1 | Prism Launcher version: 6.3
2 |
3 |
4 | Launched instance in online mode
5 |
6 | authserver.mojang.com resolves to:
7 | [**.**.**.**, **.**.**.**, **.**.**.**, **.**.**.**]
8 |
9 | session.minecraft.net resolves to:
10 | [**.**.**.**, **.**.**.**, ****:****:****:****:****:****:****:****, ****:****:****:****:****:****:****:****]
11 |
12 | textures.minecraft.net resolves to:
13 | [**.**.**.**, **.**.**.**, ****:****:****:****:****:****:****:****, ****:****:****:****:****:****:****:****]
14 |
15 | api.mojang.com resolves to:
16 | [**.**.**.**, **.**.**.**, ****:****:****:****:****:****:****:****, ****:****:****:****:****:****:****:****]
17 |
18 |
19 | Minecraft folder is:
20 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/instances/Long-term/.minecraft
21 |
22 |
23 | Java path is:
24 | C:/Program Files/graalvm-ce-java19-22.3.1/bin/javaw.exe
25 |
26 |
27 | Checking Java version...
28 | Java is version 19.0.2, using 64 (amd64) architecture, from GraalVM Community.
29 |
30 |
31 | Main Class:
32 | org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient
33 |
34 | Native path:
35 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/instances/Long-term/natives
36 |
37 | Traits:
38 | traits FirstThreadOnMacOS
39 | traits XR:Initial
40 |
41 | Libraries:
42 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar
43 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar
44 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.3.1/lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar
45 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar
46 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar
47 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc/3.3.1/lwjgl-jemalloc-3.3.1.jar
48 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar
49 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar
50 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-openal-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar
51 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-openal-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar
52 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal/3.3.1/lwjgl-openal-3.3.1.jar
53 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar
54 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar
55 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl/3.3.1/lwjgl-opengl-3.3.1.jar
56 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-stb-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar
57 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-stb-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar
58 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb/3.3.1/lwjgl-stb-3.3.1.jar
59 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-tinyfd-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-tinyfd-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar
60 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-tinyfd-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-tinyfd-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar
61 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-tinyfd/3.3.1/lwjgl-tinyfd-3.3.1.jar
62 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/3.3.1/lwjgl-3.3.1.jar
63 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/github/oshi/oshi-core/6.2.2/oshi-core-6.2.2.jar
64 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.10/gson-2.10.jar
65 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/google/guava/failureaccess/1.0.1/failureaccess-1.0.1.jar
66 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/google/guava/guava/31.1-jre/guava-31.1-jre.jar
67 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/ibm/icu/icu4j/71.1/icu4j-71.1.jar
68 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/authlib/3.18.38/authlib-3.18.38.jar
69 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/blocklist/1.0.10/blocklist-1.0.10.jar
70 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/brigadier/1.0.18/brigadier-1.0.18.jar
71 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/datafixerupper/6.0.6/datafixerupper-6.0.6.jar
72 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/logging/1.1.1/logging-1.1.1.jar
73 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/patchy/2.2.10/patchy-2.2.10.jar
74 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/text2speech/1.13.9/text2speech-1.13.9.jar
75 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/text2speech-natives-windows/1.13.9/text2speech-natives-windows-1.13.9.jar
76 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.15/commons-codec-1.15.jar
77 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/commons-io/commons-io/2.11.0/commons-io-2.11.0.jar
78 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.2/commons-logging-1.2.jar
79 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-buffer/4.1.82.Final/netty-buffer-4.1.82.Final.jar
80 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-codec/4.1.82.Final/netty-codec-4.1.82.Final.jar
81 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-common/4.1.82.Final/netty-common-4.1.82.Final.jar
82 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-handler/4.1.82.Final/netty-handler-4.1.82.Final.jar
83 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-resolver/4.1.82.Final/netty-resolver-4.1.82.Final.jar
84 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport-classes-epoll/4.1.82.Final/netty-transport-classes-epoll-4.1.82.Final.jar
85 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport-native-unix-common/4.1.82.Final/netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.82.Final.jar
86 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport/4.1.82.Final/netty-transport-4.1.82.Final.jar
87 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/it/unimi/dsi/fastutil/8.5.9/fastutil-8.5.9.jar
88 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/java/dev/jna/jna-platform/5.12.1/jna-platform-5.12.1.jar
89 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/java/dev/jna/jna/5.12.1/jna-5.12.1.jar
90 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/sf/jopt-simple/jopt-simple/5.0.4/jopt-simple-5.0.4.jar
91 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.21/commons-compress-1.21.jar
92 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.12.0/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar
93 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.5.13/httpclient-4.5.13.jar
94 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.15/httpcore-4.4.15.jar
95 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-api/2.19.0/log4j-api-2.19.0.jar
96 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-core/2.19.0/log4j-core-2.19.0.jar
97 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-slf4j2-impl/2.19.0/log4j-slf4j2-impl-2.19.0.jar
98 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/joml/joml/1.10.5/joml-1.10.5.jar
99 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/2.0.1/slf4j-api-2.0.1.jar
100 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/intermediary/1.19.4/intermediary-1.19.4.jar
101 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/tiny-mappings-parser/0.3.0 build.17/tiny-mappings-parser-0.3.0 build.17.jar
102 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.12.4 mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.12.4 mixin.0.8.5.jar
103 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/tiny-remapper/0.8.6/tiny-remapper-0.8.6.jar
104 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/access-widener/2.1.0/access-widener-2.1.0.jar
105 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/quiltmc/quilt-json5/1.0.2/quilt-json5-1.0.2.jar
106 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm/9.4/asm-9.4.jar
107 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-analysis/9.4/asm-analysis-9.4.jar
108 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-commons/9.4/asm-commons-9.4.jar
109 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-tree/9.4/asm-tree-9.4.jar
110 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-util/9.4/asm-util-9.4.jar
111 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/quiltmc/quilt-config/1.0.0-beta.6/quilt-config-1.0.0-beta.6.jar
112 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/quiltmc/quilt-loader/0.18.8/quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar
113 | C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/minecraft/1.19.4/minecraft-1.19.4-client.jar
114 |
115 | Native libraries:
116 |
117 | Mods:
118 | [✔] 1.19.4-preventer-0.8.7
119 | [✔] accurate-block-placement-1.0.16
120 | [✔] actuallyunbreaking-1.19.4-0.1.2
121 | [✔] AdaptiveTooltips-1.2.0-fabric-1.19.4
122 | [✔] AdditionalEnchantedMiner-1.19-fabric-19.3.754
123 | [✔] AdditionalStructures-1.19.x-(v.4.1.1)
124 | [✔] advancementscreenshot-1.19.4-4.1
125 | [✔] AllStackable-v1.7.0-1.19.4
126 | [✔] alternate-current-mc1.19-1.5.0
127 | [✔] alwaysawitherskull-1.19.4-3.0
128 | [✔] AmbientEnvironment-fabric-1.19.4-
129 | [✔] AmbientSounds_FABRIC_v5.2.18_mc1.19.4
130 | [✔] animatica-0.5 1.19
131 | [✔] anvilrestoration-1.19.4-2.0
132 | [✔] appleskin-fabric-mc1.19.4-2.4.3
133 | [✔] architectury-8.1.79-fabric
134 | [✔] armorstands-1.0.0-1.19.4
135 | [✔] atmosfera-2.0.0 mc1.19.3
136 | [✔] AttributeFix-Fabric-1.19.4-19.0.1
137 | [✔] audio_engine_tweaks-1.2.2-1.19.3 build 4
138 | [✔] AxesAreWeapons-1.6.5-fabric-1.19.3
139 | [✔] axolotl-item-fix-1.1.5
140 | [✔] badpackets-fabric-0.4.1
141 | [✔] balm-fabric-1.19.4-6.0.2
142 | [✔] baritone-api-fabric-1.9.2
143 | [✔] bedrock-miner-1.19.4-1.1.1
144 | [✔] bedrodium-0.2.1
145 | [✔] beenfo-1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-1.3.3
146 | [✔] betterbeaconplacement-1.19.4-3.1
147 | [✔] betterbeds-1.3.0-1.19.3
148 | [✔] betterbiomeblend-1.19.0-1.3.6-fabric
149 | [✔] betterconduitplacement-1.19.4-3.0
150 | [✔] BetterF3-6.0.0-Fabric-1.19.4-pre3
151 | [✔] betterfpsdist-fabric-1.19-2.4
152 | [✔] betterspawnercontrol-1.19.4-4.1
153 | [✔] betterstats-2.5.2 1.19.4
154 | [✔] BetterThirdPerson-Fabric-1.19-1.9.0
155 | [✔] biggerspongeabsorptionradius-1.19.4-3.1
156 | [✔] biomemusic-fabric-1.19.4-1.6
157 | [✔] Blanket Client tweaks-1.1.3
158 | [✔] blur-3.0.0
159 | [✔] BoatBreakFix-Universal-1.0.11
160 | [✔] boathud-1.1.3
161 | [✔] Bookshelf-Fabric-1.19.4-18.0.2
162 | [✔] bossbar-stack-1.0.1
163 | [✔] BowInfinityFix-1.19.x-fabric-2.5.0
164 | [✔] brb-1.7.2-fabric
165 | [✔] breakfree-1.1.0
166 | [✔] cakechomps-quilt-6.0.1 1.19.4
167 | [✔] CameraOverhaul-1.4.0-fabric-universal
168 | [✔] camerautils-1.19.4-1.0.3
169 | [✔] camp-fires-cook-mobs-1.2.10 MC1.19.4
170 | [✔] carpet-tis-addition-mc1.19.4-v1.46.1
171 | [✔] celib-1.1.0 1.19
172 | [✔] cem-0.7.3
173 | [✔] chat_heads-0.10.9-fabric-1.19.3
174 | [✔] chatpatches-194.4.0
175 | [✔] chatwalk-1.0.1
176 | [✔] cherishedworlds-quilt-6.0.4 1.19.4
177 | [✔] chesttracker-1.19.4-1.1.21
178 | [✔] Chunky-1.3.53
179 | [✔] CITResewn-1.1.3 1.19.4
180 | [✔] ClearDespawn-fabric-1.19.2-1.1.10
181 | [✔] clickthrough-1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-0.4
182 | [✔] clientcommands-2.7.9
183 | [✔] clienttweaks-fabric-1.19.4-10.0.1
184 | [✔] cloth-config-10.0.96-fabric
185 | [✔] cmods-1.3.1 fabric-1.19
186 | [✔] collective-1.19.4-6.54
187 | [✔] colorfulsubtitles-1.1.0
188 | [✔] colour-my-servers-1.0.3
189 | [✔] compacthelpcommand-1.19.4-2.1
190 | [✔] compostable-rottenflesh-1.0.0
191 | [✔] concreteconversion-fabric-
192 | [✔] conduitspreventdrowned-1.19.4-3.3
193 | [✔] connectivity-fabric-1.19.3-3.9
194 | [✔] continuity-3.0.0-beta.2 1.19.3
195 | [✔] Controlling-fabric-1.19.4-
196 | [✔] Craftify-1.19.4-1.8.0-fabric
197 | [✔] CraftPresence-2.0.0-rc.1 1.19.4
198 | [✔] crawl-0.11.5
199 | [✔] CreativeCore_FABRIC_v2.10.7_mc1.19.4
200 | [✔] ctov-3.1.8
201 | [✔] cullclouds-0.1.0
202 | [✔] Cyan-0.9.5 1.19.4
203 | [✔] dark-graph-1.0.3
204 | [✔] dashloader-5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4
205 | [✘] deathlog-0.3.2 1.19.4.jar (disabled)
206 | [✔] Debugify-1.19.4 1.0
207 | [✔] deepslatecutting-fabric-1.6.1
208 | [✔] despawningeggshatch-1.19.4-4.1
209 | [✔] diggusmaximus-1.5.8-1.19.4
210 | [✔] doubledoors-1.19.4-4.5
211 | [✔] draggable-resource-packs-mc1.19-3.0.1 build.9
212 | [✔] dragondropselytra-1.19.4-3.0
213 | [✔] DripSounds-1.19.4-0.3.2
214 | [✔] dyed-fabric-1.19.3-1.1.1
215 | [✔] dynamiccrosshair-5.2 1.19.4-fabric
216 | [✔] dynamiccrosshair-compat-3.1.1 1.19.3
217 | [✔] dynamic-fps-2.2.0
218 | [✔] dynmus-2.2.2 1.19.3-fabric
219 | [✔] easyelytratakeoff-1.19.4-4.0
220 | [✔] ElytraPhysics-1.2-1.19.3
221 | [✔] enchantingcommands-1.19.4-3.0
222 | [✔] EnchantmentDescriptions-Fabric-1.19.4-15.0.1
223 | [✔] enchantment-lore-1.3.1 MC1.19.3-1.19.4
224 | [✔] EnhancedVisuals_FABRIC_v1.6.3_mc1.19.4
225 | [✔] Entity_Collision_FPS_Fix-fabric-1.19-
226 | [✔] entity_model_features_fabric_1.19.4-0.2.4
227 | [✔] entity_texture_features_fabric_1.19.4-4.3.5
228 | [✔] entityculling-fabric-1.6.2-mc1.19.4
229 | [✔] entity-view-distance-1.1.1 1.19.4
230 | [✔] Erroring-Entity-Remover-Fabric-1.0.3 1.19
231 | [✔] essential_commands-0.32.0-mc1.19.4
232 | [✔] EssentialGUI-1.8.6 1.19.4
233 | [✔] exordium-fabric-1.0.3-mc1.19.4
234 | [✔] explorify-fabric-1.19-1.3.0
235 | [✔] extendedbonemeal-1.19.4-3.0
236 | [✔] extra_thicc_packets-1.0
237 | [✔] extractpoison-1.19.4-3.1
238 | [✔] fabrication-3.2.5 1.19.4
239 | [✔] fabric-carpet-1.19.4-1.4.101 v230319
240 | [✔] fabricfastportals-1.0.2
241 | [✔] fabric-release-regrowth-1.19.4-31.1.0
242 | [✔] fabricskyboxes-0.6.5 mc1.19.4
243 | [✔] fallingleaves-1.15.0 1.19.4
244 | [✔] FallingTree-1.19.4-3.12.1
245 | [✔] fancymenu_fabric_2.14.2_MC_1.19.4
246 | [✔] Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0
247 | [✔] fastopenlinksandfolders-1.1.1
248 | [✔] fat-experience-orbs-2.0.1 1.18-fabric
249 | [✔] ferritecore-5.2.0-fabric
250 | [✔] feytweaks-1.19.4-1.2.5
251 | [✔] firstperson-fabric-2.2.3-mc1.19.4
252 | [✔] fixbookgui-mc1.19.4-1.2
253 | [✔] fixedanvilrepaircost-1.19.4-3.1
254 | [✔] ForgeConfigAPIPort-v6.0.2-1.19.4-Fabric
255 | [✔] forgivingvoid-fabric-1.19.4-9.0.1
256 | [✔] freecam-fabric-1.1.9 1.19
257 | [✔] furnacerecycle-1.19.4-2.0
258 | [✘] fzmm-mc1.19.4-0.2.2.jar (disabled)
259 | [✔] gamemenuremovegfarb-fabric-mc1.19.4-2.1.0
260 | [✔] GamemodeDetector-1.1
261 | [✔] geophilic-1.19.4-2.0.0
262 | [✔] grindstonesharpertools-1.19.4-3.1
263 | [✔] guifollowers-1.19.4-3.2
264 | [✔] head-name-fix-1.19.3-1.2.1
265 | [✔] healingcampfire-1.19.4-5.1
266 | [✔] highlight-1.2.0-fabric
267 | [✔] hoetweaks-1.19.4-3.2
268 | [✔] holdthatchunk-2.0.1 1.19
269 | [✔] HopoBetterUnderwaterRuins-[1.19.4]-1.1.1
270 | [✔] HorseBuff-1.19.4-rc3-2.0.4
271 | [✔] icepreventscropgrowth-1.19.4-3.0
272 | [✔] image2map-0.4.1
273 | [✔] ImmediatelyFast-1.1.11 1.19.4
274 | [✔] immersive_paintings-0.6.0 1.19.4-fabric
275 | [✔] ImmersiveThunder-fabric-1.19.4 1.1.2
276 | [✔] indium-1.0.15 mc1.19.4
277 | [✔] Infinity-Water-Bucket-Fabric-1.19.4-2.0.0
278 | [✔] inventory-control-tweaks-1.3.20 MC1.19.3-1.19.4
279 | [✔] inventory-fix-0.0.3
280 | [✔] InventoryProfilesNext-fabric-1.19.4-1.9.5
281 | [✔] inventorytotem-1.19.4-3.0
282 | [✔] iris-mc1.19.4-1.6.0
283 | [✔] jamlib-0.6.0 1.19.4
284 | [✔] journeymap-1.19.4-5.9.5-fabric
285 | [✔] justmobheads-1.19.4-7.1
286 | [✔] keepmysoiltilled-1.19.4-2.0
287 | [✔] kelpfertilizer-1.19.4-3.0
288 | [✔] kleeslabs-fabric-1.19.4-14.0.1
289 | [✔] konkrete_fabric_1.6.0-2_MC_1.19.4
290 | [✔] krypton-0.2.2
291 | [✔] lapisreserve-1.0.8
292 | [✔] lazydfu-0.1.3
293 | [✔] lazy-language-loader-0.3.2
294 | [✔] letmedespawn-1.18.x-1.19.x-fabric-1.0.2
295 | [✔] libIPN-fabric-1.19.4-2.0.4
296 | [✔] libjf-3.7.1
297 | [✔] libraryferret-fabric-1.19.4-4.0.0
298 | [✔] litematica-fabric-1.19.4-0.14.2
299 | [✔] litematica-printer-mc1.19.4-7.0.0
300 | [✔] lithium-fabric-mc1.19.4-0.11.1
301 | [✔] log_more_info-1.0.0-1.19
302 | [✔] log-ip-remover-mc1.19.4-1.0.0 build.3
303 | [✔] logprot-fabric-1.19-2.0
304 | [✔] malilib-fabric-1.19.4-0.15.2
305 | [✔] Mambience-5.3.0 1.19.4
306 | [✔] MapFrontiers-1.19.4-2.5.0-beta2-fabric
307 | [✔] Masik'sPuzzleDungeon-fabric-1.19.X-v1.0.1
308 | [✔] memoryleakfix-fabric-1.17 -1.0.0
309 | [✔] memoryusagescreen-fabric-mc1.19.4-1.8.1
310 | [✔] mineralchance-1.19.4-3.1
311 | [✔] MixinConflictHelper-1.2.0
312 | [✔] mixintrace-1.1.1 1.17
313 | [✔] mobs-attempt-parkour-0.4-1.19.4
314 | [✔] modmenu-6.1.0-rc.4
315 | [✔] monsters-in-the-closet-1.0.3 1.19
316 | [✔] mooshroomtweaks-1.19.4-3.2
317 | [✔] moreculling-1.19.4-0.17.0
318 | [✔] MoreCullingExtra-1.1-backport_1.19.2
319 | [✘] moremcmeta-1.19.4-3.0.6-fabric.jar (disabled)
320 | [✔] mostructures-1.4.3 1.19.4
321 | [✔] MouseTweaks-fabric-mc1.19.4-2.24
322 | [✔] musicdr-2.1.0
323 | [✔] music-moods-0.2.0 mc.1.19.4
324 | [✔] musicnotification-mc1.19.4-1.1
325 | [✔] mvs-2.5.12-1.19.3
326 | [✔] namepain-1.4.0 fabric-1.19.4
327 | [✔] netherportalfix-fabric-1.19.4-12.0.1
328 | [✔] NoChatReports-FABRIC-1.19.4-v2.1.1
329 | [✔] nohostilesaroundcampfire-1.19.4-5.5
330 | [✔] no-resource-pack-warnings-1.2.0
331 | [✔] no-shield-delay-1.0.0
332 | [✔] notenoughanimations-fabric-1.6.3-mc1.19.4
333 | [✔] Notes-1.19.4-2.0.1-fabric
334 | [✔] noxesium-0.1.8
335 | [✔] numeralping-1.2.0
336 | [✔] onsoulfire-1.19-4
337 | [✔] open-parties-and-claims-fabric-1.19.4-0.17.2
338 | [✔] optigui-2.0.0-beta.3
339 | [✔] ostOverhaul-0.2.6-1.19.4
340 | [✔] overworld_coordinates-1.1.0
341 | [✘] owo-lib-0.10.3 1.19.4.jar (disabled)
342 | [✔] paginatedadvancements-2.0.0-1.19.4
343 | [✔] passiveendermen-1.19.4-4.2
344 | [✔] passiveshield-1.19.4-3.2
345 | [✔] PersistentGamemodeSwitcher-
346 | [✔] Philips-ruins1.19.4-1.3[Fabric]
347 | [✔] physics-mod-pro-v143-fabric-1.19.4
348 | [✔] PresenceFootsteps-1.8.0
349 | [✔] Prism-1.19.3-fabric-1.0.4
350 | [✔] puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4
351 | [✔] qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4
352 | [✔] quick_elytra-3.0.2-mc1.19.2
353 | [✔] quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3
354 | [✔] raknetify-fabric-0.1.0 alpha.5.69-all
355 | [✔] randomsheepcolours-1.19.4-3.1
356 | [✔] realisticbees-1.19.4-3.4
357 | [✔] recast-1.19.4-3.0
358 | [✔] recipecache-0.2.0-1.19
359 | [✔] recursive-resources-2.3.0 1.19.4
360 | [✔] RepeaterSound-1.1.1_193-194
361 | [✔] replaymod-1.19.4-2.6.12
362 | [✔] replayvoicechat-1.19.4-1.3.0
363 | [✔] repurposed_structures-6.3.22 1.19.4-quilt
364 | [✔] rer-2.8.0
365 | [✔] resolution-control-plus-1.19.4-3.0.0
366 | [✔] RoughlyEnoughItems-11.0.597
367 | [✔] RoughlyEnoughProfessions-fabric-1.19.4-1.2.1
368 | [✔] roughly-searchable-2.5.3 1.19.4
369 | [✔] scaffoldingdropsnearby-1.19.4-3.0
370 | [✔] screenshot-to-clipboard-1.0.9-fabric
371 | [✔] seedmapper-1.5.13
372 | [✔] servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4
373 | [✔] shareenderchest-1.6.0
374 | [✔] shulkerboxtooltip-fabric-3.2.5 1.19.4
375 | [✔] shulkerdropstwo-1.19.4-3.1
376 | [✔] skeletonhorsespawn-1.19.4-3.6
377 | [✔] sleepwarp-1.2.0 1.19
378 | [✔] smallernetherportals-1.19.4-3.4
379 | [✔] smoothboot-fabric-1.19.4-1.7.0
380 | [✔] sneaky-1.2
381 | [✔] sodium-extra-0.4.18 mc1.19.4-build.100
382 | [✔] sodium-fabric-mc1.19.4-0.4.10 build.24
383 | [✔] sodium-shadowy-path-blocks-3.1.0
384 | [✔] some-ordinary-tweaks-1.6.6 1.19.4
385 | [✔] soundphysics-fabric-1.19.4-1.1.0
386 | [✔] spark-1.10.34-fabric
387 | [✔] spawn-animations-1.8.2
388 | [✔] StackDeobfuscator-1.3.1 fabric.d71a3c3
389 | [✔] starlight-1.1.1 fabric.ae22326
390 | [✔] stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4
391 | [✔] stoneholm-1.4.4
392 | [✔] suggestion-tweaker-1.19.1-1.3.1-fabric
393 | [✔] syncmatica-1.18.2-0.3.8
394 | [✔] TaxFreeLevels-1.3.3-fabric-1.19
395 | [✔] tellme-fabric-1.19.0-0.9.0-beta.1
396 | [✔] tia-1.19.4-1.0-fabric
397 | [✔] TieFix-1.13.0
398 | [✔] Tips-Fabric-1.19.4-10.0.2
399 | [✔] toggleableitemframes-2.1.1-1.19.x
400 | [✔] toms_storage_fabric-1.19.4-1.5.4
401 | [✔] ToolStats-Fabric-1.19.4-14.0.2
402 | [✔] toomanybinds-0.3.3
403 | [✔] totemcounter-1.3.0-beta.2 mc1.19.4
404 | [✔] TrampleNoMore-Fabric-1.19.4-11.0.1
405 | [✔] trashslot-fabric-1.19.4-14.0.1
406 | [✔] trinkets-3.6.0
407 | [✔] tweakermore-mc1.19.4-v3.10.1-beta.1
408 | [✔] tweakeroo-fabric-1.19.4-0.16.0
409 | [✔] ukulib-0.6.1 1.19.4
410 | [✔] uncraftables -1.1
411 | [✔] uncraftables-1.8
412 | [✔] unofficial-sodium-biome-blending-fix-1.0.2
413 | [✔] VanillaIcecreamFix-b1.1.2
414 | [✔] vanilla-refresh-1.4.12d
415 | [✔] villagerdeathmessages-1.19.4-3.1
416 | [✔] villagernames-1.19.4-5.2
417 | [✔] villagers-follow-emeralds-1.3.0 1.19
418 | [✔] visuality-0.7.0
419 | [✔] vmp-fabric-mc1.19.4-0.2.0 beta.7.69-all
420 | [✔] voicechat-fabric-1.19.4-2.4.3
421 | [✔] Void-Fog-2.9.0
422 | [✔] weakerspiderwebs-1.19.4-3.2
423 | [✔] whats-that-slot-fabric-1.3.3 1.19.4
424 | [✔] whereisit-1.19.4-1.14.16
425 | [✔] whydoesmyglasssoundlikethat-1.0
426 | [✔] worldedit-mod-7.2.14
427 | [✔] XaerosWorldMap_1.29.5_Fabric_1.19.4
428 | [✔] xanders-sodium-options-1.1.0-fabric-1.19.3
429 | [✔] XrayMod-2.3.0
430 | [✔] YetAnotherConfigLib-2.4.0
431 | [✔] YungsApi-1.19.4-Fabric-3.10.1
432 | [✔] YungsBetterDesertTemples-1.19.4-Fabric-2.4.0
433 | [✔] YungsBetterDungeons-1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0
434 | [✔] YungsBetterMineshafts-1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0
435 | [✔] YungsBetterNetherFortresses-1.19.4-Fabric-1.2.0
436 | [✔] YungsBetterOceanMonuments-1.19.4-Fabric-2.3.0
437 | [✔] YungsBetterStrongholds-1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0
438 | [✔] YungsBetterWitchHuts-1.19.4-Fabric-2.3.0
439 | [✔] YungsBridges-1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0
440 | [✔] YungsExtras-1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0
441 | [✔] Zoomify-2.9.2
442 |
443 | Params:
444 | --username --version 1.19.4 --gameDir C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/instances/Long-term/.minecraft --assetsDir C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/assets --assetIndex 3 --uuid --accessToken --userType --versionType release
445 |
446 | Window size: 1000 x 600
447 |
448 | Launcher: standard
449 |
450 | Java major version is incompatible. Things might break.
