1 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Booting up Velocity 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT (git-5ef90c46-b258)...
2 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loading localizations...
3 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: Connections will use epoll channels, libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression, OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) ciphers
4 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loading plugins...
5 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin alwaysonline 6.2.0 by Dablakbandit
6 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin bungeepackfix 1.1.0-r3 by LoneDev, YoSoyVillaa
7 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin commandwhitelist 2.8.1 by YouHaveTrouble
8 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin connectorplugin 1.3-SNAPSHOT (build 56) by Phoenix616
9 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin craftingstore <UNKNOWN> by
10 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [floodgate]: Took 161ms to boot Floodgate
11 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin floodgate 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (b69-492be77) by GeyserMC
12 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin geyser 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT (git-master-7b409fd) by GeyserMC
13 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin litebans 2.12.4 by Ruan
14 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin luckperms 5.4.46 by Luck
15 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin mysqldriver 1.0 by BenCodez
16 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin nuvotifier 2.7.3 by Ichbinjoe
17 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin serverutils 3.5.4 by FrankHeijden
18 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin snap 1.1-SNAPSHOT (build 34) by Phoenix616
19 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin spark 1.10.43 by Luck
20 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin velocitycoollist 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT by atikiNBTW
21 | [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin votingplugin 1.0 by BenCodez
22 | [12:31:39] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loaded 16 plugins
23 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: __
24 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.46
25 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: |___ | Running on Velocity - Velocity
26 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]:
27 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading configuration...
28 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading storage provider... [MYSQL]
29 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Starting...
30 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Start completed.
31 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading messaging service... [SQL]
32 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading internal permission managers...
33 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Performing initial data load...
34 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Successfully enabled. (took 858ms)
35 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Loading configuration...
36 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Successfully loaded previous state variables!
37 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Loading file database...
38 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Database is ready to go!
39 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Head Session server check: true
40 | [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Total check methods active: 1
41 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [connectorplugin]: [DEBUG] Loaded config.yml
42 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [connectorplugin]: Using PluginMessage messenger
43 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/WARN] [connectorplugin]: This messenger type requires at least one player connected to the sending and receiving server, some functionality might not work the best! Please consider using a different messenger type.
44 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/WARN] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: The server channel initializer has been replaced by java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
45 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/WARN] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: The backend channel initializer has been replaced by java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
46 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [geyser]: Loading extensions...
47 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [geyser]: Loaded 0 extension(s)
48 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Using default database drivers (version:8).
49 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Using system locale (en)
50 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Loaded 2 templates from templates.yml!
51 | [12:31:40] [LiteBans-0/INFO] [litebans]: Downloading GeoIP API...
52 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Loading SQL driver: mysql 8.0.29 (com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver)
53 | [12:31:40] [LiteBans-0/INFO] [litebans]: Downloading GeoIP database (GeoLite2-Country.mmdb)...
54 | [12:31:40] [LiteBans-0/WARN] [litebans]: GeoIP download URL has not yet been configured.
55 | [12:31:40] [LiteBans-0/WARN] [litebans]: https://gitlab.com/ruany/LiteBans/-/wikis/GeoIP#geoip-download-issue
56 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Connecting to database...
57 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: litebans-pool - Starting...
58 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: litebans-pool - Start completed.
59 | [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Connected to MySQL database successfully (105.6 ms).
60 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: [Sync] Server name: Velocity
61 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: [Sync] Server UUID: e1a6b4dabb374cb980c634e2f7088ba0 <1>
62 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Database connection fully initialized (219.2 ms).
63 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: v2.12.4 enabled. Startup took 565 ms.
64 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [nuvotifier]: Loaded token for website: default
65 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [nuvotifier]: Using epoll transport to accept votes.
66 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [nuvotifier]: Method none selected for vote forwarding: Votes will not be forwarded to backend servers.
67 | [12:31:41] [Votifier epoll boss/INFO] [nuvotifier]: Votifier enabled on socket /[****:****:****:****:****:****:****:****
68 | [12:31:41] [ServerUtils - Task Executor #0/INFO] [serverutils]: Checking for updates...
69 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [snap]: Loaded snap.conf
70 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [Snap]: Loaded plugin ChatSentry-BungeeBridge version 5.0.0 by kixmc
71 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [Snap]: Enabled plugin ChatSentry-BungeeBridge version 5.0.0 by kixmc
72 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [snap]: Registering forwarding listener for PluginMessageEvent
73 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [snap]: If you experience some plugin-event-listeners to not work properly then set register-all-listeners = true in the snap.conf!
74 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [snap]: Loaded 1 plugins!
75 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.bencodez.votingplugin.advancedcore.hikari.HikariDataSource]: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
76 | [12:31:41] [ServerUtils - Task Executor #0/INFO] [serverutils]: We are up-to-date!
77 | [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.bencodez.votingplugin.advancedcore.hikari.HikariDataSource]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
78 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [votingplugin]: VotingPlugin velocity loaded, method: PLUGINMESSAGING, PluginMessagingVersion: 1, Internal Jar Version: 6.14
79 | [12:31:42] [Netty epoll Boss #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: Listening on /[****:****:****:****:****:****:****:****
80 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: ******************************************
81 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]:
82 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Loading Geyser version 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT (git-master-7b409fd)
83 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]:
84 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: ******************************************
85 | [12:31:42] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.Velocity]: Done (4.66s)!
86 | [12:31:42] [pool-6-thread-1/WARN] [floodgate]:
87 | **********************************
88 | * You specified an empty prefix in your Floodgate config for Bedrock players!
89 | * Should a Java player join and a Bedrock player join with the same username, unwanted results and conflicts will happen!
90 | * We strongly recommend using . as the prefix, but other alternatives that will not conflict include: +, - and *
91 | **********************************
92 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.SolidCollision
93 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.TrapdoorCollision
94 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.SnowCollision
95 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.DirtPathCollision
96 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.DoorCollision
97 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.SpawnerCollision
98 | [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.ScaffoldingCollision
99 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Skipping particle mapping BLOCK_MARKER because no Bedrock equivalent exists.
100 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerCombatKillTranslator : ClientboundPlayerCombatKillPacket
101 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaDisguisedChatTranslator : ClientboundDisguisedChatPacket
102 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaStopSoundTranslator : ClientboundStopSoundPacket
103 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaUpdateAttributesTranslator : ClientboundUpdateAttributesPacket
104 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockMoveEntityAbsoluteTranslator : MoveEntityAbsolutePacket
105 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaBlockUpdateTranslator : ClientboundBlockUpdatePacket
106 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaContainerSetContentTranslator : ClientboundContainerSetContentPacket
107 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaMoveEntityPosRotTranslator : ClientboundMoveEntityPosRotPacket
108 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerAbilitiesTranslator : ClientboundPlayerAbilitiesPacket
109 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockMovePlayerTranslator : MovePlayerPacket
110 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSetEntityLinkTranslator : ClientboundSetEntityLinkPacket
111 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockPositionTrackingDBClientRequestTranslator : PositionTrackingDBClientRequestPacket
112 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaCooldownTranslator : ClientboundCooldownPacket
113 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSoundEntityTranslator : ClientboundSoundEntityPacket
114 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaUpdateTagsTranslator : ClientboundUpdateTagsPacket
115 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaSetBorderCenterTranslator : ClientboundSetBorderCenterPacket
116 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockContainerCloseTranslator : ContainerClosePacket
117 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockPlayerInputTranslator : PlayerInputPacket
118 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaAwardStatsTranslator : ClientboundAwardStatsPacket
119 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaLoginTranslator : ClientboundLoginPacket
120 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaSystemChatTranslator : ClientboundSystemChatPacket
121 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaLevelEventTranslator : ClientboundLevelEventPacket
122 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaLoginDisconnectTranslator : ClientboundLoginDisconnectPacket
123 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaSetHealthTranslator : ClientboundSetHealthPacket
124 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSectionBlocksUpdateTranslator : ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket
125 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockNetworkStackLatencyTranslator : NetworkStackLatencyPacket
126 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaAnimateTranslator : ClientboundAnimatePacket
127 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaContainerCloseTranslator : ClientboundContainerClosePacket
128 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.spawn.JavaAddEntityTranslator : ClientboundAddEntityPacket
129 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaMerchantOffersTranslator : ClientboundMerchantOffersPacket
130 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerPositionTranslator : ClientboundPlayerPositionPacket
131 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.title.JavaSetSubtitleTextTranslator : ClientboundSetSubtitleTextPacket
132 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaBlockDestructionTranslator : ClientboundBlockDestructionPacket
133 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaCustomQueryTranslator : ClientboundCustomQueryPacket
134 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaUpdateAdvancementsTranslator : ClientboundUpdateAdvancementsPacket
135 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.title.JavaSetTitleTextTranslator : ClientboundSetTitleTextPacket
136 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockRiderJumpTranslator : RiderJumpPacket
137 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.title.JavaSetActionBarTextTranslator : ClientboundSetActionBarTextPacket
138 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaHorseScreenOpenTranslator : ClientboundHorseScreenOpenPacket
139 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaRespawnTranslator : ClientboundRespawnPacket
140 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaSetCarriedItemTranslator : ClientboundSetCarriedItemPacket
141 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSetChunkCacheRadiusTranslator : ClientboundSetChunkCacheRadiusPacket
142 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockCommandBlockUpdateTranslator : CommandBlockUpdatePacket
143 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockFilterTextTranslator : FilterTextPacket
144 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockSetLocalPlayerAsInitializedTranslator : SetLocalPlayerAsInitializedPacket
145 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockBookEditTranslator : BookEditPacket
146 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaRemoveEntitiesTranslator : ClientboundRemoveEntitiesPacket
147 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaContainerSetSlotTranslator : ClientboundContainerSetSlotPacket
148 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaGameProfileTranslator : ClientboundGameProfilePacket
149 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockBlockEntityDataTranslator : BlockEntityDataPacket
150 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaSetBorderLerpSizeTranslator : ClientboundSetBorderLerpSizePacket
151 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockActionTranslator : PlayerActionPacket
152 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaBlockEventTranslator : ClientboundBlockEventPacket
153 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaSelectAdvancementsTabTranslator : ClientboundSelectAdvancementsTabPacket
154 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.title.JavaClearTitlesTranslator : ClientboundClearTitlesPacket
155 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaUpdateRecipesTranslator : ClientboundUpdateRecipesPacket
156 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.scoreboard.JavaSetScoreTranslator : ClientboundSetScorePacket
157 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaContainerSetDataTranslator : ClientboundContainerSetDataPacket
158 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaSetBorderSizeTranslator : ClientboundSetBorderSizePacket
159 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockEmoteListTranslator : EmoteListPacket
160 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaSetExperienceTranslator : ClientboundSetExperiencePacket
161 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaPingTranslator : ClientboundPingPacket
162 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaTeleportEntityTranslator : ClientboundTeleportEntityPacket
163 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSetPassengersTranslator : ClientboundSetPassengersPacket
164 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerInfoUpdateTranslator : ClientboundPlayerInfoUpdatePacket
165 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaTakeItemEntityTranslator : ClientboundTakeItemEntityPacket
166 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaMoveEntityPosTranslator : ClientboundMoveEntityPosPacket
167 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaLevelChunkWithLightTranslator : ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket
168 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaDamageEventTranslator : ClientboundDamageEventPacket
169 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSoundTranslator : ClientboundSoundPacket
170 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockLecternUpdateTranslator : LecternUpdatePacket
171 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.BedrockEntityEventTranslator : EntityEventPacket
172 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockTextTranslator : TextPacket
173 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaEntityEventTranslator : ClientboundEntityEventPacket
174 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockAnimateTranslator : AnimatePacket
175 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaSetBorderWarningDelayTranslator : ClientboundSetBorderWarningDelayPacket
176 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockPacketViolationWarningTranslator : PacketViolationWarningPacket
177 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockServerSettingsRequestTranslator : ServerSettingsRequestPacket
178 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaRemoveMobEffectTranslator : ClientboundRemoveMobEffectPacket
179 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockRequestChunkRadiusTranslator : RequestChunkRadiusPacket
180 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockInventoryTransactionTranslator : InventoryTransactionPacket
181 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaUpdateMobEffectTranslator : ClientboundUpdateMobEffectPacket
182 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockShowCreditsTranslator : ShowCreditsPacket
183 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaPlayerChatTranslator : ClientboundPlayerChatPacket
184 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaMapItemDataTranslator : ClientboundMapItemDataPacket
185 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.world.BedrockLevelSoundEventTranslator : LevelSoundEventPacket
186 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaCustomPayloadTranslator : ClientboundCustomPayloadPacket
187 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockBlockPickRequestTranslator : BlockPickRequestPacket
188 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockItemStackRequestTranslator : ItemStackRequestPacket
189 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockEmoteTranslator : EmotePacket
190 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaExplodeTranslator : ClientboundExplodePacket
191 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.scoreboard.JavaSetObjectiveTranslator : ClientboundSetObjectivePacket
192 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaMoveEntityRotTranslator : ClientboundMoveEntityRotPacket
193 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockRespawnTranslator : RespawnPacket
194 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaBlockEntityDataTranslator : ClientboundBlockEntityDataPacket
195 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaKeepAliveTranslator : ClientboundKeepAlivePacket
196 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaMoveVehicleTranslator : ClientboundMoveVehiclePacket
197 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaForgetLevelChunkTranslator : ClientboundForgetLevelChunkPacket
198 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaInitializeBorderTranslator : ClientboundInitializeBorderPacket
