: 5778
5817[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_slab Expected: 1565 Got: 5779
5818[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snow_pressure_plate Expected: 1569 Got: 5780
5819[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:red_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1687 Got: 5781
5820[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:yellow_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1677 Got: 5782
5821[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: charset:compression_crafter Expected: 5197 Got: 5783
5822[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3443 Got: 5784
5823[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_fir_closed Expected: 3537 Got: 5785
5824[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_door Expected: 1549 Got: 5786
5825[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:black_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1688 Got: 5787
5826[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:green_coffin Expected: 1654 Got: 5788
5827[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rose_thorn_plant_mine Expected: 1691 Got: 5789
5828[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3434 Got: 5790
5829[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wolf_head Expected: 1546 Got: 5791
5830[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:occluded_summons_statue Expected: 1611 Got: 5792
5831[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3512 Got: 5793
5832[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_hellbark_closed Expected: 3538 Got: 5794
5833[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_magic_closed Expected: 3540 Got: 5795
5834[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:intensity_dream_weaver Expected: 1593 Got: 5796
5835[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3516 Got: 5797
5836[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snowbell_seeds Expected: 1521 Got: 5798
5837[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_stockade Expected: 1707 Got: 5799
5838[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3357 Got: 5800
5839[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:average_counter Expected: 4256 Got: 5801
5840[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3484 Got: 5802
5841[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3559 Got: 5803
5842[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:holo_panel Expected: 4252 Got: 5804
5843[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3496 Got: 5805
5844[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:gray_shaded_glass Expected: 1664 Got: 5806
5845[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:flowing_spirit Expected: 1628 Got: 5807
5846[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_sapling Expected: 1736 Got: 5808
5847[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3562 Got: 5809
5848[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:green_shaded_glass Expected: 1670 Got: 5810
5849[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_mahogany_open Expected: 3525 Got: 5811
5850[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_mangrove_open Expected: 3526 Got: 5812
5851[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:birch_stockade Expected: 1703 Got: 5813
5852[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pit_podzol Expected: 1576 Got: 5814
5853[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3499 Got: 5815
5854[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3368 Got: 5816
5855[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pit_grass Expected: 1577 Got: 5817
5856[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3447 Got: 5818
5857[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:purple_shaded_glass Expected: 1667 Got: 5819
5858[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3595 Got: 5820
5859[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3380 Got: 5821
5860[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3359 Got: 5822
5861[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3576 Got: 5823
5862[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dandelion_web_plant_mine Expected: 1693 Got: 5824
5863[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3373 Got: 5825
5864[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rose_web_plant_mine Expected: 1689 Got: 5826
5865[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3377 Got: 5827
5866[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:purple_coffin Expected: 1651 Got: 5828
5867[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dark_oak_stockade Expected: 1706 Got: 5829
5868[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:holo_panel_extender Expected: 4253 Got: 5830
5869[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blood_crucible Expected: 1621 Got: 5831
5870[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_leaves Expected: 1728 Got: 5832
5871[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3351 Got: 5833
5872[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3418 Got: 5834
5873[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3347 Got: 5835
5874[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3514 Got: 5836
5875[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3550 Got: 5837
5876[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:gas_brew Expected: 1631 Got: 5838
5877[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3341 Got: 5839
5878[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3578 Got: 5840
5879[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3350 Got: 5841
5880[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3474 Got: 5842
5881[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_stairs Expected: 1563 Got: 5843
5882[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wolfsbane_seeds Expected: 1523 Got: 5844
5883[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3438 Got: 5845
5884[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:jungle_stockade Expected: 1704 Got: 5846
5885[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_palm_closed Expected: 3543 Got: 5847
5886[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cstonepressureplate Expected: 1637 Got: 5848
5887[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3465 Got: 5849
5888[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_magic_open Expected: 3524 Got: 5850
5889[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cyan_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1682 Got: 5851
5890[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3371 Got: 5852
5891[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:light_blue_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1676 Got: 5853
5892[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dead_bush_thorn_plant_mine Expected: 1699 Got: 5854
5893[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cbuttonwood Expected: 1639 Got: 5855
5894[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:light_blue_shaded_glass Expected: 1660 Got: 5856
5895[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3366 Got: 5857
5896[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:white_coffin Expected: 1641 Got: 5858
5897[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3404 Got: 5859
5898[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:web Expected: 1541 Got: 5860
5899[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3445 Got: 5861
5900[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3360 Got: 5862
5901[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snow_slab Expected: 1572 Got: 5863
5902[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3396 Got: 5864
5903[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3573 Got: 5865
5904[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3388 Got: 5866
5905[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:refilling_chest Expected: 1581 Got: 5867
5906[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3574 Got: 5868
5907[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3553 Got: 5869
5908[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3502 Got: 5870
5909[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:magenta_shaded_glass Expected: 1659 Got: 5871
5910[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spectral_scarecrow Expected: 1608 Got: 5872
5911[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:black_coffin Expected: 1656 Got: 5873
5912[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:acacia_stockade Expected: 1705 Got: 5874
5913[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:infinity_egg Expected: 1573 Got: 5875
5914[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3589 Got: 5876
5915[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3364 Got: 5877
5916[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:afsu Expected: 4260 Got: 5878
5917[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:industrial_alarm Expected: 4246 Got: 5879
5918[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3413 Got: 5880
5919[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:kettle Expected: 1587 Got: 5881
5920[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_fence_gate Expected: 1717 Got: 5882
5921[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3479 Got: 5883
5922[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:vat_interior Expected: 4950 Got: 5884
5923[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pink_coffin Expected: 1647 Got: 5885
5924[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3419 Got: 5886
5925[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:poppet_shelf Expected: 1588 Got: 5887
5926[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:csnowpressureplate Expected: 1638 Got: 5888
5927[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:infernal_circle_glyph Expected: 1627 Got: 5889
5928[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:green_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1686 Got: 5890
5929[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rose_ink_plant_mine Expected: 1690 Got: 5891
5930[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3452 Got: 5892
5931[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spectral_trent_effigy Expected: 1609 Got: 5893
5932[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3401 Got: 5894
5933[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:plain_wicker_bundle Expected: 1558 Got: 5895
5934[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_ebony_closed Expected: 3534 Got: 5896
5935[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3477 Got: 5897
5936[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3424 Got: 5898
5937[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3369 Got: 5899
5938[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3403 Got: 5900
5939[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3495 Got: 5901
5940[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:orange_shaded_glass Expected: 1658 Got: 5902
5941[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3383 Got: 5903
5942[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mirror Expected: 1622 Got: 5904
5943[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3456 Got: 5905
5944[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spanish_moss Expected: 1530 Got: 5906
5945[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3583 Got: 5907
5946[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3367 Got: 5908
5947[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3563 Got: 5909
5948[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:light_blue_coffin Expected: 1644 Got: 5910
5949[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:scarecrow Expected: 1605 Got: 5911
5950[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blue_shaded_glass Expected: 1668 Got: 5912
5951[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:magenta_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1675 Got: 5913
5952[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3552 Got: 5914
5953[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blood_poppy Expected: 1539 Got: 5915
5954[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spinning_wheel Expected: 1597 Got: 5916
5955[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:oak_stockade Expected: 1701 Got: 5917
5956[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:barrier Expected: 1584 Got: 5918
5957[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_willow_open Expected: 3532 Got: 5919
5958[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3428 Got: 5920
5959[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_sapling Expected: 1727 Got: 5921
5960[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3417 Got: 5922
5961[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak_open Expected: 3530 Got: 5923
5962[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3379 Got: 5924
5963[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wild_bramble Expected: 1526 Got: 5925
5964[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:seed_analyzer Expected: 4261 Got: 5926
5965[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:red_shaded_glass Expected: 1671 Got: 5927
5966[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_planks Expected: 1712 Got: 5928
5967[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:timer Expected: 4259 Got: 5929
5968[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:torment_portal Expected: 1596 Got: 5930
5969[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3497 Got: 5931
5970[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_double_slab Expected: 1732 Got: 5932
5971[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3594 Got: 5933
5972[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_leaves Expected: 1737 Got: 5934
5973[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_double_slab Expected: 1714 Got: 5935
5974[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fume_funnel Expected: 1601 Got: 5936
5975[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vine Expected: 1542 Got: 5937
5976[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3557 Got: 5938
5977[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:broken_curses_statue Expected: 1612 Got: 5939
5978[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brown_coffin Expected: 1653 Got: 5940
5979[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3440 Got: 5941
5980[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3586 Got: 5942
5981[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3471 Got: 5943
5982[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3481 Got: 5944
5983[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_ethereal_open Expected: 3519 Got: 5945
5984[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silver_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1681 Got: 5946
5985[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3414 Got: 5947
5986[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3390 Got: 5948
5987[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3505 Got: 5949
5988[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3510 Got: 5950
5989[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3567 Got: 5951
5990[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ender_bramble Expected: 1527 Got: 5952
5991[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rose_sprouting_plant_mine Expected: 1692 Got: 5953
5992[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3354 Got: 5954
5993[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bat_critter_snare Expected: 1534 Got: 5955
5994[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:belladonna_seeds Expected: 1518 Got: 5956
5995[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:garlic Expected: 1524 Got: 5957
5996[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:magenta_coffin Expected: 1643 Got: 5958
5997[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3358 Got: 5959
5998[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:red_coffin Expected: 1655 Got: 5960
5999[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:gray_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1680 Got: 5961
6000[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3463 Got: 5962
6001[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:lime_coffin Expected: 1646 Got: 5963
6002[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_double_slab Expected: 1723 Got: 5964
6003[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_double_slab Expected: 1564 Got: 5965
6004[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:remote_thermo Expected: 4255 Got: 5966
6005[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silverfish_critter_snare Expected: 1535 Got: 5967
6006[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_pressure_plate Expected: 1568 Got: 5968
6007[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:jar_soul Expected: 4951 Got: 5969
6008[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3397 Got: 5970
6009[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3478 Got: 5971
6010[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_pine_open Expected: 3528 Got: 5972
6011[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brown_shaded_glass Expected: 1669 Got: 5973