451 | Java Arguments:
452 | [-XX: UnlockExperimentalVMOptions, -XX: UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, -XX: AlwaysPreTouch, -XX: DisableExplicitGC, -XX: UseNUMA, -XX:NmethodSweepActivity=1, -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=400M, -XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize=12M, -XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize=194M, -XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize=194M, -XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods, -XX:MaxNodeLimit=240000, -XX:NodeLimitFudgeFactor=8000, -XX: UseVectorCmov, -XX: PerfDisableSharedMem, -XX: UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps, -XX: UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority, -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1, -XX:AllocatePrefetchStyle=3, -XX: UseG1GC, -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=37, -XX: PerfDisableSharedMem, -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M, -XX:G1NewSizePercent=23, -XX:G1ReservePercent=20, -XX:SurvivorRatio=32, -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=3, -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=20, -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=10, -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=0, -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1, -XX:G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent=30, -XX:G1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis=5.0, -XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimit=16, -XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis=150, -XX:GCTimeRatio=99, -XX: UseLargePages, -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=2m, -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump, -Xms4096m, -Xmx4096m, -Duser.language=en]
453 |
454 |
455 | Minecraft process ID: 18644
456 |
457 |
458 | [21:16:50] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.19.4 with Quilt Loader 0.18.8
459 | [21:16:50] [main/INFO]: Loading mappings: jar:file:/C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/intermediary/1.19.4/intermediary-1.19.4.jar!/mappings/mappings.tiny
460 | [21:16:55] [main/WARN]: Warnings for mod "moreculling"'s mod json:
461 | - Unsupported root entry "embedded" at at line 35 column 13 path $.embedded
462 | c cleaning 2500 clauses out of 5000 with flag 10000/5000
463 | c cleaning 4250 clauses out of 8500 with flag 22000/11000
464 | c cleaning 5624 clauses out of 11251 with flag 36674/18001
465 | c cleaning 6813 clauses out of 13627 with flag 53605/26001
466 | c cleaning 7907 clauses out of 15814 with flag 72753/35001
467 | c cleaning 8952 clauses out of 17907 with flag 93894/45001
468 | c cleaning 9978 clauses out of 19955 with flag 116166/56001
469 | c cleaning 10989 clauses out of 21977 with flag 140177/68001
470 | c cleaning 11994 clauses out of 23988 with flag 166185/81001
471 | c cleaning 12995 clauses out of 25994 with flag 194186/95001
472 | c cleaning 13997 clauses out of 27999 with flag 224186/110001
473 | c cleaning 14997 clauses out of 30002 with flag 256186/126001
474 | c cleaning 16000 clauses out of 32005 with flag 290186/143001
475 | c cleaning 16999 clauses out of 34005 with flag 326186/161001
476 | transform-cache took 1055ms
477 | zip sub copy took 118ms
478 | tmp jar copy took 0ms
479 | mod adding took 8ms
480 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: Loading 503 mods:
481 | | Index | Mod | ID | Version | Plugin | File(s) | Sub-Files | Sub-Files | Sub-Files |
482 | |------:|---------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------|------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|
483 | | 424 | Accurate Block Placement | accurateblockplacement | 1.0.16 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\accurate-block-placement-1.0.16.jar | | | |
484 | | 273 | Actually Unbreaking | actuallyunbreaking | 1.19.4-0.1.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\actuallyunbreaking-1.19.4-0.1.2.jar | | | |
485 | | 387 | Adaptive Tooltips | adaptive-tooltips | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AdaptiveTooltips-1.2.0-fabric-1.19.4.jar | | | |
486 | | 349 | Additional Structures | additionalstructures | 4.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AdditionalStructures-1.19.x-(v.4.1.1).jar | | | |
487 | | 412 | Advancement Screenshot | advancementscreenshot | 4.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\advancementscreenshot-1.19.4-4.1.jar | | | |
488 | | 14 | AllStackable | allstackable | v1.7.0-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AllStackable-v1.7.0-1.19.4.jar | | | |
489 | | 30 | Alternate Current | alternate-current | 1.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\alternate-current-mc1.19-1.5.0.jar | | | |
490 | | 187 | Always a Wither Skull | alwaysawitherskull | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\alwaysawitherskull-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
491 | | 302 | Ambient Environment | ambientenvironment | **.**.**.** | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AmbientEnvironment-fabric-1.19.4- | | | |
492 | | 251 | Ambient Sounds (Fabric) | ambientsounds | 5.2.18 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AmbientSounds_FABRIC_v5.2.18_mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
493 | | 75 | Animatica | animatica | 0.5 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\animatica-0.5 1.19.jar | | | |
494 | | 243 | Anvil Restoration | anvilrestoration | 2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\anvilrestoration-1.19.4-2.0.jar | | | |
495 | | 331 | AppleSkin | appleskin | 2.4.3 mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\appleskin-fabric-mc1.19.4-2.4.3.jar | | | |
496 | | 435 | Architectury | architectury | 8.1.79 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\architectury-8.1.79-fabric.jar | | | |
497 | | 229 | Armor Stands | armorstands | 1.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\armorstands-1.0.0-1.19.4.jar | | | |
498 | | 449 | Atmosfera | atmosfera | 2.0.0 mc1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\atmosfera-2.0.0 mc1.19.3.jar |
499 | | | |
500 | | 443 | AttributeFix | attributefix | 19.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AttributeFix-Fabric-1.19.4-19.0.1.jar | | | |
501 | | 498 | Axes Are Weapons | axesareweapons | 1.6.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AxesAreWeapons-1.6.5-fabric-1.19.3.jar | | | |
502 | | 85 | Axolotl Item Fix | axolotlitemfix | 1.1.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\axolotl-item-fix-1.1.5.jar | | | |
503 | | 10 | Bad Packets | badpackets | 0.4.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\badpackets-fabric-0.4.1.jar | | | |
504 | | 286 | Balm | balm-fabric | 6.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\balm-fabric-1.19.4-6.0.2.jar | | | |
505 | | 24 | Baritone | baritone | 1.9.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\baritone-api-fabric-1.9.2.jar | | | |
506 | | 285 | Bedrock Miner | bedrockminer | 1.19.4-1.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\bedrock-miner-1.19.4-1.1.1.jar | | | |
507 | | 334 | Bedrodium | bedrodium | 0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\bedrodium-0.2.1.jar | | | |
508 | | 99 | Beenfo | beenfo | 1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-1.3.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\beenfo-1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-1.3.3.jar | | | |
509 | | 311 | Better Beacon Placement | betterbeaconplacement | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterbeaconplacement-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
510 | | 73 | Better Beds | betterbeds | 1.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterbeds-1.3.0-1.19.3.jar | | | |
511 | | 370 | Better Biome Blend | betterbiomeblend | 1.19-1.3.6-fabric | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterbiomeblend-1.19.0-1.3.6-fabric.jar | | | |
512 | | 347 | Better Conduit Placement | betterconduitplacement | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterconduitplacement-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
513 | | 52 | Better FPS distance Mod | betterfpsdist | 1.19-2.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterfpsdist-fabric-1.19-2.4.jar | | | |
514 | | 56 | Better Recipe Book | brb | 1.7.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\brb-1.7.2-fabric.jar | | | |
515 | | 167 | Better Spawner Control | betterspawnercontrol | 4.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterspawnercontrol-1.19.4-4.1.jar | | | |
516 | | 233 | Better Statistics Screen | betterstats | 2.5.2 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterstats-2.5.2 1.19.4.jar | | | |
517 | | 163 | Better Third Person | betterthirdperson | 1.9.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\BetterThirdPerson-Fabric-1.19-1.9.0.jar | | | |
518 | | 206 | BetterConfig | betterconfig | 1.0.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\seedmapper-1.5.13.jar | /META-INF/jars/betterconfig-1.0.5.jar | | |
519 | | 478 | BetterF3 | betterf3 | 6.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\BetterF3-6.0.0-Fabric-1.19.4-pre3.jar | | | |
520 | | 338 | Bigger Sponge Absorption Radius | biggerspongeabsorptionradius | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\biggerspongeabsorptionradius-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
521 | | 57 | Biome Music Mod | biomemusic | 1.19.4-1.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\biomemusic-fabric-1.19.4-1.6.jar | | | |
522 | | 477 | Blanket Client-tweaks | blanket-client-tweaks | 1.1.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Blanket Client tweaks-1.1.3.jar | | | |
523 | | 2 | Blur (Fabric) | blur | 3.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\blur-3.0.0.jar | | | |
524 | | 232 | Boat Break Fix | boatbreakfix | 1.0.11 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\BoatBreakFix-Universal-1.0.11.jar | | | |
525 | | 195 | BoatHud | boathud | 1.1.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\boathud-1.1.3.jar | | | |
526 | | 210 | Bookshelf | bookshelf | 18.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Bookshelf-Fabric-1.19.4-18.0.2.jar | | | |
527 | | 47 | Bossbar stack | bossstack | 1.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\bossbar-stack-1.0.1.jar | | | |
528 | | 420 | Bow Infinity Fix | bowinfinityfix | 2.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\BowInfinityFix-1.19.x-fabric-2.5.0.jar | | | |
529 | | 152 | Break Free | breakfree | 1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\breakfree-1.1.0.jar | | | |
530 | | 58 | CICADA | cicada | 0.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recursive-resources-2.3.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/cicada-lib-0.3.0.jar | | |
531 | | 77 | CIT Resewn | citresewn | 1.1.3 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CITResewn-1.1.3 1.19.4.jar | | | |
532 | | 93 | CIT Resewn: Defaults | citresewn-defaults | 1.1.3 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CITResewn-1.1.3 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/citresewn-defaults-1.1.3 1.19.4.jar | | |
533 | | 118 | CaffeineConfig | caffeineconfig | 1.1.0 1.17 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sodium-extra-0.4.18 mc1.19.4-build.100.jar | /META-INF/jars/CaffeineConfig-1.1.0 1.17.jar | | |
534 | | 450 | Cake Chomps | cakechomps | 6.0.1 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\cakechomps-quilt-6.0.1 1.19.4.jar | | | |
535 | | 149 | Camera Overhaul | cameraoverhaul | 1.4.0-fabric-universal | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CameraOverhaul-1.4.0-fabric-universal.jar | | | |
536 | | 434 | Camera Utils | camerautils | 1.19.4-1.0.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\camerautils-1.19.4-1.0.3.jar | | | |
537 | | 383 | Camp Fires Cook Mobs | camp_fires_cook_mobs | 1.2.10 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\camp-fires-cook-mobs-1.2.10 MC1.19.4.jar | | | |
538 | | 55 | Cardinal Components API (base) | cardinal-components-base | 5.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\trinkets-3.6.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/cardinal-components-base-5.1.0.jar | | |
539 | | 36 | Cardinal Components API (entities) | cardinal-components-entity | 5.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\trinkets-3.6.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/cardinal-components-entity-5.1.0.jar | | |
540 | | 490 | Carpet Mod | carpet | 1.4.101 v230319 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabric-carpet-1.19.4-1.4.101 v230319.jar | | | |
541 | | 157 | Carpet TIS Addition | carpet-tis-addition | 1.46.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\carpet-tis-addition-mc1.19.4-v1.46.1.jar | | | |
542 | | 467 | Celib | celib | 1.1.0 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\celib-1.1.0 1.19.jar | | | |
543 | | 194 | Chat Heads | chat_heads | 0.10.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\chat_heads-0.10.9-fabric-1.19.3.jar | | | |
544 | | 488 | Chat Patches | chatpatches | 194.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\chatpatches-194.4.0.jar | | | |
545 | | 360 | Chat Walk | chatwalk | 1.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\chatwalk-1.0.1.jar | | | |
546 | | 333 | Cherished Worlds | cherishedworlds | 6.0.4 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\cherishedworlds-quilt-6.0.4 1.19.4.jar | | | |
547 | | 107 | Chest Tracker | chesttracker | 1.1.21 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\chesttracker-1.19.4-1.1.21.jar | | | |
548 | | 402 | ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Villages | ctov | 3.1.8 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ctov-3.1.8.jar | | | |
549 | | 457 | Chunky | chunky | 1.3.53 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Chunky-1.3.53.jar | | | |
550 | | 236 | Clear Despawn | cleardespawn | 1.1.10 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ClearDespawn-fabric-1.19.2-1.1.10.jar | | | |
551 | | 79 | ClickThrough | clickthrough | 1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-0.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\clickthrough-1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-0.4.jar | | | |
552 | | 12 | Client Commands | clientcommands | 2.7.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\clientcommands-2.7.9.jar | | | |
553 | | 481 | Client Tweaks | clienttweaks | 10.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\clienttweaks-fabric-1.19.4-10.0.1.jar | | | |
554 | | 396 | Cloth Config v10 | cloth-config | 10.0.96 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cloth-config-10.0.96-fabric.jar | | | |
555 | | 442 | Collective | collective | 6.54 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\collective-1.19.4-6.54.jar | | | |
556 | | 113 | Colorful Subtitles | colorfulsubtitles | 1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\colorfulsubtitles-1.1.0.jar | | | |
557 | | 465 | Colour My Servers | cms | 1.0.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\colour-my-servers-1.0.3.jar | | | |
558 | | 475 | Combined Modifiers | cmods | 1.3.1 fabric-1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cmods-1.3.1 fabric-1.19.jar | | | |
559 | | 227 | Compact Help Command | compacthelpcommand | 2.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\compacthelpcommand-1.19.4-2.1.jar | | | |
560 | | 362 | Compostable Rotten Flesh | compostable-rottenflesh | 1.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\compostable-rottenflesh-1.0.0.jar | | | |
561 | | 395 | Concrete Conversion | concreteconversion | **.**.**.** | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\concreteconversion-fabric- | | | |
562 | | 190 | Conduits Prevent Drowned | conduitspreventdrowned | 3.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\conduitspreventdrowned-1.19.4-3.3.jar | | | |
563 | | 86 | Connectivity Mod | connectivity | 1.19.3-3.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\connectivity-fabric-1.19.3-3.9.jar | | | |
564 | | 64 | Continuity | continuity | 3.0.0-beta.2 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\continuity-3.0.0-beta.2 1.19.3.jar | | | |
565 | | 201 | Controlling For Fabric | controlling | **.**.**.** | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Controlling-fabric-1.19.4- | | | |
566 | | 440 | CraftPresence | craftpresence | 2.0.0-rc.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CraftPresence-2.0.0-rc.1 1.19.4.jar | | | |
567 | | 365 | Craftify | craftify | 1.8.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Craftify-1.19.4-1.8.0-fabric.jar | | | |
568 | | 278 | Crawl | crawl | 0.11.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\crawl-0.11.5.jar | | | |
569 | | 407 | CreativeCore (Fabric) | creativecore | 2.10.7 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CreativeCore_FABRIC_v2.10.7_mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
570 | | 95 | CrowdinTranslate | crowdin-translate | 1.4 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sodium-extra-0.4.18 mc1.19.4-build.100.jar | /META-INF/jars/crowdin-translate-1.4 1.19.3.jar | | |
571 | | 106 | Cull Clouds | cullclouds | 0.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cullclouds-0.1.0.jar | | | |
572 | | 476 | Custom Entity Models | cem | 0.7.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cem-0.7.3.jar | | | |
573 | | 375 | Cyan | cyan | 0.9.5 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Cyan-0.9.5 1.19.4.jar | | | |
574 | | 320 | CyanLib | cyanlib | 0.1.5 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Cyan-0.9.5 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/cyanlib-0.1.5 1.19.4.jar | | |
575 | | 394 | Dark Graph | darkgraph | 1.0.3 | quilt_loader | <mods>\dark-graph-1.0.3.jar | | | |
576 | | 27 | DashLoader | dashloader | 5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dashloader-5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4.jar | | | |
577 | | 342 | Debugify | debugify | 1.19.4 1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Debugify-1.19.4 1.0.jar | | | |
578 | | 344 | Deepslate Cutting | deepslatecutting | 1.6.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\deepslatecutting-fabric-1.6.1.jar | | | |
579 | | 474 | Despawning Eggs Hatch | despawningeggshatch | 4.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\despawningeggshatch-1.19.4-4.1.jar | | | |
580 | | 250 | Diggus Maximus | diggusmaximus | 1.5.8-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\diggusmaximus-1.5.8-1.19.4.jar | | | |
581 | | 409 | Double Doors | doubledoors | 4.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\doubledoors-1.19.4-4.5.jar | | | |
582 | | 290 | Draggable Resource Packs | draggable-resource-packs | 3.0.1 build.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\draggable-resource-packs-mc1.19-3.0.1 build.9.jar | | | |
583 | | 317 | Dragon Drops Elytra | dragondropselytra | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dragondropselytra-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
584 | | 215 | Drip Sounds | waterdripsound | 1.19-0.3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\DripSounds-1.19.4-0.3.2.jar | | | |
585 | | 374 | Dyed | dyed | 1.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dyed-fabric-1.19.3-1.1.1.jar | | | |
586 | | 132 | Dynamic Crosshair | dynamiccrosshair | 5.2 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dynamiccrosshair-5.2 1.19.4-fabric.jar | | | |
587 | | 31 | Dynamic Crosshair Compat | dynamiccrosshaircompat | 3.1.1 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dynamiccrosshair-compat-3.1.1 1.19.3.jar | | | |
588 | | 69 | Dynamic FPS | dynamicfps | 2.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dynamic-fps-2.2.0.jar | | | |
589 | | 3 | Dynamic Music | dynmus | 2.2.2 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dynmus-2.2.2 1.19.3-fabric.jar | | | |
590 | | 165 | Easy Elytra Takeoff | easyelytratakeoff | 4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\easyelytratakeoff-1.19.4-4.0.jar | | | |
591 | | 29 | Elementa | elementa | 575 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Craftify-1.19.4-1.8.0-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/elementa-1.18.1-fabric-575.jar | | |
592 | | 136 | ElytraPhysics | elytra_physics | 1.2-1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ElytraPhysics-1.2-1.19.3.jar | | | |
593 | | 246 | Enchanting Commands | enchantingcommands | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\enchantingcommands-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
594 | | 226 | Enchantment Lore | enchantment_lore | 1.3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\enchantment-lore-1.3.1 MC1.19.3-1.19.4.jar | | | |
595 | | 463 | EnchantmentDescriptions | enchdesc | 15.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\EnchantmentDescriptions-Fabric-1.19.4-15.0.1.jar | | | |
596 | | 361 | Enhanced Visuals (Fabric) | enhancedvisuals | 1.6.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\EnhancedVisuals_FABRIC_v1.6.3_mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
597 | | 398 | Entity Collision FPS Fix | entitycollisionfpsfix | **.**.**.** | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Entity_Collision_FPS_Fix-fabric-1.19- | | | |
598 | | 388 | Entity Model Features | entity_model_features | 0.2.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\entity_model_features_fabric_1.19.4-0.2.4.jar | | | |
599 | | 368 | Entity Texture Features | entity_texture_features | 4.3.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\entity_texture_features_fabric_1.19.4-4.3.5.jar | | | |
600 | | 299 | Entity View Distance | entity-view-distance | 1.1.1 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\entity-view-distance-1.1.1 1.19.4.jar | | | |
601 | | 130 | EntityCulling-Fabric | entityculling | 1.6.2-mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\entityculling-fabric-1.6.2-mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
602 | | 439 | Error Notifier | error_notifier | 1.0.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\RoughlyEnoughItems-11.0.597.jar | /META-INF/jars/error-notifier-fabric-1.0.9.jar | | |
603 | | 182 | Erroring Entity Remover | eer | 1.0.3 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Erroring-Entity-Remover-Fabric-1.0.3 1.19.jar | | | |
604 | | 105 | Essential Commands | essential_commands | 0.32.0-mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\essential_commands-0.32.0-mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
605 | | 109 | Essential Commands Core | ec-core | 1.3.0-mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\essential_commands-0.32.0-mc1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/ec-core-1.3.0-mc1.19.4.jar | | |
606 | | 469 | EssentialGUI | essentialgui | 1.8.6 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\EssentialGUI-1.8.6 1.19.4.jar | | | |
607 | | 66 | Exordium | exordium | 1.0.3-mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\exordium-fabric-1.0.3-mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
608 | | 255 | Explorify | explorify-fabric | 1.19-1.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\explorify-fabric-1.19-1.3.0.jar | | | |
609 | | 271 | Extended Bone Meal | extendedbonemeal | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\extendedbonemeal-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
610 | | 28 | Extra Thicc Packets | thiccpackets | 1.17-1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\extra_thicc_packets-1.0.jar | | | |
611 | | 191 | Extract Poison | extractpoison | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\extractpoison-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
612 | | 308 | FabricSkyBoxes | fabricskyboxes | 0.6.5 mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabricskyboxes-0.6.5 mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
613 | | 416 | Fabrication | fabrication | 3.2.5 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabrication-3.2.5 1.19.4.jar | | | |
614 | | 158 | Falling Leaves | fallingleaves | 1.15.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fallingleaves-1.15.0 1.19.4.jar | | | |
615 | | 224 | FallingTree | fallingtree | 3.12.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\FallingTree-1.19.4-3.12.1.jar | | | |
616 | | 282 | FancyMenu | fancymenu | 2.14.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fancymenu_fabric_2.14.2_MC_1.19.4.jar | | | |
617 | | 417 | Fast Load | fastload | 3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0.jar | | | |
618 | | 183 | Fast Portals | fast-portals | 1.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabricfastportals-1.0.2.jar | | | |
619 | | 6 | FastOpenResourcePacks | fastopenlinksandfolders | 1.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fastopenlinksandfolders-1.1.1.jar | | | |
620 | | 266 | Fastload 1.19-0-1-2 Compatibility | fastload-119-0-1-2-compat | 3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/Fastload-1.19.0-1-2-Extension-3.3.0.jar | | |
621 | | 316 | Fastload 1.19.3 Compatibility | fastload-1193-compat | 3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/Fastload-1.19.3-Extension-3.3.0.jar | | |
622 | | 178 | Fastload 1.19.4 Compat | fastload-1194-compat | 3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/Fastload-1.19.4-Extension-3.3.0.jar | | |
623 | | 303 | Fastload Fabric-api Forwarding | fastload_fapi_forward | 1.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/Fastload-Fapi-Forwarding-1.19.4-1.0.1.jar | | |
624 | | 49 | Fat Experience Orbs | fatxporbs | 2.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fat-experience-orbs-2.0.1 1.18-fabric.jar | | | |
625 | | 294 | FerriteCore | ferritecore | 5.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ferritecore-5.2.0-fabric.jar | | | |
626 | | 127 | FeyTweaks | feytweaks | 1.19.4-1.2.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\feytweaks-1.19.4-1.2.5.jar | | | |
627 | | 5 | FirstpersonModel | firstperson | 2.2.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\firstperson-fabric-2.2.3-mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
628 | | 91 | Fix Book Gui Mod | fixbookgui | 1.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fixbookgui-mc1.19.4-1.2.jar | | | |
629 | | 274 | Fixed Anvil Repair Cost | fixedanvilrepaircost | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fixedanvilrepaircost-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
630 | | 502 | Forge Config API Port | forgeconfigapiport | 6.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ForgeConfigAPIPort-v6.0.2-1.19.4-Fabric.jar | | | |
631 | | 260 | Forgiving Void | forgivingvoid | 9.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\forgivingvoid-fabric-1.19.4-9.0.1.jar | | | |
632 | | 204 | Freecam | freecam | 1.1.9 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\freecam-fabric-1.1.9 1.19.jar | | | |
633 | | 399 | Furnace Recycle | furnacerecycle | 2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\furnacerecycle-1.19.4-2.0.jar | | | |
634 | | 45 | GBfabrictools | gbfabrictools | 1.3.4 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\clickthrough-1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-0.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/GBfabrictools-1.3.4 1.19.3.jar | | |
635 | | 471 | GUI Followers | guifollowers | 3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\guifollowers-1.19.4-3.2.jar | | | |
636 | | 147 | Game Menu Remove GFARB | gamemenuremovegfarb | 2.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\gamemenuremovegfarb-fabric-mc1.19.4-2.1.0.jar | | | |
637 | | 193 | Gamemode Detector | gamemodedetector | 1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\GamemodeDetector-1.1.jar | | | |
638 | | 156 | Geophilic | geophilic | 1.19.4-2.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\geophilic-1.19.4-2.0.0.jar | | | |
639 | | 168 | Grindstone Sharper Tools | grindstonesharpertools | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\grindstonesharpertools-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
640 | | 263 | Head name fix | headfix | 1.2.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\head-name-fix-1.19.3-1.2.1.jar | | | |
641 | | 346 | Healing Campfire | healingcampfire | 5.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\healingcampfire-1.19.4-5.1.jar | | | |
642 | | 264 | Highlight | highlight | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\highlight-1.2.0-fabric.jar | | | |
643 | | 176 | Hoe Tweaks | hoetweaks | 3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\hoetweaks-1.19.4-3.2.jar | | | |
644 | | 321 | Hold That Chunk | holdthatchunk | 2.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\holdthatchunk-2.0.1 1.19.jar | | | |
645 | | 72 | Hopo Better Underwater Ruins | hopobetterunderwaterruins | 1.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\HopoBetterUnderwaterRuins-[1.19.4]-1.1.1.jar | | | |
646 | | 258 | HorseBuff | horsebuff | 2.0.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\HorseBuff-1.19.4-rc3-2.0.4.jar | | | |
647 | | 140 | Hyphen | dev_quantumfusion_hyphen | 0.4.0-rc.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dashloader-5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/Hyphen-0.4.0-rc.3.jar | | |
648 | | 489 | Ice Prevents Crop Growth | icepreventscropgrowth | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\icepreventscropgrowth-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
649 | | 159 | Image2Map | image2map | 0.4.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\image2map-0.4.1.jar | | | |
650 | | 319 | ImmediatelyFast | immediatelyfast | 1.1.11 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ImmediatelyFast-1.1.11 1.19.4.jar | | | |
651 | | 146 | Immersive Paintings | immersive_paintings | 0.6.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\immersive_paintings-0.6.0 1.19.4-fabric.jar | | | |
652 | | 296 | Immersive Thunder | leahs-immersive-thunder | 1.19.4 1.1.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ImmersiveThunder-fabric-1.19.4 1.1.2.jar | | | |
653 | | 34 | Indium | indium | 1.0.15 mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\indium-1.0.15 mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
654 | | 117 | Infinity Water Bucket | infinitywaterbucket | 2.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Infinity-Water-Bucket-Fabric-1.19.4-2.0.0.jar | | | |
655 | | 288 | Inventory Control Tweaks | inventory_control_tweaks | 1.3.20 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\inventory-control-tweaks-1.3.20 MC1.19.3-1.19.4.jar | | | |
656 | | 253 | Inventory Profiles Next | inventoryprofilesnext | 1.9.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\InventoryProfilesNext-fabric-1.19.4-1.9.5.jar | | | |
657 | | 464 | Inventory Totem | inventorytotem | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\inventorytotem-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
658 | | 496 | Iris | iris | 1.6.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\iris-mc1.19.4-1.6.0.jar | | | |
659 | | 324 | JamLib | jamlib | 0.6.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\jamlib-0.6.0 1.19.4.jar | | | |
660 | | 87 | Jankson | jankson | 5.0.1 j1.2.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/LibGui-7.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/Jankson-Fabric-5.0.1 j1.2.2.jar | |
661 | | 298 | JourneyMap API | journeymap-api-fabric | 1.19.4-1.9-fabric-SNAPSHOT | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\journeymap-1.19.4-5.9.5-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/journeymap-api-1.19.4-1.9-fabric-SNAPSHOT.jar | | |
662 | | 499 | Journeymap | journeymap | 5.9.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\journeymap-1.19.4-5.9.5-fabric.jar | | | |
663 | | 356 | Just Mob Heads | justmobheads | 7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\justmobheads-1.19.4-7.1.jar | | | |
664 | | 500 | Keep My Soil Tilled | keepmysoiltilled | 2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\keepmysoiltilled-1.19.4-2.0.jar | | | |
665 | | 373 | Kelp Fertilizer | kelpfertilizer | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\kelpfertilizer-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
666 | | 161 | Kirin UI | kirin | 1.14.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Void-Fog-2.9.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/kirin-1.14.0.jar | | |
667 | | 177 | KleeSlabs | kleeslabs | 14.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\kleeslabs-fabric-1.19.4-14.0.1.jar | | | |
668 | | 390 | Konkrete | konkrete | 1.6.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\konkrete_fabric_1.6.0-2_MC_1.19.4.jar | | | |
669 | | 154 | Krypton | krypton | 0.2.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\krypton-0.2.2.jar | | | |
670 | | 421 | Kyrpt Config | kyrptconfig | 1.5.2-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\diggusmaximus-1.5.8-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/kyrptconfig-1.5.2-1.19.4.jar | | |
671 | | 50 | Langfiles Plus | langfiles-plus | 1.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recursive-resources-2.3.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/cicada-lib-0.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/langfiles-plus-1.0.0.jar | |
672 | | 9 | Lapis Reserve | lapisreserve | 1.0.8 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\lapisreserve-1.0.8.jar | | | |
673 | | 22 | LazyDFU | lazydfu | 0.1.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\lazydfu-0.1.3.jar | | | |
674 | | 332 | Let Me Despawn | letmedespawn | fabric-1.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\letmedespawn-1.18.x-1.19.x-fabric-1.0.2.jar | | | |
675 | | 60 | Lib39 (Deferral) | lib39-deferral | 1.5.0-pre2.2 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabrication-3.2.5 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/lib39-deferral-1.5.0-pre2.2 1.19.3.jar | | |
676 | | 272 | LibGui | libgui | 7.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/LibGui-7.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
677 | | 304 | LibJF | libjf | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | | | |
678 | | 235 | LibJF Base | libjf-base | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-base-3.7.1.jar | | |
679 | | 322 | LibJF Config | libjf-config-core-v1 | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-config-core-v1-3.7.1.jar | | |
680 | | 328 | LibJF Config UI: Tiny | libjf-config-ui-tiny-v1 | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-config-ui-tiny-v1-3.7.1.jar | | |
681 | | 173 | LibJF Data | libjf-data-v0 | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-data-v0-3.7.1.jar | | |
682 | | 162 | LibJF Translate | libjf-translate-v1 | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-translate-v1-3.7.1.jar | | |
683 | | 445 | LibJF Web | libjf-web-v0 | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-web-v0-3.7.1.jar | | |
684 | | 83 | LibNinePatch | libninepatch | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/LibGui-7.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/libninepatch-1.2.0.jar | |
685 | | 456 | Library ferret | libraryferret | 4.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libraryferret-fabric-1.19.4-4.0.0.jar | | | |
686 | | 115 | Litematica | litematica | 0.14.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\litematica-fabric-1.19.4-0.14.2.jar | | | |
687 | | 306 | Litematica Printer | litematica_printer | 7.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\litematica-printer-mc1.19.4-7.0.0.jar | | | |
688 | | 385 | Lithium | lithium | 0.11.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\lithium-fabric-mc1.19.4-0.11.1.jar | | | |
689 | | 482 | Log More Info | log_more_info | 1.0.0-1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\log_more_info-1.0.0-1.19.jar | | | |
690 | | 8 | Logprot Mod | logprot | 1.19-2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\logprot-fabric-1.19-2.0.jar | | | |
691 | | 247 | MAmbience | mambience | 5.3.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Mambience-5.3.0 1.19.4.jar | | | |
692 | | 11 | MaLiLib | malilib | 0.15.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\malilib-fabric-1.19.4-0.15.2.jar | | | |
693 | | 88 | Maelstrom Library | maelstrom_library | 1.5-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mobs-attempt-parkour-0.4-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/maelstrom-lib-1.19.4-SNAPSHOT.jar | | |
694 | | 108 | Manningham Mills | mm | 2.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\crawl-0.11.5.jar | /META-INF/jars/Fabric-ASM-v2.3.jar | | |
695 | | 43 | Map Canvas API | map-canvas-api | 0.2.2 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\image2map-0.4.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/map-canvas-api-0.2.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
696 | | 289 | MapFrontiers | mapfrontiers | 2.5.0-beta2-fabric | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\MapFrontiers-1.19.4-2.5.0-beta2-fabric.jar | | | |
697 | | 497 | Masik's Puzzle Dungeon | masiks_puzzle_dungeon | 1.0.0-1.19.X | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Masik'sPuzzleDungeon-fabric-1.19.X-v1.0.1.jar | | | |
698 | | 62 | Maybe data | maybe-data | 1.3.2-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\deepslatecutting-fabric-1.6.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/maybe-data-1.19.4-SNAPSHOT.jar | | |
699 | | 181 | Memory Leak Fix | memoryleakfix | 1.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\memoryleakfix-fabric-1.17 -1.0.0.jar | | | |
700 | | 94 | Memory Usage Screen | memoryusagescreen | 1.8.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\memoryusagescreen-fabric-mc1.19.4-1.8.1.jar | | | |
701 | | 65 | MidnightLib | midnightlib | 1.2.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/midnightlib-1.2.1-fabric.jar | | |
702 | | 393 | Minecraft | minecraft | 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <game>\.quilt\remappedJars\minecraft-1.19.4-0.18.8\client-intermediary.jar | | | |
703 | | 441 | Mineral Chance | mineralchance | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mineralchance-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
704 | | 468 | Mixin Conflict Helper | mixin-conflict-helper | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\MixinConflictHelper-1.2.0.jar | | | |
705 | | 367 | MixinExtras | com_github_llamalad7_mixinextras | 0.2.0-beta.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\repurposed_structures-6.3.22 1.19.4-quilt.jar | /META-INF/jars/mixinextras-fabric-0.2.0-beta.6.jar | | |
706 | | 487 | MixinTrace | mixintrace | 1.1.1 1.17 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mixintrace-1.1.1 1.17.jar | | | |
707 | | 89 | Mo' Structures | mostructures | 1.4.3 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mostructures-1.4.3 1.19.4.jar | | | |
708 | | 33 | Mobs Attempt Parkour | mobs_attempt_parkour | 0.4-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mobs-attempt-parkour-0.4-1.19.4.jar | | | |
709 | | 422 | Mod Menu | modmenu | 6.1.0-rc.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\modmenu-6.1.0-rc.4.jar | | | |
710 | | 135 | Monsters in the Closet | monsters_in_the_closet | 1.0.3 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\monsters-in-the-closet-1.0.3 1.19.jar | | | |
711 | | 231 | Mooshroom Tweaks | mooshroomtweaks | 3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mooshroomtweaks-1.19.4-3.2.jar | | | |
712 | | 207 | More Culling | moreculling | 1.19.4-0.17.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\moreculling-1.19.4-0.17.0.jar | | | |
713 | | 188 | More Culling Extra | morecullingextra | 1.1-backport_1.19.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\MoreCullingExtra-1.1-backport_1.19.2.jar | | | |
714 | | 142 | MoreMcmeta | moremcmeta | 1.19.4-3.0.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\moremcmeta-1.19.4-3.0.6-fabric.jar | | | |
715 | | 501 | Mouse Tweaks | mousetweaks | 2.24 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\MouseTweaks-fabric-mc1.19.4-2.24.jar | | | |
716 | | 80 | Music Duration Reducer | musicdr | 2.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\musicdr-2.1.0.jar | | | |
717 | | 270 | Music Moods | music-moods | 0.2.0 mc.1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\music-moods-0.2.0 mc.1.19.4.jar | | | |
718 | | 382 | Music Notification | musicnotification | 1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\musicnotification-mc1.19.4-1.1.jar | | | |
719 | | 78 | Name Pain | namepain | 1.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\namepain-1.4.0 fabric-1.19.4.jar | | | |
720 | | 453 | NetherPortalFix | netherportalfix | 12.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\netherportalfix-fabric-1.19.4-12.0.1.jar | | | |
721 | | 353 | No Chat Reports | nochatreports | 1.19.4-v2.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\NoChatReports-FABRIC-1.19.4-v2.1.1.jar | | | |
722 | | 376 | No Hostiles Around Campfire | nohostilesaroundcampfire | 5.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\nohostilesaroundcampfire-1.19.4-5.5.jar | | | |
723 | | 112 | No Resource Pack Warnings | no-resource-pack-warnings | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\no-resource-pack-warnings-1.2.0.jar | | | |
724 | | 279 | No Shield Delay | no-shield-delay | 1.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\no-shield-delay-1.0.0.jar | | | |
725 | | 90 | NotEnoughAnimations | notenoughanimations | 1.6.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\notenoughanimations-fabric-1.6.3-mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
726 | | 318 | Notes | notes | 1.19.4-2.0.1-fabric | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Notes-1.19.4-2.0.1-fabric.jar | | | |
727 | | 309 | Noxesium | noxesium | 0.1.8 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\noxesium-0.1.8.jar | | | |
728 | | 295 | Numeral Ping | numeralping | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\numeralping-1.2.0.jar | | | |
729 | | 21 | OmegaConfig | omega-config | 1.2.3-1.18.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mostructures-1.4.3 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/omega-config-base-1.2.3-1.18.1.jar | | |
730 | | 144 | On Soul Fire | onsoulfire | 1.19-4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\onsoulfire-1.19-4.jar | | | |
731 | | 199 | Open Parties and Claims | openpartiesandclaims | 0.17.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\open-parties-and-claims-fabric-1.19.4-0.17.2.jar | | | |
732 | | 96 | Open/close Inventory | inventory-fix | 0.0.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\inventory-fix-0.0.3.jar | | | |
733 | | 225 | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM | java | 19 | quilt_loader | C:\Program Files\graalvm-ce-java19-22.3.1 | | | |
734 | | 472 | OptiGUI | optigui | 2.0.0-beta.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\optigui-2.0.0-beta.3.jar | | | |
735 | | 98 | OptiGlue | optiglue | 2.0.0-beta.3-mc.1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\optigui-2.0.0-beta.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/optiglue-2.0.0-beta.3-mc.1.19.4.jar | | |
736 | | 42 | Ost Overhaul | ostoverhaul | 0.2.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ostOverhaul-0.2.6-1.19.4.jar | | | |
737 | | 254 | Overworld Coordinates | overworld_coordinates | 1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\overworld_coordinates-1.1.0.jar | | | |
738 | | 401 | Paginated Advancements | paginatedadvancements | 2.0.0-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\paginatedadvancements-2.0.0-1.19.4.jar | | | |
739 | | 155 | Pal | playerabilitylib | 1.7.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\essential_commands-0.32.0-mc1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/PlayerAbilityLib-1.7.0.jar | | |
740 | | 234 | Passive Endermen | passiveendermen | 4.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\passiveendermen-1.19.4-4.2.jar | | | |
741 | | 242 | Passive Shield | passiveshield | 3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\passiveshield-1.19.4-3.2.jar | | | |
742 | | 37 | PersistentGamemodeSwitcher | persistentgamemodeswitcher | **.**.**.** | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\PersistentGamemodeSwitcher- | | | |
743 | | 283 | Philip`s ruins | philipsruins | 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Philips-ruins1.19.4-1.3[Fabric].jar | | | |
744 | | 351 | Physics Mod | physicsmod | 2.11.11 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\physics-mod-pro-v143-fabric-1.19.4.jar | | | |
745 | | 340 | Placeholder API | placeholder-api | 2.0.0-rc.1 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/placeholder-api-2.0.0-rc.1 1.19.3.jar | | |
746 | | 452 | Presence Footsteps | presencefootsteps | 1.8.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\PresenceFootsteps-1.8.0.jar | | | |
747 | | 297 | Preventer | preventer | 0.8.7 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\1.19.4-preventer-0.8.7.jar | | | |
748 | | 483 | Prism | prism | 1.0.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Prism-1.19.3-fabric-1.0.4.jar | | | |
749 | | 70 | Puzzle | puzzle | 1.5.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | | | |
750 | | 25 | Puzzle Base | puzzle-base | 1.5.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/puzzle-base-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | | |
751 | | 82 | Puzzle GUI | puzzle-gui | 1.5.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/puzzle-gui-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | | |
752 | | 76 | Puzzle Models | puzzle-models | 1.5.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/puzzle-models-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | | |
753 | | 120 | Puzzle Splash Screen | puzzle-splashscreen | 1.5.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/puzzle-splashscreen-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | | |
754 | | 184 | QuarryPlus | quarryplus | 19.3.754 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AdditionalEnchantedMiner-1.19-fabric-19.3.754.jar | | | |
755 | | 240 | Quick Elytra | quick_elytra | 3.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quick_elytra-3.0.2-mc1.19.2.jar | | | |
756 | | 265 | Quilt Advancement API | quilt_advancement | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/advancement-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
757 | | 192 | Quilt Base API | quilt_base | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/qsl_base-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
758 | | 426 | Quilt Biome API | quilt_biome | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/biome-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
759 | | 179 | Quilt Block Content Registry API | quilt_block_content_registry | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/block_content_registry-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
760 | | 209 | Quilt Block Entity API | quilt_block_entity | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/block_entity-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
761 | | 466 | Quilt Block Extensions API | quilt_block_extensions | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/block_extensions-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
762 | | 371 | Quilt Chat API | quilt_chat | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/chat-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
763 | | 418 | Quilt Client Command API | quilt_client_command | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/client_command-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
764 | | 355 | Quilt Command API | quilt_command | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/command-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
765 | | 492 | Quilt Crash Info | quilt_crash_info | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/crash_info-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
766 | | 202 | Quilt Dimension API | quilt_dimension | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/dimension-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
767 | | 485 | Quilt Entity API | quilt_entity | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/entity-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
768 | | 444 | Quilt Entity Events | quilt_entity_events | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/entity_events-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
769 | | 358 | Quilt Entity Networking API | quilt_entity_networking | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/entity_networking-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
770 | | 458 | Quilt Entity Rendering API | quilt_entity_rendering | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/entity_rendering-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
771 | | 378 | Quilt Item Content Registry API | quilt_item_content_registry | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/item_content_registry-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
772 | | 433 | Quilt Item Extensions API | quilt_item_extensions | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/item_extensions-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
773 | | 341 | Quilt Item Setting API | quilt_item_setting | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/item_setting-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
774 | | 432 | Quilt Kotlin Libraries | qkl | 2.0.1 | quilt_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | | | |
775 | | 257 | Quilt Kotlin Libraries: Core | qkl_core | 2.0.1 | quilt_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-core-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | | |
776 | | 495 | Quilt Kotlin Libraries: Library | qkl_library | 2.0.1 | quilt_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | | |
777 | | 237 | Quilt Lifecycle Events | quilt_lifecycle_events | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/lifecycle_events-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
778 | | 455 | Quilt Loader | quilt_loader | 0.18.8 | quilt_loader | <user>\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\libraries\org\quiltmc\quilt-loader\0.18.8\quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar | | | |
779 | | 261 | Quilt Multipart Entity API | quilt_entity_multipart | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/multipart-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
780 | | 493 | Quilt Networking | quilt_networking | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/networking-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
781 | | 203 | Quilt Point of Interest API | quilt_point_of_interest | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/point_of_interest-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
782 | | 345 | Quilt Recipe API | quilt_recipe | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/recipe-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
783 | | 310 | Quilt Registry API | quilt_registry | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/registry-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
784 | | 248 | Quilt Registry Entry Attachment | quilt_registry_entry_attachment | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/registry_entry_attachment-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
785 | | 431 | Quilt Resource Loader | quilt_resource_loader | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/resource_loader-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
786 | | 404 | Quilt Screen API | quilt_screen | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/screen-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
787 | | 216 | Quilt Status Effect API | quilt_status_effect | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/status_effect-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
788 | | 425 | Quilt Surface Rule API | quilt_surface_rule | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/surface_rule-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
789 | | 330 | Quilt Tags API | quilt_tags | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/tags-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
790 | | 405 | Quilt Testing API | quilt_testing | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/testing-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
791 | | 384 | Quilt Tooltip API | quilt_tooltip | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/tooltip-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
792 | | 350 | Quilt Vehicle API | quilt_vehicle | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/vehicle-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
793 | | 228 | Quilt Villager API | quilt_villager | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/villager-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
794 | | 180 | Quilted Fabric API | quilted_fabric_api | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | | | |
795 | | 315 | Quilted Fabric API Base | quilted_fabric_api_base | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-api-base-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
796 | | 414 | Quilted Fabric API Lookup API (v1) | quilted_fabric_api_lookup_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-api-lookup-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
797 | | 166 | Quilted Fabric Biome API (v1) | quilted_fabric_biome_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-biome-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
798 | | 359 | Quilted Fabric Block API (v1) | quilted_fabric_block_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-block-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
799 | | 339 | Quilted Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) | quilted_fabric_blockrenderlayer_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
800 | | 386 | Quilted Fabric Client Tags | quilted_fabric_client_tags_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-client-tags-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
801 | | 256 | Quilted Fabric Command API (v1) | quilted_fabric_command_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-command-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
802 | | 208 | Quilted Fabric Command API (v2) | quilted_fabric_command_api_v2 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-command-api-v2-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
803 | | 494 | Quilted Fabric Commands (v0) | quilted_fabric_commands_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-commands-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
804 | | 363 | Quilted Fabric Containers (v0) | quilted_fabric_containers_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-containers-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
805 | | 198 | Quilted Fabric Content Registries (v0) | quilted_fabric_content_registries_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-content-registries-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
806 | | 429 | Quilted Fabric Convention Tags API (v1) | quilted_fabric_convention_tags_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-convention-tags-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
807 | | 329 | Quilted Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) | quilted_fabric_crash_report_info_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-crash-report-info-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
808 | | 323 | Quilted Fabric Data Generation API (v1) | quilted_fabric_data_generation_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-data-generation-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
809 | | 249 | Quilted Fabric Dimensions API (v1) | quilted_fabric_dimensions_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-dimensions-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
810 | | 397 | Quilted Fabric Entity Events (v1) | quilted_fabric_entity_events_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-entity-events-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
811 | | 372 | Quilted Fabric Events Interaction (v0) | quilted_fabric_events_interaction_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-events-interaction-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
812 | | 460 | Quilted Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) | quilted_fabric_events_lifecycle_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-events-lifecycle-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