199 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerLookAtTranslator : ClientboundPlayerLookAtPacket
200 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockRequestAbilityTranslator : RequestAbilityPacket
201 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaRotateHeadTranslator : ClientboundRotateHeadPacket
202 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaChangeDifficultyTranslator : ClientboundChangeDifficultyPacket
203 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSetChunkCacheCenterTranslator : ClientboundSetChunkCacheCenterPacket
204 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaBossEventTranslator : ClientboundBossEventPacket
205 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockMapInfoRequestTranslator : MapInfoRequestPacket
206 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockMobEquipmentTranslator : MobEquipmentPacket
207 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaLevelParticlesTranslator : ClientboundLevelParticlesPacket
208 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaBlockChangedAckTranslator : ClientboundBlockChangedAckPacket
209 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockInteractTranslator : InteractPacket
210 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSetDefaultSpawnPositionTranslator : ClientboundSetDefaultSpawnPositionPacket
211 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaGameEventTranslator : ClientboundGameEventPacket
212 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaOpenSignEditorTranslator : ClientboundOpenSignEditorPacket
213 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSetEquipmentTranslator : ClientboundSetEquipmentPacket
214 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSetTimeTranslator : ClientboundSetTimePacket
215 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockEntityPickRequestTranslator : EntityPickRequestPacket
216 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.spawn.JavaAddPlayerTranslator : ClientboundAddPlayerPacket
217 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerInfoRemoveTranslator : ClientboundPlayerInfoRemovePacket
218 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockCommandRequestTranslator : CommandRequestPacket
219 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaSetBorderWarningDistanceTranslator : ClientboundSetBorderWarningDistancePacket
220 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockItemFrameDropItemTranslator : ItemFrameDropItemPacket
221 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.title.JavaSetTitlesAnimationTranslator : ClientboundSetTitlesAnimationPacket
222 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.spawn.JavaAddExperienceOrbTranslator : ClientboundAddExperienceOrbPacket
223 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.scoreboard.JavaSetDisplayObjectiveTranslator : ClientboundSetDisplayObjectivePacket
224 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSetEntityMotionTranslator : ClientboundSetEntityMotionPacket
225 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.scoreboard.JavaSetPlayerTeamTranslator : ClientboundSetPlayerTeamPacket
226 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaOpenScreenTranslator : ClientboundOpenScreenPacket
227 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaCommandsTranslator : ClientboundCommandsPacket
228 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSetEntityDataTranslator : ClientboundSetEntityDataPacket
229 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockSetPlayerGameTypeTranslator : SetPlayerGameTypePacket
230 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaDisconnectTranslator : ClientboundDisconnectPacket
231 | [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered 379 custom items
232 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:pitcher_plant as an item that needs to be translated.
233 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:sniffer_egg as an item that needs to be translated.
234 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_b233ce8' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
235 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_5208962' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
236 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_5208962' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
237 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_5208962' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
238 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
239 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
240 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
241 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
242 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
243 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
244 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
245 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
246 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
247 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
248 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
249 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
250 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
251 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
252 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
253 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
254 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
255 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
256 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
257 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
258 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
259 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
260 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
261 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
262 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
263 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
264 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
265 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
266 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
267 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
268 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
269 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
270 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping...
271 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:bundle as an item that needs to be translated.
272 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:pitcher_pod as an item that needs to be translated.
273 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:spectral_arrow as an item that needs to be translated.
274 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:tipped_arrow as an item that needs to be translated.
275 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:knowledge_book as an item that needs to be translated.
276 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:debug_stick as an item that needs to be translated.
277 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:music_disc_relic as an item that needs to be translated.
278 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:bundle as an item that needs to be translated.
279 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:spectral_arrow as an item that needs to be translated.
280 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:tipped_arrow as an item that needs to be translated.
281 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:knowledge_book as an item that needs to be translated.
282 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:debug_stick as an item that needs to be translated.
283 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #6/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: VelocityCoolList >>> Whitelist disabled!
284 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:bundle as an item that needs to be translated.
285 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:spectral_arrow as an item that needs to be translated.
286 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:tipped_arrow as an item that needs to be translated.
287 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:knowledge_book as an item that needs to be translated.
288 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:debug_stick as an item that needs to be translated.
289 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=7, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
290 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=3, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
291 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=6, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
292 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=1, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
293 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=5, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
294 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=4, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
295 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=8, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
296 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
297 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
298 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
299 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
300 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=9, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
301 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=7, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
302 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=3, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
303 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=6, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
304 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=1, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
305 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=5, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
306 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=4, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
307 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=8, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
308 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
309 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
310 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
311 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
312 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=9, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
313 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=7, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
314 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=3, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
315 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=6, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
316 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=1, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
317 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=5, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
318 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=4, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
319 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=8, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
320 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
321 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
322 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
323 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
324 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=9, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
325 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Auto-loaded Floodgate key
326 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: EventLoop type: class io.netty.channel.epoll.EpollDatagramChannel
327 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Started Geyser on
328 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Loaded Floodgate key!
329 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Done (2.553s)! Run /geyser help for help!
330 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command help
331 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command list
332 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command reload
333 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command offhand
334 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command dump
335 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command version
336 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command settings
337 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command statistics
338 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command advancements
339 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command tooltips
340 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command connectiontest
341 | [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Local injection succeeded!
342 | [12:31:44] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [geyser]: {"client":{"sha1":"e575a48efda46cf88111ba05b624ef90c520eef1","size":23028278,"url":"https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/e575a48efda46cf88111ba05b624ef90c520eef1/client.jar"},"client_mappings":{"sha1":"a4cd9a97400f7ecfe4dba23e427549ebc5815d66","size":8001434,"url":"https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/a4cd9a97400f7ecfe4dba23e427549ebc5815d66/client.txt"},"server":{"sha1":"15c777e2cfe0556eef19aab534b186c0c6f277e1","size":47787288,"url":"https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/15c777e2cfe0556eef19aab534b186c0c6f277e1/server.jar"},"server_mappings":{"sha1":"15e61168fd24c7950b22cd3b9e771a7ce4035b41","size":6153964,"url":"https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/15e61168fd24c7950b22cd3b9e771a7ce4035b41/server.txt"}}
343 | [12:31:44] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [geyser]: {"sha1":"e575a48efda46cf88111ba05b624ef90c520eef1","size":23028278,"url":"https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/e575a48efda46cf88111ba05b624ef90c520eef1/client.jar"}
344 | [12:31:44] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [geyser]: Downloading and loading locale: en_us
345 | [12:31:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:47086 has pinged you!
346 | [12:31:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
347 | [12:31:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:62658 has pinged you!
348 | [12:31:48] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players
349 | [12:31:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
350 | [12:31:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
351 | [12:31:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
352 | [12:31:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you!
353 | [12:31:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you!
354 | [12:31:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:47086 has pinged you!
355 | [12:31:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
356 | [12:31:51] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #10/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: VelocityCoolList >>> Whitelist enabled!
357 | [12:31:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
358 | [12:31:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
359 | [12:31:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
360 | [12:31:55] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:47086 has pinged you!
361 | [12:31:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:21837 has pinged you!
362 | [12:31:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
363 | [12:31:56] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players
364 | [12:31:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you!
365 | [12:31:58] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.AuthSessionHandler]: [connected player] DuneSciFye (/**.**.**.**:51822) has connected
366 | [12:31:58] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] DuneSciFye -> lobby has connected
367 | [12:31:58] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:21837 has pinged you!
368 | [12:31:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
369 | [12:31:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
370 | [12:31:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
371 | [12:32:00] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: This command does not exist.
372 | [12:32:00] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #8/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: VelocityCoolList >>> List of whitelisted players:
373 | DuneSciFye
374 | [12:32:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:22613 tried to connect!
375 | [12:32:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
376 | [12:32:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:22613 tried to connect!
377 | [12:32:02] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-2/INFO] [geyser]: Is player data signed? true
378 | [12:32:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientToServerHandshakePacket
379 | [12:32:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientCacheStatusPacket
380 | [12:32:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-2/INFO] [geyser]: Player connected with username widadw9372
381 | [12:32:04] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-1/INFO] [geyser]: widadw9372 (logged in as: widadw9372) has connected to the Java server
382 | [12:32:04] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-1/INFO] [geyser]: Downloading and loading locale: en_us
383 | [12:32:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
384 | [12:32:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
385 | [12:32:04] [pool-7-thread-1/INFO] [floodgate]: Floodgate player who is logged in as widadw9372 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25 joined
386 | [12:32:04] [Netty epoll Worker #13/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.AuthSessionHandler]: [connected player] widadw9372 (/**.**.**.**:0) has connected
387 | [12:32:04] [Geyser player thread-6-1/INFO] [geyser]: Registering bedrock skin for widadw9372 (00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25)
388 | [12:32:04] [Netty epoll Worker #13/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.ConnectedPlayer]: [connected player] widadw9372 (/**.**.**.**:0) has disconnected: VelocityCoolList >>> Whitelist is enabled and you are not on it!
389 | [12:32:04] [Netty epoll Worker #13/INFO] [floodgate]: Floodgate player logged in as widadw9372 disconnected
390 | [12:32:04] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-1/INFO] [geyser]: widadw9372 has disconnected from the Java server because of VelocityCoolList >>> Whitelist is enabled and you are not on it!
391 | [12:32:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
392 | [12:32:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
393 | [12:32:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
394 | [12:32:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
395 | [12:32:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
396 | [12:32:09] [VelocityCoolList - Task Executor #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: VelocityCoolList >>> widadw9372 has been added to the whitelist
397 | [12:32:09] [VelocityCoolList - Task Executor #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: widadw9372 has been added to the whitelist by CONSOLE
398 | [12:32:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
399 | [12:32:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
400 | [12:32:13] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players
401 | [12:32:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
402 | [12:32:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
403 | [12:32:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
404 | [12:32:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:57820 has pinged you!
405 | [12:32:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you!
406 | [12:32:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
407 | [12:32:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
408 | [12:32:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
409 | [12:32:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
410 | [12:32:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
411 | [12:32:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
412 | [12:32:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:57820 has pinged you!
413 | [12:32:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
414 | [12:32:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you!
415 | [12:32:23] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
416 | [12:32:23] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players
417 | [12:32:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
418 | [12:32:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
419 | [12:32:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
420 | [12:32:25] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you!
421 | [12:32:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
422 | [12:32:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you!