6012[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:disguised_alder_door Expected: 1550 Got: 5974
6013[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3493 Got: 5975
6014[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus_closed Expected: 3536 Got: 5976
6015[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3459 Got: 5977
6016[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:kit_assembler Expected: 4258 Got: 5978
6017[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3407 Got: 5979
6018[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_ethereal_closed Expected: 3535 Got: 5980
6019[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3446 Got: 5981
6020[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:nightmares_dream_weaver Expected: 1592 Got: 5982
6021[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silver_shaded_glass Expected: 1665 Got: 5983
6022[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:purple_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1683 Got: 5984
6023[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3554 Got: 5985
6024[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak_closed Expected: 3546 Got: 5986
6025[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:info_panel_advanced Expected: 4250 Got: 5987
6026[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3423 Got: 5988
6027[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:unbreakable_mirror Expected: 1623 Got: 5989
6028[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witches_oven Expected: 1599 Got: 5990
6029[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3488 Got: 5991
6030[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:howler_alarm Expected: 4245 Got: 5992
6031[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3570 Got: 5993
6032[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:energy_counter Expected: 4257 Got: 5994
6033[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:void_bramble Expected: 1528 Got: 5995
6034[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3466 Got: 5996
6035[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_fence Expected: 1734 Got: 5997
6036[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3394 Got: 5998
6037[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:garlic_garland Expected: 1578 Got: 5999
6038[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dandelion_ink_plant_mine Expected: 1694 Got: 6000
6039[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_fence Expected: 1716 Got: 6001
6040[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 3356 Got: 6002
6041[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3422 Got: 6003
6042[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3469 Got: 6004
6043[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3439 Got: 6005
6044[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3490 Got: 6006
6045[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3501 Got: 6007
6046[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3513 Got: 6008
6047[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_umbran_closed Expected: 3547 Got: 6009
6048[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3565 Got: 6010
6049[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3511 Got: 6011
6050[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3370 Got: 6012
6051[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:block_light Expected: 4244 Got: 6013
6052[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3555 Got: 6014
6053[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3353 Got: 6015
6054[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3378 Got: 6016
6055[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:otherwhere_circle_glyph Expected: 1626 Got: 6017
6056[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_stockade Expected: 1709 Got: 6018
6057[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3551 Got: 6019
6058[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3451 Got: 6020
6059[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3475 Got: 6021
6060[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:info_panel_advanced_extender Expected: 4251 Got: 6022
6061[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:modified_matrix Expected: 4953 Got: 6023
6062[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3503 Got: 6024
6063[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3556 Got: 6025
6064[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wolf_altar Expected: 1615 Got: 6026
6065[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cauldron Expected: 1614 Got: 6027
6066[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:orange_coffin Expected: 1642 Got: 6028
6067[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3348 Got: 6029
6068[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3450 Got: 6030
6069[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3430 Got: 6031
6070[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3408 Got: 6032
6071[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_slab Expected: 1731 Got: 6033
6072[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3395 Got: 6034
6073[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3591 Got: 6035
6074[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 3482 Got: 6036
6075[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:force Expected: 1582 Got: 6037
6076[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:glow_globe Expected: 1560 Got: 6038
6077[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 3504 Got: 6039
6078[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_umbran_open Expected: 3531 Got: 6040
6079[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3415 Got: 6041
6080[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:orange_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1674 Got: 6042
6081[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 3429 Got: 6043
6082[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_door Expected: 1548 Got: 6044
6083[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_palm_open Expected: 3527 Got: 6045
6084[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3352 Got: 6046
6085[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pink_shaded_glass Expected: 1663 Got: 6047
6086[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3391 Got: 6048
6087[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3492 Got: 6049
6088[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 3508 Got: 6050
6089[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_ebony_open Expected: 3518 Got: 6051
6090[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ritual_circle_glyph Expected: 1625 Got: 6052
6091[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brown_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1685 Got: 6053
6092[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:crystal_ball Expected: 1594 Got: 6054
6093[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3410 Got: 6055
6094[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cyan_coffin Expected: 1650 Got: 6056
6095[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bloodied_wicker_bundle Expected: 1559 Got: 6057
6096[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3441 Got: 6058
6097[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:goddess_statue Expected: 1561 Got: 6059
6098[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3590 Got: 6060
6099[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sun_collector Expected: 1620 Got: 6061
6100[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wispy_cotton Expected: 1540 Got: 6062
6101[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3421 Got: 6063
6102[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3483 Got: 6064
6103[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_stockade Expected: 1708 Got: 6065
6104[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_stairs Expected: 1733 Got: 6066
6105[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_stairs Expected: 1724 Got: 6067
6106[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3467 Got: 6068
6107[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3506 Got: 6069
6108[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_redwood_open Expected: 3529 Got: 6070
6109[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 3566 Got: 6071
6110[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 3579 Got: 6072
6111[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mindrake_bulb Expected: 1525 Got: 6073
6112[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3433 Got: 6074
6113[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3382 Got: 6075
6114[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3560 Got: 6076
6115[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3389 Got: 6077
6116[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3385 Got: 6078
6117[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3462 Got: 6079
6118[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3494 Got: 6080
6119[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 3442 Got: 6081
6120[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:removed Expected: 1574 Got: 6082
6121[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 3453 Got: 6083
6122[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_fence_gate Expected: 1735 Got: 6084
6123[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 3411 Got: 6085
6124[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spruce_stockade Expected: 1702 Got: 6086
6125[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_stockade Expected: 1710 Got: 6087
6126[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brew Expected: 1633 Got: 6088
6127[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 3593 Got: 6089
6128[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:chocolate Expected: 4952 Got: 6094
6129[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dandelion_sprouting_plant_mine Expected: 1696 Got: 6095
6130[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: galacticraftcore:grating394 Expected: 6094 Got: 6096
6131[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3558 Got: 6097
6132[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:white_activated_shaded_glass Expected: 1673 Got: 6098
6133[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_door Expected: 1551 Got: 6099
6134[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 3398 Got: 6100
6135[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 3448 Got: 6101
6136[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hellhound_head Expected: 1547 Got: 6102
6137[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_fence Expected: 1725 Got: 6103
6138[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3487 Got: 6104
6139[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_stairs Expected: 1715 Got: 6105
6140[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3575 Got: 6106
6141[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3569 Got: 6107
6142[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3455 Got: 6108
6143[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:chalice Expected: 1553 Got: 6109
6144[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_jacaranda_open Expected: 3523 Got: 6110
6145[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 3431 Got: 6111
6146[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 3375 Got: 6112
6147[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 3393 Got: 6113
6148[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:full_chalice Expected: 1554 Got: 6114
6149[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:lime_shaded_glass Expected: 1662 Got: 6115
6150[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Block: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:black_shaded_glass Expected: 1672 Got: 6116
6151[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:yellow_coffin Expected: 6820 Got: 13508
6152[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9084 Got: 13509
6153[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9253 Got: 13510
6154[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silver_vat Expected: 6806 Got: 13511
6155[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:tool_protection_poppet Expected: 7054 Got: 13512
6156[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9184 Got: 13513
6157[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wolfsbane Expected: 7027 Got: 13514
6158[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9070 Got: 13515
6159[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ruby_slippers Expected: 7116 Got: 13516
6160[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9250 Got: 13517
6161[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wormwood Expected: 7015 Got: 13518
6162[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:water_protection_poppet Expected: 7051 Got: 13519
6163[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9170 Got: 13520
6164[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:lens Expected: 11187 Got: 13521
6165[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:glint_weed Expected: 6737 Got: 13522
6166[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dandelion_thorn_plant_mine Expected: 6854 Got: 13523
6167[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:altar Expected: 6783 Got: 13524
6168[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:nullified_leather Expected: 7021 Got: 13525
6169[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9100 Got: 13526
6170[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_log Expected: 6878 Got: 13527
6171[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_log Expected: 6886 Got: 13528
6172[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mandrake_seeds Expected: 6727 Got: 13529
6173[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hollow_tears_brew Expected: 6935 Got: 13530
6174[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_helmet Expected: 7139 Got: 13531
6175[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9041 Got: 13532
6176[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:happenstance_oil Expected: 7007 Got: 13533
6177[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_berries Expected: 6992 Got: 13534
6178[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9133 Got: 13535
6179[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:magma_cube_critter_snare Expected: 6745 Got: 13536
6180[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:concentrated_bat_ball Expected: 6983 Got: 13537
6181[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:iron_arm_dream_weaver Expected: 6787 Got: 13538
6182[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9147 Got: 13539
6183[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9152 Got: 13540
6184[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9168 Got: 13541
6185[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fanciful_thinking_charm Expected: 7014 Got: 13542
6186[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_veil_hat Expected: 7138 Got: 13543
6187[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9053 Got: 13544
6188[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus_open Expected: 9218 Got: 13545
6189[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:thorns_brew Expected: 6923 Got: 13546
6190[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_cherry_open Expected: 9215 Got: 13547
6191[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9156 Got: 13548
6192[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mystic_branch Expected: 7077 Got: 13549
6193[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alluring_skull Expected: 6760 Got: 13550
6194[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:curative_vat Expected: 11203 Got: 13551
6195[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silvered_hunter_boots Expected: 7125 Got: 13552
6196[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silver_bolt Expected: 7041 Got: 13553
6197[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9166 Got: 13554
6198[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:distillery Expected: 6797 Got: 13555
6199[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:infused_grave_brew Expected: 6945 Got: 13556
6200[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_leaves Expected: 6877 Got: 13557
6201[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: crimsonrevelations:crimson_plate Expected: 11411 Got: 13558
6202[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mogs_quiver Expected: 7133 Got: 13559
6203[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bone_bolt Expected: 7039 Got: 13560
6204[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witches_hat Expected: 7109 Got: 13561
6205[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:odd_porkchop Expected: 6986 Got: 13562
6206[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:graveyard_dust Expected: 7018 Got: 13563
6207[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:misfortune_reek Expected: 6904 Got: 13564
6208[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:otherwhere_spirit Expected: 6917 Got: 13565
6209[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silvered_hunter_coat Expected: 7123 Got: 13566