813 | | 205 | Quilted Fabric Game Rule API (v1) | quilted_fabric_game_rule_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-game-rule-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
814 | | 415 | Quilted Fabric Item API (v1) | quilted_fabric_item_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-item-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
815 | | 348 | Quilted Fabric Item Group API (v1) | quilted_fabric_item_group_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-item-group-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
816 | | 280 | Quilted Fabric Key Binding API (v1) | quilted_fabric_key_binding_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-key-binding-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
817 | | 217 | Quilted Fabric Key Bindings (v0) | quilted_fabric_keybindings_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-keybindings-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
818 | | 411 | Quilted Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) | quilted_fabric_lifecycle_events_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-lifecycle-events-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
819 | | 480 | Quilted Fabric Loot API (v2) | quilted_fabric_loot_api_v2 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-loot-api-v2-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
820 | | 291 | Quilted Fabric Loot Tables (v1) | quilted_fabric_loot_tables_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-loot-tables-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
821 | | 275 | Quilted Fabric Message API (v1) | quilted_fabric_message_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-message-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
822 | | 230 | Quilted Fabric Mining Level API (v1) | quilted_fabric_mining_level_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-mining-level-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
823 | | 391 | Quilted Fabric Models (v0) | quilted_fabric_models_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-models-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
824 | | 392 | Quilted Fabric Networking (v0) | quilted_fabric_networking_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-networking-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
825 | | 171 | Quilted Fabric Networking API (v1) | quilted_fabric_networking_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-networking-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
826 | | 352 | Quilted Fabric Object Builder API (v1) | quilted_fabric_object_builder_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-object-builder-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
827 | | 312 | Quilted Fabric Particles (v1) | quilted_fabric_particles_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-particles-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
828 | | 218 | Quilted Fabric Recipe API (v1) | quilted_fabric_recipe_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-recipe-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
829 | | 454 | Quilted Fabric Registry Sync (v0) | quilted_fabric_registry_sync_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-registry-sync-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
830 | | 172 | Quilted Fabric Renderer - Indigo | quilted_fabric_renderer_indigo | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-renderer-indigo-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
831 | | 305 | Quilted Fabric Renderer API (v1) | quilted_fabric_renderer_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-renderer-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
832 | | 189 | Quilted Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) | quilted_fabric_renderer_registries_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-renderer-registries-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
833 | | 335 | Quilted Fabric Rendering (v0) | quilted_fabric_rendering_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-rendering-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
834 | | 369 | Quilted Fabric Rendering (v1) | quilted_fabric_rendering_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-rendering-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
835 | | 213 | Quilted Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) | quilted_fabric_rendering_data_attachment_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
836 | | 423 | Quilted Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) | quilted_fabric_rendering_fluids_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-rendering-fluids-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
837 | | 223 | Quilted Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) | quilted_fabric_resource_conditions_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
838 | | 430 | Quilted Fabric Resource Loader (v0) | quilted_fabric_resource_loader_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-resource-loader-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
839 | | 219 | Quilted Fabric Screen API (v1) | quilted_fabric_screen_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-screen-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
840 | | 245 | Quilted Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) | quilted_fabric_screen_handler_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-screen-handler-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
841 | | 381 | Quilted Fabric Sound API (v1) | quilted_fabric_sound_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-sound-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
842 | | 408 | Quilted Fabric Transfer API (v1) | quilted_fabric_transfer_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-transfer-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
843 | | 174 | Quilted Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) | quilted_fabric_transitive_access_wideners_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
844 | | 300 | Raknetify (Fabric) | raknetify | 0.1.0 alpha.5.69 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\raknetify-fabric-0.1.0 alpha.5.69-all.jar | | | |
845 | | 267 | Random Sheep Colours | randomsheepcolours | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\randomsheepcolours-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
846 | | 214 | Realistic Bees | realisticbees | 3.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\realisticbees-1.19.4-3.4.jar | | | |
847 | | 484 | Recast | recast | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recast-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
848 | | 40 | Recursive Resources | recursiveresources | 2.3.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recursive-resources-2.3.0 1.19.4.jar | | | |
849 | | 139 | Reflect | net_lenni0451_reflect | 1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ImmediatelyFast-1.1.11 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/Reflect-1.1.0.jar | | |
850 | | 491 | Regrowth | regrowth | 31.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabric-release-regrowth-1.19.4-31.1.0.jar | | | |
851 | | 451 | RepeaterSound | repeatersound | 1.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\RepeaterSound-1.1.1_193-194.jar | | | |
852 | | 141 | Replay Mod | replaymod | 1.19.4-2.6.12 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\replaymod-1.19.4-2.6.12.jar | | | |
853 | | 262 | Replay Voice Chat | replayvoicechat | 1.19.4-1.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\replayvoicechat-1.19.4-1.3.0.jar | | | |
854 | | 220 | Repurposed Structures | repurposed_structures | 6.3.22 1.19.4-quilt | quilt_loader | <mods>\repurposed_structures-6.3.22 1.19.4-quilt.jar | | | |
855 | | 212 | ResolutionControl | resolutioncontrol | 1.19.4-3.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\resolution-control-plus-1.19.4-3.0.0.jar | | | |
856 | | 122 | Resourceful Lib | resourcefullib | 1.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\highlight-1.2.0-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/resourcefullib-fabric-1.19.4-1.3.0.jar | | |
857 | | 16 | Roughly Enough Items | roughlyenoughitems | 11.0.597 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\RoughlyEnoughItems-11.0.597.jar | | | |
858 | | 354 | Roughly Enough Professions | roughlyenoughprofessions | 1.2.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\RoughlyEnoughProfessions-fabric-1.19.4-1.2.1.jar | | | |
859 | | 26 | Roughly Enough Resources | roughlyenoughresources | 2.8.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\rer-2.8.0.jar | | | |
860 | | 403 | Roughly Searchable | roughlysearchable | 2.5.3 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\roughly-searchable-2.5.3 1.19.4.jar | | | |
861 | | 38 | Satin | satin | 1.11.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\blur-3.0.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/satin-1.11.0.jar | | |
862 | | 479 | Scaffolding Drops Nearby | scaffoldingdropsnearby | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\scaffoldingdropsnearby-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
863 | | 119 | Screenshot to Clipboard | screenshotclipboard | 1.0.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\screenshot-to-clipboard-1.0.9-fabric.jar | | | |
864 | | 170 | SeedMapper | seedmapper | 1.5.13 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\seedmapper-1.5.13.jar | | | |
865 | | 185 | ServerCore | servercore | 1.3.5-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4.jar | | | |
866 | | 301 | Settxi Gui (YetAnotherConfigLib) | settxi-gui-yacl | 2.10.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/settxi-gui-yacl-2.10.6-fabric-1.19.3.jar | | |
867 | | 102 | ShareEnderChest | shareenderchest | 1.6.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\shareenderchest-1.6.0.jar | | | |
868 | | 4 | Shared Resources API | shared-resources-api | 1.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recursive-resources-2.3.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/shared-resources-api-1.5.0.jar | | |
869 | | 277 | Shulker Box Tooltip | shulkerboxtooltip | 3.2.5 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\shulkerboxtooltip-fabric-3.2.5 1.19.4.jar | | | |
870 | | 284 | Shulker Drops Two | shulkerdropstwo | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\shulkerdropstwo-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
871 | | 400 | Simple Voice Chat | voicechat | 1.19.4-2.4.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\voicechat-fabric-1.19.4-2.4.3.jar | | | |
872 | | 459 | Skeleton Horse Spawn | skeletonhorsespawn | 3.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\skeletonhorsespawn-1.19.4-3.6.jar | | | |
873 | | 175 | SleepWarp | sleepwarp | 1.2.0 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sleepwarp-1.2.0 1.19.jar | | | |
874 | | 389 | Smaller Nether Portals | smallernetherportals | 3.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\smallernetherportals-1.19.4-3.4.jar | | | |
875 | | 343 | Smooth Boot | smoothboot | 1.19.4-1.7.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\smoothboot-fabric-1.19.4-1.7.0.jar | | | |
876 | | 20 | Sneaky! | sneaky | 1.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sneaky-1.2.jar | | | |
877 | | 364 | Sodium | sodium | 0.4.10 build.24 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sodium-fabric-mc1.19.4-0.4.10 build.24.jar | | | |
878 | | 379 | Sodium Extra | sodium-extra | 0.4.18 mc1.19.4-build.100 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sodium-extra-0.4.18 mc1.19.4-build.100.jar | | | |
879 | | 160 | Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks | sspb | 3.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sodium-shadowy-path-blocks-3.1.0.jar | | | |
880 | | 313 | SomeOrdinaryTweaks | ordinarytweaks | 1.6.6 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\some-ordinary-tweaks-1.6.6 1.19.4.jar | | | |
881 | | 196 | Sound Physics Remastered | sound_physics_remastered | 1.19.4-1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\soundphysics-fabric-1.19.4-1.1.0.jar | | | |
882 | | 169 | Spawn Animations | spawn_animations_mr | 1.8.2 | quilt_loader | <mods>\spawn-animations-1.8.2.jar | | | |
883 | | 292 | SpruceUI | spruceui | 4.2.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\music-moods-0.2.0 mc.1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/spruceui-4.2.0 1.19.4.jar | | |
884 | | 211 | StackDeobfuscator | stackdeobfuscator | 1.3.1 fabric.d71a3c3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\StackDeobfuscator-1.3.1 fabric.d71a3c3.jar | | | |
885 | | 326 | Starlight | starlight | 1.1.1 fabric.ae22326 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\starlight-1.1.1 fabric.ae22326.jar | | | |
886 | | 133 | Stendhal | stendhal | 1.3.6-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4.jar | | | |
887 | | 197 | Stoneholm | stoneholm | 1.4.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stoneholm-1.4.4.jar | | | |
888 | | 473 | Suggestion Tweaker | suggestion_tweaker | 1.19.1-1.3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\suggestion-tweaker-1.19.1-1.3.1-fabric.jar | | | |
889 | | 97 | Syncmatica | syncmatica | 1.18.2-0.3.8 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\syncmatica-1.18.2-0.3.8.jar | | | |
890 | | 200 | TCD Commons API | tcdcommons | 2.5.1 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterstats-2.5.2 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jarjar/tcdcommons-2.5.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
891 | | 124 | Taski | dev_quantumfusion_taski | 2.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dashloader-5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/Taski-2.1.0.jar | | |
892 | | 462 | Tax Free Levels | taxfreelevels | 1.3.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\TaxFreeLevels-1.3.3-fabric-1.19.jar | | | |
893 | | 54 | TellMe | tellme | 0.9.0-beta.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\tellme-fabric-1.19.0-0.9.0-beta.1.jar | | | |
894 | | 128 | TieFix | tiefix | 1.13.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\TieFix-1.13.0.jar | | | |
895 | | 276 | Tiny Item Animations | tia | 1.19.4-1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\tia-1.19.4-1.0-fabric.jar | | | |
896 | | 410 | Tips | tipsmod | 10.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Tips-Fabric-1.19.4-10.0.2.jar | | | |
897 | | 436 | Toggleable Item Frames | toggleableitemframes | 2.1.1-1.19.x | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\toggleableitemframes-2.1.1-1.19.x.jar | | | |
898 | | 48 | Tom's Simple Storage Mod | toms_storage | 1.5.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\toms_storage_fabric-1.19.4-1.5.4.jar | | | |
899 | | 446 | Too Many Binds | toomanybinds | 0.3.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\toomanybinds-0.3.3.jar | | | |
900 | | 287 | ToolStats | toolstats | 14.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ToolStats-Fabric-1.19.4-14.0.2.jar | | | |
901 | | 281 | TotemCounter | totemcounter | 1.3.0-beta.2 mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\totemcounter-1.3.0-beta.2 mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
902 | | 437 | TrampleNoMore | tramplenomore | 11.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\TrampleNoMore-Fabric-1.19.4-11.0.1.jar | | | |
903 | | 221 | TrashSlot | trashslot | 14.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\trashslot-fabric-1.19.4-14.0.1.jar | | | |
904 | | 19 | Trinkets | trinkets | 3.6.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\trinkets-3.6.0.jar | | | |
905 | | 114 | TweakerMore | tweakermore | 3.10.1-beta.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\tweakermore-mc1.19.4-v3.10.1-beta.1.jar | | | |
906 | | 1 | Tweakeroo | tweakeroo | 0.16.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\tweakeroo-fabric-1.19.4-0.16.0.jar | | | |
907 | | 59 | Tweaks for Audio Engine | audio_engine_tweaks | 1.2.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\audio_engine_tweaks-1.2.2-1.19.3 build 4.jar | | | |
908 | | 419 | Uncraftable Recipes | uncraftables | 1.8 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\uncraftables-1.8.jar | | | |
909 | | 406 | Uncraftables | uncraftables_plus | 1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\uncraftables -1.1.jar | | | |
910 | | 41 | UniversalCraft | universalcraft | 256 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Craftify-1.19.4-1.8.0-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/universalcraft-1.19.4-fabric-256.jar | | |
911 | | 239 | Unofficial Sodium Biome Blending Fix | unofficial_sodium_biome_blending_fix | 1.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\unofficial-sodium-biome-blending-fix-1.0.2.jar | | | |
912 | | 259 | Vanilla Refresh | vanilla_refresh_mr | 1.4.12d | quilt_loader | <mods>\vanilla-refresh-1.4.12d.jar | | | |
913 | | 428 | Vanilla Structure Mod | mvs | 2.5.12-1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mvs-2.5.12-1.19.3.jar | | | |
914 | | 269 | VanillaIcecreamFix | vanillafix | b1.1.2 | quilt_loader | <mods>\VanillaIcecreamFix-b1.1.2.jar | | | |
915 | | 327 | Very Many Players | vmp | 0.2.0 beta.7.69 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\vmp-fabric-mc1.19.4-0.2.0 beta.7.69-all.jar | | | |
916 | | 23 | Vigilance | vigilance | 280 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Craftify-1.19.4-1.8.0-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/vigilance-1.18.1-fabric-280.jar | | |
917 | | 164 | Villager Death Messages | villagerdeathmessages | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\villagerdeathmessages-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
918 | | 222 | Villager Names | villagernames | 5.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\villagernames-1.19.4-5.2.jar | | | |
919 | | 15 | Villagers Follow Emeralds | villagers-follow-emeralds | 1.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\villagers-follow-emeralds-1.3.0 1.19.jar | | | |
920 | | 123 | Visuality | visuality | 0.7.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\visuality-0.7.0.jar | | | |
921 | | 413 | Void Fog | voidfog | 2.9.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Void-Fog-2.9.0.jar | | | |
922 | | 252 | Weaker Spiderwebs | weakerspiderwebs | 3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\weakerspiderwebs-1.19.4-3.2.jar | | | |
923 | | 268 | What's That Slot? | whats_that_slot | 1.3.3 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\whats-that-slot-fabric-1.3.3 1.19.4.jar | | | |
924 | | 101 | Where Is It | whereisit | 1.14.16 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\whereisit-1.19.4-1.14.16.jar | | | |
925 | | 325 | Why Does My Glass Sound Like That | whydoesmyglasssoundlikethat | 1.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\whydoesmyglasssoundlikethat-1.0.jar | | | |
926 | | 100 | WorldEdit | worldedit | 7.2.14 6360-094b734 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\worldedit-mod-7.2.14.jar | | | |
927 | | 438 | Xaero's World Map | xaeroworldmap | 1.29.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\XaerosWorldMap_1.29.5_Fabric_1.19.4.jar | | | |
928 | | 293 | Xander's Sodium Options | xanders-sodium-options | 1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\xanders-sodium-options-1.1.0-fabric-1.19.3.jar | | | |
929 | | 486 | XrayMod | xray | 2.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\XrayMod-2.3.0.jar | | | |
930 | | 366 | YUNG's API | yungsapi | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.10.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsApi-1.19.4-Fabric-3.10.1.jar | | | |
931 | | 448 | YUNG's Better Desert Temples | betterdeserttemples | 1.19.4-Fabric-2.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterDesertTemples-1.19.4-Fabric-2.4.0.jar | | | |
932 | | 447 | YUNG's Better Dungeons | betterdungeons | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterDungeons-1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0.jar | | | |
933 | | 186 | YUNG's Better Mineshafts | bettermineshafts | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterMineshafts-1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0.jar | | | |
934 | | 337 | YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses | betterfortresses | 1.19.4-Fabric-1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterNetherFortresses-1.19.4-Fabric-1.2.0.jar | | | |
935 | | 244 | YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments | betteroceanmonuments | 1.19.4-Fabric-2.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterOceanMonuments-1.19.4-Fabric-2.3.0.jar | | | |
936 | | 470 | YUNG's Better Strongholds | betterstrongholds | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterStrongholds-1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0.jar | | | |
937 | | 461 | YUNG's Better Witch Huts | betterwitchhuts | 1.19.4-Fabric-2.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterWitchHuts-1.19.4-Fabric-2.3.0.jar | | | |
938 | | 377 | YUNG's Bridges | yungsbridges | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBridges-1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0.jar | | | |
939 | | 357 | YUNG's Extras | yungsextras | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsExtras-1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0.jar | | | |
940 | | 238 | YetAnotherConfigLib | yet-another-config-lib | 2.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YetAnotherConfigLib-2.4.0.jar | | | |
941 | | 307 | Zoomify | zoomify | 2.9.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | | | |
942 | | 67 | antlr4-runtime | org_antlr_antlr4-runtime | 4.11.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\iris-mc1.19.4-1.6.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/antlr4-runtime-4.11.1.jar | | |
943 | | 134 | atomicfu-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm | 0.20.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/atomicfu-jvm-0.20.1.jar | |
944 | | 427 | clientarguments | clientarguments | 1.4.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\seedmapper-1.5.13.jar | /META-INF/jars/clientarguments-1.4.4.jar | | |
945 | | 148 | cloth-basic-math | cloth-basic-math | 0.6.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\toms_storage_fabric-1.19.4-1.5.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/cloth-config-fabric-10.0.96.jar | /META-INF/jars/basic-math-0.6.1.jar | |
946 | | 63 | commons-text | org_apache_commons_commons-text | 1.10.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\optigui-2.0.0-beta.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/commons-text-1.10.0.jar | | |
947 | | 336 | completeconfig-base | completeconfig-base | 2.3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cem-0.7.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/base-2.3.1.jar | | |
948 | | 125 | completeconfig-gui-cloth | completeconfig-gui-cloth | 2.3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cem-0.7.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/gui-cloth-2.3.1.jar | | |
949 | | 138 | conditional mixin | conditional-mixin | 0.3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\tweakermore-mc1.19.4-v3.10.1-beta.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/conditional-mixin-v0.3.2.jar | | |
950 | | 145 | core | com_electronwill_night-config_core | 3.6.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/core-3.6.6.jar | | |
951 | | 39 | eventbus | net_minecraftforge_eventbus | 6.0.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CreativeCore_FABRIC_v2.10.7_mc1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/eventbus-6.0.4.jar | | |
952 | | 150 | fabric-permissions-api | fabric-permissions-api-v0 | 0.2-SNAPSHOT | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-permissions-api-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar | | |
953 | | 0 | glsl-transformer | io_github_douira_glsl-transformer | 2.0.0-pre12 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\iris-mc1.19.4-1.6.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/glsl-transformer-2.0.0-pre12.jar | | |
954 | | 104 | httpmime | org_apache_httpcomponents_httpmime | 4.5.10 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\entity_texture_features_fabric_1.19.4-4.3.5.jar | /META-INF/jars/httpmime-4.5.10.jar | | |
955 | | 32 | jankson | blue_endless_jankson | 1.2.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/LibGui-7.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/Jankson-Fabric-5.0.1 j1.2.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/jankson-1.2.2.jar |
956 | | 143 | javassist | org_javassist_javassist | 3.29.2-GA | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsApi-1.19.4-Fabric-3.10.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/javassist-3.29.2-GA.jar | | |
957 | | 81 | jcpp | org_anarres_jcpp | 1.4.14 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\iris-mc1.19.4-1.6.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/jcpp-1.4.14.jar | | |
958 | | 110 | kotlin-reflect | org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect | 1.8.20 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-core-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlin-reflect-1.8.20.jar | |
959 | | 35 | kotlin-stdlib | org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib | 1.8.20 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-core-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlin-stdlib-1.8.20.jar | |
960 | | 61 | kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 | org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 | 1.8.20 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-core-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7-1.8.20.jar | |
961 | | 121 | kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 | org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 | 1.8.20 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-core-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.8.20.jar | |
962 | | 51 | kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm | 1.6.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm-1.6.4.jar | |
963 | | 84 | kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 | 1.6.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8-1.6.4.jar | |
964 | | 151 | kotlinx-datetime-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm | 0.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-datetime-jvm-0.4.0.jar | |
965 | | 71 | kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm | 1.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm-1.5.0.jar | |
966 | | 153 | kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm | 1.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm-1.5.0.jar | |
967 | | 13 | kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm | 1.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm-1.5.0.jar | |
968 | | 137 | ktoml-core-jvm | com_akuleshov7_ktoml-core-jvm | 0.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/ktoml-core-jvm-0.3.0.jar | | |
969 | | 380 | lazy-language-loader | lazy-language-loader | 0.3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\lazy-language-loader-0.3.2.jar | | | |
970 | | 241 | libIPN | libipn | 2.0.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libIPN-fabric-1.19.4-2.0.4.jar | | | |
971 | | 7 | mapping-io | net_fabricmc_mapping-io | 0.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\StackDeobfuscator-1.3.1 fabric.d71a3c3.jar | /META-INF/jars/mapping-io-0.3.0.jar | | |
972 | | 17 | mclogs-java | gs_mclo_java_mclogs-java | 2.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ukulib-0.6.1 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/mclogs-java-2.1.1.jar | | |
973 | | 126 | recipecache | recipecache | 0.2.0-1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recipecache-0.2.0-1.19.jar | | | |
974 | | 53 | reflections | org_reflections_reflections | 0.10.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsExtras-1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/reflections-0.10.2.jar | | |
975 | | 103 | settxi-core | dev_isxander_settxi_settxi-core | 2.10.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/settxi-core-2.10.6.jar | | |
976 | | 92 | settxi-gui | dev_isxander_settxi_settxi-gui | 2.10.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/settxi-gui-2.10.6.jar | | |
977 | | 46 | settxi-kotlinx-serialization | dev_isxander_settxi_settxi-kotlinx-serialization | 2.10.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/settxi-kotlinx-serialization-2.10.6.jar | | |
978 | | 116 | sgui | sgui | 1.2.1 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\image2map-0.4.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/sgui-1.2.1 1.19.3.jar | | |
979 | | 129 | snakeyaml | org_yaml_snakeyaml | 1.33 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\essential_commands-0.32.0-mc1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/snakeyaml-1.33.jar | | |
980 | | 18 | spark | spark | 1.10.34 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\spark-1.10.34-fabric.jar | | | |
981 | | 131 | toml | com_electronwill_night-config_toml | 3.6.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/toml-3.6.6.jar | | |
982 | | 74 | toml4j | com_moandjiezana_toml_toml4j | 0.7.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ukulib-0.6.1 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/toml4j-0.7.2.jar | | |
983 | | 314 | ukulib | ukulib | 0.6.1 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ukulib-0.6.1 1.19.4.jar | | | |
984 | | 68 | velocity-native | com_velocitypowered_velocity-native | 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\krypton-0.2.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/velocity-native-3.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar | | |
985 | | 44 | yabn | com_teamresourceful_yabn | 1.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\highlight-1.2.0-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/resourcefullib-fabric-1.19.4-1.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/yabn-1.0.2.jar | |
986 | | 111 | zstd-jni | com_github_luben_zstd-jni | 1.5.2-2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dashloader-5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/zstd-jni-1.5.2-2.jar | | |
987 | |------:|---------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------|------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|
988 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: Successfully patched reflections to be able to handle quilt file systems.
989 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.12.4 mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.12.4 mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Quilt Env=CLIENT
990 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
991 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'dynmus-fabric-refmap.json' for #dynmus:dynmus.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
992 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'shared-resources-api-refmap.json' for #shared-resources-api:shared-resources-api.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
993 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: [Satin] Sodium is present, custom block renders may not work
994 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'lib39-deferral-refmap.json' for #lib39-deferral:lib39-deferral.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
995 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'axolotl-item-fix-refmap.json' for #axolotlitemfix:axolotlitemfix.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
996 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'mixins.nonmmlauncher.replaymod.refmap.json' for #replaymod:mixins.nonmmlauncher.replaymod.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
997 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'immersive_paintings-common-refmap.json' for #immersive_paintings:immersive_paintings.mixin.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
998 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigFormat.class', but only a single one can be returned!
999 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigFormat.class
1000 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigFormat.class
1001 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/Config.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1002 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/Config.class
1003 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/Config.class
1004 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1005 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableConfig.class
1006 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableConfig.class
1007 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ConfigParser.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1008 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ConfigParser.class
1009 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ConfigParser.class
1010 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ConfigWriter.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1011 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ConfigWriter.class
1012 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ConfigWriter.class
1013 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FormatDetector.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1014 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FormatDetector.class
1015 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FormatDetector.class
1016 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/CommentedFileConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1017 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/CommentedFileConfig.class
1018 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/CommentedFileConfig.class
1019 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/CommentedConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1020 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/CommentedConfig.class
1021 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/CommentedConfig.class
1022 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableCommentedConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1023 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableCommentedConfig.class
1024 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableCommentedConfig.class
1025 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1026 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileConfig.class
1027 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileConfig.class
1028 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/NoFormatFoundException.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1029 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/NoFormatFoundException.class
1030 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/NoFormatFoundException.class
1031 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/CommentedFileConfigBuilder.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1032 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/CommentedFileConfigBuilder.class
1033 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/CommentedFileConfigBuilder.class
1034 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/GenericBuilder.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1035 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/GenericBuilder.class
1036 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/GenericBuilder.class
1037 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/WritingException.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1038 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/WritingException.class
1039 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/WritingException.class
1040 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/WritingMode.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1041 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/WritingMode.class
1042 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/WritingMode.class
1043 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingMode.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1044 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingMode.class
1045 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingMode.class
1046 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingMode$PutAction.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1047 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingMode$PutAction.class
1048 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingMode$PutAction.class
1049 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingMode$MapPutAction.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1050 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingMode$MapPutAction.class
1051 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingMode$MapPutAction.class
1052 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileNotFoundAction.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1053 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileNotFoundAction.class
1054 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileNotFoundAction.class
1055 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharsWrapper$Builder.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1056 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharsWrapper$Builder.class
1057 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharsWrapper$Builder.class
1058 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharacterOutput.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1059 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharacterOutput.class
1060 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharacterOutput.class
1061 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/IndentStyle.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1062 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/IndentStyle.class
1063 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/IndentStyle.class
1064 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/NewlineStyle.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1065 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/NewlineStyle.class
1066 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/NewlineStyle.class
1067 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/FastStringReader.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1068 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/FastStringReader.class
1069 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/FastStringReader.class
1070 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharacterInput.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1071 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharacterInput.class
1072 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharacterInput.class
1073 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingException.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1074 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingException.class
1075 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ParsingException.class
1076 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/WriteSyncFileConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1077 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/WriteSyncFileConfig.class
1078 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/WriteSyncFileConfig.class
1079 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ConfigWrapper.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1080 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ConfigWrapper.class
1081 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ConfigWrapper.class
1082 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/UnmodifiableConfigWrapper.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1083 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/UnmodifiableConfigWrapper.class
1084 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/UnmodifiableConfigWrapper.class
1085 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/SimpleCommentedConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1086 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/SimpleCommentedConfig.class
1087 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/SimpleCommentedConfig.class
1088 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractCommentedConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1089 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractCommentedConfig.class
1090 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractCommentedConfig.class
1091 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1092 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractConfig.class
1093 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractConfig.class
1094 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/SimpleCommentedFileConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1095 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/SimpleCommentedFileConfig.class
1096 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/SimpleCommentedFileConfig.class
1097 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/CommentedConfigWrapper.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1098 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/CommentedConfigWrapper.class
1099 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/CommentedConfigWrapper.class
1100 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ReaderInput.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1101 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ReaderInput.class
1102 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/ReaderInput.class
1103 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/AbstractInput.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1104 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/AbstractInput.class
1105 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/AbstractInput.class
1106 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/IntDeque.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1107 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/IntDeque.class
1108 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/IntDeque.class
1109 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/Utils.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1110 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/Utils.class
1111 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/Utils.class
1112 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharsWrapper.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1113 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharsWrapper.class
1114 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharsWrapper.class
1115 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharsWrapper$1.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1116 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharsWrapper$1.class
1117 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/CharsWrapper$1.class
1118 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/StringUtils.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1119 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/StringUtils.class
1120 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/StringUtils.class
1121 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/NullObject.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1122 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/NullObject.class
1123 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/NullObject.class
1124 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'GamemodeDetector-refmap.json' for #gamemodedetector:GamemodeDetection.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1125 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'betterconfig-refmap.json' for #betterconfig:betterconfig.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1126 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'client-betterconfig-refmap.json' for #betterconfig:betterconfig.mixins.client.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1127 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'betterstats-refmap.json' for #betterstats:betterstats.client.mixin.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1128 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'philipsruins-refmap.json' for #philipsruins:philipsruins.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1129 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: Successfully started async appender with [ServerGuiConsole, SysOut, File]
1130 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: Preloading Debugify
1131 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'yungsextras.refmap.json' for #yungsextras:yungsextras.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1132 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'yungsextras.refmap.json' for #yungsextras:yungsextras_fabric.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1133 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Sodium: 33 options available, 3 override(s) found
1134 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Sodium Extra: 28 options available, 0 override(s) found
1135 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Lithium: 114 options available, 4 override(s) found
1136 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: [Fabrication] Reloading configs...
1137 | [21:17:05] [main/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of features.ini done in 12.08 ms with 0 warnings
1138 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'clientarguments-refmap.json' for #clientarguments:clientarguments.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1139 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'mvs-refmap.json' for #mvs:mvs.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1140 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'celib-refmap.json' for #celib:celib.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1141 | [21:17:05] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'log_more_info-refmap.json' for #log_more_info:log_more_info.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
1142 | [21:17:06] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/fabricmc/fabric/impl/networking/server/ServerNetworkingImpl (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/fabricmc/fabric/impl/networking/server/ServerNetworkingImpl)
1143 | [21:17:06] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.fabricmc.fabric.impl.networking.server.ServerNetworkingImpl was not found #connectivity:connectivity.mixins.json:ServerNetworkingImplMixin from mod connectivity
1144 | [21:17:06] [main/WARN]: [carpet] detected, disabling UPDATE mixin com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.mixin.MixinLevelChunkSetBlockHook
1145 | [21:17:06] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: com/natamus/milkallthemobs/events/MilkEvent (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/natamus/milkallthemobs/events/MilkEvent)
1146 | [21:17:06] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target com.natamus.milkallthemobs.events.MilkEvent was not found #infinitywaterbucket:infinity-water-bucket.mixins.json:MilkEventMixin from mod infinitywaterbucket
1147 | Mixin for class net.minecraft.class_563 applied successfully
1148 | Mixin for class net.minecraft.class_979 applied successfully
1149 | Mixin for class com.hidoni.customizableelytrafabric.client.render.CustomizableElytraFeatureRenderer was not applied
1150 | Mixin for class com.hidoni.customizableelytrafabric.client.render.model.ElytraWingModel was not applied
1151 | Mixin for class net.minecraftcapes.player.render.ElytraLayer was not applied
1152 | Mixin for class com.illusivesoulworks.elytraslot.client.ElytraSlotLayer was not applied
1153 | [21:17:06] [main/INFO]: CameraOverhaul: Using modern mixin 'mirsario.cameraoverhaul.fabric.mixins.modern.CameraMixin'.
1154 | [21:17:06] [main/INFO]: CameraOverhaul: Using modern mixin 'mirsario.cameraoverhaul.fabric.mixins.modern.GameRendererMixin'.
1155 | [21:17:06] [main/INFO]: CameraOverhaul: Skipping legacy mixin 'mirsario.cameraoverhaul.fabric.mixins.legacy.LegacyCameraMixin'.
1156 | [21:17:06] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/fabricmc/fabric/impl/networking/server/ServerLoginNetworkAddon (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/fabricmc/fabric/impl/networking/server/ServerLoginNetworkAddon)
1157 | [21:17:06] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: com/anthonyhilyard/advancementplaques/AdvancementPlaquesToastGui (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/anthonyhilyard/advancementplaques/AdvancementPlaquesToastGui)
1158 | [21:17:06] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: nukeduck/armorchroma/GuiArmor (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: nukeduck/armorchroma/GuiArmor)
1159 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: com/ishland/c2me/notickvd/common/NoTickChunkSendingInterceptor (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/ishland/c2me/notickvd/common/NoTickChunkSendingInterceptor)
1160 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force disabled MC-135971 because it's conflicting with: carpet
1161 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force disabled MC-121772 because it only applies to OS: MAC
1162 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force disabled MC-122477 because it only applies to OS: LINUX
1163 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force disabled MC-162253 because it's conflicting with: starlight
1164 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force disabled MC-22882 because it only applies to OS: MAC
1165 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: software/bernie/geckolib/renderer/GeoRenderer (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: software/bernie/geckolib/renderer/GeoRenderer)
1166 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/optifine/shaders/Shaders (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/optifine/shaders/Shaders)
1167 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/optifine/shaders/ShadersCompatibility (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/optifine/shaders/ShadersCompatibility)
1168 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/optifine/shaders/Programs (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/optifine/shaders/Programs)
1169 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/optifine/util/BlockUtils (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/optifine/util/BlockUtils)
1170 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.entity.fast_render.MixinCuboid' as rule 'mixin.features.entity.fast_render' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
1171 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.entity.fast_render.MixinModelPart' as rule 'mixin.features.entity.fast_render' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
1172 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.gui.font.MixinGlyphRenderer' as rule 'mixin.features.gui.font' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
1173 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.sky.MixinWorldRenderer' as rule 'mixin.features.sky' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
1174 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'alloc.blockstate.StateMixin' as rule 'mixin.alloc.blockstate' (added by mods [ferritecore]) disables it and children
1175 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'alloc.chunk_ticking.ServerChunkManagerMixin' as rule 'mixin.alloc.chunk_ticking' (added by mods [servercore]) disables it and children
1176 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force-enabling mixin 'block.hopper.worldedit_compat.WorldChunkMixin' as rule 'mixin.block.hopper.worldedit_compat' (added by mods [lithium-fabric]) enables it
1177 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'world.player_chunk_tick.ThreadedAnvilChunkStorageMixin' as rule 'mixin.world.player_chunk_tick' (added by mods [krypton, vmp]) disables it and children
1178 | [21:17:07] [main/INFO]: [MemoryLeakFix] Will be applying 3 memory leak fixes!
1179 | [21:17:07] [main/INFO]: [MemoryLeakFix] Currently enabled memory leak fixes: [targetEntityLeak, biomeTemperatureLeak, hugeScreenshotLeak]
1180 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/coderbot/iris/layer/IrisRenderTypeWrapper (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/iris/layer/IrisRenderTypeWrapper)
1181 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.coderbot.iris.layer.IrisRenderTypeWrapper was not found #satin:mixins.satin.client.json:iris.IrisRenderLayerWrapperMixin from mod satin
1182 | Replay Mod is still using the traditional Early Riser initialisation
1183 | [21:17:07] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: org/jetbrains/annotations/ApiStatus$Internal (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/jetbrains/annotations/ApiStatus$Internal)
1184 | [21:17:08] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/optifine/render/ChunkVisibility (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/optifine/render/ChunkVisibility)
1185 | [21:17:08] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: shadersmod/client/ShadersRender (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: shadersmod/client/ShadersRender)
1186 | [21:17:08] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/optifine/shaders/ShadersRender (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/optifine/shaders/ShadersRender)
1187 | [21:18:08] [main/ERROR]: Could not create LibreTranslate service
1188 | io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.api.TranslateException: Could not instantiate translate service
1189 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.impl.libretranslate.LibreTranslateService.get(LibreTranslateService.java:32) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-translate-v1.i0:0/:?]
1190 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.api.TranslateService.getAvailable(TranslateService.java:41) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-translate-v1.i0:0/:?]
1191 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.impl.TranslateConfig.lambda$static$5(TranslateConfig.java:25) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-translate-v1.i0:0/:?]
1192 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.impl.dsl.DSLImpl.config(DSLImpl.java:11) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-config-core-v1.i0:0/:?]
1193 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.impl.dsl.DSLImpl.register(DSLImpl.java:21) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-config-core-v1.i0:0/:?]
1194 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.impl.dsl.DSLImpl.register(DSLImpl.java:16) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-config-core-v1.i0:0/:?]
1195 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.impl.dsl.DSLImpl$Defaulted.register(DSLImpl.java:40) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-config-core-v1.i0:0/:?]
1196 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.impl.TranslateConfig.<clinit>(TranslateConfig.java:24) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-translate-v1.i0:0/:?]
1197 | at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
1198 | at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:495) ~[?:?]
1199 | at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:474) ~[?:?]
1200 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.util.DefaultLanguageAdapter.create(DefaultLanguageAdapter.java:50) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1201 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointStorage$NewEntry.getOrCreate(EntrypointStorage.java:115) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1202 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointStorage.lambda$getEntrypointContainers$1(EntrypointStorage.java:223) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1203 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointContainerImpl.getEntrypoint(EntrypointContainerImpl.java:54) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1204 | at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointContainerImpl.getEntrypoint(EntrypointContainerImpl.java:34) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1205 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.config.impl.entrypoint.JfConfigSafe.onPreLaunch(JfConfigSafe.java:23) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-config-core-v1.i0:0/:?]