423 | [12:32:28] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
424 | [12:32:28] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players
425 | [12:32:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
426 | [12:32:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
427 | [12:32:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
428 | [12:32:30] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players
429 | [12:32:30] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] DuneSciFye -> skyblock has connected
430 | [12:32:30] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] DuneSciFye -> lobby has disconnected
431 | [12:32:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
432 | [12:32:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you!
433 | [12:32:33] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
434 | [12:32:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
435 | [12:32:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
436 | [12:32:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
437 | [12:32:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
438 | [12:32:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you!
439 | [12:32:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
440 | [12:32:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you!
441 | [12:32:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you!
442 | [12:32:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
443 | [12:32:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
444 | [12:32:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
445 | [12:32:39] [Always Online - Task Executor #1/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Checking update for AlwaysOnline v6.2.0
446 | [12:32:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you!
447 | [12:32:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
448 | [12:32:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:22613 tried to connect!
449 | [12:32:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:22613 tried to connect!
450 | [12:32:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
451 | [12:32:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Is player data signed? true
452 | [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientToServerHandshakePacket
453 | [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientCacheStatusPacket
454 | [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
455 | [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
456 | [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
457 | [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you!
458 | [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Player connected with username widadw9372
459 | [12:32:44] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: widadw9372 (logged in as: widadw9372) has connected to the Java server
460 | [12:32:44] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Downloading and loading locale: en_us
461 | [12:32:45] [pool-7-thread-1/INFO] [floodgate]: Floodgate player who is logged in as widadw9372 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25 joined
462 | [12:32:45] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.AuthSessionHandler]: [connected player] widadw9372 (/**.**.**.**:0) has connected
463 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Registering bedrock skin for widadw9372 (00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25)
464 | [12:32:45] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] widadw9372 -> lobby has connected
465 | [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundUpdateEnabledFeaturesPacket
466 | [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundRecipePacket
467 | [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundCustomChatCompletionsPacket
468 | [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket
469 | [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundServerDataPacket
470 | [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundResourcePackPacket
471 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Emulating post 1.18 block predication logic for widadw9372? true
472 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Emulating post 1.13 villager logic for widadw9372? true
473 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_NoName CREATE []
474 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP0 CREATE [Linh1763, King25877]
475 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet collideRule_1207 CREATE []
476 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned player at 0.5 100.0 0.5
477 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2670 CREATE []
478 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2670 ADD_PLAYER [widadw9372]
479 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2670 UPDATE null
480 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2670 UPDATE null
481 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2670 UPDATE null
482 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25
483 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.5067153, 98.0, -7.4366207) with id 3 (java id 2)
484 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity WARDEN at location (5.4738, 98.0, 13.4608) with id 5 (java id 117)
485 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-7.5, 98.0, 15.5) with id 8 (java id 3)
486 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Not sure how to handle skull head item display. CompoundTag { {Damage=IntTag(Damage) { 3 }, SkullOwner=CompoundTag(SkullOwner) { {Properties=CompoundTag(Properties) { {textures=ListTag(textures) { [CompoundTag { {Value=StringTag(Value) { eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmM3YzhjZmI2MGNkYWE0MWZlZjBhMjg4NmU1MTdlMWFhOWRjYTRmYzY5ODM1ZDM4ZGM1NTFiNDAxOTk1ZWNkNSJ9fX0= }} }] }} }, Id=IntArrayTag(Id) { [1336611417, 1691045497, -1409100105, 673726612] }} }} }
487 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands
488 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 226157 REMOVE null
489 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 226157 CREATE [[ZNPC] 226157]
490 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 101.033, 14.069) with id 10 (java id 92)
491 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 831516 REMOVE null
492 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 831516 CREATE [[ZNPC] 831516]
493 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 100.733, 13.969) with id 12 (java id 94)
494 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.0, 5.5) with id 13 (java id 82)
495 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.7, 5.5) with id 14 (java id 84)
496 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.4, 5.5) with id 15 (java id 86)
497 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.5, 5.5) with id 16 (java id 129)
498 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 CREATE [SlimeSMP 2.0]
499 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 CREATE [9653a46d-f1c3-4a68-9a05-7e58d8f7c22a]
500 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 CREATE [skyblock]
501 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a CREATE [Gaming SMP]
502 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Teleport (2) from 0.5 100.0 0.5
503 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: to 0.5 100.0 0.5
504 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (45.5, 98.0, -12.5) with id 17 (java id 130)
505 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Not sure how to handle skull head item display. CompoundTag { {Damage=IntTag(Damage) { 3 }, SkullOwner=CompoundTag(SkullOwner) { {Properties=CompoundTag(Properties) { {textures=ListTag(textures) { [CompoundTag { {Value=StringTag(Value) { eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmM3YzhjZmI2MGNkYWE0MWZlZjBhMjg4NmU1MTdlMWFhOWRjYTRmYzY5ODM1ZDM4ZGM1NTFiNDAxOTk1ZWNkNSJ9fX0= }} }] }} }, Id=IntArrayTag(Id) { [-1316397804, -1916383713, -1199850153, -1942020103] }} }} }
506 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (44.5, 98.0, -13.5) with id 18 (java id 131)
507 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Not sure how to handle skull head item display. CompoundTag { {Damage=IntTag(Damage) { 3 }, SkullOwner=CompoundTag(SkullOwner) { {Properties=CompoundTag(Properties) { {textures=ListTag(textures) { [CompoundTag { {Value=StringTag(Value) { eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmM3YzhjZmI2MGNkYWE0MWZlZjBhMjg4NmU1MTdlMWFhOWRjYTRmYzY5ODM1ZDM4ZGM1NTFiNDAxOTk1ZWNkNSJ9fX0= }} }] }} }, Id=IntArrayTag(Id) { [1035813756, -1270198626, -1692420747, -125896164] }} }} }
508 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (45.5, 98.0, -13.5) with id 19 (java id 132)
509 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Not sure how to handle skull head item display. CompoundTag { {Damage=IntTag(Damage) { 3 }, SkullOwner=CompoundTag(SkullOwner) { {Properties=CompoundTag(Properties) { {textures=ListTag(textures) { [CompoundTag { {Value=StringTag(Value) { eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmM3YzhjZmI2MGNkYWE0MWZlZjBhMjg4NmU1MTdlMWFhOWRjYTRmYzY5ODM1ZDM4ZGM1NTFiNDAxOTk1ZWNkNSJ9fX0= }} }] }} }, Id=IntArrayTag(Id) { [304337950, -2135932873, -1722598383, 1844325044] }} }} }
510 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (44.5, 98.0, -14.5) with id 20 (java id 133)
511 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Not sure how to handle skull head item display. CompoundTag { {Damage=IntTag(Damage) { 3 }, SkullOwner=CompoundTag(SkullOwner) { {Properties=CompoundTag(Properties) { {textures=ListTag(textures) { [CompoundTag { {Value=StringTag(Value) { eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmM3YzhjZmI2MGNkYWE0MWZlZjBhMjg4NmU1MTdlMWFhOWRjYTRmYzY5ODM1ZDM4ZGM1NTFiNDAxOTk1ZWNkNSJ9fX0= }} }] }} }, Id=IntArrayTag(Id) { [922310117, -1037676896, -1847032268, -54046274] }} }} }
512 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (59.5, 98.0, -14.5) with id 21 (java id 134)
513 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-4/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/729abbadfa8784d51b3c91e73028350f101cc887651de10db12ac5f16e52f38f
514 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-4/INFO] [geyser]: Took 51ms for 46c548e8-c029-2aa8-9938-d50bf1675ad8
515 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-2/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/e3ed8743b804ceb16f331013518356a2a72215915e3ced1a86b91ef4a3d4f0e7
516 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-1/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/f012b2fdbac6fa309d59e726eca6559302b8680dc9072f91c2cf05f5ea6e25a1
517 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-3/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/c745d3a23d52413a20239d7ff979d76c1c2e568092596a02245a555b82904f73
518 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-1/INFO] [geyser]: Took 72ms for 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25
519 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-3/INFO] [geyser]: Took 65ms for 9b6d8894-7486-292a-8b68-9d23ffc6c651
520 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-2/INFO] [geyser]: Took 66ms for c8aecdb3-6f6a-234e-81fa-ca0acb3b5aa4
521 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-6/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/5a8cf433bf44c11bde4c764dc33ea07b4a15133553b01eebee3228f27f2d0233
522 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-6/INFO] [geyser]: Took 57ms for f78c911f-2045-480d-89e8-6da0547779c7
523 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 101.033, 14.069) with id 22 (java id 92)
524 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 100.733, 13.969) with id 23 (java id 94)
525 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.0, 5.5) with id 24 (java id 82)
526 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.7, 5.5) with id 25 (java id 84)
527 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.4, 5.5) with id 26 (java id 86)
528 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.5, 5.5) with id 27 (java id 129)
529 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-5/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/c3172f0c032652e19eb9a05a981b9937edb73f0b8fe7a369bfa2234773a3bcdf
530 | [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-5/INFO] [geyser]: Took 83ms for 22479d68-316d-420e-ba7d-a8acdcf30b5b
531 | [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundCustomChatCompletionsPacket
532 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
533 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
534 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
535 | [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands
536 | [12:32:45] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [geyser]: Loaded Local Bedrock Java Skin Data for widadw9372
537 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Teleport (3) from 0.5 100.0 0.5
538 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: to 0.0 100.0 0.0
539 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (6.3, 99.95, 6.3) with id 31 (java id 1127)
540 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (5.5, 101.37, 13.5) with id 32 (java id 1125)
541 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (-4.7, 99.95, 6.3) with id 33 (java id 1126)
542 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
543 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
544 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
545 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
546 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
547 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
548 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
549 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
550 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
551 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
552 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
553 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
554 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
555 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
556 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
557 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
558 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
559 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
560 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
561 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
562 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
563 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
564 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
565 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
566 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
567 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
568 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
569 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
570 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
571 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
572 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
573 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
574 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
575 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
576 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
577 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
578 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
579 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
580 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
581 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
582 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
583 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
584 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
585 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
586 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
587 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
588 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
589 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
590 | [12:32:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
591 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 101.033, 14.069) with id 34 (java id 92)
592 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 100.733, 13.969) with id 35 (java id 94)
593 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.0, 5.5) with id 36 (java id 82)
594 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.7, 5.5) with id 37 (java id 84)
595 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.4, 5.5) with id 38 (java id 86)
596 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.5, 5.5) with id 39 (java id 129)
597 | [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
598 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
599 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
600 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
601 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
602 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
603 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
604 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
605 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
606 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
607 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
608 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
609 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
610 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
611 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
612 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
613 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
614 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
615 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
616 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
617 | [12:32:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for TickSyncPacket
618 | [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
619 | [12:32:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for 22479d68-316d-420e-ba7d-a8acdcf30b5b
620 | [12:32:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for f78c911f-2045-480d-89e8-6da0547779c7
621 | [12:32:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
622 | [12:32:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
623 | [12:32:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
624 | [12:32:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
625 | [12:32:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
626 | [12:32:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
627 | [12:32:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
628 | [12:32:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
629 | [12:32:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
630 | [12:32:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
631 | [12:32:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
632 | [12:32:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
633 | [12:32:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:28564 has pinged you!
634 | [12:32:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
635 | [12:32:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
636 | [12:32:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
637 | [12:32:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
638 | [12:32:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53086 has pinged you!
639 | [12:32:52] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you!
640 | [12:32:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
641 | [12:32:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
642 | [12:32:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
643 | [12:32:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
644 | [12:32:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
645 | [12:32:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
646 | [12:32:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
647 | [12:32:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
648 | [12:32:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
649 | [12:32:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
650 | [12:32:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
651 | [12:32:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
652 | [12:32:55] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players
653 | [12:32:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
654 | [12:32:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
655 | [12:32:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
656 | [12:32:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
657 | [12:32:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
658 | [12:32:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
659 | [12:32:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
660 | [12:32:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
661 | [12:32:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
662 | [12:32:58] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
663 | [12:32:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
664 | [12:32:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
665 | [12:32:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
666 | [12:32:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
667 | [12:32:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
668 | [12:32:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
669 | [12:32:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
670 | [12:33:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
671 | [12:33:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
672 | [12:33:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
673 | [12:33:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
674 | [12:33:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
675 | [12:33:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
676 | [12:33:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
677 | [12:33:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
678 | [12:33:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
679 | [12:33:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
680 | [12:33:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
681 | [12:33:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
682 | [12:33:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
683 | [12:33:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
684 | [12:33:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
685 | [12:33:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
686 | [12:33:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
687 | [12:33:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
688 | [12:33:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53086 has pinged you!