6210[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9264 Got: 13567
6211[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:flesh Expected: 11198 Got: 13568
6212[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9061 Got: 13569
6213[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_sapling Expected: 6876 Got: 13570
6214[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9178 Got: 13571
6215[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:tormented_twine Expected: 7012 Got: 13572
6216[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:beartrap Expected: 6807 Got: 13573
6217[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:frogs_tongue_brew Expected: 6930 Got: 13574
6218[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hunter_coat Expected: 7119 Got: 13575
6219[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:raising_brew Expected: 6927 Got: 13576
6220[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:quartz_sphere Expected: 7006 Got: 13577
6221[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:filtered_fume_funnel Expected: 6796 Got: 13578
6222[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:lingering_brew_bottle Expected: 7090 Got: 13579
6223[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_fence_gate Expected: 6768 Got: 13580
6224[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9124 Got: 13581
6225[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:infused_soaring_brew Expected: 6944 Got: 13582
6226[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:collecting_fumes_book Expected: 6955 Got: 13583
6227[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:clay_jar Expected: 6895 Got: 13584
6228[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:seeping_shoes Expected: 7117 Got: 13585
6229[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:quicklime Expected: 6976 Got: 13586
6230[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fleet_foot_dream_weaver Expected: 6786 Got: 13587
6231[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9162 Got: 13588
6232[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:biome_note Expected: 7093 Got: 13589
6233[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9110 Got: 13590
6234[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9198 Got: 13591
6235[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9125 Got: 13592
6236[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dead_bush_sprouting_plant_mine Expected: 6859 Got: 13593
6237[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9171 Got: 13594
6238[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:heart_circle_glyph Expected: 6812 Got: 13595
6239[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dead_bush_web_plant_mine Expected: 6856 Got: 13596
6240[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9043 Got: 13597
6241[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9155 Got: 13598
6242[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:grassper Expected: 6746 Got: 13599
6243[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9082 Got: 13600
6244[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9262 Got: 13601
6245[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9267 Got: 13602
6246[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_slab Expected: 6872 Got: 13603
6247[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witches_brews_book Expected: 6964 Got: 13604
6248[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:polynesia_charm Expected: 7080 Got: 13605
6249[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:deaths_robe Expected: 7131 Got: 13606
6250[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:solidifying_sand_brew Expected: 6948 Got: 13607
6251[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:voodoo_protection_poppet Expected: 7056 Got: 13608
6252[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blood_stained_wool Expected: 6778 Got: 13609
6253[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:taglock_kit Expected: 7061 Got: 13610
6254[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9259 Got: 13611
6255[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brazier Expected: 6793 Got: 13612
6256[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blue_coffin Expected: 6827 Got: 13613
6257[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:soft_clay_jar Expected: 6894 Got: 13614
6258[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:condensed_fear Expected: 6912 Got: 13615
6259[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9103 Got: 13616
6260[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_door_key Expected: 6988 Got: 13617
6261[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pit_dirt Expected: 6774 Got: 13618
6262[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:torment_stone Expected: 6781 Got: 13619
6263[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9196 Got: 13620
6264[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:info_panel Expected: 9837 Got: 13621
6265[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9213 Got: 13622
6266[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9174 Got: 13623
6267[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9246 Got: 13624
6268[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9274 Got: 13625
6269[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9074 Got: 13626
6270[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:belladonna_flower Expected: 6979 Got: 13627
6271[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9090 Got: 13628
6272[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:seed_library Expected: 9859 Got: 13629
6273[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:splash_brew_bottle Expected: 7089 Got: 13630
6274[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: thaumicperiphery:caster_elementium Expected: 11768 Got: 13631
6275[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9269 Got: 13632
6276[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mutandis Expected: 6974 Got: 13633
6277[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9142 Got: 13634
6278[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:woven_cruor Expected: 7032 Got: 13635
6279[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:distilling_book Expected: 6956 Got: 13636
6280[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9123 Got: 13637
6281[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mirror_wall Expected: 6779 Got: 13638
6282[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_corset Expected: 7141 Got: 13639
6283[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_planks Expected: 6879 Got: 13640
6284[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fire_protection_poppet Expected: 7052 Got: 13641
6285[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_heels Expected: 7147 Got: 13642
6286[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9042 Got: 13643
6287[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9097 Got: 13644
6288[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witchs_ladder Expected: 6800 Got: 13645
6289[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9047 Got: 13646
6290[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:chocolate_cream Expected: 11202 Got: 13647
6291[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spectral_dust Expected: 6994 Got: 13648
6292[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hunter_leggings Expected: 7120 Got: 13649
6293[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9060 Got: 13650
6294[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:combustion_brew Expected: 7091 Got: 13651
6295[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:thermometer_digital Expected: 9860 Got: 13652
6296[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wood_ash Expected: 6978 Got: 13653
6297[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snow_stairs Expected: 6771 Got: 13654
6298[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9159 Got: 13655
6299[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silver_sword Expected: 7072 Got: 13656
6300[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:yellow_shaded_glass Expected: 6836 Got: 13657
6301[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:artichoke_seeds Expected: 6728 Got: 13658
6302[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9135 Got: 13659
6303[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_log Expected: 6870 Got: 13660
6304[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9231 Got: 13661
6305[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:gypsum Expected: 6977 Got: 13662
6306[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_fence Expected: 6767 Got: 13663
6307[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_slab Expected: 6880 Got: 13664
6308[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hunter_hat Expected: 7118 Got: 13665
6309[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9044 Got: 13666
6310[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_fir_open Expected: 9219 Got: 13667
6311[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9158 Got: 13668
6312[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dawn_hunter_hat Expected: 7126 Got: 13669
6313[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9072 Got: 13670
6314[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9059 Got: 13671
6315[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:trent_effigy Expected: 6799 Got: 13672
6316[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:living_flame_contract Expected: 7044 Got: 13673
6317[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_hellbark_open Expected: 9220 Got: 13674
6318[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:null_catalyst Expected: 7020 Got: 13675
6319[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:gulgs_grudle Expected: 7134 Got: 13676
6320[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:candelabra Expected: 6759 Got: 13677
6321[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:slime_critter_snare Expected: 6744 Got: 13678
6322[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_chestplate Expected: 7142 Got: 13679
6323[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:perpetual_ice Expected: 6764 Got: 13680
6324[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9278 Got: 13681
6325[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:focused_will Expected: 6911 Got: 13682
6326[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fear_demon_soul Expected: 6953 Got: 13683
6327[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9040 Got: 13684
6328[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9063 Got: 13685
6329[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_fence_gate Expected: 6883 Got: 13686
6330[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wormwood_seeds Expected: 6730 Got: 13687
6331[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:herbology_book Expected: 6959 Got: 13688
6332[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:somatic_brain Expected: 11194 Got: 13689
6333[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:jelly Expected: 11200 Got: 13690
6334[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cyan_shaded_glass Expected: 6841 Got: 13691
6335[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9098 Got: 13692
6336[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9183 Got: 13693
6337[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_planks Expected: 6887 Got: 13694
6338[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:thermal_monitor Expected: 9836 Got: 13695
6339[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: crimsonrevelations:crimson_sword Expected: 11412 Got: 13696
6340[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:worship_statue Expected: 6803 Got: 13697
6341[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:golden_thread Expected: 7013 Got: 13698
6342[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:leaping_lily Expected: 6739 Got: 13699
6343[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:splitting_bolt Expected: 7040 Got: 13700
6344[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fiery_tolerance_contract Expected: 7045 Got: 13701
6345[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9085 Got: 13702
6346[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9118 Got: 13703
6347[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fume_filter Expected: 6998 Got: 13704
6348[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:demon_heart Expected: 6749 Got: 13705
6349[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9187 Got: 13706
6350[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9104 Got: 13707
6351[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mutating_sprig Expected: 7082 Got: 13708
6352[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:gray_coffin Expected: 6823 Got: 13709
6353[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9134 Got: 13710
6354[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9207 Got: 13711
6355[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9079 Got: 13712
6356[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:leech_chest Expected: 6782 Got: 13713
6357[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9263 Got: 13714
6358[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wolftrap Expected: 6808 Got: 13715
6359[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:poppet_shelf_compass Expected: 7086 Got: 13716
6360[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9254 Got: 13717
6361[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:luck_drop Expected: 6906 Got: 13718
6362[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:refined_evil Expected: 6985 Got: 13719
6363[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9107 Got: 13720
6364[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:koboldite_nugget Expected: 7023 Got: 13721
6365[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:raw_meaty_stew Expected: 7065 Got: 13722
6366[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9189 Got: 13723
6367[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:empty_critter_snare Expected: 6741 Got: 13724
6368[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9266 Got: 13725
6369[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dead_bush_ink_plant_mine Expected: 6857 Got: 13726
6370[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:range_trigger Expected: 9843 Got: 13727
6371[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9243 Got: 13728
6372[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: thaumicperiphery:pauldron Expected: 11769 Got: 13729
6373[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:creeper_heart Expected: 6999 Got: 13730
6374[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hunter_boots Expected: 7121 Got: 13731
6375[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9114 Got: 13732
6376[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9270 Got: 13733
6377[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:biomes_book Expected: 6962 Got: 13734
6378[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fasting_dream_weaver Expected: 6788 Got: 13735
6379[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9130 Got: 13736
6380[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:ink_egg Expected: 11197 Got: 13737
6381[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9205 Got: 13738
6382[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:circle_magic_book Expected: 6957 Got: 13739
6383[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:earth_protection_poppet Expected: 7050 Got: 13740
6384[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_door Expected: 6756 Got: 13741
6385[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cursed_leaping_brew Expected: 6931 Got: 13742
6386[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:card_holder Expected: 9855 Got: 13743
6387[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ember_moss Expected: 6740 Got: 13744
6388[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silver_coffin Expected: 6824 Got: 13745
6389[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:info_panel_extender Expected: 9838 Got: 13746
6390[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_trousers Expected: 7143 Got: 13747
6391[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:white_shaded_glass Expected: 6832 Got: 13748
6392[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_slab Expected: 6766 Got: 13749
6393[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rock Expected: 6990 Got: 13750
6394[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snow_pressure_plate Expected: 6770 Got: 13751
6395[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: charset:compression_crafter Expected: 11985 Got: 13752
6396[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:koboldite_dust Expected: 7022 Got: 13753
6397[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dawn_hunter_leggings Expected: 7128 Got: 13754
6398[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:binkys_skull Expected: 7019 Got: 13755
6399[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:drawn_cane_sword Expected: 7074 Got: 13756
6400[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9141 Got: 13757