1206 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.lambda$invoke$0(EntrypointUtils.java:36) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1207 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke0(EntrypointUtils.java:62) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1208 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invokeContainer(EntrypointUtils.java:49) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1209 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke(EntrypointUtils.java:36) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1210 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.QuiltLoaderImpl.invokePreLaunch(QuiltLoaderImpl.java:1108) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1211 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.init(Knot.java:175) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1212 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:76) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1213 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:28) ~[quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar:?]
1214 | at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch(StandardLauncher.java:88) ~[NewLaunch.jar:?]
1215 | at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen(EntryPoint.java:126) ~[NewLaunch.jar:?]
1216 | at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:71) ~[NewLaunch.jar:?]
1217 | Caused by: io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.api.TranslateException: Could not get known languages for LibreTranslate backend
1218 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.impl.libretranslate.LibreTranslateService.<init>(LibreTranslateService.java:54) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-translate-v1.i0:0/:?]
1219 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.impl.libretranslate.LibreTranslateService.get(LibreTranslateService.java:29) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-translate-v1.i0:0/:?]
1220 | ... 27 more
1221 | Caused by: java.io.IOException: Unexpected return method: 504 (URL=https://translate.argosopentech.com/languages)
1222 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.HttpUtils$Request._send(HttpUtils.java:170) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-base.i0:0/:?]
1223 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.commons.HttpUtils$Request.sendSerialized(HttpUtils.java:195) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-base.i0:0/:?]
1224 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.impl.libretranslate.LibreTranslateService.<init>(LibreTranslateService.java:47) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-translate-v1.i0:0/:?]
1225 | at io.gitlab.jfronny.libjf.translate.impl.libretranslate.LibreTranslateService.get(LibreTranslateService.java:29) ~[transformed-mod-libjf-translate-v1.i0:0/:?]
1226 | ... 27 more
1227 | [21:18:09] [main/INFO]: Registering config for libjf-translate-v1
1228 | [21:18:09] [main/INFO]: Registering config for libjf-web-v0
1229 | [Screenshot to Clipboard] Setting java.awt.headless to false
1230 | [21:18:09] [main/INFO]: Smooth Boot config initialized
1231 | [21:18:10] [main/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for getLanguage in #carpet:carpet.mixins.json:ServerPlayer_scarpetEventMixin from mod carpet, previously written by com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.mixin.MixinServerPlayer. Skipping method.
1232 | [21:18:10] [main/WARN]: @Final field field_22786:Ljava/util/List; in #inventoryprofilesnext:mixins.ipnext.json:MixinScreen from mod inventoryprofilesnext should be final
1233 | [21:18:10] [main/WARN]: @Final field field_33815:Ljava/util/List; in #inventoryprofilesnext:mixins.ipnext.json:MixinScreen from mod inventoryprofilesnext should be final
1234 | [21:18:10] [main/INFO]: #whereisit:whereisit.mixins.json:AccessorDrawableHelper from mod whereisit->@Invoker[METHOD_PROXY]::whereisit$fillGradient(Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;IIIIII)V should be static as its target is
1235 | [21:18:11] [main/INFO]: Mixing common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2540
1236 | [21:18:11] [main/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onWriteJsonWithCodec$1(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/EncoderException; to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onWriteJsonWithCodec$1$0 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mod nochatreports
1237 | [21:18:11] [main/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onReadJsonWithCodec$0(Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/DecoderException; to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onReadJsonWithCodec$0$1 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mod nochatreports
1238 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for getEntityManager in #spark:spark.mixins.json:ClientWorldAccessor from mod spark, previously written by me.jellysquid.mods.lithium.mixin.chunk.entity_class_groups.ClientWorldMixin. Skipping method.
1239 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: @Redirect conflict. Skipping #tiefix:TieFix.mixins.json:mc2071.ClientPlayerEntityMixin from mod tiefix->@Redirect::onUpdateNausea(Lnet/minecraft/class_310;)Lnet/minecraft/class_437; with priority 500, already redirected by #ordinarytweaks:ordinarytweaks.mixins.json:LocalPlayerMixin from mod ordinarytweaks->@Redirect::redirect_isPauseScreen(Lnet/minecraft/class_310;)Lnet/minecraft/class_437; with priority 1000
1240 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: [Fabrication] FabInjector found a Redirect from baritone.launch.mixins.MixinClientPlayerEntity;redirect$zkp000$baritone$isKeyDown; which has been added to net/minecraft/class_746;fabrication$toggleSprint
1241 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: [Fabrication] FabInjector found a Redirect from fi.dy.masa.tweakeroo.mixin.MixinClientPlayerEntity;redirect$zzo000$tweakeroo$onDoesGuiPauseGame; which has been added to net/minecraft/class_746;fabrication$preventClosingScreen
1242 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: [Fabrication] FabInjector failed to find injection point for net/minecraft/class_746;method_6007()V Lnet/minecraft/class_304;method_1434()Z
1243 | may have been caused by another mods Redirect, assuming fixed
1244 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: [Fabrication] FabInjector failed to find injection point for net/minecraft/class_746;method_18654()V Lnet/minecraft/class_437;method_25421()Z
1245 | may have been caused by another mods Redirect, assuming fixed
1246 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #tweakeroo:mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinStructureBlockBlockEntity from mod tweakeroo->@ModifyConstant::overrideMaxSize(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by #carpet:carpet.mixins.json:StructureBlockEntity_limitsMixin from mod carpet->@ModifyConstant::negativeLimit(I)I with priority 1000
1247 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #tweakeroo:mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinStructureBlockBlockEntity from mod tweakeroo->@ModifyConstant::overrideMaxSize(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by #carpet:carpet.mixins.json:StructureBlockEntity_limitsMixin from mod carpet->@ModifyConstant::positiveLimit(I)I with priority 1000
1248 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #tweakeroo:mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinStructureBlockBlockEntity from mod tweakeroo->@ModifyConstant::overrideMaxSize(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by #carpet:carpet.mixins.json:StructureBlockEntity_limitsMixin from mod carpet->@ModifyConstant::negativeLimit(I)I with priority 1000
1249 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #tweakeroo:mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinStructureBlockBlockEntity from mod tweakeroo->@ModifyConstant::overrideMaxSize(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by #carpet:carpet.mixins.json:StructureBlockEntity_limitsMixin from mod carpet->@ModifyConstant::positiveLimit(I)I with priority 1000
1250 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #tweakeroo:mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinStructureBlockBlockEntity from mod tweakeroo->@ModifyConstant::overrideMaxSize(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by #carpet:carpet.mixins.json:StructureBlockEntity_limitsMixin from mod carpet->@ModifyConstant::negativeLimit(I)I with priority 1000
1251 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #tweakeroo:mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinStructureBlockBlockEntity from mod tweakeroo->@ModifyConstant::overrideMaxSize(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by #carpet:carpet.mixins.json:StructureBlockEntity_limitsMixin from mod carpet->@ModifyConstant::positiveLimit(I)I with priority 1000
1252 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #tweakeroo:mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinStructureBlockBlockEntity from mod tweakeroo->@ModifyConstant::overrideMaxSize(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by #carpet:carpet.mixins.json:StructureBlockEntity_limitsMixin from mod carpet->@ModifyConstant::positiveLimit(I)I with priority 1000
1253 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #tweakeroo:mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinStructureBlockBlockEntity from mod tweakeroo->@ModifyConstant::overrideMaxSize(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by #carpet:carpet.mixins.json:StructureBlockEntity_limitsMixin from mod carpet->@ModifyConstant::positiveLimit(I)I with priority 1000
1254 | [21:18:12] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #tweakeroo:mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinStructureBlockBlockEntity from mod tweakeroo->@ModifyConstant::overrideMaxSize(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by #carpet:carpet.mixins.json:StructureBlockEntity_limitsMixin from mod carpet->@ModifyConstant::positiveLimit(I)I with priority 1000
1255 | [21:18:13] [main/WARN]: [Fabrication] FabInjector found a Redirect from online.connlost.allstackable.mixin.MixinPotionItem;redirect$zjf000$allstackable$dropWhenInventoryFull; which has been added to net/minecraft/class_1812;fabrication$bottledAir
1256 | [21:18:13] [main/WARN]: [Fabrication] FabInjector failed to find injection point for net/minecraft/class_1812;method_7861(Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799; Lnet/minecraft/class_1661;method_7394(Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
1257 | may have been caused by another mods Redirect, assuming fixed
1258 | [21:18:15] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #yungsapi:yungsapi_fabric.mixins.json:IncreaseStructureWeightLimitMixinFabric from mod yungsapi->@ModifyConstant::yungsapi_increaseWeightLimitProd(I)I with priority 1000, already redirected by #repurposed_structures:repurposed_structures-fabric-base.mixins.json:structures.StructurePoolMixin from mod repurposed_structures->@ModifyConstant::repurposedstructures_increaseWeightLimit(I)I with priority 1000
1259 | [21:18:15] [main/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for getClimateSettings in #architectury:architectury.mixins.json:BiomeAccessor from mod architectury, previously written by carpet.mixins.Biome_scarpetMixin. Skipping method.
1260 | [21:18:15] [main/INFO]: Mixing server.MixinServerGamePacketListenerImpl from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_3244
1261 | [21:18:15] [main/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for getConnection in #krypton:krypton.mixins.json:shared.network.util.ServerPlayNetworkHandlerAccessor from mod krypton, previously written by carpet.mixins.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl_coreMixin. Skipping method.
1262 | [21:18:15] [main/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for getConnection in #quilt_networking:quilt_networking.mixins.json:accessor.ServerPlayNetworkHandlerAccessor from mod quilt_networking, previously written by carpet.mixins.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl_coreMixin. Skipping method.
1263 | [21:18:15] [main/WARN]: @Redirect conflict. Skipping #tweakeroo:mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinServerPlayNetworkHandler from mod tweakeroo->@Redirect::tweakeroo_removeHitPosCheck(Lnet/minecraft/class_243;Lnet/minecraft/class_243;)Lnet/minecraft/class_243; with priority 1005, already redirected by #litematica:mixins.litematica.json:MixinServerPlayNetworkHandler from mod litematica->@Redirect::litematica_removeHitPosCheck(Lnet/minecraft/class_243;Lnet/minecraft/class_243;)Lnet/minecraft/class_243; with priority 1010
1264 | [21:18:15] [main/WARN]: @Redirect conflict. Skipping #raknetify:raknetify-fabric.mixins.json:server.MixinServerLoginNetworkHandler from mod raknetify->@Redirect::stopCompressionIfStreamingCompressionExists(Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;)I with priority 900, already redirected by #quilt_networking:quilt_networking.mixins.json:ServerLoginNetworkHandlerMixin from mod quilt_networking->@Redirect::removeLateCompressionPacketSending(Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;)I with priority 1000
1265 | [21:18:15] [main/INFO]: [Quilt Command] Networking support is enabled
1266 | [21:18:15] [main/INFO]: Minecraft bootstrap in 5.1s
1267 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: [LWJGL] [ThreadLocalUtil] Unsupported JNI version detected, this may result in a crash. Please inform LWJGL developers.
1268 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Launching a new process to probe the system configuration!
1269 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenGL Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
1270 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenGL Renderer: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
1271 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 Compatibility Profile Context
1272 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinMinecraft from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_310
1273 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinMinecraft from #nochatreports:mixins/fabric/nochatreports-fabric.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_310
1274 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing MinecraftClientMixin from #craftify:mixins.craftify.json into net.minecraft.class_310
1275 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing MinecraftClientMixin from #chatpatches:chatpatches.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_310
1276 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinTitleScreen from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_442
1277 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinChatScreen from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_408
1278 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$4()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$4$5 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatScreen from mod nochatreports
1279 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$3(Lnet/minecraft/class_4185;)V to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$3$6 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatScreen from mod nochatreports
1280 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$2()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$2$7 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatScreen from mod nochatreports
1281 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$1(Lnet/minecraft/class_4185;)V to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$1$8 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatScreen from mod nochatreports
1282 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onBeforeMessage$0(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfoReturnable;Lcom/aizistral/nochatreports/common/encryption/Encryptor;)V to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onBeforeMessage$0$9 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatScreen from mod nochatreports
1283 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing gui.ChatScreenAccessor from #chatpatches:chatpatches.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_408
1284 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Assets URL 'quilt.zfs://transformed-mod-minecraft.i0:0/assets/.mcassetsroot' uses unexpected schema
1285 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Assets URL 'quilt.zfs://transformed-mod-minecraft.i0:0/data/.mcassetsroot' uses unexpected schema
1286 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Environment: authHost='https://authserver.mojang.com', accountsHost='https://api.mojang.com', sessionHost='https://sessionserver.mojang.com', servicesHost='https://api.minecraftservices.com', name='PROD'
1287 | [21:18:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinYggdrasilUserApiService from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService
1288 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Setting user: TajemnikTV
1289 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinToastComponent from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_374
1290 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading FirstPerson Mod
1291 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Freecam support loaded.
1292 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Shields up!
1293 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [All Stackable] Start loading!
1294 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [All Stackable] Command registered.
1295 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Config loaded
1296 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering S2C receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:request_tags_s2c
1297 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:request_tags_c2s
1298 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
1299 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
1300 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
1301 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
1302 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider HideIngredientsFromTagsPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
1303 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider PluginEntry [roughlyenoughresources] for REIPlugin
1304 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider REIPlugin [toms_storage] for REIPlugin
1305 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider RoughlyEnoughItemsIntegration [trashslot] for REIPlugin
1306 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider WtsReiClientPlugin [whats_that_slot] for REIPlugin
1307 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider REITooltipPlugin [appleskin] for REIPlugin
1308 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider REPClientPlugin [roughlyenoughprofessions] for REIPlugin
1309 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin
1310 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin
1311 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIServerPlugin
1312 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIPlugin
1313 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:delete_item
1314 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item
1315 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item_grab
1316 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item_hotbar
1317 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:move_items
1318 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [RER] RoughlyEnoughPacketSize? Possibly.
1319 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughresources:asi
1320 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Config loaded
1321 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Tom's Storage Setup starting
1322 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/assets/minecraft/lang/en_us.json', but only a single one can be returned!
1323 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterbiomeblend.i0] /assets/minecraft/lang/en_us.json
1324 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-minecraft.i0] /assets/minecraft/lang/en_us.json
1325 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: betterfpsdist mod initialized
1326 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Potions...
1327 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: biomemusic mod initialized
1328 | [21:18:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Connectivity initialized
1329 | [21:18:18] [Cicada thread 0/INFO]: [cicada] Hello, anyone there?
1330 | [21:18:18] [Cicada thread 0/INFO]: [recursiveresources] Hallo, I'm here!
1331 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.FabricPlatform with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@77d89cf4]
1332 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: WorldEdit for Fabric (version 7.2.14 6360-094b734) is loaded
1333 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: REI Found
1334 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: ShareEnderChest (Fabric) loaded
1335 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Detected Java version 19. Enabling Java 16 features.
1336 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: [EssentialCommands]: Mod Load Initiated.
1337 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/ERROR]: [Fabrication] FabInjector failed to find injection point for com/unascribed/fabrication/logic/CommandSourceInterfaceHack;method_9268(Ljava/lang/Iterable;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Function;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V Ljava/lang/String;equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
1338 | located in com.unascribed.fabrication.logic.CommandSourceInterfaceHack
1339 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: [Fabrication] ! Force-disabling *.lenient_command_suggestions
1340 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: [EssentialCommands]: Mod Load Complete.
1341 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Definitely not up to no good
1342 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: [Stendhal] Initializing
1343 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_paintings:painting
1344 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_paintings:glow_painting
1345 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_paintings:graffiti
1346 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_paintings:glow_graffiti
1347 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinClientPacketListener from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_634
1348 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing secure.CPNHMixin from #chatpatches:chatpatches.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_634
1349 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Compression will use Java, encryption will use Java
1350 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Common init is called. quarryplus
1351 | [21:18:18] [TISCM Mapping/INFO]: Yarn mapping file yarn-1.19.4 build.1-v2.tiny loaded
1352 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: [ServerCore] Loaded V1.3.5-1.19.4!
1353 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/WriterOutput.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1354 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/WriterOutput.class
1355 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/io/WriterOutput.class
1356 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/TransformingSet.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1357 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/TransformingSet.class
1358 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/TransformingSet.class
1359 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/TransformingCollection.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1360 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/TransformingCollection.class
1361 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/TransformingCollection.class
1362 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractCommentedConfig$CommentedEntryWrapper.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1363 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractCommentedConfig$CommentedEntryWrapper.class
1364 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractCommentedConfig$CommentedEntryWrapper.class
1365 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/CommentedConfig$Entry.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1366 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/CommentedConfig$Entry.class
1367 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/CommentedConfig$Entry.class
1368 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/Config$Entry.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1369 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/Config$Entry.class
1370 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/Config$Entry.class
1371 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableConfig$Entry.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1372 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableConfig$Entry.class
1373 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableConfig$Entry.class
1374 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableCommentedConfig$Entry.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1375 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableCommentedConfig$Entry.class
1376 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/UnmodifiableCommentedConfig$Entry.class
1377 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractConfig$EntryWrapper.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1378 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractConfig$EntryWrapper.class
1379 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/AbstractConfig$EntryWrapper.class
1380 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/TransformingIterator.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1381 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/TransformingIterator.class
1382 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/TransformingIterator.class
1383 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 31 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
1384 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
1385 | [21:18:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading reverb parameters
1386 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:pufferfish_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
1387 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:salmon_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
1388 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:cod_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
1389 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:tropical_fish_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
1390 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:axolotl_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
1391 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:powder_snow_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
1392 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:tadpole_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
1393 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting into root logger...
1394 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating asynchronous mapping cache executor...
1395 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Verifying cache of yarn mappings...
1396 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Latest build for yarn is already cached (40 hour(s) ago, refresh in 8 hour(s))
1397 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Mappings for yarn build 1.19.4 build.1 are already downloaded
1398 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Verified cache of yarn mappings (took 2ms)
1399 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Parsing yarn mappings...
1400 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: BoatBreakFix initialized
1401 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
1402 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
1403 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Parsed yarn mappings (took 123ms)
1404 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Caching yarn mappings...
1405 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/blue/endless/jankson/Comment.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1406 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-blue-endless-jankson.i0] /blue/endless/jankson/Comment.class
1407 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-kyrptconfig.i0] /blue/endless/jankson/Comment.class
1408 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Cached yarn mappings (took 37ms)
1409 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Cached mappings have been built (took 166ms)
1410 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Classes: 6640
1411 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Methods: 24598
1412 | [21:18:19] [Mappings Cache Thread/INFO]: Fields: 28299
1413 | [21:18:19] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO]: Shutting down asynchronous mapping cache executor...
1414 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Horse Buff Initialized
1415 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Could not find configuration file, creating default file
1416 | [21:18:19] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO]: Essential Commands is up to date!
1417 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reading config file for no-shield-delay
1418 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/WriteAsyncFileConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1419 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/WriteAsyncFileConfig.class
1420 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/WriteAsyncFileConfig.class
1421 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/WriteAsyncFileConfig$WriteCompletedHandler.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1422 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/WriteAsyncFileConfig$WriteCompletedHandler.class
1423 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/WriteAsyncFileConfig$WriteCompletedHandler.class
1424 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1425 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec.class
1426 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec.class
1427 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/InMemoryFormat.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1428 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/InMemoryFormat.class
1429 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/InMemoryFormat.class
1430 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/SimpleConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1431 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/SimpleConfig.class
1432 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/SimpleConfig.class
1433 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$DumbSupplier.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1434 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$DumbSupplier.class
1435 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$DumbSupplier.class
1436 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$ValueSpec.class', but only a single one can be returned!
1437 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$ValueSpec.class
1438 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$ValueSpec.class
1439 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Enabled: true, Raise Time: 0
1440 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Finished Initializing no-shield-delay
1441 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field displayEnabled in class TotemCounterConfig
1442 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field x in class TotemCounterConfig
1443 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field y in class TotemCounterConfig
1444 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field useDefaultTotem in class TotemCounterConfig
1445 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field displayColors in class TotemCounterConfig
1446 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field coloredXpBar in class TotemCounterConfig
1447 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field alwaysShowBar in class TotemCounterConfig
1448 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field showPopCounter in class TotemCounterConfig
1449 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field counterEnabled in class TotemCounterConfig
1450 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field separator in class TotemCounterConfig
1451 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field counterColors in class TotemCounterConfig
1452 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field showInTab in class TotemCounterConfig
1453 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field disableArmorStands in class TotemCounterConfig
1454 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not access field maxDistance in class TotemCounterConfig
1455 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinChatOptionsScreen from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_404
1456 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$init$0(Lnet/minecraft/class_339;)V to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$init$0$0 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatOptionsScreen from mod nochatreports
1457 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinJoinMultiplayerScreen from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_500
1458 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$2()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$2$0 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinJoinMultiplayerScreen from mod nochatreports
1459 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$1(Lnet/minecraft/class_4185;)V to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$1$1 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinJoinMultiplayerScreen from mod nochatreports
1460 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$0(Lnet/minecraft/class_4185;)V to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$0$2 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinJoinMultiplayerScreen from mod nochatreports
1461 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: [FANCYMENU] Loading v2.14.2 in client-side mode!
1462 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: [FANCYMENU] Level registry interactions allowed!
1463 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: å·²æˆåŠŸåŠ è½½é…置文件
1464 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: onInitialize done
1465 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Immersive Thunder loaded.
1466 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatSessionUpdatePacket from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7861
1467 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatCommandPacket from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7472
1468 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatPacket from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2797
1469 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Raknetify: Using leak detector level SIMPLE
1470 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Printer] : YeeFuckinHaw
1471 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: [jamlib] Mod initialized!
1472 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
1473 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
1474 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Enabled 64 bug fixes: [MC-577, MC-2025, MC-4490, MC-7569, MC-12829, MC-14923, MC-22882, MC-30391, MC-31819, MC-46766, MC-55347, MC-69216, MC-72151, MC-79545, MC-80859, MC-88371, MC-89146, MC-90084, MC-90683, MC-93018, MC-93384, MC-100991, MC-108948, MC-111516, MC-112730, MC-116379, MC-119417, MC-119754, MC-121706, MC-121772, MC-121903, MC-122477, MC-122627, MC-123739, MC-124117, MC-127970, MC-129909, MC-132878, MC-135971, MC-140646, MC-143474, MC-155509, MC-159163, MC-160095, MC-162253, MC-165381, MC-176559, MC-179072, MC-183776, MC-183990, MC-193343, MC-197260, MC-199467, MC-200418, MC-206922, MC-215530, MC-215531, MC-217716, MC-223153, MC-224729, MC-227169, MC-231743, MC-232869, MC-237493]
1475 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Successfully Debugify'd your game!
1476 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded Config! Regular deepslate extras are OFF
1477 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: KONNICHIWA ZA WARUDO!
1478 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Default JVM text encoding is: UTF-8
1479 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reading config file NoChatReports/NCR-Common.json...
1480 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reading config file NoChatReports/NCR-Client.json...
1481 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reading config file NoChatReports/NCR-ServerPreferences.json...
1482 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reading config file NoChatReports/NCR-Encryption.json...
1483 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Writing config file NoChatReports/NCR-Common.json...
1484 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Writing config file NoChatReports/NCR-Client.json...
1485 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Writing config file NoChatReports/NCR-ServerPreferences.json...
1486 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Writing config file NoChatReports/NCR-Encryption.json...
1487 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Client initialization...
1488 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
1489 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
1490 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 4 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 4 values
1491 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 4 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 4 values
1492 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
1493 | [21:18:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
1494 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [KONKRETE] Successfully initialized!
1495 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [KONKRETE] Server-side libs ready to use!
1496 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Compatibility version 17
1497 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading plugins
1498 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 2 plugin(s)
1499 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Initializing plugins
1500 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Initializing Simple Voice Chat integration
1501 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Initialized 2 plugin(s)
1502 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering events for sound_physics_remastered
1503 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering events for replayvoicechat
1504 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of fscript.ini done in 911.8 μs with 0 warnings
1505 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of gear_components.ini done in 4.799 ms with 0 warnings
1506 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of block_logo.png done in 16.21 ms with 0 warnings
1507 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of block_logo.ini done in 17.58 ms with 0 warnings
1508 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of dimensional_tools.ini done in 1.896 ms with 0 warnings
1509 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of yeet_recipes.ini done in 469.6 μs with 0 warnings
1510 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of taggable_players.ini done in 2.101 ms with 0 warnings
1511 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of classic_block_drops.ini done in 1.333 ms with 0 warnings
1512 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of item_despawn.ini done in 429.8 μs with 0 warnings
1513 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded config file.
1514 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Saved config file.
1515 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Collective version 6.54.
1516 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 3 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values
1517 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values
1518 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
1519 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
1520 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Initialize mod Library Ferret
1521 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Initialized mod Library Ferret
1522 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
1523 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
1524 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Celib - CebbyS Library loaded!
1525 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
1526 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
1527 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Combining the Modifiers...
1528 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: LogMoreInfo:
1529 | Minecraft Version: 1.19.4
1530 | Minecraft Version ID: 1.19.4
1531 | Operating System: Windows 11 (amd64) version 10.0
1532 | Java Version: 19 .0.2, GraalVM Community
1533 | Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode, sharing), GraalVM Community
1534 | Memory: 3168493464 bytes (3021 MiB) / 4294967296 bytes (4096 MiB) up to 4294967296 bytes (4096 MiB)
1535 | CPUs: 12
1536 | Processor Vendor: AuthenticAMD
1537 | Processor Name: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
1538 | Identifier: AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0
1539 | Microarchitecture: Zen 2
1540 | Frequency (GHz): 3.60
1541 | Number of physical packages: 1
1542 | Number of physical CPUs: 6
1543 | Number of logical CPUs: 12
1544 | Graphics card #0 name: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
1545 | Graphics card #0 vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (0x1002)
1546 | Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 4095.00
1547 | Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x731f
1548 | Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion=31.0.14037.1007
1549 | Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 16384.00
1550 | Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 3.20
1551 | Memory slot #0 type: DDR4
1552 | Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 16384.00
1553 | Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 3.20
1554 | Memory slot #1 type: DDR4
1555 | Virtual memory max (MB): 160693.58
1556 | Virtual memory used (MB): 23313.10
1557 | Swap memory total (MB): 128000.00
1558 | Swap memory used (MB): 128.94
1559 | JVM Flags: 46 total; -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1 -XX: UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX: EnableJVMCIProduct -XX:JVMCIThreadsPerNativeLibraryRuntime=1 -XX:-UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX: UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX: UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX: AlwaysPreTouch -XX: DisableExplicitGC -XX: UseNUMA -XX:NmethodSweepActivity=1 -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=400M -XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize=12M -XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize=194M -XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize=194M -XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods -XX:MaxNodeLimit=240000 -XX:NodeLimitFudgeFactor=8000 -XX: UseVectorCmov -XX: PerfDisableSharedMem -XX: UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps -XX: UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1 -XX:AllocatePrefetchStyle=3 -XX: UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=37 -XX: PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M -XX:G1NewSizePercent=23 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=3 -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=20 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=10 -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=0 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -XX:G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent=30 -XX:G1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis=5.0 -XX:G1ConcRSHotCardLimit=16 -XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis=150 -XX:GCTimeRatio=99 -XX: UseLargePages -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=2m -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m
1560 | Quilt Mods:
1561 | | Index | Mod | ID | Version | Plugin | File(s) | Sub-Files | Sub-Files | Sub-Files |
1562 | |------:|---------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------|------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|
1563 | | 424 | Accurate Block Placement | accurateblockplacement | 1.0.16 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\accurate-block-placement-1.0.16.jar | | | |
1564 | | 273 | Actually Unbreaking | actuallyunbreaking | 1.19.4-0.1.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\actuallyunbreaking-1.19.4-0.1.2.jar | | | |
1565 | | 387 | Adaptive Tooltips | adaptive-tooltips | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AdaptiveTooltips-1.2.0-fabric-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1566 | | 349 | Additional Structures | additionalstructures | 4.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AdditionalStructures-1.19.x-(v.4.1.1).jar | | | |
1567 | | 412 | Advancement Screenshot | advancementscreenshot | 4.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\advancementscreenshot-1.19.4-4.1.jar | | | |
1568 | | 14 | AllStackable | allstackable | v1.7.0-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AllStackable-v1.7.0-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1569 | | 30 | Alternate Current | alternate-current | 1.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\alternate-current-mc1.19-1.5.0.jar | | | |
1570 | | 187 | Always a Wither Skull | alwaysawitherskull | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\alwaysawitherskull-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
1571 | | 302 | Ambient Environment | ambientenvironment | **.**.**.** | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AmbientEnvironment-fabric-1.19.4- | | | |
1572 | | 251 | Ambient Sounds (Fabric) | ambientsounds | 5.2.18 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AmbientSounds_FABRIC_v5.2.18_mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1573 | | 75 | Animatica | animatica | 0.5 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\animatica-0.5 1.19.jar | | | |
1574 | | 243 | Anvil Restoration | anvilrestoration | 2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\anvilrestoration-1.19.4-2.0.jar | | | |
1575 | | 331 | AppleSkin | appleskin | 2.4.3 mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\appleskin-fabric-mc1.19.4-2.4.3.jar | | | |
1576 | | 435 | Architectury | architectury | 8.1.79 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\architectury-8.1.79-fabric.jar | | | |
1577 | | 229 | Armor Stands | armorstands | 1.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\armorstands-1.0.0-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1578 | | 449 | Atmosfera | atmosfera | 2.0.0 mc1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\atmosfera-2.0.0 mc1.19.3.jar | | | |
1579 | | 443 | AttributeFix | attributefix | 19.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AttributeFix-Fabric-1.19.4-19.0.1.jar | | | |
1580 | | 498 | Axes Are Weapons | axesareweapons | 1.6.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AxesAreWeapons-1.6.5-fabric-1.19.3.jar | | | |
1581 | | 85 | Axolotl Item Fix | axolotlitemfix | 1.1.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\axolotl-item-fix-1.1.5.jar | | | |
1582 | | 10 | Bad Packets | badpackets | 0.4.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\badpackets-fabric-0.4.1.jar | | | |
1583 | | 286 | Balm | balm-fabric | 6.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\balm-fabric-1.19.4-6.0.2.jar | | | |
1584 | | 24 | Baritone | baritone | 1.9.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\baritone-api-fabric-1.9.2.jar | | | |
1585 | | 285 | Bedrock Miner | bedrockminer | 1.19.4-1.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\bedrock-miner-1.19.4-1.1.1.jar | | | |
1586 | | 334 | Bedrodium | bedrodium | 0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\bedrodium-0.2.1.jar | | | |
1587 | | 99 | Beenfo | beenfo | 1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-1.3.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\beenfo-1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-1.3.3.jar | | | |
1588 | | 311 | Better Beacon Placement | betterbeaconplacement | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterbeaconplacement-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
1589 | | 73 | Better Beds | betterbeds | 1.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterbeds-1.3.0-1.19.3.jar | | | |
1590 | | 370 | Better Biome Blend | betterbiomeblend | 1.19-1.3.6-fabric | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterbiomeblend-1.19.0-1.3.6-fabric.jar |
1591 | | | |
1592 | | 347 | Better Conduit Placement | betterconduitplacement | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterconduitplacement-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
1593 | | 52 | Better FPS distance Mod | betterfpsdist | 1.19-2.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterfpsdist-fabric-1.19-2.4.jar | | | |
1594 | | 56 | Better Recipe Book | brb | 1.7.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\brb-1.7.2-fabric.jar | | | |
1595 | | 167 | Better Spawner Control | betterspawnercontrol | 4.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterspawnercontrol-1.19.4-4.1.jar | | | |
1596 | | 233 | Better Statistics Screen | betterstats | 2.5.2 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterstats-2.5.2 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1597 | | 163 | Better Third Person | betterthirdperson | 1.9.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\BetterThirdPerson-Fabric-1.19-1.9.0.jar | | | |
1598 | | 206 | BetterConfig | betterconfig | 1.0.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\seedmapper-1.5.13.jar | /META-INF/jars/betterconfig-1.0.5.jar | | |
1599 | | 478 | BetterF3 | betterf3 | 6.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\BetterF3-6.0.0-Fabric-1.19.4-pre3.jar | | | |
1600 | | 338 | Bigger Sponge Absorption Radius | biggerspongeabsorptionradius | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\biggerspongeabsorptionradius-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
1601 | | 57 | Biome Music Mod | biomemusic | 1.19.4-1.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\biomemusic-fabric-1.19.4-1.6.jar | | | |
1602 | | 477 | Blanket Client-tweaks | blanket-client-tweaks | 1.1.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Blanket Client tweaks-1.1.3.jar | | | |
1603 | | 2 | Blur (Fabric) | blur | 3.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\blur-3.0.0.jar | | | |
1604 | | 232 | Boat Break Fix | boatbreakfix | 1.0.11 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\BoatBreakFix-Universal-1.0.11.jar | | | |
1605 | | 195 | BoatHud | boathud | 1.1.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\boathud-1.1.3.jar | | | |
1606 | | 210 | Bookshelf | bookshelf | 18.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Bookshelf-Fabric-1.19.4-18.0.2.jar | | | |
1607 | | 47 | Bossbar stack | bossstack | 1.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\bossbar-stack-1.0.1.jar | | | |