689 | [12:33:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
690 | [12:33:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
691 | [12:33:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
692 | [12:33:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
693 | [12:33:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
694 | [12:33:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
695 | [12:33:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
696 | [12:33:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
697 | [12:33:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
698 | [12:33:08] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
699 | [12:33:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
700 | [12:33:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
701 | [12:33:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
702 | [12:33:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
703 | [12:33:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
704 | [12:33:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
705 | [12:33:09] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
706 | [12:33:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:enchanted_book, runtimeId=528, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={
707 | "PublicBukkitValues": {
708 | "executableitems:ei-id": "menu",
709 | "score:usage": 1i
710 | },
711 | "display": {
712 | "Name": "Servers"
713 | }
714 | }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
715 | [12:33:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
716 | [12:33:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
717 | [12:33:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
718 | [12:33:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53086 has pinged you!
719 | [12:33:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null
720 | [12:33:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
721 | [12:33:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null
722 | [12:33:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null
723 | [12:33:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null
724 | [12:33:12] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] widadw9372 -> skyblock has connected
725 | [12:33:12] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] widadw9372 -> lobby has disconnected
726 | [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundUpdateEnabledFeaturesPacket
727 | [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundRecipePacket
728 | [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundServerDataPacket
729 | [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundCustomChatCompletionsPacket
730 | [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket
731 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Emulating post 1.18 block predication logic for widadw9372? true
732 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Emulating post 1.13 villager logic for widadw9372? true
733 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_a CREATE []
734 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_b CREATE []
735 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2 CREATE [DuneSciFye]
736 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_7 CREATE []
737 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_8 CREATE []
738 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet team_GREEN CREATE [cd9c5b5d-9956-41ae-b963-62131320a84d, addbe193-57aa-4bab-b8cb-8c104bc6ef61]
739 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_9 CREATE []
740 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_3 CREATE []
741 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_4 CREATE []
742 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet fireworkrocket CREATE [_TomDeath_]
743 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_5 CREATE []
744 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet team_WHITE CREATE [GiltTiger967472, 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01fb9d3a9ff0]
745 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_6 CREATE []
746 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_0 CREATE []
747 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_1 CREATE []
748 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_2 CREATE []
749 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_NoName CREATE []
750 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_c CREATE []
751 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_d CREATE []
752 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_e CREATE []
753 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_f CREATE []
754 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned player at 37.182396 135.0 23.4485
755 | [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket
756 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-1 CREATE []
757 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-2 CREATE []
758 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 CREATE []
759 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-4 CREATE []
760 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-5 CREATE []
761 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-6 CREATE []
762 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-7 CREATE []
763 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-8 CREATE []
764 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-9 CREATE []
765 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet 0DuneSciFyeA CREATE [DuneSciFye]
766 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet =widadw9372A CREATE [widadw9372]
767 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (37.182396, 195.0, 23.4485) with id 49 (java id 134)
768 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (37.182396, 195.0, 23.4485) with id 50 (java id 135)
769 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP904 CREATE []
770 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP904 ADD_PLAYER []
771 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP904 UPDATE null
772 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP904 UPDATE null
773 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP904 UPDATE null
774 | [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket
775 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25
776 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (37.483936, 126.0, 17.24327) with id 52 (java id 4273)
777 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (37.5, 134.5, 21.5) with id 53 (java id 4269)
778 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-7/INFO] [geyser]: Took 0ms for 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25
779 | [12:33:12] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6/INFO] [geyser]: Loaded Local Bedrock Java Skin Data for widadw9372
780 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.54802, 123.0625, 19.3) with id 54 (java id 4265)
781 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (36.5, 133.0, 21.5) with id 55 (java id 4267)
782 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (38.247837, 126.0, 18.707758) with id 56 (java id 4271)
783 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.42157, 124.93536, 18.877115) with id 57 (java id 4272)
784 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (40.3, 151.1, 25.8875) with id 58 (java id 4270)
785 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (40.3, 123.0, 27.498438) with id 59 (java id 4268)
786 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (36.5, 134.5, 21.5) with id 60 (java id 4264)
787 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (37.5, 133.0, 21.5) with id 61 (java id 4266)
788 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (38.17643, 123.875, 27.629436) with id 62 (java id 4263)
789 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
790 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands
791 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 CREATE [1548fc71-f8e4-41b4-9010-d0f3fa324fd4]
792 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 CREATE [b2ef6898-cc50-46f2-a274-db89db3a5575]
793 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 CREATE [Gem Shop]
794 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 CREATE [CIT-9d30b7ba69a5]
795 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 CREATE [Coin Shop]
796 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e CREATE [Pocket Games]
797 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d CREATE [370e83b0-712d-414c-a9df-c8b24164d1fb]
798 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 CREATE [Smith]
799 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 CREATE [c5399e5b-7eb7-4a4e-82db-38c08c3d491d]
800 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c CREATE [b660bb45-7e4c-4cfa-bf9c-21fe26f0b5d0]
801 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 CREATE [CIT-13442b5b7615]
802 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 CREATE [Item Shop]
803 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 160.0625, 0.5) with id 63 (java id 134)
804 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.5, 160.0625, 0.5) with id 64 (java id 135)
805 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned player at 0.5 100.0625 0.5
806 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.08749999, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 67 (java id 248)
807 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.08749999, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 68 (java id 249)
808 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.17044212, 102.33835, 10.841668) with id 69 (java id 216)
809 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.17044212, 102.71335, 10.841668) with id 70 (java id 219)
810 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (1.0875, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 71 (java id 250)
811 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (1.0875, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 72 (java id 251)
812 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.09375, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 73 (java id 242)
813 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.09375, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 74 (java id 243)
814 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.84375, 101.849, 8.78125) with id 75 (java id 246)
815 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.84375, 102.224, 8.78125) with id 76 (java id 247)
816 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.46875, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 77 (java id 254)
817 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.46875, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 78 (java id 255)
818 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.114409365, 102.34316, 10.842768) with id 79 (java id 238)
819 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.114409365, 102.71816, 10.842768) with id 80 (java id 239)
820 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.9990162, 102.446915, 10.873763) with id 81 (java id 244)
821 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.9990162, 102.821915, 10.873763) with id 82 (java id 245)
822 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.28949785, 103.90064, 12.6438675) with id 83 (java id 240)
823 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.28949785, 104.27564, 12.6438675) with id 84 (java id 241)
824 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.5, 100.399, 10.5) with id 85 (java id 252)
825 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.774, 10.5) with id 86 (java id 253)
826 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 87 (java id 280)
827 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 88 (java id 281)
828 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.45, 10.5) with id 89 (java id 312)
829 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 101.45, -31.5) with id 90 (java id 314)
830 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.21, 10.5) with id 91 (java id 313)
831 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 101.21, -31.5) with id 92 (java id 315)
832 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (13.9804, 100.8, -15.5152) with id 93 (java id 196)
833 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.21, 10.5) with id 94 (java id 311)
834 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.08749999, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 95 (java id 475)
835 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.08749999, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 96 (java id 476)
836 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.17044212, 102.33835, 10.841668) with id 97 (java id 463)
837 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.17044212, 102.71335, 10.841668) with id 98 (java id 464)
838 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (1.0875, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 99 (java id 477)
839 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (1.0875, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 100 (java id 478)
840 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.09375, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 101 (java id 469)
841 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.09375, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 102 (java id 470)
842 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.84375, 101.849, 8.78125) with id 103 (java id 473)
843 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.84375, 102.224, 8.78125) with id 104 (java id 474)
844 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.46875, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 105 (java id 481)
845 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.46875, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 106 (java id 482)
846 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.11444694, 102.34157, 10.8373995) with id 107 (java id 465)
847 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.11437703, 102.71649, 10.83837) with id 108 (java id 466)
848 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.9990162, 102.446915, 10.873763) with id 109 (java id 471)
849 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.9990162, 102.821915, 10.873763) with id 110 (java id 472)
850 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (1.9719164, 103.64883, 9.63886) with id 111 (java id 467)
851 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (1.9719164, 104.02383, 9.63886) with id 112 (java id 468)
852 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.5, 100.399, 10.5) with id 113 (java id 479)
853 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.774, 10.5) with id 114 (java id 480)
854 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 115 (java id 483)
855 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 116 (java id 484)
856 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.08749999, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 117 (java id 230)
857 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.08749999, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 118 (java id 231)
858 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.17044212, 102.33835, 10.841668) with id 119 (java id 217)
859 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.17044212, 102.71335, 10.841668) with id 120 (java id 218)
860 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (1.0875, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 121 (java id 232)
861 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (1.0875, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 122 (java id 233)
862 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.09375, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 123 (java id 224)
863 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.09375, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 124 (java id 225)
864 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.84375, 101.849, 8.78125) with id 125 (java id 228)
865 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.84375, 102.224, 8.78125) with id 126 (java id 229)
866 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.46875, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 127 (java id 236)
867 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.46875, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 128 (java id 237)
868 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.114409365, 102.34316, 10.842768) with id 129 (java id 220)
869 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.114409365, 102.71816, 10.842768) with id 130 (java id 221)
870 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.9990162, 102.446915, 10.873763) with id 131 (java id 226)
871 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.9990162, 102.821915, 10.873763) with id 132 (java id 227)
872 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.28949785, 103.90064, 12.6438675) with id 133 (java id 222)
873 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.28949785, 104.27564, 12.6438675) with id 134 (java id 223)
874 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.5, 100.399, 10.5) with id 135 (java id 234)
875 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.774, 10.5) with id 136 (java id 235)
876 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 137 (java id 276)
877 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 138 (java id 277)
878 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.08749999, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 139 (java id 268)
879 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.08749999, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 140 (java id 269)
880 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.17044212, 102.33835, 10.841668) with id 141 (java id 256)
881 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.17044212, 102.71335, 10.841668) with id 142 (java id 257)
882 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (1.0875, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 143 (java id 270)
883 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (1.0875, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 144 (java id 271)
884 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.09375, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 145 (java id 262)
885 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.09375, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 146 (java id 263)
886 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.84375, 101.849, 8.78125) with id 147 (java id 266)
887 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.84375, 102.224, 8.78125) with id 148 (java id 267)
888 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.46875, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 149 (java id 274)
889 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.46875, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 150 (java id 275)
890 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.114409365, 102.34316, 10.842768) with id 151 (java id 258)
891 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.114409365, 102.71816, 10.842768) with id 152 (java id 259)
892 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.9990162, 102.446915, 10.873763) with id 153 (java id 264)
893 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.9990162, 102.821915, 10.873763) with id 154 (java id 265)
894 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.28949785, 103.90064, 12.6438675) with id 155 (java id 260)
895 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.28949785, 104.27564, 12.6438675) with id 156 (java id 261)
896 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.5, 100.399, 10.5) with id 157 (java id 272)
897 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.774, 10.5) with id 158 (java id 273)
898 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 159 (java id 278)
899 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 160 (java id 279)
900 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (-24.5991, 99.0, -19.646) with id 162 (java id 185)
901 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 96.0, 35.5) with id 164 (java id 323)
902 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-5.187, 100.8, -32.9556) with id 165 (java id 173)
903 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-14.5, 96.0, 35.5) with id 166 (java id 321)
904 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-14.5, 97.5, 35.5) with id 167 (java id 322)
905 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-9/INFO] [geyser]: Took 0ms for 4130a41a-781e-2909-946f-9c39b07c0444
906 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (2.6632, 101.0, 7.5982) with id 169 (java id 191)
907 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (-24.3, 99.0, -22.0001) with id 170 (java id 190)
908 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ILLUSIONER at location (3.3843, 101.0, -5.5281) with id 172 (java id 204)
909 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.45, 10.5) with id 176 (java id 310)
910 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (28.332869, 101.0, -32.107197) with id 177 (java id 316)
911 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 97.5, 35.5) with id 178 (java id 324)
912 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SHEEP at location (-2.5205, 100.0, -33.329) with id 179 (java id 164)
913 | [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundCustomChatCompletionsPacket
914 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
915 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands
916 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 373426 REMOVE null
917 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 373426 CREATE [[ZNPC] 373426]
918 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 028738 REMOVE null
919 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 028738 CREATE [[ZNPC] 028738]
920 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Could not find an entity definition with type ITEM_DISPLAY
921 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (-6.5, 103.25, 7.5) with id 184 (java id 4274)
922 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (7.5, 103.25, 7.5) with id 185 (java id 4275)
923 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
924 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
925 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
926 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
927 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
928 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
929 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
930 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
931 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
932 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
933 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
934 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
935 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
936 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
937 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
938 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
939 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (0.5, 101.93, -5.5) with id 186 (java id 4276)
940 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
941 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
942 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
943 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
944 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
945 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
946 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
947 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
948 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
949 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
950 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
951 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
952 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
953 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
954 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
955 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
956 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
957 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
958 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
959 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
960 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
961 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
962 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
963 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
964 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 102.12, -5.7) with id 187 (java id 4280)
965 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (7.5, 104.15, -6.5) with id 188 (java id 4278)
966 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
967 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
968 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
969 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
970 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
971 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
972 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
973 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
974 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
975 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
976 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
977 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
978 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
979 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
980 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
981 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
982 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
983 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
984 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
985 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
986 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
987 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
988 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
989 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
990 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (-6.5, 104.15, -6.5) with id 189 (java id 4281)
991 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
992 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
993 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
994 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
995 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
996 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
997 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
998 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
999 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1000 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
1001 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1002 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
1003 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1004 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
1005 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1006 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
1007 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (-5.8, 102.43, -14.0) with id 190 (java id 4279)
1008 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1009 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
1010 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1011 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
1012 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1013 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
1014 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1015 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
1016 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1017 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
1018 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1019 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
1020 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1021 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
1022 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1023 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
1024 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (-5.8, 102.23, -14.2) with id 191 (java id 4282)
1025 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-10/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/6a0f26ad3f047a21a80ed260e77f79f1867e36c9051c0163b0bf32bedbeaaf2d
1026 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-10/INFO] [geyser]: Took 52ms for 13442b5b-7615-2d27-b310-fd2c60b69264
1027 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-8/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/aa3a49fce5f57039fb62302fa6f99cc0693d04b79258bac0b1dabc6dce383bb1
1028 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-8/INFO] [geyser]: Took 93ms for 05c7c92b-0821-2dd8-a201-981702e14215
1029 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1030 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1031 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-11/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/b036b65043956db81ce8df8528818a936faad22d08001f90e3b9a4db97c37645
1032 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-11/INFO] [geyser]: Took 75ms for fbcb8d89-c919-2193-be95-601e1d37be2e
1033 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-12/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/4d2dee6715b0e23dc6fd90a7bcc805e67bc939aff75dc75733ee35aec8cb1b3c
1034 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-12/INFO] [geyser]: Took 73ms for 30ad578c-5346-41ba-88fa-9e5f00863f69
1035 | [12:33:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: widadw9372 received more than 20 score packets per second (currently 77).We will decrease the amount that the scoreboard is updated to once every 0.25 seconds to improve performance.