6401[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_door Expected: 6753 Got: 13758
6402[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:green_coffin Expected: 6829 Got: 13759
6403[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:crossbow_pistol Expected: 7069 Got: 13760
6404[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rose_thorn_plant_mine Expected: 6850 Got: 13761
6405[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9132 Got: 13762
6406[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bound_taglock_kit Expected: 7062 Got: 13763
6407[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wolf_head Expected: 6750 Got: 13764
6408[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:occluded_summons_statue Expected: 6801 Got: 13765
6409[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:grotesque_brew Expected: 6940 Got: 13766
6410[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9210 Got: 13767
6411[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:revealing_brew Expected: 6938 Got: 13768
6412[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:intensity_dream_weaver Expected: 6790 Got: 13769
6413[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silver_deposits Expected: 7028 Got: 13770
6414[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampiric_poppet Expected: 7058 Got: 13771
6415[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9214 Got: 13772
6416[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snowbell_seeds Expected: 6729 Got: 13773
6417[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_stockade Expected: 6866 Got: 13774
6418[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9055 Got: 13775
6419[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:average_counter Expected: 9845 Got: 13776
6420[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9182 Got: 13777
6421[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9241 Got: 13778
6422[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:item_upgrade Expected: 9849 Got: 13779
6423[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:holo_panel Expected: 9839 Got: 13780
6424[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9194 Got: 13781
6425[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:solidifying_dirt_brew Expected: 6947 Got: 13782
6426[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_boat Expected: 7108 Got: 13783
6427[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:gray_shaded_glass Expected: 6839 Got: 13784
6428[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_sapling Expected: 6892 Got: 13785
6429[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:impregnated_leather Expected: 6997 Got: 13786
6430[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9244 Got: 13787
6431[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:magic_whiff Expected: 6903 Got: 13788
6432[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:green_shaded_glass Expected: 6845 Got: 13789
6433[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_mahogany_open Expected: 9223 Got: 13790
6434[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_mangrove_open Expected: 9224 Got: 13791
6435[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:birch_stockade Expected: 6862 Got: 13792
6436[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pit_podzol Expected: 6775 Got: 13793
6437[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9197 Got: 13794
6438[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9066 Got: 13795
6439[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pit_grass Expected: 6776 Got: 13796
6440[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:erosion_brew Expected: 6926 Got: 13797
6441[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:universal_antidote Expected: 7063 Got: 13798
6442[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:icy_slippers Expected: 7115 Got: 13799
6443[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hitchcock_brew Expected: 6932 Got: 13800
6444[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9145 Got: 13801
6445[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:purple_shaded_glass Expected: 6842 Got: 13802
6446[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9277 Got: 13803
6447[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:liliths_blood Expected: 7035 Got: 13804
6448[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:item_card Expected: 9854 Got: 13805
6449[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9078 Got: 13806
6450[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snowbell_flower Expected: 6981 Got: 13807
6451[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9057 Got: 13808
6452[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9258 Got: 13809
6453[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dandelion_web_plant_mine Expected: 6852 Got: 13810
6454[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9071 Got: 13811
6455[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rose_web_plant_mine Expected: 6848 Got: 13812
6456[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:icy_needle Expected: 7001 Got: 13813
6457[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9075 Got: 13814
6458[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:disturbed_cotton Expected: 7010 Got: 13815
6459[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: thaumicperiphery:vis_phylactery Expected: 11773 Got: 13816
6460[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:purple_coffin Expected: 6826 Got: 13817
6461[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dark_oak_stockade Expected: 6865 Got: 13818
6462[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:holo_panel_extender Expected: 9840 Got: 13819
6463[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brew_bottle Expected: 7088 Got: 13820
6464[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blood_crucible Expected: 6810 Got: 13821
6465[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_leaves Expected: 6885 Got: 13822
6466[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9049 Got: 13823
6467[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9116 Got: 13824
6468[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:biting_belt Expected: 7113 Got: 13825
6469[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:anointing_paste Expected: 7026 Got: 13826
6470[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9045 Got: 13827
6471[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: thaumictinkerer:experience_charm Expected: 11799 Got: 13828
6472[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sleeping_brew Expected: 6942 Got: 13829
6473[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9212 Got: 13830
6474[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9232 Got: 13831
6475[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bat_wool Expected: 6982 Got: 13832
6476[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9039 Got: 13833
6477[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9260 Got: 13834
6478[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9048 Got: 13835
6479[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9172 Got: 13836
6480[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_stairs Expected: 6765 Got: 13837
6481[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wolfsbane_seeds Expected: 6731 Got: 13838
6482[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:deployed_deaths_hand Expected: 7071 Got: 13839
6483[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9136 Got: 13840
6484[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:jungle_stockade Expected: 6863 Got: 13841
6485[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:depths_brew Expected: 6941 Got: 13842
6486[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9163 Got: 13843
6487[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_magic_open Expected: 9222 Got: 13844
6488[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:endless_water_brew Expected: 7092 Got: 13845
6489[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9069 Got: 13846
6490[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:lens_envy Expected: 11193 Got: 13847
6491[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dead_bush_thorn_plant_mine Expected: 6858 Got: 13848
6492[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:moon_charm Expected: 7099 Got: 13849
6493[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bark_belt Expected: 7114 Got: 13850
6494[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:foul_fume Expected: 6896 Got: 13851
6495[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:gold_egg Expected: 11189 Got: 13852
6496[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_boat Expected: 7106 Got: 13853
6497[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: thaumicperiphery:malignant_heart Expected: 11771 Got: 13854
6498[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:light_blue_shaded_glass Expected: 6835 Got: 13855
6499[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:voodoo_poppet Expected: 7057 Got: 13856
6500[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_top_hat Expected: 7137 Got: 13857
6501[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9064 Got: 13858
6502[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:white_coffin Expected: 6816 Got: 13859
6503[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9102 Got: 13860
6504[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:armor_protection_poppet Expected: 7060 Got: 13861
6505[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9143 Got: 13862
6506[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:earmuffs Expected: 7136 Got: 13863
6507[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9058 Got: 13864
6508[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snow_slab Expected: 6772 Got: 13865
6509[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vitriol_oil Expected: 6898 Got: 13866
6510[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:boline Expected: 7066 Got: 13867
6511[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9094 Got: 13868
6512[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9255 Got: 13869
6513[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9086 Got: 13870
6514[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:refilling_chest Expected: 6780 Got: 13871
6515[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9256 Got: 13872
6516[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:circle_talisman Expected: 7076 Got: 13873
6517[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9235 Got: 13874
6518[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:flowing_spirit_brew Expected: 6934 Got: 13875
6519[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9200 Got: 13876
6520[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:magenta_shaded_glass Expected: 6834 Got: 13877
6521[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:black_coffin Expected: 6831 Got: 13878
6522[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:infernal_animus Expected: 6918 Got: 13879
6523[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:acacia_stockade Expected: 6864 Got: 13880
6524[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:infinity_egg Expected: 6773 Got: 13881
6525[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9271 Got: 13882
6526[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9062 Got: 13883
6527[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:afsu Expected: 9857 Got: 13884
6528[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:full_glass_goblet Expected: 7103 Got: 13885
6529[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:industrial_alarm Expected: 9835 Got: 13886
6530[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9111 Got: 13887
6531[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:creative_medallion Expected: 7101 Got: 13888
6532[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:kettle Expected: 6784 Got: 13889
6533[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_fence_gate Expected: 6875 Got: 13890
6534[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9177 Got: 13891
6535[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:vat_interior Expected: 11204 Got: 13892
6536[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pink_coffin Expected: 6822 Got: 13893
6537[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9117 Got: 13894
6538[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:poppet_shelf Expected: 6785 Got: 13895
6539[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:infernal_circle_glyph Expected: 6815 Got: 13896
6540[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:babas_hat Expected: 7110 Got: 13897
6541[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_leggings Expected: 7145 Got: 13898
6542[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rose_ink_plant_mine Expected: 6849 Got: 13899
6543[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9150 Got: 13900
6544[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:parasytic_louse Expected: 7083 Got: 13901
6545[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9099 Got: 13902
6546[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:plain_wicker_bundle Expected: 6761 Got: 13903
6547[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_coat Expected: 7140 Got: 13904
6548[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9175 Got: 13905
6549[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:webs_brew Expected: 6922 Got: 13906
6550[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dog_tongue Expected: 6984 Got: 13907
6551[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9122 Got: 13908
6552[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9067 Got: 13909
6553[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9101 Got: 13910
6554[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9193 Got: 13911
6555[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:orange_shaded_glass Expected: 6833 Got: 13912
6556[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:duplication_grenade Expected: 7105 Got: 13913
6557[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9081 Got: 13914
6558[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mirror Expected: 6811 Got: 13915
6559[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:symbology_book Expected: 6960 Got: 13916
6560[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:poppet Expected: 7049 Got: 13917
6561[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9154 Got: 13918
6562[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:portable_panel Expected: 9851 Got: 13919
6563[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spanish_moss Expected: 6738 Got: 13920
6564[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:conjuration_and_fetishes_book Expected: 6961 Got: 13921
6565[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:nullifying_bolt Expected: 7038 Got: 13922
6566[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bound_waystone Expected: 6972 Got: 13923
6567[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9265 Got: 13924
6568[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:seer_stone Expected: 7008 Got: 13925
6569[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9065 Got: 13926
6570[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9245 Got: 13927
6571[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:light_blue_coffin Expected: 6819 Got: 13928
6572[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:scarecrow Expected: 6798 Got: 13929
6573[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:glass_goblet Expected: 7102 Got: 13930
6574[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blue_shaded_glass Expected: 6843 Got: 13931
6575[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:lens_air Expected: 11190 Got: 13932
6576[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:demonic_contract Expected: 7042 Got: 13933
6577[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9234 Got: 13934
6578[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blood_poppy Expected: 6747 Got: 13935
6579[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spinning_wheel Expected: 6792 Got: 13936
6580[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:oak_stockade Expected: 6860 Got: 13937
6581[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_willow_open Expected: 9230 Got: 13938
6582[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:solidifying_stone_brew Expected: 6946 Got: 13939
6583[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:torment_contract Expected: 7043 Got: 13940
6584[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9126 Got: 13941
6585[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_sapling Expected: 6884 Got: 13942
6586[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9115 Got: 13943
6587[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak_open Expected: 9228 Got: 13944
6588[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ent_twig Expected: 7002 Got: 13945
6589[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9077 Got: 13946
6590[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:warm_blood Expected: 7034 Got: 13947
6591[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wild_bramble Expected: 6734 Got: 13948