1608 | | 420 | Bow Infinity Fix | bowinfinityfix | 2.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\BowInfinityFix-1.19.x-fabric-2.5.0.jar | | | |
1609 | | 152 | Break Free | breakfree | 1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\breakfree-1.1.0.jar | | | |
1610 | | 58 | CICADA | cicada | 0.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recursive-resources-2.3.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/cicada-lib-0.3.0.jar | | |
1611 | | 77 | CIT Resewn | citresewn | 1.1.3 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CITResewn-1.1.3 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1612 | | 93 | CIT Resewn: Defaults | citresewn-defaults | 1.1.3 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CITResewn-1.1.3 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/citresewn-defaults-1.1.3 1.19.4.jar | | |
1613 | | 118 | CaffeineConfig | caffeineconfig | 1.1.0 1.17 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sodium-extra-0.4.18 mc1.19.4-build.100.jar | /META-INF/jars/CaffeineConfig-1.1.0 1.17.jar | | |
1614 | | 450 | Cake Chomps | cakechomps | 6.0.1 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\cakechomps-quilt-6.0.1 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1615 | | 149 | Camera Overhaul | cameraoverhaul | 1.4.0-fabric-universal | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CameraOverhaul-1.4.0-fabric-universal.jar | | | |
1616 | | 434 | Camera Utils | camerautils | 1.19.4-1.0.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\camerautils-1.19.4-1.0.3.jar | | | |
1617 | | 383 | Camp Fires Cook Mobs | camp_fires_cook_mobs | 1.2.10 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\camp-fires-cook-mobs-1.2.10 MC1.19.4.jar | | | |
1618 | | 55 | Cardinal Components API (base) | cardinal-components-base | 5.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\trinkets-3.6.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/cardinal-components-base-5.1.0.jar | | |
1619 | | 36 | Cardinal Components API (entities) | cardinal-components-entity | 5.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\trinkets-3.6.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/cardinal-components-entity-5.1.0.jar | | |
1620 | | 490 | Carpet Mod | carpet | 1.4.101 v230319 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabric-carpet-1.19.4-1.4.101 v230319.jar | | | |
1621 | | 157 | Carpet TIS Addition | carpet-tis-addition | 1.46.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\carpet-tis-addition-mc1.19.4-v1.46.1.jar | | | |
1622 | | 467 | Celib | celib | 1.1.0 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\celib-1.1.0 1.19.jar | | | |
1623 | | 194 | Chat Heads | chat_heads | 0.10.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\chat_heads-0.10.9-fabric-1.19.3.jar | | | |
1624 | | 488 | Chat Patches | chatpatches | 194.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\chatpatches-194.4.0.jar | | | |
1625 | | 360 | Chat Walk | chatwalk | 1.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\chatwalk-1.0.1.jar | | | |
1626 | | 333 | Cherished Worlds | cherishedworlds | 6.0.4 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\cherishedworlds-quilt-6.0.4 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1627 | | 107 | Chest Tracker | chesttracker | 1.1.21 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\chesttracker-1.19.4-1.1.21.jar | | | |
1628 | | 402 | ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Villages | ctov | 3.1.8 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ctov-3.1.8.jar | | | |
1629 | | 457 | Chunky | chunky | 1.3.53 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Chunky-1.3.53.jar | | | |
1630 | | 236 | Clear Despawn | cleardespawn | 1.1.10 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ClearDespawn-fabric-1.19.2-1.1.10.jar | | | |
1631 | | 79 | ClickThrough | clickthrough | 1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-0.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\clickthrough-1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-0.4.jar | | | |
1632 | | 12 | Client Commands | clientcommands | 2.7.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\clientcommands-2.7.9.jar | | | |
1633 | | 481 | Client Tweaks | clienttweaks | 10.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\clienttweaks-fabric-1.19.4-10.0.1.jar | | | |
1634 | | 396 | Cloth Config v10 | cloth-config | 10.0.96 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cloth-config-10.0.96-fabric.jar | | | |
1635 | | 442 | Collective | collective | 6.54 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\collective-1.19.4-6.54.jar | | | |
1636 | | 113 | Colorful Subtitles | colorfulsubtitles | 1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\colorfulsubtitles-1.1.0.jar | | | |
1637 | | 465 | Colour My Servers | cms | 1.0.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\colour-my-servers-1.0.3.jar | | | |
1638 | | 475 | Combined Modifiers | cmods | 1.3.1 fabric-1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cmods-1.3.1 fabric-1.19.jar | | | |
1639 | | 227 | Compact Help Command | compacthelpcommand | 2.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\compacthelpcommand-1.19.4-2.1.jar | | | |
1640 | | 362 | Compostable Rotten Flesh | compostable-rottenflesh | 1.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\compostable-rottenflesh-1.0.0.jar | | | |
1641 | | 395 | Concrete Conversion | concreteconversion | **.**.**.** | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\concreteconversion-fabric- | | | |
1642 | | 190 | Conduits Prevent Drowned | conduitspreventdrowned | 3.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\conduitspreventdrowned-1.19.4-3.3.jar | | | |
1643 | | 86 | Connectivity Mod | connectivity | 1.19.3-3.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\connectivity-fabric-1.19.3-3.9.jar | | | |
1644 | | 64 | Continuity | continuity | 3.0.0-beta.2 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\continuity-3.0.0-beta.2 1.19.3.jar | | | |
1645 | | 201 | Controlling For Fabric | controlling | **.**.**.** | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Controlling-fabric-1.19.4- | | | |
1646 | | 440 | CraftPresence | craftpresence | 2.0.0-rc.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CraftPresence-2.0.0-rc.1 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1647 | | 365 | Craftify | craftify | 1.8.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Craftify-1.19.4-1.8.0-fabric.jar | | | |
1648 | | 278 | Crawl | crawl | 0.11.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\crawl-0.11.5.jar | | | |
1649 | | 407 | CreativeCore (Fabric) | creativecore | 2.10.7 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CreativeCore_FABRIC_v2.10.7_mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1650 | | 95 | CrowdinTranslate | crowdin-translate | 1.4 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sodium-extra-0.4.18 mc1.19.4-build.100.jar | /META-INF/jars/crowdin-translate-1.4 1.19.3.jar | | |
1651 | | 106 | Cull Clouds | cullclouds | 0.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cullclouds-0.1.0.jar | | | |
1652 | | 476 | Custom Entity Models | cem | 0.7.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cem-0.7.3.jar | | | |
1653 | | 375 | Cyan | cyan | 0.9.5 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Cyan-0.9.5 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1654 | | 320 | CyanLib | cyanlib | 0.1.5 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Cyan-0.9.5 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/cyanlib-0.1.5 1.19.4.jar | | |
1655 | | 394 | Dark Graph | darkgraph | 1.0.3 | quilt_loader | <mods>\dark-graph-1.0.3.jar | | | |
1656 | | 27 | DashLoader | dashloader | 5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dashloader-5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1657 | | 342 | Debugify | debugify | 1.19.4 1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Debugify-1.19.4 1.0.jar | | | |
1658 | | 344 | Deepslate Cutting | deepslatecutting | 1.6.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\deepslatecutting-fabric-1.6.1.jar | | | |
1659 | | 474 | Despawning Eggs Hatch | despawningeggshatch | 4.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\despawningeggshatch-1.19.4-4.1.jar | | | |
1660 | | 250 | Diggus Maximus | diggusmaximus | 1.5.8-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\diggusmaximus-1.5.8-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1661 | | 409 | Double Doors | doubledoors | 4.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\doubledoors-1.19.4-4.5.jar | | | |
1662 | | 290 | Draggable Resource Packs | draggable-resource-packs | 3.0.1 build.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\draggable-resource-packs-mc1.19-3.0.1 build.9.jar | | | |
1663 | | 317 | Dragon Drops Elytra | dragondropselytra | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dragondropselytra-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
1664 | | 215 | Drip Sounds | waterdripsound | 1.19-0.3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\DripSounds-1.19.4-0.3.2.jar | | | |
1665 | | 374 | Dyed | dyed | 1.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dyed-fabric-1.19.3-1.1.1.jar | | | |
1666 | | 132 | Dynamic Crosshair | dynamiccrosshair | 5.2 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dynamiccrosshair-5.2 1.19.4-fabric.jar | | | |
1667 | | 31 | Dynamic Crosshair Compat | dynamiccrosshaircompat | 3.1.1 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dynamiccrosshair-compat-3.1.1 1.19.3.jar | | | |
1668 | | 69 | Dynamic FPS | dynamicfps | 2.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dynamic-fps-2.2.0.jar | | | |
1669 | | 3 | Dynamic Music | dynmus | 2.2.2 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dynmus-2.2.2 1.19.3-fabric.jar | | | |
1670 | | 165 | Easy Elytra Takeoff | easyelytratakeoff | 4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\easyelytratakeoff-1.19.4-4.0.jar | | | |
1671 | | 29 | Elementa | elementa | 575 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Craftify-1.19.4-1.8.0-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/elementa-1.18.1-fabric-575.jar | | |
1672 | | 136 | ElytraPhysics | elytra_physics | 1.2-1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ElytraPhysics-1.2-1.19.3.jar | | | |
1673 | | 246 | Enchanting Commands | enchantingcommands | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\enchantingcommands-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
1674 | | 226 | Enchantment Lore | enchantment_lore | 1.3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\enchantment-lore-1.3.1 MC1.19.3-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1675 | | 463 | EnchantmentDescriptions | enchdesc | 15.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\EnchantmentDescriptions-Fabric-1.19.4-15.0.1.jar | | | |
1676 | | 361 | Enhanced Visuals (Fabric) | enhancedvisuals | 1.6.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\EnhancedVisuals_FABRIC_v1.6.3_mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1677 | | 398 | Entity Collision FPS Fix | entitycollisionfpsfix | **.**.**.** | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Entity_Collision_FPS_Fix-fabric-1.19- | | | |
1678 | | 388 | Entity Model Features | entity_model_features | 0.2.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\entity_model_features_fabric_1.19.4-0.2.4.jar | | | |
1679 | | 368 | Entity Texture Features | entity_texture_features | 4.3.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\entity_texture_features_fabric_1.19.4-4.3.5.jar | | | |
1680 | | 299 | Entity View Distance | entity-view-distance | 1.1.1 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\entity-view-distance-1.1.1 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1681 | | 130 | EntityCulling-Fabric | entityculling | 1.6.2-mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\entityculling-fabric-1.6.2-mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1682 | | 439 | Error Notifier | error_notifier | 1.0.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\RoughlyEnoughItems-11.0.597.jar | /META-INF/jars/error-notifier-fabric-1.0.9.jar | | |
1683 | | 182 | Erroring Entity Remover | eer | 1.0.3 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Erroring-Entity-Remover-Fabric-1.0.3 1.19.jar | | | |
1684 | | 105 | Essential Commands | essential_commands | 0.32.0-mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\essential_commands-0.32.0-mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1685 | | 109 | Essential Commands Core | ec-core | 1.3.0-mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\essential_commands-0.32.0-mc1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/ec-core-1.3.0-mc1.19.4.jar | | |
1686 | | 469 | EssentialGUI | essentialgui | 1.8.6 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\EssentialGUI-1.8.6 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1687 | | 66 | Exordium | exordium | 1.0.3-mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\exordium-fabric-1.0.3-mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1688 | | 255 | Explorify | explorify-fabric | 1.19-1.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\explorify-fabric-1.19-1.3.0.jar | | | |
1689 | | 271 | Extended Bone Meal | extendedbonemeal | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\extendedbonemeal-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
1690 | | 28 | Extra Thicc Packets | thiccpackets | 1.17-1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\extra_thicc_packets-1.0.jar | | | |
1691 | | 191 | Extract Poison | extractpoison | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\extractpoison-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
1692 | | 308 | FabricSkyBoxes | fabricskyboxes | 0.6.5 mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabricskyboxes-0.6.5 mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1693 | | 416 | Fabrication | fabrication | 3.2.5 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabrication-3.2.5 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1694 | | 158 | Falling Leaves | fallingleaves | 1.15.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fallingleaves-1.15.0 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1695 | | 224 | FallingTree | fallingtree | 3.12.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\FallingTree-1.19.4-3.12.1.jar | | | |
1696 | | 282 | FancyMenu | fancymenu | 2.14.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fancymenu_fabric_2.14.2_MC_1.19.4.jar | | | |
1697 | | 417 | Fast Load | fastload | 3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0.jar | | | |
1698 | | 183 | Fast Portals | fast-portals | 1.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabricfastportals-1.0.2.jar | | | |
1699 | | 6 | FastOpenResourcePacks | fastopenlinksandfolders | 1.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fastopenlinksandfolders-1.1.1.jar | | | |
1700 | | 266 | Fastload 1.19-0-1-2 Compatibility | fastload-119-0-1-2-compat | 3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/Fastload-1.19.0-1-2-Extension-3.3.0.jar | | |
1701 | | 316 | Fastload 1.19.3 Compatibility | fastload-1193-compat | 3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/Fastload-1.19.3-Extension-3.3.0.jar | | |
1702 | | 178 | Fastload 1.19.4 Compat | fastload-1194-compat | 3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/Fastload-1.19.4-Extension-3.3.0.jar | | |
1703 | | 303 | Fastload Fabric-api Forwarding | fastload_fapi_forward | 1.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Fastload 1.18.2-1.19.4-3.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/Fastload-Fapi-Forwarding-1.19.4-1.0.1.jar | | |
1704 | | 49 | Fat Experience Orbs | fatxporbs | 2.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fat-experience-orbs-2.0.1 1.18-fabric.jar | | | |
1705 | | 294 | FerriteCore | ferritecore | 5.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ferritecore-5.2.0-fabric.jar | | | |
1706 | | 127 | FeyTweaks | feytweaks | 1.19.4-1.2.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\feytweaks-1.19.4-1.2.5.jar | | | |
1707 | | 5 | FirstpersonModel | firstperson | 2.2.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\firstperson-fabric-2.2.3-mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1708 | | 91 | Fix Book Gui Mod | fixbookgui | 1.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fixbookgui-mc1.19.4-1.2.jar | | | |
1709 | | 274 | Fixed Anvil Repair Cost | fixedanvilrepaircost | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fixedanvilrepaircost-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
1710 | | 502 | Forge Config API Port | forgeconfigapiport | 6.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ForgeConfigAPIPort-v6.0.2-1.19.4-Fabric.jar | | | |
1711 | | 260 | Forgiving Void | forgivingvoid | 9.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\forgivingvoid-fabric-1.19.4-9.0.1.jar | | | |
1712 | | 204 | Freecam | freecam | 1.1.9 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\freecam-fabric-1.1.9 1.19.jar | | | |
1713 | | 399 | Furnace Recycle | furnacerecycle | 2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\furnacerecycle-1.19.4-2.0.jar | | | |
1714 | | 45 | GBfabrictools | gbfabrictools | 1.3.4 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\clickthrough-1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-0.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/GBfabrictools-1.3.4 1.19.3.jar | | |
1715 | | 471 | GUI Followers | guifollowers | 3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\guifollowers-1.19.4-3.2.jar | | | |
1716 | | 147 | Game Menu Remove GFARB | gamemenuremovegfarb | 2.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\gamemenuremovegfarb-fabric-mc1.19.4-2.1.0.jar | | | |
1717 | | 193 | Gamemode Detector | gamemodedetector | 1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\GamemodeDetector-1.1.jar | | | |
1718 | | 156 | Geophilic | geophilic | 1.19.4-2.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\geophilic-1.19.4-2.0.0.jar | | | |
1719 | | 168 | Grindstone Sharper Tools | grindstonesharpertools | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\grindstonesharpertools-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
1720 | | 263 | Head name fix | headfix | 1.2.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\head-name-fix-1.19.3-1.2.1.jar | | | |
1721 | | 346 | Healing Campfire | healingcampfire | 5.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\healingcampfire-1.19.4-5.1.jar | | | |
1722 | | 264 | Highlight | highlight | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\highlight-1.2.0-fabric.jar | | | |
1723 | | 176 | Hoe Tweaks | hoetweaks | 3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\hoetweaks-1.19.4-3.2.jar | | | |
1724 | | 321 | Hold That Chunk | holdthatchunk | 2.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\holdthatchunk-2.0.1 1.19.jar | | | |
1725 | | 72 | Hopo Better Underwater Ruins | hopobetterunderwaterruins | 1.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\HopoBetterUnderwaterRuins-[1.19.4]-1.1.1.jar | | | |
1726 | | 258 | HorseBuff | horsebuff | 2.0.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\HorseBuff-1.19.4-rc3-2.0.4.jar | | | |
1727 | | 140 | Hyphen | dev_quantumfusion_hyphen | 0.4.0-rc.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dashloader-5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/Hyphen-0.4.0-rc.3.jar | | |
1728 | | 489 | Ice Prevents Crop Growth | icepreventscropgrowth | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\icepreventscropgrowth-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
1729 | | 159 | Image2Map | image2map | 0.4.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\image2map-0.4.1.jar | | | |
1730 | | 319 | ImmediatelyFast | immediatelyfast | 1.1.11 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ImmediatelyFast-1.1.11 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1731 | | 146 | Immersive Paintings | immersive_paintings | 0.6.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\immersive_paintings-0.6.0 1.19.4-fabric.jar | | | |
1732 | | 296 | Immersive Thunder | leahs-immersive-thunder | 1.19.4 1.1.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ImmersiveThunder-fabric-1.19.4 1.1.2.jar | | | |
1733 | | 34 | Indium | indium | 1.0.15 mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\indium-1.0.15 mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1734 | | 117 | Infinity Water Bucket | infinitywaterbucket | 2.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Infinity-Water-Bucket-Fabric-1.19.4-2.0.0.jar | | | |
1735 | | 288 | Inventory Control Tweaks | inventory_control_tweaks | 1.3.20 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\inventory-control-tweaks-1.3.20 MC1.19.3-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1736 | | 253 | Inventory Profiles Next | inventoryprofilesnext | 1.9.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\InventoryProfilesNext-fabric-1.19.4-1.9.5.jar | | | |
1737 | | 464 | Inventory Totem | inventorytotem | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\inventorytotem-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
1738 | | 496 | Iris | iris | 1.6.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\iris-mc1.19.4-1.6.0.jar | | | |
1739 | | 324 | JamLib | jamlib | 0.6.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\jamlib-0.6.0 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1740 | | 87 | Jankson | jankson | 5.0.1 j1.2.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/LibGui-7.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/Jankson-Fabric-5.0.1 j1.2.2.jar | |
1741 | | 298 | JourneyMap API | journeymap-api-fabric | 1.19.4-1.9-fabric-SNAPSHOT | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\journeymap-1.19.4-5.9.5-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/journeymap-api-1.19.4-1.9-fabric-SNAPSHOT.jar | | |
1742 | | 499 | Journeymap | journeymap | 5.9.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\journeymap-1.19.4-5.9.5-fabric.jar | | | |
1743 | | 356 | Just Mob Heads | justmobheads | 7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\justmobheads-1.19.4-7.1.jar | | | |
1744 | | 500 | Keep My Soil Tilled | keepmysoiltilled | 2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\keepmysoiltilled-1.19.4-2.0.jar | | | |
1745 | | 373 | Kelp Fertilizer | kelpfertilizer | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\kelpfertilizer-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
1746 | | 161 | Kirin UI | kirin | 1.14.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Void-Fog-2.9.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/kirin-1.14.0.jar | | |
1747 | | 177 | KleeSlabs | kleeslabs | 14.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\kleeslabs-fabric-1.19.4-14.0.1.jar | | | |
1748 | | 390 | Konkrete | konkrete | 1.6.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\konkrete_fabric_1.6.0-2_MC_1.19.4.jar | | | |
1749 | | 154 | Krypton | krypton | 0.2.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\krypton-0.2.2.jar | | | |
1750 | | 421 | Kyrpt Config | kyrptconfig | 1.5.2-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\diggusmaximus-1.5.8-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/kyrptconfig-1.5.2-1.19.4.jar | | |
1751 | | 50 | Langfiles Plus | langfiles-plus | 1.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recursive-resources-2.3.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/cicada-lib-0.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/langfiles-plus-1.0.0.jar | |
1752 | | 9 | Lapis Reserve | lapisreserve | 1.0.8 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\lapisreserve-1.0.8.jar | | | |
1753 | | 22 | LazyDFU | lazydfu | 0.1.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\lazydfu-0.1.3.jar | | | |
1754 | | 332 | Let Me Despawn | letmedespawn | fabric-1.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\letmedespawn-1.18.x-1.19.x-fabric-1.0.2.jar | | | |
1755 | | 60 | Lib39 (Deferral) | lib39-deferral | 1.5.0-pre2.2 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabrication-3.2.5 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/lib39-deferral-1.5.0-pre2.2 1.19.3.jar | | |
1756 | | 272 | LibGui | libgui | 7.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/LibGui-7.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1757 | | 304 | LibJF | libjf | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | | | |
1758 | | 235 | LibJF Base | libjf-base | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-base-3.7.1.jar | | |
1759 | | 322 | LibJF Config | libjf-config-core-v1 | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-config-core-v1-3.7.1.jar | | |
1760 | | 328 | LibJF Config UI: Tiny | libjf-config-ui-tiny-v1 | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-config-ui-tiny-v1-3.7.1.jar | | |
1761 | | 173 | LibJF Data | libjf-data-v0 | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-data-v0-3.7.1.jar | | |
1762 | | 162 | LibJF Translate | libjf-translate-v1 | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-translate-v1-3.7.1.jar | | |
1763 | | 445 | LibJF Web | libjf-web-v0 | 3.7.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libjf-3.7.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/libjf-web-v0-3.7.1.jar | | |
1764 | | 83 | LibNinePatch | libninepatch | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/LibGui-7.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/libninepatch-1.2.0.jar | |
1765 | | 456 | Library ferret | libraryferret | 4.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libraryferret-fabric-1.19.4-4.0.0.jar | | | |
1766 | | 115 | Litematica | litematica | 0.14.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\litematica-fabric-1.19.4-0.14.2.jar | | | |
1767 | | 306 | Litematica Printer | litematica_printer | 7.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\litematica-printer-mc1.19.4-7.0.0.jar | | | |
1768 | | 385 | Lithium | lithium | 0.11.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\lithium-fabric-mc1.19.4-0.11.1.jar | | | |
1769 | | 482 | Log More Info | log_more_info | 1.0.0-1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\log_more_info-1.0.0-1.19.jar | | | |
1770 | | 8 | Logprot Mod | logprot | 1.19-2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\logprot-fabric-1.19-2.0.jar | | | |
1771 | | 247 | MAmbience | mambience | 5.3.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Mambience-5.3.0 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1772 | | 11 | MaLiLib | malilib | 0.15.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\malilib-fabric-1.19.4-0.15.2.jar | | | |
1773 | | 88 | Maelstrom Library | maelstrom_library | 1.5-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mobs-attempt-parkour-0.4-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/maelstrom-lib-1.19.4-SNAPSHOT.jar | | |
1774 | | 108 | Manningham Mills | mm | 2.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\crawl-0.11.5.jar | /META-INF/jars/Fabric-ASM-v2.3.jar | | |
1775 | | 43 | Map Canvas API | map-canvas-api | 0.2.2 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\image2map-0.4.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/map-canvas-api-0.2.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1776 | | 289 | MapFrontiers | mapfrontiers | 2.5.0-beta2-fabric | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\MapFrontiers-1.19.4-2.5.0-beta2-fabric.jar | | | |
1777 | | 497 | Masik's Puzzle Dungeon | masiks_puzzle_dungeon | 1.0.0-1.19.X | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Masik'sPuzzleDungeon-fabric-1.19.X-v1.0.1.jar | | | |
1778 | | 62 | Maybe data | maybe-data | 1.3.2-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\deepslatecutting-fabric-1.6.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/maybe-data-1.19.4-SNAPSHOT.jar | | |
1779 | | 181 | Memory Leak Fix | memoryleakfix | 1.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\memoryleakfix-fabric-1.17 -1.0.0.jar | | | |
1780 | | 94 | Memory Usage Screen | memoryusagescreen | 1.8.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\memoryusagescreen-fabric-mc1.19.4-1.8.1.jar | | | |
1781 | | 65 | MidnightLib | midnightlib | 1.2.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/midnightlib-1.2.1-fabric.jar | | |
1782 | | 393 | Minecraft | minecraft | 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <game>\.quilt\remappedJars\minecraft-1.19.4-0.18.8\client-intermediary.jar | | | |
1783 | | 441 | Mineral Chance | mineralchance | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mineralchance-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
1784 | | 468 | Mixin Conflict Helper | mixin-conflict-helper | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\MixinConflictHelper-1.2.0.jar | | | |
1785 | | 367 | MixinExtras | com_github_llamalad7_mixinextras | 0.2.0-beta.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\repurposed_structures-6.3.22 1.19.4-quilt.jar | /META-INF/jars/mixinextras-fabric-0.2.0-beta.6.jar | | |
1786 | | 487 | MixinTrace | mixintrace | 1.1.1 1.17 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mixintrace-1.1.1 1.17.jar | | | |
1787 | | 89 | Mo' Structures | mostructures | 1.4.3 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mostructures-1.4.3 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1788 | | 33 | Mobs Attempt Parkour | mobs_attempt_parkour | 0.4-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mobs-attempt-parkour-0.4-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1789 | | 422 | Mod Menu | modmenu | 6.1.0-rc.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\modmenu-6.1.0-rc.4.jar | | | |
1790 | | 135 | Monsters in the Closet | monsters_in_the_closet | 1.0.3 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\monsters-in-the-closet-1.0.3 1.19.jar | | | |
1791 | | 231 | Mooshroom Tweaks | mooshroomtweaks | 3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mooshroomtweaks-1.19.4-3.2.jar | | | |
1792 | | 207 | More Culling | moreculling | 1.19.4-0.17.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\moreculling-1.19.4-0.17.0.jar | | | |
1793 | | 188 | More Culling Extra | morecullingextra | 1.1-backport_1.19.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\MoreCullingExtra-1.1-backport_1.19.2.jar | | | |
1794 | | 142 | MoreMcmeta | moremcmeta | 1.19.4-3.0.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\moremcmeta-1.19.4-3.0.6-fabric.jar | | | |
1795 | | 501 | Mouse Tweaks | mousetweaks | 2.24 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\MouseTweaks-fabric-mc1.19.4-2.24.jar | | | |
1796 | | 80 | Music Duration Reducer | musicdr | 2.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\musicdr-2.1.0.jar | | | |
1797 | | 270 | Music Moods | music-moods | 0.2.0 mc.1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\music-moods-0.2.0 mc.1.19.4.jar | | | |
1798 | | 382 | Music Notification | musicnotification | 1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\musicnotification-mc1.19.4-1.1.jar | | | |
1799 | | 78 | Name Pain | namepain | 1.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\namepain-1.4.0 fabric-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1800 | | 453 | NetherPortalFix | netherportalfix | 12.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\netherportalfix-fabric-1.19.4-12.0.1.jar | | | |
1801 | | 353 | No Chat Reports | nochatreports | 1.19.4-v2.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\NoChatReports-FABRIC-1.19.4-v2.1.1.jar | | | |
1802 | | 376 | No Hostiles Around Campfire | nohostilesaroundcampfire | 5.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\nohostilesaroundcampfire-1.19.4-5.5.jar | | | |
1803 | | 112 | No Resource Pack Warnings | no-resource-pack-warnings | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\no-resource-pack-warnings-1.2.0.jar | | | |
1804 | | 279 | No Shield Delay | no-shield-delay | 1.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\no-shield-delay-1.0.0.jar | | | |
1805 | | 90 | NotEnoughAnimations | notenoughanimations | 1.6.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\notenoughanimations-fabric-1.6.3-mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1806 | | 318 | Notes | notes | 1.19.4-2.0.1-fabric | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Notes-1.19.4-2.0.1-fabric.jar | | | |
1807 | | 309 | Noxesium | noxesium | 0.1.8 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\noxesium-0.1.8.jar | | | |
1808 | | 295 | Numeral Ping | numeralping | 1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\numeralping-1.2.0.jar | | | |
1809 | | 21 | OmegaConfig | omega-config | 1.2.3-1.18.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mostructures-1.4.3 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/omega-config-base-1.2.3-1.18.1.jar | | |
1810 | | 144 | On Soul Fire | onsoulfire | 1.19-4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\onsoulfire-1.19-4.jar | | | |
1811 | | 199 | Open Parties and Claims | openpartiesandclaims | 0.17.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\open-parties-and-claims-fabric-1.19.4-0.17.2.jar | | | |
1812 | | 96 | Open/close Inventory | inventory-fix | 0.0.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\inventory-fix-0.0.3.jar | | | |
1813 | | 225 | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM | java | 19 | quilt_loader | C:\Program Files\graalvm-ce-java19-22.3.1 | | | |
1814 | | 472 | OptiGUI | optigui | 2.0.0-beta.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\optigui-2.0.0-beta.3.jar | | | |
1815 | | 98 | OptiGlue | optiglue | 2.0.0-beta.3-mc.1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\optigui-2.0.0-beta.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/optiglue-2.0.0-beta.3-mc.1.19.4.jar | | |
1816 | | 42 | Ost Overhaul | ostoverhaul | 0.2.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ostOverhaul-0.2.6-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1817 | | 254 | Overworld Coordinates | overworld_coordinates | 1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\overworld_coordinates-1.1.0.jar | | | |
1818 | | 401 | Paginated Advancements | paginatedadvancements | 2.0.0-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\paginatedadvancements-2.0.0-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1819 | | 155 | Pal | playerabilitylib | 1.7.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\essential_commands-0.32.0-mc1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/PlayerAbilityLib-1.7.0.jar | | |
1820 | | 234 | Passive Endermen | passiveendermen | 4.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\passiveendermen-1.19.4-4.2.jar | | | |
1821 | | 242 | Passive Shield | passiveshield | 3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\passiveshield-1.19.4-3.2.jar | | | |
1822 | | 37 | PersistentGamemodeSwitcher | persistentgamemodeswitcher | **.**.**.** | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\PersistentGamemodeSwitcher- | | | |
1823 | | 283 | Philip`s ruins | philipsruins | 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Philips-ruins1.19.4-1.3[Fabric].jar | | | |
1824 | | 351 | Physics Mod | physicsmod | 2.11.11 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\physics-mod-pro-v143-fabric-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1825 | | 340 | Placeholder API | placeholder-api | 2.0.0-rc.1 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/placeholder-api-2.0.0-rc.1 1.19.3.jar | | |
1826 | | 452 | Presence Footsteps | presencefootsteps | 1.8.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\PresenceFootsteps-1.8.0.jar | | | |
1827 | | 297 | Preventer | preventer | 0.8.7 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\1.19.4-preventer-0.8.7.jar | | | |
1828 | | 483 | Prism | prism | 1.0.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Prism-1.19.3-fabric-1.0.4.jar | | | |
1829 | | 70 | Puzzle | puzzle | 1.5.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1830 | | 25 | Puzzle Base | puzzle-base | 1.5.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/puzzle-base-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | | |
1831 | | 82 | Puzzle GUI | puzzle-gui | 1.5.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/puzzle-gui-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | | |
1832 | | 76 | Puzzle Models | puzzle-models | 1.5.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/puzzle-models-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | | |
1833 | | 120 | Puzzle Splash Screen | puzzle-splashscreen | 1.5.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\puzzle-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/puzzle-splashscreen-1.5.0 1.19.4.jar | | |
1834 | | 184 | QuarryPlus | quarryplus | 19.3.754 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\AdditionalEnchantedMiner-1.19-fabric-19.3.754.jar | | | |
1835 | | 240 | Quick Elytra | quick_elytra | 3.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quick_elytra-3.0.2-mc1.19.2.jar | | | |
1836 | | 265 | Quilt Advancement API | quilt_advancement | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/advancement-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1837 | | 192 | Quilt Base API | quilt_base | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/qsl_base-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1838 | | 426 | Quilt Biome API | quilt_biome | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/biome-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1839 | | 179 | Quilt Block Content Registry API | quilt_block_content_registry | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/block_content_registry-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1840 | | 209 | Quilt Block Entity API | quilt_block_entity | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/block_entity-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1841 | | 466 | Quilt Block Extensions API | quilt_block_extensions | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/block_extensions-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1842 | | 371 | Quilt Chat API | quilt_chat | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/chat-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1843 | | 418 | Quilt Client Command API | quilt_client_command | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/client_command-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1844 | | 355 | Quilt Command API | quilt_command | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/command-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1845 | | 492 | Quilt Crash Info | quilt_crash_info | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/crash_info-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1846 | | 202 | Quilt Dimension API | quilt_dimension | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/dimension-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1847 | | 485 | Quilt Entity API | quilt_entity | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/entity-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1848 | | 444 | Quilt Entity Events | quilt_entity_events | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/entity_events-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1849 | | 358 | Quilt Entity Networking API | quilt_entity_networking | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/entity_networking-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1850 | | 458 | Quilt Entity Rendering API | quilt_entity_rendering | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/entity_rendering-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1851 | | 378 | Quilt Item Content Registry API | quilt_item_content_registry | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/item_content_registry-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1852 | | 433 | Quilt Item Extensions API | quilt_item_extensions | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/item_extensions-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1853 | | 341 | Quilt Item Setting API | quilt_item_setting | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/item_setting-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1854 | | 432 | Quilt Kotlin Libraries | qkl | 2.0.1 | quilt_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | | | |
1855 | | 257 | Quilt Kotlin Libraries: Core | qkl_core | 2.0.1 | quilt_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-core-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | | |
1856 | | 495 | Quilt Kotlin Libraries: Library | qkl_library | 2.0.1 | quilt_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | | |
1857 | | 237 | Quilt Lifecycle Events | quilt_lifecycle_events | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/lifecycle_events-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1858 | | 455 | Quilt Loader | quilt_loader | 0.18.8 | quilt_loader | <user>\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\libraries\org\quiltmc\quilt-loader\0.18.8\quilt-loader-0.18.8.jar | | | |
1859 | | 261 | Quilt Multipart Entity API | quilt_entity_multipart | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/multipart-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1860 | | 493 | Quilt Networking | quilt_networking | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/networking-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1861 | | 203 | Quilt Point of Interest API | quilt_point_of_interest | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/point_of_interest-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1862 | | 345 | Quilt Recipe API | quilt_recipe | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/recipe-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1863 | | 310 | Quilt Registry API | quilt_registry | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/registry-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1864 | | 248 | Quilt Registry Entry Attachment | quilt_registry_entry_attachment | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/registry_entry_attachment-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1865 | | 431 | Quilt Resource Loader | quilt_resource_loader | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/resource_loader-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1866 | | 404 | Quilt Screen API | quilt_screen | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/screen-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1867 | | 216 | Quilt Status Effect API | quilt_status_effect | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/status_effect-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1868 | | 425 | Quilt Surface Rule API | quilt_surface_rule | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/surface_rule-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1869 | | 330 | Quilt Tags API | quilt_tags | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/tags-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1870 | | 405 | Quilt Testing API | quilt_testing | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/testing-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1871 | | 384 | Quilt Tooltip API | quilt_tooltip | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/tooltip-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1872 | | 350 | Quilt Vehicle API | quilt_vehicle | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/vehicle-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1873 | | 228 | Quilt Villager API | quilt_villager | 5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/villager-5.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1874 | | 180 | Quilted Fabric API | quilted_fabric_api | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1875 | | 315 | Quilted Fabric API Base | quilted_fabric_api_base | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-api-base-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1876 | | 414 | Quilted Fabric API Lookup API (v1) | quilted_fabric_api_lookup_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-api-lookup-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1877 | | 166 | Quilted Fabric Biome API (v1) | quilted_fabric_biome_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-biome-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1878 | | 359 | Quilted Fabric Block API (v1) | quilted_fabric_block_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-block-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1879 | | 339 | Quilted Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) | quilted_fabric_blockrenderlayer_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1880 | | 386 | Quilted Fabric Client Tags | quilted_fabric_client_tags_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-client-tags-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1881 | | 256 | Quilted Fabric Command API (v1) | quilted_fabric_command_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-command-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1882 | | 208 | Quilted Fabric Command API (v2) | quilted_fabric_command_api_v2 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-command-api-v2-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1883 | | 494 | Quilted Fabric Commands (v0) | quilted_fabric_commands_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-commands-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1884 | | 363 | Quilted Fabric Containers (v0) | quilted_fabric_containers_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-containers-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1885 | | 198 | Quilted Fabric Content Registries (v0) | quilted_fabric_content_registries_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-content-registries-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1886 | | 429 | Quilted Fabric Convention Tags API (v1) | quilted_fabric_convention_tags_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-convention-tags-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1887 | | 329 | Quilted Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) | quilted_fabric_crash_report_info_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-crash-report-info-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1888 | | 323 | Quilted Fabric Data Generation API (v1) | quilted_fabric_data_generation_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-data-generation-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1889 | | 249 | Quilted Fabric Dimensions API (v1) | quilted_fabric_dimensions_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-dimensions-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1890 | | 397 | Quilted Fabric Entity Events (v1) | quilted_fabric_entity_events_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-entity-events-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1891 | | 372 | Quilted Fabric Events Interaction (v0) | quilted_fabric_events_interaction_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-events-interaction-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1892 | | 460 | Quilted Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) | quilted_fabric_events_lifecycle_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-events-lifecycle-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1893 | | 205 | Quilted Fabric Game Rule API (v1) | quilted_fabric_game_rule_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-game-rule-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1894 | | 415 | Quilted Fabric Item API (v1) | quilted_fabric_item_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-item-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1895 | | 348 | Quilted Fabric Item Group API (v1) | quilted_fabric_item_group_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-item-group-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1896 | | 280 | Quilted Fabric Key Binding API (v1) | quilted_fabric_key_binding_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-key-binding-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1897 | | 217 | Quilted Fabric Key Bindings (v0) | quilted_fabric_keybindings_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-keybindings-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1898 | | 411 | Quilted Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) | quilted_fabric_lifecycle_events_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-lifecycle-events-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1899 | | 480 | Quilted Fabric Loot API (v2) | quilted_fabric_loot_api_v2 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-loot-api-v2-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1900 | | 291 | Quilted Fabric Loot Tables (v1) | quilted_fabric_loot_tables_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-loot-tables-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1901 | | 275 | Quilted Fabric Message API (v1) | quilted_fabric_message_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-message-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1902 | | 230 | Quilted Fabric Mining Level API (v1) | quilted_fabric_mining_level_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-mining-level-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1903 | | 391 | Quilted Fabric Models (v0) | quilted_fabric_models_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-models-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1904 | | 392 | Quilted Fabric Networking (v0) | quilted_fabric_networking_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-networking-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1905 | | 171 | Quilted Fabric Networking API (v1) | quilted_fabric_networking_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-networking-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1906 | | 352 | Quilted Fabric Object Builder API (v1) | quilted_fabric_object_builder_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-object-builder-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1907 | | 312 | Quilted Fabric Particles (v1) | quilted_fabric_particles_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-particles-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1908 | | 218 | Quilted Fabric Recipe API (v1) | quilted_fabric_recipe_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-recipe-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1909 | | 454 | Quilted Fabric Registry Sync (v0) | quilted_fabric_registry_sync_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-registry-sync-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1910 | | 172 | Quilted Fabric Renderer - Indigo | quilted_fabric_renderer_indigo | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-renderer-indigo-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1911 | | 305 | Quilted Fabric Renderer API (v1) | quilted_fabric_renderer_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-renderer-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1912 | | 189 | Quilted Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) | quilted_fabric_renderer_registries_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-renderer-registries-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1913 | | 335 | Quilted Fabric Rendering (v0) | quilted_fabric_rendering_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-rendering-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1914 | | 369 | Quilted Fabric Rendering (v1) | quilted_fabric_rendering_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-rendering-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1915 | | 213 | Quilted Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) | quilted_fabric_rendering_data_attachment_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1916 | | 423 | Quilted Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) | quilted_fabric_rendering_fluids_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-rendering-fluids-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1917 | | 223 | Quilted Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) | quilted_fabric_resource_conditions_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1918 | | 430 | Quilted Fabric Resource Loader (v0) | quilted_fabric_resource_loader_v0 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-resource-loader-v0-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1919 | | 219 | Quilted Fabric Screen API (v1) | quilted_fabric_screen_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-screen-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1920 | | 245 | Quilted Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) | quilted_fabric_screen_handler_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-screen-handler-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1921 | | 381 | Quilted Fabric Sound API (v1) | quilted_fabric_sound_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-sound-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1922 | | 408 | Quilted Fabric Transfer API (v1) | quilted_fabric_transfer_api_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-transfer-api-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1923 | | 174 | Quilted Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) | quilted_fabric_transitive_access_wideners_v1 | 6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4 | quilt_loader | <mods>\qfapi-6.0.0-beta.3_qsl-5.0.0-beta.2_fapi-0.76.0_mc-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1-6.0.0-beta.3 0.76.0-1.19.4.jar | | |