1036 | [12:33:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players
1037 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1038 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1039 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 CREATE [e8a1e1ec-fb59-4bfa-811e-1b0a7f07aaeb]
1040 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1041 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-13/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/60aa367f5016b29f649e6bccb1a2ce2e968800cd0491e92e026bae1bed5dead
1042 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-5 UPDATE null
1043 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-13/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/2340c0e03dd24a11b15a8b33c2a7e9e32abb2051b2481d0ba7defd635ca7a933
1044 | [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-13/INFO] [geyser]: Took 206ms for 827215c8-e375-4038-8f88-5b4188bb6543
1045 | [12:33:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players
1046 | [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands
1047 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-2.5, 100.985, -33.5) with id 198 (java id 136)
1048 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-2.5, 101.5, -33.5) with id 199 (java id 506)
1049 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.0, 10.5) with id 200 (java id 158)
1050 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.7, 10.5) with id 201 (java id 160)
1051 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.5, 10.5) with id 202 (java id 507)
1052 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-20.5, 102.5, -20.5) with id 203 (java id 162)
1053 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-20.5, 102.5, -20.5) with id 204 (java id 508)
1054 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.751, 7.5) with id 205 (java id 138)
1055 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.451, 7.5) with id 206 (java id 140)
1056 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.151, 7.5) with id 207 (java id 142)
1057 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.851, 7.5) with id 208 (java id 144)
1058 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.551, 7.5) with id 209 (java id 146)
1059 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.5, 7.5) with id 210 (java id 509)
1060 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.493, 102.5, 0.518) with id 211 (java id 152)
1061 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.493, 102.2, 0.518) with id 212 (java id 154)
1062 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.493, 101.9, 0.518) with id 213 (java id 156)
1063 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.493, 102.5, 0.518) with id 214 (java id 510)
1064 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.5, -6.5) with id 215 (java id 148)
1065 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.2, -6.5) with id 216 (java id 150)
1066 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.5, -6.5) with id 217 (java id 511)
1067 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 CREATE [dd9c0799-6bd3-4766-8e6b-0a919cfe2a1c]
1068 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1069 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1070 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
1071 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1072 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
1073 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1074 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
1075 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1076 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
1077 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1078 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
1079 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1080 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
1081 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1082 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
1083 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1084 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
1085 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1086 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
1087 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1088 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
1089 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1090 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
1091 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1092 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
1093 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1094 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
1095 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1096 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0)
1097 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1098 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
1099 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1100 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
1101 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1102 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26)
1103 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1104 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000)
1105 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1106 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
1107 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1108 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000)
1109 | [12:33:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
1110 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1111 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1112 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1113 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1114 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1115 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1116 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1117 | [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1118 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1119 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1120 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1121 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1122 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1123 | [12:33:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
1124 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1125 | [12:33:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
1126 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1127 | [12:33:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
1128 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1129 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1130 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1131 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.25, 7.5) with id 224 (java id 4288)
1132 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.5, 7.5) with id 225 (java id 4287)
1133 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.0, 7.5) with id 226 (java id 4289)
1134 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.0, 7.5) with id 227 (java id 4286)
1135 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.5, 7.5) with id 228 (java id 4284)
1136 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.25, 7.5) with id 229 (java id 4285)
1137 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.5, -6.5) with id 230 (java id 4290)
1138 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.5, -6.5) with id 231 (java id 4293)
1139 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.25, -6.5) with id 232 (java id 4294)
1140 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.25, -6.5) with id 233 (java id 4291)
1141 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.0, -6.5) with id 234 (java id 4295)
1142 | [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.0, -6.5) with id 235 (java id 4292)
1143 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1144 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1145 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1146 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1147 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1148 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1149 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1150 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for 30ad578c-5346-41ba-88fa-9e5f00863f69
1151 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for 827215c8-e375-4038-8f88-5b4188bb6543
1152 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1153 | [12:33:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1154 | [12:33:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53086 has pinged you!
1155 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1156 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1157 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1158 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1159 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1160 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1161 | [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1162 | [12:33:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
1163 | [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1164 | [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1165 | [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1166 | [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1167 | [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1168 | [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1169 | [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1170 | [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1171 | [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1172 | [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1173 | [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1174 | [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1175 | [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1176 | [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1177 | [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1178 | [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1179 | [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1180 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1181 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1182 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1183 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1184 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1185 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1186 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1187 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1188 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1189 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1190 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
1191 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1192 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1193 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2
1194 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1195 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1196 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1197 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1198 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1199 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1200 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1201 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1202 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1203 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1204 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1205 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1206 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1207 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1208 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1209 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1210 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1211 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1212 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1213 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1214 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1215 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1216 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1217 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1218 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1219 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1220 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1221 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1222 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1223 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1224 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1225 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1226 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1227 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1228 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1229 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1230 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1231 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1232 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1233 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1234 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1235 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1236 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1237 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1238 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1239 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1240 | [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1241 | [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1242 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Teleport (3) from 0.5 98.91739 0.5
1243 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: to 0.5 100.0625 0.5
1244 | [12:33:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
1245 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 3
1246 | [12:33:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
1247 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1248 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1249 | [12:33:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
1250 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1251 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1252 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1253 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1254 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1255 | [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1256 | [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 3
1257 | [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1258 | [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1259 | [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1260 | [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1261 | [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1262 | [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1263 | [12:33:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53086 has pinged you!
1264 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1265 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1266 | [12:33:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
1267 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1268 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1269 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1270 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1271 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1272 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1273 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1274 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1275 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1276 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1277 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1278 | [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1279 | [12:33:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1280 | [12:33:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1281 | [12:33:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1282 | [12:33:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1283 | [12:33:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1284 | [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1285 | [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1286 | [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1287 | [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1288 | [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1289 | [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1290 | [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1291 | [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1292 | [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1293 | [12:33:23] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you!