6592[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:frozen_heart Expected: 7000 Got: 13949
6593[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:seed_analyzer Expected: 9858 Got: 13950
6594[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:red_shaded_glass Expected: 6846 Got: 13951
6595[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_planks Expected: 6871 Got: 13952
6596[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:timer Expected: 9848 Got: 13953
6597[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9195 Got: 13954
6598[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:item_kit Expected: 9853 Got: 13955
6599[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:afb Expected: 9861 Got: 13956
6600[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:twisting_band Expected: 7135 Got: 13957
6601[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9276 Got: 13958
6602[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:lens_ordo Expected: 11191 Got: 13959
6603[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_leaves Expected: 6893 Got: 13960
6604[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:thermometer Expected: 9850 Got: 13961
6605[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:deaths_footwear Expected: 7132 Got: 13962
6606[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ink_brew Expected: 6924 Got: 13963
6607[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silvered_hunter_hat Expected: 7122 Got: 13964
6608[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fume_funnel Expected: 6795 Got: 13965
6609[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sprouting_brew Expected: 6925 Got: 13966
6610[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:lava_diviner Expected: 7079 Got: 13967
6611[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:horned_one_exhale Expected: 6899 Got: 13968
6612[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9239 Got: 13969
6613[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:broken_curses_statue Expected: 6802 Got: 13970
6614[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brown_coffin Expected: 6828 Got: 13971
6615[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:enchanted_broom Expected: 6968 Got: 13972
6616[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hunger_demon_soul Expected: 6951 Got: 13973
6617[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9138 Got: 13974
6618[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9268 Got: 13975
6619[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: galacticraftcore:bucket_oil Expected: 9872 Got: 13976
6620[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9169 Got: 13977
6621[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9179 Got: 13978
6622[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_ethereal_open Expected: 9217 Got: 13979
6623[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9112 Got: 13980
6624[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9088 Got: 13981
6625[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:charged_attuned_stone Expected: 6970 Got: 13982
6626[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:subdued_village_spirit Expected: 7017 Got: 13983
6627[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:poppet_protection_poppet Expected: 7059 Got: 13984
6628[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:infused_brew_base Expected: 6920 Got: 13985
6629[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9203 Got: 13986
6630[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9208 Got: 13987
6631[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9249 Got: 13988
6632[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ender_bramble Expected: 6735 Got: 13989
6633[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:immortals_observations_book Expected: 6965 Got: 13990
6634[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ender_dew Expected: 6907 Got: 13991
6635[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rose_sprouting_plant_mine Expected: 6851 Got: 13992
6636[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9052 Got: 13993
6637[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vines_brew Expected: 6921 Got: 13994
6638[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bat_critter_snare Expected: 6742 Got: 13995
6639[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:belladonna_seeds Expected: 6726 Got: 13996
6640[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:garlic Expected: 6732 Got: 13997
6641[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:magenta_coffin Expected: 6818 Got: 13998
6642[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9056 Got: 13999
6643[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:solidifying_sandstone_brew Expected: 6949 Got: 14000
6644[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:red_coffin Expected: 6830 Got: 14001
6645[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:leonards_urn3 Expected: 7096 Got: 14002
6646[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:leonards_urn4 Expected: 7097 Got: 14003
6647[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9161 Got: 14004
6648[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:leonards_urn1 Expected: 7094 Got: 14005
6649[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brews_and_infusions_book Expected: 6958 Got: 14006
6650[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:leonards_urn2 Expected: 7095 Got: 14007
6651[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:lime_coffin Expected: 6821 Got: 14008
6652[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:light_ghost Expected: 6915 Got: 14009
6653[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cane_sword Expected: 7073 Got: 14010
6654[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:remote_thermo Expected: 9844 Got: 14011
6655[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silverfish_critter_snare Expected: 6743 Got: 14012
6656[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_pressure_plate Expected: 6769 Got: 14013
6657[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:goddess_tear Expected: 6901 Got: 14014
6658[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:necromantic_stone Expected: 6993 Got: 14015
6659[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:jar_soul Expected: 11205 Got: 14016
6660[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9095 Got: 14017
6661[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9176 Got: 14018
6662[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:solidifying_erosion_brew Expected: 6950 Got: 14019
6663[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:blooded_waystone Expected: 6973 Got: 14020
6664[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_pine_open Expected: 9226 Got: 14021
6665[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dawn_hunter_coat Expected: 7127 Got: 14022
6666[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brown_shaded_glass Expected: 6844 Got: 14023
6667[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:disguised_alder_door Expected: 6754 Got: 14024
6668[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mandrake_root Expected: 6980 Got: 14025
6669[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9191 Got: 14026
6670[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:koboldite_pickaxe Expected: 7087 Got: 14027
6671[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:melting_touch_contract Expected: 7048 Got: 14028
6672[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9157 Got: 14029
6673[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:kit_assembler Expected: 9847 Got: 14030
6674[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9105 Got: 14031
6675[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:anguish_demon_soul Expected: 6952 Got: 14032
6676[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_brew Expected: 6929 Got: 14033
6677[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sleeping_apple Expected: 7009 Got: 14034
6678[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:item_component Expected: 9856 Got: 14035
6679[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: crimsonrevelations:crimson_fabric Expected: 11410 Got: 14036
6680[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_keyring Expected: 6989 Got: 14037
6681[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9144 Got: 14038
6682[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:nightmares_dream_weaver Expected: 6789 Got: 14039
6683[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:lens_fire Expected: 11192 Got: 14040
6684[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silver_shaded_glass Expected: 6840 Got: 14041
6685[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:silvered_hunter_leggings Expected: 7124 Got: 14042
6686[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hunger_protection_poppet Expected: 7053 Got: 14043
6687[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:deaths_hood Expected: 7130 Got: 14044
6688[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:subdued_spirit Expected: 7016 Got: 14045
6689[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9236 Got: 14046
6690[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mutandis_extremis Expected: 6975 Got: 14047
6691[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:info_panel_advanced Expected: 9841 Got: 14048
6692[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:goddess_breath Expected: 6900 Got: 14049
6693[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9121 Got: 14050
6694[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fiery_touch_contract Expected: 7047 Got: 14051
6695[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:arthana Expected: 7067 Got: 14052
6696[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witches_oven Expected: 6794 Got: 14053
6697[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9186 Got: 14054
6698[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:howler_alarm Expected: 9834 Got: 14055
6699[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9252 Got: 14056
6700[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:diamond_vapor Expected: 6897 Got: 14057
6701[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:energy_counter Expected: 9846 Got: 14058
6702[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:void_bramble Expected: 6736 Got: 14059
6703[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9164 Got: 14060
6704[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_fence Expected: 6890 Got: 14061
6705[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:afsu_upgrade_kit Expected: 9862 Got: 14062
6706[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cooked_odd_porkchop Expected: 6987 Got: 14063
6707[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9092 Got: 14064
6708[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bone_needle Expected: 6966 Got: 14065
6709[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:infection_brew Expected: 6933 Got: 14066
6710[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:garlic_garland Expected: 6777 Got: 14067
6711[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dandelion_ink_plant_mine Expected: 6853 Got: 14068
6712[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:water_diviner Expected: 7078 Got: 14069
6713[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_fence Expected: 6874 Got: 14070
6714[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bats_brew Expected: 6937 Got: 14071
6715[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_willow Expected: 9054 Got: 14072
6716[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9120 Got: 14073
6717[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9167 Got: 14074
6718[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9137 Got: 14075
6719[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:purified_milk Expected: 6910 Got: 14076
6720[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9188 Got: 14077
6721[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9199 Got: 14078
6722[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9211 Got: 14079
6723[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:stake Expected: 7033 Got: 14080
6724[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9247 Got: 14081
6725[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9209 Got: 14082
6726[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mellifluous_hunger Expected: 6909 Got: 14083
6727[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:coffee_table_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9068 Got: 14084
6728[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:block_light Expected: 9833 Got: 14085
6729[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:flying_ointment Expected: 6914 Got: 14086
6730[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9237 Got: 14087
6731[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:cat Expected: 11199 Got: 14088
6732[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9051 Got: 14089
6733[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9076 Got: 14090
6734[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:otherwhere_circle_glyph Expected: 6814 Got: 14091
6735[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_stockade Expected: 6868 Got: 14092
6736[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sun_grenade Expected: 7104 Got: 14093
6737[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9233 Got: 14094
6738[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dense_web Expected: 6991 Got: 14095
6739[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:torment_demon_soul Expected: 6954 Got: 14096
6740[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wasting_brew Expected: 6936 Got: 14097
6741[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9149 Got: 14098
6742[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9173 Got: 14099
6743[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:deaths_hand Expected: 7070 Got: 14100
6744[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:info_panel_advanced_extender Expected: 9842 Got: 14101
6745[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:redstone_soup Expected: 6913 Got: 14102
6746[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:chocolate_bar Expected: 11188 Got: 14103
6747[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:chocolate_milk_bucket Expected: 11201 Got: 14104
6748[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:modified_matrix Expected: 11207 Got: 14105
6749[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:frogs_toe Expected: 7004 Got: 14106
6750[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9201 Got: 14107
6751[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hunts_horn Expected: 7100 Got: 14108
6752[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witches_robes Expected: 7111 Got: 14109
6753[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9238 Got: 14110
6754[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wolf_altar Expected: 6805 Got: 14111
6755[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cauldron Expected: 6804 Got: 14112
6756[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:orange_coffin Expected: 6817 Got: 14113
6757[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9046 Got: 14114
6758[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mystic_unguent Expected: 6919 Got: 14115
6759[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9148 Got: 14116
6760[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9128 Got: 14117
6761[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9106 Got: 14118
6762[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:evaporation_contract Expected: 7046 Got: 14119
6763[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_slab Expected: 6888 Got: 14120
6764[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9093 Got: 14121
6765[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9273 Got: 14122
6766[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:broom Expected: 6967 Got: 14123
6767[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wooden_bolt Expected: 7037 Got: 14124
6768[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:huntsmans_spear Expected: 7068 Got: 14125
6769[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:koboldite_ingot Expected: 7024 Got: 14126
6770[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_sacred_oak Expected: 9180 Got: 14127
6771[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_eucalyptus Expected: 9202 Got: 14128
6772[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:primal_well Expected: 11196 Got: 14129
6773[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:waystone Expected: 6971 Got: 14130
6774[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_umbran_open Expected: 9229 Got: 14131
6775[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9113 Got: 14132
6776[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:world_soul Expected: 6916 Got: 14133
6777[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witches_hand Expected: 7075 Got: 14134
6778[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_mahogany Expected: 9127 Got: 14135