1924 | | 300 | Raknetify (Fabric) | raknetify | 0.1.0 alpha.5.69 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\raknetify-fabric-0.1.0 alpha.5.69-all.jar | | | |
1925 | | 267 | Random Sheep Colours | randomsheepcolours | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\randomsheepcolours-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
1926 | | 214 | Realistic Bees | realisticbees | 3.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\realisticbees-1.19.4-3.4.jar | | | |
1927 | | 484 | Recast | recast | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recast-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
1928 | | 40 | Recursive Resources | recursiveresources | 2.3.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recursive-resources-2.3.0 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1929 | | 139 | Reflect | net_lenni0451_reflect | 1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ImmediatelyFast-1.1.11 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/Reflect-1.1.0.jar | | |
1930 | | 491 | Regrowth | regrowth | 31.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\fabric-release-regrowth-1.19.4-31.1.0.jar | | | |
1931 | | 451 | RepeaterSound | repeatersound | 1.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\RepeaterSound-1.1.1_193-194.jar | | | |
1932 | | 141 | Replay Mod | replaymod | 1.19.4-2.6.12 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\replaymod-1.19.4-2.6.12.jar | | | |
1933 | | 262 | Replay Voice Chat | replayvoicechat | 1.19.4-1.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\replayvoicechat-1.19.4-1.3.0.jar | | | |
1934 | | 220 | Repurposed Structures | repurposed_structures | 6.3.22 1.19.4-quilt | quilt_loader | <mods>\repurposed_structures-6.3.22 1.19.4-quilt.jar | | | |
1935 | | 212 | ResolutionControl | resolutioncontrol | 1.19.4-3.0.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\resolution-control-plus-1.19.4-3.0.0.jar | | | |
1936 | | 122 | Resourceful Lib | resourcefullib | 1.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\highlight-1.2.0-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/resourcefullib-fabric-1.19.4-1.3.0.jar | | |
1937 | | 16 | Roughly Enough Items | roughlyenoughitems | 11.0.597 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\RoughlyEnoughItems-11.0.597.jar | | | |
1938 | | 354 | Roughly Enough Professions | roughlyenoughprofessions | 1.2.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\RoughlyEnoughProfessions-fabric-1.19.4-1.2.1.jar | | | |
1939 | | 26 | Roughly Enough Resources | roughlyenoughresources | 2.8.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\rer-2.8.0.jar | | | |
1940 | | 403 | Roughly Searchable | roughlysearchable | 2.5.3 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\roughly-searchable-2.5.3 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1941 | | 38 | Satin | satin | 1.11.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\blur-3.0.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/satin-1.11.0.jar | | |
1942 | | 479 | Scaffolding Drops Nearby | scaffoldingdropsnearby | 3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\scaffoldingdropsnearby-1.19.4-3.0.jar | | | |
1943 | | 119 | Screenshot to Clipboard | screenshotclipboard | 1.0.9 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\screenshot-to-clipboard-1.0.9-fabric.jar | | | |
1944 | | 170 | SeedMapper | seedmapper | 1.5.13 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\seedmapper-1.5.13.jar | | | |
1945 | | 185 | ServerCore | servercore | 1.3.5-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1946 | | 301 | Settxi Gui (YetAnotherConfigLib) | settxi-gui-yacl | 2.10.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/settxi-gui-yacl-2.10.6-fabric-1.19.3.jar | | |
1947 | | 102 | ShareEnderChest | shareenderchest | 1.6.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\shareenderchest-1.6.0.jar | | | |
1948 | | 4 | Shared Resources API | shared-resources-api | 1.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recursive-resources-2.3.0 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/shared-resources-api-1.5.0.jar | | |
1949 | | 277 | Shulker Box Tooltip | shulkerboxtooltip | 3.2.5 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\shulkerboxtooltip-fabric-3.2.5 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1950 | | 284 | Shulker Drops Two | shulkerdropstwo | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\shulkerdropstwo-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
1951 | | 400 | Simple Voice Chat | voicechat | 1.19.4-2.4.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\voicechat-fabric-1.19.4-2.4.3.jar | | | |
1952 | | 459 | Skeleton Horse Spawn | skeletonhorsespawn | 3.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\skeletonhorsespawn-1.19.4-3.6.jar | | | |
1953 | | 175 | SleepWarp | sleepwarp | 1.2.0 1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sleepwarp-1.2.0 1.19.jar | | | |
1954 | | 389 | Smaller Nether Portals | smallernetherportals | 3.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\smallernetherportals-1.19.4-3.4.jar | | | |
1955 | | 343 | Smooth Boot | smoothboot | 1.19.4-1.7.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\smoothboot-fabric-1.19.4-1.7.0.jar | | | |
1956 | | 20 | Sneaky! | sneaky | 1.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sneaky-1.2.jar | | | |
1957 | | 364 | Sodium | sodium | 0.4.10 build.24 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sodium-fabric-mc1.19.4-0.4.10 build.24.jar | | | |
1958 | | 379 | Sodium Extra | sodium-extra | 0.4.18 mc1.19.4-build.100 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sodium-extra-0.4.18 mc1.19.4-build.100.jar | | | |
1959 | | 160 | Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks | sspb | 3.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\sodium-shadowy-path-blocks-3.1.0.jar | | | |
1960 | | 313 | SomeOrdinaryTweaks | ordinarytweaks | 1.6.6 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\some-ordinary-tweaks-1.6.6 1.19.4.jar | | | |
1961 | | 196 | Sound Physics Remastered | sound_physics_remastered | 1.19.4-1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\soundphysics-fabric-1.19.4-1.1.0.jar | | | |
1962 | | 169 | Spawn Animations | spawn_animations_mr | 1.8.2 | quilt_loader | <mods>\spawn-animations-1.8.2.jar | | | |
1963 | | 292 | SpruceUI | spruceui | 4.2.0 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\music-moods-0.2.0 mc.1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/spruceui-4.2.0 1.19.4.jar | | |
1964 | | 211 | StackDeobfuscator | stackdeobfuscator | 1.3.1 fabric.d71a3c3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\StackDeobfuscator-1.3.1 fabric.d71a3c3.jar | | | |
1965 | | 326 | Starlight | starlight | 1.1.1 fabric.ae22326 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\starlight-1.1.1 fabric.ae22326.jar | | | |
1966 | | 133 | Stendhal | stendhal | 1.3.6-1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4.jar | | | |
1967 | | 197 | Stoneholm | stoneholm | 1.4.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stoneholm-1.4.4.jar | | | |
1968 | | 473 | Suggestion Tweaker | suggestion_tweaker | 1.19.1-1.3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\suggestion-tweaker-1.19.1-1.3.1-fabric.jar | | | |
1969 | | 97 | Syncmatica | syncmatica | 1.18.2-0.3.8 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\syncmatica-1.18.2-0.3.8.jar | | | |
1970 | | 200 | TCD Commons API | tcdcommons | 2.5.1 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\betterstats-2.5.2 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jarjar/tcdcommons-2.5.2 1.19.4.jar | | |
1971 | | 124 | Taski | dev_quantumfusion_taski | 2.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dashloader-5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/Taski-2.1.0.jar | | |
1972 | | 462 | Tax Free Levels | taxfreelevels | 1.3.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\TaxFreeLevels-1.3.3-fabric-1.19.jar | | | |
1973 | | 54 | TellMe | tellme | 0.9.0-beta.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\tellme-fabric-1.19.0-0.9.0-beta.1.jar | | | |
1974 | | 128 | TieFix | tiefix | 1.13.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\TieFix-1.13.0.jar | | | |
1975 | | 276 | Tiny Item Animations | tia | 1.19.4-1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\tia-1.19.4-1.0-fabric.jar | | | |
1976 | | 410 | Tips | tipsmod | 10.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Tips-Fabric-1.19.4-10.0.2.jar | | | |
1977 | | 436 | Toggleable Item Frames | toggleableitemframes | 2.1.1-1.19.x | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\toggleableitemframes-2.1.1-1.19.x.jar | | | |
1978 | | 48 | Tom's Simple Storage Mod | toms_storage | 1.5.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\toms_storage_fabric-1.19.4-1.5.4.jar | | | |
1979 | | 446 | Too Many Binds | toomanybinds | 0.3.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\toomanybinds-0.3.3.jar | | | |
1980 | | 287 | ToolStats | toolstats | 14.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ToolStats-Fabric-1.19.4-14.0.2.jar | | | |
1981 | | 281 | TotemCounter | totemcounter | 1.3.0-beta.2 mc1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\totemcounter-1.3.0-beta.2 mc1.19.4.jar | | | |
1982 | | 437 | TrampleNoMore | tramplenomore | 11.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\TrampleNoMore-Fabric-1.19.4-11.0.1.jar | | | |
1983 | | 221 | TrashSlot | trashslot | 14.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\trashslot-fabric-1.19.4-14.0.1.jar | | | |
1984 | | 19 | Trinkets | trinkets | 3.6.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\trinkets-3.6.0.jar | | | |
1985 | | 114 | TweakerMore | tweakermore | 3.10.1-beta.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\tweakermore-mc1.19.4-v3.10.1-beta.1.jar | | | |
1986 | | 1 | Tweakeroo | tweakeroo | 0.16.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\tweakeroo-fabric-1.19.4-0.16.0.jar | | | |
1987 | | 59 | Tweaks for Audio Engine | audio_engine_tweaks | 1.2.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\audio_engine_tweaks-1.2.2-1.19.3 build 4.jar | | | |
1988 | | 419 | Uncraftable Recipes | uncraftables | 1.8 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\uncraftables-1.8.jar | | | |
1989 | | 406 | Uncraftables | uncraftables_plus | 1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\uncraftables -1.1.jar | | | |
1990 | | 41 | UniversalCraft | universalcraft | 256 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Craftify-1.19.4-1.8.0-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/universalcraft-1.19.4-fabric-256.jar | | |
1991 | | 239 | Unofficial Sodium Biome Blending Fix | unofficial_sodium_biome_blending_fix | 1.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\unofficial-sodium-biome-blending-fix-1.0.2.jar | | | |
1992 | | 259 | Vanilla Refresh | vanilla_refresh_mr | 1.4.12d | quilt_loader | <mods>\vanilla-refresh-1.4.12d.jar | | | |
1993 | | 428 | Vanilla Structure Mod | mvs | 2.5.12-1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\mvs-2.5.12-1.19.3.jar | | | |
1994 | | 269 | VanillaIcecreamFix | vanillafix | b1.1.2 | quilt_loader | <mods>\VanillaIcecreamFix-b1.1.2.jar | | | |
1995 | | 327 | Very Many Players | vmp | 0.2.0 beta.7.69 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\vmp-fabric-mc1.19.4-0.2.0 beta.7.69-all.jar | | | |
1996 | | 23 | Vigilance | vigilance | 280 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Craftify-1.19.4-1.8.0-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/vigilance-1.18.1-fabric-280.jar | | |
1997 | | 164 | Villager Death Messages | villagerdeathmessages | 3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\villagerdeathmessages-1.19.4-3.1.jar | | | |
1998 | | 222 | Villager Names | villagernames | 5.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\villagernames-1.19.4-5.2.jar | | | |
1999 | | 15 | Villagers Follow Emeralds | villagers-follow-emeralds | 1.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\villagers-follow-emeralds-1.3.0 1.19.jar | | | |
2000 | | 123 | Visuality | visuality | 0.7.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\visuality-0.7.0.jar | | | |
2001 | | 413 | Void Fog | voidfog | 2.9.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Void-Fog-2.9.0.jar | | | |
2002 | | 252 | Weaker Spiderwebs | weakerspiderwebs | 3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\weakerspiderwebs-1.19.4-3.2.jar | | | |
2003 | | 268 | What's That Slot? | whats_that_slot | 1.3.3 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\whats-that-slot-fabric-1.3.3 1.19.4.jar | | | |
2004 | | 101 | Where Is It | whereisit | 1.14.16 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\whereisit-1.19.4-1.14.16.jar | | | |
2005 | | 325 | Why Does My Glass Sound Like That | whydoesmyglasssoundlikethat | 1.0.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\whydoesmyglasssoundlikethat-1.0.jar | | | |
2006 | | 100 | WorldEdit | worldedit | 7.2.14 6360-094b734 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\worldedit-mod-7.2.14.jar | | | |
2007 | | 438 | Xaero's World Map | xaeroworldmap | 1.29.5 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\XaerosWorldMap_1.29.5_Fabric_1.19.4.jar | | | |
2008 | | 293 | Xander's Sodium Options | xanders-sodium-options | 1.1.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\xanders-sodium-options-1.1.0-fabric-1.19.3.jar | | | |
2009 | | 486 | XrayMod | xray | 2.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\XrayMod-2.3.0.jar | | | |
2010 | | 366 | YUNG's API | yungsapi | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.10.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsApi-1.19.4-Fabric-3.10.1.jar | | | |
2011 | | 448 | YUNG's Better Desert Temples | betterdeserttemples | 1.19.4-Fabric-2.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterDesertTemples-1.19.4-Fabric-2.4.0.jar | | | |
2012 | | 447 | YUNG's Better Dungeons | betterdungeons | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterDungeons-1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0.jar | | | |
2013 | | 186 | YUNG's Better Mineshafts | bettermineshafts | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterMineshafts-1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0.jar | | | |
2014 | | 337 | YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses | betterfortresses | 1.19.4-Fabric-1.2.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterNetherFortresses-1.19.4-Fabric-1.2.0.jar | | | |
2015 | | 244 | YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments | betteroceanmonuments | 1.19.4-Fabric-2.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterOceanMonuments-1.19.4-Fabric-2.3.0.jar | | | |
2016 | | 470 | YUNG's Better Strongholds | betterstrongholds | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterStrongholds-1.19.4-Fabric-3.4.0.jar | | | |
2017 | | 461 | YUNG's Better Witch Huts | betterwitchhuts | 1.19.4-Fabric-2.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBetterWitchHuts-1.19.4-Fabric-2.3.0.jar | | | |
2018 | | 377 | YUNG's Bridges | yungsbridges | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsBridges-1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0.jar | | | |
2019 | | 357 | YUNG's Extras | yungsextras | 1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsExtras-1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0.jar | | | |
2020 | | 238 | YetAnotherConfigLib | yet-another-config-lib | 2.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YetAnotherConfigLib-2.4.0.jar | | | |
2021 | | 307 | Zoomify | zoomify | 2.9.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | | | |
2022 | | 67 | antlr4-runtime | org_antlr_antlr4-runtime | 4.11.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\iris-mc1.19.4-1.6.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/antlr4-runtime-4.11.1.jar | | |
2023 | | 134 | atomicfu-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm | 0.20.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/atomicfu-jvm-0.20.1.jar | |
2024 | | 427 | clientarguments | clientarguments | 1.4.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\seedmapper-1.5.13.jar | /META-INF/jars/clientarguments-1.4.4.jar | | |
2025 | | 148 | cloth-basic-math | cloth-basic-math | 0.6.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\toms_storage_fabric-1.19.4-1.5.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/cloth-config-fabric-10.0.96.jar | /META-INF/jars/basic-math-0.6.1.jar | |
2026 | | 63 | commons-text | org_apache_commons_commons-text | 1.10.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\optigui-2.0.0-beta.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/commons-text-1.10.0.jar | | |
2027 | | 336 | completeconfig-base | completeconfig-base | 2.3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cem-0.7.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/base-2.3.1.jar | | |
2028 | | 125 | completeconfig-gui-cloth | completeconfig-gui-cloth | 2.3.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\cem-0.7.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/gui-cloth-2.3.1.jar | | |
2029 | | 138 | conditional mixin | conditional-mixin | 0.3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\tweakermore-mc1.19.4-v3.10.1-beta.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/conditional-mixin-v0.3.2.jar | | |
2030 | | 145 | core | com_electronwill_night-config_core | 3.6.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/core-3.6.6.jar | | |
2031 | | 39 | eventbus | net_minecraftforge_eventbus | 6.0.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\CreativeCore_FABRIC_v2.10.7_mc1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/eventbus-6.0.4.jar | | |
2032 | | 150 | fabric-permissions-api | fabric-permissions-api-v0 | 0.2-SNAPSHOT | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/fabric-permissions-api-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar | | |
2033 | | 0 | glsl-transformer | io_github_douira_glsl-transformer | 2.0.0-pre12 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\iris-mc1.19.4-1.6.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/glsl-transformer-2.0.0-pre12.jar | | |
2034 | | 104 | httpmime | org_apache_httpcomponents_httpmime | 4.5.10 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\entity_texture_features_fabric_1.19.4-4.3.5.jar | /META-INF/jars/httpmime-4.5.10.jar | | |
2035 | | 32 | jankson | blue_endless_jankson | 1.2.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\stendhal-1.3.6-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/LibGui-7.0.0-beta.2 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/Jankson-Fabric-5.0.1 j1.2.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/jankson-1.2.2.jar |
2036 | | 143 | javassist | org_javassist_javassist | 3.29.2-GA | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsApi-1.19.4-Fabric-3.10.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/javassist-3.29.2-GA.jar | | |
2037 | | 81 | jcpp | org_anarres_jcpp | 1.4.14 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\iris-mc1.19.4-1.6.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/jcpp-1.4.14.jar | | |
2038 | | 110 | kotlin-reflect | org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect | 1.8.20 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-core-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlin-reflect-1.8.20.jar | |
2039 | | 35 | kotlin-stdlib | org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib | 1.8.20 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-core-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlin-stdlib-1.8.20.jar | |
2040 | | 61 | kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 | org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 | 1.8.20 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-core-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7-1.8.20.jar | |
2041 | | 121 | kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 | org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 | 1.8.20 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-core-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.8.20.jar | |
2042 | | 51 | kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm | 1.6.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm-1.6.4.jar | |
2043 | | 84 | kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 | 1.6.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8-1.6.4.jar | |
2044 | | 151 | kotlinx-datetime-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm | 0.4.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-datetime-jvm-0.4.0.jar | |
2045 | | 71 | kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm | 1.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm-1.5.0.jar | |
2046 | | 153 | kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm | 1.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm-1.5.0.jar | |
2047 | | 13 | kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm | org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm | 1.5.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\quilt-kotlin-libraries-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/quilt-kotlin-libraries-library-2.0.1 kt.1.8.20 flk.1.9.3.jar | /META-INF/jars/kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm-1.5.0.jar | |
2048 | | 137 | ktoml-core-jvm | com_akuleshov7_ktoml-core-jvm | 0.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/ktoml-core-jvm-0.3.0.jar | | |
2049 | | 380 | lazy-language-loader | lazy-language-loader | 0.3.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\lazy-language-loader-0.3.2.jar | | | |
2050 | | 241 | libIPN | libipn | 2.0.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\libIPN-fabric-1.19.4-2.0.4.jar | | | |
2051 | | 7 | mapping-io | net_fabricmc_mapping-io | 0.3.0 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\StackDeobfuscator-1.3.1 fabric.d71a3c3.jar | /META-INF/jars/mapping-io-0.3.0.jar | | |
2052 | | 17 | mclogs-java | gs_mclo_java_mclogs-java | 2.1.1 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ukulib-0.6.1 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/mclogs-java-2.1.1.jar | | |
2053 | | 126 | recipecache | recipecache | 0.2.0-1.19 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\recipecache-0.2.0-1.19.jar | | | |
2054 | | 53 | reflections | org_reflections_reflections | 0.10.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\YungsExtras-1.19.4-Fabric-3.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/reflections-0.10.2.jar | | |
2055 | | 103 | settxi-core | dev_isxander_settxi_settxi-core | 2.10.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/settxi-core-2.10.6.jar | | |
2056 | | 92 | settxi-gui | dev_isxander_settxi_settxi-gui | 2.10.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/settxi-gui-2.10.6.jar | | |
2057 | | 46 | settxi-kotlinx-serialization | dev_isxander_settxi_settxi-kotlinx-serialization | 2.10.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\Zoomify-2.9.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/settxi-kotlinx-serialization-2.10.6.jar | | |
2058 | | 116 | sgui | sgui | 1.2.1 1.19.3 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\image2map-0.4.1.jar | /META-INF/jars/sgui-1.2.1 1.19.3.jar | | |
2059 | | 129 | snakeyaml | org_yaml_snakeyaml | 1.33 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\essential_commands-0.32.0-mc1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/snakeyaml-1.33.jar | | |
2060 | | 18 | spark | spark | 1.10.34 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\spark-1.10.34-fabric.jar | | | |
2061 | | 131 | toml | com_electronwill_night-config_toml | 3.6.6 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\servercore-1.3.5-1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/toml-3.6.6.jar | | |
2062 | | 74 | toml4j | com_moandjiezana_toml_toml4j | 0.7.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ukulib-0.6.1 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/toml4j-0.7.2.jar | | |
2063 | | 314 | ukulib | ukulib | 0.6.1 1.19.4 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\ukulib-0.6.1 1.19.4.jar | | | |
2064 | | 68 | velocity-native | com_velocitypowered_velocity-native | 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\krypton-0.2.2.jar | /META-INF/jars/velocity-native-3.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar | | |
2065 | | 44 | yabn | com_teamresourceful_yabn | 1.0.2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\highlight-1.2.0-fabric.jar | /META-INF/jars/resourcefullib-fabric-1.19.4-1.3.0.jar | /META-INF/jars/yabn-1.0.2.jar | |
2066 | | 111 | zstd-jni | com_github_luben_zstd-jni | 1.5.2-2 | quilted_fabric_loader | <mods>\dashloader-5.0.0-alpha.13 1.19.4.jar | /META-INF/jars/zstd-jni-1.5.2-2.jar | | |
2067 | |------:|---------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------|------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|
2068 |
2069 | Quilted Fabric API: !! WARNING !! This instance is using Fabric API modules re-implemented by QSL. If the issue comes from Quilted Fabric API, DO NOT report to Fabric; report them to Quilt instead!
2070 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: failed to get walls all tags
2071 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: All 12 have been set properly
2072 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Initializing ServerSide Packet Registries
2073 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIClientPlugin
2074 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIClientPlugin
2075 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider HideIngredientsFromTagsPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIClientPlugin
2076 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider PluginEntry [roughlyenoughresources] for REIClientPlugin
2077 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider REIPlugin [toms_storage] for REIClientPlugin
2078 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider RoughlyEnoughItemsIntegration [trashslot] for REIClientPlugin
2079 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider WtsReiClientPlugin [whats_that_slot] for REIClientPlugin
2080 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider REITooltipPlugin [appleskin] for REIClientPlugin
2081 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider REPClientPlugin [roughlyenoughprofessions] for REIClientPlugin
2082 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering S2C receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:ci_msg
2083 | [21:18:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering S2C receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:og_not_enough
2084 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: You are now sneaky!
2085 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering S2C receiver with id roughlyenoughresources:swds_start
2086 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering S2C receiver with id roughlyenoughresources:swds_chunk
2087 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering S2C receiver with id roughlyenoughresources:swds_done
2088 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering S2C receiver with id roughlyenoughresources:sli
2089 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method method_23182 in #sodium:sodium.mixins.json:features.item.MixinItemRenderer from mod sodium cannot reduce visibiliy of PUBLIC target method, visibility will be upgraded.
2090 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Audio Priority Loaded!
2091 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: [citresewn] Registering CIT Conditions
2092 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: [citresewn] Registering CIT Types
2093 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: FixBookGui initialized
2094 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: [Cull Clouds] eeeeeee
2095 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: CameraOverhaul: CameraSystem is ready.
2096 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Krypton is now accelerating your Minecraft client's networking stack 🚀
2097 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Note that Krypton is most effective on servers, not the client.
2098 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: [SSPB] Broken dirt path lighting is best dirt path lighting lol
2099 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not read config file, default values will be used.
2100 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: [Indigo] Different rendering plugin detected; not applying Indigo.
2101 | [21:18:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Client init is called. quarryplus
2102 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Open Parties and Claims!
2103 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/EnumGetMethod.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2104 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/EnumGetMethod.class
2105 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/EnumGetMethod.class
2106 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/AutoreloadFileConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2107 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/AutoreloadFileConfig.class
2108 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/AutoreloadFileConfig.class
2109 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2110 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher.class
2111 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher.class
2112 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher$WatcherThread.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2113 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher$WatcherThread.class
2114 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher$WatcherThread.class
2115 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher$WatchedDir.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2116 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher$WatchedDir.class
2117 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher$WatchedDir.class
2118 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher$WatchedFile.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2119 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher$WatchedFile.class
2120 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/FileWatcher$WatchedFile.class
2121 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/AutosaveCommentedFileConfig.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2122 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/AutosaveCommentedFileConfig.class
2123 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/file/AutosaveCommentedFileConfig.class
2124 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ObservedMap.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2125 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ObservedMap.class
2126 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ObservedMap.class
2127 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/AbstractObserved.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2128 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/AbstractObserved.class
2129 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/AbstractObserved.class
2130 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ObservedEntry.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2131 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ObservedEntry.class
2132 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ObservedEntry.class
2133 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ObservedSet.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2134 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ObservedSet.class
2135 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/utils/ObservedSet.class
2136 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Initializing 'TCD Commons API' 2.5.1 1.19.4 as 'TCDCommonsClient'.
2137 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Initializing 'Better Statistics Screen' as 'BetterStatsClient'.
2138 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Saving config to C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\config\toolstats.json.
2139 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$CorrectionListener.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2140 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$CorrectionListener.class
2141 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$CorrectionListener.class
2142 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Multiple paths added for '/com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$CorrectionAction.class', but only a single one can be returned!
2143 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-com-electronwill-night-config-core.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$CorrectionAction.class
2144 | - QuiltZipFileSystem[transformed-mod-betterf3.i0] /com/electronwill/nightconfig/core/ConfigSpec$CorrectionAction.class
2145 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/INFO]: onInitializeClient done
2146 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading XsoConfig...
2147 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Loading Some-Ordinary-Tweaks config files
2148 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading ImmediatelyFast 1.1.11
2149 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Found Iris 1.6.0. Enabling compatibility.
2150 | [21:18:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Description Cache
2151 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Entity Texture Features, Thank you for 4 Million downloads :)
2152 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: [Cyan] Successfully initialized config
2153 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: [Cyan] Successfully initialized commands
2154 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: [Cyan] Successfully completed initialization
2155 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Music Notification initialized
2156 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading AdaptiveTooltipConfig...
2157 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: [Entity Model Features]: Loading! 1.19.3
2158 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/WARN]: Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method method_22702 in #iris:mixins.iris.compat.sodium.json:fast_render.MixinModelPart from mod iris cannot reduce visibiliy of PROTECTED target method, visibility will be upgraded.
2159 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Using Cloth Config GUI
2160 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Opus
2161 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded config file.
2162 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Saved config file.
2163 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinConnectScreen from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_412
2164 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Fastload Perceived Version: 1.19.4
2165 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Fastload Abstraction Supported Versions: 1.19.4
2166 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: DEBUG: FALSE
2167 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: CHUNK_TRY_LIMIT: 100
2168 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: LOCAL_RENDER_CHUNK_RADIUS: 10
2169 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: LOCAL_RENDER_CHUNK_AREA: 314
2170 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: SERVER_RENDER_CHUNK_RADIUS: 3
2171 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: SERVER_RENDER_CHUNK_AREA: 28
2172 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/WARN]: Using Cloth Config GUI
2173 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: [Config.read] Loaded config info from 'C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\config\chatpatches.json'!
2174 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: [Config.write] Saved config info to 'C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\config\chatpatches.json'!
2175 | [21:18:23] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Checking mod updates...
2176 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering S2C receiver with id architectury:spawn_entity_packet
2177 | [21:18:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Xaero's World Map - Stage 1/2
2178 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [Atmosfera] Finished initialization.
2179 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Loading Mappings...
2180 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Loaded Mappings in 8ms
2181 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Starting version check for craftpresence (MC 1.19.4) at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CDAGaming/VersionLibrary/master/CraftPresence/update.json
2182 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded config file.
2183 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Saved config file.
2184 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: EssentialGUI 1.8.6 - build 230408 initialized!
2185 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/WARN]: Found illegal access from Quilt Kotlin Libraries: Core to Quilt Loader
2186 | class org/quiltmc/qkl/core/adapter/KotlinAdapter.withDefaultAdapter(Lorg/quiltmc/loader/api/ModContainer;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object;
2187 | accessed the field org/quiltmc/loader/impl/util/DefaultLanguageAdapter.INSTANCE
2188 | Please don't use this, instead ask Quilt Loader to declare a new public API that can have guarenteed backwards compatibility!
2189 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/WARN]: Found illegal access from Quilt Kotlin Libraries: Core to Quilt Loader
2190 | class org/quiltmc/qkl/core/adapter/KotlinAdapter.withDefaultAdapter(Lorg/quiltmc/loader/api/ModContainer;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object;
2191 | accessed the method org/quiltmc/loader/impl/util/DefaultLanguageAdapter.create(Lorg/quiltmc/loader/api/ModContainer;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object;
2192 | Please don't use this, instead ask Quilt Loader to declare a new public API that can have guarenteed backwards compatibility!
2193 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: OptiGlue 2.0.0-beta.3-mc.1.19.4 initialized in Minecraft 1.19.4.
2194 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: OptiGUI 2.0.0-beta.3 initialized in Minecraft 1.19.4.
2195 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Received update status for craftpresence -> Beta (Target version: v2.0-.1)
2196 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/ERROR]: Failed to locate changelog data for craftpresence @ 2.0-.1
2197 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/WARN]: Error loading class: org/spongepowered/asm/synthetic/args/Args$7 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/spongepowered/asm/synthetic/args/Args$7)
2198 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.AnalyzerException: Error at instruction 503: Cannot invoke "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.hasSuperClass(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo)" because the return value of "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.forType(org.objectweb.asm.Type, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo$TypeLookup)" is null
2199 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer.analyze(Analyzer.java:273)
2200 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.generateLocalVariableTable(Locals.java:859)
2201 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getGeneratedLocalVariableTable(Locals.java:828)
2202 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalVariableAt(Locals.java:782)
2203 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalVariableAt(Locals.java:752)
2204 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalsAt(Locals.java:545)
2205 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalsAt(Locals.java:336)
2206 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInjector.preInject(CallbackInjector.java:479)
2207 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.code.Injector.preInject(Injector.java:258)
2208 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.struct.InjectionInfo.preInject(InjectionInfo.java:436)
2209 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTargetContext.applyInjections(MixinTargetContext.java:1371)
2210 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.applyInjections(MixinApplicatorStandard.java:1062)
2211 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.applyMixin(MixinApplicatorStandard.java:402)
2212 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.apply(MixinApplicatorStandard.java:327)
2213 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.apply(TargetClassContext.java:421)
2214 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.applyMixins(TargetClassContext.java:403)
2215 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(MixinProcessor.java:363)
2216 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClass(MixinTransformer.java:234)
2217 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClassBytes(MixinTransformer.java:202)
2218 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.getPostMixinClassByteArray(KnotClassDelegate.java:451)
2219 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:246)
2220 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClassOnly(KnotClassDelegate.java:164)
2221 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:150)
2222 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(KnotClassLoader.java:228)
2223 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:521)
2224 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
2225 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:1013)
2226 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:150)
2227 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.defineClassFwd(KnotClassLoader.java:310)
2228 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:301)
2229 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClassOnly(KnotClassDelegate.java:164)
2230 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:150)
2231 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(KnotClassLoader.java:228)
2232 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:521)
2233 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
2234 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:1013)
2235 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:150)
2236 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.defineClassFwd(KnotClassLoader.java:310)
2237 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:301)
2238 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClassOnly(KnotClassDelegate.java:164)
2239 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:150)
2240 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(KnotClassLoader.java:228)
2241 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:521)
2242 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
2243 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:1013)
2244 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:150)
2245 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.defineClassFwd(KnotClassLoader.java:310)
2246 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:301)
2247 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClassOnly(KnotClassDelegate.java:164)
2248 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:150)
2249 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(KnotClassLoader.java:228)
2250 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:521)
2251 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.dorianpb.cem.mixins.EntityRendererAccessor.getRENDERER_FACTORIES(EntityRendererAccessor.java)
2252 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.dorianpb.cem.internal.api.CemEntityInitializer.register(CemEntityInitializer.java:41)
2253 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.dorianpb.cem.external.CemEntitiesInit.onInit(CemEntitiesInit.java:11)
2254 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.dorianpb.cem.internal.CemInit.lambda$onInitializeClient$3(CemInit.java:22)
2255 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1511)
2256 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.dorianpb.cem.internal.CemInit.onInitializeClient(CemInit.java:18)
2257 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.Hooks.lambda$startClient$1(Hooks.java:56)
2258 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.lambda$invoke$0(EntrypointUtils.java:36)
2259 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke0(EntrypointUtils.java:62)
2260 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invokeContainer(EntrypointUtils.java:49)
2261 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke(EntrypointUtils.java:36)
2262 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.Hooks.startClient(Hooks.java:56)
2263 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.class_310.<init>(class_310.java:468)
2264 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:198)
2265 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:104)
2266 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:578)
2267 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:527)
2268 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:82)
2269 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:28)
2270 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch(StandardLauncher.java:88)
2271 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen(EntryPoint.java:126)
2272 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:71)
2273 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.hasSuperClass(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo)" because the return value of "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.forType(org.objectweb.asm.Type, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo$TypeLookup)" is null
2274 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.asm.MixinVerifier.isAssignableFrom(MixinVerifier.java:104)
2275 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.SimpleVerifier.isSubTypeOf(SimpleVerifier.java:212)
2276 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicVerifier.naryOperation(BasicVerifier.java:400)
2277 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicVerifier.naryOperation(BasicVerifier.java:44)
2278 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Frame.executeInvokeInsn(Frame.java:682)
2279 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Frame.execute(Frame.java:609)
2280 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer.analyze(Analyzer.java:165)
2281 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 73 more
2282 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping #tiefix:TieFix.mixins.json:mc4490.FishingBobberEntityRendererMixin from mod tiefix->@ModifyConstant::applySneakYOffset(F)F with priority 500, already redirected by #debugify:debugify.client.mixins.json:basic.mc4490.FishingHookRendererMixin from mod debugify->@ModifyConstant::renderSneakOffset(F)F with priority 1000
2283 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/ERROR]: Invalid property detected ("advancedSettings.guiSettings.guiData..textOverride"), removing property...
2284 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/ERROR]: Invalid property detected ("advancedSettings.guiSettings.guiData..iconOverride"), removing property...
2285 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/ERROR]: Invalid property detected ("advancedSettings.guiSettings.guiData..data"), removing property...
2286 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading 62 entities from Custom Entity Models 0.7.3
2287 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Blanket, enabling 9 feature(s).
2288 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [BetterF3] Loading...
2289 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [BetterF3] All done!
2290 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [atianxray] Initialization
2291 | [21:18:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [ChatPatches()] Finished setting up!
2292 | [21:18:25] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Update available for 'cherishedworlds@6.0.4 1.19.4', (-> 6.0.4 1.19.4)
2293 | [21:18:25] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Update available for 'repurposed_structures@6.3.22 1.19.4-quilt', (-> 6.3.22 1.19.4-fabric)
2294 | [21:18:25] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Update available for 'accurateblockplacement@1.0.16', (-> 1.0.17)
2295 | [21:18:25] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Update available for 'cakechomps@6.0.1 1.19.4', (-> 6.0.1 1.19.4)
2296 | [21:18:25] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Update available for 'chatpatches@194.4.0', (-> 194.4.2)
2297 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Configuration settings have been saved and reloaded successfully!
2298 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Checking for "curse" pack data...
2299 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/ERROR]: Unable to get "curse" pack data (ignore if not using a "curse" pack)
2300 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Checking for "mcupdater" pack data...
2301 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/ERROR]: Unable to get "mcupdater" pack data (ignore if not using a "mcupdater" pack)
2302 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Checking for "multimc" pack data...
2303 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Found "multimc" pack data! (Name: "Long-term", Icon: "bee_legacy")
2304 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Checking Discord for available assets with Client Id: 450485984333660181
2305 | [21:18:25] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Originally coded by paulhobbel - https://github.com/paulhobbel
2306 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Mouse Tweaks] Main.initialize()
2307 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Mouse Tweaks] Initialized.
2308 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinOptions from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_315
2309 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onlyShowSecureChat$0(Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onlyShowSecureChat$0$2 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinOptions from mod nochatreports
2310 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [Quilt Command|Client] Networking support is enabled
2311 | [21:18:26] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: 124 total assets detected!