1294 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1295 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1296 | [12:33:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
1297 | [12:33:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
1298 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1299 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1300 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1301 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1302 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1303 | [12:33:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
1304 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1305 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1306 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1307 | [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1308 | [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1309 | [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1310 | [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1311 | [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:enchanted_book, runtimeId=528, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={
1312 | "HideFlags": 33i,
1313 | "PublicBukkitValues": {
1314 | "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 1i,
1315 | "executableitems:ei-id": "menu",
1316 | "score:usage": -1i
1317 | },
1318 | "display": {
1319 | "Lore": [
1320 | "Drag and Drop to apply"
1321 | ],
1322 | "Name": "Skyblock Menu"
1323 | },
1324 | "ench": [
1325 | {
1326 | "id": 2s,
1327 | "lvl": 6s
1328 | }
1329 | ]
1330 | }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
1331 | [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
1332 | [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
1333 | [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1334 | [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1335 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1336 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1337 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1338 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1339 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1340 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1341 | [12:33:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
1342 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1343 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1344 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1345 | [12:33:26] [pool-28-thread-14/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/fc7c8cfb60cdaa41fef0a2886e517e1aa9dca4fc69835d38dc551b401995ecd5
1346 | [12:33:26] [pool-28-thread-14/INFO] [geyser]: Took 63ms for d185feed-cbe7-478e-811c-b52fb3c76120
1347 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1348 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1349 | [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1350 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
1351 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1352 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1353 | [12:33:27] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players
1354 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
1355 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
1356 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-6 UPDATE null
1357 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1358 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1359 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1360 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1361 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1362 | [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1363 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1364 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1365 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1366 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1367 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1368 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1369 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (-0.76466125, 102.5, 1.8213621) with id 250 (java id 4327)
1370 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1371 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=-8355712)
1372 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1373 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
1374 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1375 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=255)
1376 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1377 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=-8355712)
1378 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1379 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1)
1380 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY
1381 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=255)
1382 | [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
1383 | [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1384 | [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1385 | [12:33:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
1386 | [12:33:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
1387 | [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1388 | [12:33:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
1389 | [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1390 | [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1391 | [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1392 | [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1393 | [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1394 | [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1395 | [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1396 | [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1397 | [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1398 | [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1399 | [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1400 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1401 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1402 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
1403 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
1404 | [12:33:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
1405 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1406 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1407 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1408 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1409 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1410 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1411 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1412 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1413 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1414 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1415 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1416 | [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1417 | [12:33:32] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1418 | [12:33:32] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1419 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1420 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1421 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1422 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1423 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1424 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1425 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1426 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1427 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1428 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1429 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1430 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1431 | [12:33:33] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket
1432 | [12:33:33] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket
1433 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (33.150185, 184.5625, 30.429182) with id 251 (java id 134)
1434 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (33.150185, 184.5625, 30.429182) with id 252 (java id 135)
1435 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned player at 33.150185 124.5625 30.429182
1436 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (28.3, 134.04561, 17.939087) with id 255 (java id 4341)
1437 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (38.247837, 126.0, 18.707758) with id 256 (java id 4337)
1438 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity WITCH at location (25.5, 142.0, 44.5) with id 257 (java id 4349)
1439 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (38.87853, 145.0, 44.536247) with id 258 (java id 4362)
1440 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (38.17643, 123.875, 27.629436) with id 259 (java id 4329)
1441 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (40.3, 151.1, 40.3) with id 260 (java id 4357)
1442 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (42.7, 146.1, 36.233723) with id 261 (java id 4354)
1443 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (30.278719, 134.0, 33.18574) with id 262 (java id 4353)
1444 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (39.5, 145.0, 47.5) with id 263 (java id 4358)
1445 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (37.5, 133.0, 21.5) with id 264 (java id 4332)
1446 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (36.5, 133.0, 21.5) with id 265 (java id 4333)
1447 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (25.7, 142.1, 25.7) with id 266 (java id 4340)
1448 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.42157, 124.93536, 18.877115) with id 267 (java id 4338)
1449 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (40.3, 151.1, 25.8875) with id 268 (java id 4336)
1450 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (28.347965, 134.0, 24.052107) with id 269 (java id 4342)
1451 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (26.849884, 145.0, 47.530746) with id 270 (java id 4348)
1452 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (23.965212, 141.00702, 32.49468) with id 271 (java id 4350)
1453 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity HORSE at location (28.85473, 99.0, 32.159966) with id 272 (java id 4344)
1454 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (28.7, 135.1, 32.818325) with id 273 (java id 4346)
1455 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (23.3, 143.1, 36.973743) with id 274 (java id 4345)
1456 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (23.3, 146.1, 25.7) with id 275 (java id 4339)
1457 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (28.3, 134.0, 31.971073) with id 276 (java id 4343)
1458 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (22.201136, 141.16225, 32.49358) with id 277 (java id 4347)
1459 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.54802, 123.0625, 19.3) with id 278 (java id 4331)
1460 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (31.624983, 134.0, 32.3) with id 279 (java id 4351)
1461 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (32.901463, 140.0, 45.878) with id 280 (java id 4360)
1462 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (32.689785, 139.35849, 39.95226) with id 281 (java id 4356)
1463 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (39.815216, 145.0, 43.34659) with id 282 (java id 4359)
1464 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (29.137135, 134.0, 33.09273) with id 283 (java id 4352)
1465 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (33.394356, 140.0, 41.85855) with id 284 (java id 4355)
1466 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (37.5, 134.5, 21.5) with id 285 (java id 4335)
1467 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (40.3, 123.0, 27.498438) with id 286 (java id 4334)
1468 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (39.3, 145.0, 42.68058) with id 287 (java id 4361)
1469 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (36.5, 134.5, 21.5) with id 288 (java id 4330)
1470 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (37.483936, 126.0, 17.24327) with id 289 (java id 4328)
1471 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (32.4906, 140.0, 47.939354) with id 290 (java id 4366)
1472 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (33.50892, 140.0, 42.55528) with id 291 (java id 4363)
1473 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (32.48784, 140.0, 44.589264) with id 292 (java id 4365)
1474 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (34.5, 142.0, 47.5) with id 293 (java id 4364)
1475 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
1476 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands
1477 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity BOAT at location (17.671818, 99.35001, 9.875494) with id 296 (java id 4367)
1478 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (17.671818, 99.04, 9.875494) with id 297 (java id 4368)
1479 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SHEEP at location (17.671818, 99.04, 9.875494) with id 298 (java id 4369)
1480 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (23.500565, 99.0, 4.59953) with id 300 (java id 4371)
1481 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (30.5, 132.5, 14.5) with id 301 (java id 4372)
1482 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity EXPERIENCE_ORB at location (28.673712, 100.5, 6.772579) with id 302 (java id 4373)
1483 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (30.5, 131.0, 14.5) with id 303 (java id 4374)
1484 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (25.260275, 99.0, 5.599059) with id 304 (java id 4375)
1485 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (22.867332, 99.0, 10.599582) with id 305 (java id 4376)
1486 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (20.075, 99.0, 10.55) with id 306 (java id 4377)
1487 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity HORSE at location (22.336847, 99.0, 7.8582726) with id 307 (java id 4378)
1488 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (20.075, 99.0, 9.41758) with id 308 (java id 4379)
1489 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (20.496014, 99.0, 2.7936764) with id 309 (java id 4380)
1490 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (26.408106, 99.0, 10.318408) with id 311 (java id 4382)
1491 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (25.221048, 99.0, 7.891393) with id 313 (java id 4384)
1492 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (24.253483, 99.0, 6.190882) with id 314 (java id 4385)
1493 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (35.706284, 137.0, 12.5) with id 315 (java id 4386)
1494 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (14.983016, 99.0, 7.6018996) with id 316 (java id 4387)
1495 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (1.8453969, 99.0, 7.0784106) with id 317 (java id 4388)
1496 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (9.857883, 99.0, 3.8588545) with id 318 (java id 4389)
1497 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (6.344541, 99.0, 40.78867) with id 319 (java id 4390)
1498 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (2.0898912, 99.0, 16.797613) with id 320 (java id 4391)
1499 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (-6.853061, 99.0, 29.827904) with id 321 (java id 4397)
1500 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (-7.5009146, 99.0, 26.169832) with id 322 (java id 4398)
1501 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (25.152796, 99.0, -0.87502253) with id 323 (java id 4399)
1502 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (26.531105, 99.0, -5.925) with id 324 (java id 4400)
1503 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity PIG at location (27.519943, 99.0, -5.670022) with id 325 (java id 4401)
1504 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (28.175, 99.0, -6.175) with id 326 (java id 4402)
1505 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (23.817698, 99.0, -2.75091) with id 327 (java id 4403)
1506 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (27.925, 99.0, -4.4627647) with id 328 (java id 4404)
1507 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (26.877838, 99.0, -2.2315419) with id 329 (java id 4405)
1508 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity PIG at location (20.075, 99.0, -5.925) with id 330 (java id 4406)
1509 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (22.240137, 99.0, -4.9982347) with id 331 (java id 4407)
1510 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (22.411945, 99.0, -5.925) with id 332 (java id 4408)
1511 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (26.604012, 99.0, -3.8490558) with id 333 (java id 4409)
1512 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (26.448668, 99.0, -4.7497196) with id 334 (java id 4410)
1513 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (21.393631, 99.0, -5.925) with id 335 (java id 4411)
1514 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (20.351654, 99.0, -4.7619624) with id 336 (java id 4412)
1515 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (22.766924, 99.0, -0.30394736) with id 337 (java id 4413)
1516 | [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity BOAT at location (5.3125, 99.35001, -9.6875) with id 338 (java id 4414)
1517 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity PIG at location (-7.2415338, 99.0, 42.731083) with id 339 (java id 4419)
1518 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.51313514, 119.0, 0.15613067) with id 340 (java id 4423)
1519 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.6615376, 119.0, 2.625) with id 341 (java id 4424)
1520 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.8974928, 121.0, 1.0338055) with id 342 (java id 4425)
1521 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.3248607, 121.0, 2.1882002) with id 343 (java id 4426)
1522 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.9923902, 121.0, -0.9111061) with id 344 (java id 4433)
1523 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -0.48670214) with id 345 (java id 4434)
1524 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.5629797, 121.0, -0.42973062) with id 346 (java id 4435)
1525 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (38.20281, 126.0, 21.418272) with id 347 (java id 4446)
1526 | [12:33:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
1527 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands
1528 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1529 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1530 | [12:33:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
1531 | [12:33:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
1532 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1533 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1534 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1535 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1536 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1537 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (35.5, 124.70078, 28.5) with id 348 (java id 4459)
1538 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (25.5, 123.2, 29.2) with id 349 (java id 4461)
1539 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (26.5, 123.2, 29.2) with id 350 (java id 4460)
1540 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (26.5, 124.2, 29.2) with id 351 (java id 4462)
1541 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (33.5, 134.2, 23.8) with id 352 (java id 4464)
1542 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (25.5, 124.2, 29.2) with id 353 (java id 4463)
1543 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (27.5, 124.2, 29.2) with id 354 (java id 4466)
1544 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (40.5, 124.301, 26.7) with id 355 (java id 4468)
1545 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (34.5, 134.2, 23.8) with id 356 (java id 4465)
1546 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (27.5, 123.2, 29.2) with id 357 (java id 4467)
1547 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (40.5, 124.001, 26.7) with id 358 (java id 4469)
1548 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (38.3, 124.301, 27.5) with id 359 (java id 4470)
1549 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (38.3, 124.301, 25.5) with id 360 (java id 4472)
1550 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (38.3, 124.001, 27.5) with id 361 (java id 4471)
1551 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (38.3, 124.001, 25.5) with id 362 (java id 4473)
1552 | [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1553 | [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (40.5, 142.0, 49.5) with id 363 (java id 4474)
1554 | [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (37.5, 142.0, 47.5) with id 364 (java id 4475)
1555 | [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1556 | [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1557 | [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1558 | [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1559 | [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1560 | [12:33:35] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:42236 has pinged you!
1561 | [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1562 | [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1563 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1564 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.7459, 126.0, 21.875282) with id 365 (java id 4484)
1565 | [12:33:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
1566 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1567 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1568 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1569 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1570 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1571 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1572 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1573 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1574 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1575 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1576 | [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1577 | [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1578 | [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1579 | [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1580 | [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1581 | [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1582 | [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1583 | [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1584 | [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1585 | [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1586 | [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1587 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1588 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1589 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1590 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4
1591 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1592 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1593 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1594 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1595 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1596 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1597 | [12:33:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1598 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (34.475826, 126.0, 16.669676) with id 367 (java id 4489)
1599 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1600 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1601 | [12:33:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1602 | [12:33:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket
1603 | [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1604 | [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1605 | [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1606 | [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1607 | [12:33:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
1608 | [12:33:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
1609 | [12:33:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
1610 | [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (25.5, 150.0, 31.5) with id 368 (java id 4491)
1611 | [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1612 | [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1613 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1614 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1615 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1616 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1617 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1618 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1619 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1620 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1621 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1622 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1623 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1624 | [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1625 | [12:33:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:42236 has pinged you!
1626 | [12:33:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
1627 | [12:33:41] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1628 | [12:33:41] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1629 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1630 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1631 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1632 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1633 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1634 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -1.4657525) with id 369 (java id 4434)
1635 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
1636 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1637 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1638 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1639 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1640 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1641 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1642 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1643 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.5080804, 119.0, -0.36722493) with id 370 (java id 4424)
1644 | [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.64699584, 121.0, -1.5696973) with id 371 (java id 4433)
1645 | [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-6 UPDATE null
1646 | [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1647 | [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1648 | [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.2780129, 121.0, -1.625) with id 372 (java id 4425)
1649 | [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (38.045704, 126.0, 22.792439) with id 373 (java id 4492)
1650 | [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1651 | [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1652 | [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1653 | [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1654 | [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1655 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1656 | [12:33:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
1657 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1658 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1659 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.0, 17.5) with id 376 (java id 4497)
1660 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.25, 18.5) with id 377 (java id 4499)
1661 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.5, 17.5) with id 378 (java id 4495)
1662 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.25, 17.5) with id 379 (java id 4496)
1663 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.5, 18.5) with id 380 (java id 4498)
1664 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.0, 18.5) with id 381 (java id 4500)
1665 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.5, 16.5) with id 382 (java id 4501)
1666 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.0, 17.5) with id 383 (java id 4506)
1667 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.0, 16.5) with id 384 (java id 4503)
1668 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.5, 17.5) with id 385 (java id 4504)
1669 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.25, 17.5) with id 386 (java id 4505)
1670 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.25, 16.5) with id 387 (java id 4502)
1671 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.0, 16.5) with id 388 (java id 4509)
1672 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.5, 16.5) with id 389 (java id 4507)
1673 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.25, 16.5) with id 390 (java id 4508)
1674 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.5, 18.5) with id 391 (java id 4510)
1675 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.25, 18.5) with id 392 (java id 4511)
1676 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.0, 18.5) with id 393 (java id 4512)
1677 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1678 | [12:33:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
1679 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1680 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1681 | [12:33:44] [pool-28-thread-15/INFO] [geyser]: Took 0ms for d185feed-cbe7-478e-811c-b52fb3c76120
1682 | [12:33:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
1683 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1684 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
1685 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (38.5, 150.0, 36.5) with id 394 (java id 4513)
1686 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (40.5, 150.0, 31.5) with id 395 (java id 4514)
1687 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (40.5, 150.0, 37.5) with id 396 (java id 4515)
1688 | [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (38.5, 150.0, 39.5) with id 397 (java id 4516)
1689 | [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (34.980553, 126.0, 16.271294) with id 398 (java id 4517)
1690 | [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1691 | [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1692 | [12:33:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:42236 has pinged you!