6779[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cooked_sheep_liver Expected: 7030 Got: 14136
6780[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_door Expected: 6752 Got: 14137
6781[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_palm_open Expected: 9225 Got: 14138
6782[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:hedge_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9050 Got: 14139
6783[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pink_shaded_glass Expected: 6838 Got: 14140
6784[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:pentacle Expected: 7025 Got: 14141
6785[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brew_bag Expected: 7084 Got: 14142
6786[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9089 Got: 14143
6787[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9190 Got: 14144
6788[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:demonic_blood Expected: 6908 Got: 14145
6789[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spectral_stone Expected: 7085 Got: 14146
6790[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_magic Expected: 9206 Got: 14147
6791[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_ebony_open Expected: 9216 Got: 14148
6792[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ritual_circle_glyph Expected: 6813 Got: 14149
6793[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_shoes Expected: 7146 Got: 14150
6794[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: thaumicperiphery:pauldron_repulsion Expected: 11770 Got: 14151
6795[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:crystal_ball Expected: 6791 Got: 14152
6796[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rebirth_hint Expected: 6902 Got: 14153
6797[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9108 Got: 14154
6798[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cyan_coffin Expected: 6825 Got: 14155
6799[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:golden_heart Expected: 7036 Got: 14156
6800[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fanciful_thread Expected: 7011 Got: 14157
6801[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:torn_page Expected: 7031 Got: 14158
6802[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:meaty_stew Expected: 7064 Got: 14159
6803[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:bloodied_wicker_bundle Expected: 6762 Got: 14160
6804[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9139 Got: 14161
6805[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:treefyd_seeds Expected: 6996 Got: 14162
6806[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:incubated_egg Expected: 11195 Got: 14163
6807[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:goddess_statue Expected: 6763 Got: 14164
6808[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9272 Got: 14165
6809[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sun_collector Expected: 6809 Got: 14166
6810[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:attuned_stone Expected: 6969 Got: 14167
6811[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wispy_cotton Expected: 6748 Got: 14168
6812[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:necromancer_robes Expected: 7112 Got: 14169
6813[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_skirt Expected: 7144 Got: 14170
6814[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9119 Got: 14171
6815[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:mail_box_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9181 Got: 14172
6816[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_stockade Expected: 6867 Got: 14173
6817[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_stairs Expected: 6889 Got: 14174
6818[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_stairs Expected: 6881 Got: 14175
6819[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9165 Got: 14176
6820[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wormy_apple Expected: 7005 Got: 14177
6821[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:crate_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9204 Got: 14178
6822[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_redwood_open Expected: 9227 Got: 14179
6823[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_ebony Expected: 9248 Got: 14180
6824[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_umbran Expected: 9261 Got: 14181
6825[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mindrake_bulb Expected: 6733 Got: 14182
6826[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:love_brew Expected: 6928 Got: 14183
6827[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9131 Got: 14184
6828[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:player_compass Expected: 7098 Got: 14185
6829[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9080 Got: 14186
6830[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9242 Got: 14187
6831[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9087 Got: 14188
6832[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sheep_liver Expected: 7029 Got: 14189
6833[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire_boots Expected: 7148 Got: 14190
6834[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9083 Got: 14191
6835[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9160 Got: 14192
6836[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9192 Got: 14193
6837[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_hellbark Expected: 9140 Got: 14194
6838[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_cherry Expected: 9151 Got: 14195
6839[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_fence_gate Expected: 6891 Got: 14196
6840[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:cabinet_biomesoplenty_jacaranda Expected: 9109 Got: 14197
6841[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spruce_stockade Expected: 6861 Got: 14198
6842[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ice_stockade Expected: 6869 Got: 14199
6843[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:purity_odor Expected: 6905 Got: 14200
6844[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:park_bench_biomesoplenty_redwood Expected: 9275 Got: 14201
6845[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:death_protection_poppet Expected: 7055 Got: 14202
6846[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:chocolate Expected: 11206 Got: 14203
6847[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dawn_hunter_boots Expected: 7129 Got: 14204
6848[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:dandelion_sprouting_plant_mine Expected: 6855 Got: 14205
6849[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:congealed_spirit Expected: 6943 Got: 14206
6850[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:devils_tongue_charm Expected: 7081 Got: 14207
6851[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_fence_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9240 Got: 14208
6852[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hawthorn_door Expected: 6755 Got: 14209
6853[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_mangrove Expected: 9096 Got: 14210
6854[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_biomesoplenty_pine Expected: 9146 Got: 14211
6855[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hellhound_head Expected: 6751 Got: 14212
6856[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_fence Expected: 6882 Got: 14213
6857[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:door_bell_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9185 Got: 14214
6858[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:rowan_stairs Expected: 6873 Got: 14215
6859[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:alder_boat Expected: 7107 Got: 14216
6860[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:substitution_brew Expected: 6939 Got: 14217
6861[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9257 Got: 14218
6862[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: thaumicperiphery:magic_quiver Expected: 11772 Got: 14219
6863[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:extended_biomes_book Expected: 6963 Got: 14220
6864[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:upgraded_gate_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9251 Got: 14221
6865[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:desk_cabinet_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9153 Got: 14222
6866[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:chalice Expected: 6757 Got: 14223
6867[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:blinds_biomesoplenty_jacaranda_open Expected: 9221 Got: 14224
6868[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:owlets_wing Expected: 7003 Got: 14225
6869[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:bedside_cabinet_biomesoplenty_palm Expected: 9129 Got: 14226
6870[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:chair_biomesoplenty_ethereal Expected: 9073 Got: 14227
6871[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:artichoke_globe Expected: 6995 Got: 14228
6872[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: cfm:table_biomesoplenty_fir Expected: 9091 Got: 14229
6873[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: energycontrol:panel_toolkit Expected: 9852 Got: 14230
6874[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:full_chalice Expected: 6758 Got: 14231
6875[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:lime_shaded_glass Expected: 6837 Got: 14232
6876[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:black_shaded_glass Expected: 6847 Got: 14233
6877[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:frogs_leg Expected: 42 Got: 90
6878[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:love Expected: 35 Got: 91
6879[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:decanting Expected: 41 Got: 92
6880[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:volatility Expected: 57 Got: 93
6881[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:floating Expected: 39 Got: 94
6882[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:wolfsbane Expected: 73 Got: 95
6883[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:enslaved Expected: 58 Got: 96
6884[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sprouting Expected: 33 Got: 97
6885[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:queasy Expected: 51 Got: 98
6886[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ill_fitting Expected: 56 Got: 99
6887[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:chilled Expected: 37 Got: 100
6888[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:stout_belly Expected: 66 Got: 101
6889[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:moonshine Expected: 67 Got: 102
6890[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:grues_prey Expected: 44 Got: 103
6891[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ender_inhibition Expected: 55 Got: 104
6892[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:slow_falling Expected: 43 Got: 105
6893[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:waking_nightmare Expected: 50 Got: 106
6894[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mortal_coil Expected: 59 Got: 107
6895[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sticky_items Expected: 47 Got: 108
6896[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spikey Expected: 32 Got: 109
6897[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:reflect_projectiles Expected: 63 Got: 110
6898[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:repell Expected: 65 Got: 111
6899[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:disease Expected: 69 Got: 112
6900[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:attract_projectiles Expected: 62 Got: 113
6901[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fortune Expected: 70 Got: 114
6902[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:insanity Expected: 46 Got: 115
6903[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:reflect_damage Expected: 64 Got: 116
6904[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:grotesque Expected: 34 Got: 117
6905[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:helish_aura Expected: 40 Got: 118
6906[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:paralysed Expected: 30 Got: 119
6907[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:worship Expected: 71 Got: 120
6908[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vine_wrapped Expected: 31 Got: 121
6909[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:overheating Expected: 49 Got: 122
6910[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sticky_potion_effects Expected: 72 Got: 123
6911[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:undeads_curse Expected: 36 Got: 124
6912[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:reincarnate Expected: 45 Got: 125
6913[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:tinting Expected: 54 Got: 126
6914[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:absorb_magic Expected: 60 Got: 127
6915[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sinking Expected: 48 Got: 128
6916[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:poison_weapons Expected: 61 Got: 129
6917[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:gas_mask Expected: 68 Got: 130
6918[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:swim_boost Expected: 52 Got: 131
6919[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:resizing Expected: 53 Got: 132
6920[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry Potion: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:snow_trail Expected: 38 Got: 133
6921[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:item.cane_sword.sheathe Expected: 585 Got: 1088
6922[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.reflection.hurt Expected: 608 Got: 1089
6923[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.monkey.hurt Expected: 611 Got: 1090
6924[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: Expected: 565 Got: 1091
6925[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:item.cane_sword.draw Expected: 584 Got: 1092
6926[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:block.cauldron.blop Expected: 588 Got: 1093
6927[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: Expected: 590 Got: 1094
6928[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.leonard.ambient Expected: 604 Got: 1095
6929[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.baba.death Expected: 562 Got: 1096
6930[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.nightmare.death Expected: 602 Got: 1097
6931[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.leonard.hurt Expected: 605 Got: 1098
6932[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.torment.laugh Expected: 618 Got: 1099
6933[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.torment.death Expected: 620 Got: 1100
6934[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.imp.laugh Expected: 570 Got: 1101
6935[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.goblin.haggle Expected: 591 Got: 1102
6936[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.lilith.ambient Expected: 583 Got: 1103
6937[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.werewolf.howl Expected: 572 Got: 1104
6938[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: Expected: 573 Got: 1105
6939[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.owl.hoot Expected: 599 Got: 1106
6940[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.nightmare.ambient Expected: 601 Got: 1107
6941[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:curative_expunge_flux_loop Expected: 944 Got: 1108
6942[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.monkey.ambient Expected: 610 Got: 1109
6943[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.werewolf.hurt Expected: 576 Got: 1110
6944[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.vampire.drink Expected: 581 Got: 1111
6945[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:item.horn.use Expected: 578 Got: 1112
6946[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.werewolf.death Expected: 577 Got: 1113
6947[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.goblin.hurt Expected: 593 Got: 1114
6948[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:curative_expunge_flux_end Expected: 945 Got: 1115
6949[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.leonard.death Expected: 606 Got: 1116
6950[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.goblin.yes Expected: 589 Got: 1117
6951[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.goblin.ambient Expected: 592 Got: 1118
6952[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.lilith.hurt Expected: 616 Got: 1119
6953[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.banshee.scream Expected: 622 Got: 1120
6954[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:curative_expunge_flux_start Expected: 943 Got: 1121
6955[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.imp.hurt Expected: 595 Got: 1122
6956[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.baba.ambient Expected: 563 Got: 1123
6957[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.goblin_gulg.ambient Expected: 613 Got: 1124
6958[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:block.bear_trap.mantrap Expected: 579 Got: 1125