2312 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinChatComponent from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_338
2313 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$modifyGUIMessage$1()V to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$modifyGUIMessage$1$2 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatComponent from mod nochatreports
2314 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$modifyGUIMessage$0(Lnet/minecraft/class_5348;Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;)V to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$modifyGUIMessage$0$3 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatComponent from mod nochatreports
2315 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing chat.ChatHudMixin from #chatpatches:chatpatches.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_338
2316 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$cps$modifyMessage$2(Lnet/minecraft/class_2583;Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;)Lnet/minecraft/class_5250; to md2a3b7b$chatpatches$lambda$cps$modifyMessage$2$4 in #chatpatches:chatpatches.mixins.json:chat.ChatHudMixin from mod chatpatches
2317 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$cps$modifyMessage$1(Lnet/minecraft/class_2583;Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;)Lnet/minecraft/class_5250; to md2a3b7b$chatpatches$lambda$cps$modifyMessage$1$5 in #chatpatches:chatpatches.mixins.json:chat.ChatHudMixin from mod chatpatches
2318 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$cps$modifyMessage$0(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; to md2a3b7b$chatpatches$lambda$cps$modifyMessage$0$6 in #chatpatches:chatpatches.mixins.json:chat.ChatHudMixin from mod chatpatches
2319 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Error loading class: org/spongepowered/asm/synthetic/args/Args$8 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/spongepowered/asm/synthetic/args/Args$8)
2320 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.AnalyzerException: Error at instruction 702: Cannot invoke "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.hasSuperClass(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo)" because the return value of "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.forType(org.objectweb.asm.Type, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo$TypeLookup)" is null
2321 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer.analyze(Analyzer.java:273)
2322 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.generateLocalVariableTable(Locals.java:859)
2323 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getGeneratedLocalVariableTable(Locals.java:828)
2324 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalVariableAt(Locals.java:782)
2325 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalVariableAt(Locals.java:752)
2326 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalsAt(Locals.java:545)
2327 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalsAt(Locals.java:336)
2328 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.modify.LocalVariableDiscriminator$Context.initLocals(LocalVariableDiscriminator.java:154)
2329 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.modify.LocalVariableDiscriminator$Context.<init>(LocalVariableDiscriminator.java:148)
2330 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.modify.ModifyVariableInjector$Context.<init>(ModifyVariableInjector.java:71)
2331 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.modify.ModifyVariableInjector.preInject(ModifyVariableInjector.java:159)
2332 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.code.Injector.preInject(Injector.java:258)
2333 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.struct.InjectionInfo.preInject(InjectionInfo.java:436)
2334 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTargetContext.applyInjections(MixinTargetContext.java:1371)
2335 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.applyInjections(MixinApplicatorStandard.java:1062)
2336 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.applyMixin(MixinApplicatorStandard.java:402)
2337 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.apply(MixinApplicatorStandard.java:327)
2338 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.apply(TargetClassContext.java:421)
2339 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.applyMixins(TargetClassContext.java:403)
2340 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(MixinProcessor.java:363)
2341 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClass(MixinTransformer.java:234)
2342 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClassBytes(MixinTransformer.java:202)
2343 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.getPostMixinClassByteArray(KnotClassDelegate.java:451)
2344 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:246)
2345 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClassOnly(KnotClassDelegate.java:164)
2346 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:150)
2347 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(KnotClassLoader.java:228)
2348 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:521)
2349 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.class_315.<init>(class_315.java:469)
2350 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.class_310.<init>(class_310.java:470)
2351 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:198)
2352 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:104)
2353 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:578)
2354 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:527)
2355 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:82)
2356 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:28)
2357 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch(StandardLauncher.java:88)
2358 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen(EntryPoint.java:126)
2359 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:71)
2360 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.hasSuperClass(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo)" because the return value of "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.forType(org.objectweb.asm.Type, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo$TypeLookup)" is null
2361 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.asm.MixinVerifier.isAssignableFrom(MixinVerifier.java:104)
2362 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.SimpleVerifier.isSubTypeOf(SimpleVerifier.java:212)
2363 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicVerifier.naryOperation(BasicVerifier.java:400)
2364 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicVerifier.naryOperation(BasicVerifier.java:44)
2365 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Frame.executeInvokeInsn(Frame.java:682)
2366 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Frame.execute(Frame.java:609)
2367 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer.analyze(Analyzer.java:165)
2368 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 38 more
2369 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinGuiMessageTagIcon from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7591$class_7592
2370 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming @Invoker method create(Ljava/lang/String;IIIII)Lnet/minecraft/class_7591$class_7592; to create$nochatreports_$md$2a3b7b$0 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinGuiMessageTagIcon from mod nochatreports
2371 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 build 7
2372 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Not enabling OpenGL compat profile as no mods want it.
2373 | [21:18:26] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Loaded display data with Client Id: 450485984333660181 (Logged in as TajemnikTV)
2374 | [21:18:26] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Failed to assign an alternative icon for asset name "bee_legacy", using default/randomized icon ""...
2375 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing MouseMixin from #craftify:mixins.craftify.json into net.minecraft.class_312
2376 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Debug functionality is disabled.
2377 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: ARB_direct_state_access detected, enabling DSA.
2378 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/ERROR]: Pack "Shrimple-main" is not valid! Can't load it.
2379 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Falling back to normal rendering without shaders because the shaderpack could not be loaded
2380 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Shaders are disabled
2381 | [21:18:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Quilt NioResourcePack: ignored invalid namespace: ElytraPhysics in mod ID elytra_physics
2382 | [21:18:27] [Render thread/WARN]: Quilt NioResourcePack: ignored invalid namespace: ElytraPhysics in mod ID elytra_physics
2383 | [21:18:27] [Render thread/INFO]: enabled vertex attrib rendering path
2384 | [21:18:28] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/WARN]: [Iris Update Check] This version doesn't have an update index, skipping.
2385 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/INFO]: Hardware information:
2386 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/INFO]: CPU: 12x AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
2387 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/INFO]: GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (Supports OpenGL 3.2.0 Core Profile Context
2388 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/INFO]: OS: Windows 11 (10.0)
2389 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/WARN]: Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method method_3295 in #sodium:sodium.mixins.json:features.chunk_rendering.MixinWorldRenderer from mod sodium cannot reduce visibiliy of PUBLIC target method, visibility will be upgraded.
2390 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/WARN]: @Redirect conflict. Skipping #dynamiccrosshair:dynamiccrosshair-common.mixins.json:InGameHudMixin from mod dynamiccrosshair->@Redirect::dynamiccrosshair$debugCrosshair(Lnet/minecraft/class_315;)Z with priority 1010, already redirected by #betterf3:betterf3.mixins.json:debugcrosshair.DebugCrosshairMixin from mod betterf3->@Redirect::removeDebugCrosshair(Lnet/minecraft/class_315;)Z with priority 1100
2391 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/INFO]: Narrator library for x64 successfully loaded
2392 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinChatListener from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7594
2393 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing chat.MessageHandlerMixin from #chatpatches:chatpatches.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7594
2394 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/WARN]: Quilt NioResourcePack: ignored invalid namespace: ElytraPhysics in mod ID elytra_physics
2395 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/WARN]: Quilt NioResourcePack: ignored invalid namespace: ElytraPhysics in mod ID elytra_physics
2396 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/WARN]: Ignored non-lowercase namespace: .DS_Store in C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\resourcepacks\Pixlli V10 1.20-1.13 128x.zip
2397 | [21:18:29] [Render thread/WARN]: Ignored non-lowercase namespace: .DS_Store in C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\resourcepacks\Pixlli V10 1.20-1.13 128x.zip
2398 | [21:18:30] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: vanilla (Smooth Boot, Jankson, Xaero's World Map, Game Menu Remove GFARB, Collective, Cull Clouds, Dynamic Crosshair, CraftPresence, Animatica, Puzzle GUI, Fastload 1.19.4 Compat, Name Pain, Quilt Block Entity API, Quilt Point of Interest API, Quilted Fabric Renderer - Indigo, CaffeineConfig, libIPN, LibJF Web, Gamemode Detector, Memory Usage Screen, Connectivity Mod, Notes, Ambient Sounds (Fabric), Tweaks for Audio Engine, Quilted Fabric Resource Loader (v0), Quilted Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1), CIT Resewn, Better FPS distance Mod, Presence Footsteps, Quilt Item Setting API, Quilt Entity API, BetterConfig, Better Recipe Book, Better Biome Blend, Infinity Water Bucket, Overworld Coordinates, Quilted Fabric Message API (v1), YUNG's Better Witch Huts, Inventory Profiles Next, TrashSlot, spark, WorldEdit, FancyMenu, Forgiving Void, Sodium, Exordium, Quilted Fabric Data Generation API (v1), Quilted Fabric Screen Handler API (v1), Mobs Attempt Parkour, Quilted Fabric Dimensions API (v1), Essential Commands Core, Satin, On Soul Fire, Debugify, Axolotl Item Fix, Quilt Item Extensions API, TotemCounter, Dynamic Crosshair Compat, Clear Despawn, Drip Sounds, No Chat Reports, Quilted Fabric Loot Tables (v1), Journeymap, Physics Mod, Colour My Servers, Crawl, Quilted Fabric Renderer API (v1), Alternate Current, Blanket Client-tweaks, Quilted Fabric Client Tags, Quilted Fabric Registry Sync (v0), Cyan, Logprot Mod, Essential Commands, LibJF, Quilted Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1), EssentialGUI, Quilted Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1), Quilt Entity Events, Fix Book Gui Mod, Better Statistics Screen, Mod Menu, Quilt Crash Info, Very Many Players, Replay Voice Chat, Quilted Fabric Rendering (v1), CyanLib, Quilted Fabric Transfer API (v1), Lithium, CIT Resewn: Defaults, Bookshelf, Combined Modifiers, Quilt Chat API, Zoomify, EntityCulling-Fabric, Quilt Status Effect API, Quilted Fabric Renderer Registries (v1), Xander's Sodium Options, AppleSkin, Client Commands, Beenfo, Camera Overhaul, Camp Fires Cook Mobs, LibGui, Preventer, Carpet Mod, Controlling For Fabric, Music Notification, Quilt Command API, Dark Graph, TieFix, Draggable Resource Packs, Sodium Extra, Quilted Fabric Mining Level API (v1), Puzzle Base, Sound Physics Remastered, Chat Patches, Quilt Block Extensions API, Kyrpt Config, Where Is It, Roughly Enough Professions, EnchantmentDescriptions, Quilt Entity Rendering API, Blur (Fabric), ResolutionControl , OptiGUI, Log More Info, SpruceUI, Carpet TIS Addition, Axes Are Weapons, Quilted Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1), Placeholder API, SomeOrdinaryTweaks, Puzzle Splash Screen, Quilted Fabric Models (v0), Quilted Fabric Loot API (v2), Break Free, Quilted Fabric Rendering (v0), Uncraftables , Quilt Block Content Registry API, Quilted Fabric Crash Report Info (v1), Fastload 1.19-0-1-2 Compatibility, BetterF3, Quilted Fabric Key Bindings (v0), Chat Heads, conditional mixin, ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Villages, Paginated Advancements, Quilt Villager API, JamLib, Numeral Ping, No Shield Delay, Quilt Advancement API, FabricSkyBoxes, Accurate Block Placement, GUI Followers, Fastload 1.19.3 Compatibility, Vanilla Structure Mod, Quilt Tooltip API, ImmediatelyFast, Deepslate Cutting, RepeaterSound, MaLiLib, Erroring Entity Remover, Realistic Bees, Quilted Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1), Quilt Loader, Quilt Networking, Raknetify (Fabric), Entity Model Features, Entity View Distance, VanillaIcecreamFix, PersistentGamemodeSwitcher, Better Third Person, Manningham Mills, Atmosfera, Quilt Surface Rule API, Quilted Fabric Networking API (v1), Why Does My Glass Sound Like That, Quilted Fabric Command API (v1), Quilted Fabric Particles (v1), Quilt Client Command API, Cardinal Components API (entities), ShareEnderChest, MAmbience, BoatHud, LazyDFU, sgui, FirstpersonModel, Shulker Box Tooltip, XrayMod, Quilted Fabric Command API (v2), Bedrock Miner, Let Me Despawn, MapFrontiers, Open Parties and Claims, Dynamic FPS, ServerCore, LibJF Translate, SeedMapper, Head name fix, Visuality, Masik's Puzzle Dungeon, Continuity, OmegaConfig, Bedrodium, Sneaky!, Quilted Fabric API Base, Tips, Camera Utils, LibJF Config UI: Tiny, CICADA, Fabrication, Quilt Dimension API, YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses, Chunky, Dynamic Music, Quilt Recipe API, Quilt Registry Entry Attachment, Roughly Searchable, Quilt Entity Networking API, YUNG's Better Mineshafts, Regrowth, Quilted Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0), Fastload Fabric-api Forwarding, Freecam, Quilt Lifecycle Events, Stoneholm, Image2Map, Client Tweaks, Biome Music Mod, Iris, Diggus Maximus, Tom's Simple Storage Mod, Krypton, Highlight, MidnightLib, Quilt Kotlin Libraries, Quilted Fabric Object Builder API (v1), GBfabrictools, Void Fog, More Culling, Quilted Fabric API, YUNG's Better Strongholds, Quilted Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1), ClickThrough, Immersive Thunder, MixinTrace, Armor Stands, What's That Slot?, Toggleable Item Frames, Colorful Subtitles, KleeSlabs, Litematica, Quilted Fabric Events Interaction (v0), Quilt Vehicle API, Quilted Fabric Entity Events (v1), Maelstrom Library, Enhanced Visuals (Fabric), Quilted Fabric Convention Tags API (v1), FeyTweaks, Custom Entity Models, Adaptive Tooltips, Quilted Fabric Sound API (v1), Fast Load, Quilted Fabric Game Rule API (v1), Pal, Quick Elytra, Unofficial Sodium Biome Blending Fix, Replay Mod, Ost Overhaul, Shared Resources API, Quilted Fabric Block API (v1), Stendhal, Noxesium, Tweakeroo, HorseBuff, YUNG's Better Dungeons, Quilt Biome API, StackDeobfuscator, Quilted Fabric Key Binding API (v1), Map Canvas API, Compostable Rotten Flesh, Quilted Fabric Content Registries (v0), Quilt Item Content Registry API, Actually Unbreaking, Tiny Item Animations, QuarryPlus, Quilt Tags API, FallingTree, Quilted Fabric Recipe API (v1), Celib, Chat Walk, Quilt Base API, Quilted Fabric Item Group API (v1), ukulib, Better Beds, Quilted Fabric Containers (v0), Philip`s ruins, Quilt Multipart Entity API, LibJF Config, Konkrete, NetherPortalFix, TweakerMore, Entity Texture Features, Forge Config API Port, Additional Structures, Bossbar stack, Quilt Resource Loader, Hold That Chunk, NotEnoughAnimations, Simple Voice Chat, Concrete Conversion, Tax Free Levels, Quilted Fabric API Lookup API (v1), Library ferret, Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks, Uncraftable Recipes, Quilted Fabric Screen API (v1), Villagers Follow Emeralds, More Culling Extra, Dyed, Cherished Worlds, Immersive Paintings, Cloth Config v10, Quilt Testing API, Trinkets, lazy-language-loader, Music Moods, Repurposed Structures, Roughly Enough Resources, Quilted Fabric Item API (v1), YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments, Starlight, Indium, Inventory Control Tweaks, Quilted Fabric Networking (v0), Quilt Screen API, TCD Commons API, CreativeCore (Fabric), Too Many Binds, Fast Portals, Music Duration Reducer, Quilt Registry API, Langfiles Plus, Monsters in the Closet, Roughly Enough Items, Cardinal Components API (base), Quilted Fabric Biome API (v1), AttributeFix, Litematica Printer, Puzzle, Enchantment Lore, Mo' Structures, YetAnotherConfigLib, YUNG's Better Desert Temples, Puzzle Models, Falling Leaves, Recursive Resources, Chest Tracker, Syncmatica, ToolStats, Suggestion Tweaker, Quilted Fabric Commands (v0), AllStackable, completeconfig-base), continuity/default, file/Faithful Addons (64x)/[13] Faithfull 64x, file/Pixlli V10 1.20-1.13 128x.zip, file/Vanillaccurate Fixes (128x)/Vanillaccurate 128x (1.9.0), file/[4] PiXLL 128x (0.4), file/Vanillaccurate Fixes (128x)/[3] Vanillaccurate Items & Mobs 128x, file/Vanillaccurate Fixes (128x)/Vanillaccurate GlassFix 128x, file/Vanillaccurate Fixes (128x)/Vanillaccurate CTMGlass 128x, highlight/highlight_extended, numeralping/font_fix_high_res, atmosfera/dungeons, classic_icons, minecraft/physicsmod, Fabrication, Fabrication Grayscale, continuity/glass_pane_culling_fix, __MoreMcmeta Internal__, replaymod_lang
2399 | [21:18:30] [Render thread/WARN]: Ignored non-lowercase namespace: .DS_Store in C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\resourcepacks\Pixlli V10 1.20-1.13 128x.zip
2400 | [21:18:30] [Render thread/WARN]: Ignored non-lowercase namespace: .DS_Store in C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\resourcepacks\Pixlli V10 1.20-1.13 128x.zip
2401 | [21:18:30] [Render thread/INFO]: Hash changed to 86061D77E8CE964AF8EFF605185A6DC8
2402 | [21:18:30] [Render thread/INFO]: [46m[30m DashLoader Status change LOAD
2403 | [0m
2404 | [21:18:30] [Render thread/INFO]: Found 26330 Missing BlockState Models
2405 | [21:18:30] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded cache in 639ms
2406 | [21:18:30] [Worker-Main-8/INFO]: Preparing fonts
2407 | [21:18:30] [Render thread/INFO]: [KONKRETE] Client-side libs ready to use!
2408 | [21:18:30] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [KONKRETE] Running PostLoadingEvents for mod: fancymenu
2409 | [21:18:30] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [KONKRETE] PostLoadingEvents completed for mod: fancymenu
2410 | [21:18:31] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating pipeline for dimension OVERWORLD
2411 | [21:18:31] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinServerData from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_642
2412 | [21:18:31] [Worker-Main-4/WARN]: Ignored non-lowercase namespace: .DS_Store in C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\resourcepacks\Pixlli V10 1.20-1.13 128x.zip
2413 | [21:18:31] [Worker-Main-12/WARN]: Ignored non-lowercase namespace: .DS_Store in C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\resourcepacks\Pixlli V10 1.20-1.13 128x.zip
2414 | [21:18:31] [Worker-Main-11/WARN]: File fabrication:sounds/levelup_long.ogg does not exist, cannot add it to event fabrication:levelup_long
2415 | [21:18:31] [Worker-Main-11/WARN]: File fabrication:sounds/oof.ogg does not exist, cannot add it to event fabrication:oof
2416 | [21:18:31] [Worker-Main-11/WARN]: File fabrication:sounds/absorption_hurt.ogg does not exist, cannot add it to event fabrication:absorption_hurt
2417 | [21:18:31] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Baritone settings file not found, resetting.
2418 | [21:18:31] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: Injecting 1320 Cached Models
2419 | [21:18:31] [Render thread/INFO]: Cached all modded block culling states
2420 | [21:18:31] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not find ClientCommandInternals, /calias command not available
2421 | [21:18:31] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [cfind, --keep-searching] and [cfind, filter] with inputs: [--keep-searching]
2422 | [21:18:31] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [cfind, --keep-searching] and [cfind, filter] with inputs: [--keep-searching]
2423 | [21:18:31] [Render thread/INFO]: [MemoryLeakFix] Attempting to ForceLoad All Mixins and clear cache
2424 | [21:18:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinGuiMessageTag from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7591
2425 | [21:18:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing common.MixinServerStatus from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2926
2426 | [21:18:32] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: Loaded 26330 unsupported models.
2427 | [21:18:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing server.MixinPlayerList from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_3324
2428 | [21:18:32] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: 4% Cache coverage
2429 | [21:18:32] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: with 26331 Fallback models
2430 | [21:18:32] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: and 1319 Cached models
2431 | [21:18:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinRowHelper from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7845$class_7939
2432 | [21:18:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinServerStatusPinger$1 from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_644$1
2433 | [21:18:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinServerStatusPinger$1 from #nochatreports:mixins/fabric/nochatreports-fabric.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_644$1
2434 | [21:18:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Common mixin into ServerStatusPinger$1 succeeded.
2435 | [21:18:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Fabric mixin into ServerStatusPinger$1 succeeded.
2436 | [21:18:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinOnlineServerEntry from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_4267$class_4270
2437 | [21:18:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onRender$0()Ljava/util/ArrayList; to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onRender$0$1 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinOnlineServerEntry from mod nochatreports
2438 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinPlayerEntry from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_5519
2439 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onConstructed$0(Lnet/minecraft/class_4185;)V to md2a3b7b$nochatreports$lambda$onConstructed$0$0 in #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinPlayerEntry from mod nochatreports
2440 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinRealmsConnect from #nochatreports:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_4902
2441 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for getChunks in #betterf3:betterf3.mixins.json:chunk.ClientChunkMapMixin from mod betterf3, previously written by baritone.launch.mixins.MixinChunkArray. Skipping method.
2442 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: [MemoryLeakFix] Done ForceLoad and clearing SpongePowered cache
2443 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Game entered main loop!
2444 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded values for 13 compatible attributes.
2445 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 13 values from config.
2446 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Saving config file. 13 entries.
2447 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Applying changes for 13 attributes.
2448 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Initializing ClientSide Packet Registries
2449 | [21:18:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Found @IClientPlugin: games.alejandrocoria.mapfrontiers.client.plugin.MapFrontiersPlugin
2450 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Xaero's World Map - Stage 2/2
2451 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: New world map region cache hash code: -898165673
2452 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Xaero's WorldMap Mod: Open Parties And Claims found!
2453 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: No Optifine!
2454 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Xaero's World Map: No Vivecraft!
2455 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Xaero's World Map: Iris found!
2456 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: (MidnightLib) Player hats successfully loaded!
2457 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: PlayerAnimator not found!
2458 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded AmbientEngine 'basic' v2.2.1. 11 dimension(s), 10 features, 11 groups, 33 regions, 59 sounds, 4 solids and 2 biome types
2459 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Destroying pipeline OVERWORLD
2460 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/ERROR]: Pack "Shrimple-main" is not valid! Can't load it.
2461 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/WARN]: Falling back to normal rendering without shaders because the shaderpack could not be loaded
2462 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shaders are disabled
2463 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: minecraft:item.brush.brushing
2464 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: minecraft:item.brush.brush_sand_completed
2465 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: minecraft:item.goat_horn.play
2466 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: minecraft:entity.goat.screaming.horn_break
2467 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: minecraft:music.overworld.cherry_grove
2468 | [ALSOFT] (EE) Failed to set Stereo, got 7.1 Surround instead
2469 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on SteelSeries Sonar - Gaming (SteelSeries Sonar Virtual Audio Device)
2470 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Initializing Sound Physics
2471 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: EFX Extension recognized
2472 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Max auxiliary sends: 4
2473 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Aux slot 1 created
2474 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Aux slot 2 created
2475 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Aux slot 3 created
2476 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Aux slot 4 created
2477 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: EFX ready
2478 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Sound engine started
2479 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Applying fonts off-thread
2480 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 8192x8192x1 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas
2481 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas
2482 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 4096x4096x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas
2483 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 4096x4096x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas
2484 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/armor_trims.png-atlas
2485 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 2048x2048x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas
2486 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 64x64x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/decorated_pot.png-atlas
2487 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 4096x2048x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas
2488 | [21:18:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 4096x2048x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas
2489 | [21:18:35] [Render thread/WARN]: getErrorETFTexture() was called, investigate this if called more than once
2490 | [21:18:35] [Render thread/INFO]: emissive suffixes loaded: {_e}
2491 | [21:18:35] [pool-13-thread-1/ERROR]: [libIPN]
2492 | [21:18:35] [pool-13-thread-1/ERROR]: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: https://p.anti-ad.org/api/event
2493 | at java.base@19.0.2/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1993)
2494 | at java.base@19.0.2/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1585)
2495 | at java.base@19.0.2/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224)
2496 | at org.anti_ad.mc.common.moreinfo.InfoManagerBase.sendEvent(InfoManagerBase.kt:110)
2497 | at org.anti_ad.mc.common.moreinfo.InfoManagerBase.doEvent$lambda$0(InfoManagerBase.kt:81)
2498 | at java.base@19.0.2/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1144)
2499 | at java.base@19.0.2/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:642)
2500 | at java.base@19.0.2/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1589)
2501 | [21:18:35] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x1024x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas
2502 | [21:18:35] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas
2503 | [21:18:35] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas
2504 | [21:18:35] [Render thread/INFO]: Successfully reloaded the world map shaders!
2505 | [21:18:35] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping non-result value minecraft:lantern=UNASSIGNED
2506 | [21:18:35] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping non-result value minecraft:soul_lantern=UNASSIGNED
2507 | [21:18:35] [Render thread/INFO]: emissive suffixes loaded: {_e}
2508 | [21:18:35] [Render thread/INFO]: [FANCYMENU] Updating animation sizes..
2511 | [21:18:36] [Render thread/INFO]: Minecraft reloaded in 6.0s
2512 | [21:18:36] [Render thread/INFO]: [46m[30m DashLoader Status change IDLE
2513 | [0m
2514 | [21:18:36] [Render thread/INFO]: Now playing: Moog City 2 by C418 (Volume Beta No. 6)
2515 | [21:19:10] [Render thread/INFO]: Generating YACL screen
2516 | [21:19:11] [Render thread/INFO]: Size changed to 1920x1009 1000x600 960x505
2517 | [21:19:14] [Render thread/INFO]: emissive suffixes loaded: {_e}
2518 | [21:19:14] [Render thread/INFO]: Connecting to complementary.apexmc.co, 25565
2519 | [21:19:14] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO]: [CHAT] [Replay Mod] Recording started
2520 | Apr 08, 2023 9:19:15 PM com.replaymod.replaystudio.lib.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_13to1_12_2.blockconnections.ConnectionData init
2521 | INFO: Loading block connection mappings ...
2522 | Apr 08, 2023 9:19:15 PM com.replaymod.replaystudio.lib.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_13to1_12_2.storage.BlockConnectionStorage <clinit>
2523 | INFO: Using FastUtil Long2ObjectOpenHashMap for block connections
2524 | [21:19:15] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO]: Connected to a modded server.
2525 | [21:19:15] [Render thread/INFO]: New world map session initialized!
2526 | [21:19:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 6 worker threads
2527 | [21:19:15] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: World seems to be a replay. Not loading Baritone cache.
2528 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [Inventory Profiles Next] Loaded 1 external GUI hints
2529 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [Inventory Profiles Next] Loaded 769 build-in GUI hints
2530 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [Inventory Profiles Next] Effective GUI hints after merge: 770
2531 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-2/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag bookshelf:fake_player as it is missing following references: bookshelf:fake_player (from Bookshelf)
2532 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-2/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag bookshelf:cause_exp_drops as it is missing following references: #bookshelf:fake_player (from Bookshelf), bookshelf:generic_drop_exp (from Bookshelf), bookshelf:generic_drop_exp_and_player_loot (from Bookshelf)
2533 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-2/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag bookshelf:cause_player_only_drops as it is missing following references: #bookshelf:fake_player (from Bookshelf), bookshelf:generic_drop_player_loot (from Bookshelf), bookshelf:generic_drop_exp_and_player_loot (from Bookshelf)
2534 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Sending secret request to the server
2535 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Initializing sound physics for voice chat audio
2536 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Initializing Sound Physics
2537 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: EFX Extension recognized
2538 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Max auxiliary sends: 2
2539 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Aux slot 1 created
2540 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Aux slot 2 created
2541 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Aux slot 3 created
2542 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Aux slot 4 created
2543 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: EFX ready
2544 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [ChatLog.deserialize] Read the chat log containing 217 messages and 1 sent messages from 'C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\logs\chatlog.json'
2545 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [ChatLog.restore] Restored 217 messages and 1 history messages from 'C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\logs\chatlog.json' into Minecraft!
2546 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §8[§bMinecraft Server§8]
2547 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag minecraft:is_mountain as it is missing following references: minecraft:cherry_grove (from update_1_20)
2548 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag betterdungeons:has_structure/zombie_dungeon as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from YUNG's Better Dungeons)
2549 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag betterstrongholds:has_structure/better_stronghold as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from YUNG's Better Strongholds)
2550 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag minecraft:has_structure/ruined_portal_mountain as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from vanilla)
2551 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag repurposed_structures:collections/mountains as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from Repurposed Structures)
2552 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag repurposed_structures:has_structure/mineshafts/stone as it is missing following references: #repurposed_structures:collections/mountains (from Repurposed Structures)
2553 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag philipsruins:has_structure/bone_dungeon_biomes as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from Philip`s ruins)
2554 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag minecraft:has_structure/mineshaft as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from vanilla)
2555 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag betterdungeons:has_structure/skeleton_dungeon as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from YUNG's Better Dungeons)
2556 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag stoneholm:has_structure/underground_village as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from Stoneholm)
2557 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag minecraft:has_structure/pillager_outpost as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from vanilla)
2558 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag philipsruins:has_structure/level_two_ruins_biomes as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from Philip`s ruins)
2559 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag repurposed_structures:has_structure/bastions/underground as it is missing following references: #repurposed_structures:collections/mountains (from Repurposed Structures)
2560 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag mostructures:collections/mountains as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from Mo' Structures)
2561 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag betterdungeons:has_structure/small_dungeon as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from YUNG's Better Dungeons)
2562 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag mvs:has_structure/mountain_biomes as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from Vanilla Structure Mod)
2563 | [21:19:16] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag betterdungeons:has_structure/spider_dungeon as it is missing following references: #minecraft:is_mountain (from YUNG's Better Dungeons)
2564 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Using 3 total BufferBuilder caches
2565 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: west with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}}
2566 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: east with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}}
2567 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: south with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}}
2568 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: north with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}}
2569 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: west with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}}
2570 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: east with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}}
2571 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: south with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}}
2572 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: north with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}}
2573 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Could not find ClientCommandInternals, /calias command not available
2574 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [cfind, --keep-searching] and [cfind, filter] with inputs: [--keep-searching]
2575 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [cfind, --keep-searching] and [cfind, filter] with inputs: [--keep-searching]
2577 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIPlugin starting main-reload for START.
2578 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Plugins (12):
2579 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultClientPlugin of DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2580 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultPlugin of DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2581 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin
2582 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REPClientPlugin of REPClientPlugin [roughlyenoughprofessions]
2583 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REITooltipPlugin of REITooltipPlugin [appleskin]
2584 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) WtsReiClientPlugin of WtsReiClientPlugin [whats_that_slot]
2585 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) RoughlyEnoughItemsIntegration of RoughlyEnoughItemsIntegration [trashslot]
2586 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REIPlugin of REIPlugin [toms_storage]
2587 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) PluginEntry of PluginEntry [roughlyenoughresources]
2588 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) HideIngredientsFromTagsPlugin of HideIngredientsFromTagsPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2589 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultClientRuntimePlugin of DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2590 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultRuntimePlugin of DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2592 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2593 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIClientPlugin starting main-reload for START.
2594 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Plugins (9):
2595 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultClientPlugin of DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2596 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REPClientPlugin of REPClientPlugin [roughlyenoughprofessions]
2597 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REITooltipPlugin of REITooltipPlugin [appleskin]
2598 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) WtsReiClientPlugin of WtsReiClientPlugin [whats_that_slot]
2599 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) RoughlyEnoughItemsIntegration of RoughlyEnoughItemsIntegration [trashslot]
2600 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REIPlugin of REIPlugin [toms_storage]
2601 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) PluginEntry of PluginEntry [roughlyenoughresources]
2602 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) HideIngredientsFromTagsPlugin of HideIngredientsFromTagsPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2603 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultClientRuntimePlugin of DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2604 | [21:19:16] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2605 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading all registered leaf blocks.
2606 | [21:19:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 1931 advancements
2607 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [ShulkerBoxTooltip Plugins] Loading 1 plugin: shulkerboxtooltip
2608 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [ShulkerBoxTooltip Plugins] Registered 19 color keys for mod shulkerboxtooltip
2609 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [ShulkerBoxTooltip Plugins] Registered 7 providers for mod shulkerboxtooltip
2610 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Retrying to load Baritone cache
2611 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Baritone world data dir: C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384
2612 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Cached world directory: C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384\cache
2613 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Would save waypoints to C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384\waypoints
2614 | [21:19:17] [pool-10-thread-1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Loading region -11,-25 from disk C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384\cache
2615 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Received secret
2616 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Connecting to voice chat server: 'complementary.apexmc.co.:9573'
2617 | [21:19:17] [VoiceChatAuthenticationThread/INFO]: Trying to authenticate voice chat connection
2618 | [21:19:17] [pool-10-thread-1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Loaded region successfully in 264ms
2619 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/ERROR]: Exception while loading json mambience:ma_footsteps.json: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Unterminated object at line 988 column 10 path $.blocks.minecraft:torchflower
2620 | [21:19:17] [VoiceChatConnectionThread/INFO]: Server acknowledged authentication
2621 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI]
2622 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIServerPlugin starting main-reload for START.
2623 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Plugins (3):
2624 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultPlugin of DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2625 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin
2626 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultRuntimePlugin of DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2627 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI]
2628 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIPlugin finished post-reload for START in 706.7 μs, totaling 23.43 ms.
2629 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIClientPlugin finished post-reload for START in 309.4 μs, totaling 969.2 ms.
2630 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIServerPlugin finished post-reload for START in 157.7 μs, totaling 1.514 ms.
2631 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] ========================================
2632 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIPlugin starting main-reload for END.
2633 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Plugins (12):
2634 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultClientPlugin of DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2635 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultPlugin of DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2636 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin
2637 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REPClientPlugin of REPClientPlugin [roughlyenoughprofessions]
2638 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REITooltipPlugin of REITooltipPlugin [appleskin]
2639 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) WtsReiClientPlugin of WtsReiClientPlugin [whats_that_slot]
2640 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) RoughlyEnoughItemsIntegration of RoughlyEnoughItemsIntegration [trashslot]
2641 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REIPlugin of REIPlugin [toms_storage]
2642 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) PluginEntry of PluginEntry [roughlyenoughresources]
2643 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) HideIngredientsFromTagsPlugin of HideIngredientsFromTagsPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2644 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultClientRuntimePlugin of DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2645 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultRuntimePlugin of DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2646 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] ========================================
2647 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] ========================================
2648 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIClientPlugin starting main-reload for END.
2649 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Plugins (9):
2650 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultClientPlugin of DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2651 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REPClientPlugin of REPClientPlugin [roughlyenoughprofessions]
2652 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REITooltipPlugin of REITooltipPlugin [appleskin]
2653 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) WtsReiClientPlugin of WtsReiClientPlugin [whats_that_slot]
2654 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) RoughlyEnoughItemsIntegration of RoughlyEnoughItemsIntegration [trashslot]
2655 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) REIPlugin of REIPlugin [toms_storage]
2656 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) PluginEntry of PluginEntry [roughlyenoughresources]
2657 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) HideIngredientsFromTagsPlugin of HideIngredientsFromTagsPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2658 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultClientRuntimePlugin of DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2659 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] ========================================
2660 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: CameraOverhaul: Using implementation #0 for abstraction 'RotateMatrixByAxis'.
2661 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating pipeline for dimension OVERWORLD
2662 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping worker threads
2663 | [21:19:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 6 worker threads
2664 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2665 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIServerPlugin starting main-reload for END.
2666 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Plugins (3):
2667 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultPlugin of DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2668 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin
2669 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultRuntimePlugin of DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
2670 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2671 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIPlugin finished post-reload for END in 502.5 μs, totaling 25.88 ms.
2672 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIClientPlugin finished post-reload for END in 347.4 μs, totaling 344.8 ms.
2673 | [21:19:17] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] REIServerPlugin finished post-reload for END in 112.2 μs, totaling 8.260 ms.
2674 | [21:19:17] [pool-10-thread-1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Loading region -10,-25 from disk C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384\cache
2675 | [21:19:18] [pool-10-thread-1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Loaded region successfully in 96ms
2676 | [21:19:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Found data for multiplayer-complementary_apexmc_co
2677 | [21:19:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded multiplayer-complementary_apexmc_co
2678 | [21:19:18] [pool-10-thread-1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Loading region -11,-26 from disk C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384\cache
2679 | [21:19:18] [Render thread/INFO]: World Chunk Loading: 337/28
2680 | [21:19:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Joining syncmatica server with local version 0.3.8 and server version 0.3.8
2681 | [21:19:18] [pool-10-thread-1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Loaded region successfully in 91ms
2682 | [21:19:18] [VoiceChatAuthenticationThread/INFO]: Trying to validate voice chat connection
2683 | [21:19:18] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §b[21:19:18] §fPlayer §7Sk3tmen §fis in §7SURVIVAL§f.
2684 | [21:19:18] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §b[21:19:18] §fPlayer §7TajemnikTV §fis in §7SURVIVAL§f.
2685 | [21:19:18] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §b[21:19:18] §fPlayer §7RealSkeleBones §fis in §7SURVIVAL§f.
2686 | [21:19:18] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §b[21:19:18] §fPlayer §7ArkoSammy12 §fis in §7SURVIVAL§f.