1693 | [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1694 | [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
1695 | [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
1696 | [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
1697 | [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
1698 | [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
1699 | [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.1443747, 121.0, -1.619113) with id 399 (java id 4433)
1700 | [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
1701 | [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
1702 | [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
1703 | [12:33:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
1704 | [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
1705 | [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
1706 | [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
1707 | [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
1708 | [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (31.954943, 126.0, 19.077631) with id 400 (java id 4522)
1709 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
1710 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={
1711 | "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b,
1712 | "Damage": 147i,
1713 | "HideFlags": 1i,
1714 | "PublicBukkitValues": {
1715 | "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i
1716 | },
1717 | "RepairCost": 63i,
1718 | "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i,
1719 | "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i,
1720 | "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i,
1721 | "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i,
1722 | "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i,
1723 | "display": {
1724 | "Lore": [
1725 | "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II",
1726 | "§zLooting III, Mending",
1727 | "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III",
1728 | "§zUnbreaking III",
1729 | "CE Key Finder III",
1730 | "Berserk I",
1731 | "Reforged IV",
1732 | "Night Owl III",
1733 | "Deranged III",
1734 | "Sweeping Edge III"
1735 | ],
1736 | "Name": "kiếm thánh"
1737 | },
1738 | "ench": [
1739 | {
1740 | "id": 13s,
1741 | "lvl": 2s
1742 | },
1743 | {
1744 | "id": 12s,
1745 | "lvl": 2s
1746 | },
1747 | {
1748 | "id": 14s,
1749 | "lvl": 3s
1750 | },
1751 | {
1752 | "id": 26s,
1753 | "lvl": 1s
1754 | },
1755 | {
1756 | "id": 9s,
1757 | "lvl": 5s
1758 | },
1759 | {
1760 | "id": 17s,
1761 | "lvl": 3s
1762 | }
1763 | ],
1764 | "slots": 5i
1765 | }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
1766 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={
1767 | "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b,
1768 | "Damage": 147i,
1769 | "HideFlags": 1i,
1770 | "PublicBukkitValues": {
1771 | "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i
1772 | },
1773 | "RepairCost": 63i,
1774 | "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i,
1775 | "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i,
1776 | "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i,
1777 | "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i,
1778 | "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i,
1779 | "display": {
1780 | "Lore": [
1781 | "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II",
1782 | "§zLooting III, Mending",
1783 | "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III",
1784 | "§zUnbreaking III",
1785 | "CE Key Finder III",
1786 | "Berserk I",
1787 | "Reforged IV",
1788 | "Night Owl III",
1789 | "Deranged III",
1790 | "Sweeping Edge III"
1791 | ],
1792 | "Name": "kiếm thánh"
1793 | },
1794 | "ench": [
1795 | {
1796 | "id": 13s,
1797 | "lvl": 2s
1798 | },
1799 | {
1800 | "id": 12s,
1801 | "lvl": 2s
1802 | },
1803 | {
1804 | "id": 14s,
1805 | "lvl": 3s
1806 | },
1807 | {
1808 | "id": 26s,
1809 | "lvl": 1s
1810 | },
1811 | {
1812 | "id": 9s,
1813 | "lvl": 5s
1814 | },
1815 | {
1816 | "id": 17s,
1817 | "lvl": 3s
1818 | }
1819 | ],
1820 | "slots": 5i
1821 | }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
1822 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
1823 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
1824 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
1825 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={
1826 | "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b,
1827 | "Damage": 147i,
1828 | "HideFlags": 1i,
1829 | "PublicBukkitValues": {
1830 | "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i
1831 | },
1832 | "RepairCost": 63i,
1833 | "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i,
1834 | "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i,
1835 | "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i,
1836 | "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i,
1837 | "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i,
1838 | "display": {
1839 | "Lore": [
1840 | "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II",
1841 | "§zLooting III, Mending",
1842 | "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III",
1843 | "§zUnbreaking III",
1844 | "CE Key Finder III",
1845 | "Berserk I",
1846 | "Reforged IV",
1847 | "Night Owl III",
1848 | "Deranged III",
1849 | "Sweeping Edge III"
1850 | ],
1851 | "Name": "kiếm thánh"
1852 | },
1853 | "ench": [
1854 | {
1855 | "id": 13s,
1856 | "lvl": 2s
1857 | },
1858 | {
1859 | "id": 12s,
1860 | "lvl": 2s
1861 | },
1862 | {
1863 | "id": 14s,
1864 | "lvl": 3s
1865 | },
1866 | {
1867 | "id": 26s,
1868 | "lvl": 1s
1869 | },
1870 | {
1871 | "id": 9s,
1872 | "lvl": 5s
1873 | },
1874 | {
1875 | "id": 17s,
1876 | "lvl": 3s
1877 | }
1878 | ],
1879 | "slots": 5i
1880 | }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
1881 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={
1882 | "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b,
1883 | "Damage": 147i,
1884 | "HideFlags": 1i,
1885 | "PublicBukkitValues": {
1886 | "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i
1887 | },
1888 | "RepairCost": 63i,
1889 | "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i,
1890 | "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i,
1891 | "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i,
1892 | "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i,
1893 | "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i,
1894 | "display": {
1895 | "Lore": [
1896 | "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II",
1897 | "§zLooting III, Mending",
1898 | "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III",
1899 | "§zUnbreaking III",
1900 | "CE Key Finder III",
1901 | "Berserk I",
1902 | "Reforged IV",
1903 | "Night Owl III",
1904 | "Deranged III",
1905 | "Sweeping Edge III"
1906 | ],
1907 | "Name": "kiếm thánh"
1908 | },
1909 | "ench": [
1910 | {
1911 | "id": 13s,
1912 | "lvl": 2s
1913 | },
1914 | {
1915 | "id": 12s,
1916 | "lvl": 2s
1917 | },
1918 | {
1919 | "id": 14s,
1920 | "lvl": 3s
1921 | },
1922 | {
1923 | "id": 26s,
1924 | "lvl": 1s
1925 | },
1926 | {
1927 | "id": 9s,
1928 | "lvl": 5s
1929 | },
1930 | {
1931 | "id": 17s,
1932 | "lvl": 3s
1933 | }
1934 | ],
1935 | "slots": 5i
1936 | }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
1937 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={
1938 | "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b,
1939 | "Damage": 147i,
1940 | "HideFlags": 1i,
1941 | "PublicBukkitValues": {
1942 | "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i
1943 | },
1944 | "RepairCost": 63i,
1945 | "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i,
1946 | "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i,
1947 | "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i,
1948 | "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i,
1949 | "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i,
1950 | "display": {
1951 | "Lore": [
1952 | "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II",
1953 | "§zLooting III, Mending",
1954 | "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III",
1955 | "§zUnbreaking III",
1956 | "CE Key Finder III",
1957 | "Berserk I",
1958 | "Reforged IV",
1959 | "Night Owl III",
1960 | "Deranged III",
1961 | "Sweeping Edge III"
1962 | ],
1963 | "Name": "kiếm thánh"
1964 | },
1965 | "ench": [
1966 | {
1967 | "id": 13s,
1968 | "lvl": 2s
1969 | },
1970 | {
1971 | "id": 12s,
1972 | "lvl": 2s
1973 | },
1974 | {
1975 | "id": 14s,
1976 | "lvl": 3s
1977 | },
1978 | {
1979 | "id": 26s,
1980 | "lvl": 1s
1981 | },
1982 | {
1983 | "id": 9s,
1984 | "lvl": 5s
1985 | },
1986 | {
1987 | "id": 17s,
1988 | "lvl": 3s
1989 | }
1990 | ],
1991 | "slots": 5i
1992 | }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
1993 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
1994 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={
1995 | "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b,
1996 | "Damage": 147i,
1997 | "HideFlags": 1i,
1998 | "PublicBukkitValues": {
1999 | "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i
2000 | },
2001 | "RepairCost": 63i,
2002 | "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i,
2003 | "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i,
2004 | "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i,
2005 | "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i,
2006 | "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i,
2007 | "display": {
2008 | "Lore": [
2009 | "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II",
2010 | "§zLooting III, Mending",
2011 | "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III",
2012 | "§zUnbreaking III",
2013 | "CE Key Finder III",
2014 | "Berserk I",
2015 | "Reforged IV",
2016 | "Night Owl III",
2017 | "Deranged III",
2018 | "Sweeping Edge III"
2019 | ],
2020 | "Name": "kiếm thánh"
2021 | },
2022 | "ench": [
2023 | {
2024 | "id": 13s,
2025 | "lvl": 2s
2026 | },
2027 | {
2028 | "id": 12s,
2029 | "lvl": 2s
2030 | },
2031 | {
2032 | "id": 14s,
2033 | "lvl": 3s
2034 | },
2035 | {
2036 | "id": 26s,
2037 | "lvl": 1s
2038 | },
2039 | {
2040 | "id": 9s,
2041 | "lvl": 5s
2042 | },
2043 | {
2044 | "id": 17s,
2045 | "lvl": 3s
2046 | }
2047 | ],
2048 | "slots": 5i
2049 | }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0)
2050 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2051 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2052 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2053 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2054 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2055 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2056 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2057 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (35.357006, 124.600784, 36.512886) with id 402 (java id 4527)
2058 | [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (35.357006, 124.600784, 36.11289) with id 403 (java id 4526)
2059 | [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (26.5, 142.0, 49.5) with id 404 (java id 4529)
2060 | [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (27.5, 142.0, 49.5) with id 405 (java id 4530)
2061 | [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (48.5, 145.0, 31.5) with id 406 (java id 4531)
2062 | [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (46.5, 145.0, 35.5) with id 407 (java id 4532)
2063 | [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2064 | [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2065 | [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2066 | [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2067 | [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2068 | [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2069 | [12:33:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
2070 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2071 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2072 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2073 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2074 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2075 | [12:33:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
2076 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2077 | [12:33:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
2078 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2079 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2080 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2081 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2082 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.66574085, 119.0, 1.2605621) with id 408 (java id 4423)
2083 | [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2084 | [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2085 | [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2086 | [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2087 | [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2088 | [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2089 | [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2090 | [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.4354391, 121.0, 1.0579218) with id 411 (java id 4425)
2091 | [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2092 | [12:33:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:42236 has pinged you!