6959[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.monkey.death Expected: 612 Got: 1126
6960[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:item.chalk.use Expected: 571 Got: 1127
6961[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:block.demon_heart.beat Expected: 587 Got: 1128
6962[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.werewolf.lord Expected: 574 Got: 1129
6963[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.spectre.ambient Expected: 569 Got: 1130
6964[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.vampire.hypnosis Expected: 580 Got: 1131
6965[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.goblin_mog.ambient Expected: 621 Got: 1132
6966[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:curative_infusion_start Expected: 941 Got: 1133
6967[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.goblin.death Expected: 594 Got: 1134
6968[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.hunter.coming Expected: 561 Got: 1135
6969[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:curative_infusion_loop Expected: 942 Got: 1136
6970[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.player.loved Expected: 567 Got: 1137
6971[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.werewolf.ambient Expected: 575 Got: 1138
6972[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: Expected: 564 Got: 1139
6973[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.lilith.death Expected: 617 Got: 1140
6974[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.nightmare.hurt Expected: 603 Got: 1141
6975[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:item.crossbow.windup Expected: 566 Got: 1142
6976[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.toad.hurt Expected: 598 Got: 1143
6977[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.reflection.ambient Expected: 607 Got: 1144
6978[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:block.mirror.splash Expected: 560 Got: 1145
6979[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.torment.hurt Expected: 619 Got: 1146
6980[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.imp.death Expected: 596 Got: 1147
6981[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.reflection.death Expected: 609 Got: 1148
6982[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.vampire.poof Expected: 582 Got: 1149
6983[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.spectre.hurt Expected: 568 Got: 1150
6984[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.spectre.death Expected: 615 Got: 1151
6985[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.toad.croak Expected: 597 Got: 1152
6986[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:item.bark_belt.wood_creak Expected: 586 Got: 1153
6987[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.treefyd.ambient Expected: 614 Got: 1154
6988[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:entity.owl.hurt Expected: 600 Got: 1155
6989[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry PotionType: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:slow_falling Expected: 40 Got: 139
6990[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry PotionType: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:long_slow_falling Expected: 41 Got: 140
6991[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry VillagerProfession: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:apothecary Expected: 7 Got: 15
6992[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:winged_monkey Expected: 296 Got: 544
6993[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:crossbow_bolt Expected: 270 Got: 545
6994[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:owl Expected: 256 Got: 546
6995[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:werewolf Expected: 286 Got: 547
6996[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:splatter Expected: 283 Got: 548
6997[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:attack_bat Expected: 297 Got: 549
6998[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:horned_huntsman Expected: 250 Got: 550
6999[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:duplicate Expected: 295 Got: 551
7000[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:lilith Expected: 292 Got: 552
7001[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:hellhound Expected: 287 Got: 553
7002[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:incubated_egg Expected: 189 Got: 554
7003[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:scholar_chicken Expected: 194 Got: 555
7004[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:golden_chicken Expected: 199 Got: 556
7005[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:treefyd Expected: 249 Got: 557
7006[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ent Expected: 252 Got: 558
7007[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:soulfire Expected: 273 Got: 559
7008[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:lord_of_torment Expected: 272 Got: 560
7009[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spirit Expected: 268 Got: 561
7010[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:quartz_grenade Expected: 291 Got: 562
7011[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:ritual_item Expected: 281 Got: 563
7012[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:guardian_panther Expected: 201 Got: 564
7013[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:fairest Expected: 294 Got: 565
7014[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:parasytic_louse Expected: 259 Got: 566
7015[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:lost_soul Expected: 285 Got: 567
7016[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:sleeping_body Expected: 263 Got: 568
7017[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witch_hunter Expected: 271 Got: 569
7018[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mandrake Expected: 248 Got: 570
7019[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:were_villager Expected: 288 Got: 571
7020[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:illusion_spider Expected: 254 Got: 572
7021[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:goblin_mog Expected: 278 Got: 573
7022[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:toad Expected: 257 Got: 574
7023[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: thaumicperiphery:magic_arrow Expected: 514 Got: 575
7024[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:nether_hound Expected: 202 Got: 576
7025[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:leonard Expected: 284 Got: 577
7026[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:droplet Expected: 282 Got: 578
7027[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:sheeder Expected: 192 Got: 579
7028[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:elle Expected: 293 Got: 580
7029[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:demon Expected: 244 Got: 581
7030[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:gravekeeper Expected: 191 Got: 582
7031[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brew_effect_cloud Expected: 301 Got: 583
7032[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spell_effect Expected: 251 Got: 584
7033[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:illusion_creeper Expected: 253 Got: 585
7034[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:ore_pig Expected: 195 Got: 586
7035[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: crimsonrevelations:overgrown_taintacle Expected: 504 Got: 587
7036[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spectre Expected: 265 Got: 588
7037[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:village_guard Expected: 289 Got: 589
7038[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:ember Expected: 203 Got: 590
7039[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:death Expected: 269 Got: 591
7040[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:morsmordre Expected: 275 Got: 592
7041[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:illusion_zombie Expected: 255 Got: 593
7042[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:hanging_label Expected: 197 Got: 594
7043[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:poltergeist Expected: 266 Got: 595
7044[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witch_projectile Expected: 246 Got: 596
7045[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:chocolate_cow Expected: 198 Got: 597
7046[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:eye Expected: 260 Got: 598
7047[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:taint_pig Expected: 190 Got: 599
7048[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:goblin Expected: 277 Got: 600
7049[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:brew Expected: 280 Got: 601
7050[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:chromatic_sheep Expected: 193 Got: 602
7051[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:vampire Expected: 290 Got: 603
7052[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:coven_witch Expected: 262 Got: 604
7053[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:banshee Expected: 267 Got: 605
7054[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:goblin_gulg Expected: 279 Got: 606
7055[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:reflection Expected: 299 Got: 607
7056[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mirror_face Expected: 298 Got: 608
7057[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:spectral_familiar Expected: 247 Got: 609
7058[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:cat_familiar Expected: 258 Got: 610
7059[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:mindrake Expected: 276 Got: 611
7060[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:broom Expected: 245 Got: 612
7061[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:baba_yaga Expected: 261 Got: 613
7062[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:huntsmans_spear Expected: 300 Got: 614
7063[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:witch_boat Expected: 302 Got: 615
7064[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: isorropia:jelly_rabbit Expected: 196 Got: 616
7065[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:nightmare Expected: 264 Got: 617
7066[14:16:52] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Registry EntityEntry: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: witchery:imp Expected: 274 Got: 618
7067[14:16:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
7068[14:16:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
7069[14:16:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:61]: settings for world:
7070[14:16:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: Setting up landmass VANILLA
7071[14:16:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:89]: ChunkGeneratorOverworldBOP json:
7072[14:16:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:96]: ChunkGeneratorOverworldBOP settings: {"landScheme":"vanilla","tempScheme":"medium_zones","rainScheme":"medium_zones","biomeSize":"medium","amplitude":1.0,"generateBopOre":false,"generatePoisonIvy":false,"generateBerryBushes":true,"generateThorns":true,"generateQuicksand":true,"generateLiquidPoison":true,"generateHotSprings":true,"generateNetherHives":true,"generateEndFeatures":true,"mainNoiseScaleX":80.0,"mainNoiseScaleY":160.0,"mainNoiseScaleZ":80.0,"coordinateScale":684.412,"heightScale":684.412,"upperLimitScale":512.0,"lowerLimitScale":512.0}
7073[14:16:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 0 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7074[14:16:58] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Appending Loot Pools to minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon
7075[14:16:58] [Server thread/ERROR] [loottweaker.sanity_checks]: Duplicate pool name 'shader' in table 'twilightforest:entities/questing_ram_rewards'. Duplicate added as 'shader0'.
7076Report this to the loot adder.
7077[14:16:58] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Appending Loot Pools to minecraft:chests/abandoned_mineshaft
7078[14:16:59] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Appending Loot Pools to minecraft:chests/stronghold_corridor
7079[14:16:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [loottweaker.sanity_checks]: Duplicate pool name 'imp' in table 'natura:entities/imp'. Duplicate added as 'imp0'.
7080Report this to the loot adder.
7081[14:16:59] [Server thread/WARN] []: Couldn't find resource table modid:loot_table_name
7082[14:16:59] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Appending Loot Pools to minecraft:chests/village_blacksmith
7083[14:16:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [loottweaker.sanity_checks]: Duplicate pool name 'shader' in table 'twilightforest:entities/hydra'. Duplicate added as 'shader0'.
7084Report this to the loot adder.
7085[14:16:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [loottweaker.sanity_checks]: Duplicate pool name 'shader' in table 'twilightforest:entities/minoshroom'. Duplicate added as 'shader0'.
7086Report this to the loot adder.
7087[14:16:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [loottweaker.sanity_checks]: Duplicate pool name 'shader' in table 'twilightforest:structures/stronghold_boss/stronghold_boss'. Duplicate added as 'shader0'.
7088Report this to the loot adder.
7089[14:16:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [loottweaker.sanity_checks]: Duplicate pool name 'shader' in table 'twilightforest:entities/snow_queen'. Duplicate added as 'shader0'.
7090Report this to the loot adder.
7091[14:16:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [loottweaker.sanity_checks]: Duplicate pool name 'shader' in table 'twilightforest:entities/yeti_alpha'. Duplicate added as 'shader0'.
7092Report this to the loot adder.
7093[14:16:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [loottweaker.sanity_checks]: Duplicate pool name 'shader' in table 'twilightforest:entities/naga'. Duplicate added as 'shader0'.
7094Report this to the loot adder.
7095[14:16:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [loottweaker.sanity_checks]: Duplicate pool name 'shader' in table 'twilightforest:structures/darktower_boss/darktower_boss'. Duplicate added as 'shader0'.
7096Report this to the loot adder.
7097[14:16:59] [Server thread/INFO] [railcraft]: Appending Loot Pools to minecraft:chests/stronghold_crossing
7098[14:16:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [loottweaker.sanity_checks]: Duplicate pool name 'shader' in table 'twilightforest:entities/lich'. Duplicate added as 'shader0'.
7099Report this to the loot adder.
7100[14:17:01] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.advancements.AdvancementList]: Couldn't load advancement galacticraftcore:galacticraft/rocket_fuel: Task Advancement{parentId=galacticraftcore:galacticraft/refinery, display=net.minecraft.advancements.DisplayInfo@c3fe056, rewards=AdvancementRewards{experience=0, loot=[], recipes=[], function=null}, criteria={fuel_bucket=net.minecraft.advancements.Criterion@1d61a700}, requirements=[[fuel_bucket]]}
7101[14:17:01] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.advancements.AdvancementList]: Couldn't load advancement galacticraftcore:galacticraft/refinery: Task Advancement{parentId=galacticraftcore:galacticraft/oil, display=net.minecraft.advancements.DisplayInfo@9d456e4, rewards=AdvancementRewards{experience=0, loot=[], recipes=[], function=null}, criteria={refinery=net.minecraft.advancements.Criterion@199da979}, requirements=[[refinery]]}
7102[14:17:01] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.advancements.AdvancementList]: Couldn't load advancement simplyjetpacks:ie/jetpack_ie3: Task Advancement{parentId=simplyjetpacks:ie/jetpack_ie2, display=net.minecraft.advancements.DisplayInfo@393464, rewards=AdvancementRewards{experience=1, loot=[], recipes=[], function=null}, criteria={jetpack_ie3=net.minecraft.advancements.Criterion@741b837b}, requirements=[[jetpack_ie3]]}
7103[14:17:01] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.advancements.AdvancementList]: Couldn't load advancement simplyjetpacks:ie/jetpack_ie2: Task Advancement{parentId=simplyjetpacks:ie/jetpack_ie1, display=net.minecraft.advancements.DisplayInfo@32cb104c, rewards=AdvancementRewards{experience=1, loot=[], recipes=[], function=null}, criteria={jetpack_eio2=net.minecraft.advancements.Criterion@1ae34d35}, requirements=[[jetpack_eio2]]}
7104[14:17:01] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.advancements.AdvancementList]: Couldn't load advancement simplyjetpacks:ie/jetpack_ie1: Task Advancement{parentId=simplyjetpacks:ie/root_ie, display=net.minecraft.advancements.DisplayInfo@6bfae353, rewards=AdvancementRewards{experience=1, loot=[], recipes=[], function=null}, criteria={jetpack_ie1=net.minecraft.advancements.Criterion@6b7091fc}, requirements=[[jetpack_ie1]]}
7105[14:17:01] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.advancements.AdvancementList]: Loaded 1247 advancements
7106[14:17:01] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/SymbolEffectManager]: Loaded 105 symbol effects
7107[14:17:02] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/RiteManager]: Skipping rite witchery:prior_incarnation; Mod openblocks conflicts.