2687 | [21:19:18] [VoiceChatConnectionThread/INFO]: Server acknowledged connection check
2688 | [21:19:18] [VoiceChatConnectionThread/INFO]: Clearing unused audio channels
2689 | [21:19:18] [pool-10-thread-1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Loading region -10,-26 from disk C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384\cache
2690 | [21:19:18] [pool-10-thread-1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Loaded region successfully in 76ms
2691 | [21:19:18] [pool-13-thread-2/ERROR]: [libIPN]
2692 | [21:19:18] [pool-13-thread-2/ERROR]: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: https://p.anti-ad.org/api/event
2693 | at java.base@19.0.2/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1993)
2694 | at java.base@19.0.2/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1585)
2695 | at java.base@19.0.2/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224)
2696 | at org.anti_ad.mc.common.moreinfo.InfoManagerBase.sendEvent(InfoManagerBase.kt:110)
2697 | at org.anti_ad.mc.common.moreinfo.InfoManagerBase.doEvent$lambda$0(InfoManagerBase.kt:81)
2698 | at java.base@19.0.2/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1144)
2699 | at java.base@19.0.2/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:642)
2700 | at java.base@19.0.2/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1589)
2701 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/INFO]: World Chunk Building: 4/28
2702 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/INFO]: World Chunk Building: 9/28
2703 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/INFO]: World Chunk Building: 12/28
2704 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/INFO]: World Chunk Building: 14/28
2705 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/INFO]: World Chunk Building: 15/28
2706 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/INFO]: World Chunk Building: 16/28
2707 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader ocean could not find uniform named Light0_Direction in the specified shader program.
2708 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader ocean could not find uniform named Light1_Direction in the specified shader program.
2709 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/INFO]: World Chunk Building: 17/28
2710 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/INFO]: World Chunk Building: 28/28
2711 | [21:19:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Successfully pre-loaded the world!
2712 | [21:19:20] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader 953babc61b7d3bc9bfd95a62e6dc933dc8629aeb could not find uniform named subpixel_amount in the specified shader program.
2713 | [21:19:20] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §eJourneyMap:§f Press [§bJ§f]
2714 | [21:19:31] [Render thread/INFO]: Generating YACL screen
2715 | [21:19:36] [Render thread/INFO]: Destroying pipeline OVERWORLD
2716 | [21:19:36] [Render thread/INFO]: Shaders are disabled because enableShaders is set to false in iris.properties
2717 | [21:19:36] [Render thread/INFO]: Shaders are disabled
2718 | [21:19:36] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating pipeline for dimension OVERWORLD
2719 | [21:19:36] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping worker threads
2720 | [21:19:36] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 6 worker threads
2721 | [21:19:38] [Render thread/INFO]: Destroying pipeline OVERWORLD
2722 | [21:19:38] [Render thread/ERROR]: Pack "Shrimple-main" is not valid! Can't load it.
2723 | [21:19:38] [Render thread/WARN]: Falling back to normal rendering without shaders because the shaderpack could not be loaded
2724 | [21:19:38] [Render thread/INFO]: Shaders are disabled
2725 | [21:19:38] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating pipeline for dimension OVERWORLD
2726 | [21:19:38] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping worker threads
2727 | [21:19:38] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 6 worker threads
2728 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/INFO]: Destroying pipeline OVERWORLD
2729 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/ERROR]: error: failed to resolve #include directive
2730 | --> /world0/shadow.gsh:28
2731 | |
2732 | | #include "/../UserLib/RT/RTShadowMapSettings.glsl"
2733 | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ file not found
2734 | |
2735 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/ERROR]: error: failed to resolve #include directive
2736 | --> /world0/final.fsh:255
2737 | |
2738 | | #include "/../UserLib/PostProcess/TonemapOverride.glsl"
2739 | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ file not found
2740 | |
2741 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/ERROR]: error: failed to resolve #include directive
2742 | --> /world0/final.fsh:64
2743 | |
2744 | | #include "/../UserLib/SettingsManager.glsl"
2745 | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ file not found
2746 | |
2747 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/ERROR]: error: failed to resolve #include directive
2748 | --> /world0/gbuffers_water.fsh:191
2749 | |
2750 | | #include "/../shaders/block.properties"
2751 | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ file not found
2752 | |
2753 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/ERROR]: error: failed to resolve #include directive
2754 | --> /world0/final.fsh:160
2755 | |
2756 | | #include "/../shaders/shaderConstants.glsl"
2757 | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ file not found
2758 | |
2759 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/ERROR]: error: failed to resolve #include directive
2760 | --> /world0/gbuffers_water.fsh:192
2761 | |
2762 | | #include "/../UserLib/RT/SpecularFormat.glsl"
2763 | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ file not found
2764 | |
2765 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/ERROR]: Failed to load the shaderpack "Continuum RT Build 12.zip"!
2766 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/ERROR]:
2767 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/ERROR]: java.io.IOException: Failed to resolve some #include directives, see previous messages for details
2768 | at net.coderbot.iris.shaderpack.ShaderPack.<init>(ShaderPack.java:121)
2769 | at net.coderbot.iris.Iris.loadExternalShaderpack(Iris.java:390)
2770 | at net.coderbot.iris.Iris.loadShaderpack(Iris.java:309)
2771 | at net.coderbot.iris.Iris.reload(Iris.java:611)
2772 | at net.coderbot.iris.apiimpl.IrisApiV0ConfigImpl.setShadersEnabledAndApply(IrisApiV0ConfigImpl.java:28)
2773 | at net.coderbot.iris.gui.screen.ShaderPackScreen.applyChanges(ShaderPackScreen.java:584)
2774 | at net.coderbot.iris.gui.screen.ShaderPackScreen.lambda$init$3(ShaderPackScreen.java:242)
2775 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget.onPress(ButtonWidget.java:94)
2776 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.PressableWidget.onClick(PressableWidget.java:57)
2777 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget.mouseClicked(ClickableWidget.java:187)
2778 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement.mouseClicked(ParentElement.java:537)
2779 | at net.coderbot.iris.gui.screen.ShaderPackScreen.mouseClicked(ShaderPackScreen.java:196)
2780 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_1611(Mouse.java:98)
2781 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen.wrapScreenError(Screen.java:540)
2782 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.Mouse.onMouseButton(Mouse.java:98)
2783 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22686(Mouse.java:169)
2784 | at MC//net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute(ThreadExecutor.java:102)
2785 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22684(Mouse.java:169)
2786 | at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback(GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.java:43)
2787 | at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method)
2788 | at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwPollEvents(GLFW.java:3403)
2789 | at com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem.pollEvents(RenderSystem.java:198)
2790 | at com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem.flipFrame(RenderSystem.java:216)
2791 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.util.Window.swapBuffers(Window.java:310)
2792 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render(MinecraftClient.java:1238)
2793 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.run(MinecraftClient.java:801)
2794 | at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:237)
2795 | at java.base@19.0.2/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:104)
2796 | at java.base@19.0.2/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:578)
2797 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:527)
2798 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:82)
2799 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:28)
2800 | at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch(StandardLauncher.java:88)
2801 | at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen(EntryPoint.java:126)
2802 | at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:71)
2803 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/WARN]: Falling back to normal rendering without shaders because the shaderpack could not be loaded
2804 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/INFO]: Shaders are disabled
2805 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating pipeline for dimension OVERWORLD
2806 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping worker threads
2807 | [21:19:45] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 6 worker threads
2808 | [21:19:47] [pool-10-thread-2/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Saving region -10,-25 to disk C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384\cache
2809 | [21:19:47] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Saving region -10,-26 to disk C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384\cache
2810 | [21:19:47] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-7/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Saving region -11,-26 to disk C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384\cache
2811 | [21:19:47] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Saving region -11,-25 to disk C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Long-term\.minecraft\baritone\complementary.apexmc.co\minecraft\overworld_384\cache
2812 | [21:19:47] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Saved region successfully
2813 | [21:19:47] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-7/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Saved region successfully
2814 | [21:19:47] [pool-10-thread-2/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Saved region successfully
2815 | [21:19:47] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Saved region successfully
2816 | [21:19:47] [pool-10-thread-2/INFO]: [STDOUT]: World save took 169ms
2817 | [21:19:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Destroying pipeline OVERWORLD
2818 | [21:19:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Profile: Custom ( 0 options changed by user)
2819 | [21:19:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Using shaderpack: Shrimple
2820 | [21:19:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating pipeline for dimension OVERWORLD
2821 | [21:19:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Starting custom uniform resolving
2822 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2823 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
2824 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2825 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
2826 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
2827 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2828 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
2829 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
2830 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
2831 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2832 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
2833 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLightGridPosition
2834 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
2835 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
2836 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
2837 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
2838 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2839 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2840 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
2841 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
2842 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BilateralGaussianDepthBlurRGB_5x
2843 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
2844 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
2845 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
2846 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BilateralGaussianDepthBlurRGB_7x
2847 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
2848 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
2849 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
2850 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BilateralGaussianDepthBlur_VL
2851 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2852 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
2853 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BilateralGaussianDepthBlurRGBA_5x
2854 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
2855 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
2856 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2857 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
2858 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
2859 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetTemporalOffset
2860 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
2861 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
2862 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
2863 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
2864 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
2865 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
2866 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
2867 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
2868 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
2869 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
2870 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BilateralGaussianBlur
2871 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2872 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
2873 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
2874 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
2875 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
2876 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2877 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printUvec2
2878 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printVec2
2879 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printIvec2
2880 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
2881 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printIvec4
2882 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printUvec4
2883 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
2884 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
2885 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printLine
2886 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printIvec3
2887 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
2888 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printBool
2889 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printVec4
2890 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printVec3
2891 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2892 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2893 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
2894 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function printUvec3
2895 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function drawWarning
2896 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2897 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
2898 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
2899 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
2900 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2901 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
2902 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
2903 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
2904 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2905 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
2906 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2907 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
2908 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
2909 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
2910 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
2911 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
2912 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2913 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2914 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
2915 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
2916 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2917 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
2918 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
2919 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2920 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
2921 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
2922 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
2923 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightType
2924 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
2925 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
2926 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function blackbody
2927 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
2928 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
2929 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2930 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
2931 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
2932 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
2933 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
2934 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2935 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
2936 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
2937 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
2938 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
2939 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
2940 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
2941 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
2942 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
2943 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
2944 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
2945 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
2946 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
2947 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
2948 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
2949 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
2950 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
2951 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialSpecular
2952 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2953 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2954 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
2955 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
2956 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
2957 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
2958 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
2959 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
2960 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
2961 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
2962 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
2963 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function blackbody
2964 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
2965 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
2966 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
2967 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
2968 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
2969 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
2970 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2971 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightType
2972 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2973 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
2974 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
2975 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
2976 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
2977 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
2978 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
2979 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
2980 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
2981 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
2982 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialSpecular
2983 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
2984 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
2985 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
2986 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
2987 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
2988 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
2989 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
2990 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
2991 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
2992 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
2993 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
2994 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
2995 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
2996 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
2997 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
2998 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
2999 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3000 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3001 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3002 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3003 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3004 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3005 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
3006 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3007 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3008 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3009 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3010 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3011 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3012 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3013 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3014 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3015 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3016 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3017 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3018 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3019 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
3020 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3021 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3022 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3023 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3024 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3025 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3026 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3027 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
3028 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3029 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3030 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3031 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3032 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3033 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3034 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3035 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3036 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3037 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3038 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3039 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3040 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3041 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
3042 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3043 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3044 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3045 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3046 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3047 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3048 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3049 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3050 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3051 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3052 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3053 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3054 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3055 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3056 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3057 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3058 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3059 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3060 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3061 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3062 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3063 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3064 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3065 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3066 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3067 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
3068 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3069 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3070 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3071 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3072 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3073 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3074 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3075 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3076 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3077 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialSpecular
3078 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3079 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3080 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3081 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3082 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3083 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3084 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3085 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3086 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3087 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3088 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3089 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3090 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3091 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3092 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3093 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3094 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3095 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3096 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3097 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWorldBrightnessF
3098 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: [clouds] Unsupported uniform: mat4 ProjMat
3099 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: [clouds] Unsupported uniform: mat4 ModelViewMat
3100 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: [clouds] Unsupported uniform: vec4 ColorModulator
3101 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: [clouds] Unsupported uniform: float FogEnd
3102 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: [clouds] Unsupported uniform: float FogStart
3103 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3104 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3105 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3106 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3107 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3108 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3109 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
3110 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3111 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3112 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3113 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3114 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3115 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3116 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3117 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3118 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3119 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3120 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3121 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3122 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3123 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3124 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialSpecular
3125 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3126 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3127 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3128 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3129 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3130 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3131 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3132 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3133 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3134 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3135 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3136 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3137 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3138 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3139 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3140 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3141 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3142 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3143 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3144 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3145 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3146 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3147 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3148 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWorldBrightnessF
3149 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3150 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3151 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasBounds
3152 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3153 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3154 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialEmission
3155 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3156 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3157 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3158 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3159 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3160 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3161 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3162 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3163 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3164 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3165 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialSSS
3166 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3167 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3168 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3169 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3170 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3171 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3172 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3173 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3174 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3175 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3176 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3177 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3178 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3179 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3180 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3181 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3182 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3183 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3184 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3185 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3186 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3187 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3188 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3189 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3190 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3191 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3192 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3193 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
3194 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3195 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetDynLightNoise
3196 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
3197 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3198 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3199 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3200 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3201 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3202 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightColor
3203 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3204 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3205 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialEmission
3206 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3207 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3208 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3209 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3210 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3211 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3212 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3213 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3214 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasBounds
3215 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3216 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3217 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3218 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3219 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3220 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3221 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3222 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3223 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3224 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3225 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3226 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3227 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3228 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialSSS
3229 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3230 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3231 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3232 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3233 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3234 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3235 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3236 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3237 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3238 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3239 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3240 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetDynLightNoise
3241 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3242 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightColor
3243 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3244 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3245 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3246 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3247 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3248 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
3249 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3250 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3251 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3252 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3253 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
3254 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3255 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3256 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3257 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3258 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3259 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3260 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3261 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3262 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3263 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3264 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3265 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3266 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3267 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3268 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialEmission
3269 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3270 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3271 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialSSS
3272 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasBounds
3273 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3274 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3275 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3276 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3277 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3278 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function IsFoliageBlock
3279 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3280 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3281 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3282 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3283 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3284 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3285 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3286 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3287 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3288 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3289 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3290 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3291 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3292 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
3293 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3294 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3295 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3296 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3297 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3298 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3299 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3300 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3301 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3302 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
3303 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3304 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3305 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3306 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3307 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3308 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3309 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3310 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3311 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3312 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3313 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3314 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3315 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3316 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3317 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3318 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3319 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3320 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3321 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3322 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3323 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3324 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3325 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3326 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3327 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3328 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3329 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3330 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3331 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyWavingOffset
3332 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3333 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3334 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3335 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3336 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
3337 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3338 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3339 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3340 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3341 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3342 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3343 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
3344 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3345 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3346 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3347 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3348 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3349 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3350 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3351 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3352 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3353 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3354 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: The in declaration 'vBlockId' in the FRAGMENT shader that is never assigned to in the previous stage VERTEX has been compatibility-patched by adding an initialization for it. See debugging.md for more information.
3355 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3356 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
3357 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3358 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3359 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3360 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3361 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3362 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3363 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3364 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3365 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3366 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3367 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3368 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3369 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3370 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3371 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3372 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3373 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3374 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3375 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3376 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3377 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3378 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3379 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3380 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3381 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3382 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3383 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3384 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3385 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3386 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3387 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3388 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3389 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3390 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3391 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3392 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3393 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3394 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3395 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3396 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3397 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3398 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3399 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3400 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3401 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3402 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3403 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
3404 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3405 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3406 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3407 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3408 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3409 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3410 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3411 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3412 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3413 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3414 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3415 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3416 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3417 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3418 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3419 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3420 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3421 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3422 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
3423 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3424 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3425 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3426 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3427 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3428 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3429 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3430 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3431 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3432 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
3433 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3434 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3435 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3436 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3437 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3438 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3439 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3440 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3441 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3442 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3443 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3444 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3445 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3446 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3447 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3448 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3449 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3450 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3451 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3452 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3453 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3454 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3455 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3456 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3457 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3458 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3459 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3460 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3461 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3462 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
3463 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3464 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3465 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3466 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3467 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3468 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3469 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3470 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3471 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3472 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3473 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3474 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3475 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3476 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3477 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3478 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3479 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3480 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3481 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3482 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3483 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3484 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3485 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3486 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3487 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3488 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3489 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3490 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3491 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3492 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3493 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3494 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3495 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3496 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3497 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3498 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3499 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
3500 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3501 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3502 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3503 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3504 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3505 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3506 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3507 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3508 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3509 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3510 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3511 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3512 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3513 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3514 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3515 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3516 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3517 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
3518 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3519 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3520 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3521 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3522 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3523 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3524 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3525 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3526 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3527 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3528 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3529 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3530 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3531 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3532 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3533 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3534 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3535 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3536 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3537 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3538 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3539 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3540 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3541 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3542 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3543 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3544 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3545 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3546 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3547 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3548 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3549 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3550 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3551 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3552 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3553 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3554 | [21:19:58] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
3555 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3556 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3557 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3558 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3559 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3560 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3561 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
3562 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3563 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3564 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3565 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3566 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3567 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3568 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3569 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3570 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3571 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3572 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3573 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3574 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3575 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3576 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3577 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3578 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3579 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3580 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3581 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3582 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3583 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3584 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3585 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3586 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3587 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3588 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3589 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3590 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3591 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3592 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3593 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3594 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3595 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3596 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3597 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
3598 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3599 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3600 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3601 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3602 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3603 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3604 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3605 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3606 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
3607 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3608 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3609 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3610 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3611 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3612 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3613 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3614 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3615 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3616 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3617 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3618 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3619 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3620 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3621 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3622 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3623 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3624 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3625 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3626 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3627 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3628 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3629 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3630 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3631 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3632 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3633 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3634 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
3635 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3636 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3637 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3638 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3639 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3640 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3641 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3642 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3643 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3644 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3645 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3646 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3647 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3648 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3649 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3650 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3651 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3652 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3653 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3654 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3655 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3656 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3657 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3658 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
3659 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3660 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3661 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3662 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3663 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3664 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3665 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3666 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3667 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3668 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3669 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3670 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3671 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3672 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3673 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3674 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3675 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3676 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3677 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3678 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3679 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3680 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3681 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3682 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3683 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3684 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3685 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3686 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3687 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3688 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3689 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3690 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3691 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3692 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3693 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
3694 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3695 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3696 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3697 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3698 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3699 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3700 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3701 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function blackbody
3702 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3703 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3704 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3705 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3706 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3707 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3708 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3709 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightType
3710 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3711 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3712 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3713 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3714 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3715 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialSpecular
3716 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3717 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3718 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3719 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3720 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3721 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3722 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3723 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3724 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3725 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3726 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3727 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3728 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3729 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3730 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3731 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3732 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3733 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3734 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3735 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3736 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3737 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3738 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3739 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3740 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3741 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3742 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3743 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function blackbody
3744 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3745 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3746 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3747 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3748 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3749 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3750 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3751 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3752 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightType
3753 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3754 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3755 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3756 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3757 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3758 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3759 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3760 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialSpecular
3761 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3762 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3763 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3764 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3765 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3766 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3767 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3768 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3769 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3770 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3771 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3772 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3773 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3774 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3775 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3776 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3777 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3778 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3779 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3780 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3781 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3782 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3783 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3784 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3785 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3786 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3787 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3788 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3789 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3790 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3791 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3792 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3793 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3794 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3795 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3796 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3797 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3798 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3799 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3800 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3801 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3802 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3803 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3804 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3805 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3806 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3807 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3808 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3809 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3810 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3811 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3812 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3813 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3814 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
3815 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3816 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3817 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3818 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3819 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3820 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3821 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3822 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3823 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3824 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3825 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3826 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3827 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3828 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3829 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3830 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3831 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3832 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3833 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3834 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3835 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3836 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3837 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3838 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3839 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3840 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3841 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3842 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3843 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3844 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3845 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3846 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
3847 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3848 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3849 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3850 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3851 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3852 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3853 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3854 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3855 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3856 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3857 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3858 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3859 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3860 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3861 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3862 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3863 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3864 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3865 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3866 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3867 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3868 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3869 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3870 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3871 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3872 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3873 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3874 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3875 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3876 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3877 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3878 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3879 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3880 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3881 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3882 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3883 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3884 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3885 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3886 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3887 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3888 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3889 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3890 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3891 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3892 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3893 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3894 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3895 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3896 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3897 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3898 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3899 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3900 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3901 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3902 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3903 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3904 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3905 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3906 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3907 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3908 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3909 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3910 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3911 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3912 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3913 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3914 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3915 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3916 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3917 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
3918 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3919 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3920 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3921 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3922 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3923 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3924 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3925 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3926 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3927 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3928 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3929 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3930 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3931 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3932 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3933 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3934 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3935 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3936 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3937 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3938 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3939 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3940 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3941 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3942 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3943 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3944 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3945 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3946 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
3947 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
3948 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
3949 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
3950 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
3951 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3952 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3953 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3954 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
3955 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
3956 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
3957 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
3958 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
3959 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
3960 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
3961 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
3962 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3963 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
3964 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
3965 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
3966 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
3967 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
3968 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
3969 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3970 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
3971 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
3972 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
3973 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
3974 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3975 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
3976 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3977 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3978 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
3979 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
3980 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
3981 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
3982 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
3983 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
3984 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
3985 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
3986 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
3987 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
3988 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
3989 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
3990 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
3991 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
3992 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
3993 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
3994 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
3995 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
3996 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
3997 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
3998 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
3999 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4000 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4001 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4002 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4003 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4004 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4005 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4006 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4007 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4008 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4009 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
4010 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4011 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
4012 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4013 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4014 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4015 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4016 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4017 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4018 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4019 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4020 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4021 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4022 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4023 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4024 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4025 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4026 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4027 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4028 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4029 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4030 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4031 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4032 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4033 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4034 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4035 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4036 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4037 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4038 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4039 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4040 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4041 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4042 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4043 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4044 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4045 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4046 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4047 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4048 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4049 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4050 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4051 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4052 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4053 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4054 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4055 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4056 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4057 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4058 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4059 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4060 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4061 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4062 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4063 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4064 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4065 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4066 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4067 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4068 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4069 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4070 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4071 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4072 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4073 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4074 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4075 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4076 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4077 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4078 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4079 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4080 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4081 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4082 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4083 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4084 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4085 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4086 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4087 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4088 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4089 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4090 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4091 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4092 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4093 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4094 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4095 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4096 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4097 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4098 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4099 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4100 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4101 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4102 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4103 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4104 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4105 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4106 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4107 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4108 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4109 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4110 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4111 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4112 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4113 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4114 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4115 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4116 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4117 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4118 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4119 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4120 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4121 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4122 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4123 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4124 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4125 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4126 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4127 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4128 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4129 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4130 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4131 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4132 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4133 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4134 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4135 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4136 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4137 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4138 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4139 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4140 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4141 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4142 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4143 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4144 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4145 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4146 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4147 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4148 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4149 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4150 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4151 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4152 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4153 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4154 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4155 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4156 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4157 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4158 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4159 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4160 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4161 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4162 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4163 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4164 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4165 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4166 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4167 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4168 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4169 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4170 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4171 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4172 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4173 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4174 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4175 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4176 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4177 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4178 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
4179 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4180 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
4181 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4182 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4183 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4184 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4185 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4186 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4187 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
4188 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4189 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
4190 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4191 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4192 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4193 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4194 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4195 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4196 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4197 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4198 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4199 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4200 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4201 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4202 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
4203 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4204 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4205 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4206 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4207 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
4208 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4209 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4210 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4211 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4212 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4213 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4214 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4215 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4216 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4217 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4218 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4219 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
4220 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4221 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4222 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4223 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4224 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4225 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4226 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4227 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4228 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4229 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4230 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4231 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4232 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
4233 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4234 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4235 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4236 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4237 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4238 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4239 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4240 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4241 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4242 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4243 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
4244 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4245 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4246 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4247 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4248 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4249 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4250 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4251 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4252 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4253 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4254 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4255 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4256 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4257 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4258 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4259 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4260 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4261 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
4262 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4263 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4264 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4265 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4266 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4267 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4268 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4269 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4270 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4271 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4272 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4273 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4274 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4275 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4276 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4277 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4278 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4279 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4280 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4281 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4282 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4283 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4284 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4285 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4286 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4287 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4288 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4289 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4290 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4291 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4292 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4293 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4294 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4295 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4296 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4297 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4298 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4299 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4300 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4301 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4302 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
4303 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4304 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4305 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4306 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4307 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4308 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4309 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4310 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4311 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4312 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4313 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4314 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
4315 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4316 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
4317 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4318 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4319 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4320 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4321 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4322 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4323 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4324 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4325 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4326 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4327 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4328 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4329 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4330 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4331 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4332 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4333 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4334 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4335 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4336 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4337 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4338 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4339 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4340 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4341 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4342 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4343 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4344 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4345 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4346 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4347 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4348 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4349 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4350 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4351 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4352 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4353 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4354 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4355 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4356 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4357 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4358 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4359 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4360 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4361 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4362 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4363 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4364 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4365 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4366 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4367 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4368 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4369 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4370 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4371 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4372 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4373 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4374 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4375 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4376 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4377 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4378 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4379 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4380 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4381 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4382 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4383 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4384 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightType
4385 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4386 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4387 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4388 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4389 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4390 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4391 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4392 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4393 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4394 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4395 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4396 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4397 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4398 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4399 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4400 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasBounds
4401 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4402 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4403 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4404 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4405 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4406 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4407 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4408 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4409 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4410 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4411 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialSSS
4412 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialEmission
4413 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4414 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4415 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4416 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4417 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4418 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4419 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4420 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4421 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4422 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4423 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4424 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4425 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4426 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4427 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4428 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4429 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4430 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4431 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4432 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4433 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4434 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4435 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
4436 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetDynLightNoise
4437 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightColor
4438 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4439 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4440 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4441 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4442 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4443 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
4444 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4445 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4446 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4447 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4448 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4449 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4450 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4451 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4452 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4453 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4454 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4455 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4456 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4457 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4458 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4459 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4460 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4461 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4462 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4463 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4464 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
4465 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4466 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
4467 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4468 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4469 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4470 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
4471 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4472 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4473 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4474 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4475 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4476 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4477 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4478 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4479 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4480 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
4481 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4482 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4483 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
4484 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4485 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4486 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4487 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4488 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4489 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4490 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4491 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4492 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4493 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4494 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4495 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4496 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4497 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
4498 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4499 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4500 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4501 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4502 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
4503 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4504 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4505 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4506 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4507 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4508 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4509 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4510 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4511 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4512 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4513 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4514 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4515 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4516 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
4517 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4518 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4519 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4520 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4521 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalLighting
4522 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4523 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4524 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4525 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4526 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4527 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4528 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4529 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4530 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
4531 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4532 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4533 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
4534 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4535 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4536 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4537 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4538 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSkyLightingFinal
4539 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4540 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4541 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4542 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4543 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4544 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4545 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4546 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4547 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4548 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4549 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4550 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4551 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4552 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4553 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4554 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4555 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4556 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4557 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4558 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4559 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4560 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4561 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4562 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4563 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4564 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4565 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4566 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4567 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyWavingOffset
4568 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4569 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4570 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4571 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4572 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4573 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4574 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4575 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4576 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
4577 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4578 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4579 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4580 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4581 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4582 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4583 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4584 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4585 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4586 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4587 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4588 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4589 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4590 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4591 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4592 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4593 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4594 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4595 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4596 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4597 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4598 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4599 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4600 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4601 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
4602 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: The in declaration 'vBlockId' in the FRAGMENT shader that is never assigned to in the previous stage VERTEX has been compatibility-patched by adding an initialization for it. See debugging.md for more information.
4603 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4604 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4605 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyWavingOffset
4606 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4607 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4608 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4609 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4610 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4611 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4612 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4613 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4614 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4615 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4616 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4617 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4618 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4619 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4620 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4621 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4622 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4623 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4624 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4625 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4626 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4627 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4628 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4629 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4630 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4631 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4632 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
4633 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4634 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4635 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
4636 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4637 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4638 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4639 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4640 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4641 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4642 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4643 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4644 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4645 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4646 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4647 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4648 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4649 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4650 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4651 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4652 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4653 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4654 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4655 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4656 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: The in declaration 'vBlockId' in the FRAGMENT shader that is never assigned to in the previous stage VERTEX has been compatibility-patched by adding an initialization for it. See debugging.md for more information.
4657 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4658 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4659 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4660 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4661 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4662 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4663 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4664 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4665 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4666 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4667 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4668 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4669 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4670 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4671 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4672 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4673 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4674 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4675 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4676 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4677 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4678 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4679 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4680 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4681 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyWavingOffset
4682 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
4683 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4684 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4685 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4686 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4687 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4688 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4689 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4690 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4691 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4692 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4693 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4694 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4695 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4696 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
4697 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4698 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4699 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4700 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: The in declaration 'vBlockId' in the FRAGMENT shader that is never assigned to in the previous stage VERTEX has been compatibility-patched by adding an initialization for it. See debugging.md for more information.
4701 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4702 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4703 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4704 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4705 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4706 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4707 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyWavingOffset
4708 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4709 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4710 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4711 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4712 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4713 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4714 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4715 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4716 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4717 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4718 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4719 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4720 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4721 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4722 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4723 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4724 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4725 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4726 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
4727 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4728 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4729 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4730 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4731 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
4732 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4733 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4734 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4735 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4736 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4737 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4738 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4739 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4740 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4741 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4742 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4743 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4744 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: The in declaration 'vBlockId' in the FRAGMENT shader that is never assigned to in the previous stage VERTEX has been compatibility-patched by adding an initialization for it. See debugging.md for more information.
4745 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4746 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4747 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4748 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4749 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4750 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4751 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4752 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4753 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4754 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4755 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4756 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4757 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyWavingOffset
4758 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4759 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4760 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4761 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4762 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4763 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4764 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4765 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4766 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4767 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4768 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4769 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4770 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4771 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4772 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4773 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
4774 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4775 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4776 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4777 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
4778 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4779 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4780 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4781 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4782 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4783 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4784 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4785 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4786 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4787 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4788 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: The in declaration 'vBlockId' in the FRAGMENT shader that is never assigned to in the previous stage VERTEX has been compatibility-patched by adding an initialization for it. See debugging.md for more information.
4789 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4790 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4791 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4792 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4793 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4794 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4795 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4796 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4797 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4798 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4799 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4800 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4801 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4802 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4803 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4804 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4805 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4806 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4807 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4808 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4809 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4810 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyWavingOffset
4811 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4812 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4813 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4814 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepthFast
4815 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4816 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepth
4817 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4818 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function delinearizeDepth
4819 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4820 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightLevel
4821 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetLocalCoord
4822 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function linearizeDepthFast
4823 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4824 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDynamicLighting
4825 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneBlockEmission
4826 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetBlockSSS
4827 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFinalBlockLighting
4828 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightSize
4829 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4830 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleHandLight
4831 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetMaterialF0
4832 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4833 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetAtlasCoord
4834 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleDepth
4835 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function SampleLightSpecular
4836 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4837 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetColor
4838 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneItemLightRange
4839 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4840 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4841 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4842 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: The in declaration 'vBlockId' in the FRAGMENT shader that is never assigned to in the previous stage VERTEX has been compatibility-patched by adding an initialization for it. See debugging.md for more information.
4843 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4844 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4845 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4846 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4847 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4848 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
4849 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4850 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyPostProcessing
4851 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4852 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4853 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4854 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4855 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4856 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4857 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4858 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4859 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4860 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4861 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4862 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
4863 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
4864 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4865 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4866 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4867 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4868 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4869 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4870 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
4871 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4872 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4873 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4874 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4875 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4876 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function Bayer2
4877 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4878 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function ApplyFog
4879 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetScreenBayerValue
4880 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4881 | [21:19:59] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function tonemap_ReinhardExtendedLuminance
4882 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
4883 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4884 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash32
4885 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash42
4886 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4887 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash12
4888 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash23
4889 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetWrappedVertexID
4890 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4891 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4892 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash41
4893 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash13
4894 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4895 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function hash33
4896 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4897 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildScalingMatrix
4898 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildTranslationMatrix
4899 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowOffsetBias
4900 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4901 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightMask
4902 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4903 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightSize
4904 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightOffset
4905 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetSceneLightColor
4906 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetFrustumMinMax
4907 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetEntitySSS
4908 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetDynLightNoise
4909 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function GetShadowNormalBias
4910 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4911 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function BuildOrthoProjectionMatrix
4912 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function LinearToRGB
4913 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function expStep
4914 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function pow5
4915 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function unproject
4916 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function RGBToLinear
4917 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/WARN]: Removing unused function luminance
4918 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/ERROR]: Failed to create shader rendering pipeline, disabling shaders!
4919 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/ERROR]: net.coderbot.iris.gl.shader.ShaderCompileException: shadow_terrain_cutout.gsh: ERROR: 0:241: 'atomicOr' : atomic operations only can perform on buffer or shared storage.
4920 | ERROR: 0:241: '' : compilation terminated
4921 | ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.
4922 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gl.ShaderStage.handler$laa000$iris$causeException(ShaderStage.java:1036)
4923 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gl.ShaderStage.load(ShaderStage.java:68)
4924 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gl.ShaderStage.createFromResource(ShaderStage.java:51)
4925 | at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.newshader.ExtendedShader.lambda$iris$createGeometryShader$0(ExtendedShader.java:253)
4926 | at java.base@19.0.2/java.util.Optional.ifPresent(Optional.java:178)
4927 | at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.newshader.ExtendedShader.iris$createGeometryShader(ExtendedShader.java:251)
4928 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gl.ShaderProgram.handler$lbc000$iris$setupGeometryShader(ShaderProgram.java:2699)
4929 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gl.ShaderProgram.<init>(ShaderProgram.java:128)
4930 | at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.newshader.ExtendedShader.<init>(ExtendedShader.java:84)
4931 | at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.newshader.NewShaderTests.create(NewShaderTests.java:109)
4932 | at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.newshader.NewWorldRenderingPipeline.createShadowShader(NewWorldRenderingPipeline.java:717)
4933 | at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.newshader.NewWorldRenderingPipeline.createShadowShader(NewWorldRenderingPipeline.java:692)
4934 | at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.newshader.NewWorldRenderingPipeline.lambda$new$12(NewWorldRenderingPipeline.java:414)
4935 | at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.newshader.ShaderMap.<init>(ShaderMap.java:21)
4936 | at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.newshader.NewWorldRenderingPipeline.<init>(NewWorldRenderingPipeline.java:410)
4937 | at net.coderbot.iris.Iris.createPipeline(Iris.java:674)
4938 | at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.PipelineManager.preparePipeline(PipelineManager.java:34)
4939 | at net.coderbot.iris.Iris.reload(Iris.java:616)
4940 | at net.coderbot.iris.apiimpl.IrisApiV0ConfigImpl.setShadersEnabledAndApply(IrisApiV0ConfigImpl.java:28)
4941 | at net.coderbot.iris.gui.screen.ShaderPackScreen.applyChanges(ShaderPackScreen.java:584)
4942 | at net.coderbot.iris.gui.screen.ShaderPackScreen.lambda$init$3(ShaderPackScreen.java:242)
4943 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget.onPress(ButtonWidget.java:94)
4944 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.PressableWidget.onClick(PressableWidget.java:57)
4945 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget.mouseClicked(ClickableWidget.java:187)
4946 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement.mouseClicked(ParentElement.java:537)
4947 | at net.coderbot.iris.gui.screen.ShaderPackScreen.mouseClicked(ShaderPackScreen.java:196)
4948 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_1611(Mouse.java:98)
4949 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen.wrapScreenError(Screen.java:540)
4950 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.Mouse.onMouseButton(Mouse.java:98)
4951 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22686(Mouse.java:169)
4952 | at MC//net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute(ThreadExecutor.java:102)
4953 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22684(Mouse.java:169)
4954 | at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback(GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.java:43)
4955 | at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method)
4956 | at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwWaitEventsTimeout(GLFW.java:3474)
4957 | at com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem.limitDisplayFPS(RenderSystem.java:234)
4958 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render(MinecraftClient.java:1241)
4959 | at MC//net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.run(MinecraftClient.java:801)
4960 | at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:237)
4961 | at java.base@19.0.2/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:104)
4962 | at java.base@19.0.2/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:578)
4963 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:527)
4964 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:82)
4965 | at org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:28)
4966 | at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch(StandardLauncher.java:88)
4967 | at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen(EntryPoint.java:126)
4968 | at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:71)
4969 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping worker threads
4970 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 6 worker threads
4971 | [21:20:00] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <ArkoSammy12> that wouldn't be fair to everyone else who wouldn't have gotten to play warmer and coler with me
4972 | Prism Launcher: Log upload triggered at: 08 Apr 2023 21:20:15 0200