2093 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.5924917, 121.0, 2.1967762) with id 412 (java id 4434)
2094 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.5710061, 119.0, 1.7332059) with id 413 (java id 4424)
2095 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2096 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2097 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2098 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.40773132, 121.0, -0.51540476) with id 414 (java id 4426)
2099 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -1.4174407) with id 415 (java id 4433)
2100 | [12:33:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
2101 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2102 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.204189, 121.0, -1.6146688) with id 416 (java id 4435)
2103 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2104 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2105 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2106 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2107 | [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2108 | [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2109 | [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2110 | [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2111 | [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2112 | [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2113 | [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2114 | [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2115 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.06501, 126.0, 22.883926) with id 419 (java id 4537)
2116 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2117 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2118 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2119 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2120 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2121 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2122 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2123 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2124 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2125 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2126 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2127 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2128 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2129 | [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2130 | [12:33:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2131 | [12:33:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
2132 | [12:33:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
2133 | [12:33:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
2134 | [12:33:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2135 | [12:33:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2136 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (32.4164, 126.0, 21.323006) with id 420 (java id 4540)
2137 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2138 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2139 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2140 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2141 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2142 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2143 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2144 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2145 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2146 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2147 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2148 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2149 | [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2150 | [12:33:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2151 | [12:33:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
2152 | [12:33:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2153 | [12:33:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2154 | [12:33:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2155 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2156 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2157 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2158 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2159 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2160 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2161 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2162 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2163 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2164 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2165 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2166 | [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2167 | [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-6 UPDATE null
2168 | [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2169 | [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2170 | [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2171 | [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2172 | [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2173 | [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2174 | [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2175 | [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2176 | [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2177 | [12:33:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53412 has pinged you!
2178 | [12:33:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
2179 | [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2180 | [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2181 | [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2182 | [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2183 | [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2184 | [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2185 | [12:33:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
2186 | [12:33:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
2187 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2188 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2189 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2190 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (20.5, 145.0, 35.5) with id 423 (java id 4545)
2191 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (19.5, 145.0, 30.5) with id 424 (java id 4546)
2192 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (18.5, 145.0, 30.5) with id 425 (java id 4547)
2193 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (21.5, 145.0, 29.5) with id 426 (java id 4548)
2194 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2195 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2196 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2197 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2198 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2199 | [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2200 | [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2201 | [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2202 | [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2203 | [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2204 | [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2205 | [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2206 | [12:34:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
2207 | [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2208 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (50.5, 145.0, 31.5) with id 427 (java id 4550)
2209 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (43.5, 145.0, 37.5) with id 428 (java id 4551)
2210 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (49.5, 145.0, 31.5) with id 429 (java id 4554)
2211 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (48.5, 145.0, 31.5) with id 430 (java id 4555)
2212 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (37.869923, 126.0, 21.594065) with id 431 (java id 4556)
2213 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2214 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2215 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (29.5, 147.0, 34.5) with id 432 (java id 4557)
2216 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (30.5, 147.0, 39.5) with id 433 (java id 4558)
2217 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (35.5, 147.0, 37.5) with id 434 (java id 4559)
2218 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (31.5, 147.0, 36.5) with id 435 (java id 4560)
2219 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2220 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2221 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2222 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2223 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2224 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2225 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2226 | [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2227 | [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2228 | [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2229 | [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2230 | [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2231 | [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (34.89329, 126.0, 20.515438) with id 436 (java id 4561)
2232 | [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2233 | [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.7729446, 121.0, -0.27776968) with id 437 (java id 4435)
2234 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2235 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2236 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.6075181, 119.0, 0.62494105) with id 438 (java id 4423)
2237 | [12:34:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
2238 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2239 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2240 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2241 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2242 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2243 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2244 | [12:34:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
2245 | [12:34:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
2246 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -0.57025486) with id 439 (java id 4434)
2247 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2248 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2249 | [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2250 | [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2251 | [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2252 | [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2253 | [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (46.5, 142.0, 37.5) with id 440 (java id 4562)
2254 | [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (47.5, 142.0, 39.5) with id 441 (java id 4563)
2255 | [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2256 | [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2257 | [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2258 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2259 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.68797237, 121.0, 0.13100436) with id 442 (java id 4435)
2260 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2261 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2262 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2263 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2264 | [12:34:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
2265 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2266 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (37.5, 145.0, 18.5) with id 443 (java id 4564)
2267 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (34.5, 145.0, 20.5) with id 444 (java id 4565)
2268 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (36.5, 145.0, 19.5) with id 445 (java id 4566)
2269 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (40.5, 145.0, 19.5) with id 446 (java id 4567)
2270 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2271 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2272 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2273 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2274 | [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2275 | [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2276 | [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (39.5, 140.0, 13.5) with id 447 (java id 4569)
2277 | [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.57182086, 119.0, -0.36771318) with id 448 (java id 4424)
2278 | [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2279 | [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.38683206, 121.0, -0.5503044) with id 449 (java id 4434)
2280 | [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2281 | [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2282 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2283 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.058602, 119.0, 0.3474163) with id 450 (java id 4423)
2284 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2285 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2286 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2287 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2288 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2289 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (35.5, 145.0, 21.5) with id 451 (java id 4570)
2290 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2291 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2292 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2293 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (35.661507, 126.0, 21.053911) with id 452 (java id 4571)
2294 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2295 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2296 | [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2297 | [12:34:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
2298 | [12:34:09] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -0.5771086) with id 453 (java id 4434)
2299 | [12:34:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
2300 | [12:34:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
2301 | [12:34:09] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (28.5, 142.0, 17.5) with id 454 (java id 4572)
2302 | [12:34:09] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2303 | [12:34:09] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2304 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2305 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2306 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2307 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2308 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2309 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -0.48136362) with id 455 (java id 4434)
2310 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2311 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2312 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2313 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2314 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2315 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2316 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 119.0, -0.4039832) with id 456 (java id 4423)
2317 | [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2318 | [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2319 | [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2320 | [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (35.487114, 124.600784, 36.357006) with id 459 (java id 4578)
2321 | [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (35.88711, 124.600784, 36.357006) with id 460 (java id 4577)
2322 | [12:34:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
2323 | [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (16.5, 145.0, 34.5) with id 461 (java id 4580)
2324 | [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2325 | [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2326 | [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2327 | [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (32.68117, 126.0, 21.582254) with id 462 (java id 4582)
2328 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2329 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2330 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2331 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2332 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2333 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2334 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.40135032, 119.0, 0.7641666) with id 463 (java id 4424)
2335 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2336 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2337 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2338 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2339 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2340 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2341 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2342 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2343 | [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2344 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-6 UPDATE null
2345 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2346 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2347 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2348 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2349 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2350 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2351 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2352 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2353 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2354 | [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2355 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2356 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2357 | [12:34:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
2358 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2359 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2360 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2361 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2362 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2363 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2364 | [12:34:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
2365 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (22.5, 145.0, 40.5) with id 464 (java id 4584)
2366 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (20.5, 145.0, 39.5) with id 465 (java id 4585)
2367 | [12:34:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
2368 | [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2369 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.622344, 121.0, 2.065214) with id 466 (java id 4435)
2370 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2371 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2372 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2373 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt
2374 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (44.5, 145.0, 40.5) with id 467 (java id 4586)
2375 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (47.5, 145.0, 40.5) with id 468 (java id 4587)
2376 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (50.5, 145.0, 40.5) with id 469 (java id 4588)
2377 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.625, 121.0, 2.080898) with id 470 (java id 4435)
2378 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2379 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2380 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, 0.7149242) with id 471 (java id 4426)
2381 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2382 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2383 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2384 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2385 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2386 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (35.829082, 126.0, 20.947699) with id 472 (java id 4589)
2387 | [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2388 | [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.81421804, 119.0, 1.2319782) with id 473 (java id 4424)
2389 | [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2390 | [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2391 | [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2392 | [12:34:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
2393 | [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2394 | [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2395 | [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2396 | [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -0.26155847) with id 474 (java id 4425)
2397 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2398 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2399 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.42747477, 119.0, -0.6600037) with id 475 (java id 4423)
2400 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2401 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2402 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2403 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2404 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2405 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2406 | [12:34:17] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players
2407 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2408 | [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.40696838, 121.0, -0.60388285) with id 476 (java id 4426)
2409 | [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2410 | [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2411 | [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2412 | [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.37725645, 121.0, -0.59439933) with id 477 (java id 4434)
2413 | [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2414 | [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2415 | [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2416 | [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.42266423, 121.0, -0.62239546) with id 478 (java id 4433)
2417 | [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2418 | [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2419 | [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2420 | [12:34:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
2421 | [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2422 | [12:34:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
2423 | [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2424 | [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2425 | [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2426 | [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2427 | [12:34:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
2428 | [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2429 | [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.3912669, 121.0, -0.7123197) with id 480 (java id 4435)
2430 | [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.60786, 119.0, 0.58627546) with id 481 (java id 4423)
2431 | [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2432 | [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2433 | [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2434 | [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2435 | [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2436 | [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2437 | [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (34.768642, 126.0, 16.268068) with id 482 (java id 4592)
2438 | [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2439 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2440 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2441 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.5306624, 121.0, 0.41714483) with id 483 (java id 4426)
2442 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.37987196, 119.0, -0.6174006) with id 484 (java id 4424)
2443 | [12:34:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
2444 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2445 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2446 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2447 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2448 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2449 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2450 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2451 | [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.3827679, 121.0, -0.7369379) with id 485 (java id 4425)
2452 | [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2453 | [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2454 | [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2455 | [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2456 | [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2457 | [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2458 | [12:34:22] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players
2459 | [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (38.293934, 126.0, 21.934143) with id 486 (java id 4593)
2460 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.3610646, 121.0, 0.27036527) with id 487 (java id 4435)
2461 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2462 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2463 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2464 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2465 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2466 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2467 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2468 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2469 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2470 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2471 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2472 | [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2473 | [12:34:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2474 | [12:34:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2475 | [12:34:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2476 | [12:34:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you!
2477 | [12:34:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you!
2478 | [12:34:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you!
2479 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2480 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2481 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.386158, 121.0, -0.6535982) with id 488 (java id 4435)
2482 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (37.345474, 126.0, 21.566511) with id 489 (java id 4595)
2483 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2484 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null
2485 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null
2486 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null
2487 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null
2488 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null
2489 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null
2490 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null
2491 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null
2492 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.38101578, 119.0, -0.7201672) with id 490 (java id 4423)
2493 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null
2494 | [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null
2495 | [12:34:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null
2496 | [12:34:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (28.5, 145.0, 23.5) with id 491 (java id 4596)
2497 | [12:34:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you!
2498 | [12:34:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null
2499 | [12:34:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null
2500 | [12:34:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null
2501 | [12:34:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null
2502 | [12:34:27] [Thread-34/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Shutting down the proxy...
2503 | [12:34:27] [Thread-34/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: Closing endpoint /
2504 | [12:34:27] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.ConnectedPlayer]: [connected player] DuneSciFye (/**.**.**.**:51822) has disconnected: Proxy shutting down.
2505 | [12:34:27] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.ConnectedPlayer]: [connected player] widadw9372 (/**.**.**.**:0) has disconnected: Proxy shutting down.
2506 | [12:34:27] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [floodgate]: Floodgate player logged in as widadw9372 disconnected
2507 | [12:34:27] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: widadw9372 has disconnected from the Java server because of Proxy shutting down.
2508 | [12:34:27] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] widadw9372 -> skyblock has disconnected
2509 | [12:34:27] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] DuneSciFye -> skyblock has disconnected
2510 | [12:34:27] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [geyser]: Shutting down Geyser.
2511 | [12:34:27] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [geyser]: Geyser shutdown successfully.
2512 | [12:34:27] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [litebans]: litebans-pool - Shutdown initiated...
2513 | [12:34:27] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [litebans]: litebans-pool - Shutdown completed.
2514 | [12:34:27] [WebSocketConnectReadThread-116/INFO] [geyser]: The skin uploader has been closed
2515 | [12:34:28] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [litebans]: v2.12.4 disabled.
2516 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [nuvotifier]: Votifier disabled.
2517 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [votingplugin]: VotingPlugin saving vote cache: 0/0
2518 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [com.bencodez.votingplugin.advancedcore.hikari.HikariDataSource]: HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated...
2519 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [com.bencodez.votingplugin.advancedcore.hikari.HikariDataSource]: HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed.
2520 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [votingplugin]: VotingPlugin disabled
2521 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [luckperms]: Starting shutdown process...
2522 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [luckperms]: Closing messaging service...
2523 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [luckperms]: Closing storage...
2524 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Shutdown initiated...
2525 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Shutdown completed.
2526 | [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [luckperms]: Goodbye!