7108[14:17:02] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/RiteManager]: Loaded 93 rites
7109[14:17:02] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/CreatureFormStatManager]: Loaded 6 creature form stats
7110[14:17:02] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/BrewActionManager]: Loaded 177 brew actions
7111[14:17:02] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/CreaturePowerManager]: Loaded 25 creature powers
7112[14:17:02] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/SpiritEffectManager]: Loaded 6 fetish spirit effects
7113[14:17:02] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/CovenQuestManager]: Loaded 7 coven witch quests
7114[14:17:03] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/PredictionManager]: Loaded 17 crystal ball predictions
7115[14:17:03] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/FamiliarPowerManager]: Loaded 3 familiar powers for 3 familiar types
7116[14:17:03] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/MutationManager]: Loaded 15 mutating sprig mutations
7117[14:17:03] [Server thread/INFO] [witchery/CreaturePowerManager]: Loaded 4 critter snares
7118[14:17:25] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming Class [], Method [func_76663_a]
7119[14:17:25] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore ASM]: Transforming Finished.
7120[14:17:26] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 57.40 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7121[14:17:26] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 1 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7122[14:17:26] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world 1
7123[14:17:27] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 41.48 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7124[14:17:27] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 14676 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7125[14:17:27] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world 14676
7126[14:17:27] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7127[14:17:27] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7128[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 34.90 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7129[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:32]: settings for hell world:
7130[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension -1 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7131[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world -1
7132[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 38.78 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7133[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:61]: settings for world:
7134[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: Setting up landmass VANILLA
7135[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 19 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7136[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world 19
7137[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 33.10 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7138[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:61]: settings for world:
7139[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: Setting up landmass VANILLA
7140[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:89]: ChunkGeneratorOverworldBOP json:
7141[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:96]: ChunkGeneratorOverworldBOP settings: {"landScheme":"vanilla","tempScheme":"medium_zones","rainScheme":"medium_zones","biomeSize":"medium","amplitude":1.0,"generateBopOre":false,"generatePoisonIvy":false,"generateBerryBushes":true,"generateThorns":true,"generateQuicksand":true,"generateLiquidPoison":true,"generateHotSprings":true,"generateNetherHives":true,"generateEndFeatures":true,"mainNoiseScaleX":80.0,"mainNoiseScaleY":160.0,"mainNoiseScaleZ":80.0,"coordinateScale":684.412,"heightScale":684.412,"upperLimitScale":512.0,"lowerLimitScale":512.0}
7142[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 11 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7143[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world 11
7144[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 35.41 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7145[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:61]: settings for world:
7146[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: Setting up landmass VANILLA
7147[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 12 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7148[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world 12
7149[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 40.75 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7150[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:61]: settings for world:
7151[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: Setting up landmass VANILLA
7152[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 13 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7153[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world 13
7154[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 34.60 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7155[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension -6 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7156[14:17:29] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world -6
7157[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 33.81 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7158[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:61]: settings for world:
7159[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: Setting up landmass VANILLA
7160[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension -11325 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7161[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world -11325
7162[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 34.84 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7163[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:61]: settings for world:
7164[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: Setting up landmass VANILLA
7165[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension -9999 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7166[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world -9999
7167[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 34.92 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7168[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 7 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7169[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world 7
7170[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 34.59 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7171[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:61]: settings for world:
7172[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: Setting up landmass VANILLA
7173[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 2 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@121f3502)
7174[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Creating aura cache for world 2
7175[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [LoliASM]: Took 41.18 ms to canonicalize Java's FilePermission caches.
7176[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer]: Done (59.516s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
7177[14:17:30] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer]: Starting GS4 status listener
7178[14:17:30] [Query Listener #1/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Query running on **.**.**.**:25565
7179[14:17:31] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: ####################################################
7180[14:17:31] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: # #
7181[14:17:31] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: # It appears that you're running a dedicated #
7182[14:17:31] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: # server with OpenComputers installed! Make sure #
7183[14:17:31] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: # to review the Internet Card address filtering #
7184[14:17:31] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: # list to ensure it is appropriately configured. #
7185[14:17:31] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: # (config/OpenComputers.cfg => filteringRules) #
7186[14:17:31] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: # #
7187[14:17:31] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: ####################################################
7188[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7189[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7190[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7191[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7192[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7193[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7194[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7195[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7196[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7197[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7198[14:17:31] [Finalizer/WARN] [LoliASM]: Clearing LoliStringPool 1
7199[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:89]: ChunkGeneratorOverworldBOP json:
7200[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:96]: ChunkGeneratorOverworldBOP settings: {"landScheme":"vanilla","tempScheme":"medium_zones","rainScheme":"medium_zones","biomeSize":"medium","amplitude":1.0,"generateBopOre":false,"generatePoisonIvy":false,"generateBerryBushes":true,"generateThorns":true,"generateQuicksand":true,"generateLiquidPoison":true,"generateHotSprings":true,"generateNetherHives":true,"generateEndFeatures":true,"mainNoiseScaleX":80.0,"mainNoiseScaleY":160.0,"mainNoiseScaleZ":80.0,"coordinateScale":684.412,"heightScale":684.412,"upperLimitScale":512.0,"lowerLimitScale":512.0}
7201[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:89]: ChunkGeneratorOverworldBOP json:
7202[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [<init>:96]: ChunkGeneratorOverworldBOP settings: {"landScheme":"vanilla","tempScheme":"medium_zones","rainScheme":"medium_zones","biomeSize":"medium","amplitude":1.0,"generateBopOre":false,"generatePoisonIvy":false,"generateBerryBushes":true,"generateThorns":true,"generateQuicksand":true,"generateLiquidPoison":true,"generateHotSprings":true,"generateNetherHives":true,"generateEndFeatures":true,"mainNoiseScaleX":80.0,"mainNoiseScaleY":160.0,"mainNoiseScaleZ":80.0,"coordinateScale":684.412,"heightScale":684.412,"upperLimitScale":512.0,"lowerLimitScale":512.0}
7203[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -13
7204[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -20
7205[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -15
7206[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -16
7207[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -17
7208[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -18
7209[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -19
7210[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -21
7211[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -22
7212[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -29
7213[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -30
7214[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -31
7215[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1504
7216[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1501
7217[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1500
7218[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1503
7219[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1502
7220[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1505
7221[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1506
7222[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1507
7223[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1508
7224[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1509
7225[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1510
7226[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -1511
7227[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Registered Dimension: -28
7228[14:17:31] [Server thread/INFO] [icbmclassic]: Starting threads
7229[14:17:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Encountered an unexpected exception
7230net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Mystcraft (mystcraft)
7232Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to register dimension for id 11, One is already registered
7233 at net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager.registerDimension( ~[DimensionManager.class:]
7234 at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.Mystcraft.registerDimensions( ~[Mystcraft.class:?]
7235 at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.Mystcraft.serverStart( ~[Mystcraft.class:?]
7236 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
7237 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
7238 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
7239 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
7240 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( ~[forge-1.12.2-]
7241 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
7242 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
7243 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
7244 at ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7245 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7246 at$ ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7247 at$DirectExecutor.execute( ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7248 at ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7249 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7250 at ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7251 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( ~[LoadController.class:?]
7252 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( ~[LoadController.class:?]
7253 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_412]
7254 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
7255 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
7256 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_412]
7257 at ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7258 at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7259 at$ ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7260 at$DirectExecutor.execute( ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7261 at ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7262 at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7263 at ~[minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?]
7264 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( ~[LoadController.class:?]
7265 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.serverStarting( ~[Loader.class:?]
7266 at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.handleServerStarting( ~[FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
7267 at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( ~[nz.class:?]
7268 at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
7269 at [?:1.8.0_412]
7270[14:17:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: This crash report has been saved to: C:\Users\********\Desktop\mc servers\the-1122-pack_1.6.1\.\crash-reports\crash-2024-06-03_14.17.33-server.txt
7271[14:17:33] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Stopping server
7272[14:17:33] [Server thread/INFO] [Sledgehammer]: Closing 1 Endpoints...
7273[14:17:33] [Server thread/INFO] [Sledgehammer]: Closed Endpoints
7274[14:17:33] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving players
7275[14:17:33] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving worlds
7276[14:17:33] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/overworld
7277[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/the_nether
7278[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/the_end
7279[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/emptiness
7280[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/thaumictinkererbedrockworld
7281[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/spirit_world
7282[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/torment
7283[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/mirror
7284[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/MINING_WORLD
7285[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Deep Dark
7286[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/ExtraUtils2_Quarry_Dim
7287[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/twilight_forest
7288[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Storage Cell
7289[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world 0
7290[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world -1
7291[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world 1
7292[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world 14676
7293[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world 19
7294[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world 11
7295[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world 12
7296[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world 13
7297[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world -6
7298[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world -11325
7299[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world -9999
7300[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world 7
7301[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Removing aura cache for world 2
7302[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 0
7303[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension -1
7304[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 1
7305[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 14676
7306[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 19
7307[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 11
7308[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 12
7309[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 13
7310[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension -6
7311[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension -11325
7312[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension -9999
7313[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 7
7314[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 2
7315[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -13
7316[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -20
7317[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -15
7318[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -16
7319[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -17
7320[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -18
7321[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -19
7322[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -21
7323[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -22
7324[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -29
7325[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -30
7326[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -31
7327[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1504
7328[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1501
7329[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1500
7330[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1503
7331[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1502
7332[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1505
7333[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1506
7334[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1507
7335[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1508
7336[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1509
7337[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1510
7338[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -1511
7339[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [GalacticraftCore]: Unregistered Dimension: -28
7340[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:1061]: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Mystcraft (mystcraft)
7341[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to unregister dimension for id 14; No provider registered
7342[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager.unregisterDimension(
7343[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.Mystcraft.unregisterDimensions(
7344[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.Mystcraft.serverStop(
7345[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
7346[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
7347[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
7348[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
7349[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent(
7350[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source)
7351[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
7352[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
7353[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at
7354[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod(
7355[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at$
7356[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at$DirectExecutor.execute(
7357[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at
7358[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch(
7359[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at
7360[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(
7361[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(
7362[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
7363[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
7364[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
7365[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
7366[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at
7367[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod(
7368[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at$
7369[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at$DirectExecutor.execute(
7370[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at
7371[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch(
7372[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at
7373[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
7374[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.serverStopped(
7375[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.handleServerStopped(
7376[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at
7377[14:17:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.EnhancedRuntimeException:printStackTrace:92]: at
7378[14:19:48] [Server Shutdown Thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Stopping server
7379[14:19:48] [Server Shutdown Thread/INFO] [Sledgehammer]: Closing 1 Endpoints...
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